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» How to write incomplete higher education on a resume. Description of education in resume. Sequence of listed educational institutions

How to write incomplete higher education on a resume. Description of education in resume. Sequence of listed educational institutions

It is often difficult for applicants to fill out the “Education” column on their resume. After all, candidates often want to work in areas that are not related to the diploma they received. So is it worth indicating your education on your resume and how can the “Additional education” column help us? In a resume, this section is located after “Basic education” and primarily speaks of your desire to be a professional.

What should I indicate in the “Additional education” column?

  • advanced training (courses, seminars, trainings, etc.);
  • professional courses (directly related to the future specialty);
  • computer courses;
  • language classes.

Now let's talk about the procedure for entering information. First - the educational institution (institute, school, academy, training company), then the name of the course or seminar and the time of study are indicated. If a diploma was issued based on the results of your training, be sure to write about this and indicate the name of the additional specialty/qualification received. Be sure to indicate that you received a diploma with the highest grade. The certificate based on the results of your studies may not be indicated - this is a self-evident document.

You can name other insignia if they have weight in your profession. Focus your attention on your achievements. These are the ones recruiters pay attention to. Internships, especially foreign ones, should also be mentioned.

But you shouldn’t try to compile the entire list of trainings in which you participated.

It is important to highlight what has increased the professional level for a particular specialty. Chronological order can even be neglected. For example, it is better to rank an MBA certificate in a high place, even if it was obtained a long time ago.

And one moment. Don't mention continuing education courses if you're just planning to enroll in them. Employers are only interested in your real knowledge and skills, and the recruiter may inquire about your immediate and long-term plans at the interview.

What to do if you do not have additional education in your chosen field? Indicate additional education from another field. Then the mechanism of the positive effect of additional education will work due to the halo effect. This effect is that a person who has achieved great success in some particular area is considered by others to be capable of more in other areas. This may not always correspond to reality, but in the short term the halo effect works, although not for everyone and to an unequal extent.

You can use this effect by describing your high achievements in other areas, even if not related to a specific job. This will recommend you as a leader and successful person. The only exceptions are courses and certificates that contradict the functionality and competencies of the vacancy profile. For example, an accountant should not indicate extreme driving courses, and a psychological support specialist should not indicate the presence of a prize in martial arts.

Additional education should be meaningful and not overload your resume. Reflect only the most important thing - what can influence the decision-making on your candidacy. Finally, don't be afraid to demonstrate your value and express your individuality.

Knowing how to write a resume correctly is not an easy task. And this job gets even more complicated if you are a graduate with no work experience and want to include information about your courses. You're probably asking yourself which section you should include courses in. Should you list all the courses you have taken or just the most recent ones? Do I need to include your GPA? Start with step 1 to learn how.


Part 1

Determine which courses you will list on your resume

    You need to understand why you are adding course information to your resume. Since you're trying to show off your professional level on a resume, your education and courses matter a lot, even if you're already a seasoned professional, and even more so if you're just a graduate!

    • Information about completing courses increases your level in the eyes of the employer and gives him an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relevant knowledge and qualifications in the field.
    • This information will complement your position and help complete the presentation about you.
  1. Include information about the courses you have completed for this job. Those looking for work and indicating several years of experience must attach certificates confirming their professional activities. It is desirable that they be relevant. It is recommended that you list any courses you took while working to show that you have developed your professional skills.

    • For example, if you are currently applying for the position of Project Manager, and you took a course on Fundamentals of Management during your studies and later passed the certification, you will definitely need to indicate this on your resume.
    • An analyst can add courses in MS Advanced Excel 2010 to his resume if he is applying for a position that requires knowledge in this field, thereby indicating his computing skills.
  2. Choose courses that are relevant to your potential job and that you took in college. It is preferable to add information about the most recent disciplines or courses you have taken. However, you can submit information in the form of a list of courses that you took during your studies.

    • In some cases, employers may ask for a more detailed list of courses you have completed. In this case, you must attach a separate list to your resume.
    • The list should contain the full names of the courses you have taken, not the abbreviations that your institution uses.
  3. Mention any degrees that are relevant to your potential job. Even if you haven't completed your degree yet, you should mention it on your resume. If you are still studying, you will still need to provide information about your education so that potential employers have an idea about you. For example:

    • Master of Business Administration, Marketing, XYZ University
    • Courses: Strategic Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management
    • Expected completion of training (Year)

    Part 2

    Add information about your courses to your resume
    1. Choose courses that you think are relevant to your potential job. The first step is to choose the courses you will list on your resume. It will be enough to indicate those courses that are relevant to the vacant position. This information plays a key role in your resume.

    2. Feel free to list multiple degrees if you have more than 1. If you have two degrees, feel free to list both. This information will help the employer understand your education, qualifications and what you can do for the company.

      • You may be a desirable candidate if you can show that you have gone beyond your core area of ​​expertise. Your additional education will help you stand out from other candidates.
      • For example, if you are looking for a job in human resources and you have a degree in that field and also in finance, makes you a good candidate for a job in benefits.
    3. Create a separate section for information about your courses. You will need to come up with an appropriate name for this section. This will attract the attention of a potential employer. You can also include projects you have been involved in in this section. This section can be called:

      • Specialized courses/Relevant courses or
      • Specialized courses and projects
    4. Add a short description of your courses. As a recent graduate, you need to describe your activities in a few words, preferably bullet points.

      • These points need to be very carefully crafted so that they not only describe the courses themselves, but also your activities. Limit your description to 3 – 5 points.
      • In the description, refer to key points, in the form of projects or assignments, that could make it clear to the employer how he can apply your knowledge to the company.
    5. Consider the order in which you will list your courses. It is best to put them in chronological order, but there may be exceptions. For example:

      • If you have a degree in geography but are applying for an online marketing position and have recently completed courses in digital marketing or social media, these courses should be listed first as they are more relevant to the position.
    6. Mention your release dates. There is usually no need to provide any dates other than those relevant to your degree. More often than not, the hiring manager is looking at whether you graduated or not.

      • The more you have accomplished in your career, the more potential employers will be interested in your work experience and relevant tenure at various levels.
      • The more time has passed since you graduated from college, the less your degree matters.
    7. List all the certificates you received and indicate your average score. Any awards you receive can help you increase the value of your courses to a potential employer.

      • When it comes to your GPA, only list it if it is above 3.5. GPA only matters to the hiring manager you approach for your job search.
      • In the future, your GPA will not matter, since your work experience will be more significant.
    8. Strategically place information about your courses. Course information is usually included in the section about your education. This is the best place on your resume.

      • However, if you completed any courses while working, they may be listed under a section called “professional courses” or “certificates.”
      • Posting this information should grab the hiring manager's attention. If you received your degree from a prestigious institution such as Harvard, this can be a major factor that sets you apart from other candidates.
      • In this case, you can include information about your education and course completion at the beginning of your resume.
    • Don't overwhelm the hiring manager with a large list of courses. You don't have to add everything, just those that match the vacant position.
    • Don't add course numbers or abbreviations, these are specific to your school and won't tell the hiring manager anything.
    • Don't give false information in this section of your resume. You may have to provide supporting documents later and lying may become a big problem for you.
    • Include your graduation date and the dates of your most important courses. But do not include dates for all the courses you list.
    • If you feel that your education information section is not comprehensive enough, please add information about your continuing education and courses you have completed.
    • When it comes to editing your resume, highlight information about the most important courses that are relevant to the vacant position.

07 Feb 2018

When filling out a resume, you will definitely come across the “education” and “additional education” sections, which must be filled out briefly and clearly. When assessing your education, the recruiter must understand that it matches the position presented.

Despite the fact that diplomas from state universities have more weight in hiring matters, it will not in any way affect the final decision of a potential employer.

There are five important things to consider when filling out the education section:

In this section you should indicate: diploma, specialty, school, year of graduation.

It’s worth starting with the education in the profession in which you work;

Other degrees must be listed in reverse chronological order;

High school education should not be indicated if you graduated from college;

End dates are not set if it was more than five years ago.

Where should information about education be posted?

The recruiter should not search for the data he needs. If you do not have work experience and you have just graduated from a higher education institution/college, then this information should be indicated immediately after the “vacancy” column for which you are applying.

If you have considerable work experience, then information about your education must be indicated after the “work experience” column.

Tip: First of all, you should indicate the information that is most important to the recruiter.

Educational institution:

Faculty, specialty:

How to indicate education on a resume, example

  • Vocational school (technical school)
  • Pavlov Vocational Technical School, Saratov
  • HVAC technician, years of training, 2014-2017
  • 2014-2016 College of State Administration

Incomplete higher education

If you did not graduate from university for any reason, then this information can also be included in your resume. It is worth indicating the start and end date of your studies.

  • Lomonosov University, Moscow, years of study - 2015-2017

Specialty: economist

Incomplete higher education

This information is indicated when you continue your studies; there is no need to set an end date.

Moscow Institute of Informatics and Computer Science, year of admission - 2017

Specialty: programmer

Form of study: full-time

Form of study

Some job search sites ask applicants to indicate their form of study on their resume: full-time, evening, or part-time. This information will be useful for both students and employers to understand which schedule is most suitable for the candidate. In connection with the introduction of the Bologna education system, employers note that they require not just specialists with higher education, but also what level it should be, masters and specialists.


  • 2011-2016 Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Chisinau

Faculty of Economics

Specialty: Economics and enterprise management

2017 Ural Center for Business Solutions

Training “Formation of active sales skills”

  • 2010-2015 Russian State Social University

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Social Philosophy

Specialty: teacher

  • September 2012 – July 2017 Moscow National Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Information Systems, specialty “Programming”, master’s degree (full-time).
  • Higher education

1997–2002 Moscow Pedagogical University.

Specialty: English teacher.

  • Education:

2004 - 2009 Higher Institute of Management

Faculty: economics

Specialty: economist

  • Moscow State University, 2010-2015,

Specialty: accountant (bachelor)

  • Moscow State University, 2011-2016,

Specialty: technical translator (bachelor)

Additional education in a resume, example

Additional education:

01-07.2010 English courses, School of Languages

05.2011 Training "Effective Sales Skills"

This section of your resume comes after your basic education.

In this section you should indicate:

Personal courses on specialization;

Advanced training: trainings, courses, seminars, etc.;

Computer courses for what programs;

Language classes.

First, you must indicate the period of study (year, month), the name of the educational institution and the topic of courses/seminars/trainings, etc.

Indicate only those trainings that have improved your professional level.

Advanced training in a resume example

- UMC of accountants and auditors, 2015-2016. Advanced training – seminar “New VAT Taxation”

- August 2016 – October 2017 Advanced training courses “Accounting”, “Modern business management”;

- September 2015 – October 2016 Trainings “Effective financial management”;

- July 2017. Assigned the highest qualification category;

- June 2017 – September 2017 Seminars on accounting.


  • 2014 Training center for professional secretaries, advanced training in the specialty of assistant secretary, personal assistant
  • 2015 Training courses for accompanying tourist groups
  • 2015 International Center for Vocational Education Course “Secretary work using a PC”

unfinished higher education or unfinished higher education, which is correct?

What is the correct term for incomplete or incomplete higher education?

How to correctly write unfinished or incomplete higher education?

Good afternoon. When writing a resume, a person who has received incomplete education at an institute must indicate this in the text. As we see, it is possible that two options will appear at once. And it’s clear that you want to understand how to correctly write this on your resume.

Usually, when a person interrupts his education for any reason, the institute gives him a certificate, which he will present at the place of request and thereby confirm this education.

This certificate is called: “Certificate of higher incomplete education.” Hence the conclusion is that it is more correct to write: .

It's better to write" incomplete higher education"(or "incomplete higher education"). As far as I remember, the verb "finish" is used in the sense of "doing something, bringing to the end" specifically in studies. That is, you can only “finish” your studies, not “finish”.

The verb “finish” is not used in relation to studies. Therefore, it is logical to say “finished washing,” but “graduated from college.”

But here is an example of not a certificate, but a diploma; probably different universities and institutes issue different documentary evidence of incomplete higher education:

In principle, there is no big difference, and incomplete and unfinished higher education will be correct. There is another concept - incomplete higher education. It is used more often when preparing documents (work books).

Education on resume

Each of us had to look for work. This is not an easy task and requires a serious approach. It’s good if you have professional experience behind you. And if not? Then all hope is only in education. But how to write about your education on your resume? In this article you will find a comprehensive answer to the question posed.

How to correctly indicate education on a resume

You need to describe your primary and secondary education in your resume briefly and clearly. Just a couple of lines should make it clear to the manager what professional qualities are inherent in you at a fundamental level.

When applying for a vacancy, a recruiter needs to know only two things about you:

  • your education is at least somehow related to the position for which you are applying;
  • where exactly did you get it?

Diplomas from large public universities have always had more weight than private educational institutions. However this fact does not have a significant impact on the course of events.

Where is the best place to place the “Education” section?

Standard resume forms that can be found on the Internet place this item next after the column defining the purpose. Therefore, many people who want to get a job do not even think that their priorities are set incorrectly.

Standard resume sample

Education is of course important for a recruiter, but it is even more important for him to know what exactly you can do professionally.

  • Don't force him to look for the necessary information in his resume.
  • If you have not yet acquired work experience, but have just graduated from an educational institution, then the line about education in the resume will be in its place if it is written immediately after the “Purpose” section.
  • If you are a qualified specialist in your field, and even with considerable work experience, place information about your education after the “Work Experience” section.
  • Remember First you need to write what will be of greatest importance.

Non-standard resume sample

What to write in your education resume

Chronological order must also be observed when describing education itself. If you have several diplomas, the knowledge most relevant to the position for which you are applying will be of importance. It happens that some of the documents about the acquired knowledge have nothing to do with the future specialty. In this case, it is not recommended to provide such information at all.

Some useful tips:

  • Don't limit yourself to an acronym. It is necessary to indicate the full name of the educational institution;
  • Please note when you started your studies and the year you completed them;
  • Do not forget to reflect the specialty you received;
  • There is no need to be modest: if you have a diploma with honors, you should also stipulate this;
  • Sometimes, it would be a good idea to indicate your average score;
  • Keep it brief; the section should not take up much space as it is not important.

What to write if you have incomplete education

But how can you indicate incomplete higher education on your resume? For students who are continuing their studies at a university at the time of submitting their resume, the graduation date should be considered the year in which you are required to complete your studies according to the curriculum. When hiring a student, the manager has the right to know how many years the candidate has left before graduation. If you are still studying, but have marked the current year as your graduation date, the recruiter may think that you have dropped out of school. Therefore, indicate everything as specifically as possible.

When and how to write about additional education

Additional education in your resume (example: seminars, courses) should also be displayed if they are directly related to your new position. The manager will have an impression of you as a person who strives to improve his level of skill and follows new trends in his field of activity. Do not write about cutting and sewing courses if you are an applicant for the position of economist. It would be superfluous to indicate information in the education column in the resume (for example, programmer courses - graduation date 1985), which today have long lost their relevance.

If you have experience gained during an internship, be sure to write about them. Such information will characterize you from the best side.

I have been working in HR since 2003. Main achievements in HR position:

— 10 years of experience in HR (public service, production, IT) in companies with 20 to 4,000 employees.

— Experience in creating an HR department from scratch, forming a system and selecting a team

Managerial experience - 4 years.

Cover letter for sales manager

I want to get a job as a sales consultant in your store, I have work experience

For many applicants, the education section is the easiest part when writing a resume. They simply list the names of the schools, diploma, and graduation date. Just.

However, it's not always that simple. For example, what would you write if you changed schools three times before graduating with a bachelor's degree? How do you list your college education if you're still working on your dissertation? What to do if you refuse a master's degree?

How will you list your education on your resume? ()

This lesson answers these questions and everything else related to listing education on a resume.

First, let's start with the basics.

Writing an education section in a resume (5 key points)

  1. Always include the following information: degree earned, major, name of your school, location, and year of graduation.
  2. Start with a college degree in the profession you work in.
  3. List all other degrees in reverse chronological order.
  4. Remove high school education if you have already completed college.
  5. Remove the end date if it was more than five years ago.

Where do you place your resume on your resume?

If you're still in high school

List your education at the top one-third of your resume, right after an overview of your skills. Let education raise your price, even if you already have work experience.

If you are in college or just graduated from high school

At this stage, you may have more credentials related to your target job as a student than as a working professional.

Therefore, if you have not had a job, project, or volunteer work related to the position you are applying for, place your education before the beginning of the job section.

You might argue that it's better to list the casual and temporary jobs you've had in the first place. You might think that these work records show that you are able-bodied and at least know what it's like to work for a living.

Perhaps some employers can take this fact into account.

If you haven't read further than the title of the works, for example: "waiter", "cashier" or "coffee maker"? Any merit qualifications that you have listed below the positions will also be ignored. Even if these skills are related to the job you are applying for.

For now, list education before work. Just consider this your first step to convincing employers that you have the qualifications they need.

If you are already working in your profession

At this stage, employers place less emphasis on GPA and coursework for experienced candidates than for fresh graduates. Because of this, an experienced professional's training is either listed after their work history or at the bottom of the resume, right after the skills section.

How to indicate education on a resume (with examples)

1. High school

Below, various examples of education sections in a resume, depending on what stage of secondary education you are at.

Examples for high school

If high school is your highest level of education, you should list it as follows:

Graduated in 2008"

And if you're still in school, just change the second line to look like this:

"Western High School, Baltimore, Maryland
I will graduate in 2018"

If you have not completed high school:

Include the name of your school and its location, followed by the years you spent there.

"Edmondson-Westside High School, Baltimore, Maryland
Attended school from 2006 to 2009"

If you passed the Unified State Exam

Some people who did not complete high school took the General Education Examination (USE) instead.

If this is you, list the institution where you took the USE test, followed by information about your school.

“Unified State Exam as an analogue of a high school diploma
Richland Adult Education Center, 2012
Spring Valley High School, Columbia, South Carolina
Visited 2008-2010"

Vocational school (technical school)

If you studied a trade after high school, you can list it in addition to your high school education if it is related to the job you are aiming for.

Here's an example:

Dorsey School, Madison Heights, Michigan
HVAC Technician, 2008
Portage Central High School, Portage, Michigan

2. Not a bachelor yet

Below are different ways to list your college education on your resume.

College graduate

"Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts"

You can also write your specialty in deciphered form, rather than an abbreviation:

"Bachelor of Arts in English, 2012
UCLA, Los Angeles, California"

Still at school

If you're still learning, just put " currently» next to the course you are taking.

"Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, currently
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

You can also write “expected” followed by your expected completion date.

“B.N in economics, expected in 2015”
New York University"

Unfinished education

Not everyone who attends college completes it for any reason. There's nothing wrong with that, so don't let your education go to waste by excluding it from your resume.

Include the name of your school, then include start and end dates so that it is clear that you no longer attend it. Then write how many credits you have taken in your chosen field. Place your high school education after that.

"Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2008-2009: Passed 32 tests in the direction of Bachelor of Science in Education"
J.P. Stevens High School, 2007
Edison, New Jersey"

3. Graduate student

An advanced degree in your field will enhance your credibility as a candidate. That's why it should be listed before the bachelor's degree.

The example below is impressive for a candidate in the IT sector.

"Master in Computer Science, 2017
Bachelor in Computer Science,

You may want to list an additional degree that is not related to your field of work, so it would be better to list it after your bachelor's degree if it is not related to your current position.

For example, if you work in the IT sector, a master's degree in political science has no value, except perhaps for the skills you learn for your dissertation. To include this information on your resume, highlight any coursework that may be applicable to your job.

"Bachelor in Computer Science,
Michigan State University, 2010"
Master in Political Science, 2016
Coursework: Models and methods, security research"

This advice may not apply to everyone as it all depends on your career plan. For example, a Master in Business Administration is applicable to many jobs with a management role.

Incomplete higher education

The strategy here is similar to that used with undergraduate degrees. Include an expected completion date if there is still a lot of coursework left before you graduate.

“Master of Natural Sciences, will graduate in 2016”
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts"

But if you have completed everything except the dissertation, you can write " everything except the dissertation”, after your program at the end of your studies. However, be careful, there is information about this.

"Master of Biology
Everything except the dissertation, 2014
City College of New York"

The bachelor's degree should always be listed after the thesis.

Termination of postgraduate studies

You can still list a master's degree or doctorate on your resume, even if you did not complete it or dropped out of the entire program of study.

To avoid confusion, you can list this in a separate section " Research" or " Professional education” instead of listing it along with your other academic achievements.

Write the number of courses taken in the subject, the name of the institution and the dates in which you studied there.

“15 credits in applied mathematics
University of Maryland, 2008-2009"

This example shows how you could list a master's degree in "Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Scientific Computing" if you only did part of the coursework (i.e. Applied Mathematics)

You can also put it all on one line and this reduces the number of courses completed and incomplete higher education.

“Postgraduate coursework in applied mathematics, University of Maryland, USA, 2008-2009”

4. Certification

Some applicants may not have the formal education required for the job. But they made up for it with certificates, courses, seminars and training events. The professional training and education you are currently receiving can be listed in the education section of your resume or in a separate section " Professional education».

Follow the following format:

“Name of educational institution, who conducts classes or who conducts certification, date of receipt, location”

Here's an example:

"Oracle SBC Troubleshooting Certification, Pearson Vue Test Center, 2015, Hong Kong"

Location of training is not required, except for country/state specific licenses and certifications.

If you haven't completed your training, you can list it as " Currently"or write an approximate completion date.

"Implementation of Oracle SBC from Oracle, Toronto, (to be completed, September 2017)

These templates can give your resume a better look, or you can check out more professional resume designs on GraphicRiver:

What else can you add to your resume if you have no work experience?

Fresh graduates with no work experience sometimes have trouble completing a one-page resume. This doesn't have to be the case if you are creative in how you display your qualifications. Large fonts are not needed.

Below is useful information you can add to enhance your resume:

Grade point average (GPA, not applicable in all countries)

List the GPA of coursework related to the job for which you are applying. Only do this if your GPA is at least 3.0.

"Bachelor in Economics, 2017
Ohio University, Cleveland, Ohio
GPA/GPA 3.75"

Relevant coursework

You can also list subjects or sections that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Don't know what items are relevant? Collect job advertisements for five similar positions in the field, then list the most common skills or education requirements that are listed there. Compare this list of keywords with transcripts from your college to find the right coursework.

Here's an example for a recent graduate applying for an entry-level position as a clinical technician

"Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering, 2015
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Relevant coursework: quantitative experimentation and design, systems physiology, biomedical systems analyses, biostatistics"

Check out this guide for more information on how to use keywords on your resume:


List the awards, scholarships and prizes you received during your studies. You can list them after your education if there are less than three things to list.

If you have received more than three merit badges, it is better to list them in a separate section called " Awards and prizes».

Please include the name of the institution that provided the award and the date it was awarded to you. Below is an example of the format:

Towson University Resume Example

Or, another option:

Sample resume from , a certified professional resume writer.

Questions and answers

What if you are returning to school to get a new diploma?

Are you changing careers? If you are getting a new degree because you want to do a different type of job, then it is important that you include your new degree on your resume. Place it on top of your previous college education.

When you change direction, much of your previous work experience will be considered irrelevant. Let's say you want to move from being a caregiver to selling life insurance, or from IT to running a restaurant. In these cases, most of your previous qualifications - education, skills, achievements - will not apply.

This is where it comes to a new diploma. You're like a graduate in a new field, but a little better. Your formal education will satisfy most employers' requirements, and transferable skills will elevate your qualifications even further, so you won't be seen as a complete newbie.

What if your degree is not job related?

I know someone with a degree in design who is now a life insurance agent, I also know someone who graduated as a caregiver and who worked in IT for many years before becoming a real estate agent. This happens more often than you might think, so don't let it stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Below are two ways to reduce your lack of real education in the job field you're targeting:

  • Please indicate the relevant thesis. Let's say you have a degree in psychology, but want to work in marketing. If you took classes in social psychology, communication, grammar and business, these subjects show that you have the knowledge needed for the job.
  • List professional courses or ongoing training you are taking to compensate for the lack of formal training on this topic.

What if you attended multiple schools to get one degree?

List only the school where you graduated or completed your studies. Institutions are required to refer students to submit their transcripts as well as a detailed list of courses they completed at their previous school.

Your academic records will be consolidated when you graduate, so this is what you should include on your resume. If you list the wrong school, you may receive a negative result from your employer's pre-screening.

One side of the coin

Having a college degree no longer guarantees you a job. However, higher education is one of the requirements for high-paying jobs. Therefore, you must learn to list your education on your resume in a way that portrays you as a qualified and knowledgeable professional, rather than just a student who did the bare minimum.

Now that you've finished listing your education on your resume, why not improve other parts of your resume?

Browse our professional resume templates on GraphicRiver to find great resume designs. Plus, learn more about how in our comprehensive series. There are several resume strategies that are helpful to master to help you land your dream job.