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» What are people with an unusual appearance called. Beautiful people with the most unusual appearance in the world (7 photos). Man with anisocoria

What are people with an unusual appearance called. Beautiful people with the most unusual appearance in the world (7 photos). Man with anisocoria

March 27, 2010, 17:30

Hair length 2 meters 10 centimeters has Written Tatyana from the city of Elista (Kalmykia). Twice winner of republican competitions for the most long hair.
BUT longest braid in the world American Diane Wit braids her hair that has grown to 3.12 m daily. However, she cannot cope with the curls that hang so luxuriantly from her head. Due to the lack of a maid during the combing and braiding procedure, her husband and children must help her to calm others, since even a single hair in the soup can cause it to be the last straw that will overflow the barrel. The longest hair in the world - 528.3 cm - has Jagadambika Jagatmata, or Mata Jagamba (born August 10, 1913), a religious wanderer from India. American Cathy Jung has today the narrowest waist in the world - 38.1 cm. For the past 14 years, the record holder has practically not taken off her corset, and she has about a hundred of them.
In four years, a Russian woman has grown one and a half meters of nails Larisa Budyanskaya from the city of Yekaterinburg. Moreover, all nails are the same length and evenly painted. And the world record for the length of nails belongs to 65-year-old resident of Salt Lake City Lee Redmond. Last year, she entered the latest issue of the Guinness Book of Records by growing the longest nails in the world - their total length is 7 meters 51 centimeters. Sridhar M. Chillal (born 1937) from India has a total fingernail length of 593 cm. The thumb nail is 135 cm, the index finger 106 cm, the middle finger 113 cm, the ring finger 121 cm and the little finger 118 cm. Chillal works as a photographer using only his right hand. He hasn't cut his nails since 1952. Lee Redmond Recently, another "achievement" appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: the volume of the most immense female waist is 160 cm.
imposing the length of the hair on the legs, which is 41 mm, has Abdulganeev Ilyas, born in 1980 from the city of Samara. With a height of 150 cm, she weighed only 36 kg in 1997 Ptitsyna Irina, 18 years old, from the city of Pavlov Posad. Longest nose. The figure, created in the image of the German nobleman Gustav von Albach, who lived in the 18th century. in Bremen. He was famous for his unusually long nose. Gustav turned his ugliness into an object of fun, jokes, and was a universal favorite, especially for children. Participated in carnivals (fortunately he did not need a mask) beard length 183 cm Shamsher Singh, bank clerk in Punjeb (India). His religious beliefs (a beard is a sacred inviolable attribute of a Sikh) do not allow cutting facial hair. Beard length 533 cm was with Hans N. Langseth (1846-1927) from Norway when he was buried in Kensett (Iowa, USA). In 1967, the beard was donated by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. "bearded woman" was Janice Devery (born 1842) from Kentucky (USA). In 1884 her beard was 36 cm long. Hans N. Langseth The longest mustache in the world belongs to Kalyan Ramji Saini, 70 years old, from Rajasthan (India). Their total length is 339 cm. Moreover, he began to grow them by accident: after an eye operation in 1966, the doctor advised him not to wet his face for 2-3 weeks. By the end of the third week, the mustache had grown by 70 cm. John Roy (1910-88) from Wiley was considered the bearer of the longest mustache in the UK. They began to grow in 1939 and reached their maximum length- 189 cm in 1976. In 1984, they shrunk by 42 cm when Roy accidentally stepped on them in the bathroom. Then Roy cut off the same amount on the other side to trim them. The record holder for the longest mustache in the UK is currently Ted Sedman of St Albans (Herts). The length of his mustache is 1.6 m. Ramji Saini The largest palm in India is that of Gautam Turami from Mumbai. The distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger is 28.5 cm. Palm parameters right hand J. S. Goyala, aged 51, from Batinda is 27.1 cm, with his height of 179 cm. The normal size of a human palm is 23-24 cm. 14 fingers and 15 toes little boy, which was discovered in September 1921 in East London. Only two toes belong to several members of the Wadomo tribe of Zimbabwe and the Kalanga tribe of Botswana.
The largest foot size in the world was recorded by Matthew McGrory (born 1973) from Pennsylvania (USA). He wears shoes size 26 (American standard). Women of the Kareni tribe, Myanmar (Burma) stretch their necks by increasing the number of copper hoops put on them. The record neck length achieved in this way is 40 cm.

You can often hear that girls massively strive for the same fashionable looks, becoming like chickens in an incubator. And indeed - the same hairstyles, makeup and clothes in schools, on the streets and parties are not at all uncommon. But modeling agencies and fashion houses, on the contrary, appreciate unique faces and non-trivial images. Let's get acquainted with such unusual beauties who have achieved success thanks to their non-standard appearance.

Tsunana from Tibet was the opening at London Fashion Week. This model has a great future in the world of the fashion industry thanks to her non-standard appearance.

Anok Yai was accidentally noticed by a photographer at the festival, the pictures got into the network and the modeling agency Next Models drew attention to the 19-year-old girl with ebonite skin. Now she has excellent prospects, fame and expensive contracts.

Vivid images and bold experiments made Nuane Lebajou famous on Instagram.

Katarzyna Yuzhecka is a model from Poland. Her fresh face accidentally noticed on the train and now she is participating in the filming for the brands Prada, Calvin Klein and Christian Dior.

Russian woman Yunia Pakhomova wanted to prove that even with such an unusual appearance, you can break into the modeling business. And she succeeded, she demonstrates the outfits of Gucci, Alexander Wang, Balenciaga and other brands on the catwalks.

Ksenia Rein is not a model, she is an artist. And fame was brought to her not only by her work, but also by the creative images that she creates herself.

Maria Oz is known for short animated videos under the nickname "Spiritual Face". Many users thought that the girl draws huge eyes in photo editors, but she claims that she got unusual eyes from her father.

18-year-old Willow Hand has been compared to cute Disney princesses. Probably, for this cute appearance, such companies as Prada, Valentino, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Alexander McQueen and others love her.

One of Sweden's most sought-after models is Marjan Jonkman, who has become a muse for Saint Laurent.

Each person has a unique appearance, but not everyone accepts himself for who he is. Some are embarrassed by their features and try to hide them, while others, on the contrary, turn them into their own. undeniable advantages. The people that will be discussed today have made a career thanks to the unique color of their skin. Self-confidence, incredible charm and a bit of luck once turned them into world celebrities.

Winnie Harlow

Canadian model Winnie Harlow owes her success to a rather rare disease - vitiligo, due to which certain areas of her skin lose pigmentation. Once a photo of a girl on Instagram was noticed by Tyra Banks and invited her to the show "America's Next Top Model". Despite the fact that Winnie did not win, taking only 5th place, she acquired an impressive number of fans and received many offers from eminent figures in the fashion world. Now Winnie Harlow is a famous model and official representative Spanish brand Desigual, specializing in the production of clothing.

Claudia Diop

As a child, Claudia Diop was often teased because of her unusually dark skin. Then the peers of the future star did not even suspect that it was her color that would make the victim of ridicule a celebrity. A 19-year-old Senegalese girl with an unusual appearance was noticed by representatives of one of the modeling agencies and immediately offered a job. Now Claudia, who has overcome many trials on her way to success, has about half a million followers on Instagram, whom she encourages to always be herself.

Nikia Phoenix

For the first time, Nikiya received an offer to work as a model, just by going to a cafe for a cup of coffee. A girl with swarthy skin and a myriad of freckles instantly attracted the attention of others. Her unique appearance made her famous. Surely Nikiya will be remembered by everyone who has ever seen an advertisement for Coca-Cola.

Stephen Thompson

In fact, this American guy never planned to pursue a career in the modeling business. Stephen lived an ordinary life until one day he met a photographer whose appearance young man just stunned. He convinced the guy to take some pictures. Later they appeared in the magazine that gave Stephen Thompson worldwide fame. Now he appears on the pages of fashion publications with enviable constancy, and famous brands dream of getting a model with an unusual appearance. In 2011, Stephen Thompson became the face of the Givenchy fashion house.

Ava Clark

Ava is a truly unique girl. At the age of 9, she has already become a real star, has acquired countless fans and graced the pages of such eminent publications as Vogue, VIP and Denim. An albino African-American girl was born with incredibly fair skin, greenish-blue eyes, pink lips and gorgeous curly snow-white hair. Ava looks really unusual, but at the same time absolutely stunning!

Lola Chuil

Lola has only made 39 posts on Instagram, but she already has about half a million followers! The girl is just a student high school, however, it is hard to believe that modeling agencies have not yet paid attention to her. However, Lola's fans are convinced that she has a bright future, because she looks so much like Naomi Campbell. Lola herself continues to study diligently and from time to time delight subscribers with new posts.

Cooper Thompson

Australian from Sydney Cooper Thompson really did not plan to become a model. Before starting a career in fashion, the young man fought off photographers and representatives of modeling agencies for several years. After the first photo shoot, he immediately signed a contract with Chic Model Management. Cooper Thompson has a special beauty. Sometimes it's hard to believe that he is a living person and not a Greek statue. Cooper's pale skin and blond curly hair only add to the charm of his amazing appearance.

Nastya Zhidkova

21-year-old Nastya Zhidkova changed the idea of ​​​​beauty in Russian world fashion. Fans consider her the most charming albino in the world. However, Nastya is not only a model, but also a talented singer. A girl with a slightly otherworldly, almost magical look willingly shares her work on the Web.

Connie Chiu

Connie is originally from Hong Kong, although she spent her youth in Sweden studying art and journalism. In her family, she was the only child born with albinism. Perhaps, initially this feature was a shock for the parents and Connie herself, but later it was the skin that made the girl successful and famous. She started modeling at the age of 24 and later became a jazz singer. Connie's talents, combined with her original appearance - that's the secret of her success!

Beauty is so multifaceted that it is foolish to try to put it in a certain framework. In addition, it is more interesting to admire a non-standard appearance, outside the canons of modernity, especially one that has its own zest.

Some of the girls we selected managed to achieve fame not only on the Internet, but also in the modeling business.

The incredible dark skin of the girl, combined with neat facial features, makes her appearance unique and at the same time very romantic and doll-like.

Maria Oz

Director from Russia with huge eyes. So far, Maria is known in narrow circles, but the popularity of the girl in social networks is growing every day.

Previously, back in school, she was teased for her appearance, but now those bottomless green-blue eyes have become her hallmark.

Tando Hopa

At the moment, this snow-white girl from South Africa is one of the most beautiful African-American albino models.

Katya Miro

Russian fashion model with amazing sapphire eyes. There is no photoshop here, the girl really has such an unusual “precious” eye color.

Winnie Harlow

Black model with unique skin. Winnie has already managed to gain authority and respect in the world of high fashion. She often appears at the shows of famous couturiers, is removed for gloss, leads an active life and is in no hurry to get rid of the consequences of her disease (vitiligo).

Masha Telna

Ukrainian top model with huge eyes. Masha has long conquered the world of high fashion, showing by her example that a non-standard appearance can sometimes be the key to success.


Black model with blue eyes from Gambia. How rare is the combination of light eyes and black skin, even rarer when the owner of these data is so beautiful.

Melvin is not very popular yet, but the world is unlikely to be able to pass by such an appearance, so we will still hear about her.

Amara Vader

Red-haired beauty from California. Of course, there are a lot of red ones in the world, but there are about a dozen of such charming, fragile, with plump lips and curly, fiery red hair.

Lily Cole

American actress and model with a doll appearance. Lily has long been known to the whole world, but we never cease to be amazed at her amazing appearance. She is like a porcelain doll in which it is a sin to change something.

Sara McDaniel

Heterochromia is not uncommon, but having one blue and one yellow eye is uncommon. And this American model also has very large eyes.

Dasha Milko

Russian snub-nosed fashion model. Charming and perky Dasha is increasingly gaining popularity in the Runet.

Swanti Paulina

Freckled beauty from Germany. And this girl turned her flaw into a real trend, now her freckles are considered almost a model of ideal freckles.

Lola Chuil

America's darkest internet model. Her amazing skin is like velvet black agate, and in addition to this zest, the girl also has a beautiful appearance.


Model with chic cheekbones from Tibet. You can say briefly about her: a non-standard Asian, but it is these chic cheekbones and cups, like those of the painted Pocahontas, that will surely provide her with a future in the modeling business.

Nuaneya Lebajoya

Black beauty designer from Cuba. Shining eyes and a neat model appearance have made Nuanea one of the most popular bloggers in the world.

Laura O'Grady

Because of the protruding ears, Laura suffered all her youth, enduring ridicule, but now her ears are the hallmark of the girl.

Daphne Groeneveld

This Dutch model is famous for her large facial features, awkward individually, but together creating a cute and unusual appearance.

Sherrell Neil

This sultry Brit has the perfect mulatto look, and her highlight is her lovely curly hair.

Damaris Goddry

Popular on Instagram, the model makes good use of its advantages - authenticity and beautiful expressive features.

Delia Martins

Delia is the fruit of the love of a Dutchman and a Nigerian. Mixing blood gave this girl unique data, her amazing heavenly eyes and lush African hair.

Kelly Mittendorf

This girl has a very courageous appearance, severe, but meanwhile attractive.

Lindsay Wixon

Her puppet appearance would not be unusual if it were not for the original sponge-bows.

In addition, Lindsay's smile is also unusual due to a small gap.

Chynara Pratova

The beauty from Kyrgyzstan impresses with her simple, but at the same time unique Asian beauty.

Nastya Zhidkova

This beauty is one of the most famous Russian albino models.

Amara La Negra

Of course, Amara is very beautiful, but her main highlight is her voluminous Afro hairstyle.

Megan Collison

The unusual masculine appearance of this Canadian model gave her a ticket to the world of high fashion.

Megan has long been considered professional model and presents the work of the best fashion houses.

Connie Chiu

An albino Asian is always interesting, especially if she is as beautiful as Connie.

Lotte Zuyema

The beauty of this girl is on the verge of ugliness, but that is what attracts her. Especially her cute and abundant freckles.

Ayaulym Shalkar

In Asians, it is quite rare to find clear eyes, even less often this is manifested in Kazakh women. So Ayaulym with her green eyes is really worthy of our rating.

Laura Lind

The beautiful thin Asian model is increasingly winning the hearts of followers on the Internet.

If our editors missed or forgot someone, indicate this in the comments and we will definitely make corrections the next time the rating is updated!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Just a few years ago, a girl with imperfect facial proportions could not be imagined as a model. But today everything is different: fashion photographers are increasingly choosing models with a memorable appearance.

website reminds: do not worry about the imperfections of your face, because they make our appearance unique. These girls do just that, and now they are one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Daphne Groeneveld

Daphne is the face of Dior Addict perfume, she also shoots for brands Calvin Klein, Dior, Miu Miu, Gucci and Prada. In 2011, the girl was awarded the title of "Best Dutch Model" at the Marie Claire Fashion Awards.

Julia Zimmer

The face of this model of German origin combines delicate and coarse features, which gives her a special charm. Today, Julia collaborates with Vivienne Westwood and Prada and, apparently, we will hear more about her in a couple of years.

Liza Ostanina

Lisa is a young model from Izhevsk. When a representative of the world-famous modeling agency wrote to her and invited her to work, she did not believe it, because she never considered herself pretty. But it all ended with the fact that already at the age of 15, Lisa left to work in Japan and continues to conquer the fashion capitals of the world.

Issa Lish

The model is half Mexican, half Japanese. She became famous for her angular, androgynous and even slightly alien features. Issa studied at the Faculty of Art History and was going to be a sculptor, but life turned out differently. By the way, this model has a rather non-trivial and psychedelic instagram.

Laura O'Grady

As a child, Laura was teased for her large protruding ears, but she says it never occurred to her to get rid of this feature with surgery. The girl has already managed to make a brilliant modeling career.

Sierra Sky

The appearance of the girl is often compared with the appearance of the heroines from the paintings of the Renaissance: wavy long hair, an oval face, barely noticeable eyebrows, sensual lips and a thin nose. Behind the unusual appearance is hidden interesting person- Sierra is fond of literature, writes prose and poetry.

Magdalena Frakowiak

One of the most famous models in Poland. The main highlight of her appearance was high cheekbones and an unusual oval face. Magdalena collaborated with Karl Lagerfeld, and French Vogue included her in the top 30 models of the 2000s.

Damaris Goddry

The Belgian with Latin American roots is equally good at both feminine looks and unisex looks. Vogue Italia and Garage Magazine are already working with the girl, and the tabloids write that she has a great future ahead of her.

Lindsay Wixon

One of the most successful and promising models in the world is Lindsay Wixon. A very small mouth with full lips, a dimple in her chin and a gap between her teeth make her appearance childishly cute - you certainly cannot confuse her with anyone.

Alek Wek

When Alek was little, she and her parents had to flee to Europe from Sudan. In London, the girl was noticed by a representative of a modeling agency. Now Alec is a successful model. It is impossible to look away from her - and all because of her perky smile and proud posture.

Kelly Mittendorf

It was the extravagant appearance that became Kelly's pass to Big world fashion. She is not shy about appearing ugly and loves bold looks, which is why fashion photographers love her. The images that Kelly embodies are mesmerizing.