Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How the dead are dressed in the morgue. I'm going to the morgue soon. Is it possible to mentally prepare for this? - How did you get used to the smell?

How the dead are dressed in the morgue. I'm going to the morgue soon. Is it possible to mentally prepare for this? - How did you get used to the smell?

This is not an exemplary autopsy, which is shown in kins, but typical of a provincial morgue, in which there is not even a refrigerator (it broke down a few years ago, they never bought a new one).

Here are the tools, in fact, in the travel bag. In the "marching" - because our expert is inter-district, one for three or four districts, which he wanders around two or three times a week, depending on the volume of incidents. Of all the props, we will need, basically, a scalpel, a saw, a rib knife and a ladle spoon (I don’t know how to scientifically call it), and also a “raspator” - something that looks like a rake with four curved teeth. There are no circular saws for the skull cap. GondouRussia, sir…

And here is our client: legs together, arms outstretched. The day before, he was found in his bed in the middle of a terrible srach, with a wound on his head. This, most often, does not mean anything: it’s always like this with drunks - it’s like they fought in the apartment for a week, and the owner looks like they fought with him. The usual condition of both the apartment and the owner, so - as they say, "an autopsy will show." For the sake of fairness, I will say that the “criminal” corpses belong mainly to the same contingent.
(By the way, if you came to this post from somewhere out of obscurity, then most likely you already understood what is described here. So it's not too late to turn back. I warned you).

The first stage is the opening of the skull. An incision is made from temple to temple with a scalpel, from which the skin is shifted to the eyebrows and to the back of the head with a raspator. Cynics will immediately remember the anecdote about Little Red Riding Hood, who wore her wolf-skin headdress ... er, with fur inside ...

Sawing the skull cover: incisions from the temples through the frontal and parietal parts. A lenticular hole should form. The lid of the skull is removed with the help of a rasp, and I still can't get used to the sound it makes. Unfortunately, I could not convert it from the internal format of the voice recorder on the mobile to a regular wav, otherwise I would have posted it too.

…that should be the result. A saw is visible in the background, it is made of some soft grades of metal, and so that it does not bend in the process, there is a special “stiffening rib” in the form of a bent plate that fixes the saw blade itself. Our soft saw blunts, unfortunately, quickly, and even this cut was made by it in a blunt state ... There were no traces of a craniocerebral injury on the brain, that is, the wound on the head was superficial. Traces of a hematoma look like blood clots on the surface of the brain (and the hematoma itself, in fact, is a hemorrhage in the brain membrane). With a traumatic brain injury, death occurs from squeezing the brain with hematomas. Well, since there is nothing on the brain (the red spot in the picture is just a blot of blood), we put it aside for the time being and start with the liver.

... We make an incision in the center of the chest, and then, using a scalpel, we push the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles apart.

... We take out the intestines and set aside.

Then - with a ladle we take urine from the cut bladder for analysis. Cynics will probably now remember the joke about the waiter in the restaurant with a string sticking out of his fly and a "spoon" on his belt. Urine (as well as blood) goes to expert chemists, by the content of alcohol in them it is possible to determine whether the subject abused alcohol before death, and how evil he used it.

Then, with a rib knife, we make cuts in the ribs on both sides of the sternum, and remove the cut out. Access to the lungs is open. By the way, in the middle of the chest on the ribs there is a noticeable red spot. This is no longer a blot, in this place the rib can be broken.

... And here, in fact, are the lungs - along with other internal organs, except for the intestines, which we took out earlier.

This is how we determine if the ribs are broken - they just need to be separated from each other and shake a little. That rib, which seemed to be broken, was actually intact, there was just a hemorrhage. But the lowest of those that are visible in the picture, the ninth one, is indeed broken. It most often falls under the kneading during fights or falls.

And this (I specifically asked to be shown) is the inner wall of the opened aorta. Judging by her perfect condition, the deceased was not a fool to drink. The cardiovascular system of alcoholics is always in excellent condition, and they practically do not get sick with the corresponding diseases. True, in the final stages of alcoholism there are some changes in the heart. Which, by the way, we will now look at ...

... And let's make sure that in our case alcoholism has not gone far: it is also like that of a baby. And it looks so strange because it was cut with a scalpel: you have to look for bodily injuries.

Now the buds are opening...

...and the liver. Here the liver let us down: it is unnaturally light. This is also a sign of alcoholism: a normal liver is much darker, almost brown.

By the way, this is the same spoon that was used to take urine for analysis.

And this is how they take away pieces of internal organs. They will go to expert histologists. Histological examination determines damage to organs and the time of death - more accurately than can be done at autopsy.

Now it remains only to return everything that was taken to its original place. Within the margin of error, of course.

... And shred the brain left at last. He is also clean, without hemorrhages. In short, nothing fatal other than a broken rib and a superficial wound on the skull was found. The primary diagnosis was alcohol intoxication. Histologists, perhaps, will find something else, but it will be at least ten days later (corrected for Russian conditions - in a month: histologists are sitting in the regional center, where vials with analyzes must still be taken).

If you stick the brain in place, in the skull, then the head will begin to leak in the heat. So the brain goes to the chest. Sometimes the clothes of the deceased are also placed there, if there is room left so that the chest does not bulge too much. But not now.

Well, everything, now it remains only to sew up the deceased, and stuff him with formalin. Formalin is pumped with a conventional ten-cc syringe. I no longer filmed this part of the process: there was no time.

The photo report and comments to it are intended solely to satisfy curiosity. You can also use them as a visual aid in lectures on the dangers (or benefits) of alcohol, to rid teenagers of suicidal moods, advice from detective writers, and the like.

the end

Today in class we watched a video of a forensic medical examination of a corpse (popularly, an autopsy). An hour and a half.
After the movie, the pictures are somehow not at all impressive.

Copyright is not worth it, because did not find the source.
If the authorship of photos and text belongs to you - let me know.

The purpose of basic preparation for burial is to bring the body into a state in which identification, farewell, photography and burial are possible.

The basic training includes, in fact, work with the body, putting on clothes, positioning in the coffin, decorating the coffin and taking the coffin to the hall for farewell.
Embalming, hairdressing, make-up services, imitation of missing parts of the body and face are additional services.

Stages of basic training

Basic body preparation includes several main steps:

The first stage is the preparation of the body

If there is no need to open - washing

The way the body arrives in the sea is influenced by the nature of death and previous illnesses. In addition, after death, there is a natural relaxation of all the sphincters of the body. Therefore, a corpse that has arrived at the morgue, as a rule, is already stained in feces or vomit. If death occurred outside the home, or through exposure to traumatic factors, there may also be blood or soil on the body of the deceased.

The cost of washing depends on the condition in which the body arrived.

If an autopsy is scheduled, it is performed after washing.

Removal of natural fluids and bloating

About 3.5 kg of bacteria live in a natural symbiosis in the human body. The process of their vital activity is accompanied by the release of gases, which during the life of a person are removed from the body in a natural way, and after death they accumulate in the intestines. It is impossible to remove gases by pressing on the abdomen, since the sphincters do not function. This is done by making holes.

Remains of food and stool must be removed from the body to avoid re-bloating.

Packing of natural openings

After death, fluids leak. To avoid this, swabs moistened with a special composition that has bactericidal properties and prevents the decomposition process are introduced into all natural openings.

Body treatment for disinfection

Immediately after the termination of the vital activity of the organism - i.e. when the supply of oxygen to the tissues stops, the process of decomposition begins. Any violation of the skin of the body - wounds, cuts, ulcers, erysipelas - contributes to the activation of decomposition processes after death. Almost all older people have erysipelas on the body, especially on the legs.

In order to slow down decomposition and prevent the spread of a possible infection, the body of the deceased is treated with a bactericidal composition after washing.

Washing head

Since fluids leak after death, in particular from the nose and ears, when the body is transported to the morgue, the head is wrapped in polyethylene. The scalp of the deceased, therefore, in any case needs to be treated by washing and applying a disinfectant composition.

Eliminate odors

In many cases, for example, if the body did not arrive at the mortuary immediately, or if the deceased was obese, decomposition occurs very quickly, and washing is not enough. In this case, after all preliminary procedures, additional body treatment measures are resorted to in order to neutralize unpleasant odors.

The second stage - preliminary preparation of the face
(without makeup and other cosmetics)

eye closure

Even if the eyes of the deceased are closed immediately, there is a chance that they will open this happens due to the relaxation of the muscles of the eyelids. In addition, sagging of the eyelids is quite common. To solve these problems, mortuary specialists use not only mechanical closing of the eyes, but also tamponing. Sometimes it is advisable to use plastic inlays to give the face of the deceased a more natural look.

Jaw fixation

To fix the jaw in morgues, the method of tamponing of the hyoid bone is used. Contrary to popular belief, one should not tie the jaw of the deceased at home with the help of improvised means, as this may contribute to the formation of a furrow on the chin; the jaw can then re-open.

Treatment of the face with a special solution

It is especially important to prevent the appearance of signs of decomposition on the face of the deceased. The basic treatment includes wiping the face of the deceased with a disinfectant solution.

It should be noted that in some cases it may be necessary to resort to additional procedures - washing out cadaveric stains and the osmotic (surface) method of preservation, which consists in applying an embalming composition or applying makeup.

The third stage - the vestment of the deceased

The complexity of this stage is obvious even to non-professionals: the body of the deceased loses its flexibility. The peculiarity of this stage is that the size of clothes for the deceased should be larger than he wore during his lifetime. Morgue workers warn relatives, but are not always heard.

The fourth stage - the position of the body in the coffin

When positioning the body in the coffin, it is necessary to give it a natural pose. This is not always easy: the curvatures of the spine, which are not very noticeable during life, do not allow the body to straighten, and the contracture of the tendons (shortening and drying out) prevents the extension of the limbs.
After giving a natural posture, fix the head and hands of the deceased.

Fifth stage - decoration of the coffin

The decoration of the coffin consists in laying ritual accessories in it and decorating it with flowers. In addition, mortuary workers are often faced with requests from relatives to put items of personal significance to the deceased in the coffin: jewelry, cigarettes, and so on.

The complexity of the work being done depends on many factors:

  • how much time elapsed between the moment of death and the placement of the body in the morgue
  • in what position and in what temperature conditions did the corpse stay before entering the morgue
  • nature of death: the presence or absence of injuries on the body (bruises, wounds, bedsores, erysipelas, venous network)
  • the age of the deceased and his disease during life
  • the constitution of the deceased

If there are injuries on the body of the deceased (bedsores, putrefactive changes, visible wounds or bluing on the face and hands), the necessary procedures for their elimination may be added to the first stage:

  • camouflage (done with make-up)
  • injection preservation (treatment of foci of inflammation with formaldehyde)

Services of the mortuary and commercial pathological organizations

If the morgue is state-owned, the employees of the morgue (pathological and anatomical bureau) provide basic services: orderlies, pathologists.

Embalming services and other additional services can be provided both by employees of the state mortuary (if additional services are included in the price list of the state mortuary), and by employees of related commercial organizations that often rent premises in the morgue for additional services: embalmer, make-up artist-thanatocosmetologist, hairdresser – by agreement with relatives in accordance with the price list of this organization.

In order not to incur unnecessary expenses, relatives and organizers of the funeral process should distinguish between basic and additional services, as well as which organization provides them.

The cost of basic preparation of the body for burial

# Name of servicePrice
1 Preparation before dressing the body of the deceased (deceased) without visible damage: washing the body, plugging the natural openings, sanitizing the body with a disinfectant solution, washing the head, removing cadaveric odors with perfumesfrom 1650 rub.
2 Dressing the body of the deceased (deceased) in the provided things: mechanical extension of the limbs, dressing the body in clothesfrom 920 rub.
3 Work with the body of the deceased (deceased) in the coffin: laying the body in the coffin, giving the body a natural posture, fixing the head and handsfrom 670 rub.
4 Arrangement of ritual accessories in the coffin: placing ritual accessories and church attributes in the coffin with the body, decorating the coffin with flowersfrom 270 rub.
5 Chemical-reactive mask on the face of the deceased to maintain the elasticity and integrity of the skinfrom 1440 rub.
6 Services for the preparation of the body of the deceased (deceased) after anatomy, with damage (pressure sores, putrefactive changes, etc.)from 2290 rub.
7 Hairdressing services (combing, styling, shaving)from 600 rubles
8 Preparing the face for applying makeup: closing the eyes, mouth (fixation if necessary), processing the soft tissues of the face with a special solutionfrom 190 rub.
9 Cosmetic services: face tinting with fat-containing cosmetics to give the skin of the face a color close to natural, individual make-up, applying decorative cosmetics (by prior agreement with the person organizing the burial)from 1920 rub.
10 Covering the seams on the body after opening with adhesive materialfrom 600 rubles
11 Removal of the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) from the mourning hall and placing it in the ritual transportfrom 1000 rub.



For the truth, we turned to the head of morgue No. 8 - 54-year-old Alexander Barenfeld, the father of 5 children, who has been working as a pathologist since 1984.

By the way, Alexander Ilyich is exactly the kind of doctor they are shown in popular TV shows - kind, smiling and with a great sense of humor. Therefore, without any embarrassment, we asked him even the most ridiculous questions.

Let's immediately go through the "myths" of the morgue, which are popular among the people of Kiev. Tell me, do they ask you for human skulls? They are said to be popular with all sorts of Satanists and medical students...

They don't, to be honest. But we wouldn't. How can I give the body to relatives, if it was with a skull, and now without? It's awkward somehow.

- And, for example, hair? There is a rumor that hair for wigs and extensions is cut from the dead.

Personally, I was not asked. Although I admit that it is quite possible. In my practice, it happened that they asked for all sorts of shamanic attributes. You know, women came here, they say, "my husband drinks, give me some water from the corpse, I'll pour it into his borscht." True, it was back in the nineties, now such things are already unfashionable.

"Corpse Pool - True"

- They also say that you have a special pool, where for some reason corpses swim. It's true?

It's true. Only this is not with us, but in morgues at medical universities. There, the bodies are kept in a formalin solution and they are in such a special recess, like a pool.

- Is it true that the morgue smells terrible?

Are you smelling a terrible smell right now?

- I smell coffee with cognac.

Well. Let's go down to the basement and you'll see that it doesn't smell there either. There is a stench if the patient had, say, purulent peritonitis or if he had been lying in the room for a long time already dead.

A typical day for a pathologist

Can you tell me how a typical day for a pathologist goes? Have you watched Dexter? There is a man who does things similar to you, and so he fries himself scrambled eggs in the morning, bacon is there, fresh grapefruit, and then he goes and cuts people. What about you?

I didn't look. I love horror...

- Excuse me for interrupting, but are you scared of horror movies? Zombies are there, blood?

No, it's not scary at all. Very funny. So, I have everything the same - both scrambled eggs and juice, everything is like everyone else. Only now I want to clarify that "cutting people" is about thirty percent of the working time of a pathologist. The rest of the time, we cut what a person was previously cut out during surgery - for example, appendicitis or the uterus. This is to help the living first. Understand their diagnosis and treatment.

- Tell us, please, what incident do you remember the most? Did you cut anyone out of the ordinary?

I remember three years ago, when there was an epidemic of swine flu, I came across a patient with this same flu. According to the blood, it was calculated that he died precisely from the "pork" form of the virus. Last year there was a unique case - he opened a guy with rabies.

- And how long do you keep the body if no one comes for it?

Unclaimed - three days. Then we hand it over to the police. By the way, no matter how they complain about our police, they almost always establish the identity of the deceased. They do a great job on this.

- Did it happen that your patients rebelled?

Unfortunately no. If a person dies, it is usually permanent.

- Are you a believer? Do you think there is life after death?

No. There can only be one answer.

- So it ends like this, on a gurney in your basement?

- By the way, what kind of burial do you advocate - for a "classic" funeral or cremation?

I'm all for cremation. Especially in the city.

About the salary and the brain of a blonde

- Alexander Ilyich, and if it's not a secret, what is your salary?

With all my regalia, it turns out to be about two and a half thousand. Hryvnia.

Not a lot ... I also have a question about a sore point, so to speak. Please tell me, is the brain of a blonde different from the brain of an ordinary person?

Good question. You know not. The appearance of the brain, like its mass, does not affect a person's aikyu in any way - this is a long-proven fact.

And lastly, is it true that mortuary staff can eat a sandwich right over an autopsied corpse? And have you ever found unusual objects in your "patients"?

Oh, these cinematic stereotypes to me ... I'm talking about when a doctor with a chicken leg in his hand examines the insides of a patient - this only happens in the movies. In fact, we are normal people, we have a separate room for a meal. But as for the objects inside the patient - this happens, what can we hide. We sometimes find forgotten medical instruments somewhere in the abdominal cavity.

An autopsy after death is a medical surgical procedure that has always raised many questions, prejudices and disagreements. Religious, social and cultural rules of a certain category of citizens often conflict with existing legal norms, which de facto provide for the autopsy of all the dead. Legal documents clearly define all legal aspects related to the death of a person, and the right of relatives to refuse the services of a pathologist.

Indications for mandatory autopsy

In order to find out what the true cause of death is, an autopsy is performed by doctors in thanatological departments of medical institutions, which have a simpler and more familiar name - morgues. There are two types of autopsy (autopsy): pathoanatomical and forensic. The difference between them lies in the fact that a forensic medical examination is appointed at the request of law enforcement agencies and is performed by a forensic physician. In addition to diagnosing the disease from which the person died, the medical examiner determines the signs of violent death, the degree and nature of the injuries that turned out to be incompatible with life.

According to the provisions of the legislative framework in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, an autopsy of the body after death is carried out to study the state of the body and obtain data on the cause of death of a person. The essence of an autopsy is to conduct a pathoanatomical study, namely, an autopsy of the human body, the purpose of which is to determine the causes of death.

Thus, an autopsy is mandatory in such cases:

  • in case of suspicion of the death of a person from violent acts;
  • if there are difficulties and disagreements in making a final diagnosis;
  • if the deceased before death was in hospital for less than 24 hours or was discharged from the hospital no later than a month from the date of death;
  • when ascertaining the death of pregnant women, women in childbirth, a newborn child and children under the age of 28 days inclusive;
  • if the deceased had an infectious disease or had a tumor, the type of which was not confirmed by histological analysis;
  • during surgical interventions accompanied by blood transfusion;
  • if there is a corresponding indication of the deceased in the application (testament) or a written request of relatives;
  • upon detection of an unidentified person.

Reference. A referral for an autopsy after death is issued by a local therapist at the place of residence or a doctor (paramedic) of the ambulance team. If a person dies in a hospital, the referral is issued by the head of the department, on the inpatient form of which the patient was staying.

Legitimate reasons for refusing to open an autopsy

In the United States and some European countries, only 4-5% of the dead fall under post-mortem examinations. The initiators of the autopsy are the relatives of the deceased, when they have reasonable doubts about the effectiveness and quality of treatment. Forensic medical examination is applied only to corpses with clear criminal signs. In Russia, by default, all bodies of deceased people are subject to anatomy, so the autopsy rate is almost 90%. Is it necessary to perform an autopsy after death, and are there legal provisions that provide this right?

If the natural cause of death is recorded by the health worker, an autopsy may not be performed if such a desire was voiced and stated in writing by the deceased during his lifetime. The basis for refusal is also a statement written by close relatives or official representatives of the deceased, who took upon themselves all the troubles for his burial. The application is written in free form and does not require mandatory certification by a notary. In it, the applicant indicates the passport data (his own and the deceased), the reason for the refusal and confirms the absence of any claims against the medical staff. A notarized copy of the will is attached to the application, if it mentions the will of the deceased to refuse the autopsy.

The religious beliefs of believers are also the motive for refusing the services of a pathologist. Muslims, Jews, representatives of some Christian denominations do not accept procedures in their funeral rites that affect the body of the deceased. Moreover, according to Islamic tradition, the burial should take place on the day that became the last in a person’s life. How to refuse an autopsy after death, for such a category of citizens, becomes a particularly relevant and urgent problem.

The decision to issue a corpse without a post-mortem examination is made by the head doctor of the hospital or his deputy for medical work. After the body has been placed in the morgue, relatives have three days to file an application. This period is due to the fact that the autopsy is performed within three days from the moment of ascertaining the biological death of a person.

Whether an autopsy is performed after death depends on many factors. Most likely, the management of the morgue will make concessions and make a positive decision regarding the refusal of the anatomy procedure in the case of:

  • the deceased was ill, had an accurate clinical diagnosis and died in the hospital;
  • death occurred from a long, chronic illness recorded in the outpatient card;
  • the deceased was at the doctor's office two weeks ago;
  • the cause of death is a malignant tumor, confirmed by intravital histology results;
  • there are no mandatory legal prerequisites for an autopsy (violent or sudden death, young age, etc.).

Important! The fact that the body was admitted to the forensic morgue means that an autopsy after death is mandatory, and refusal is impossible.

Opening process - order and procedure

Together with the body, it is necessary to send medical documentation to the morgue, from which the pathologist learns about the clinical diagnosis of the disease and the methods of therapy used during life. The law allows relatives in a direct line, as well as the legal representatives of the deceased, to invite the attending physician or any other specialist of the medical institution in which the patient was at the time of death to participate in the anatomy.

How a person is autopsied after death depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the result of the examination of the organs. Regardless of the type of skin incision, the following stages of the pathoanatomical examination are provided:

  • external examination of the body;
  • incision and dissection of the abdominal and chest cavity, skull;
  • extraction, opening and study of internal organs, surgical sutures, vessels;
  • taking biological material (pieces of tissues and organs) for microscopic examination in accordance with medical indicators;
  • sewing up incisions, washing and dressing the body.

In the process of work, the pathologist can change the order and methods of examining internal organs. Such a need is dictated by the type of painful abnormalities in the body of the deceased, the complexity of operational penetration and the need to obtain additional scientific information. No incisions are made on open parts of the body.

The final stage in paperwork

An autopsy at death makes it possible to compare the results of a pathoanatomical study of the state of the body in its final stage with a clinical lifelong diagnosis. Such a medical procedure makes it possible to identify hereditary ailments, determine the type of underlying disease, its complications, treatment defects and the reason why a person's life was interrupted.

All information is recorded in the pathoanatomical protocol, a copy of which is placed in the medical record of the deceased and returned to the medical institution that issued the direction for the autopsy. Refusal to autopsy after death is also displayed in the card, the basis for it is a written instruction from the head physician with a justification for the reason for the cancellation.

The conclusion (medical certificate of death) and the body of the deceased are issued to relatives or persons organizing the burial. In case of disagreement of the latter with the results of the autopsy, the document can be appealed in court.

Important! A medical death certificate is issued only by a pathologist. In Moscow, regardless of the circumstances of death, all the bodies of the dead are sent to the morgue.

Refusal or autopsy of a person after death, sequence of actions

Object of appeal Document type
1. District therapist (daytime working hours),
ambulance team (night, holidays, weekends)
death certificate form
Direction to the morgue
2. Police
Court medical expert
body examination protocol
3. Mortuary Autopsy/Non-Autopsy Protocol
Medical death certificate

Deciding whether an autopsy is mandatory after death can be difficult for both relatives of the deceased and physicians. For some, this is additional finance, time, a moral aspect, for others, the need to dispel suspicions by establishing the exact cause of death. If there is any doubt about the circumstances of the death of a person, law enforcement officials will decide on the need for an autopsy procedure. This practice allows avoiding errors in the final diagnosis of the disease that caused death, as well as eliminating the criminal component.


No sooner had two scandals subsided in Russia, in the center of which were forensic experts - “the case of a drunken boy” and “the case of Dr. Misyurina”, - shocking news again appeared, the main character of which was a mortuary employee. The other day, during the investigation of the mysterious murder of Oksana Aplekaeva, a participant in the Dom-2 program, a new fact surfaced - the girl was raped not only before, but also after her death. Again, a forensic medical examiner, an employee of one of the morgues near Moscow, confessed to desecrating the corpse. What the hell is going on in those morgues?!

Love on a coffin

The murder of Oksana Aplekaeva happened 10 years ago. However, worries the minds so far. And because we are talking about the star of the scandalous reality show "Dom-2", whose participants have been dying one after another in recent years. And because the death of this girl turned out to be very mysterious.

Global Look Press/Russian Look/Natalya Loginova

Oksana Aplekaeva

In 2008, Oksana, who became famous on the set of the scandalous show, disappeared during the Crocus Expo Moscow International Salon that took place in those days, where she worked as a model. A few days later, her corpse was found on the Moscow-Riga highway. The investigation immediately established that before the girl was killed, she was severely beaten and abused several times. However, the investigation of the murder did not go further than this. Rumors about this case went on for a long time and different: among them was a lover who was rejected and lost his head from this, and a secret party at which Oksana could become a witness to criminal events, which is why they decided to remove her. However, none of the versions was confirmed. The case was closed "due to the impossibility of identifying persons subject to criminal liability." And now, 10 years later, it has surfaced again. This happened when, some time ago, investigators decided to re-examine the seized samples using the latest technology. Suddenly, the examination revealed something that no one expected: Oksana was raped not only before, but also after her death. And it immediately became known who did this after. It turned out that the samples of the discovered biomaterial belonged to Alexander A., ​​a forensic expert who had worked for 12 years in the morgue near Moscow, where Oksana's body was kept. By the way, under the onslaught of evidence, the accused already confessed to everything and was fired from his job.

Just fired. Whereas in Europe or America, a pervert would have received a rather long sentence for such a crime. As, for example, in 2007 it was received by a 24-year-old New Yorker, an employee of the mortuary at Holy Name Hospital. Colleagues caught him during sexual intercourse with the corpse of a woman. Subsequently, the court awarded the necrophile a 10-year sentence.

To the morgue of bones

Of course, anyone who hears such news can actually become frightened. However, in fact, if there is crime in the morgue, it lies in a completely different area.

What's going on in the morgue?

TASS/AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky)

An autopsy performed by a pathologist; determination of the cause of death, which is handled by a forensic expert; treatment with a bacteria-killing substance and formalin, which is carried out by laboratory assistants. Also indispensable employees of the mortuary are orderlies who wash and carry, dress and undress, embalm and preserve the corpses; medical registrars who make entries in the journals; make-up artists who comb the dead and with the help of special cosmetics bring them into proper form.

That's all the latest chores. But without them, nowhere. This, according to experts, is the main catch.

I would not blame the mortuary workers for anything at all .. - The mafia is much more serious today - funeral homes. That's where the "dead money" flows like a river. Another thing is that, of course, these people have their own connections with everyone - with the police, and with the doctors, and with the mortuary staff. It's true. And this business is very profitable. Just because he stands on the fact that a person who has lost a loved one will not bargain, will give the last. And these guys will not be ashamed, they will take it.

By the way, experts have been talking about the same thing for a long time. In their opinion, the main problem in this area is that information about the death of people in Russia today is very widely sold and bought. Of course, morgues are also involved in this process. And so it turns out that for one deceased in Russia today there are several agents. And the entire funeral market is overloaded with intermediaries, which entails not healthy competition, but competition of corruption opportunities. The main task is to “roll the check”.

Myths and death

In the meantime, until the funeral business as a whole is put in order, there is nothing surprising in the fact that frightening situations and simply myths are accumulating around morgues. Which, however, is not surprising - such a topic.

Myth No. 1. Orderlies sell water, which is used to wash the dead, to magicians and fortune-tellers.

No. But mortuary workers have certain traditions. For example, there is a tradition to collect items found in the pockets of the dead: lighters, coins, etc. In perestroika, they say, the contents of these pockets were often very rich - in this way, relatives of the deceased tried to appease the orderlies.

Myth No. 2. Mortuary employees sell the organs of the dead for transplantation.

No. Organs for transplantation are harvested while the heart is still beating. 20 minutes after the heart stops, irreversible changes occur in the cells, and such organs, according to transplantologists, become useless material.

Myth No. 3. All morgues in Moscow specialize in "their" dead. Hanging men, drowned and with stab wounds are taken to Izmailovo, blown up - to Baumanskaya, completely rotten - to Vernadsky Avenue.

No. But in the 1990s, there really was a “special” morgue in Moscow, where bandits with firearms were taken. According to legend, it was opened after the “brothers” personally turned to the chief forensic expert in Moscow with a request to open one. Simply because "we are tired of looking for our people all over the city."