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» How to build a house on a limited budget (60 photos). How to build an inexpensive house Turnkey houses for 500 thousand rubles

How to build a house on a limited budget (60 photos). How to build an inexpensive house Turnkey houses for 500 thousand rubles

Construction is carried out as funds become available.

Plot. Weeds, no fences. There is an iron garage and electric. pillar on the border of the site. The plot itself cost 400 thousand rubles. Bashkiria district, area 2 km from the city.

We made a fence, bought pickets for 5 rubles. pcs., crossbars 30 rub. Painted the garage, paint (drying oil + bombaluminium) 300 rubles.

The result was a strip foundation, 120 high and 40 wide. Kamaz PGS was purchased for 6 thousand rubles. and about 10 bags of cement. Since purchasing the account, approximately 15 thousand rubles have been spent.

We took out a loan of 40 thousand rubles. We bought 10 pallets of aerated concrete blocks, about 36 thousand, and used the leftovers to use glue and cement for mixing.

Masonry work has begun. So far 55 thousand rubles have been spent.

The box is ready. They didn’t lay out the whole thing (the back wall behind the frame will be framed, to make it possible to expand the house and bring it up to the planned 9.5x9.5).

We bought mother lumber for 10 thousand rubles.

Frame back wall.

I started working with 10 kW electricity. Shield, 3-phase 2 tariff meter, grounding. I assembled it completely myself; the electricians simply attached the sip to the pole.

It cost 10 thousand rubles. So far 75 thousand rubles have been spent.

We waterproofed the foundation. Friends fitted a used door. We bought OSB tiles for 7 thousand rubles.

We hired a front loader for excavation work. 2 thousand rubles

The foundation was sprinkled.

We started making a temporary roof. We bought bars for 7 rubles. and roofing material 2 thousand rubles. Croakers for sheathing for 5 thousand rubles. Almost 100 rubles spent. approximately.

They pulled up wooden windows. I'm around 22, my dad is 53 years old. Workers. I get 10, and my father gets 14 thousand rubles. I am an electrician, and he is a mechanic.

Winter has begun. In late autumn they made a well, bought 5 rings for 1,200 rubles, half was dug by the drunks themselves, the rest. Pipes for communications. We bought 6,000 worth of boards for the ceiling and a concrete mixer for 8.00.

120 thousand rubles spent.

We made a rough ceiling. Then I plan to use plasterboard or tension ones.

San. node Also in April, water supply and sewerage were installed. The concrete screed was poured. We bought 2 pallets of bricks, 10 bags of cement, forest sand. We started making the bathroom.

Spent since the purchase of the plot, 130 thousand rubles.

Spent some good money the other day:

Shower cabin, promotion 10,000
Toilet 3700
Washbasin with pedestal 2000
Two lever mixers 800 each
Sink with legs ala “village” for a temporary kitchen 1500
EPS 7 sheets for 750 rub.
Polypropylene pipes 600 rub.
5 bags of cement 850 RUR
Soldering iron rental 200 Total spent since purchase 158,000 rubles.

Civilization is slowly coming. We bought a picrelated Ariston storage water heater for 9,000. And a pumping station, according to the promotion, cost 3,800 rubles.

The most important.

General form.

Garden. In the garden, cabbage, potatoes, raspberries, currants, grapes, corn, beets, apple trees, sloe, carrots, mint, onions, parsley, cherries and more. And now the expansion of the house. Living in the built part is quite comfortable.

I drew a sketch of the future expansion.

The expansion will be carried out using TIS technology.

They dragged the pillows under the foundation. We made a 2-meter formwork and poured 4 batches with the remains of cement. The beginning of the second part of the construction of NICHEBROD INC. CORP. it's supposed to. We are expecting a salary in July for cement. They also filled in something like a septic tank.

TISE and the site.

The window was installed the other day, pictorialized. We poured 9 meters of the foundation, there are still 9 left, but this year I don’t know if it will work. Window sill 300 rubles, two cylinders of foam 200 each. Roll of foil insulation 50 sq. m. 1300 rub. One of these days I’ll buy Kamaz clay for 2500. Our Internet connection is fine, I’ve just downloaded the first season of Dexter.

I’ll write a shopping list before I forget:

Polystyrene foam PSB-15 10 cm - 51 sq.m.
EPPS 5cm – 21 tiles 10.500
Underlay for laminate 50 m. 800
5 cylinders of polyurethane foam 1300
Foam gun 500
Chinese metal door 3000
Electric convector 2kW 2000
Apple and Plum seedling 1200 It’s +7 outside, raining. I set the convector at 18* during the day and 22* at night because... two-tariff meter. I paid for electricity and it turned out to be 1100 rubles for two months.
On our street a plot with a foundation is for sale for 900 tr. So my farm is already easily 1.2 mults

As I wanted: Lay EPPS, Folgoizolon, TP pipes, Buy two batteries of 10 sections, an electric boiler and later a wood-burning boiler.

It turned out: the ceiling is insulated with foil insulation and 10 cm of polystyrene foam, there is a laminate underlay on the floor) 1 convector, you will need to take a second one. I think I’ll spend the winter like this, but people in SIP houses live with convectors. So it goes...

Bought: RUR 12,000 Wood-burning stove Teplodar TOP200
+250 Polyurethane foam
+200 Mailbox Approximate expenses each month:
Gasoline 1000
Elvo, internet, phone numbers 1200
Credit (2 months left) 3000
Food and household goods: 5,000 approximately.
And 8-10 are left for construction every month. Normal

The stove is cooking, it's +1 outside. at home 20+ While I’m burning pallets and rubles. waste.

This month I plan to take slabs and a Makita electric chain saw. I also owe 10,000 on my credit card for EPP and PPP.

The main thing is to start. You never know what you can do till you try. Our finished timber houses are sold from 1 million (farther from the city) with plots. In general, if a business sells such a house, then its profit is at least 500 kopecks. The work is very expensive, so if you do everything yourself, it turns out to be very affordable. I bought a washing machine for 10,000 and an LCD TV for 9,000 rubles. EVERYTHING IS LIKE PEOPLE. In total, since the beginning of construction, approximately 250,000 rubles have been spent. (Including a typewriter and TV.) In February I will probably connect IPTV and ADSL Internet. Meanwhile, gas was installed outside. If it works out, I’ll take out a loan in the fall and start it. They also promise water in the spring. The cadastral value of the site is already 850 thousand rubles - a good investment, an increase of 200%. The average electricity bill is 1100 rubles per month, with a price of 2.40 per kW during the day and 1.40 at night. Over the entire winter, two Gazelle slabs were purchased for firewood at 1,500 rubles each. The temperature in the house remains 23*C, despite the three-meter ceilings. Aerated concrete retains heat well. So it goes. Here.

You can evaluate the future scope of work. Approximate plan until autumn:
Finish the foundation
Build the second half using TISE-2 technology
Make a new big roof
Register a house
Get a tax deduction
Connect the gas, make gas heating.
Quit and find a new job.
If I suddenly get rich, I'll build a foundation for a garage.
Stone fence.

Once again I refused my vacation and received compensation for unused vacation pay of 12 thousand. Lol. Purchased:
Kamaz PGS, 5000 rub.
Submersible, vibration pump, + hose - 1600
12 bags of cement, 3200 rub.
total: 10.000
So far, about 260 thousand have been spent.
Today I poured a meter of foundation.

Today we finished the main foundation, there are 2 bags of cement left. Tomorrow they will start pouring the foundation under the veranda.

The layout of the extended house needs to accommodate 3 small bedrooms, a staircase entrance and one bathroom.
The "height" should not be too high. 5 meters, for example, is clearly a lot. But at the same time, you need to find a balance so that the usable area is sufficient for the rooms.
It will be a big plus if you don’t have to dismantle the old rafters and build them in somehow.

I chose the cheapest version of the TISE machine. The machine costs 30 thousand, and the TISE walls will cost me the same amount.

6 rows have been laid out, 14 remain. The cement and cement are slowly running out.

Fence and area.

About 260 thousand is all the money invested, I don’t know how much is left, in principle it doesn’t matter, it’s done for yourself.

Who wants to look for plots of land on Avito and in local newspapers, of course, you can also through realtors, they sometimes buy in bulk, then cut into pieces, but I don’t want to feed the system, the main thing is that the land is owned, the type of private housing construction land. And whoever has the opportunity, then come and look and find out on the spot. Accessible all year round and good electricity. This is enough.

I have an individual housing construction type of land, owned land. (No building permit is needed, neither is the project) So, the report. We got a little pissed off and bought another 25 bags of cement and 6 cubic meters of sand using a credit card for 5,000. Corners for the lintels cost 1,000 rubles. Now you can calculate approximately how much (20 blocks left to fill) the walls cost: 2 KamAZ ASG trucks were purchased, half of the first batch went to the foundation, half of the second batch remained (will go to the floors).

It turns out that 1 KAMAZ was used up, (6 cubic meters) clean 5000 rubles
55 bags of cement, delivery RUR 13,500
Masonry mesh 500 RUR
Ruberoid 300r
Total 20,000 rubles.

Excellent result!

The walls are finished. They frothed it. We started plastering and whitewashing.
Polyurethane foam 500 rub.
Lumber for the roof, delivery RUB 18,300:
Edged boards 18x5x600 23 pcs (rafters, mats)
Bars 10x5x600 7 pcs (uterus)
Edged boards, 2nd grade 2x10x600 1cube (sheathing)
And the only money left is for food...

Meanwhile, rennet is mutating.

On Saturday we called relatives, dismantled part of the roof and installed 3 rafters, we plan to install the rest next Saturday.
Costs: 500 rubles for screws and nails. Also today I ordered corrugated sheeting, 156 sq.m., 10 meters of skates, 750 screws, 140 sq. meters of membrane for a cosmic sum of 42 thousand rubles for me. Paid by Sberbank credit card. So it goes...

We bought a Hammer screwdriver for 1,700 rubles.

Hardware products: staples, nails, screws 500 rub.

According to an approximate calculation, funds in the amount of 345,000 rubles have been spent so far. A lot of money.

Meanwhile, roofing work began.

There weren't enough boards for sheathing on the other side. We can purchase additional items in advance. We have 2 km or 20 minutes walk to the city. 10 minutes on the bike.
There is a bus.

This is how we get to work: we get up at 6.20.

At 6.50 we drive to the city by car (my father and I have the same schedule).

At 7.00 the working livestock truck leaves for the plant, the shift starts at 7.45.

The shift ends at 16.20, at 16.50 the livestock truck takes us to the city (15 minutes drive). We get into the car and go home, at 17.30 we are already there. If you drive straight to work, you’ll be home by 4:50 p.m., but this is an expensive proposition.

We don't have a project. Wiring is different. The bathroom is hidden, there are already all sockets there on a permanent basis. The rest of the cables are currently lying along the wall; in the future they will be packed in corrugation and remain under the drywall. Ventilation will be built into the false ceiling.
I bought a cherry seedling "Bessey" for 500 rubles.

The roof was almost finished, and along the way it turned out that there were not enough skates. Money is tight for now.

Two used 3x6 advertising banners for the gables 1000 RUR Two cans of foam and a new gun 1000 RUR 3 bags of cement and paint 1000 RUR Total: 3000 We installed old wooden windows and doors, tinted the paint by hand. We started pouring the floors. We are slowly paying off our credit card debt, we have 24 thousand left.

It took 7 bags of cement worth 1,800 rubles to fill the floors.
+ paint and brush for windows total 2000 rubles.

Today we bought 6 meters of d114 pipe for the chimney. 2350 rub. Cheap galvanized steel burned through.

Tomorrow I will cook and start plastering inside.

Since birth, I lived in an apartment for 22 years, now you can’t force me back there with a stick. Although if I sell the house I will have enough for 3 units in a new building. There is freedom and silence here. More space for recreation, for example you can buy a motorcycle or a motor boat. The garden is at your fingertips. In the meantime, we finished the roof - we bought additional skates for 2000 rubles, cement for 600 rubles. We are plastering the back wall. A lot of other small work was also done. Covered apple and plum trees in case of severe frosts and so on.

Make up your mind. The last word to adequate people: Thank you to those who supported, 2 years flew by unnoticed.

All in your hands. The idea was to help people who want to deprive themselves of the housing problem with their own hands but did not dare. Make up your mind. Don't feed the system with mortgages.

Short list of construction solutions from 200k-poson:

Try to do everything yourself. It's not difficult, fortunately there is the Internet. The margin for work in finished houses is up to 300%. Choose the right land - Owned, the type of land is preferably individual housing construction. Road and electricity are the main thing. The rest will follow. Cheap foundation: TISE, MZFL If you don’t know what material to build from, choose concrete - a classic. Kindergartens, hospitals, houses - basically everything is concrete.

Always insulate from the outside (dew point) Read: “Wet façade” insulation technology.

Don't get carried away by "modern solutions" from "advisers". Foundations cost 500 thousand rubles, and other excesses in theoretical calculations make the price of construction astronomical. Pay attention to old houses.


Who among us does not dream of our own cozy home? Perhaps only those who already have it. Lately the Internet has been filled with offers for turnkey house construction. The demand and price for such offers are undoubtedly increasing. Most people don't understand what it is.

What does it mean to “build a turnkey house”? What are the benefits of building a turnkey house?

Despite the demand for turnkey home construction, many customers do not fully understand what this means. This means that the customer will be provided with fully finished and comfortable housing. Such a house will fully comply with the customer’s wishes. In this case, the customer will not worry that he did not have time to complete something due to urgent matters, he will simply be provided with the finished work. All that remains for the customer to do is just to celebrate the housewarming. There are definitely many positive aspects in turnkey construction. Firstly, this is a favorable construction price. Secondly, as mentioned earlier, you won’t have to spend morning until evening at the construction site of your house; all you have to do is transport your things to your new home. For a turnkey house, all internal communications are carried out: heating, installation of windows and doors, hot and cold water supply, electricity, sewerage, as well as all finishing work, installation of doors and windows.

The initial stage of turnkey construction.

If you decide to build a turnkey house and find a responsible organization that will do it, then first of all the contractor should offer to develop a working design of the house. It will indicate all stages of building a house, from preparing the territory to finishing the exterior of the house. All stages of such construction must be agreed upon in advance and discussed with the customer. The working design of the house has a very important role. The strength, reliability and comfort of the house depends on the design. A certain period of time is allotted for the creation of a working draft. Before construction begins, the contractor and client must discuss construction costs, work schedules, and payments. In addition to the working design, a more familiar one for us is being created - an architectural one. It is required to obtain a building permit from local authorities. It will also be necessary to create a complete project, which will include the design, structural part and communications layout plan. It doesn’t matter whether you want to build a house according to an individual or a standard project, in any case, you save yourself from further problems. It is important to remember that regardless of the project, construction should be trusted to certified and experienced specialists.

Building materials for turnkey construction of a house.

A special place is occupied by the choice of material for external walls. You can choose either gas or foam concrete, brick or wooden beams. Aerated concrete is a relatively new type of building material for external walls. Its popularity is high because it is light weight, thanks to which you can save on the foundation. Aerated concrete has a high level of strength. An aerated concrete house can last more than 70 years. The construction of aerated concrete walls is advantageously cheaper than, for example, brick ones. Another advantage of aerated concrete is its environmental friendliness. Timber is also a good material. Building a house from a wooden beam will not be difficult. After constructing the box, you need to wait 2 months, since the wood tends to settle. Yellow brick is often used for exterior walls. It has good thermal properties and is fairly light weight. You can also opt for foam blocks. A house made of foam blocks can be erected quickly and easily, even by an inexperienced specialist. Foam blocks are distinguished by their low price, light weight, quick installation, and sound insulation. The disadvantages of foam blocks are their fragility and fragility. With the right approach, the house will come out warm, cozy and comfortable. Insulation of the house is of particular importance. If you decide to clad your house with timber or brick, then thermal insulation must be done without fail. Unlike timber and brick, foam blocks have good heat-saving qualities.

The cost of building a turnkey house.

Many people are primarily interested in the cost of construction. During turnkey construction, the costs of the project, contractor services and the cost of materials are summed up. The price may vary depending on many factors. An individual project costs about more than a standard one. If your construction budget is small, then it is better to stick to a standard project. The quality of such a house will not be worse than one that was built according to an individual project. Also, the price will depend on the location of the building, the geological structure, as well as the presence of a basement and the external and internal decoration of the house.

Build a house for 500,000 rubles: myth or reality?

Everyone who has lived in a rented apartment certainly wants to have their own apartment or house, since not everyone is able to live in someone else’s house and wait for such a frequent guest as the owner. We have already found out that it is better to build a house turnkey in order to save your time and money, but is it possible to do this for 500,000 rubles? The Internet was all over the blog of a young family who wrote about building a house for 500,000 rubles. There were a lot of commentators. The majority assured that this was impossible, and if it was possible, the house would be damp. Commentators also assured that such a building would be favored by insects and that mold would certainly appear in it. It turned out that it is possible to build a house for 500,000 rubles. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly. To build a house for half a million rubles, you need to have a small plot of land, about 6 acres, and an experienced contractor.

When choosing a contractor, you need to refer to the following criteria:
1. Does the contractor have experience and work with turnkey orders;
2. Does it have special equipment;
3. Does the contractor provide guarantees;
4. Order completion time.

Basic expenses for building a house.

When building a house, there are major and minor expenses. The main expenses include the purchase of a plot of land if you do not have one, connection to communications, payment for the work of a contractor, interior and exterior decoration.

The costs of building a house are divided approximately like this:
box at home - 40%,
water supply - 7%,
finishing work-38%
and heating - 9%.

Turnkey house - buy or build?

Having decided to build a turnkey house, you will receive a fully finished and comfortable home that will meet your requirements. What is better, to get a turnkey house already ready, in which only minor work remains to be done, or to build it? Let's look at the positive and negative sides of each moment. Any construction begins with the purchase of land. The positive side of building a house yourself is choosing the land yourself. By choosing a plot of land according to your taste, you provide yourself with a good location for your future home. Another positive quality is to develop a project yourself, but this type of work requires quite a lot of time, and without special skills it will be difficult to do this. Be prepared that developing a project and purchasing building materials will require a lot of effort and effort. To build a turnkey house, you will need to find a contractor. During construction, you risk running into unscrupulous builders. One of the main advantages can be considered the ability to do some work yourself. This way you will save your budget. Having decided to build a turnkey house, you have the opportunity to pay money to the contractor in stages. Also, the house, which is built turnkey, fully meets the customer’s requirements. Such a house will not require repairs in the near future. The ability to independently select building materials can be considered a rather positive aspect.

Buying a house turnkey.

When buying a turnkey house, you eliminate all the difficulties with its construction, but it is not easy to find a house that will meet your needs. By buying a house, you save yourself from paperwork and this is definitely a plus. When purchasing such a house, you cannot know what materials were used in construction. You can purchase a house with low-quality materials. You can move into a house that is purchased turnkey right away and do not have to wait for the renovation to be completed. When buying a turnkey house, you pay more. If, when building a turnkey project, you know in advance the comfort of the location and the character of the future neighbors, then when buying a turnkey project, the chances of getting unpleasant neighbors and an unfavorable location are higher. By comparing all the positive and negative aspects of the purchase and turnkey construction, we can draw conclusions. Obviously, building a house is much better.

If you have not come to a clear decision to build or buy, then the following recommendations are for you:
1. Before buying a house, think about why it is for sale. It may have minor flaws. It's better to ask the owner about this.
2.After and before purchasing a plot of land, study the soil and check the level of groundwater flow.
3. When choosing building materials for building a house, pay attention to wooden beams. Cladding with this material will help keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.
4. When choosing building materials and tools, pay attention to domestically produced goods. Their price is 20-25% lower than imported ones, and the quality is almost the same.


Turnkey house construction is a new phenomenon, but already quite in demand and paid for. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of construction, but want to keep the process of building a house under your careful control, then this construction option will be optimal for you. Often, organizations that carry out this kind of work have good discounts from suppliers of building materials or in construction stores, so such construction may turn out to be more profitable than building it yourself. Is it possible to build a turnkey house for 500,000 rubles? It is possible to build a house for 500,000 rubles, but only in case of austerity. Such a house will turn out to be modest, but in the future you will be able to improve it if you wish, without any problems. Is it better to buy or build a turnkey house? Even after receiving complete information, making a choice is not easy. A turnkey house has a design, layout, cladding and other components as desired by the customer. When choosing a ready-made turnkey house, the positive quality is the speed of completion. One way or another, you can choose the option that will be more optimal for you.

Recently, private houses, mainly made of timber, have become very popular. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, experts note the environmental friendliness of such objects. Secondly, the material helps maintain a constant temperature in the house. For example, in winter it is very warm, and in the warm season, on the contrary, it is cool.

Build a house for 500,000 rubles

Separately, it should be noted the relatively low cost of such houses, compared to objects made from other materials. We offer you timber houses up to 500 thousand rubles. This price category is considered quite adequate. The houses have an attic, veranda or terrace. Everything is your choice, as is the layout. You can decide for yourself what the layout will be and where the bathroom and kitchen areas will be located. In addition, you decide whether the house will be one-story or two-story. Each option has some advantages.

Each project of a house made of timber up to 500 thousand rubles is supplemented with one or another architectural design:

  • Bay window - made on two or one floor, rectangular or round in shape. It does a good job of increasing the interior space. In addition, it is possible to install an interfloor staircase, which significantly occupies the living space.
  • The balcony, designed on the upper level, serves as an excellent relaxation spot where you can relax, watching nature or simply sunbathing.
  • Terrace – can accommodate a dining table, where you will have meals in the fresh air.
  • A garage attached to the building will protect your car from adverse weather or the scorching rays of the sun.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to purchase such a house - for permanent residence with your family or you want to turn your house into a summer house, opt for timber. Timber is a very high quality material, and it is also characterized by durability. Trust the professionals and you will definitely be satisfied.

How to build an inexpensive house

I often get asked questions: how to build a house for 1 million rubles?; Is it possible to build a house for 800 thousand rubles?; How to build a house for 500 thousand rubles? In this article I will tell you the secrets of how to build an inexpensive but high-quality house.

Secrets of an inexpensive home

The secrets of an inexpensive, but high-quality house are a whole complex of design and planning solutions, which we will consider in order, but first, it is necessary to determine a number of requirements that the house must meet. Our house must meet a number of requirements:

1. The house must be durable

2. The house must be warm

3. The house must be made of environmentally friendly materials

4. The house should be beautiful

5. The house must be durable

Layout of an inexpensive house

Let's start with the layout of our house. There is such a thing as the ratio of the perimeter to the area of ​​the room, and we should definitely touch on this point. This value shows how much the length of the walls increases from the area of ​​the room. To make it more clear, let's look at an example:

Using the example, we see that with an equal wall perimeter, the room area in the second option is 75 m2 less. This means that the cost of the first option is much lower, because the cost of constructing the foundation, plinth and external walls is the same in both options, and the area is 25 m2 larger.

Conclusion: It is most profitable to build houses with a smaller wall perimeter in relation to the area of ​​the room. The smallest perimeter is on a square house. In order to improve the architectural solution, various forms of house planning are used, such as bay windows and other elements, but they all lead to higher prices. In our case, the house must be inexpensive, but it must also be beautiful, and we will achieve this requirement using other techniques.

Constructive solutions for an inexpensive house


The foundation is the foundation and you shouldn’t skimp on it. In order to reduce the cost of foundations, bored foundations are often used. The pillars are drilled, filled with concrete and a monolithic grillage is placed above the ground. This option has many fans, but I personally don't support it. I believe that it is much safer to put the house on a strip foundation. Let's look at an example:

The main factor when calculating the foundation is the area of ​​support on the ground, and as we see in the figure, a strip foundation has a much larger area of ​​support. In a bored foundation, it is necessary to perform a soil analysis, and if the soil in one place has a lower density, then there is a danger of one of the pillars subsiding. A strip foundation is much more reliable in this regard. In case of slight subsidence, the foundation settles entirely and no subsidence cracks are visible on the walls.


The base can be made of red foundation brick and crushed stone block 390x190x190. This option is the most successful. Red brick is convenient for leveling; it also serves as a water seal for the main walls. The main volume is made from a block. This option will be cheaper and will meet our requirements.


I plan to write a separate article about walls with a detailed development of all possible options, while calculating each option and considering all the advantages and disadvantages. Stay tuned. In this article, I propose to consider two wall options.

1. Expanded clay concrete block M-75 size 390x190x190 - wall thickness 190 mm.

2. Use a gas silicate block produced in Stary Oskol - wall thickness 300 mm.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, if wall cladding is not planned immediately, then it is better to use option 2. It will be possible to live in such a house without insulation for the first time, it will be warm enough and there will be no fungus on the walls. The first option requires insulation; it will not be possible to live in such a house without insulation. The first version of the wall is cheaper and, with proper insulation, quite warm. It is necessary to insulate 50 mm in two layers with seams spaced apart. As insulation, it is better to use basalt-based insulation with a density of at least 50.


Floor coverings depend on the version of your home. If you have chosen an attic house, it is better to use reinforced concrete floor slabs. If we are building a house on the 1st floor, then it is more rational to use wood and create a ceiling in the form of trusses together with the roof.


Due to the high foreign exchange rate, prices for roofing materials have increased significantly. If we are considering an economy class house, then we should use slate. The material is good, durable, not noisy.

Example of an inexpensive house

After a brief analysis of the main positions, I propose to consider a specific example of an inexpensive house and calculate the cost of each section. As an example, I propose to consider the project of a 1-storey building with a total area of ​​80 m2 developed by our company. The house has three living rooms, a living room of 18 m2 and two bedrooms of 16 and 15 m2, a kitchen of 13 m2 and a large shared bathroom that can freely accommodate: a bathtub, a washbasin, a toilet, a washing machine, and a laundry basket. To cut off cold air, a vestibule is required. It’s not worth building a house with a smaller area; you won’t be able to reduce the cost by much, but at the same time you will lose the whole idea of ​​a private house.

Foundation cost

In this project, the foundation is made of strips around the perimeter, as well as under one load-bearing wall (the floor is made of wood and it is desirable to have a span of no more than 6 meters, since the beams are up to 6 meters in size). The width of the foundation can be 370 mm. The volume of concrete is equal to: perimeter (10 + 9.7) x 2 x 1.2 x 0.37 = 17.5 m3 plus internal load-bearing wall 9 x 1.2 x 0.35 = 3.78 Total 17.5 + 4 = 21.5 m3 For calculation, we take 22 m3 , because There may be errors on the ground + compaction with a vibrator. The loads are small, so you can use concrete M-150 on granite 20-40 mm. The foundation must be reinforced in 4 rods with A500C reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The foundation requires 350 meters of reinforcement. Reinforcement must be carried out in accordance with GOST, taking into account an overlap at the joints of at least 500 mm, reinforced corners and a protective layer of concrete. Compaction with a vibrator is a must. Our company is ready to complete this foundation material + work for 5 thousand x 22 m3 = 110 thousand rubles.

Base cost

The height of the base depends on the slope. At the lowest point, it is recommended to perform at least 500 mm. If the slope is very strong, you can achieve a minimum height of 350-400 mm. In the example, we calculate the average height of the plinth 800 mm, of which 200 mm for leveling with red brick and 600 mm for three rows of the block.

Red brick 47 m (perimeter) x 0.2 x 0.38 = 3.6 m3 x per 400 pieces (quantity in 1 m3) = 1440 pieces. the cost of a brick is 12 rubles + work 9 rubles = 21 rubles x 1440 = 30240 rubles

Block on crushed stone 390x190x190 M-75 47 (perimeter) x 0.6 x 0.39 = 11 m3 x 64 (quantity in 1 mz) = 704 pieces cost of the block 35 rubles + work 30 rubles = 65 rubles x 704 pieces = 45,760 rubles

Cement, sand, mesh, water cement 30 mesh x260=7800, sand 5000 rubles, masonry mesh 2x0.38m mesh 10x10 thickness 3mm 50pcs x 40 rubles = 2000 rubles, water 1000 rubles.

Taking into account delivery and other expenses, the cost of the plinth is material + labor 92 thousand rubles.

Basement insulation and backfilling

The base insulation unit can be viewed in the article "". If you want the house to be warm, then insulating the basement is a must. 30% of heat loss occurs through the cold base. To save money, you can use 50 mm foam. The work on insulation and waterproofing will be: 36 m2 x 150 rubles = 5400 rubles. The cost of polystyrene foam is 36 * 0.05 = 1.8 m3 x 2300 = 4140 rubles. As waterproofing, you can use isospan D -1300 rubles. Fastenings 500 rub. If you do not have a central sewer system, then soil for backfilling can be used from a cesspool. Excavator work + manual leveling will cost 5,000 rubles. Thus, the cost of insulation and backfilling, subject to the availability of soil, will cost 18 thousand rubles, if you need to buy soil, then another 3x2500 = 7.5 thousand rubles.


In this article, we will consider two types of walls: from an expanded clay concrete block 190 mm wide and a gas silicate block 290 mm wide, manufactured in Stary Oskol, and then we will consider various options for wall cladding and calculate their cost.

1. Wall made of expanded clay concrete block 190 mm wide. This wall has sufficient compressive strength, but has weak spatial rigidity. In order for the house to be strong, it is necessary to make a monolithic belt on top of the wall; it can also serve as lintels for windows (with this technique we kill two birds with one stone). Another advantage of this option is that lintels with a width of 190 mm are not produced. “Folk craftsmen” lay the 120x220 lintel flat, so that it hangs on both sides. This cannot be done because the working tensile reinforcement is located at the bottom of the lintel and in any other position it does not work and may break. Another option is to use a metal corner as jumpers. This option is acceptable and will be cheaper, but it is inferior to a monolithic belt in many respects: a monolithic belt is much stronger; the corner rusts over time and this can be seen on the wallpaper through the plaster, etc.

The number of expanded clay concrete blocks for this house is, taking into account the monolithic belt, 1260 pieces and 1.5 m3 of expanded clay concrete per belt. The cost of erecting walls is 1260 pcs x (35 rubles work + 45 rubles c/w block) = 100800 rubles. Construction of the belt work 40 rm x 800 rubles = 32000 rubles concrete 2x4000 = 8000 rubles, reinforcement 12 mm A500S 250 rm x 30 rubles = 7500 rubles . Thus, the cost of erecting walls, taking into account deliveries, unloading, and other work, is 170 thousand rubles. )

2. Wall made of gas silicate block 290mm wide. This type of wall is warmer than the first option and when facing walls, 50 mm of insulation is sufficient. This project requires 600 blocks (22.3 m3) with dimensions of 200x290x600 mm and 2.7 m3 of concrete, if the lintels are made in the form of a monolithic belt, if the lintels are made using a metal corner, 680 (25 m3) blocks are required. The cost of 1 m3 of masonry is 2800 material + 1500 rubles labor = 4300 rubles per 1 m2. For a house you need 22.3 m3 x 4300 = 96 thousand rubles (option with a belt) and 25 m3 x 4300 = 107,500 rubles (option without a monolithic belt). In this option, the belt is 240 mm wide and 300 mm high, the remaining 50 mm must be filled with insulation. Thus, the cost of erecting walls, taking into account deliveries, unloading, and other work, is 190 thousand rubles.(The calculation takes into account only external and load-bearing walls, partitions are not included in the calculation)


Partitions can be made from expanded clay concrete block, measuring 390x190x120 mm. The number of blocks for partitions is 580 pieces. Construction cost 580 pcs x (26 rubles block price + 25 rubles labor) = 30 thousand rubles, under the partitions it is necessary to make a foundation. How to make the foundation for partitions, see the article. The cost of a foundation for partitions made in the form of beams is 35 thousand rubles. Another option for making partitions is plasterboard on a metal frame, in this case there is no need to make a foundation for the partitions and they can be done at any time, after installing the roof and installing windows, partitions from blocks can also be made at any time, the only point is this supplying blocks, if there is a roof, then they can only be supplied manually; this is a little more expensive than installation with a crane or manipulator.

Ceiling and roof

A board with a section of 200x50 mm is used as floor beams, laid in increments of 750 mm. In total, it will take 20 pieces to cover, which is 1.2 m3 x 7500 = 9000 rubles, we lay it on top with a half-edged board 25 mm thick x 80 m2 = 2 m3 x 6000 = 12000 rubles. The work is 80 m2 x 200 rubles = 16,000 rubles. For the roof you need 2.5 m3 of timber 50x150 mm and 3 m3 of edged boards, which is 5.5 m3 x 7500 rubles = 41250 rubles. For the roof you need 100 sheets of slate x 180 rubles = 18,000 rubles. Roof installation work 125 m2x450 rubles = 56,250 rubles. The roof and subfloor will be, taking into account all additional costs will be 160 thousand rubles. The lining and drainage system are not taken into account because it is performed after facing the facade.


The cost of the box and roof without facade cladding and lining with drainage system was: 110+92+18+170+160=550 thousand rubles. If you make a bored foundation, you can do it for 500 thousand rubles or less. If the base is made with a thickness of 190 mm, then you can save another 35-40 thousand (an option for cladding walls with curtain facades: siding, facade panels, etc.). If you do it even cheaper, you will have to deviate from the requirements that we set at the beginning of the article for this house.

Wall covering

The area of ​​the external walls of this project is: 35 m2 base and 105 m2 walls. Facade cladding can be made of the following materials:

1. Vinyl siding. The cost of 1 m2 is 200 rubles per 1 m2. The cost of installation + insulation is from 400 rubles. for 1 m2. You can get acquainted with this material in detail on the website of the company "Alta-profile", there is also a calculator for calculating the material on the website, enter the data of the material you have chosen and get the required quantity and configuration of the material. From practice I will say that 1 m2 of cladding costs 1000 rubles. Thus, wall cladding material + work + insulation will be 105 * 1000 = 105 thousand rubles.

2. Facade panels. Facade panels in Belgorod are produced by the company "Stofdom"; the cost of 1 m2 of material is 500 rubles per 1 m2, the cost of work is 500 rubles per 1 m2, the cost of material + work + insulation is 1450 rubles. The cost of cladding the walls of the house will be 105 m2 x 1450 rubles = 152 thousand rubles.

3. Basement siding and facade panels. This material is much better in quality, but the cost of material + labor is 1600 rubles per 1 m2. The cost of wall cladding is 105 m2 x 1600 rubles = 168 thousand rubles. Manufacturer: "Alta-profile", "Doke", etc.

4. Facing brick. In my opinion, the optimal solution for façade cladding is facing bricks. Its price ranges from 1,700 rubles per 1 m2, but it has a number of advantages over siding and facade panels. You can use brick from the manufacturer Stroitel. Its price is 15.5 rubles for one and a half red facing brick. In 1 m2 of masonry there are 40 bricks x (15.5 brick +20 work) = 1420 rubles, if you add insulation and cement, the price will be 1700 rubles per 1 m2. The cost of facing a house 105 m2 x 1700 rubles = 178 thousand rubles. You should take into account the metal corner as jumpers.

There are other options for facade cladding, such as marble plaster, bark beetle, but in our example they are not entirely rational.

Let's summarize

A house can be built for 600 thousand, but in this case you will have to use drilled foundations and use vinyl siding on the facade. The warranty for this house will be no more than 1 year, because... the material from which it is made may lose its properties after a year, and subsidence cracks are also possible over time (if you perform a full soil analysis and all the necessary calculations, the cost will also increase).

Our company is ready to offer to build this house for 1 million 300 thousand rubles(without finishing). A strip foundation, facing bricks, metal roofing will be made and all high-quality materials will be used, for which we confidently give a 5-year guarantee, which is stated in the contract. The price includes taxes and you can always take advantage of tax deductions, which will be 1300000*0.13= 169 thousand rubles, which you agree is quite a lot.

I shared all the secrets of an inexpensive house, but if low-level craftsmen build it, they may make critical mistakes, because... In terms of strength, the construct is used, as they say, “to the limit” and mistakes simply cannot be made. For questions about ordering construction, you can call: +79038877318 and +7-915-568-2915, or write a letter to: [email protected]

If you have used these materials, tell other visitors about your experience, it will be very useful. If you are interested in additional information, be sure to write in the comments and call, I will definitely share. Share with your friends using the social buttons located at the bottom of the article.

Best regards, Evgeniy.