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» How to understand that a man is your future husband. Secrets that help you understand that this is your person. He's never cruel

How to understand that a man is your future husband. Secrets that help you understand that this is your person. He's never cruel

Probably every woman at least once in her life has questions: Is this the man who was given to me by fate? Should I connect my life with him? Should I forgive him any offenses? Should I have children for him? Is it worth casting a love spell on him and fighting for him if he went on a spree with some random woman? These are very pertinent questions, and today I will talk about a ritual that helps to get answers to them. After performing this ritual, you will be 100% sure whether this man is destined for you, or he is just a random fellow traveler who will easily get off at the next stop (it is better to get rid of such people immediately, without waiting for them to betray you).

The ritual can be performed under any moon, on any day of the week and at any time of the day. The only restriction is that the ceremony cannot be performed on Friday the 13th. To perform the ceremony, you need to buy one candle from the church. You will also need your man's hair.

Carrying out the ritual

You need to put a candle on the table, light it, take a hair left hand and say once:

“How the servant of God (her name) asked the Lord to tell me whether the servant of God (the man’s name) was destined for her or not. Help me, Jesus Christ, reveal the truth to me. Amen.”

And after this, you need to burn the hair on a candle and be sure to smell the smoke from it, at least inhale a little through your nose. And after that, without talking to anyone, go outside, stop the first person you meet stranger and ask him absolutely any question. If he answers “Yes,” then your chosen one is destined for you from above, but if the answer is “No,” then the man is not yours at all. The question can be anything, for example, you can ask a person if he saw last performance Minister of Sports? Or has he heard that tomorrow the dollar will rise in price by 100%. It doesn't matter what you ask, only his answer matters.

The ritual is powerful and gives an accurate answer.
Especially for www.

It happens like this: I fell head over heels in love with a guy. He is satisfied with everything - his appearance, character, manners. But for some reason, both relatives and friends whisper in one ear: “This is not your man, leave him, otherwise you will regret it.”

How do you understand “not yours”? Do they know better from the outside? Why don't they want to rejoice with you? Or maybe your friends are jealous, and your relatives are afraid that you will now turn all their attention to him? Let's figure out whether your “whisperers” are right, and what signs can be used to determine whether your boyfriend is right for you.

The sense of smell plays a very important role in the relationship between two loving people. Who do little children love the most? Of course, parents. But while they were still babies, their love for mom and dad began precisely with the native smell of his parents.

It's the same with a man. His natural body odor can subconsciously either attract or repel. No, we are not talking about his usual perfume or socks after fishing. The question is, is it pleasant for you to “breathe him” when you hug him and press your nose to his neck? Do you feel calm?

Even in sex there is a smell great importance. For example, a partner seems to be doing everything right, he’s great in bed, but something is wrong. No, his smell is not disgusting, it’s just that the subconscious gives its signal - “this is not your person.” It's all chemistry, baby.

The set of genes combined with yours and the pheromones secreted by the partner’s endocrine gland ultimately gives this very “native smell”. Surprisingly, even future offspring are positively influenced by such harmony “in chemistry.”

Still from the TV series "Friends"

arrow_left Still from the TV series "Friends"

Sometimes the external similarity of two spouses is shocking - after living together, these two people become similar, like two twins. The whole point is that they didn’t change their faces through some kind of metamorphosis, but they adopted some habits, gestures, and facial expressions from each other. The spouse becomes like a mirror image over many years. How is this expressed?

    They smile the same. A grin, a malicious grin, loud laughter - everything is similar. When offended, they jokingly stick out their lower lip and make their eyebrows look like a house. They even have the same shaped crease between their eyebrows, because they also look alike when they are angry.

    Gestures are exactly like those of the other half. True, in women they are smoother, and in men they are sharper. But both spouses equally cut vegetables in the kitchen with a knife, support their heads with their hands, and wave after them. Even the nervous habit of rubbing your earlobe is the same!

    Subconsciously they even copy each other's poses. They often have a similar body position when they are lying on the couch and watching TV. They simultaneously change their pose, and again, they reach the point of similarity.

But does it happen between two unfamiliar people that their habits, gestures and facial expressions converge in the same way? Certainly! And if you find a person in your life who, it seems to you, copies you, then fate itself brings you together. It is possible that this person is your future husband.

Thinking, feeling and understanding the same way is what kinship of souls is. If you can do this with your beloved man, this is a sign. Moreover, your views may coincide with generally accepted norms.

For example, you are watching a film and you are hooked by one plot, and you feel sorry for the anti-hero, and you don’t even understand why. You call your loved one, and he also watches this movie! And he also likes the villain more than the main character. And he even explained why, opening your eyes to something you couldn’t think of yourself.

Another situation. You have a problem. And also such that you can’t really tell anyone. Your parents won’t understand - they’ll blame you for everything. Should I tell my friend? She is generally good, but on the other side of the talker, and loves to tell your secret “in secret to the whole world.”

But if you have a kinship of souls with your boyfriend, then you yourself will be drawn to him. What to expect from him:

    Full mutual understanding. Unless, of course, your case is related to treason. He will worry no less than you and will not judge you.

    Even a silent hug with your beloved man will replace thousands of advice from friends. It is by hugging him that you can calm down. Again, its smell will help with this.

    At this time, he will be thinking about how to help you. Without unnecessary haste and fuss, he will choose the option that is suitable for you.

    He will be with you even if he has to risk a lot. For example, disagreements with friends. Because he understands you.

But all this is good if you react to his problem in the same way. You will understand, you will hug, you will calm, you will help. Otherwise, the kinship of souls will not happen.

Separation is what frightens both of you. Even a day apart from a man causes unbearable discomfort. And this feeling is mutual. Constant calls, SMS, communication on Skype - at least somehow you want to “pull by the ears” the long-awaited hour of the meeting.

But if you still decide to live together, then this is another test for your destiny. Will you get along easily and be able to share responsibilities? Will there be a desire to run away from home a month after minor quarrels?

If you and a man easily crossed the first stage, and you both want to return home in the evening rather than run to your friends, then again, you were able to understand that he is the one, and he, in turn, is sure that you are for him the only one.

What about quarrels? Yes, everyone has them. But even after being “pouty” and offended, no one has the desire to slam the door. Because it will pass a short time, when everyone realizes their guilt and rightness, and soon the hour of reconciliation with their loved one will surely come. It’s impossible to separate anyway - already in one bundle, so why bother shaking the air with doors in vain?

Contrary to popular belief that people do attract, I would like to question this famous phrase. But still make some amendments.

A clean person can never live with a slob. A restless choleric person will not tolerate the constant sobbing of a melancholic person. A rocker girl will not want to throw in her lot with a sad nerd, and a narcissistic, handsome esthete will not marry a fat ugly girl.

Well, if you still imagine that these different “poles” have somehow miraculously attracted each other, then it won’t be long before they fly away with a whistle. For example:

    Can a greedy man, who considers himself frugal, stand up to his wife squandering money? But she doesn’t understand why he didn’t hesitate to buy her roses on dates, but then started a scandal over some branded shoes?!

    Will a young and cheerful joker be able to endure reproaches and whining from his wife for a long time? He is interested in parties and the company of friends, and she is a homebody in a dressing gown with her stupid TV series.

    Won't a guy from an intelligent family blush when he brings his girlfriend, a wild girl with a smoky voice, to meet his parents? And will he be able to tolerate her antics in the future?

Therefore, you should not believe this expression, but you should look for a person like yourself, the same. They both spent all their money in a nightclub in one evening - and what the hell, they both wanted to party, there was no one to blame. But there is something to remember. Or at least half the party. And if you want to save money, then everyone gives up their desires.

One amendment - you need to learn to give in. If there is still a difference in interests, and the opposition lies only in this, then stubbornness is inappropriate. You let him go fishing without complaint, and he gives you money for a spa. Both are happy.


It’s okay to bring negativity into your relationship. You found your man, and let the envious people go.

You and your loved one have been dating for several months now, but you are still overcome by doubts: “Is this the only one destined for me by fate?” After reading our article, you will be able to answer this burning question.

So, a few tips that will allow you not to doubt your beloved man.

1. “Butterflies in the stomach”. Perhaps you assume that physical symptoms should not be trusted? Do you think this doesn't mean anything? We hasten to assure you of the opposite. If, at the first meetings with your boyfriend, your breath stops, your legs give way, and later you feel how comfortable and cozy it is for you to be next to your chosen one, this is good sign.

2. You enjoy spending time together- everywhere and always. The main thing is that you are close to each other. You are equally happy to go with him to the cinema, theater and even to football, the nuances of which you understand little. You happily stay at home with him and, wrapped in a warm blanket, watch your favorite movie or read a book together. It’s interesting for you to talk about everything and it’s no less interesting to just be silent, looking into each other’s eyes.

3. You trust him. Trust is one of the main components of a happy relationship. If you are ready to tell your loved one your most intimate things, and at the same time you know that no one will know your secret, that’s just wonderful. If you can talk about a situation where you did a not-so-good thing without getting judged by your partner, it's worth a lot.

4. Pleasant communication. Can you talk on a variety of topics and never get bored or want to interrupt your loved one? Do you exchange opinions on various issues, and even if they do not coincide, you do not experience irritation, and at the end of the discussion there is no feeling of sediment in your soul? Does he listen to you attentively and with interest, without trying to interrupt and start his story? Think about it, maybe this is really your person.

5. He makes you laugh all the time.. Humor can make life much brighter and easier. When your partner makes you laugh and giggle all the time, it means... living together with him will be filled with smiles and joy. It is very important that you laugh at the same jokes. It’s no secret that some moments in life may seem funny to some people and cause a feeling of bewilderment or even anger in others.

6. You come first for him.. If your boyfriend puts your interests above his own and truly cares about you, it's a great sign that he will be a wonderful husband in the future and will be willing to give, not just take. If he fulfills your request first, and only then helps friends and family, value him the same way he values ​​you.

7. He loves the same people you love.. If your boyfriend is on good terms with your girlfriends, relatives and just acquaintances, if he makes efforts to make these relationships even better, this means that for him you are not just a fleeting affair and, perhaps, he is ready to live with you for the rest of his life. own life.

8. With him you can be yourself. This is one of the most important signs. If you don’t have to pretend, show that you are better than you really are, if anyone loves you: without makeup, in good mood and in bad times, and even with a fever, you don’t feel that his love has decreased - this is a very good sign. It is obvious that your boyfriend accepts you for who you are, loves and appreciates you, and in marriage these qualities are very important

9. He cares about you. If your man opens the door slightly to let you in, holds an umbrella over his head to protect you from the rain, and when you're cold, hands over his jacket, these are signs of true gentleman behavior that show that he has serious intentions towards you.

10. You have the same core values.. When we're talking about about little things, you can always agree and find a compromise solution. But in serious matters, your opinions must coincide, otherwise quarrels and even a breakup in the future are inevitable. If your views on family, relationships, raising children and faith in God coincide, that's just wonderful.

The more points you match, the greater the chances that you and your beloved man will be able to create a happy and strong family. We also want to note: it often happens that a woman accepts “her” person emotionally, as they say, with her heart, and she does not need to engage in psychological analysis at all.

They helped us:

Anna Nazarova
Psychologist, Gestalt therapist

Valeria Aginskaya
Sexologist, program director of the Center for Family and Sexuality Education Secrets

By the way, who exactly is he – “your man”? Who are you trying to find? Romantic prince? The best candidate for a husband? An admirer worthy of your magnificent company? Your soul mate? Agree, the requirements for the applicant in each case will be slightly different. “Answer - and you will be able to understand through what filters you pass your acquaintances in search of “your” person,” says psychologist Anna Nazarova. But for simplicity, let’s agree this: “my man” means that you are at least ready to get involved in a serious relationship with him. Now let's get down to business.

So this is not my man if...

I don't feel butterflies in my stomach

“Fluttering butterflies are like a torn page from a novel, where there are so many metaphors and symbolism that there is no place for anything human,” psychologist Anna Nazarova says indignantly. “And the more a girl is fascinated by ideal stories, the more butterflies you give her in order to identify the SAME thing in what is happening.”

« All this fluttering is nothing more than natural and short-term chemical reaction , adds sexologist Valeria Aginskaya. “The brain sends a signal to the endocrine glands, and they mix a strong hormonal cocktail for you, giving you a feeling of inspiration, joy, happiness, as well as causeless anxiety and a strong craving for an object of interest.”

There is no guarantee that falling in love will develop into a mature feeling, and it will develop into a relationship for years, so away with metaphors. “Yes, feelings are necessary and important, but give the butterflies names,” Anna urges. – Tenderness, admiration, desire, respect – that’s what it is. These are the guys who will maintain relationships when the period of hormonal violence passes. Well, let me remind you that not all stories develop according to the “I recognize him from a thousand” scenario. Feelings have the right to flare up gradually.”

We have bad sex

We are for you, these are not the times for “if you get married, be patient.” “But,” the sexologist inserts a weighty word, “if the man is completely new, perhaps the only problem is that he does not yet know how to caress you. But in general, This is a common and dangerous misconception - they say, “in true love"everything right the first time and forever perfect. It’s not the serial numbers that are important, but the partner’s desire to hear you and give pleasure. Look first of all at how he reacts to wishes - whether he takes them into account. If not, sex has nothing to do with it and the problem is most likely in the relationship itself.”

I feel embarrassed/ashamed for him/I get angry at him

How to look. On the one hand, who doesn’t want to be proud of the handsome man next to him - look, it was not in vain that she chose. And from this point of view, embarrassment for your partner will be a serious reason to slow down the development of the romance. After all, it is unlikely that you will be able to sit through all the prescribed “happily ever after” within four walls without showing yourself to anyone (and the feeling of shame usually manifests itself in society).

On the other hand, it’s worth thinking about why exactly you feel embarrassed. Is he really a completely asocial type (but then, forgive me, what are you doing with him?) Or is he simply becoming shorter than you, once you put on your favorite stiletto heels? " If you care so much about “what people think,” you risk never meeting “the right” man., warns the psychologist. – Because you give away the right to evaluate your couple to others, and there will always be dissatisfied people. Those who are looking for the ideal background for their own splendor in a partner have the same prospects. Impeccable characters, alas and ah, exist only in cheap romance novels.”

In general, everything is as usual: get to know yourself, find the sources of your shame there - and you will understand the situation. AND good news: It’s normal to be angry at your partner. In reasonable doses, of course. If, in addition to the desire to write a bream to a man for yet another stupid joke about his mother-in-law, you still have other emotions, everything is fine.

I don't like the smell of it

Perhaps trust your nose. “If you don’t mean the aroma of perfume, but specifically the smell of the body, then, most likely, this man is really not a match for you,” says the sexologist. – Like most mammals, we distinguish individuals of the opposite sex by the light volatile substances they emit. AND if your partner's smell is unpleasant to you, then you are not very compatible on physical level, and every day the amber will irritate more and more.” Take a look at page 146, where we have collected the results of interesting research on the topic.

He doesn't do what I want

Here - “he doesn’t want to change”, “he doesn’t dress the way I like”, “he has - oh horror! - beard". Psychologists blame you, keep in mind. “A man is also a person,” Anna Nazarova rightly notes, “and not a pet who can be dressed in a charming suit for a walk in the park. He has self-awareness own feeling style and rules of life. And the prefix “mine” does not mean at all that he is at your complete disposal. We will have to negotiate in some places, and in others we will have to put up with it and accept it as it is. Moreover, in some ways you will also need to adapt.”

It’s another matter if your partner categorically refuses to make contact and doesn’t want to know anything about your needs. This, of course, is a red flag, and getting a dog that is pleasant in all respects instead of a selfish one will be much more useful.

I have nothing to respect him for

It’s hard to argue with you here, and there’s not much to talk about. “Respect, mutual, and not just for the man, is a very important part of the relationship,” says Anna Nazarova. Just one note. It would be good not to replace respect with superfluous demands. If your list of worthy people includes only people of the level of Bill Gates and the Pope, then some Petya has little chance of jumping over the bar - it’s too high. And he, maybe, saved a kitten from the fire yesterday and is generally a good person.

My family doesn't like him

The criterion is ambiguous, but important. Relationship experts note that if your partner is accepted by those around you, the subjective feeling of “he is the one I need” intensifies. And vice versa. “But still, don’t forget that in your inner circle there are not only angels and to please absolutely everyone is an impossible task,” reminds Anna Nazarova. “Perhaps one of your friends predicted a banker, not a cook, as your groom.” Happens. But at least some of the friends should really recognize the man.”

He asks me to get rid of the cat

Or dogs. Or turtles. Gad. On the one hand, we are on your side: you knew Murzik like this, and this unshaven one has been in your life for almost a week. “Sharp divergence of views on possible inhabitants common house and in general, the arrangement of living space can become a serious problem,” the psychologist agrees. On the other side, if you also like the owner of stubble in some way, it’s worth at least delving into the reasons for the request. Maybe the poor fellow has a severe allergy? A weighty argument. The objective difficulties of living your Great Dane in his rented one-room apartment are the same. Although... If a comrade of all design options I chose “Down with Murzik” to solve the problem - after all, we are on your side.

Everything is not easy for us

Sure signs that you have met your person are the ease and clarity of the relationship. Promised - fulfilled. I wanted to do something nice - I did it. I fell in love and got married. Well, if “everything is complicated” and obstacles constantly arise in the way of your love, it means that something has gone wrong or the matter is unclean. Here is one point of view, but there is another: relationships are work, and when did it ever happen that it was simple. Like it or not, we will have to get into trouble, go through crises, get used to each other.

Which theory is correct? “There is no correct answer,” says Anna Nazarova. – Get ready to listen to both your heart and your mind, negotiate with both and decide for yourself whether this is your guy, if everything is still awry for you. Moreover, this question should be asked with some frequency. I would, of course, like to believe in the fairy tale about a single meeting and eternal love, but we change, and someone who was once very, very yours can suddenly become an unfamiliar master.”

He doesn't make me happy

Let's talk like adults. At the very least, it is naive to expect that someone will one day come and take care of your well-being. You risk being stuck in a dependent position for a long time and experiencing one disappointment after another. “It sounds, of course, hackneyed, but you need to look for the source of happiness in yourself,” reminds psychologist Anna Nazarova. – A man cannot make you happy, that’s a fact. And here’s another thing: putting relationships in the “take-give” mode is dangerous: the balance may never come together, then you will constantly feel deprived.” Attention, question: why all this? Well, here it’s every man for himself, the matters are too subtle. By the way, the majority of Russians, according to the eDarling service, say the main conditions for a strong relationship are the coincidence of life values ​​and caring for each other. And the lyrics come later, for dessert.