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» How to determine the gender of common nouns. Category of gender of nouns. What are the neuter words? Examples

How to determine the gender of common nouns. Category of gender of nouns. What are the neuter words? Examples

In this lesson, you will learn what types of nouns are, practice determining the gender of nouns in the singular and plural, and observe the gender endings of nouns. Why is gender a constant feature of nouns? Which nouns cannot be gendered? Are there common nouns? You can get answers to these questions in class.


Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, once divided all things and beings into three classes - masculine, feminine, and "material" (or "material"). They deified many objects, giving them a feminine or masculine gender.

For example, the word child - material kind among the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to own personal property. (V. Volina)

Do you know that there are languages ​​in whichNouns have no gender. These are English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

There are languages ​​in which nouns only havetwo kinds. These are French, Spanish, Italian.

There are languages ​​in whichthere are many more genders than in our language.

For example, in many languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus and Africa there can be up to 40 genders. They are called “classes” there. (N. Betenkova)

Lesson topic: “Gender of nouns. Gender endings of nouns."

How to find out the gender of nouns

Read the nouns. Which ones are called men and which ones are women?

Grandfather, mother, sister, father, grandmother, son, brother, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

In Russian, nouns are masculine and feminine. What kind of words did we write in each column?





great grandfather


These are masculine words, since you can substitute the word He.

These are feminine words, since you can substitute the word she.

What word can be substituted for these words?

Wheel, hollow, insect, towel - IT. These are neuter words.

Nouns There are masculine, feminine and neuter genders. The gender of nouns is determined by substituting pronouns.

To nouns male you can substitute words he is mine.

To nouns female you can substitute words She is mine.

To nouns neuter you can substitute words it's mine.

Determining the gender of nouns in the plural

If it is necessary to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form. The initial form of a noun answers the questions who? What?

The cranes have flown away

And the rooks are already far away.

We didn’t have time to look back,

Blizzards stirred up the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

Cranes- plural, initial form - who? crane, he, m.r.

Rooks- plural, initial form - who? rook, he, m.r.

Blizzards- plural, beginning form - what? blizzard, she, f.r.

Snow- in units, beginning form - what? snow, he, m.r.

Why is gender a constant feature of nouns?

If a noun is, for example, feminine, can it be masculine or neuter?

Nouns are already born with masculine, feminine or neuter words. They do not change by birth. This is why gender is a constant feature of nouns.


Sketched by the sky

White snowdrifts.

The sun burned them out

Doors and windows.(I. Zagraevskaya)

March- he, m.r.

Sky- it, s.r.

Snowdrifts- plural, beginning form - what? snowdrift, he, m.r.

Sun- it, s.r.

Doors- plural, beginning form - what? door, she, f.r.

Okonta- plural, beginning form - what? window, it, w.r.

Which nouns cannot be gendered?

Eyes, curlers, blinds, mustaches, sleds, skis, skates, vacations.

Eyes- What? eye, it, w.r.

Curlers, blinds

Mustache- What? mustache, he, m.r.

Sled- cannot be used in the singular.

Skis- What? ski, she, f.r.

Skates- What? horse, he, m.r.

Holidays- cannot be used in the singular.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.

For example, trousers, tongs, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, pincers, twilight.

Common nouns

Interesting nouns: orphan, smart girl, crybaby.

Smart girl- who can be praised with this word, a boy or a girl?

Compare: He was an orphan. She was an orphan.

These nouns, depending on specific circumstances, can act as masculine nouns (He was so smart!), then as feminine nouns(She was so smart!)

These are nouns of a general kind.

Let's pick some more common nouns: ringleader, fidgety, quiet, why, arrogant, sweet tooth.

Gender endings of nouns

What endings can nouns have in the masculine, feminine and neuter gender?

dad A

Slav A

uncle I

You I

daughter A

natures A

Dash A

tet I


movements e

fun e

belle e

Borodin O

lace O

canvas O

Complete the diagram: write the endings.

For nouns male more often endings -a, -i, and zero.

For nouns feminine endings -а, -я and zero.

For nouns Neuter endings -о, -е, -е.

(Some nouns ending -i, For example, dit I, flame I, time I ).

What do words have in common - masculine, feminine and neuter nouns?

In nouns masculine and feminine may have the same endings -a, -i, zero.

Is it possible to determine the gender of nouns only by the ending?

Solving a spelling problem at the end of nouns

Jam_, rainbow_, cave_, swamp_, clearing_, knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_.

Knowing the gender of the noun, substituting words it, she, you can solve a spelling problem at the end, write the letter of an unstressed vowel correctly.

Jam_ ono, ending -o,

rainbow_ ona, ending -a,

caves_ ona, ending -a,

swamps_ ono, ending -o,

glade_ ona, ending -a,

knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_ onό, ending -o.

Jam O, rainbow A, caves A, swamps O, glade A, knees O, wheel O, middle names O, lakes O.

How are borrowed words distributed by gender?

In Russian the word Sun- neuter.

In German the word Sun- feminine (“di zonne”).

The English just say "san" ( Sun), without attributing this noun to any of the existing genders.

The French Sun- masculine (“le soleil”).

In Spanish "el sol" Sun- male.

How are words distributed by gender that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

In russian language Borrowed words retain the gender they had in the foreign language.

This explains the fact that in modern Russian the words piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the masculine gender;

somersault, chassis, domino- to the neuter gender, and the word shawl- to the feminine gender.

Nouns borrowed from languages ​​that have no gender receive it in Russian: basketball, football(from English) - masculine.

We look for nouns, determine their gender

Check yourself. Find nouns and determine their gender.

Who wrote what?

Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay tablets. In the east, paper was replaced by ivory. Animal skin - parchment - was often used for writing. In Ancient Rus' they wrote on birch bark and birch bark.

paper- paper, liquid,

manuscripts- manuscript, journal,

on signs- plate, w.r.,

in the east- east, m.r.,

paper- paper, liquid,

bone- f.r.,

for writing- letter, s.r.,

skin- leather, f.r.,

animals- animal, s.r.,

parchment- m.r.,

in Rus' - Rus, zh.r.,

on the bark- bark, f.r.,

birch bark- birch bark - f.r.


I will remember the feminine gender

And I will say: “She is mine.”

And I will remember the masculine gender

And again I will say: “He is mine.”

The neuter gender is mine!

This is your rule!(E. Semyonova)

In the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form.

Nouns do not change by gender.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. For these nouns, select nouns that are close in meaning. Please indicate gender.

    Ring - ...

    Strengthening -…

    Border - …

    Bay - …

    Luck - …

    A curtain - …

    Duty - …

    Silence -…
    Words for reference: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, duty, ring, darkness, curtain, boundary.

  2. Read the text. Determine the gender of nouns.


    A large gorilla lives in the Prague Zoo. One morning the monkey suddenly fell ill. She refused to eat and moaned. The doctor decided that the animal had eaten too much. The gorilla was given medicine and left. The monkey recovered instantly. During the inspection, she pulled out a key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage for them and began to walk around the zoo.

  3. Read the text. Find the nouns and write them in 3 columns:

    m.r., f. R. , Wed R.

    Petya is dreaming.

    If only there was soap

    It came

    In the mornings to my bed

    And it would wash me itself -

    That would be nice!

    If, let's say,


    Gave me such a textbook

    So that he would

    I could do it myself

    Answer any lesson...

    If only I had a pen,

    So that I can solve the problem,

    Write any dictation... (B. Zakhoder)

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().

In Russian, nouns come in three genders: masculine (table, young man, agreement), female (wall, bird, night) and average (window, happiness, metro). Correctly determining the gender of nouns is necessary in order to correctly coordinate them with other members of the sentence in speech. In most cases, no difficulties arise: we know, for example, that combinations a taxi pulled up, a sore spot are correct, whereas the phrases a taxi pulled up, a sore callus– this is a gross violation of the morphological norms of the Russian language.

However, there are nouns for which determining gender can be difficult. Next, groups of such nouns are considered and rules for determining gender are given.

1. Indeclinable nouns How to correct: funny pony or funny pony, sweet kiwi or sweet kiwi, beautiful Tbilisi or beautiful Tbilisi

Indeclinable nouns are those that do not change by case, i.e. have no case endings and retain the same form in any case and number. Their gender is determined based on which thematic group the word belongs to.

1. Words denoting inanimate objects are mostly nouns neuter:city ​​taxi, elegant muffler, crystal sconce, ripe mango, dangerous tsunami etc. The exceptions to this group will be:

- words male: sirocco (dangerous sirocco), suluguni (delicious suluguni), tornado (destructive tornado)

- words female: avenue (first avenue), kohlrabi (fresh kohlrabi), salami (delicious salami).

A number of inanimate nouns have two gender forms: coffee - masculine and, as an acceptable option, neuter (tasty/delicious coffee); penalty – masculine and neuter (fair/fair penalty).

2 . Words denoting animals, birds, fish, insects, should be considered nouns male(funny chimpanzee, white cockatoo, kangaroo jumped). However, if a female animal is meant, then the name refers to the feminine gender (the kangaroo was carrying a baby in its bag). Remember the exceptions: nouns female are iwashi (delicious iwashi), colibri (colorful hummingbird), tsetse (dangerous tsetse).

    Language names(Hindi, Swahili, Bengali etc.) refer to masculine. Word Esperanto It is permissible to use both masculine and neuter gender ( famous/famous Esperanto).

    Geographical names belong to the same gender as common nouns denoting generic concepts (i.e. according to the gender of words city, river, mountain and so on.). For example: Sochi – this is a city, a word city masculine, therefore the word Sochi also masculine (sunny Sochi); Mississippi→ river→j.r. ( deep Mississippi).

    Names of newspapers, magazines, enterprises, organizations etc. belong to the same gender as common nouns denoting generic concepts ( newspaper, magazine, company and so on.). For example: "Daily World" - newspaper, word newspaper feminine, hence the name "Daily World" also feminine ( Daily World published); "Geo"→magazine→m.r. ( interesting "Geo").

    Most words for person(by profession, social status, etc.) are nouns male(even if we are talking about a woman): attaché (military attaché), croupier (experienced croupier), entertainer, maestro, rentier, referee and so on.

Words lady, miss,madam refer to feminine(young lady, pretty miss).

Nouns counterpart, incognito, protégé are bigeneric: the use of these words in the masculine or feminine gender depends on the gender of the person referred to (my vis-a-vis, my vis-a-vis).

Gender of nouns is a grammatical category, manifested in the ability to be combined with specific forms of compatible words. The category of gender can be expressed semantically (that is, in meaning, only for animate nouns), grammatically and syntactically. Semantically, all nouns are masculine, feminine and neuter. Words indicating animals and male persons are masculine (brother, grandfather, student, goose, rooster, horse); nouns naming animals and female persons (sister, grandmother, student, goose, chicken, horse) - to the feminine gender; animals and persons regardless of gender (bogeyman, monster, face (person), child) - to the neuter gender.

The gender of nouns is expressed grammatically by ending in the nominative case. This category of gender is characteristic of both animate and inanimate inflected nouns. In this case, in addition to the 3 main genera, a general genus is also distinguished. The differences between them are presented in the table:



Neuter gender

Common gender

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a hard consonant or -th (chair, hero);

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a soft consonant, and in the genitive case the endings are -a, -я (horse - horse, doctor - doctor, ivy - ivy).

The ending -a, -ya (hand, earth), except for words naming male persons (servant, governor) and words with the suffix -in, showing an augmentative subjective assessment (domina, mostina);

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a consonant, and in the genitive case the ending is -i (rye - rye, tish - tishi, notebook - notebooks).

Ending -o, -e (grain, sea);

The words child, monster, monster, face;

10 on -mya (tribe, time, name, banner, seed, stirrup, udder, crown, burden, flame);

Some indeclinable inanimate nouns of foreign origin (tabu, taxi, jury, stew, interview, bra).

The endings -a, -ya, in words naming male and female persons (sleepyhead, grumpy, dirty, bully, stutterer, couch potato, orphan, suck-up, roar, ignorant).

The gender of nouns can be determined syntactically by the form of the agreed word, which depends on the noun. Thus, participles and adjectives that agree with masculine nouns end in -y, -y, -oh (beautiful garden, singing boy, fighting soldier); with feminine nouns - in -aya, -aya (beautiful street, summer time); with neuter nouns - in -oe, -ee (beautiful sky, winter morning).

Also, the gender of nouns is determined using the ending of the predicate, expressed by a verb in the past tense in the subjunctive or indicative mood, or by a participle or Masculine gender - the predicate has a zero ending (the rain has passed, the plan has been completed); feminine - ending -a (the work is finished, the moon has risen); neuter - ending -o (the letter was received, the sun rose).

There are also Most of them belong to the neuter gender (depot, interview and all substantivized indeclinable nouns like “hello”, “hurray”, “yes”, “tomorrow”, “I don’t want”). The following cases are exceptions:

Ga (hectare), coffee, poppies, penalty, suluguni, sirocco, ecu, tornado, shimmy, as well as names of languages ​​(Bengali, Urdu, Suomi, Pashto, Hindi) are masculine;

Avenue, bere, salami, kohlrabi are feminine.

The gender of indeclinable nouns, such as newspapers, magazines, can be determined by the gender of the noun with the meaning of the generic concept (full-flowing Japanese (city) Tokyo, wide (river) Mississippi, published (newspaper) "The Times"). The gender of abbreviations must be determined by the gender of the main word (MSU - masculine - Moscow State University; UN - feminine - United Nations; CIS - neuter - Commonwealth of Independent States). It is impossible to establish the gender of nouns that are not used in the singular, but only in the plural, since they do not have a gender category (trousers, pitchforks, pasta, manger).

Gender of nouns

1. What is the gender system of nouns in the Russian language?

All Russian nouns in the form singular can be classified into one of the following genera: male, female, average, general.

2. How to determine the gender of a noun?

    The gender of a noun can be determined by agreeing with the pronoun my:

my son, my governor, my curtain, my little house- masculine; my wife, my wall, my night- feminine gender, my window, my sky, my animal- neuter gender.

    For most nouns denoting people, gender can be determined by gender: my apprentice, my grandfather(masculine); my mother, my sister(feminine gender).

    The gender of nouns is determined by the singular form. Nouns used only in the plural have no gender: manger, pasta, trousers, pitchfork.

3. Which nouns belong to the general gender?

    Common nouns are nouns that characterize man, give him assessment characteristics; they have endings -and I and belong to the 1st declension: slob, ringleader, singer, hard worker, dirty guy, dude, drunkard, sissy, sleepyhead, crybaby.

    Generic nouns can denote both male and female people: What a slob you are! What a slob you are!

4. How to determine the gender of unchangeable nouns?

    Gender of immutable nouns, calling people, determined by gender: brave hidalgo, refined lady.

    Nouns meaning professions and occupation, are masculine: military attache, night porter. Nouns of the 2nd declension with a zero ending, naming persons by profession ( doctor, professor, associate professor, driver etc.), even if used in relation to female persons, are still nouns male.

    Unchangeable nouns that call animals, belong to the masculine gender, although when indicating a female they can be used as feminine nouns: Australian kangaroo, funny chimpanzee; chimpanzee feeding her babies. Exceptions: tsetse(fly), Ivasi(fish) - feminine.

    Immutable inanimate nouns are neuter: night taxi, delicious stew, new blinds, aromatic cocoa, aged Bordeaux, heady Chardonnay, hot cappuccino, locomotive depot, new coat, wicker flowerpot. Exceptions: coffee, penalty, sirocco(masculine); avenue, salami(feminine gender).

    Genus foreign language geographical names determined by the generic word: distant Monaco(this is a principality, i.e. a neuter noun, which means the word Monaco also neuter) wide Limpopo(river - river), densely populated Tokyo(city - m.r.). If you can use two different generic words, then agreement options are possible: independent Haiti(state - s.r.), independent Haiti(country - female) and distant Haiti(island - m.r.); beautiful Brescia(city - district) and beautiful Brescia(province - f.r.). In some cases, the gender of a noun is established by tradition, so a dictionary check is required.

Let's turn to the category of gender of nouns. You remember that in Russian the gender of nouns is determined on two grounds: by the end of the nominative singular and by the meaning of the noun, namely, by the attribution of persons and animals called by this noun to their natural gender. Knowing what gender a particular noun belongs to is necessary in order to correctly change it by case and correctly combine it with other words in a sentence. That is why in dictionaries, indications of gender are a mandatory characteristic of nouns.

It is customary to distinguish five groups of noun words according to their gender:

Masculine nouns;

Feminine nouns;

Neuter nouns;

Common nouns ( crybaby, smart girl, sneak);

Nouns whose gender cannot be determined ( trousers, railings, pliers, jungle, yeast, rouge, debate, vacation, twilight, Alps).

TO masculine include nouns ending in a hard consonant or -i (house, father, balance, bank, barter, credit, tea, region), all nouns ending in -tel (teacher, writer, switch, indicator), names of months (January, February, April, June, July, September, October, November, December), borrowed nouns with stems in -л, -н, -рь (ensemble, shampoo, piano, vestibule, calendar).

TO feminine include nouns ending in -а, -я (wife, earth, idea, game, computer science, migration, firm, function), nouns ending in a soft consonant stem (life, steel, night), as well as nouns ending in a hard hissing (youth, lies, rye, gouache, retouching, nonsense, falsehood, wilderness).

TO neuter include nouns ending in -о, -е (window, business, field, bankruptcy, godlessness, good, wealth, department, religion, application, lending, distribution), as well as all nouns ending in -mya (time, crown, burden, stirrup , udder, name, banner, flame, tribe, seed) and the noun child.

Exception constitute nouns with the ending -а, -я and nouns with a zero ending with a soft consonant, which belong to the masculine gender, as they denote male persons: uncle, youth, Muscovite, cabin boy, bear. The noun apprentice is also masculine.

So, in the modern Russian language there are traditionally three genders of nouns: masculine (envelope, law), feminine (article, bench) and neuter (punishment, crime). As a rule, the initial form of a word already gives an idea of ​​its gender. However, in some cases, determining the gender of nouns is difficult.

1. Errors are common when using indeclinable nouns (usually borrowed from other languages), in combination with adjectives or past tense verbs, due to incorrect compatibility of word forms by gender. Attempts to change such words lead to gross errors like: He came back for his coat. The gender of such words cannot be determined by the ending; it is determined by the meaning of the word, associated in most cases with the concept of animate/inanimate. Most inanimate indeclinable nouns belong to neuter words (foyer, cinema, coat, highway, khaki, pince-nez, boucle). Neuter gender have inanimate nouns that denote objects (highway, cinema, coat). The exceptions are the words coffee (m.r.), Hindi, Swahili (names of languages ​​- m.r.), avenue (street - zh.r.). TO feminine are animate nouns denoting female persons (madam, miss, lady). TO masculine relate:

Animate nouns denoting male persons (dandy);

Animate nouns with the meaning of a position, title or profession traditionally associated with male labor (entertainer, attaché, referee);

Nouns that are names of animals and are used without indicating their gender (kangaroo, chow-chow).

Animate indeclinable nouns can be used both as masculine and feminine words, depending on which gender they denote, i.e. they relate to the gender of a real person or animal. Wed: magnificent maestro; my vis-a-vis – my vis-a-vis; your protégé is your protégé; bright cockatoo – bright cockatoo.

There are exceptions to this general rule:

a) indeclinable nouns that have a generic name in the Russian language correspond to the gender of the latter: salami - f. R. (sausage), kohlrabi - w. R. (cabbage);

b) sometimes the gender of an indeclinable noun is determined by the gender of the word, which is common and inflected for such nouns: Avenue is defined as a feminine noun, since it correlates with the inflected feminine noun street, argot– with a synonymous masculine noun jargon, Suluguni– with a masculine noun (cheese), aloe– m.r. (flower), Hindi– m.r. (language), Capri– m.r. (island), Mississippi- and. R. (river), Tbilisi– m.r. (city);

c) the noun coffee is masculine, although recently in colloquial speech it has been acceptable to use it as a neuter noun: delicious coffee and tasty coffee, one coffee and one coffee;

d) the names of the letters refer to neuter words: Russian A, capital B; names of sounds – neuter or masculine: unstressed A – unstressed A; Note names are neuter: long mi;

2. If indeclinable nouns name living beings, their gender depends on the gender of the latter ( young - young kangaroo, Durnovo reported - reported, beautiful - beautiful counterpart).

3. Some nouns ending in -а/-я are used in relation to persons of both male and female gender and, as a rule, have an evaluative character. Such nouns are words general kind

(slob, smart girl, crybaby, bully, smart girl, good fellow, greedy, glutton, sleepyhead, sneak).

General nouns denoting males agree with the masculine forms of adjectives, pronouns and past tense or subjunctive verbs, and nouns denoting females agree with the corresponding feminine forms. Wed: He's so smart! She's so smart! My colleague carefully read the documents. My colleague carefully read the documents.

4. Considerable difficulties arise when using nouns denoting persons by occupation or profession. Nouns naming a person by profession or position are used in the masculine gender, regardless of the gender of the person in question ( Vasilyeva is a very young professor). Masculine nouns denoting male and female persons doctor, engineer, technologist, banker, assistant, manager, businessman, as a rule, agree with adjectives in the masculine form (i.e., by ending), and with verbs - in the masculine or feminine form, depending on whether the person is male or female (i.e., by meaning). For example: Experienced lawyer Ivanova won the case. - Experienced lawyer Ivanov won the case; The local doctor Smirnova visited the patient. - The local doctor Smirnov visited the patient. In some cases, parallel forms exist in the language ( orderly - nurse, weaver - weaver). Nouns have no opposition by gender seamstress, laundress, manicurist, machinist, typist. Shape type conductress, cashier, director, cook have a colloquial coloring.

5. Some nouns have gender variants. For example, giraffe and giraffe, jackboot and jackboot. Often only one option is recommended as stylistically neutral ( hall - hall (obsolete), hall (simple), gelatin - gelatin (prof.).

6. Nouns used only in the plural form have no gender ( sleigh, scissors, gates, trousers, glasses).

7. Gender of compound nouns theater-studio, novel-newspaper determined by the generic characteristic of the component that has greater informative significance.

8. The gender of indeclinable geographical names correlates with the gender of the corresponding common noun: Sochi, Tbilisi(city

– m.r.), Ontario(lake - s.r.), Mississippi(river - river).

9. The gender of indeclinable abbreviations is determined by the gender of the main word of the phrase ( SGUA - academy - zh.r., NCFU - university - m.r.). However, if in people’s minds there are no associations of the abbreviation with generating words, it receives gender, like an ordinary word, according to the formal indicator and belongs to the masculine gender in the case of a zero ending ( Housing office, university, although “office”, “establishment”), to the neuter gender if the ending is -o ( RONO, although "department").

10. In the Russian language, nouns are actively used, which are formed as a result of adding two words. Such compound nouns can be animate or inanimate ( Governor General, female astronaut, conference room). For animate nouns, gender is determined by the word indicating the gender of the person ( female astronaut- and. R.; miracle hero– m.r.). For inanimate nouns, gender is determined by the gender of the first word ( museum-apartment– m.r.; robe dress- Wed R.; amphibious aircraft– m.r.; boarding school- and. R.). If a compound noun contains an indeclinable noun, then the gender is determined by the gender of the inflected word ( cafe-dining room- and. R.; comedy-buff- and. R.; taxi car– m.r.).

11. Gender of nouns formed using suffixes -ish-, -chic-, is determined by the gender of the noun from which these nouns are derived ( voice - voice: m.r.; oar - oar: cf. R.; snake - snakes: female form; brother - little brother: m.r.; letter - letter: cf. R; newspaper - newspaper: zh.r.).