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» How to paint an old refrigerator with your own hands. How to paint an old refrigerator: restoring the appearance of the device Repainting a refrigerator

How to paint an old refrigerator with your own hands. How to paint an old refrigerator: restoring the appearance of the device Repainting a refrigerator

In my son’s apartment, the kitchen is so small that the refrigerator doesn’t fit in it. I had to put it in the room, and it was literally like an eyesore - it looked very alien. I offered him several ways to paint the refrigerator with my own hands or modify it using other methods.

In the meantime, he’s thinking, I want to tell about them to those who have a similar problem or just want to update old, but still working equipment.

All painting methods

If you need to get a solid, monochromatic surface, then painting the refrigerator yourself is essentially a piece of cake. We pick up a brush, roller or spray can and paint everything. Preparation may take much longer.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Grinding. Only necessary for an old refrigerator that has chips, scratches and traces of rust on the surface. If they are not there, we skip this step. If there is one, we take sandpaper or a drill with a sanding attachment in our hands and clean the damaged coating.

  1. putty. Deep chips and dents must be filled with putty, otherwise they will be visible under the paint and under any other coating.
  2. Degreasing. This is done using solvents or regular detergents.
  3. Hardware protection. Everything that is filmed is filmed. We seal the remaining parts that should not get paint on with masking tape.

This the instructions will be relevant for all other methods decorative design refrigerators and other equipment, which I will also talk about. You can watch the video at the end of the article in more detail and more clearly.

But for now let’s talk about how to paint a refrigerator.

Regular painting

It will lie best on the surface and metal paint will stick to it well. It comes in both cans and aerosol cans. Choose the one that is more convenient.

  • Painting with a brush or roller takes longer and is more difficult- it is difficult to achieve perfect uniformity of application. But you can do this right on the spot.

  • Aerosol paint is applied quickly and evenly. But you need more free space to work. There is a risk of staining the floor and walls, so everything around needs to be covered with film. In addition, sprayed paint can enter the respiratory system. Therefore, it is better to work not at home at all, but in the open air.

Instead of the usual one, you can take slate paint, it happens too different colors. With its help you can not only update old refrigerator, but also turn its walls into convenient writing boards. These could be recipes, grocery lists, or just messages left for your family.

Painting with a simple pattern

If you don’t like a monotonous surface, you can apply multi-colored stripes to the refrigerator, decorate it with geometric shapes or ornaments. And so that transitions between different colors turned out clear, you need to use masking tape.

It is temporarily glued along pre-marked boundaries, and then carefully removed.

When one color is completely dry, use tape to limit areas of the other color. And so on depending on the number of shades chosen.

Painting in a car service

If you don’t want to repaint the refrigerator at home, you can take it to a body painting shop. This is exactly what my friends did not so long ago.

Advantages of this method:

  • No dirt or smell in the apartment;
  • Color fastness, since after applying the coating it is dried in special chambers;
  • Possibility of applying any design to the surface with an airbrush. Of course, if this service is provided in a workshop.

IN major cities there are specialized companies that deal specifically with airbrushing not only on cars, but also on furniture, household appliances and any other things.

And now about other ways of decorating:

Method 1 - painting

Don’t think that painting a refrigerator is only available to those who are very good at drawing. Of course, it will be much easier for such people to decorate it by showing their imagination and coming up with a design that will best match the interior in design and color.

For people without artistic abilities, other ways have been invented to update the refrigerator with their own hands. They are based on the use of stencils. You can take:

  1. Ready stencil. It is fixed to the surface with tape, and the space inside the slots is filled with paint.

  1. Homemade stencil. You can find a suitable design or ornament, print it on a printer and cut it out. And then use it for its intended purpose. If this is a single drawing, use plain paper as the base. If it is repetitive, then it is better to transfer the pattern to transparent plastic. For example, on a plastic office folder.

  1. Anti-stencil. The pattern is obtained in the opposite way: paint is sprayed over the stencil. And when it is removed, an unpainted drawing remains in its place.

Tree leaves, lace napkins, flowers cut out of paper, etc. can be used as an anti-stencil.

Method 2 - decoupage

Don't feel like painting? Don't know how to draw? I suggest another original way decor: do-it-yourself refrigerator decoupage. There is hardly any need to explain what it is, but what if someone doesn’t know?

In fact, this is an ordinary paper applique, which is varnished for beauty and reliability. It prevents the picture from getting dirty and peeling off when washing the surface.

The surface can be given a relief, cracks can be created on it to imitate antiquity, and it can be covered with gold. But this is hardly appropriate in our case, because kitchen appliances need to be washed. Therefore, I do not advise you not to split hairs.

Pictures for the refrigerator can be printed on a color printer, cut out from magazines, or drawn by yourself. But more often, decoupage cards or colored multi-layer napkins sold in art stores are used for this purpose. Because the thinner the paper, the more natural the decor looks.

This method can be combined with painting and painting elements. Here, for example, is how to decoupage a refrigerator with napkins:

Image Description
Step 1

Cut out the design from the napkin with sharp scissors.

Step 2

Carefully separate the top layer.

Step 3

We leave several pictures whole, and cut the rest, removing several berries at a time and changing the size and shape of the bunch. We will also need several separate leaves.

Step 4

We glue the pictures onto the refrigerator with PVA glue. Apply it with a soft brush directly on top of the picture, smoothing it from the center to the edges.

Step 5

Using a soft pencil we draw twigs and antennae

Step 6

Take acrylic paints and paint over the branches brown. We outline the antennae in green.

Step 7

Apply highlights to the berries with white paint. And wait for the paint to dry.

Step 8

Covering the entire refrigerator acrylic varnish in two layers and admire the result.

This technique is good because it allows you to mask individual dents and scratches without repainting the entire unit. But if desired, and if the composition requires it, you can first apply a layer of colored paint.

Method 3 - pasting with film

Another way to decorate a refrigerator without using paint is to cover it with vinyl film. It is self-adhesive, so no other Supplies will not need.

The method of pasting depends on the purpose of the alteration. Namely: do you want to completely change the image of a “cold friend” or just embellish it.

Full wrapping

In modern built-in kitchens, the refrigerator often stands out from the orderly row of furniture, sharply differing from it in a different color. Or, as in our case, placed next to the furniture in the living room, it looks alien.

In such cases, film on the refrigerator will help out. It is sold in rolls and pleases with an abundance of colors and patterns.

The assortment includes plain and multi-colored films, as well as with a wide variety of patterns, including those imitating natural materials.

It is not so easy to stick such a coating evenly, without wrinkles, folds and bubbles. Manufacturers recommend doing this by gradually removing the backing from the adhesive layer and smoothing the already glued part with a rubber spatula.

I like the other way better:

  1. I completely remove the backing from the cut piece, placing it pattern side down on the table.
  2. Then I spray water from a spray bottle on both the film and the surface to be pasted.
  3. As a result, the refrigerator film glides easily over the surface while gluing. It can be moved to achieve a given position and easily squeeze out air bubbles.
  4. After some time, the water will evaporate and the coating will stick to the walls.

Partial pasting

We remember decoupage and proceed in a similar way, cutting out individual fragments from the film. The only difference is that we don’t need any glue or varnish. Because the film already has an adhesive layer, and it itself is not afraid of moisture.

It’s even easier to use stickers. They are sold in many supermarkets and home improvement stores. The price is low, there is an assortment for every taste, and all the design work will take literally a few minutes.

And finally, another option: colored tape. Stick it with parallel stripes, intersecting lines or any pattern, and the refrigerator will be unrecognizable.


The video in this article shows detailed master class on updating the refrigerator with self-adhesive. Pay attention to careful surface preparation. It is always necessary, no matter what you choose to decorate your equipment: painting, painting or decoupage.

These methods themselves, as you can see, are quite simple to implement and can be implemented at home. I look forward to your comments and will be happy to answer your questions!

Surely many people have an old refrigerator in their garden or dacha, the appearance of which has not been pleasing to the eye for a long time. Sometimes people don’t realize that it can be updated and it will fit perfectly into the interior.

If your refrigerator is still in good working order, but its appearance is depressing, feel free to start restoration. You yourself will be surprised by the result, and all that is required is your desire, minimal experience and small financial investments. Why spend money on new equipment if you can make the old one into a designer one?

The best options for painting the outside of a refrigerator

Don't know how you would like your refrigerator to look? Don't know how to draw and imagine? It doesn’t matter, because today it’s easy to find many simple and unusual solutions on the Internet. Everyone will choose among them what is suitable specifically for their case and interior.

Video ideas:

Basic rules for quality painting

In order for the paint to adhere well and serve for a long time, you need to choose it well and strictly follow the painting technology when working.

How to choose the right paint

Restoration requires paint and a minimum of tools. All you need is a narrow roller and a brush, and if you use aerosol cans, even they are not needed. Selecting a coloring composition is a responsible matter, because it must not only perform a decorative function, but also protect equipment from various mechanical damage. Therefore, paints and varnishes are required that meet certain requirements: they are easy to tint, hold the paint vertically, and are resistant to detergents.

Waterproof metal paint used for indoor work is suitable for this purpose. It can be polyurethane, acrylic, oil-based, automotive nitro-enamel, zinc, silicone, epoxy, nitrocellulose or other paint. They all differ in composition, but in this case it does not matter.

Coloring substances can be matte, glossy, luminescent, smooth or textured, differ in color, have different time drying, cost. The most affordable, harmless and simple option is an acrylic paint for metal.

Coloring stages

Before you begin the process of painting equipment, you need to carry out some preparatory work so that the paint goes on evenly and smoothly.

Preliminary work:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator.
  2. Remove the shelves and trays inside.
  3. Clear outer surface from dirt and grease. This can be done easily with a stiff sponge and grease remover.
  4. To make the paint stick better, remove the old coating with sandpaper and sand down chips and scratches.
  5. Wipe off any accumulated dust with a wet cloth and then wipe dry.
  6. Degrease the surface using special chemicals.
  7. Apply primer if necessary.
  8. Protect the fittings with cling film, wide tape or masking tape.
  9. Cover the floor and other surfaces that may be dirty when painting with newspapers or oilcloth.
  10. Start by painting an inconspicuous area.


Attention! When working, for safety reasons it is necessary to use individual funds protection. In this case, their role is played by a respirator and rubber gloves.

It is best to paint outside in warm and calm weather. If this is not possible, a bright, well-ventilated room will do. But in this case, it is better not to use car paint in cans, since it is the most toxic.

Coloring rules:

  1. The coloring composition must be applied in 2–3 layers.
  2. After each layer you need to take a break for 30 minutes so that it dries thoroughly.
  3. When painting, it is more convenient to move the roller or brush from left to right or from top to bottom.
  4. Hard-to-reach areas can be easily painted with a small brush.
  5. As the last layer, to make the surface shiny or matte, you can use aerosol acrylic varnish.

Aerosol painting technology

When painting with aerosol cans, they must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. All movements must be carried out evenly and without stopping to avoid paint sagging. If it is necessary to remove minor paint defects, use solvents.

Creative dyeing technologies and decoupage

  • Want to turn your old refrigerator into a whiteboard? It can be used to record recipes, notes to loved ones and demonstrate an original solution to guests.
  • Kitchen appliances can be painted not in a single color, but by adding multi-colored stripes or geometric figures. At the same time, it is convenient to use masking tape at color transitions for a more accurate result.
  • Painting or a ready-made stencil will also be a good solution. The stencil can be easily made by hand.
  • Decoupage. Sometimes people don't want to bother with painting, but prefer to update their refrigerator using film. But this method requires good skill and experience so that the film lies flat and without bubbles. But there is a simpler option - decoupage. Its technique is very simple and accessible even to a schoolchild. It requires almost no cash investment and takes minimal time. Decoupage is an appliqué made of paper, which is varnished for ease of use. Decoupage cards and multi-layer paper napkins are suitable for this. You can also cut out a picture from magazines, draw it yourself, or print it from the Internet using a color printer.

As you can see, the procedure for painting a refrigerator is simple and you can easily do it yourself at home. It only takes time and your imagination. Give your refrigerator new life, and you will noticeably transform old interior your kitchen.

The result when painting a refrigerator is much better than if you try to cover the refrigerator with film. In order for the film to lay flat on the surface of the refrigerator, you will have to work hard to prevent the formation of air bubbles or wrinkles. Painting allows for a smoother surface.

The process of painting a refrigerator has some peculiarities, but with careful attention they can be easily resolved. If desired, with the help of painting it is possible not only to give beautiful view old coating, but also bring new refrigerator in accordance with the interior of the kitchen.

How to paint a refrigerator

Enamel for painting cars in spray cans is far from an option for painting a refrigerator, although it may seem so.

The refrigerator is most often painted in or, in rare cases, taken out onto the balcony. If you use spray paint, its tiny particles will settle on furniture, walls and floors. In addition, even dust is saturated with paint - after it settles on the floor, it can only be removed with a solvent. Cleaning using white spirit is not particularly pleasant, and if taking the refrigerator out into the open is not possible, it is better to use a roller for painting.

Of course, when painting with a roller, it will not be possible to achieve a smooth and uniform coating, as with spraying an aerosol, but there will be much less cleaning. We must also remember that from getting into the respiratory organs tiny particles Even a respirator cannot save paint, so aerosols are only suitable for open spaces.

However, if you wish, you can use automotive enamel. But epoxy paint, some of the acrylic paint compositions are also suitable.

Dyeing technology

To paint a refrigerator, you need to stock up in advance with paint and a roller, clean rags, film, newspapers, prepare detergent, a sponge, and tape.

Wash and dry the surface of the refrigerator thoroughly. In order not to stain anything around, cover the interior items with film and cover the floor with newspapers. Provide ventilation of the room.

It is better to first test the paint on an area of ​​the surface that is not noticeable - this will help make sure that the color and tone are chosen correctly. It is advisable to remove the fittings from the refrigerator or seal them with masking tape.

When painting with an aerosol, the can must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Need to apply paint uniform movements, directing them from left to right.

The painted refrigerator is dried for about half an hour, then you can apply another layer of paint. If you choose a roller to apply paint, it is better to choose one that is not very wide.

How to paint a refrigerator at home? This question arises sooner or later for many who have a properly working old unit.

Although it won't look brand new, the owner can radically change its design and disguise any peeling paint or cracks that have formed. The article suggests finding out what paint you can use to paint a refrigerator.

To paint a refrigerator at home, you must first determine the purpose of painting.

It could be:

  • Upgrading a used unit.
  • Paint it a different color that will harmonize with the wallpaper.
  • Make from regular refrigerator designer.

After determining the goal, paint is selected. To update the shabby corners of an old refrigerator, you can use spray paint, but more reliable option– paint for metal.

Tip: Despite the fact that it is on sale a large number of paints applied even over rust, you should first remove all old poorly adhering paint and degrease the entire surface.

What paint to paint the refrigerator?

There is no definite answer to this; you will need to choose from several options:

  • To restore appearance, the refrigerator is painted with enamel paints, which are used in manufacturing plants for the initial coloring of products. It can be:
  1. enamels in jars;
  2. automobile paints produced in aerosol cans. Their price is much higher, which is due to the presence of components in the composition that ensure the resistance of the composition to atmospheric influences, which is not particularly important for home refrigerators.

Advantages of enamels:

  1. high-quality adhesion;
  2. durability;
  3. beautiful glossy shine.

The disadvantage of the coating is the fairly high toxicity of the solvents.

  • Epoxy paints. These pigments have almost the same operational characteristics as enamels, but the technology for applying them to the surface is much more complicated. In addition, the cost of the epoxy composition good quality quite high.
  • Acrylic mixtures. This option is considered budget solution for painting a refrigerator. Their characteristics are inferior to epoxy compounds, but at the same time there is enough strength and durability of the coating.

The advantage of acrylic is the availability of a wide range of palettes. This is especially in demand when deciding to give original decor refrigerator.

Before repainting the refrigerator, we must not forget about the use of restoring compounds. This is necessary if there is rust on the walls of the product, which will prevent the development of corrosion. In this case, materials that contain aluminum or zinc granules, such as Zinga conductive paint, help.

How to choose painting tools

After choosing paint, you need to purchase the necessary tools.

It can be:

  • Roller and brushes. In this case, the painting process will take longer, and the surface quality will be slightly worse. However, the use of a roller and brushes, when using fine decor, allows the whole work to be completed more accurately, without paint getting on the walls and floor.
  • Spray gun (see Selecting a spray gun for painting). It is good to use such a device if it is possible to take the unit out to a free open area. large space, or completely protect the existing environment and territory from contamination. As a result, when using a spray gun, the coating will be a thin, uniform layer.

Tip: Nitro paints are usually applied from a spray gun, but for small areas such a device should be replaced with an aerosol can and painted as shown in the photo.

Paints such as Polistil can be sprayed with a spray gun to protect metal from fire, but when restoring a refrigerator, their use is not always justified; it is better to use more suitable compositions.

  • When planning a color combination, you should use masking tape or plastic wrap to separate areas.

Sticker masking tape on the surface of the refrigerator

Tip: Do not use regular sticky tape: the glue on its surface leaves marks on the refrigerator, and paint will not adhere well to them.

How to paint a refrigerator

Tip: Do not paint or touch the back of the unit, it can be very hot.

Before you start you need to purchase:

  • The paint previously selected.
  • Rollers and pallets.
  • Regular ammonia.
  • Rags.
  • A sponge.
  • Duct tape.
  • Special anti-rust product.

Instructions for painting a refrigerator:

  • Prepared:
  1. old newspapers or plain paper;
  2. protective mask;
  3. gloves;
  4. rags;
  5. detergent;
  6. dye;
  7. roller, brush;
  8. foam tube;
  9. regular tape.
  • The unit is turned off from the socket.
  • All the devices included in it are pulled out of it:
  1. boxes;
  2. egg cups and more.
  • The refrigerator is thoroughly cleaned detergents which dissolve fat.
  • It is better to unscrew handles and other parts that are not subject to painting so that they do not get dirty and the paint in these places lies evenly.
  • Newspapers or paper are laid around the perimeter around the unit and underneath it, which will prevent the floor surface from getting dirty.
  • The level of the room where the refrigerator will be painted is leveled.
  • The surface is inspected. If there are places with rust, they must be cleaned to bare metal.
  • Damage to paint, chips, or other defects in enamels, such areas must be treated with a primer from a spray can.
  • The transition areas to the enamel are carefully cleaned. For this purpose very fine sandpaper to avoid visible transitions, and for even distribution of paint.
  • The primer is given time to dry.
  • If necessary, apply a second or third layer to level the surface.
  • Before starting work on an invisible area of ​​the unit, check right choice selection of paint color.
  • The refrigerator can be painted. Car paint from the can it will apply well and evenly, the surface will be smooth and resistant to abrasion. The paint is applied in a thin layer from a sufficient distance. Each layer must dry well. The entire process can be seen in detail in the video in this article.

It is better to paint the unit while standing. You can apply a beautiful design to the refrigerator panel.

To do this, apply an image with a thin brush or outline the picture or motif you like. If desired, the finished unit is coated with automotive varnish, which will allow it to shine and sparkle pleasantly in the sun.

You can decorate the refrigerator. There are several ways to do this.

Stick on the surface vinyl stickers. They perfectly mask defects and can perfectly transform the interior of the entire kitchen.

A refrigerator, like any equipment, has the ability to not only break down, but its external and internal appearance can also deteriorate.

Of course, all this happens over time, but it still happens and these problems must be solved somehow.

Very often, when it comes to refrigerators, it happens that the paint falls off and cracks; in this case, in order not to buy a new one, you just need to paint this refrigerator. How to paint a refrigerator

How to paint a refrigerator at home

In order not to take it for repairs - this question interests many as it will not only save money, but also time.
Painting the refrigerator with your own hands.

In order to paint the refrigerator yourself you need:

1) you need to take some unnecessary newspapers or just paper, rags, detergent, paint, a roller, a foam tube and the most common tape;

2) the refrigerator is unplugged - pull out all the devices that are in it - various drawers, an egg stand and more. Then you will need to thoroughly wash this refrigerator - especially to remove dust;

3) You will need to lay newspapers or paper around the entire perimeter around the refrigerator, as well as under the appliance. This is done so as not to stain the floor surface;

4) must be done good level the room where the refrigerator will be painted;

5) before starting work, you will need to check in some area that is difficult to see whether the paint color is chosen correctly;

6) Now you can begin the painting process itself - to do this, use a roller to evenly paint the area of ​​the refrigerator from left to right. If an aerosol can is used when painting, it will need to be kept at a distance of approximately 30 centimeters from the area of ​​the area being painted.

You can see what a painted refrigerator looks like in this photo.

What paint to paint the refrigerator

A very important question - since, first of all, a refrigerator is not a simple material, but a technique, so any paint will not work here and it is best to use:

— Aerosol epoxy paint;

Acrylic paints;

— Automotive enamel;

After this, the question arises about how to paint the inside of the refrigerator. In order to paint the inside of the refrigerator, the same types of paints are suitable as for external use.

The main thing to remember here is that before painting the inside you will need to remove all the fittings, and if this is impossible to do, then cover it with tape.

In order to paint the inside of the refrigerator, it is best to use a bone approximately 5 - 7 centimeters wide.

You can also watch a video of painting a refrigerator

MASTER CLASS we will repaint the refrigerator