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» How to apply lamb on a wall. Textured plaster "lamb" Decorative textured plaster lamb: what is its feature

How to apply lamb on a wall. Textured plaster "lamb" Decorative textured plaster lamb: what is its feature

Making the wall decoration less primitive is very simple. A decorative mixture of the “lamb” type will favorably beat the surface, make it voluminous, and hide unevenness. The textured coating creates a rough layer due to the graininess of the mixture itself. Used for interior and exterior decoration.

Textured “lamb” plaster: features

“Lamb” is distinguished by good impact resistance, high frost resistance, resistance to climatic influences, and ease of application. The material is considered environmentally friendly: it contains quartz, marble, and dolomite. Mixtures for outdoor use contain special water-repellent components based on polymers. An optimal microclimate is created in the room and condensation is prevented. The finished mixture is balanced in such a way that the plaster solution with minerals, when mixed and applied, forms a single mass. Sand in a regular cement-sand mortar can settle in the container. The minerals in the “lamb” retain their position until they set and harden. Dry matter consumption per 1 sq.m – 2-5 kg.

Application of decorative plaster “lamb”

Before applying plaster, clean work area from loose layers, oily stains, paints. Pre-treatment with a primer is recommended. The range of use of internal and lamb is quite wide: applied to brick, concrete, plasterboard, cement-sand base.

The principle of mixing the finished mixture must fully comply with the instructions indicated on the packaging. A paste-like consistency is obtained using the attachment of an electric drill or a construction mixer. After mixing, let the paste sit for 5 minutes, then repeat mechanical mixing. The solution is applied to the surface with a trowel, a stainless steel trowel, and leveled with a grater, spatula, or rollers. Mineral granules leave grooves that create a decorative coating.

When mixing the solution, calculate its quantity so that the area covered at a time “reaches” the openings or areas with a different finish. This way you will avoid visible joints.

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

Decorative lamb plaster has always been popular, back in the 20th century. It was used both for finishing the facades of buildings and for interior walls premises. This type plaster has a structure in the form of small pebbles the size of small grains. Allowed to be applied to various materials and bases: plasterboard, cement, clay, lime, plaster mixtures, polystyrene foam, mineral wool.

Lamb plaster

Production Features:

  • Materials for making a mixture for this type decorative plaster serve: quality white cement, mineral fillers and other components from leading European ones.
  • Acrylic composition may be applied to mineral wool, since acrylic resin is added to the composition.
  • The composition of this decorative mixture is heterogeneous, so almost any effect can be achieved: wood, watercolor stains, sand, etc.
  • The composition of the mixture is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to health (quartz, marble, dolomite).

Beautiful Lamb plaster is shown in the selection of photos below, here are both the facades of houses and interior decoration apartments.

Advantages of this type of plaster:

  • Excellent adhesion to the surface.
  • Resistant to sunlight.
  • Easy care. This type of plaster is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Direct resistance sun rays.
  • Quite simple and understandable application technology.
  • The material is elastic and easy to use.
  • Good resistance to mechanical damage, shocks and scratches.
  • This plaster perfectly allows steam to pass through and does not form condensation.
  • The structure of the plaster holds its shape perfectly after drying.

Before you start processing surfaces or walls in your home, you need to purchase equipment: a bucket for the mixture, a set of spatulas, a plastic grater and masking tape.

When working with the material, take precautions: use gloves, avoid getting particles into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Applying plaster to the wall

Technology of applying decorative mixture

It is very important to use the mixture before it starts to dry out. Therefore, prepare thoroughly in advance.

  • Plaster of this type is structured on the surface within the next 15-20 minutes. Therefore, you need to calculate the application area in advance. If you have a large wall, it is better to work with an assistant: one applies the mixture, the other gives shape using a plastic trowel.

  • To achieve the desired effect, the plaster is applied smoothly and continuously. Also, the size of the granules in the mixture must match the thickness of the applied layer.

    Various application options

  • Immediately after applying the Lamb plaster, immediately remove the excess. Use a putty knife to remove excess plaster. To prevent the solution from drying out during finishing, stir it periodically.

    Removing excess

  • If you plan to paint the plaster, use two tones to create depth. First, apply a dark shade of paint and carefully process all the cracks. Then light movements without strong pressure - lighter.

  • Finally, the walls can be coated with varnish or wax to make the surface shiny.

    Glitter effect

  • The secret to the texture is applying the plaster using a roller that already has a relief on it. Too sharp lines, if desired, can always be smoothed out before the mixture dries.

  • The effect of lamb wool is achieved by moving a special plastic grater during application. They should be smooth and circular to create chaotic grooves in the material.

  • Before applying the mixture to the walls, try applying it to a test smooth surface and giving it the desired relief. This training will help you understand the technology faster.

    Test application of plaster

  • Sometimes not all walls are covered with Lamb, but only protruding areas or architectural modeling. More interesting view You can also give it a coating by painting it with several colors, correctly placing accents. It is important here to ensure that everything looks harmonious and matches the style of the interior.

    Surface painting

The decorative mixture of this texture looks excellent on the surface and suits any interior and landscape, and the finishing process is not complicated and understandable. Therefore, observing all the rules and following the advice will help you get the desired result.

When choosing a material for final finishing, every person wants to get a beautiful and practical final result that can last for many years, and at the same time maintain its original appearance throughout the entire period of operation. Lamb plaster is perfect for these purposes. It is intended for internal and external works, so it can be used everywhere.

Good resistance to atmospheric influences and climatic features of any region makes it important element finishing on a vast country scale. Therefore, it is worth taking a close look at this option, as it will perfectly combine good quality at affordable price, which is very important in modern crisis conditions.

Features of finishing material

Decorative “lamb” plaster got its name for the characteristic structure that is obtained after applying the material to the surface. It became an actual replacement for sand-cement material, which in the domestic space was called “fur coat”. New material in all respects it surpassed the outdated model, which had a whole lot of shortcomings.

Thanks to the use modern technologies It turned out to create a practical mixture with a beautiful textured pattern that remains on the wall after the plaster hardens. At the same time, the relief can be adjusted to a certain extent, so it all depends on the skill of the plasterer.

Facade plaster “lamb” has the following properties:

  • . Color is achieved not by adding dyes to the surface, but by directly introducing special additives into the structure itself. Therefore, the plaster does not fade in the sun and does not wear off due to accidental touches.
  • . The material allows steam to pass through well, but is completely waterproofed, so water from the street will not be able to penetrate into the interior rooms, and the steam, in turn, will calmly escape from the interior. This property is very important, because otherwise condensation droplets will form on the walls, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of mold or the development of fungal organisms.
  • . The material in the frozen state has a high level of impact strength. So it will absolutely not go astray during accidental collisions with a person. Of course, it will not withstand special blows from a hammer, but it will be reliably protected from any unplanned touches.
  • . It has a high level of resistance to acidic and alkaline environments, does not accumulate salts, so can be used in the coastal zone, and is not sensitive to the effects of household gases. Plaster performs well in any situation, so it can be used in rooms for any purpose without any problems.
  • . The material dries very quickly, so you don’t have to close the room for several days after plastering the walls.

Available for sale a large number of options, so it’s better to first look at all the photos of “lamb” plaster in order to make the right choice.

Types of plaster

Any construction material has several varieties so that you can be as interested as possible target audience. Acrylic “lamb” plaster allows you not only to beautifully design surfaces, but also to level them in order to achieve the most attractive results. It consists of special elements that have the ability to fill all the cracks encountered along the way, so that after applying the plaster the surface becomes completely flat.

At the same time, in order to reduce consumption, it is better to pre-treat the walls with a special mixture, which will be much cheaper. And finishing work can already be done using finishing. For the street it may not be so important that the wall is perfectly flat, but in the interior it is an absolutely mandatory attribute of a successful renovation.

The “lamb” “bark beetle” plaster has an even more attractive texture, since here, in addition to the “fluffy” relief, various patterns will be scattered along the entire contour. By appearance they resemble the “work” of a wood pest, which makes asymmetrical moves in the wood structure. Externally, it looks very beautiful, so many users choose this option for decorating their premises.

How to work with decorative plaster?

From the video about working with “lamb” plaster, you can determine that the procedure is not particularly difficult, but requires careful preparation and accuracy. To do this you will need to purchase in advance necessary set tools that will not differ from the kit for working with any other types of finishing material. You can easily find it in a specialized store.

The application of decorative “lamb” plaster is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • . The working surface is cleaned of any foreign elements that could disrupt adhesion. To do this you need to use sandpaper or a special scraper.
  • . Next, you should additionally prime the surface to kill all bacteria and improve the adhesion of the two materials to each other.
  • . Next, you need to dilute the plaster using the method indicated on the package. For mixing it is better to use a special electric tool, which will allow you to achieve a homogeneous mass in a short period of time.
  • . The material should be applied sequentially according to the chosen scheme. The final layer should not exceed four millimeters.

The price of “lamb” plaster will depend on the manufacturer

You should not perceive the plastered surface only as a dirty gray area with traces of rubbing. Modern views finishing materials, for example, textured ones, which include “lamb” plaster, provide a completely different look for the treated surfaces. Applied even to uneven surface, decorative “lamb” plaster can radically change its appearance, turning previously unsightly irregularities into an element of the play of chiaroscuro on the wall or an interesting flow of an endless pattern. Well prepared flat wall, covered with a layer of such plaster, only benefits from it, combining noble straightness with the volumetric texture of the top layer, devoid of monotony. This composition can be coated as external surfaces buildings exposed to atmospheric and natural influences, and interior spaces, requiring high level environmental safety.

Composition of “Lamb” plaster

The plaster contains only safe and environmentally friendly mineral components, although the version for external use may contain water-repellent components based on certified polymer materials. But the basis of the plaster will still be natural components - marble, quartz, dolomite. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the coating is vapor permeable, which ensures a comfortable indoor microclimate and prevents the formation of condensation. A carefully selected granulometric composition of the filler, balanced with the density of the plaster mortar, allows mineral particles with a diameter of one to several millimeters to form a single mass. Unlike sand in ordinary plaster, which settles on the surface, freed from water, mineral granules in “lamb” plaster remain in the volume of the mixture until the very moment the entire laid material sets and hardens. This is what allows you to always create an individual pattern for your surfaces. It can serve as a decorative layer, since the whiteness of the finished coating is at least eighty-five percent, and can also be a base for painting. A photo will tell you better what “lamb” decorative plaster might look like on your wall than lengthy explanations.

Plaster application technology

Before applying plaster, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. There should be no traces of oily liquids, oil paint, peeling finishing layers or loose inclusions. It is advisable to pre-treat the surface with a primer recommended for it. deep penetration. If the bases are too smooth and do not have the necessary roughness to ensure adhesion of the plaster layer, then they are coated with an appropriate primer paint. Plaster can be applied to any base, provided these requirements are met - concrete, brick, plasterboard, cement-sand and others.

Having prepared the surface, you can begin preparing the plaster solution. To do this, mix the prepared dry mixture with water in the proportion indicated on the package. The resulting solution, which has a paste-like consistency, is thoroughly mixed using a special attachment with a construction mixer or electric drill. After the first mixing, the mixture must be given time to consolidate for five minutes, after which the operation should be repeated. Ready solution can be applied to the surface to be plastered using a trowel or trowel made of of stainless steel and level with the same grater. At the same time, mineral granules are distributed randomly during grouting, leaving a mark on the surface corresponding to the size of the granule.

It should be taken into account that in order to obtain a homogeneous surface, without visible technological joints between the grips, you need to correctly calculate the area covered at one time and combine the joints with some wall elements, for example openings, drainpipes or areas with other types of finishing.

While the plaster is wet, the grips can be combined on a flat plane, but after drying, this will lead to the appearance of a visible joint. Working with plaster mixture, it is recommended to re-mix it from time to time to prevent separation in the container. To answer many questions about how to apply decorative “lamb” plaster, see the video below:

can give a comprehensive answer. After laying the plaster mortar and smoothing it with a float, a characteristic relief decorative surface is formed. To form the structural relief of the surface, not only graters are used, but also other tools, such as a spatula, sponge or special rollers. To ensure that it remains of the same quality and individual places do not differ from each other, it is important to ensure the same drying and strength gain, protecting the plastered area from direct sunlight, wind, precipitation and other natural influences. Naturally, mainly these risks may be exposed facade plaster“lamb”, it is enough to maintain standard conditions indoors. Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, the consumption of dry mixture per square meter decorative plaster "lamb" is from two to five kilograms.

Decorative lamb plaster has always been popular, back in the 20th century. It was used both for finishing the facades of buildings and for interior walls. This type of plaster has a structure in the form of small pebbles the size of small grains. Can be applied to various materials and substrates: drywall, cement, clay, lime, plaster mixtures, polystyrene foam, mineral wool.

Lamb plaster

Production Features:

  • The materials for making the mixture for this type of decorative plaster are: high-quality white cement, mineral fillers and other components from leading European manufacturers.
  • The acrylic composition can be applied to mineral wool, since acrylic resin is added to the composition.
  • The composition of this decorative mixture is heterogeneous, so almost any effect can be achieved: wood, watercolor stains, sand, etc.
  • The composition of the mixture is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to health (quartz, marble, dolomite).

Beautiful Lamb plaster is shown in the selection of photos below, here both the facades of houses and the interior decoration of the apartment.

Advantages of this type of plaster:

  • Excellent adhesion to the surface.
  • Resistant to sunlight.
  • Easy care. This type of plaster is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Resistant to direct sunlight.
  • Quite simple and understandable application technology.
  • The material is elastic and easy to use.
  • Good resistance to mechanical damage, shocks and scratches.
  • This plaster perfectly allows steam to pass through and does not form condensation.
  • The structure of the plaster holds its shape perfectly after drying.

Structural plaster “lamb” Triora

Before you start processing surfaces or walls in your home, you need to purchase equipment: a bucket for the mixture, a set of spatulas, a plastic grater and masking tape.

When working with the material, take precautions: use gloves, avoid getting particles into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Applying plaster to the wall
Technology of applying decorative mixture