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» What is the name of white cabbage like broccoli. What types of cabbage are there: varieties, description, photo, cultivation. Types of cabbage, names, varieties. Video

What is the name of white cabbage like broccoli. What types of cabbage are there: varieties, description, photo, cultivation. Types of cabbage, names, varieties. Video

Everyone knows that cabbage is a very healthy and tasty vegetable. It contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. You can't cook borscht without cabbage. It is fermented, stewed, pickled, etc. When fresh, this vegetable is used in various salads. Therefore, owners of their own gardens often grow this plant.

There are many variations of it. There are species such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and there are even decorative representatives of the species. Each of them has its own characteristics. To grow a good harvest, a summer resident must know the seed variety and its characteristics. A different type of cabbage is suitable for different types of dishes.

general characteristics

When studying the question of what kind of cabbage there is, you should pay attention to its characteristics. All varieties except the Beijing, leaf, Chinese and colored varieties are biennial plants. When breeding vegetables, this must be taken into account. In the first year, biennial varieties develop a rosette of leaves, as well as storage organs (head of cabbage). To collect seeds for propagation, you will need to wait until next year.

All varieties of cabbage can be divided into 3 groups. The early variety is ready for harvest 2-3 months after germination. Medium varieties produce a harvest after 3-5 months, and late varieties - after 5-7 months.

Depending on the breeding purposes, it is necessary to calculate the collection period. If you need cabbage for fresh salads in the spring, you definitely choose an early type of crop. Late varieties are suitable for harvesting vegetables for the winter.


If you want to plant this wonderful vegetable in your garden, you need to find out where cabbage grows and how to plant its seeds. The ideal time for propagating seedlings is February - May. At the same time, be sure to take into account when to expect the harvest.

It is better to plant seeds in pots with peat. The seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well. That's why they are left in these containers. When the seedlings are 40-60 days old, they are planted in the ground in the container where they grew. You can do this a little earlier, but you need to provide them with the most comfortable conditions possible.

If this planting is done in a greenhouse. Here frosts will not damage the seedlings. They will grow in such conditions strong and healthy, ready to grow in open ground.

Cultivation history

Cabbage seedlings, the varieties of which are known to us today, grew in the beds of ancient people 4 thousand years ago. This vegetable originated in the Central and Western Mediterranean and was used as food by the ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks. A relative of cabbage, from which modern cabbage varieties originate, is the leaf variety.

In the process of the development of civilization and trade, the plant used as food began to be grown in the eastern territories. In accordance with climate conditions, new varieties of cabbage began to appear in the soil.

This plant came to our country in the 13-15th century from Western Europe. White cabbage has become an integral part of the everyday life of the inhabitants of Rus'. Many varieties of it were grown here. They are still exported to neighboring countries. In the 19th century, there were 22 varieties of cabbage. Some of them were unique.

In the pre-revolutionary period, imported seeds of this plant began to be grown in our fields. By crossing with local species, they produced many new varieties. Since the mid-20th century, breeders have developed varieties characterized by increased productivity and resistance to climatic conditions.


Today, both local and imported species of the presented crop are grown in our country. Their total number now amounts to 133 varieties. There are also certain varieties of cabbage hybrids. They are assigned the marker F1.

They included 24 domestic and 58 imported artificially crossed crops. The work of breeders in this direction has made it possible to create varieties that are resistant to adverse weather conditions.

By harvesting in different seasons, it is possible to eat this vegetable all year round. The earliest species ripen in April. Late cabbage produces a harvest until October. It is possible to store vegetables for a long time.

White cabbage

One of the most common in our country is white cabbage. Varieties whose description fits this group are also divided into early, middle and late. It should not be grown in the same place.

Seedlings grow well next to onions, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers. The soil is prepared in the fall. It is dug up and fertilizers (manure, humus) are applied in an amount of 4 kg/m². In spring the soil is loosened. It is also necessary to apply fertilizer. Seedlings are planted in the holes. Humus and fertilizers are poured into the holes. Next, water is poured into them. When it is absorbed, they begin to plant seedlings inside each hole. Their root system should have a lump of earth.

The planting distance should be 75x35, 60x40 or 50x50 cm. In the first days, watering is carried out around each plant daily. After 1.5-2 weeks, you can water the entire area of ​​the beds.

The most popular varieties in our country are early varieties: Number One Gribovsky 147 (head of cabbage 1-1.5 kg), Iyunskaya (1-12 kg); mid-season: Golden Hectare 1432 (1.2-2 kg), Stakhanovka 1513 (1.5-2.5 kg); late: Amater 611 (2.5-3 kg), Zimovka 1474 (3.5-4 kg).

Red cabbage

When studying what types of cabbage there are, it is necessary to consider a variety such as the red cabbage variety. This subspecies belongs to the previous group of crops. It is distinguished by the purple-red color of the leaves and head of cabbage. This is a more cold-resistant plant. It is used for preparing salads, including dietary ones. This vegetable is pickled. The medicinal properties of the plant are widely used in traditional medicine.

This crop is planted in open ground. Its growth period is 160 days. Care and planting of seedlings is carried out similarly to white cabbage. Popular varieties are Primero F1 (4 kg), Firebird (3 kg), Juno (1.2 kg).

Savoy cabbage

It is eaten fresh or after heat treatment. This vegetable does not last as long as its white relative. But the taste and dietary characteristics are significantly superior to the latter.

Savoy culture has a high content of vitamin C, mineral and protein components. This variety is grown in the same way as previous varieties. It is necessary to take into account the timing of planting its seedlings.

Popular varieties - Mila 1 (3 kg), Yubileinaya 2170 (0.8 kg), Sfera (2.5 kg).


Savoy cabbage, the photo of which was presented above, is distinguished by its dietary qualities, but it is poorly stored. Therefore, housewives began to use a variety such as kohlrabi when preparing various dishes.

This cabbage has a spherical stem. It is used in the preparation of soups and salads. This vegetable produces high yields and a high content of vitamin C. It is grown both in a greenhouse and in the open. Plants are planted at a distance of 25x15 cm.

Harvesting occurs when the stems become 8-10 cm in diameter. In our country, the most commonly grown plants are Picant (0.5-0.9 kg), Vienna white 1350 (up to 2.5 kg).

Brussels sprouts

It can become a source of protein for the body. According to this parameter, the presented variety is 1.5 times ahead of the white cabbage group. This plant has a tall stem on which small heads of cabbage develop in the axils of small leaves.

During the development of the leaf system, it is necessary to increase the nitrogen supply of the plant. When the growth of heads of cabbage begins, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Growing Brussels sprouts in open ground is characterized as a rather lengthy process. Seedlings are placed in holes with a frequency of 60x60 or 70x70 cm. This plant does not need abundant watering. Only during particularly dry periods should you ensure a sufficient level of soil moisture.

Domestic farmers grow varieties such as Hercules 1342 (20-30 heads of cabbage), Cassio (60-70 heads of cabbage).


When considering what types of cabbage there are, one cannot ignore another popular variety. Its head, when eaten, looks like a greatly expanded inflorescence. This is where the name of the variety comes from. This is cauliflower.

She will sing very quickly. Literally 15-20 days after planting the plant in the ground, its head is already edible. This vegetable is soft and meaty. They prepare it in every possible way.

The culture grows best at a temperature of 14-17 degrees. At the same time, air and soil humidity may be low. The plant does not tolerate strong dry winds. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with manure and humus. The first batch of seedlings is introduced into the holes at the end of April. Later you can make another 2-3 visits with an interval of 10 days. Harvesting is carried out after 2-2.5 months.

Varieties such as Snow Globe (650-850 g) and Express (350-500 g) are in demand today.


Broccoli and cauliflower are close relatives. But the first of them is tastier and healthier. Broccoli's head is loosely folded. The lower part of the shoots is also suitable for food. Therefore, this variety is also called asparagus cabbage.

This species is unpretentious to growing conditions. It can be sown directly into the ground at the end of April. If the crop needs to be harvested in the fall, it is planted in June. You can also propagate seedlings. It becomes strongest 35-45 days after shoots emerge. The hole interval is 20x50 cm. It is necessary to loosen the soil, weed the beds and water them. The most commonly grown varieties are Linda (0.5 kg) and Monterey (1.9 kg).


If the climatic zone is characterized by short summers, it is worth considering this as an option for breeding. This is a biennial plant. The presented variety includes fodder and decorative varieties.

All types of kale can be used to prepare different dishes. Especially after frost. But more often this variety is bred as an ornamental plant in the garden. The culture has pinnate lyre-shaped leaves. Their color varies from green to purple.

This variety can be planted in open ground using the seedling method. It does not require a lot of moisture.

Salads are made from kale; it is used as an additive for pickling. It is worth noting that some varieties of Chinese cabbage also belong to the leaf group. However, this crop can grow in head and semi-head forms. Unlike the leaf variety, Chinese cabbage is very demanding when it comes to watering. But its yield is high due to the short ripening period.

Nutritional and medicinal properties

Regardless, it has high nutritional value. Many varieties are used as dietary food. It is fried, stewed, pickled and eaten raw.

Depending on the growing conditions, the vegetable receives a certain set of properties. If watering was poor, the cabbage will have less sugars. With optimal lighting and temperature, it manages to accumulate more vitamin C. The vegetable contains a small amount of protein. But it is well absorbed by the human body.

This vegetable is also a rich source of vitamins. Among microelements, it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. This product is useful not only fresh, but also fermented. It is used as an additional remedy for removing stones from the liver, gall bladder, and also to improve digestion.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to Slavyanka, Yuzhanka 31, Biryuchekutskaya 138, Volzhanka 9. These are high-yielding crops. They form a large head of cabbage. They contain a high sugar content, which accompanies a high-quality fermentation process. All vitamins and microelements of existing varieties of cabbage are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body.

People who regularly eat this product have increased immunity and improved digestion. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating this vegetable for a variety of diseases and for prevention purposes. The variety of varieties existing today will allow everyone to choose a version of this food product to suit their taste.

Having considered what kind of cabbage there is, you can choose the best variety for your garden. Proper care will allow you to reap rich harvests. By regularly eating this vegetable, you can improve your health, improve your immunity and even get rid of some diseases.

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables. Many people use it for pickling and make pickles and salads from it. There are different varieties of cabbage that you can grow in your garden.

It contains a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances that take part in metabolic processes and improve human immunity. It contains few calories, which is why it is often used to treat the gastrointestinal tract and during diets.

Main types

To find out what types of cabbage there are, you need to familiarize yourself with their main varieties and names. Types of cabbage and their characteristics will help people without experience to study in more detail the characteristics of these vegetables. There are three main types, which include:

  1. Headed. It is distinguished by a very overgrown and developed bud, based on a small head of cabbage. It is from this that the fruit begins to form. This species is very popular among vegetable growers and is grown much more often than all other varieties. The entire fruit, except the head, can be used for cooking.
  2. Colored. The formation of the head is carried out using overgrown shoots, which include a large number of formations that externally resemble an air soufflé. Cauliflower has an uneven surface and excellent taste.
  3. Leafy. The main fruit is formed by leaves that begin to grow from the stem itself. A distinctive feature of kale is that it has no core at all. This vegetable is eaten whole.

White cabbage

It is distinguished by its resistance to low temperatures and love of light and moisture. To grow white cabbage, you need to choose a site with the most fertile soil. The heads of the plant can have different sizes and shapes. They are conical, flat and round. The weight of the heads of cabbage depends on the variety and growing characteristics. It can vary from 0.5 kg to 10 kg.

Newly planted seedlings can withstand frosts around -5 degrees. The grown plant copes with temperatures of at least -8 degrees.

This variety of cabbage does not cope very well with high temperatures. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the formation of new heads of cabbage will stop completely. To stimulate the appearance of fruits, it is necessary to water the plant regularly. In the first few weeks after planting, watering should be moderate. However, over time, the moisture supply will have to increase.

A distinctive feature of the white cabbage plant is its light-loving nature. If cabbage is planted in the shade, it may die over time. Therefore, you should not grow it near tall fruit trees that can cast a shadow.

Young seedlings actively suck nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium from the soil. After transplanting seedlings into open ground, it consumes only nitrogen, and during the formation of heads of cabbage it consumes phosphorus and potassium.

Bushes need to be fed if they are grown in peat or sandy soils. If it was planted in loamy soil, then there is no need to fertilize it.

Red cabbage

If we compare it with white cabbage species, it is distinguished by its resistance to pests, diseases and extreme cold. Red cabbage is not very popular in our country. Most often it is grown in non-chernozem zones.

It has dense and small heads of cabbage with purple leaves. Sometimes there are varieties with leaves colored blue or purple. The color of the leaves depends on the coloring substance they contain – anthocyanin. In addition to color, it also affects the taste of the plant.

If the bushes are grown in acidic soil, their leaves will turn red. In alkaline soils they turn blue. In pictures of cabbage grown in different soils, you can see these differences.

Different varieties of red cabbage may ripen at different times. On average, the fruits take about 150 days to ripen. However, early varieties can ripen much earlier. It is planted in the same way as mid-late cabbage varieties.

It is mainly used in cooking when preparing salads and other healthy dishes. Its fruits are a little hard and therefore many people only consume it raw. To make cabbage less tough, you can pour boiled water over it.


Contains a huge amount of biological substances and vitamins. It also contains little fiber, so it is recommended for people with liver and gastrointestinal problems. Cauliflower is absorbed by the human body much better than other varieties of vegetables.

The bushes of the plant have a cylindrical stem that grows up to 70 cm. The leaves have a greenish tint and elongated petioles, with a waxy coating on their surface. Also, during growth, small yellow flowers appear on the bushes. Cauliflower fruits are presented in the form of a cylindrical pod with black or brown seeds. Mature cauliflower bushes look very beautiful. To verify this, just look at their photographs.

It is recommended to grow bushes at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it drops below 10, they will develop more slowly. During the cultivation of this plant, it is necessary to carefully care for it. Cabbage loves moist soil, so you will have to water it every few days. If there is insufficient moisture in the soil for three days, the cabbage heads will begin to crumble. Each square meter of area with bushes needs to be filled with 20 liters of water.

It is recommended to feed the plant regularly. You need to fertilize the soil for the first time a week after planting the seedlings. For this, mullein, nitrophoska and other mineral fertilizers are used. The next feeding is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first.


It has a lot in common with cauliflower in terms of appearance and taste. The main differences include the amount of nutrients, which are several times greater than in other types.

The cabbage head comes in purple, green, white and sometimes blue. The largest head is located in the center of the stem. If you remove it, lateral heads of cabbage will begin to grow from the leaf axils. This technique is used to increase productivity and extend fruiting time.

The main advantages of broccoli are resistance to temperature changes and low soil requirements. The only soil that is not suitable for asparagus kaputa is acidic.

When planting seedlings, you must adhere to certain requirements. There should be a distance of 50-60 cm between the rows, and 30 cm between each bush. You also need to properly care for the cabbage. It needs regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.

Mid-season varieties are especially popular among vegetable growers. These include Atlantic and Greenia with a ripening period of about 115 days.


This plant is a type of cabbage. In the first year, seedlings form a small stem, which can be cylindrical or spindle-shaped. It is on it that the first heads of cabbage form. The leaves are colored green, sometimes a slight coating appears on them, causing the surface to become bubbly. Over time, yellow flowers and fruits appear on the bushes.

The taste and appearance are reminiscent of white cabbage. The only major differences include corrugated leaves without veins and loose heads.

There are different varieties of Savoy cabbage, which differ in ripening time. Early varieties ripen within three months after planting. Before planting, you need to carefully study their photos and names. These include:

  • Golden - large heads of cabbage weighing more than one kilogram are formed on it;
  • Jubilee - cabbage with this name has fruits that are prone to cracking and weigh about 750 grams;
  • Julius is a hybrid that belongs to the ultra-early ripening varieties, ripens within 80-90 days.

Mid-season varieties may take more than 120 days to ripen. Recommended to grow:

  • Melissa - characterized by high yield and large heads weighing about three kilograms;
  • Sferu - the fruits of this variety do not crack over time and weigh 1-2 kilograms.

Late varieties ripen for quite a long time - about 150 days. Every lover of late varieties should study these types of cabbage with photos. Among them, the most common are:

  • Verosa - a hybrid known for its resistance to low temperatures;
  • Vertu is a variety with very large fruits weighing more than three kilograms;
  • Morama bushes are distinguished by their large heads of cabbage and perfectly smooth leaves.


It is the oldest type of cabbage, which is very popular due to its ease of cultivation. Even when growing a plant without seedlings, you can get a good harvest.

The bushes are covered with whole sessile leaves, the height of which reaches 30 cm. With their help, a rosette is formed, which has succulent and thick petioles.

It has good resistance to fairly low temperatures. It copes with light frosts down to -5 degrees without any problems. However, in such conditions the bushes will not be able to develop normally, so to grow them you need to maintain the temperature within 15-20 degrees. If it exceeds this indicator, then burns will appear on the leaves.

When choosing cabbage seeds or seedlings to grow on their plot, many gardeners give preference to the white cabbage variety. This limitation is more likely due to the disappointment experienced with the unsuccessful cultivation of other species.

Undoubtedly, each type of crop is endowed with its own advantages and characteristics of agricultural technology. The composition, although there are slight differences, is Each variety is rich in useful minerals and vitamins regardless of size and ripening period. In one garden bed you can grow cauliflower, broccoli and, for example, kohlrabi, thereby diversifying your menu and winter preparations.
Red cabbage has the largest amount of vitamin C and carotene, and cauliflower is famous for its dietary qualities and excellent delicate taste. It is especially useful to eat vegetables, which increase the body's resistance to radiation and unfavorable environmental conditions. Such healers include broccoli with small heads, which was previously considered exotic. Modern gardeners successfully grow a fairly unpretentious vegetable in their beds, collecting generous harvests from them.

The article describes brief characteristics of only a small part of the existing types of cabbage. Before compiling an assortment for garden beds, it is recommended that you read the brief description and methods of use.

Red cabbage, pure purple vitamin

It should rightly be called violet-headed. Externally, the red cabbage species is similar to the white cabbage one, however, the leaves have a red-violet color and are denser in structure. The composition also exceeds the content of valuable minerals and vitamins, their quantity. Leaves from the head can be plucked as early as June for preparing salads. The vegetable is consumed pickled and stewed, either as a stand-alone product or in combination with other ingredients.
The growing season of the red cabbage species lasts from 150 days, the average weight of the head is 1-3.5 kg. Among the main advantages:

  • cold resistance (young shoots can withstand frosts down to minus 5°C);
  • the root system is well developed;
  • the composition includes anthocyanin, which has a positive effect on human health (increases the elasticity of capillaries, regulates their permeability).

This type has only one drawback - it cannot be used for pickling.


True to its name: the fruits come in all the colors of the rainbow. A popular vegetable in the garden of many gardeners and an equally famous product among chefs. Vitamin bomb is eaten as an independent ingredient or in combination with other components. The growing process does not contain complex procedures and does not require much attention. You just have to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.
The annual plant forms dense inflorescences weighing from 350 to 1500 kg. Soil fertility and growing conditions affect the taste of the fruit. Harvesting takes place 90-105 days after the sprouts appear (early ripening varieties).

A huge number of advantages are countered by the vegetable’s weak resistance to various diseases and pests.

Broccoli, characteristics

Broccoli, a source of vitamins

The vegetable is similar to cauliflower, but the inflorescences are rich green in color. The rich composition of proteins and vitamins has elevated this species to the category of popular crops. Cabbage delicacy that slows down aging, many gardeners are trying to cultivate on their plots. This is facilitated by unpretentious agricultural technology and cold resistance of cabbage; it does not lose its qualities when frozen to minus 7°C. Unlike other species, the crop is undemanding to soil fertility, but this does not mean that the plants do not need fertilizer; some kind of fertilizing is still needed. Regular watering is also necessary, especially when the heads are maturing.
Benefits of growing broccoli:

  • usefulness and nutritional value of the product;
  • the ability to diversify the menu;
  • unpretentious care during cultivation;
  • the vegetable is subjected to various types of processing (stewing, pickling, etc.).

The lack of agricultural technology features deprives the vegetable of disadvantages.


Savoy cabbage, drought tolerant

An ideal vegetable for growing in the middle zone. Savoy cabbage is drought-resistant and is not attractive to pests. The structure of the vegetable is similar to the white cabbage variety, however, the leaves are more tender and airy. They are easy to disassemble for preparing different dishes, you just need to pour boiling water over them. The composition contains a large amount of valuable minerals and vitamins, exceeding the amount of other types.
The vegetative period of early varieties lasts 105-120 days, hence the low yield. The taste of the vegetable is very delicate due to the small amount of mustard oils in the composition and the absence of coarse fibers. Suitable for fresh consumption, stewed. The peculiarity of the species is its cold resistance, and during short frosts it retains its marketability and taste.
The downside is the short shelf life.

Savoy cabbage is not suitable for pickling. Varieties of this species do not differ in productivity in comparison with white cabbage varieties.

Kohlrabi, health variety

The chemical composition of kohlrabi is comparable to citrus crops, so the vegetable is very popular among chefs. Gardeners are less willing to use the crop for growing on their plots. And in vain, because the fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, stabilize blood pressure, and cleanse the intestines of toxins.
The ripening period of early varieties is 65-80 days. The stem fruit reaches a weight of 220 grams, some varieties weigh over 2 kg. The short growing season allows for several harvests per season. The vegetable can be cultivated in open ground and in greenhouses. Plant care is generally similar to other types of cabbage. The crop is stored for a long time without any loss of valuable properties.

Brussels sprouts, small heads of cabbage

Brussels sprouts, delicacy

The rarest type of cabbage in our beds. The composition contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and microelements, exceeding the quantity of white cabbage varieties. A special feature of the vegetable is the presence of mustard oil, which is typical for radish. This component gives the product a nutty flavor.
The main advantage of cultivating the crop is the unpretentiousness of plants to the climate of the middle zone. The main disadvantage is the long growing season. When planting seeds in April, the harvest will only be obtained at the end of the warm season (ripening period is about 150 days). To speed up the process, it is recommended to grow vegetables through seedlings.

Beijing, not afraid of frost

In Russian vegetable growing, the cultivation of Chinese cabbage is only gaining momentum. The vegetable has gained popularity due to its rich vitamin composition, interesting taste and high yield (900 centners are harvested from 1 hectare). The plant grows in conditions of low temperatures, which is typical for the climate of the middle zone. The growing season lasts only 50-70 days, which gives opportunity to get 2-3 harvests per season. The crop can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses all year round.
Benefits of cabbage:

  • composition rich in nutrients;
  • young shoots can withstand short-term frosts down to minus 7°C;
  • high productivity.

The culture is not without its disadvantages:

  • yield depends on soil fertility;
  • agricultural technology has not been fully studied;
  • the vegetable attracts the attention of pests and is vulnerable to diseases.

Beijing cabbage, Glass variety

You can sow seeds for seedlings and directly into open ground. Sowing work is carried out in April-May.

Marine, from the bottom of the sea

A product unique in its qualities and effects on the human body. The complex biochemical composition is distinguished primarily by the content of iodine, an essential substance for the thyroid gland. In addition to it, kelp is rich in vitamins B, C, folic acid, amino acids, pantothenic acid and other microelements. In fact it is an algae that grows on the seabed. Regardless of any type of processing (pickling, drying), cabbage retains its valuable properties. It can cause harm to health only if a person has increased sensitivity to iodine.

Chinese, source of longevity

In composition, Chinese cabbage is very similar to white cabbage, but differs significantly in appearance. The leaf formation of a vegetable without a head of cabbage is more reminiscent of lettuce leaves, but with a more saturated green color. Of particular value is lysine, an amino acid that cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Chinese cabbage bok choy strengthens the immune system

The vegetable is highly valued by the Chinese not only for its taste, but also for its ability to strengthen the immune system, which is necessary for longevity. Among the undeniable advantages:

  • harvesting as early as June, which is useful for replenishing vitamin deficiency in the body;
  • delicate leaf structure, can be used for baby food;
  • simple rules of agricultural technology.

There is only one minus - the large size of the stalk, which occupies almost half of the vegetable. But you can also use it for cooking.

You can eat fresh leaves, pickled, stewed and dried. After the onset of cold weather, the pots with the crop can be placed indoors and harvested until December.
An assortment of cabbage in the garden beds will provide an opportunity to enrich the body with useful microelements, strengthen the immune system and diversify the menu with delicious dishes.

Recently, it has been noticed that many city dwellers and summer residents rarely plant cabbage. In vain, of course. It is not difficult to grow, and the nutritional value of this crop is enormous. Let's figure out what types of cabbage exist to make it easier to decide which ones are suitable for you - or rather, for your climatic conditions and personal workload. Before you decide to plant it, carefully study all types of cabbage (photos, names and brief descriptions are given in tabular form for convenience).

Types of cabbage: photos, names and descriptions

Gardeners often briefly define cabbage varieties by the edible part of the plant: leafy, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. Modern botanical classification includes 7 types of cultivated cabbage:

Types of cabbage


1. cabbage

1.1. White cabbage

A biennial plant, in the first year of vegetation it forms a rolled up dense rosette of leaves - a head of cabbage. The most popular culture of all

There are varieties of different ripening periods. Withstands frosts down to –2 degrees. Late varieties are stored excellently. It is stewed, boiled, baked, fermented, pickled, juiced

1.2. Red cabbage

Biennial plant, forms a head of cabbage in the first year of vegetation with a characteristic burgundy-purple leaf color. Less popular, but very valuable crop.

This is mainly a late crop; the heads of cabbage are stored excellently. It is stewed, fermented, pickled, and juice is squeezed out. Cooked less often - the shade of the leaves changes, but in rich red borscht this shade does not interfere

1.3. Brussels
(To ocheshkovaya)

A biennial plant that forms small heads of cabbage on a long stem. Quite sharp in taste, as it has a high content of mustard oils. Its decoction is no less nutritious than chicken broth.

Withstands frosts down to -7 degrees. It tolerates a lack of moisture better than other species due to its powerful root system. The yield (if you convert the collected heads of cabbage into kg) is much inferior to other types of cabbage. But the high dry matter content compensates for this deficiency. For better tying of buds, pinch the apical bud. It is stewed, boiled, pickled, frozen

2. colored

2.1. Colored

An annual plant with a thickened main stem with horizontal
or upward directed leaves. The dense heads with stems are eaten.

Withstands frosts down to – 2 degrees. At lower
temperatures, a film is formed, which immediately provokes rotting of the head. Doesn't last long. Good in batter, stewed, lightly boiled, pickled,
and in puree form

2.2. Broccoli
(asparagus cabbage)

An annual plant with a spreading bush. It has a delicate spicy taste. The head consists of bunches of flower buds on
tender stems. We are more accustomed to green colors, but the variety of colors is impressive: there are bluish, purple, and white.

After cutting the central head, tender side shoots grow, smaller in size, but no less tasty. Withstands frosts down to -10 degrees. Can't be stored, but great frozen

2.3. Romanesco

The most delicate subspecies of cauliflower with a unique head structure - geometric spiral inflorescences wrapped upward into a cone are simply amazing. Marinated, lightly boiled - the most exquisite decoration for winter salads


A biennial plant that produces a stem fruit similar to a turnip. Kohlrabi is valued for its early ripening - in the central zone it produces 2 harvests per season. Photophilous. Long days accelerate the growth of root crops.

Stem fruits can be light green, green, pale violet and violet in color. The pulp is white, very juicy. Less
more resistant to frost than white cabbage. Grate, ferment, marinate, squeeze out the most beneficial juice

4. Savoyard

A biennial plant that produces loose heads of cabbage with delicate, bubbly leaves.

It has the greatest frost resistance, but is poorly stored fresh, so abroad it is often used in dried form. Exquisite taste that perfectly complements fresh salads. It is also boiled, stewed, baked in pies

5. leafy

A biennial plant that forms a short stem of 1.5-2.5 cm in the first year, and peduncles up to 150 cm in the second year. It has two subspecies:
flat-leaved (forage crop) and curly-leaved

Widely used for food and decorative purposes. In the second half of the growing season it can withstand frosts down to -15 degrees. In decorative varieties, the bitterness goes away after freezing. So far there are seeds of foreign selection on sale.

An excellent addition to side dishes. Beautiful textured leaves of decorative varieties look amazing in marinades - they retain their shape and color. This cabbage also makes excellent cabbage soup.

6. Beijing (salad)

An annual early ripening plant. Depending on the variety, it forms a rosette of leaves or heads of cabbage. Leafy varieties are grown for salad greens in spring and summer, and cabbage varieties - in autumn. Good fresh, for baking, pickling, and for lovers of Korean and Chinese cuisine, it should be simmered with vinegar

7. Chinese

An early ripening annual plant. Just like Beijing, it can be a rosette or an elongated head of cabbage. Planting in August produces magnificent greenery throughout the fall, and before frost, the bush can be taken to the loggia, and until December the leaves with ripened tomatoes will delight you with their freshness. Stewed, fried, pickled and, of course, dried

​*In the table, species synonyms are given in parentheses.

General requirements for growing cabbage varieties

Few types of cabbage like shady places: shading just 1/3 of a day of cabbage or cauliflower affects the yield - they will not set heads or form a head. Moreover, all cabbages are very cold-resistant and develop best at a temperature of 16-23 degrees. Therefore, for everyone who grows it through seedlings, it is best to germinate the seeds not in ordinary room conditions, but where the radiator is turned off, or a little later - immediately in greenhouses or on a loggia.

When temperatures rise above 23 degrees, growth slows down, and some impatient summer residents send the plant to compost. Be patient a little, the heads and heads will begin to set as soon as the wet days arrive. Of course, this will delay the harvest a little. But if autumn frosts have arrived, you can dig up and shake off the roots and send it to the cellar for growing (or you can take it to your apartment, placing the crop on the loggia). Heads, heads of cabbage and stalks will grow significantly in unheated rooms with a simple agrofibre shelter.

In addition, this culture wastes water and does not extract it well from the depths. Therefore, it needs irrigation. And so that moisture is not wasted, the plantings must be mulched. The juicy leaves of cabbage seedlings, until they have acquired a mustard flavor, are terribly loved by snails and slugs. Therefore, at first they need to be protected from them, and then from the cruciferous flea beetle, white butterfly and aphid. In the practice of natural farming, this is achieved by planting repellent plants on the beds, as well as treating with weed infusions (which also serve as fertilizing, by the way).

Combine all types of cabbage with celery, beets, nasturtium, marigolds and phacelia. But not tightly - she doesn’t like competition. The most dangerous disease in cabbage is clubroot. To avoid contamination of the soil with this dangerous fungus, try not to buy seedlings from unverified sources, and when planting seedlings, be sure to add deoxidizers - wood ash, dolomite, ground eggshells - to the planting hole.

Of course, when planting, in addition to deoxidizing agents, it is useful to add ripe compost. But if you observe crop rotation and use green manure, then there will be enough nutrition in the soil even for such an insatiable young lady as cabbage. If you haven’t come to this point yet, it doesn’t matter, just change the landing location. Cabbage grows well after legumes, onions, cucumbers, and early root vegetables. In our small garden in the second half of summer, we plant Chinese cabbage in a bed with cucumbers interspersed with marigolds. Drip irrigation is quite enough for these equally moisture-loving crops. Cabbage leaves wonderfully enrich the taste of fresh salads.

In general, we briefly identified the main varieties of cabbage and their names using a table, and also went over the general requirements for agricultural technology. And although cabbage requires care, this is not such a troublesome undertaking if you approach its cultivation wisely. Combine different crops in the garden, use natural fertilizers, observe crop rotation, and your garden (and especially the table) will do without any chemicals! Now you can definitely determine the suitable types of cabbage for yourself - photos, names and their brief descriptions will help you in your choice.

Cabbage is a classic “representative” of almost any garden plot. Although this crop can be called quite picky with regard to growing conditions, many gardeners love it very much due to its nutritional value, nutritional value and versatility in cooking. Today you will get acquainted with the main varieties of cabbage. The following is a detailed description of them, characteristics, as well as the main methods of cultivation (photo materials with the names of the species are attached).

The cabbage genus includes more than 100 varieties of this crop and is found, among other things, in nature in wild growing conditions. Cabbage is considered a cold-resistant plant, which even in the most unfavorable conditions can please with a generous harvest. Cabbage is prepared in every way: it is boiled, fried, stewed, pickled, salted and even dried.

Almost all varieties of cabbage presented below are biennial plants. In the first year of its life, cabbage grows productive organs, the next year the stem develops, seeds form, etc.

Most varieties of cabbage can be grown in open ground

Depending on the variety and type, cabbage can have completely different shapes, colors and types of fruits. But according to the length of the growing season, all types of cabbage, without exception, are divided into only three categories:

  • early ripening (early, early ripening) - the first fruits will appear in approximately 70-115 days;
  • mid-ripening (mid-early) – the first fruits will appear in approximately 115-150 days;
  • late ripening - the first fruits will appear in approximately 150 days or more.

About 90 different varieties of cabbage are the most popular in the world, which is conventionally divided into 5 types depending on the edible part: leafy, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts. But officially, according to the botanical classification, there are 7 types of cabbage. More on this later.

Main varieties of cultivated cabbage

To understand which variety of cabbage should be grown in a particular climate, it is necessary to understand in detail the main varieties of this crop. So, there are, as mentioned earlier, 7 varieties of cabbage.

Cabbage subspecies

This variety is divided into 3 main groups: white cabbage, red cabbage and Brussels sprouts. White cabbage, perhaps, can be called the most common and popular of all those presented below. It is a biennial plant, which already in the first year of life grows on a strong, low-growing stem. Its top is a dense rosette of leaves, inside which an edible head of cabbage grows.

White and red cabbage

The fruit most often has a round shape, is quite dense and large (in some varieties, specimens can reach 10-16 kg). White cabbage is very widely used in cooking: boiled, fried, stewed, salted, made into juice, etc.

Red cabbage is very similar in appearance to white cabbage, but has a less generous harvest and is almost always late-ripening. It is less, but still, popular because it is not inferior to white cabbage in health, nutrition and taste. It is prepared in all sorts of ways, but is not boiled because it loses its burgundy pigment.

Brussels sprouts are also biennial, but they grow on a tall stem, which is covered with a large number of small heads during the ripening period. Less productive compared to other varieties, but contains more dry matter.

Advice. Cooking Brussels sprouts should be treated with special care, since the heads of cabbage have a rather pungent taste (due to the mustard oil content). The ideal way to prepare Brussels sprouts is to boil them. It is worth noting that the decoction prepared from it is no less nutritious than chicken.


A very popular variety, which is usually presented on the market in three groups: classic cauliflower, broccoli, romanesco. Each of the groups is an annual plant that has a fairly powerful stem and the fruit itself, consisting of many small heads.

Colored is perhaps the coarsest in fruit structure and the most resistant to climatic conditions (it can withstand even sub-zero temperatures). Cauliflower cannot be stored for long periods of time, but it always delights with its delicate taste and nutritional value. In cooking it is usually used boiled or stewed, in batter, pickled.

Cauliflower tolerates low temperatures well

Broccoli - cabbage is more delicate in taste and more resilient in terms of survival in cold climates (it can withstand sub-zero temperatures down to -10 degrees). The fruit is also represented by a large number of small heads on a thin stem.

Advice. If you are a cabbage lover and want to try growing broccoli in your garden plot, keep in mind that this variety survives well in almost any climate, but has an extremely short shelf life, so you must either use it immediately for food or immediately freeze it .

Romanesco is the most unusual subspecies of cauliflower, represented by a fruit consisting of a large number of heads twisted in a spiral. The fruits have an incredibly delicate and delicate taste. Most often used as a decoration for various dishes.

Unusual varieties

Kale comes in several varieties, which can be combined into 2 large groups: flat-leaved (forage) and curly-leaved (ornamental). All subspecies are actively used in decorating dishes, but are very poorly represented in Russia.

Savoy. This subspecies could be classified as a cabbage species, but the cabbage has a very loose structure with very thin, delicate leaves that have a bubbly structure. The plant is surprisingly resistant to low temperatures, but does not last long. It is for this reason that it is most often used in cooking in dried form.

Kohlrabi. A very unusual variety of cabbage, which is a dense, juicy root vegetable with an incredibly delicate taste. The surface of the fruit is represented by various shades of green and purple. In cooking it is most often used in pickled or pickled form. Kohlrabi makes excellent juice.

There are many cabbage dishes

Peking. Unlike previous varieties, it is an annual plant that produces a very generous and quick harvest of fruits of the most delicate taste. It can be represented by cabbage and leaf varieties. Suitable both as greens for salads and for pickling, baking, etc.

Chinese. Like the previous variety, it is an annual plant that can please you with both its juicy head and delicate leaves. When planted at the end of summer, cabbage will delight you with tender fruits until the end of autumn and even in winter, if you remove the plant from open ground for the winter.

Ways to grow cabbage

First of all, a few words about what rules must be followed when growing crops. Firstly, the place for planting cabbage must be sunny and moderately warm. Secondly, do not forget about regular and generous watering, because cabbage really loves water. You can reduce water consumption in the only way that is harmless to the plant - mulch the soil after watering.

Advice. If, after the first sprouts emerge, the air temperature begins to rise sharply and reaches 23-24 degrees, the crop may also abruptly stop its rapid growth. In this case, many unlucky gardeners immediately send such specimens to the compost. But in vain. You just need to show a little patience: the first ovaries on the plant will appear immediately after the first rainy days.

Well, now about the methods by which cabbage varieties are most often grown. Most often, and regardless of the variety of crop in question, cultivation is carried out using one of the following methods:

Cabbage in the garden
  • Seedlings. When growing by seedling method, the technique of preparing the material, planting it and caring for it is quite traditional. First, seed material is carefully selected, which is then disinfected and hardened. Afterwards, the selected and prepared seeds are sown in a container with prepared soil. Caring for growing seedlings is quite simple: periodic watering, fertilizing, etc. When more than 5 leaves appear on the seedlings, you can begin planting in open ground.
  • Without seedlings (seeds). Despite the fairly large consumption of seed material, this method also has its advantages, since it allows you to grow a plant with a fairly powerful tap root system (it tolerates arid climates perfectly, which is important for this crop), which produces a harvest faster by a couple of weeks, and also increases productivity . Among the features of this method, it is worth noting the need for regular and thorough care in the first half of the growing season. Careful care means regular thinning of sprouts, the need to choose high-quality soil, replanting other plants, etc.

This concludes our consideration of the main types of cabbage, as well as possible ways of growing it. Happy harvest!

Growing cabbage: video