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» How to use a jigsaw - step-by-step description and recommendations. How to use a jigsaw correctly: personal experience of masters Techniques for working with a jigsaw

How to use a jigsaw - step-by-step description and recommendations. How to use a jigsaw correctly: personal experience of masters Techniques for working with a jigsaw

With the help of modern tools – – you can easily make straight and curved cuts in a variety of sheet materials. Wood, plastic, metal - everything is possible. Naturally, within the technical characteristics of the instrument.

Using a jigsaw, you can carefully cut the corners of a table or perform shaped cutting on a steel sheet.

Based on the density of the materials being cut and the technical capabilities of jigsaws, we can highlight some features of their use.

Features of using jigsaws

  • Availability pendulum mechanism for jigsaws, it allows you to avoid excessive force when cutting; increases cutting speed. The use of this mechanism is justified only in cases where there is no need for a clean or precise cut. Otherwise, the pendulum stroke must either be turned off or set to the minimum position. The most optimal option for using a pendulum mechanism would be to cut soft wood, as well as foam, plastic, plywood, and chipboard.
  • For sawing steel sheets or other hard materials, it is wise to use jigsaws with a higher power. It is also necessary to pay attention to the method of attaching the file - the cutting organ of the tool. Rigid fastening contributes to a more confident cut.
  • To perform household work, jigsaws with a power of 280 to 550 W are usually used with an effective device power of 130-340 W. Even in household power tools, it is worth paying attention to the presence of electronic adjustment stroke frequencies under various loads and materials. If there is adjustment, then even at low frequencies the instrument operates at full power, which has a positive effect on the speed and quality of work.
  • When working with plastic, using high saw speeds can cause the edges of the material to be processed to melt, impairing the appearance and quality of work.

At the same time, using high speeds when cutting steel sheets is the most acceptable option. In this case, as the steel heats up, it becomes softer and more pliable.

Shaped cutting of hard wood and other dense materials is also best done at high speed.

In any case, when choosing the speed of the cutting blade, you need to take into account the need to obtain a finishing cut. If special precision and cleanliness are needed, then the speed of the saw is reduced.

In order to work effectively with a jigsaw, it is important not to forget that each tool exists to perform a job specific to it. In other words, hammering nails with pliers is also possible. But will it be effective? When it comes to power tools, using them for other purposes almost always leads to disastrous consequences. Therefore, if you need to make a long straight cut, a good hacksaw, in the absence of a manual circular saw, will be a better option than a jigsaw.

10 Tricks for Using a Jigsaw Effectively

  1. Let the tool, not you, do the work. Your task is simply to guide him in the right direction. Do not press on the jigsaw. This advice will not only save your strength, but will also help you avoid unpleasant moments in the form of a poor-quality cut, a broken saw, or something more serious.
  2. To make long straight cuts, use blades with sufficient width. The large plane of the blade will allow you to maintain the desired cutting angle without unnecessary effort. Have several canvases in stock for different occasions. For finishing cuts, also use appropriate blades, such as Makita B10.
  3. If you need to cut a thin sheet of metal (less than 1 mm), use a sheet of plywood as a backing. When working, avoid vibration by selecting the optimal speed mode.
  4. When using low speeds for work, give the jigsaw a “rest” more often. This is due to the fact that at low speeds the air flow to the electric motor is small. Therefore, overheating may occur during prolonged operation.
  5. Follow all manufacturer's instructions for servicing your power tool. Carry out the necessary lubrication and cleaning; use and store the tool in proper conditions. Thanks to this, it will serve you for a long time.
  6. When working, secure the material using clamps. Some jigsaws can be used quite successfully with one hand; You can also work with a partner. Despite this, to perform high-quality work, fixing the material plays a paramount role.
  7. Use the pendulum mechanism when cutting wood along the grain. This helps ensure a straight cut. The canvas will not be pulled to the side along the fibers of the material.
  8. Use personal protective equipment. Although many models of jigsaws are equipped with an attachment for connecting a vacuum cleaner or dust collector, this tool is still quite dusty. Dust accidentally getting into your eyes will not improve the quality of your work.
  9. Make the cut near the drawn line, not along it. The benefit is not only that it is easier to cut the material efficiently. When marking, you do not have to make allowances for the width of the cut.
  10. When processing delicate materials, place the front side down. At the same time, if the material is thick enough and you are not sure that you can hold the saw perpendicular to the material, then turn the front side up and, if possible, put a special anti-friction pad on the sole.

Knowing the features and small tricks of using jigsaws will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently!

Connoisseurs of unusual design solutions often look with delight at photographs with beautiful rounded elements of furniture, stairs and structures decorating the interior of houses. At first glance, such details are inaccessible to ordinary users. But, having special ones and learning how to work with them, you can create interesting interior items that emphasize the uniqueness and individuality of the style of the room.

One such hand tool is the . This article describes how to work with a jigsaw for novice craftsmen, how to set it up, choose files and get the desired result.

Features of preparing a jigsaw for work

Choosing a file. One of the main parameters of high-quality sawing is a correctly selected file. For each material, a corresponding type of cutting tool is provided:

  • If you need to make a straight cut in wood, you should choose a blade with medium (or large) teeth. This saw can be used to cut parquet, laminate, and boards. It is better to use files with a wide blade. On some models of saws you can see a special icon - clean for wood - this is how manufacturers mark products for wood processing. They are easier to manage without expending excessive effort. The soft start function will help ensure an even cut - the engine accelerates gradually, without jerking;
  • For metal, it is better to take a narrow saw with fine teeth. The thickness of the cut in metal is usually from 3 to 5 mm. The most durable alloys and stainless steel are easier to cut with a blade with the finest teeth. And for durable plastics and non-ferrous metals, you can choose a larger tooth size. Files for such operations are marked with the inscription - for metal;
  • Ceramics or tiles are treated with a toothless cloth. Instead, the file is coated with an abrasive compound, most often diamond coating. The tool carefully rounds the edges and makes a straight cut. It's not difficult to recognize the painting. In addition to the absence of teeth, the side surface has a marker - special for ceramics;
  • The easiest way to perform figured sawing is to use a narrow and thin file with a fine tooth. This blade is not clamped during turning operations, which contributes to accurate, error-free cutting. They consider it one of the best tools for figure cutting - this jigsaw can even handle carved furniture.

How to insert a file into a jigsaw. Properly securing the file is necessary not only for accurate cutting, but also to prevent injuries during work. Jigsaws are available with different types of saw blade mounts:

  • Kolodochnoye. The most commonly used type of clamp. The blade is inserted into the block and clamped until it stops with two screws. The screws must be tightened carefully, avoiding distortion of the file. Replacing a dull blade is just as simple - loosen the screws, pull out the file, and insert a new one in its place.
  • Screw. In such devices, the file is placed in a clamp and tightened with one screw. The canvas changes quickly and effortlessly. The main thing in installation is to check the angle of the inserted saw. Experts recommend not tightening the screw to the limit - this will lead to excessive vibration of the blade.
  • Quick-clamping. Not universal. This fastening is used only for a certain type of files. In addition, users have complaints about the reliability of the file’s fixation. Installation and replacement of the blade is carried out as follows: the lever on the clamp is pulled out, the dull blade is pulled out, a new one is inserted, it snaps into place, the lever returns to its place.

How to work with a jigsaw: features and rules

When making straight cuts or sawing circular holes, it is important to choose the right mode. Both the quality of cutting and the safety of the tool itself depend on this. Experienced craftsmen intuitively feel the operation of the tool, but there are basic recommendations for working with various materials.

Working with wood. It seems obvious to many craftsmen how to work with a jigsaw on wood. But there are nuances. For example, for soft wood, it is more advisable to cut at high speed. The denser and harder the wood, the lower the speed of movement of the saw should be. The pendulum stroke of the 1st stage should be connected when working with workpieces more than 3 cm, and if the thickness of the board is more than 5 cm, then it is better to switch to the 2nd stage and higher. For example, a model in pendulum mode can handle boards up to 65 mm.

Interesting fact: Many models of jigsaws, for example, are equipped with a pendulum function. This function allows the file to move not only up and down, but also slightly to the sides. Multi-stage pendulum movement is used only for straight cutting, for large workpieces or large volumes of cutting, when productivity is needed, but the cleanliness of the cut can be neglected. The speed of sawing operations in pendulum mode increases significantly with a slight loss of quality.

Metal cutting is carried out at low speed without the use of a pendulum mechanism. To improve the quality of the cut and reduce the load on the tool, it is recommended to supply a special composition to the cutting line - water mixed with machine oil. In addition, it is imperative to pause while working to cool the tool. It has proven itself to be excellent for such operations - you can connect a vacuum cleaner to it to collect sawdust.

The difficulty of sawing plastic and similar materials, such as plexiglass or textolite, lies in the fragility of the materials being processed. Despite their low hardness, they can become deformed, crack or chip. Therefore, it is better to saw them slowly, using a fine-toothed file.

Working with other materials. often used for cutting or rounding tiles and ceramic tiles. Its strength is low, so the processing speed must be set low, avoiding shock loads.

In any case, when trying to cut a material whose “behavior” is unknown, you need to take into account its strength, thickness and hardness. To understand how best to set up a jigsaw for this material, you need to try different modes on non-critical areas of the workpiece, and the operation of different files.

Here you can see the key parameters of jigsaws from leading companies:


Bosch PST 750 E Makita 4327 Hitachi CJ65V3
Revolutions (per minute) 500-3100 500-3100 3000
Pendulum mechanism available absent absent
Depth of cut wood/steel, mm 75/5 65/6 65/6
Power, W 530 450 400
Weight, kg 2 1,8 1,5

Safety precautions

You should not neglect the rules for working with such a tool - this can lead to injury. Therefore, it is important to know how to use a jigsaw correctly and safely. Some tips for use:

  • Be sure to wear safety glasses and a respirator;
  • Do not lean on the jigsaw, achieving more significant pressure on the material;
  • During any pause, the jigsaw should be turned off;
  • Do not dismantle the protective screen;
  • Reliably fix the processed material;
  • Turn off the tool if smoke, sparks or unusual noise appears.

If you are going to make repairs:

To get used to working with a jigsaw and getting straight cuts, you will need a lot of practice. The main thing is not to forget about the main features of working with this power tool. So, tips for beginners on how to work with a jigsaw correctly:

  1. Before any operation, you should check the serviceability of the tool - only a well-functioning device can give an even and high-quality cut.
  2. The files must not be dull. This is checked visually - sharp peaks of the teeth indicate the good condition of the cutting blade.
  3. When cutting, the lower plane of the jigsaw must fit entirely on the surface of the workpiece. This guarantees both evenness of the cut and prevention of vibration.
  4. Deformation of thin sheet material can be avoided by using a backing.
  5. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when selecting saws and cutting modes.

To better understand how to work with a jigsaw on wood, you should watch videos from experienced craftsmen.

IN Almost every home craftsman has such an indispensable tool in his arsenal as a jigsaw. I am sure that every man encountered this tool during labor lessons during his school years. True, in my youth, a jigsaw was a hand tool and consisted of only three parts: a bracket on which the file was attached, the file itself and the handle. Only wood could cut such a tool. Currently, the manual jigsaw has become a thing of history and has been replaced by a powerful electric tool capable of performing a greater number of different operations. We’ll talk about how to choose a jigsaw in this article.

Modern jigsaw

A modern jigsaw is equipped with built-in safety features, an electronic speed controller, and vibration and noise dampers. A special protection is installed above the base plate, which protects against accidental contact with the saw blade.

Using a screw or a special clamping device, the jigsaw file is rigidly attached to the spindle and makes translational movements up and down with high frequency.
If the jigsaw is equipped with a multi-stage pendulum mechanism, then the saw blade can be tilted back. The pendulum mechanism increases the speed of straight cuts and extends the service life of the saw blade. Also, the jigsaw has a horizontal support platform, with which it rests on the part being cut. This significantly improves cutting accuracy. Usually the guide is made to rotate at an angle of up to 45 degrees.

Depending on the method of fastening the file, a jigsaw can be: with a cross-shaped shank, with a smooth shank and a shank with a hole.

How does a jigsaw work?

A jigsaw consists of a body with an electric motor, to which a saw blade is attached in a mounting hole at a right angle. There is a D-shaped or mushroom-shaped handle on top. A support sole is installed below, which slides over the workpiece, positioning the equipment. This design was invented in 1946 by Scintilla, a subsidiary of Bosch, and has remained in this form to this day. The controls include a power button and a blade speed control. In order not to constantly hold the start button, many models are designed to lock it. Markings are made on the workpiece along which the tool is guided. During operation, the saw blade moves up and down, which ensures sawing of the material. The cutting principle is similar to sawing with a hand jigsaw - the blade moves in the same way. Only when working with an electric tool, the user does not need to make reciprocating movements with his hand - he just holds the handle and guides the device along the cutting line. Models equipped with a pendulum mechanism allow, in addition to the speed, to select the positioning angle of the cutting tool. This allows you to select the optimal cutting mode for each material.

Features of using a jigsaw

Despite the fact that the principle of operation of a jigsaw is quite simple, there are nuances that you need to know. They relate to cutting modes and materials. I will try to focus on the most common questions that arise for those who pick up a jigsaw for the first time.

What can you cut with a jigsaw?

A jigsaw is capable of working with materials of varying hardness, while effectively coping with their sawing. It is important to choose the right equipment and cutting modes. Saw blades vary in purpose : for cutting steel, aluminum and non-ferrous metals they are made of tool steel, for sawing wood - from chrome-vanadium or high-carbon steel, for plexiglass and ceramics - from harder materials, for example, an alloy of carbide and tungsten. There are universal files that are used for wood materials and plastic.

If there is a large amount of work to be done with a specific type of workpiece, for example, laminate, it is better to choose specialized equipment specifically for this task. The right choice is the key to quality work. It is worth noting that files are only suitable for working with homogeneous material. You cannot make a cut in a wooden workpiece with metal inclusions - nails or screws, as you can damage not only the equipment, but also the jigsaw itself.

For each tool, the maximum permissible values ​​​​for the thickness of the workpieces to be cut are determined, and the rules for operating a jigsaw do not allow exceeding the recommendations specified by the manufacturer. For example, the parameters may be 75 mm for wood, 15 mm for metal.

How to install a saw blade in a jigsaw

There is a special seat for installing the blade in the spindle. If the file is secured with screws, then you must first loosen the fastening either with a key or a special lock, insert the file, and then securely fasten it. Most modern models use a self-clamping device for fixing the equipment. To do this, you need to lift the latch up, carefully insert the cutting blade into the vacated hole, and then return the latch to its original position. Only clean saw blades should be installed, with no chips or other foreign particles on the surface, otherwise the shank will not fit well. As the saw blade wears out, it must be replaced, otherwise the quality of the cut will deteriorate and the load on the tool’s motor will increase.

What cuts can be made with a jigsaw?

Straight cut

The basic function when using an electric jigsaw is straight cutting. Short workpieces are quite easy to handle. It is much more difficult to guide the tool smoothly along a long straight line. In this case, the best option would be a wide saw blade, which helps to adhere to the intended trajectory.

Figured cut

For figured cutting, special equipment is used, which is marked with the letter “O”. These are files with a narrow blade and fine teeth, which provide a neat cut and do not pinch when turning. When cutting shapes, set the minimum speed of the nozzle. If it is necessary to cut at an angle, the position of the body is adjusted relative to the sole using a special fastener. In some models this is done with a key, in others with a lock.

How to use a jigsaw

Jigsaw blade speed

Most modern models provide adjustment of the stroke frequency of the equipment. For different models, the adjustment range can range from 500 – 800 to 2800 – 3000 strokes/min. They cut wood, plywood, steel, and aluminum at high speeds. Low speed is needed for plastic and stainless steel. Adjustment is also necessary when choosing the type of cut: fast straight cuts are carried out at high speed, figured cuts and finishing of edges require accuracy, which means the speed of movement of the equipment should be low.

How to achieve maximum efficiency when working with a jigsaw

When guiding the tool along the cut, you do not need to put much pressure on it. Excessive force can lead to deterioration in the quality of the cut and breakage of the file.

When processing decorative materials, the workpiece is placed face down. This way, scratches will not appear on its surface.

To reduce the amount of sawdust in the processing area, use the blowing function or connect a vacuum cleaner to a special pipe. The less cutting waste on the workpiece, the better the markings are visible, and the easier it is for the file to make cuts.

Do not overload the tool. If there is a lot of work, let the engine cool down periodically so that it does not overheat. This is especially important when working at low speeds, when the fan does not have time to cool the jigsaw mechanisms.

Safety precautions when working with a jigsaw

A jigsaw is a dangerous tool, so when working with it you must follow the safety rules:

  • Take care of protective equipment. A respirator will prevent tiny dust particles from entering your respiratory tract, and glasses will protect your eyes. Wear gloves to operate saw equipment safely. So, you will not cut yourself with the sharp edge of the file and will not burn your hands when touching a metal sheet that is hot from high speeds.
  • Secure the workpiece to the workbench using a vice or clamps. This will prevent it from moving during sawing and reduce the risk of the file jumping off.
  • The part that you will saw off must be suspended. It is important to make sure that the file will move freely and will not touch anything. When turning on the jigsaw, the equipment should also not touch any surfaces.
  • Take care of your hands while using the jigsaw. Keep them away from moving tools. After turning off the jigsaw, wait until the mechanism stops completely.
  • Clean and maintain the jigsaw only when the power is turned off.

Types of electric jigsaws

Manufacturers of power tools offer consumers a huge range of different functions. Since both home craftsmen and professionals need jigsaws, they are divided into professional and household. There are also industrial models among them.

Household jigsaw

Household jigsaws are the cheapest. A household jigsaw has a limited resource and is only suitable if you do not plan to use it every day for a long time. Household jigsaws include the “Skil 4300 AG” model, which comes with a set of 6 files. This German company has proven itself well all over the world. In addition, Skil jigsaws have inexpensive prices among imported tools.

Makita jigsaws, for example, Makita 4324, deserve due attention. It is more expensive than the previous model, but has a 4-stage pendulum movement of the saw. This feature of the tool provides a significant advantage when working with wood materials. The body of household jigsaws is usually made of plastic.

Professional jigsaw

A professional jigsaw will work uninterruptedly every day for 8 hours. When purchasing it, you need to think about savings secondarily, the main thing is performance and reliability. Such tools include “Metabo STEB 135 plus”. But for large-scale work, it is better to purchase a more powerful model. In addition to power, a professional will pay attention to the thickness of the material that an electric jigsaw can cut through. Metabo STEB 135 plus is guaranteed to cut wood material up to 135 mm thick. Pay attention to the comfortable handle for gripping the entire brush and the system for removing chips from the cutting zone, which has good performance. In professional jigsaws, the gearbox is placed in a metal case, which allows it to be well cooled.

Industrial jigsaw

Industrial jigsaws are designed to work around the clock. In practice, this is already a machine for straight and curved cutting of blanks from boards and sheet materials. This tool is suitable for use in small woodworking enterprises.

How to choose a jigsaw

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing a jigsaw. You will be sawing laminate or chipboard when replacing floor coverings in the apartment, or you will have more large-scale work on making furniture yourself. Will it be periodic use or daily use with heavy loads? If you already have a clear idea, you can start choosing a jigsaw.

Type of power supply and design features of jigsaws

If cutting workpieces will be an auxiliary process, you will have to work in places where there is no electricity, you need a mobile tool and nothing should limit your movement with it, then a battery model is suitable for you - an excellent option for your home, cottage, or garage. But for long-term work, when working with a jigsaw will take up most of the process, it is better to use an electric jigsaw. Its operating time is not limited by the battery charge, like a cordless jigsaw, and you can work all day long. That is why the electric jigsaw is used in workshops and production. It is worth noting that batteries sooner or later fail. I wrote about this in a previous article.

If we talk about the ease of use of a jigsaw, it largely depends on the design of the tool. First of all, pay attention to the handle. It comes in two types:

  • The bracket-shaped jigsaw handle is the most universal, suitable for straight cutting when the jigsaw is located on top of the workpiece;
  • The mushroom-shaped handle of the jigsaw noticeably reduces the design of the tool, which makes it easier to guide when working from the underside of a part and sawing at an angle.
  • Of the design features, the following functions will also be important:.
  • Sawing parts at an angle is ensured by adjusting the sole of the jigsaw. For example, it can be tilted in such a way as to make a cut at an angle from 45 to 90°.
  • The presence of a pipe for removing chips is useful if you want to use the tool in conjunction with a dust collector or vacuum cleaner. Through the dust removal system, sawdust will be removed from the working area, which will make the cutting process cleaner and safer, and will help save time on cleaning.
  • Keyless replacement of equipment is convenient because no additional equipment is required to remove and install the saw.
  • Fixation is carried out with a self-clamping device.

Technical characteristics of jigsaws

Like other power tools, jigsaws vary in a number of ways. Performance characteristics determine what loads the model is designed for, what workpieces can be processed, and how productive it is.

Jigsaw power

The power of a jigsaw is the main parameter that determines the class of the tool. Household jigsaws, as a rule, include models with a power from 300 to 500 W, and professional ones - up to 900 W or more. The more powerful the electric motor, the more productive the tool. Productivity means maximum cutting depth, cutting speed, and continuous operation time. It is worth remembering that the more powerful the power tool, the more it weighs, the greater the load on the operator’s hand. Therefore, when choosing the power of a power tool, a reasonable balance is needed.

Jigsaw speed

The cutting speed depends on this characteristic - the larger its range, the more materials you can cut. High speed is suitable for soft wood, medium for dense wood materials, plastic and soft metals such as aluminum, low speed for steel. If you are choosing a jigsaw to work only with wood, a model with a maximum strokes per minute of up to 2500 is sufficient. For working with plastic and steel, it is better to choose a model with a number of strokes over 3000 per minute. The most versatile jigsaws are those that operate in a wide speed range from 0 to 3100 strokes/min.

Jigsaw cutting depth

This indicator determines what thickness of workpieces can be worked with with a jigsaw. Low-power household models are capable of processing wooden parts up to 70 mm thick, and steel parts up to 4 mm. Professional jigsaws have a longer saw stroke, so they are capable of cutting wood with a thickness of over 100 mm, aluminum sheets up to 20 mm thick, and steel up to 10 mm.

Of course, manufacturers indicate more characteristics, since their task is to provide the buyer with comprehensive information about the weight, dimensions and other consumer properties of the tool. But these three parameters are the main ones when choosing. Using them, you can determine the purpose of a particular jigsaw model and decide whether it is suitable for the specifics of your work.

Additional functions of jigsaws

If you have compared prices for different models of jigsaws, you have probably noticed that the cost of more functional devices is much higher than the cost of simple models. The fact is that each technical addition requires a certain amount of labor and time in production. All this leads to a high price. If you don’t want to overpay, you should think in advance what you will really need in your work, and what you can refuse.

What role does the manufacturer’s brand play?

And so you learned how to choose a jigsaw, most importantly about the design features and characteristics of jigsaws and decided which one to choose - battery-powered or electric, and also decided on the necessary functions. However, the choice of jigsaw is not limited to this. It's time to pay attention to the manufacturer. When choosing a brand, be guided, first of all, by your own experience with tools from any manufacturer. For example, you had a drill or an Interskol grinding machine, which showed itself to work quite well.

The article describes in detail the basic safety rules when working with an electric jigsaw. There is detailed information on how figured and straight cuts of various types of material are made.

Rules for using a jigsaw

An electric jigsaw is widely used for straight and curved cuts. Used for cutting laminate, parquet boards, chipboard, plastic, plexiglass, metal, tiles and ceramic tiles. The quality of the cut depends not only on the experience of the master, but also on the technique.
Sawing activities should be carried out on a special sawing and cutting table, which can be built independently or purchased ready-made in specialized stores. The workplace should have fairly good lighting.

Important, so that the markings on the surface of the material being processed are clear. Craftsmen make cuts using a laser guide, as well as with the help of such additional devices as a stop compass, a stop ruler, a guide rail and an anti-chip spacer.

To cut freely with a jigsaw, you need to install the tool so that its cutting part is in contact with the surface of the material. After turning on the jigsaw, the file must be moved smoothly, without force or pressure along the marking.

To cut parallel to the edge, use a guide bar, which is installed against the edge. When cutting, the tool skid must always be parallel to the tire.

Bevel cutting is done using a tool skid, which is set at the desired angle. To make a bevel cut, the ski screws must be slightly loosened and set at an angle, after which they should be tightened well and the cut begins. For beginners, it is recommended to cut at an angle using a guide rail or ruler.

To cut out an oval and a circle, a persistent compass is used, which is installed in the center on the working surface. The cutting procedure begins from the edge, then you should smoothly move the jigsaw along the markings.

You can cut oval or round holes using a circle cutter. First you need to drill a hole, the diameter of which should be 2 cm larger than the width of the working file. Then you need to install the circle cutter, then install the file in the hole and start sawing. The circle cutter in this case will serve as a compass.

It is recommended to make longitudinal cuts using a metal support bar, which serves as a limiter. One side of the support bar will always move along the face of the work material. Cutting at an angle should be done extremely carefully. It is recommended to set the support sole to a certain degree.

To improve the movement of the tool along the working surface, it is better to use a special metal pad for the support leg.

Safety regulations

Safety rules must be followed not only by beginners, but also by experienced professionals. Compliance with safety precautions will not only prevent injuries, but also facilitate the work process, as well as increase productivity and quality of work.

  1. Working with a jigsaw begins with a careful inspection of the tool to ensure the serviceability of the tool and the integrity of the power cable.
  2. Do not touch a moving part of the tool with your hands in an attempt to check its rigidity and tightness of installation while the power cord is plugged in.
  3. Work should be done with gloves and safety glasses.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out sawing work while intoxicated.
  5. All work with an electric jigsaw must be performed in a dry room.
  6. Before cutting, the working material should be securely fixed on the workbench. The immobility of the material will increase productivity and improve the quality of the cut.
  7. During the cutting process, no effort should be made to increase the speed. By pushing the tool forward, you risk breaking the saw, and this can cause irreparable damage to your health. During the cutting process, the tool itself must pave the way, smoothly moving forward. The master’s task is to set and maintain the desired direction.
  8. It is forbidden to use a dull file for cutting. A file with dull teeth reduces the cutting speed and deforms the front and back surfaces of the material. Moreover, a dull file increases the load on the electric drive, which leads to premature failure of the tool.
  9. Upon completion of work, the tool must be thoroughly cleaned and blown with air. It is recommended to store the tool in a dry place.

Compliance with the above rules will help to avoid injuries when working with an electric jigsaw and will increase the service life of the tool.

Types and mode of operation of files

The quality of work depends on the correctly selected cutting part for cutting various types of material. Files differ in shape and layout, have different heights and tooth directions. When choosing a jigsaw file, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. For a straight cut, a saw blade is used, the blade of which is characterized as the widest. For a curved cut or a rounded cut, a file is used, the blade of which is characterized as medium.
  2. A clean, straight cut of wood material is performed using a standard saw, the teeth of which are of medium size and directed upward. The length of the file depends on the thickness of the material. If the quality of the cut does not matter, then for regular cutting you can turn on the pendulum movement, which will increase the speed of the jigsaw. For rough cutting of hard materials, it is recommended to use attachments with a wide blade and a large tooth.
  3. For rough cuts and uneven cuts, saw blades with large teeth are used. Cutting thick wood material should be done in two steps. When cutting, the tool should be held firmly, since when working with thick material, vibration and recoil increase as a result of the saw hitting the work surface.
  4. For cutting chipboard and laminated surfaces, it is recommended to use a saw with a reverse cut. This file does not leave chips on the front side of the material. If a fine-tooth attachment is used for cutting, the work must be performed strictly on the back side of the sawing material. Both methods can be performed at maximum tool speed.
  5. Straight cutting of metal is performed with a special file with a fine tooth. Externally, the cutting blade is similar to a standard hand hacksaw for metal. This type of saw is distinguished by the fact that it produces a clean cut without defects. However, when cutting other materials, the cutting speed is significantly reduced, which leads to rapid heating of the tool. Experienced craftsmen recommend using a sheet of plywood when cutting thin sheet metal. The plywood is placed on the work surface in advance, securely attached to the table, and thin sheet metal is laid on top of it. This cutting method will prevent tearing and deformation of the workpiece.
  6. Experts prefer to work with wood using a saw whose teeth are directed downward; such a file does not deform the surface of the sawn material. To avoid damaging the front side of the material surface, the cut should be made from the back side. Making a regular straight cut with a saw whose teeth point down requires experience, as there is increased kickback and high vibration during operation.
  7. For cutting tiles and ceramic tiles, a non-standard file is used, namely a file without teeth. Cutting tiles using a jigsaw is performed extremely rarely, due to the high consumption of material. Used only in cases where curved cuts are required.
  8. Plastic and plexiglass are sawed with a saw with small teeth downwards. The blade blade is medium. To perform an even cut, it is advisable to turn off the pendulum stroke. Cutting must be done at medium frequency. In order to avoid overheating of the saw and tool, it is necessary to use cooling. The speed should correspond to 30–40% of the maximum possible speed of the tool.

Despite the versatility of an electric jigsaw, experienced craftsmen recommend using other tools for cutting tiles and metal.

Having studied the basic cutting techniques using an electric jigsaw, it will not be difficult for a beginner to correctly cut not only various materials, but also cut straight, curved and shaped elements. By applying safety rules and cutting techniques, you can solve almost any cutting problem, regardless of the type of material and experience.

If an electric jigsaw is used for cutting plastic, plexiglass and wood materials, then the tool, with proper use and proper care, will last more than 5 years.

Any creative work, in any industry, requires certain knowledge and skills. If an author wants to create something truly valuable, his technique must be honed to the appropriate level. Working with a hand jigsaw can easily be classified as such an activity. In skillful hands, this seemingly simple device can create real works of art. Fortunately, it takes quite a bit of time to master figure sawing. All you need is a desire, and we will be happy to provide detailed instructions for action.

What material is best to work with?

The most suitable material for figured cutting is plywood, 3-10 mm thick. Durability and ease of cutting make it the best option for creating decorative elements with complex patterns. The average price of a sheet of plywood (1500x1500x6) is approximately 300 rubles, and you can find it at your nearest building materials store. Accessibility, aesthetics and ease of processing are the main qualities that the material used for figure sawing should have.

For cutting thin patterns, it is better to use thin, sanded plywood, 3-5 mm thick. Sawing such material is much easier, even for those who do not know how to use a hand jigsaw on wood, and the chance of damaging the product is significantly lower.

Another interesting material suitable for sawing with a hand jigsaw is sheet polystyrene (not to be confused with expanded polystyrene). It is essentially a durable plastic that comes in all colors and sizes. In order not to complicate manual sawing, it is better to work with sheets up to 5 mm thick. The beauty of polystyrene crafts is accompanied by the high price of the material (from 700 rubles per sq.m.) and limited availability. If you are confident in your cutting skills and are ready to create an original glossy craft, you can start your search at local construction markets.

How to apply a design to a workpiece

Not everyone, even a creative person, can boast brilliant artistic skills. For some, cutting with a hand jigsaw itself is a much simpler task than drawing the outline of a future craft. Fortunately, applying a pattern to a surface can be done in several basic ways that are accessible to almost everyone.
Transfer the outline of the model using carbon paper. You can find one in office supplies, at an average price of 150 rubles for a pack of 50 sheets, which is enough for several hundred crafts.

Glue the patterned paper with double-sided tape or glue. In the second case, after cutting, the glued paper will have to be removed with sandpaper. Double-sided tape, can be carefully peeled off.

How to assemble a manual jigsaw

When the material has been selected and the contour to be cut has been drawn, you can begin assembling the working tool. First of all, we tighten the file in the lower fastening (at the handle), after which we thread the free end into the opposite groove and, slightly squeezing the frame, fix it in it. Be sure to remember that the teeth of the saw blade should always face the handle of the tool.

When compressing, do not put strong pressure on the frame, trying to bend the metal arc. It is enough for the fasteners to come closer to each other by about 1 cm. You can squeeze the metal frame in your hand, or by resting the tool with the handle on your chest. For devices with tubular arches, there are special devices with grooves. If you can’t tighten the lambs with your bare hand tightly enough, use pliers.

If the saw blade is installed correctly, it does not dangle, and during operation there is a high-pitched sound of teeth biting into the material. It is better to understand how to properly assemble a jigsaw from the very beginning, since thin files tend to burst. The easier the process of assembling the device is for you, the more enjoyable it will be to work.

How to cut correctly

Before moving on to the cutting technique, we should say a few words about the workplace. Of course, you can work by simply pressing the plywood to the edge of the table or your knee, but it will be more effective to use a simple device called a “dovetail” (not to be confused with the type of connection). It is a regular rectangular surface with a wedge-shaped cutout, where a round hole is located in place of an acute angle. You can easily make such a platform yourself or ask the store where you purchased the jigsaw. The device is attached to the table with a clamp and makes sawing with a hand jigsaw much easier.

There are several main rules that will help you make a high-quality cut while causing minimal damage to the saw blade:
  1. Make only vertical movements. Make sure that the jigsaw is positioned straight and moves exclusively up and down, but not at an angle. Otherwise, the files will tear very quickly.
  2. To keep the cutting line as neat as possible, do not apply much force while working. Since “biting” into the material occurs during the downward movement, try to ensure that at this moment the jigsaw lowers almost under the weight of its own weight and light pressure from your side.
  3. The jigsaw should rise completely freely, with minimal friction on the material.
  4. During operation, one hand operates a jigsaw, and the other turns the workpiece depending on the contour of the pattern. Rotating the tool is not recommended.
  5. Position the saw blade at the edge of the cut line, not in the center. Even the smallest file has a certain width. This rule will be useful when cutting out precise parts of puzzles and composite models.

During figure cutting, you will often encounter the same types of figures. Despite the fact that the technology for sawing with a hand jigsaw is quite simple, it will be useful to know a few nuances:
  • Sharp corners are ideally obtained by bringing together 2 lines at one point.
  • Obtuse and right angles are made during the idle movement of the jigsaw, when the second hand smoothly turns the workpiece.
  • To obtain curls, the speed of the jigsaw is significantly accelerated, and at the same time the speed of rotation of the workpiece increases.
  • To cut internal holes, a hole is drilled in the workpiece, through which a saw blade is threaded and fixed in a jigsaw (as usual).
  • As a practice, we recommend that you practice your skills by cutting out the following patterns. After a couple of training sessions, you will be able to cut out patterns with better quality, without compromising your future crafts.

Safety precautions

Despite the simplicity and harmlessness of the sawing process, it can cause unpleasant injuries if certain rules are ignored. The following safety precautions when working with a hand jigsaw will save you from unintentional abrasions.
  • First of all, make sure that the handle of the tool is firmly fixed and does not dangle. If during work it jumps off the place of fixation, the brush may, by inertia, run into a metal pin, which can lead to serious cuts (even to the bone).
  • When using a special table for cutting dovetails, make sure that it is securely attached to the table (workbench).
  • The distance from the saw blade to the eyes should be at least 40 cm.
  • The file must be tensioned and firmly fixed in the attachment points.
Compliance with these basic rules will keep your hands and eyes safe, and will also make the sawing process more comfortable.

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