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» How to distinguish woodlice from lanceolate chickweed. Details about the plum. Cultivation, beneficial properties and choice of variety. Active ingredients of chickweed

How to distinguish woodlice from lanceolate chickweed. Details about the plum. Cultivation, beneficial properties and choice of variety. Active ingredients of chickweed

Woodlouse is an annual herb of the Chickweed genus, Cloveaceae family. Also known as common chickweed, midge, woodlice, woodlice, hernia grass, canary or bird grass, and runner.

Other names are also possible, because woodlice is very common.

Latin name Stellaria media.

Chickweed grass is called chickweed, biting weed, bird grass, and runner


Annual, ground cover plant, no more than 10 cm in height.

  • A weak stem, cylindrical in shape, spreads along the ground, branched, covered with hairs, weakly leafy, takes root at the base. Can reach a length of up to 35 cm.
  • Oval leaves, slightly pointed, with cilia at the base. The lower leaves are petiolate and the upper leaves are sessile.
  • The flowers are small and white, collected in spreading inflorescences. The petals are bipartite, the flowers resemble stars in appearance. They have a long peduncle. Blooms all summer.
  • The fruit is an oblong dark brown capsule with rounded seeds. Begins to ripen in July.

The leaves of the biting midge are oval-shaped, pointed at the ends

Woodlice flowers are white and resemble stars.

Woodlice seeds are semicircular, located in a “box”


There are about 120 species of chickweed. In Russia alone, there are several dozen varieties of them.

Let's look at the most common ones.

Despite its medicinal properties and culinary use, it is considered a weed. It is difficult to fight; one plant alone produces 15,000 seeds, which can sprout in 5 years.

Chickweed is used both in cooking and in medicine, but it is a weed

Chickweed Bunge

  • Herbaceous plant, perennial, up to 0.5 m high,
  • Oval leaves (basal leaves disappear by the time of flowering), thin root.
  • Blooms in the summer months.
  • Loves high mountain areas, forests, meadows, ravines, can be found under bushes and along rivers.
  • Is a honey plant.
  • Leaves and shoots are used, but collected before the flowering period.
  • Edible, helps with joint pain. Stops diarrhea. Decoctions help cope with leg swelling and dermatomycosis.

Chickweed bunge has an external difference and grows mainly in high mountain areas, but is used in cooking and medicine

  • Perennial herbaceous plant.
  • It has branched stems with 4 edges. They can be lying down or raised to a height of up to 40 cm.
  • Oblong, lanceolate, sessile leaves up to 1.5 cm long.
  • The fruit is an egg-shaped capsule with seeds. Blooms in May and until early autumn.
  • It loves shady places with damp soil, so it grows along ponds and in swamps.
  • Used as compresses for eczema and scrofula.

Chickweed grows in areas with damp soil and is used medicinally

Poisonous but medicinal:

Chickweed or forest chickweed

  • Perennial pubescent plant.
  • It has a straight stem (up to 60 cm in height) and a thin rhizome.
  • The leaves are shaped like a heart, with eyelashes along the edges.
  • It has white, elongated, single flowers.
  • As a fruit, a box with flaps, elongated or round in shape.
  • It loves fertilized, loose soil, so it is found in forests, peat bogs, meadows, under bushes and along the banks of reservoirs.
  • Used for oncology and fungal skin diseases.

Oak chickweed grows in forests on peat bogs and is easily recognized by its heart-shaped leaves.

Chickweed lanceolate or rigid-leaved

  • Perennial low grass (no more than 30 cm) with a creeping rhizome.
  • It has straight, erect, branched stems.
  • Pointed, hard leaves, which is why the grass is also called lanceolate.
  • The midrib of the leaf is slightly rough.
  • It has large and white flowers.
  • Blooms in April and May.
  • A round capsule as a fruit.
  • Prefers forested areas.
  • Used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic agent.
  • Effective in the treatment of purulent wounds, tumors, ulcers, bedsores, scabies.

Chickweed has rough, sharp leaves and large flowers, used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent

  • Perennial herbaceous plant, no more than 35-40 cm high.
  • Branching stems with 4 edges, spreading along the ground.
  • Opposite leaves, 4x40 mm in size, sharp. The flowers are collected in spreading inflorescences.
  • Blooms in May.
  • The fruit is an oblong capsule.
  • It loves moist soils, so it can be found on the banks of reservoirs, in sparse forests, in meadows and cultivated fields as a weed.
  • All parts of the plant, except the root, are collected exclusively during flowering.
  • Helps with abscesses, heart pain, hyperthyroidism.

Chickweed grows near bodies of water; all its parts except the root are used to treat heart disease, hyperthyroidism, and abscesses.

Where does it grow

Woodlice loves moist or well-moistened soil, so it most often grows on damp forest roads, forest edges, clearings, near streams, rivers, and weedy places. Can be found near housing and vegetable gardens.

On the planet it mainly grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. It is found almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

Woodlice loves moist soils and, like a weed, spreads quickly

Method of making spices

All above-ground parts of the plant are used.

For harvesting grass:

  1. Collect woodlice during the flowering period, when it is juicy and soft. The entire weed is grasped entirely and carefully pulled out by the roots.
  2. Then everything is cleared of soil and laid out to dry. It is necessary to choose a dark place, but well ventilated. The air temperature should not exceed 45 C.
  3. The dried herb is crushed.
  4. It is recommended to store in a fabric bag or glass jar with a lid. Shelf life 9 months.


  • Woodlice is an aggressive weed that displaces all other plants from its site.
  • Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.
  • One plant produces about 15,000 seeds.
  • Very germinating seeds. They can lie in the ground for up to 5 years and germinate. Moreover, even immature seeds germinate.
  • In one season, the grass produces 2-3 generations.
  • Excellent honey plant, blooms all summer.
  • If you don't weed it out, it forms a beautiful, lush carpet. Some varieties are decorative and are specially bred.
  • It retains moist soil underneath, creating an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, fungi and insects.

Midge forms a lush carpet on the ground, but since it is an aggressive weed, it crowds out other plants

Nutritional value and calorie content

Nutritional value per 100 g. woodlice herbs:

Chemical composition

  • Vitamins: C, E, A (carotene).
  • Sinaponic acid, triterpene saponins.
  • Microelements: magnesium, iodine, copper, zinc, potassium, cobalt, iron.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Phytocides.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Tannins.
  • Lipids.
  • Wax.
  • Essential oils.

Beneficial features

  • regenerating;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic (stops bleeding);
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • sedative;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • laxative.

In addition, it affects the body as follows:

  • immunostimulating;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • softening;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalizes metabolism.

Woodlice herb is useful for strengthening the immune system, blood vessels, it is a good laxative and even a rejuvenating agent


  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance.
  • Hypotension (when taken orally, woodlice lowers blood pressure).
  • Use caution during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Young age.


In addition to the herb itself, woodlice juice is actively used for medicinal purposes for various problems with the liver, stomach, kidneys, lungs, thyroid gland, and oncology.

It is used for diseases such as colitis, pleurisy, asthma, stomach ulcers, gastritis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, gout, bronchitis, epilepsy.

Regular use improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin, and is recommended for anemia and anemia. Cleanses capillaries and blood vessels, improves complexion. Stops external and internal bleeding, hemoptysis.

Stimulates lactation, but should be taken with caution, because allergic rashes are possible, incl. at the baby's. Helps with mastopathy.

Midlingweed juice is not only taken orally, but also used externally.

Gauze moistened with juice can be applied to skin inflammation, rashes, swelling, and ulcers.

Taking the juice daily helps with migraines, relieves fatigue and irritability, and improves memory. An excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency.

If it is not possible to use fresh juice every time, then it can be pasteurized. To do this, filter the juice and heat it to 90-95 C. Do not boil! Pour into a baked glass jar. In a closed jar, the juice will be stored for up to 3 days.


In cooking

Vegetable soup

Cut potatoes (4 pcs.) into small cubes, add 1 liter of water and put on fire. Using vegetable oil, lightly fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add sautéed vegetables and finely chopped medium chickweed (100 gr.) to boiling water and potatoes.

A few minutes before readiness, add chopped parsley and dill (a small bunch). Salt to taste. When serving, season with sour cream, you can add more black herbs directly from the plate.


For 100g of chickweed: 100g of beet tops, a small bunch of dill, parsley and green onions, 1 red onion, hard-boiled 2-3 eggs, sour cream. Grind all ingredients, mix, salt, add sour cream.

Carrot salad

1 carrot, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of woodlice, sour cream or olive oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, crush the garlic, finely chop the wood lice. Mix everything, add salt, season with butter or sour cream.

Salad for immunity

Fresh woodlice, green onions, 1 hard-boiled egg, sour cream. Chop the ingredients, mix, salt and season with sour cream. For piquancy, you can add green garlic feathers.


For 1 medium toast, 25-30g of butter and woodlice, a couple of cloves of garlic, parsley for decoration. Spread the bread with butter. Chop woodlice and garlic, mix and place on bread. Top with parsley leaves.

Green smoothie

Peel and chop 2 tangerines and 2 medium apples. Place everything in a blender, incl. 2 tbsp. water and a handful of chickweed. Turn on high speed for 2-3 minutes. Pour the cocktail into glasses.

Vitamin drink

250g woodlice, 50g horseradish, honey, 2 liters of water. Grind the ingredients well. Pour water and leave for 4 hours. Strain. At the end add honey to taste.

In medicine

For the preparation of medicinal infusions, decoctions and poultices, all parts of wood lice, except the root, are used, mainly in fresh form. There is a wide range of medicinal properties of woodlice.

Woodlice is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Asthma, cough, bronchitis, tracheitis.
  • Stomach pain, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.
  • Cystitis, kidney stones.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Erosion, cyst, fibroids, menstrual irregularities, leucorrhoea.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Neuroses, PMS.
  • Colds, acute respiratory infections.
  • Swelling, tumors, relieving fatigue in the legs.
  • Joint pain, rheumatism, gout, cervical osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  • Anemia, anemia, hemoptysis.

Also, thanks to its medicinal properties, woodlice will cure:

  • Abscesses, inflammation, furunculosis, carbunculosis, trophic non-healing ulcers.
  • Oncology.
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • Inflammation of the eyes.
  • Hypertension, coronary heart disease.
  • Skin rash, dermatitis, eczema.
  • Problems with lactation.
  • Dizziness, weakness.
  • Hepatitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Vitamin deficiency, scurvy.
  • To relieve tired feet, just put green woodlice sprigs in your shoes.

Soothing infusion, incl. during PMS period

2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over the chickweed (1 tbsp), put on low heat and hold for no more than 10 minutes. Infuse for half an hour, then strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

This decoction is also suitable for those who have menstrual irregularities, delays or severe menstrual pain. The course of treatment begins 1 week before menstruation. Drink 2 times a day before meals.

For anemia and anemia

Pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. herbs. Infuse for about half an hour in an enamel bowl. Strain. If necessary, add water to restore the original volume. Take 50 ml 4 times a day shortly before meals.

Erosion, fibroids, cyst

Joint pain

Steam the herb and apply as a compress.


Cardiac ischemia

Pour boiling water (1-1.5 tbsp) over fresh leaves of medium chickweed (1.5 tbsp). Leave for about an hour, then strain. Take half a glass before meals 4-5 times a day. This recipe is suitable for hypertension.

Stomach and intestinal pain

1 tbsp pour 300 ml of clean water. Leave for 14 days in a dark place. Take diluted before meals (20 drops per 1 cup of water).

Early stage eye inflammation

Squeeze out the juice. Wash your eyes 2 times a day.

Skin diseases

Make a lotion from the woodlice decoction and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. You can do this procedure several times a day.

Stimulation of lactation

0.5 tsp woodlice juice and 0.5 tsp. consume honey daily before meals 3 times a day.

When losing weight

  • It is a dietary plant and is eaten.
  • Medium chickweed juice is beneficial. Can be consumed in pure form, 0.5 cups before meals 3 times a day or mixed with fruits and juice. Take within 3 months.

Eating chickweed, pure or in juice, promotes weight loss

In cosmetology

  • Rejuvenating face mask: 1 tbsp. fresh chopped chickweed and 1 tsp. mix honey and cream. Keep on face for about 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Compresses help with dull skin. Soak a small terry towel in the woodlice broth and apply it to your face. Place another dry towel on top. Leave the compress for 20 minutes, then wash.
  • Daily washing with a decoction of woodlice helps against acne and acne; the skin itself becomes noticeably softer and softer.
  • Baths with woodlice decoction have a cleansing effect, improving metabolism in the skin. 2 tbsp. lice (dry or finely chopped fresh) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for about 2 hours. Pour the strained broth into the bath.

Face masks with chickweed rejuvenate, decoctions and compresses soften and make the skin elastic

At home

  • Blooms all summer, excellent honey plant.
  • It is called bird grass because... Poultry love it very much. Add to food.
  • Used as a dye for wool, gives a blue color. You can also get a light green dye.

Chickweed grass is an excellent honey plant; it is also good for poultry feed and is used as a wool dye.


They reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively. It is preferable to sow before winter or in the first half of spring. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other in open ground (after 2 picks).

They prefer well-moistened soil, slightly acidic and fertilized. They love sunny places.

Chickweed grass can be grown at home in a pot

How to get rid

It is very difficult to get rid of chickweed. She is very erect, does not get sick, and is not affected by pests. Even immature seeds can germinate. And it produces 2-3 generations per season.

Therefore, it is very important not to introduce the weed into your area in the first place. You should weed not only in the beds, but also near the house and behind the fence. The grass should be pulled out with the entire bush along with the roots. Weeded woodlice should not be placed on the ground: the seeds may fall off or pieces of stems will remain, which quickly and easily take root. It is better to collect grass immediately in a bucket or other container with sides.

You can get rid of woodlice by weeding before the plant blooms, or with chemicals in the fall, when the harvest is harvested.

Picked chickweed can be dried or fed to poultry. If you take it to a compost heap, it must rot for at least 3 years, otherwise there is a risk of introducing the weed back into the beds.

If the weed has already dropped its seeds, you should wait until they germinate. Then they are cut off with a hoe.

A more radical method is herbicides. The land is cultivated only after the entire harvest has been harvested. The substance completely decomposes, usually within 2 weeks, so it will not harm crops next season.

Woodlice reacts very sensitively to all changes in humidity and air temperature. This is where the folk superstition came from: if the woodlice has not bloomed its flowers in the morning, it means it will rain.

And in the old days, magicians believed that in order for a wish to come true, you need to eat 7 woodlice petals at dawn.

The medicinal properties of woodlice herb are known not only in Rus', but also in many European countries. The herb is especially popular in Germany - here it is used to treat coughs due to pneumonia, bronchitis and tuberculosis, kidney inflammation, as well as non-healing wounds. In China, for example, it is an anesthetic medicine that relieves spasms in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And in Mexico it is a folk remedy for malignant tumors. Woodlice, also known as chickweed, was previously widely used in cooking. This was the first “green” that was used to support a weakened body after a long winter. It was used to make salads, add it to soups, and prepare fortified drinks. In addition, chickweed was given to domestic animals as a fortified supplement.

Features of woodlice

What is this herb? Where to look for it in nature? How did she deserve such “honor” in folk medicine? For what diseases is it effective and does it have any contraindications?

Starwort is rigid-leaved, or lanceolate.
Chickweed Bunge.


About 50 species of this plant are found on the territory of Russia (some sources give a different figure - 200 species). Chickweed, or chickweed, is the most common and valuable species, which is most often used as a medicinal raw material. What other varieties are known in folk medicine?

  • Chickweed. People call it soapy, drunken grass. In addition to the European part, it is found in Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Unlike woodlice, the height of its stem can reach 40 cm. As a perennial weed, it colonizes fields, often grows in meadows, in damp forests, and loves the banks of reservoirs. It is a poisonous plant, so it is taken internally with great caution. The plant stimulates the functioning of the gonads in men and women. It is often used as a heart medicine, as well as for metabolic disorders and thyroid diseases. Externally - for abscesses. Useful for older people, acts as a tonic and restorative.
  • Chickweed, or lanceolate. No matter what people call this plant - chickweed, kostenets, asterisk, clove, hemp, absinthium, crane grass, live, heart, love grass. A perennial plant, it also likes moist soil. More often it can be seen in forests and bushes. Refers to poisonous plants. In folk medicine, the aerial part and fresh juice are used. Useful for skin diseases - ulcers, scabies, non-healing wounds, bedsores, abscesses. Lotions and compresses are made from it. Decoctions, infusions, and fresh juice are taken internally. It relieves inflammation of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, rheumatic pain, and helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dubravnaya, or forest. It is poisonous, the height can reach 60 cm. It can more often be found in oak forests and other deciduous forests - in the European part of Russia. But this species is also common in North America (especially Mexico), the Caucasus, and Asia Minor. They treat cancer and fungal skin infections.
  • Bunge. Perennial grass of high mountain, forest regions. Also found in meadows, river valleys of Siberia and the Far East. Widely used in folk medicine externally as an antiseptic, hemostatic and wound healing agent. Taken orally for diabetes, allergies, diarrhea, and joint diseases.

Not only a healer, but also a pest

For farmers, woodlice is a spring, annual weed that is difficult to control manually. The plant emerges in early spring and develops quickly. If it is not weeded out in time, it forms a beautiful but harmful carpet for useful seeds. Carrots, which take a long time to sprout, suffer most from chickweed. Woodlice loves moisture and often settles in vegetable beds with abundant watering. After weeding, it is not recommended to leave the weed in the beds; it is removed so that the seeds do not fall off (there can be about 10 thousand or more of them in one plant). Seeds can lie in the soil for several years and germinate safely every spring. Also, an uprooted plant will take root again if it comes into contact with damp soil.

However, some varieties of this grass are grown as an ornamental plant for their elegant flowers and continuous, beautiful carpet. It decorates flower beds and rock gardens.

Range of average chickweed

Where does woodlice grow? The plant loves a temperate climate and takes root well in northern regions. Some varieties can be found in high mountain subtropics. Most of the species are found throughout the European part of Russia, some take root in the Far East and Siberia. Woodlice feels good in dark places and moist soils. It grows near homes, in vegetable gardens and summer cottages. In the wild, its favorite places are damp glades and forest roads.

Chickweed is medium. Botanical illustration from the book “Bilder ur Nordens Flora” by K. A. M. Lindmann, 1917-1926.

Botanical characteristics of woodlice

This is an annual herbaceous plant. Its peculiarity is the formation of loose turf (carpets). The root system is weak, shallow, branched. The stems are thin, low (up to 10 cm), but at the same time they branch well and grow, covering the ground. The leaves are dark green; the petioles have hairs with which the plant absorbs moisture. Hence the name (due to the great love for water) - woodlice. The inflorescences of the plant are loose, few-flowered. The flowers are snow-white, small, star-shaped. It begins to bloom in May, blooms all summer, even in late autumn you can see delicate white stars on the green carpet.

There is another version of the origin of the name. A folk sign says: if the flowers of a plant have not opened in the morning after sunrise, it means it will rain. The woodlice plant responds to changes in humidity and air temperature. Gardeners jokingly call her the “rain predictor.”


It is preferable to collect grass in the spring, from the moment of flowering until the end of May. Collect the entire above-ground part of the plant, except for the roots. There are useful substances in the stems, leaves, and flowers. Dry, laying out in a thin layer, under a canopy. Do not allow sun exposure to raw materials. Dry grass is easily crushed by hand, after which it is packaged in linen bags. It can also be transferred to glass or porcelain dishes. Shelf life - 1 year.

It is important to remember: grass can accumulate heavy metals and other harmful substances from the air and soil. Therefore, it is so important to choose an environmentally friendly place to collect it.

Chemical composition and pharmacological action

What substances are included in woodlice?

  • Rich composition of vitamins (C, E, A, K).
  • Rich composition of microelements (especially a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron and cobalt).
  • Saponins (toxic in large doses!).
  • Lipids.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Essential oils.
  • Tannins.
  • Flavonoids.

What are the beneficial properties of chickweed herb?

  • General strengthening.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Expectorant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Laxative.
  • Tonic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Hypotensive (lowering blood pressure).
  • Vasodilator.
  • Secretory.
  • Painkiller.


With such a wide pharmacological effect, woodlice in folk medicine, as well as in traditional medical practice, is used for many diagnoses and symptoms as an independent remedy and in complex treatment.

  • Respiratory system . Abroad, woodlice was discovered as an effective expectorant by the German physiotherapist and priest Sebastian Kneipp. It helps well with pneumonia, bronchitis, softens and relieves coughing attacks.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The herb is useful for joints and muscles; it is used to treat osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, myositis, and radiculitis.
  • urinary system. In complex therapy, they treat diseases of the kidneys and bladder, promote crushing and removal of kidney stones, relieve swelling, and remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Digestive system. Used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder as a secretion stimulant. The herb also helps with hemorrhoids, enterocolitis, and relieves spasms and colic.
  • The cardiovascular system. Helps with high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac ischemia.
  • Endocrine system. Woodlice is effective for diseases of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, including diabetes. The herb stimulates metabolic processes, removes fluid, normalizes digestion - all these factors contribute to weight loss. Therefore, it is prescribed for weight loss.
  • Gynecology. Taken orally for cycle disorders and premenstrual syndrome. For cervical erosion and leucorrhoea, douching and tampons are prescribed.
  • External use. Effective in dermatology and allergology. It relieves inflammation and relieves pain well. Treats skin diseases of fungal, allergic, bacterial, traumatic nature: dermatitis, eczema, scabies, bedsores, non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, etc. Also used externally for eye inflammation.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The herb is often prescribed for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza as a natural complex of vitamins and microelements, a natural immunostimulating drug. The plant benefits people who have suffered serious illnesses to restore strength, as an antiscorbutic remedy.
  • Anemia. Due to the high content of potassium and iron, it has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system and increases hemoglobin.

You can find information about the antitumor properties of woodlice and its use for cancer. There is no scientific evidence for this. However, the herb can be useful at the stage of recovery of the body in combination with other remedies.

Woodlice has few contraindications. It should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance, as well as with low blood pressure and during exacerbation of chronic diseases. Consultation with a doctor in this situation is strictly required. The side effects of this plant have been poorly studied. However, it is known that it contains a lot of saponins, which accelerate the breakdown of red blood cells and are toxic. The instructions do not indicate use in pregnant women and children. This issue must be resolved individually with your doctor.

The use of chickweed in folk medicine

Treatment with woodlice grass does not always lead to the expected positive result. This remedy is often used with other herbs to enhance the healing effect. It is also important to know how to properly brew and ingest your herb.


Chickweed tea can be taken in its pure form, using fresh, crushed leaves or dry raw materials. But most often it is prescribed as a cough mixture.

Preparation of cough mixture

  1. Take 1 tsp. herbs woodlice, primrose, centaury, plantain, horsetail, thyme.
  2. Pour two cups of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Drink warm, 2 glasses a day.


The use of woodlice herb can be useful in the form of a decoction. It is used for various purposes: for colds, coughs, joint pain, as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, secretory, tonic. Externally used for washing wounds, douching, lotions, baths and compresses. Used for stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis. The eyes are also washed with the decoction. Some herbalists indicate that the product can be dripped into the eyes for cataracts (due to diabetes), corneal clouding, and inflammatory processes. It is not worth risking your health, the product can be harmful: an acute allergic reaction of the mucous membrane to the grass is possible. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

How to prepare a decoction

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Take ¼ cup orally 3-4 times a day (preferably before meals).

How to prepare a bath decoction

  1. Take 300 g of woodlice.
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. Strain and pour into the prepared bath.

Alcohol tincture

Effective medicinal alcohol tinctures are obtained from chickweed. They are most often prescribed orally for all of the above-listed diagnoses in the list of indications. It especially helps with gastrointestinal diseases, relieves spasms and pain in the intestines. However, for stomach ulcers and all acute forms of diseases of the digestive system, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting treatment. The herb increases secretion, which can lead to the opposite effect.

How to prepare the tincture

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.


The infusion is prepared and used according to the same principle as the decoction. But it infuses longer, as a result of which it contains a high concentration of useful substances. It is often used externally as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

How to prepare an infusion

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. woodlice.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 6 hours.
  4. Strain.

Take in the same dosage as the decoction.

Fresh Juice

Juice from chickweed is recommended for increasing immunity, hematopoiesis, cleansing the body and losing weight, lowering sugar and cholesterol levels. They treat diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, heart, as well as hemorrhoids, constipation, migraines and other ailments. In pure and diluted form, it is used externally for the skin: it is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, and bedsores. It must be remembered that fresh juice can cause diarrhea and indigestion. It should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription and in large portions - 1 tsp. three times a day. It is recommended to dilute it with water and honey. Although you can find the opposite information: drink 100 ml of juice three times a day.


  1. Take 1 kg of fresh grass.
  2. Pass through a juicer.
  3. Pour into a glass container.
  4. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

It looks and tastes like cucumber juice (but not for everyone!). To improve the taste and increase shelf life, honey and lemon juice are added to the composition.


In cosmetology, decoctions, infusions, and fresh juice are used to treat the skin.

  • Alcohol tinctures can be used diluted for oily skin.
  • Mokrichnik helps with acne, furunculosis, and acts as a strong antiseptic.
  • The herb has rejuvenating and tonic properties, so it is used not only to treat problem skin, but also to prevent aging.
  • For furunculosis and acne, it can be used internally to cleanse the body.
  • Warm baths with a decoction of herbs help with calluses and cracked heels.
  • For allergic rashes, a decoction of woodlice with a string is recommended.

Application in homeopathy

Stellaria media is a popular remedy in homeopathy. Tinctures are prepared from fresh raw materials, and granules are prepared from dry extracts. The dose and course of treatment are prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after a face-to-face consultation. Most often, this drug is recommended for rheumatism, gout, psoriasis, migraines, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, acute pain in the joints and spine, liver diseases, constipation.

The herb woodlice is effective for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, and urinary system. It is used in endocrinology, dermatology and cosmetology. Thanks to the complex of vitamins and microelements, it is valued as a remedy for vitamin deficiency, anemia and scurvy.

Instructions for use:

Chickweed is an annual herbaceous plant, preparations from which have an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and wound-healing effect.

Chemical composition

Chickwort (wood louse, woodlice, biting midge, canary grass, heart grass, hernia grass) belongs to plants of the Chickweed genus of the Clove family.

The medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant. 100 g of herb contains:

  • carotene – 23 mg;
  • vitamin C – 114 mg;
  • vitamin E – 44 mg.

Other useful biologically active substances: vitamin K, trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, chlorine, selenium, cobalt, silicon), essential oils, aliphatic alcohols, triterpene saponins, tannins, lipids, organic acids, sinapic acid, alkaloids, wax, flavonoids (vitexin, saponaretin).

Beneficial features

Thanks to the biologically active substances included in the composition of chickweed, the plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, wound-healing effect, and less pronounced - laxative, choleretic and diuretic.

Other useful properties:

  • hemostatic, hemostatic (due to vitamin K); the plant regulates blood clotting and can also be used to enhance lactation;
  • coronary dilator, hypotensive (due to flavonoids and vitamins C and E); woodlice, by increasing blood flow to the heart, has a beneficial effect on it, which makes it possible to use the plant to relieve attacks of angina pectoris.

Chickweed is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. It is also not used by official medicine. However, the plant is widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy.

Herbalists recommend using the juice of the plant, as well as preparing various decoctions, infusions and oil extracts (as a wound-healing, analgesic, hypotensive, antiseptic, expectorant, antihistamine, tonic, antihypoxic and diuretic). Homeopaths use woodlice to prepare healing essences (as a tonic, hemostatic, laxative, diuretic and hemostatic agent).

In Belarus, chickweed is traditionally used to treat hemorrhoids, bleeding, hemoptysis, hypovitaminosis, and vomiting with blood. In Karelia, the above-ground part of the plant is brewed for skin diseases, heart pathologies, diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and also as a diuretic, laxative and hemostatic agent. The Nanais prepare baths from fresh woodlice greens that relieve swelling of the legs.

The plant can be used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of diseases such as cystitis, hyperthyroidism, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, cirrhosis, scurvy, and eye diseases. In such cases, it is possible to use not only decoctions, tinctures and infusions, but also woodlice juice.

Indications for use

  • hypertension, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease (cardiovascular system);
  • gastritis, enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea and colic (digestive system);
  • neurasthenia, epilepsy, nervous attacks, convulsions (nervous system);
  • diseases of the oral cavity, thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder, lungs, urinary tract, infectious-inflammatory/respiratory diseases, hypovitaminosis, leg swelling, immunodeficiency, cystitis, scurvy, anemia;
  • scrofula, rashes of various etiologies, pustular rashes, acne, boils (skin diseases; external use);
  • bedsores, abrasions, cuts (external use);
  • sprains, joint diseases, myositis, arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis, mastopathy (musculoskeletal system; external use in the form of compresses).


  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

Home remedies for chickweed

  • infusion (general recipe): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water; infusion time – 4 hours; Directions for use: 4 times a day before meals, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • infusion (cystitis therapy): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water; infuse like tea; Directions for use: 3-4 times a day, 100 ml;
  • tincture (therapy of pain in the stomach and intestines): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 300 ml of vodka; infusion time - 14 days in a dark place in a dark container, with occasional shaking; Directions for use: 3 times a day, 20–25 drops;
  • decoction (therapy of sore joints for skin diseases, polyarthritis, rheumatism, myositis, radiculitis, sprains - externally in the form of lotions and compresses): 4 tbsp. l. raw materials per 1 liter of water; preparation – cook for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours; Method of application: moisten gauze folded in several layers in the broth and apply to problem areas;
  • decoction (therapy of joint pain - externally in the form of baths): 200 g of raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water; preparation – cook for 10 minutes; Method of use: pour the resulting decoction into the bath, temperature – no higher than 35–40 °C, duration of procedures – from 15 to 20 minutes.

Syn: woodlice, woodlice, biting midge, heart grass, canary grass, hernia grass.

Chickweed or chickweed is an annual herbaceous plant with medicinal properties. Despite the fact that chickweed is a generally recognized weed that all farmers, gardeners and floriculture enthusiasts are trying to fight, it has benefits for humans.

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In medicine

Chickweed or chickweed is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used by official medicine. However, it has found wide application in homeopathy and traditional medicine. Herbalists recommend using the juice of the plant, as well as preparing infusions, decoctions and oil extracts for treatment. Homeopaths use freshly harvested chickweed to make a healing essence.
Chickweed has moderate anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, choleretic, antiscorbutic, coronary-dilating and hypotensive effects. In homeopathy it is used as a hemostatic, diuretic, laxative, hemostatic and tonic. It can also be used to enhance lactation and treat vitamin deficiency.
Herbs and chickweed flowers in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures are used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular hypertension, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and coronary heart disease. Woodlice is also useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea and colic. Treatment with chickweed is also practiced for diseases of the gallbladder and liver, lungs, urinary tract, thyroid gland and oral cavity.
Tincture of chickweed is useful for edema of cardiac and renal origin, neurasthenia, epilepsy, nervous attacks, convulsions, infectious-inflammatory and respiratory diseases, hypovitaminosis, immunodeficiency, scurvy and anemia. External use of decoctions and infusions of chickweed, or chickweed, is indicated for skin diseases, such as rashes of various origins, scrofula, pustular rashes, boils, acne. The healing properties of chickweed also appear in the treatment of abrasions and cuts.
Compresses with woodlice can be made for joint diseases, sprains, myositis, arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis, mastopathy and swelling of the legs.

Contraindications and side effects

Chickweed is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, hypotensive patients, as well as people prone to allergic reactions.

In cooking

Due to the high content of vitamin C and carotene, chickweed grass is used raw and boiled for preparing salads and other dishes, as well as as a seasoning for main courses.

In other areas

In beekeeping, due to its long flowering period, chickweed is a good honey plant.

In livestock farming, chickweed is a forage plant. It is added to food for pigs, chickens, geese and turkeys.


Chickweed (lat. Stellaria media) belongs to plants of the genus Stellaria (lat. Stellaria) of the Clove family (lat. Caryophyllaceae). The genus Stellaria (lat. Stellaria) has about 100 species, 51 of which are found in Russia. In central Russia there are from 9 to 11 species. The most famous representatives of the genus Chickweed (lat. Stellaria) are middle chickweed (lat. Stellaria media), grass chickweed (lat. Stellaria graminea), lanceolate chickweed (lat. Stellaria holostea), long-leaved chickweed (lat. Stellaria longifolia), swamp chickweed ( lat. Stellaria palustris), thick-leaved chickweed (lat. Stellaria crassifolia), forest chickweed (lat. Stellaria nemorum) and others.

Botanical description

Chickweed is an annual herbaceous plant with a tap root and a creeping cylindrical branched stem, reaching a height of 10-30 cm. The leaves of chickweed are opposite, ovate, pointed, measuring up to 2 cm in both length and width. The lower leaves are located on petioles, the upper ones are sessile. Small white flowers, similar to stars, have long pedicels and five bipartite petals. Sepals reach 4 mm in length. The corolla is shorter than the calyx, and sometimes is completely absent. Average chickweed has three to five stamens, the color of the stamens is red-violet or purple-red. In some cases, their number can reach ten pieces. The plant blooms from May to September, the fruits ripen in August-September. Due to the long flowering period (from May to September) it is a famous honey plant. The fruits of chickweed are capsules with numerous kidney-shaped or round brown seeds. One plant produces up to 15 thousand seeds that can sprout within 2-5 years. Because of this, chickweed is considered a malicious weed among gardeners.
Chickweed, or chickweed, is famous for its unique ability to predict the onset of rain, as it is very susceptible to fluctuations in humidity and air temperature. If the corolla of the flower has not risen and opened before nine o’clock in the morning, then rain should be expected during the day.


In Russia, chickweed is found in vegetable gardens and fields, in weedy places, on forest edges, along the banks of rivers and other bodies of water. Prefers moist, fertile soil. Frost-resistant.
Additionally, chickweed grows naturally in Asia, Europe, and North America. Widely distributed in the lower mountain zones, as well as in the steppe and forest-steppe zones.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Chickweed is harvested during the flowering period. The medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant. The grass and chickweed flowers, cleared of impurities, are laid out in a 3-5 centimeter layer on paper or fabric. The place should be shaded, ventilated, but protected from direct sunlight and rain. Also, medium chickweed can be dried in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 degrees. When dried for a long time at high temperatures, the plant loses its healing properties. The dried herb should be chopped and placed in canvas bags, glass jars or paper bags. You can store average chickweed for no more than one year.

Chemical composition

Chickweed or chickweed contains 23 mg of carotene (per 100 g of grass), 114 mg of vitamin C, 44 mg of vitamin E, vitamin K, as well as trace elements such as magnesium, copper, potassium, chlorine, cobalt, selenium, silicon and iron. In addition, the plant contains tannins, triterpene saponins, sinapic acid, aliphatic alcohols, organic acids, alkaloids, lipids, flavonoids (saponaretin, vitexin), wax and essential oils.

Pharmacological properties

Thanks to the vitamins and other components it contains, chickweed or chickweed has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, wound-healing and regenerating effect. It is also a mild laxative, choleretic and diuretic.

It is believed that due to the presence of flavonoids and vitamins C and E, woodlice has a coronary dilation and hypotensive effect. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, increasing blood flow to it. This property makes it possible to use chickweed to relieve attacks of angina.

Vitamin K, which is part of woodlice, regulates blood clotting, so the plant can be used as a hemostatic and hemostatic agent. Chickweed can also be used to enhance lactation.

Use in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of chickweed are also known in folk medicine, where chickweed is used as an analgesic, wound-healing, antiseptic, antihistamine, expectorant, tonic, hypotensive, antihistamine, diuretic and antihypoxic.

In Belarus, chickweed is traditionally used for hemorrhoids, bleeding, hemoptysis, hypovitaminosis, and vomiting with blood. In Karelia, the grass and flowers of the plant are brewed for heart pathologies, kidney, liver, kidney, lung, skin diseases, and also as a diuretic, laxative and hemostatic agent. The Nanais use fresh green wood lice to prepare baths that relieve swelling of the legs. Also popularly, chickweed is used for coughs and hernias. The antitumor properties of the plant are also known, due to which woodlice can be used in complex therapy of various neoplasms.

1. Abrikosov Kh. N. Chickweed / Dictionary-reference book for beekeepers / Compiled by N. F. Fedosov. - M.: Selkhozgiz, 1955

2. Chickweed / Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron in 86 volumes - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907

3. Strizhev A.V. Calendar of Russian nature. - M.: Moscow. worker, 1981

Chickweed is a flowering plant from the carnation family. It stands out among other crops with a huge number of species. There are more than 200 of them. Chickweed grows all over the planet, but depending on the climate and soil characteristics, it changes the shape of the flowers, the color of the leaves and other characteristics.

What does chickweed look like and where does it grow?

This beautiful and delicate flower has several names and can be perennial or annual. Prefers cool climates, high mountain plateaus. Mountain areas of the subtropics and tropics hide unusual glades of blooming chickweed. Certain varieties began to be cultivated by gardeners and decorated their garden plots along with other ornamental plants.

How to grow chickweed (video)

Botanical description of chickweed species

Most A common type of flowers, woodlice (wood lice) has weak stems. They stretch along the surface, clinging to any nearby herbs and plants.

The stem can rise or lie on the ground, fastening occurs due to the hairs located on the skin of the chickweed.

  • Stem length – 30 cm;
  • Pedicel – pubescent;
  • fruit - an oval-shaped capsule with seeds;
  • The seeds are similar in appearance to buds.
  • Bud of 5 petals;
  • Flowering lasts 5 months.

The shape of the leaves is round, pointed at the top. The leaves are decorated with cilia at the base. The upper leaves differ from the lower ones in the way they are secured.

  • The upper ones are sessile;
  • The lower ones are petiolate.

The plant loves moist, fertile soil.

The Latin name of the species is Stellaria media (stellaria). In everyday life the species is called woodlice. The plant is part of the weed family, it fills the ridges, scatters seeds, and spoils the mood of the owners. Stellaria has a huge number of healing properties, which are unknown to many who like to work in the garden. Average chickweed is an annual variety. Description of special characteristics:

  • branched stem rising up to 10 cm in height;
  • The leaves are oval in shape with different methods of fastening (sessile and petiolate);
  • Small-sized flowers resembling stars;
  • The petals of the inflorescences are white;
  • The fruit has an oblong shape;
  • The seeds are small and formed in large quantities.

Woodlouse has unique abilities. She predicts the arrival of rain and an increase in humidity. Folk omens say that if the flowers on a woodlice have not opened before 9 a.m., you can expect rain. The bloom attracts bees because it produces honey buds.

Latin name: Stellaria nemorum. The herb is called owl potion. Unlike other types of grass, it is perennial and has a strong root that goes deep into the soil. The stems stand straight and reach a height of 60 cm. All branches and stems are pubescent. The leaves are decorated with eyelashes. The leaf shape is hearts. The flowers of the forest chickweed variety are not voluminous, but single. The fruits look like an elongated box, the doors of which open into 8-10 parts. In folk recipes, the herb is used against skin diseases and oncology. The plant has poisonous properties, therefore not used in tinctures and decoctions. Only surface treatment and lotion composition are allowed.

Latin name Stellaria graminea. Perennial grass. The stem branches and beautifully covers the ground. The tetrahedral stems rise above the ground to a height of 40 cm. The leaves are sharp and somewhat rough to the touch. Small white inflorescences cover the stem, forming large, numerous blooms. Healers' recipes use stems, leaves and flowers. Poisonous variety of Stelaria cereal. Therefore, all recipes are created for external treatment. Cannot be used internally. Helps with disorders in the female reproductive system. Another purpose of the herb is strengthening in adulthood, maintaining the activity of the blood flow of elderly patients.

Stellaria bungeana is the Latin name for the Bunge species. Perennial stellaria has a thin root and grows up to 50 cm in length. The description of the species does not differ from the main traditional one, but there are also features inherent only to this species. It is found in Siberia, the Far East, and the European territory of the eastern regions. The plant is an excellent honey plant.

In folk recipes, products based on flowers have various indications:

  • diarrhea;
  • rheumatism;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • joint pain.

Chickweed Bunge has several broad spectrum healing effects:

  • wound healing;
  • stopping blood loss;
  • saturation with vitamins;
  • stimulating the actions of internal systems;
  • relieving allergic reactions.

The Bunge variety in the composition of medicines reduces the amount of sugar (fresh grass), eliminates the manifestations of stomatitis (dry mixture).

The bogweed bush is similar in appearance to other varieties of grass, but stands out in the shape of its leaves. They are short, up to, elongated and reveal the beauty of the flowers. Small white petals are separated by green, bright and thin sepals. In medicine, properties for treating skin lesions have been identified.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of chickweed

The variety is used for food, adding as a component to salads and seasonings. Certain dishes help eliminate signs of developing scurvy and anemia.

The herb is taken for baths, which become a preventive measure for the health of the whole body. There is evidence of the effect of woodlice baths on the skin; they rejuvenate and strengthen. Compresses are made from the herb; for this, the woodlice is steamed. Externally, woodlice provides a healing effect for the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • wounds;
  • bruises;
  • sprains;
  • gout;
  • acne.

The plant Chickweed is used in homeopathic preparations.

Its surface parts contain many useful microelements:

  • Alkoloids: regulate the functioning of the nervous system, relieve pain, remove the gag reflex.
  • Flavonoids: improve the condition of blood vessels, reduce the rate of development of sclerosis, enhance antioxidant properties, prevent the appearance of tumors by cancer cells, protect against histamine.
  • Saponins: destroy the process of hemolytic activity. The blood becomes saturated and blood flow returns to normal.
  • Lipids: provide an opportunity for physiological development. Energy saturation occurs, blood transportation increases.
  • coumarins;
  • phenol;
  • carbon.

In addition, the plant is enriched with vitamin C, A, E, K, calcium, iodine and potassium salts.

The healing properties of woodlice (video)

Collection and preparation of chickweed

To prepare medicinal material, only the upper ground part needs to be prepared. The plant is harvested during abundant flowering, which is approximately mid-summer. A special place is prepared for drying. This could be a table installed on the veranda under a canopy. The grass should not be exposed to rain or direct sunlight. In addition, the raw materials must be ventilated, but not weathered. During drying, the grass becomes fine, almost powdery in consistency. It is placed in containers Several storage options are suitable:

  • glass jar;
  • fabric bag;
  • plastic box.

The use of chickweed in folk medicine

Woodlice is used against so many pathologies that it is impossible to list them all. Recipes depend on the people and the area where the herb is collected.

In Belarus, herbal-based remedies are prepared against hemorrhoids, to stop bleeding, and hypovitaminosis. In Karelia they are creating compounds for the treatment of heart pathologies and liver diseases. Remove skin damage and enhance the functioning of the genitourinary system. Nanais treat swelling of the legs with woodlice.

Compress for pain in joints and knees

The grass is ground and applied in the form of porridge to the diseased areas. Tie with a bandage or cloth.

Infusions for heart pain

A handful of herbs is scalded with boiling water and left for 6 hours in a warm place or in a steam bath. Take 100 g with meals.

Chickweed tincture for joint pain

Fill the jar 2/3 full with grass, fill it to the top with vodka, and leave it in a dark place for a month. There is no need to shake the container. After 3 weeks, the herb is squeezed out and used for external wiping or as a compress.

Chickweed for thyroid treatment

The smaller the woodlice leaves are, the more useful substances it contains. To treat the thyroid gland, special raw materials are prepared from small leaves.

Chickweed juice

Helps against pathologies affecting the thyroid gland. Making juice is easy. Take an ordinary household device and squeeze out a healing drink. Before placing the herb in the juicer, collect it, wash it under running water and shake it to remove excess moisture. Then the herb is left on the table for a few minutes. When the moisture is released, you can begin to process the grass.

Recipe for creating a healing liquid:

  • Collect grass early in the morning;
  • Rinse under running water or in clean spring water;
  • Pass through a meat grinder immediately after washing and collecting (The herb cannot be allowed to wither and lose its healing properties).

The pulp obtained after grinding is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out. You can store the healing drink during the day in a cool place. Drink a teaspoon at the beginning of the day. The juice is always made fresh.

Juice from medicinal herbs

Together with woodlice they take motherwort and rose hips. All components must be the same quantity. Making juice is similar to creating a pure woodlice solution. The result of use is an improvement in the condition of the endocrine system. In some medical sources you can find advice on an effective complex. Juices are alternated every other day.

How to make chickweed salad (video)

Contraindications and harms of chickweed

There are no serious restrictions on the herb. It is not recommended to use the recipes for people with low blood pressure, as chickweed lowers it even more.

The genus chickweed will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of various diseases.

A flower bush will not take up much space in your garden plot and will not take up time to care for. Useful herbs will help strengthen the body, maintain youth and activity.