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» How to meet a woman at sea. World practice of sex tourism: who, where and with whom. Where is the best place to go?

How to meet a woman at sea. World practice of sex tourism: who, where and with whom. Where is the best place to go?

With the onset of long-awaited vacations and student holidays, when going on vacation, girls dreamily harbor in their minds the image of a beautiful stranger who will “fall in love, come and take away,” and single men, excited by the abundance of beautiful girls at sea, strive not to miss the opportunity to meet the woman of their dreams. On vacation, everything is perceived differently than in the hustle and bustle of everyday life - with a certain amount of romanticism and delight: the sun shines brighter, life seems more colorful, richer, and you want to feel its fullness, dream, fall in love, do crazy things.

And despite the fact that, as a rule, no one places high hopes on holiday romances, such acquaintances are very popular. Moreover, there are plenty of opportunities for dating:

  • disco, club;
  • cafe;
  • hotel, recreation center;
  • excursion trips;
  • walking routes (embankment, city attractions);
  • Sea beach;
  • Ski resorts are no less popular: the winter fairy tale of the Christmas holidays is no less romantic and exciting for many people than a sultry beach and warm sea.

Ideas for meeting the girl you like on vacation

Acquaintance at a hotel or recreation center

Living together under one roof, in the same house at a recreation center or on the same floor of a hotel, even if temporary, brings people together - accordingly, topics for conversation appear: conditions in the hotel, additional services, common interests that led to vacation in this particular place . There are many options for getting to know each other:

The main advantage of dating in a hotel is that the person living nearby is more trustworthy, and the likelihood that the girl will make contact is much higher, especially if she arrived without company, and you can’t do without a travel companion and interlocutor on excursions.

This is especially true for resorts in Turkey, Egypt, Bulgaria, etc., where communication with foreigners depends on knowledge of the language, and meeting “countrymen” on such trips seems like a happy occasion.

Acquaintance on excursions

Here you need to look for an approach to the girl you like, focusing on the situation and her behavior:

  • if she studies museum exhibits and panoramas with interest, then the conversation should be directed in this direction;
  • if she is actively photographed against the backdrop of landmarks, you can offer to take a photo of her or take a selfie together as a souvenir;
  • if she bombards the guide with questions, you can attract the girl’s attention by joining in the dialogue and also asking the guide about the details of the construction of this or that architectural structure, and then starting a conversation on the topic with the girl herself;
  • if during the excursion the girl gets bored, you can offer her to organize her own route, go for a ride around the city, or simply escape to the sea from the boring narration of the guide and the noisy crowd of tourists.

Dating on the street

Walking along the sea coast, the embankment or the main street of the resort is much more conducive to making acquaintances than similar leisure time in the city, where everyone is in a hurry about their business, not noticing not only the people around them, but sometimes even the change of seasons. Therefore, if in a city everyday environment doubts may still arise whether it is worth approaching girls on the street, then in the conditions of resort life all methods are good:

  • you can turn to a girl (either walking alone or in the company of one or several friends) with a request to tell her how to find the right street/shop/hotel/house, find out what time it is;
  • offer to take a walk together, show the city, those sights that tour guides usually miss (even if this idea was an improvisation and there is no special knowledge of history and architecture - the beginning of communication has already been made, and humor will always help get out of the situation);
  • ask to take a joint selfie as a souvenir (for example: “Girl, you are so beautiful that all the landscapes of the Turkish coast and luxury hotels fade against your background. Can I take a photo with you? This picture will warm my soul on chilly autumn evenings when I return home”);
  • offer to tell her fortune (such an extraordinary move on the part of a man will clearly discourage the girl): “Do you want me to tell your fortune? Completely free, just for your charming smile. Tonight you will have a date at 19-00 at the Rybka cafe on the embankment. If you don’t come, the weather will be bad throughout your vacation.”

Acquaintance in a cafe, at a disco, at a beach party.

This type of dating does not require any special skill or approach, since the reason for getting to know each other is simply the fact that people ended up together in this establishment: they came to dance, have fun, and have a good time.
You can interest a girl and start a conversation with her by inviting her to dance, offering ice cream or a cocktail, or taking her as a couple to participate in a competition (volunteers are often required in entertainment programs). Don’t forget about the compliments: about her stunning appearance, artistry, plasticity, and irrepressible energy in dancing.

If this is a cafe with live music, you can order a song in honor of the girl you like, or negotiate with the waiter so that, along with the bill, he gives her an invitation to a date (if you don’t have the courage to approach right away), which can be made from improvised means: a flower and a note.

Dating on the beach

This type of dating tends more towards sensual experiences caused in men by the contemplation of beautiful female bodies, slender, tanned and attractive. Girls also pay attention to handsomely built men, so those with an athletic figure will not have any difficulty meeting each other on the beach.
The rest should arm themselves with ingenuity, creativity and a smile: the banal phrases that a girl hears from year to year are unlikely to make the right impression on her. Don’t be afraid of improvisation: even if a lady likes a clumsy but sincere compliment much more than memorized phrases from a yellow-press magazine for men. To attract attention, you should lead an active “lifestyle” on the beach: swim, participate in sports games on the beach, even ( no matter how comical it may seem at first glance) building with sand is better to be funny than boring.

Dating at “winter” resorts

In recent years, the tradition of celebrating New Year and Christmas holidays at ski resorts has become increasingly fashionable. Even if you go there with a large group of friends, there is always the opportunity to find an interesting company for joint leisure, or even meet your other half.
You can get acquainted precisely on the basis of common interests: invite a girl to admire the beauty of the mountains together, take a ride on a ski lift, invite her on an excursion, to a cafe, for a walk, offer to build a snowman together, be a “knight” for her while skiing, helping to carry ammunition , get up after a fall, take a photo against the backdrop of a shining ski peak, bring warm tea. Women value care and romance, and during winter holidays there are more than enough opportunities to show these qualities.

How can you benefit from the benefits of resort dating:

  • rested, happy girls are in anticipation of romantic adventures and are more inclined to make acquaintances;
  • a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere encourages people to communicate and get to know each other;
  • fleeting hobbies are not taken seriously and, when they end, do not leave such an unpleasant aftertaste as a failed relationship.

However, dating at resorts also has some negative aspects:

  • the need to break up, go to their own cities, home, initially presupposes a predictable ending (not everyone is ready for a long-distance relationship);
  • a girl may not believe in the seriousness of a man’s intentions, perceiving acquaintance with him only as a pleasant adventure, without attaching much importance to it;
  • When going to a resort, many ladies prudently leave their engagement ring in their purse for the duration of the trip, so, counting on a relationship with a future perspective, there is some risk of being deceived.
Ah, this sweet word - resort...

We all know that on vacation you can easily meet representatives of the stronger sex. Find a lover? No problem! To be honest, many people come there for this reason; we have all heard about our ladies having a “fun” vacation in or. When going on vacation, many people prepare for a journey to another life. And when they board the plane, they are already prepared for the fact that they are going to a fairy tale, full of fun entertainment, lights, fireworks.

Office routine is behind us, I don’t even want to think about it, it’s just prose. But there are interesting adventures ahead!

So, potential gentlemen are waiting for you ahead. But before you get to know them, it’s useful to know what resort philanderers are like.

Sophisticated Seducer

Oh, this man knows very well that ladies love with their ears. Therefore, he immediately begins to hang tons of love noodles on your ears. He sings like a nightingale and immediately starts showering you with compliments. Gives flowers and even gifts. The main thing is to impress you. On the third day of acquaintance (or even on the very first evening) he confesses his love to you. But, if it comes to intimacy, it turns out that he is not great in bed... As they say, all the strength goes into the whistle.

Don't be surprised if it disappears just as quickly without explanation. Will fly off to pollinate the next victim of a holiday romance...

Sole of company

A merry fellow, a ringleader and a joker, spitting out witticisms and laughing loudly. He loves to eat well, and he’s not a fool to drink (after which he can start to get rowdy). Loves to dance. Although he doesn’t do it very well, he dances with enthusiasm.
You really won’t get bored with him! Moreover, he will not let you get bored, but also your neighbors: he will scream declarations of love under your windows at night.

He's usually good in bed. It takes not, but with heat and ardor. However, if you do not respond to his passion, he can easily become a friend-buddy.

Shy little fellow

He is timid, so he is embarrassed to make acquaintances. He is waiting for a sign that you give him - it could be a smile, a flirtatious look, some question. Decent, reliable, diligently looks after you, ready to give in to you and fulfill your wishes. I’m even ready to become a replacement for a gentleman with whom you didn’t have a good relationship. Suits him. If you are a woman with character, then he is just the thing for you.

By the way, in bed it can pleasantly surprise you. As a lover, he often turns out to be tireless.

Mysterious, courageous, imperturbable

He looks like Superman: a sort of silent cowboy. He almost never meets himself. You may catch his glances at you, but he will not take the initiative; he would prefer that you do it. If you want to start a relationship with him, then take the reins into your own hands, otherwise this “iceberg in the ocean” will never open. It is easiest for him to express his feelings in an unusual, sometimes extreme environment: in the mountains, a forest, on a deserted beach. But even if you develop a relationship, you won’t be able to completely tame him; this will take a lot of time.

Great love for life? Chances: one in a million

Much harder . Such novels, no matter how ardent they may be, most often do not continue. As soon as the train or plane starts moving, the fairy tale melts away like a beautiful mirage... “I had three happy days, I had three happy days with you...”.

Of course, it happens that on vacation you can meet a great feeling that lasts a lifetime, like Chekhov’s in “The Lady with the Dog.” But, alas, this rarely happens. After all, we are going to the resort as if it were a holiday. And we behave accordingly - not exactly the same as in ordinary life, but more freely, relaxed, relaxed. The hot sun contributes to this. We're a little intoxicated, we're playing a role a little. Without realizing it, we wear a mask and allow ourselves more than usual.

But maybe you will be lucky, and your destiny awaits you at the resort. Be able to see this and don’t miss your happiness!

14 September 2017, 18:36

People don’t go there to eat or pray. The purpose of the journey is only love. From the world of victorious feminism, where you no longer expect either attention or passion from men, women are increasingly going on vacation to places where they feel welcome. You can call it sex tourism, or you can call it a search for romance. Gazeta.Ru has collected six of the most popular trends that help women perk up their spirit.


Sunny Italy has become a real paradise for those who like to brighten up loneliness during their vacation. The vacation turns out like in an Italian movie: ardent passion and painful separation. It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful romance: Italians do not skimp on attention and compliments, prepare romantic dinners, are ready to discuss any topic for hours and give a woman in bed that very feeling that we usually describe as “with him I felt like a woman.”

People go to Italy not for sex for the sake of sex, but for the feeling of falling in love.

“I spent a month in Rome and returned from the trip a different person. Italians know everything about what a woman needs in bed. I never had to ask to go lower, explain that before having sex you need to be well aroused, and ask for foreplay to last a little longer. We could spend the whole weekend in bed, tender hugs would give way to passionate sex, and in the morning they would bring me breakfast in bed.

The best thing about Italian lovers is that they understand what a holiday romance is. The whole trip we swore our love to each other, but never made plans for the future. When I returned home, our relationship ended on its own. I didn't even have to be blacklisted. Summer is over - the romance is over. It’s convenient,” says Muscovite Natalya.


Legends about Russian “Natashas”, to whom they swear their love, and the next morning it turns out that a wife and seven children are waiting at home, did not appear just like that. Men in Turkey love Russian women very much, all of them: tall and short, slender and fat, beautiful and not so beautiful. One has only to go to the beach in Antalya - and gentlemen will appear by themselves. Moreover, most of them will know Russian. “My relationship with a Turkish man could have lasted forever if at the last moment I had not found out that he was married. In two weeks, we separated only three times, when he needed to visit his supposedly sick mother.

Later it turned out that the role of mother was performed by the wife and a horde of children.

However, this is secondary. My man introduced me to all his friends and every time he did not forget to brag about how beautiful his girlfriend was. My friends agreed and jokingly said that they would beat me off. A big plus was the absence of a language barrier; I didn’t know English, but he spoke Russian almost perfectly. We had true love: sunsets on the beach, conversations about the future, vows of love and crazy sex. For a long time I thought that I was frigid, but the Turkish guy was able to prove the opposite,” said Olga, a resident of Yekaterinburg.


Cuba is considered another popular destination for sex tourism. And the point here is not only in the temperament of local men, but also in their easy-going attitude towards sex in general. The candy-bouquet period in Cuba lasts 15 minutes - we crossed eyes, got acquainted and, in principle, we can already go. The place is especially popular among tourists from Europe. “Europeans are leading here. The rating is excellent in terms of sex. Denmark, Sweden, Norway. They have many forums, they have no complexes at home, but on the island they completely lose control.

Hey, you Negrito, let's go to my checkout!

This can often be heard in clumsy Spanish or English. Beforehand, she devoured him with her eyes for about five minutes. And he often drives black. They really film them like port whores,” writes a user with the nickname “kybaman” on Livejournal.

Russian women have a less utilitarian approach. “Cuba is a place where you need to go to dance and love. Even if only 10 days a year and every day a new man.

All my novels began with meeting people at a dance.

Salsa is the best way to help reveal a man’s inner potential, in any case, I’ve never made a mistake. Cubans do not know how to care at all: there was no talk of candlelit dinners and expensive gifts, and where did poor Cubans get the money for expensive wine and beautiful jewelry. However, sex compensated for everything. This is a real passion about which novels are written and films are made. Once a year, as a preventative measure, all single women should go to Cuba,” Muscovite Zhanna shares her experience.

United Arab Emirates

If women go to all the above-mentioned countries for first-class sex, then it’s more likely those who go to the emirates for whom affection is not enough, who also want gifts. Arabs are some of the most generous men in the world. But before the wedding. Russian women know this well, so they have no illusions about romantic adventures, but humbly accept expensive gifts. “My holiday romance in Dubai probably paid for the trip tenfold. I couldn’t get even a bag from my husband for the New Year, but here the generous gentleman literally showered me with gifts. Clothing, jewelry, perfume. Every meeting is a new gift.

There was only one condition: we weren’t supposed to be seen together on the street, so I arrived on dates late at night.

I can't say it was the best sex of my life. The Arab was rough, tough and finished quickly. And sex was more reminiscent of participating in porn filming than of merging bodies together. Although maybe I was just unlucky,” Perm resident Oksana said about her impressions.


Stories about Georgian hospitality are not fiction at all. Here they lay luxurious tables, drink until the morning and say heartfelt toasts. The flight to Georgia is close, living within the country is cheap, and so many romantic films have been made about Georgian love that many women simply cannot resist the temptation.

“Georgian men are some of the most romantic in the world. During my holiday romance, the wine flowed like a river, the tables were full of treats, and my ears literally turned red from the number of compliments I heard - so many pleasant words had never been spoken to me. We met in a restaurant and had incredible sex that same night. Perhaps I experienced such passion for the first time in my life! The Georgian promised love for life, but disappeared as soon as I crossed the border,” said Muscovite Irina.


European ladies are very familiar with this direction, little studied by our women. Mostly women over 40 go to the country. Most fans of sex tourism come from the UK, Germany, France and Switzerland.

As a rule, these are single but wealthy ladies who can buy anything, even the love of young and attractive men.

In 2009, photographer Sophie Amalie Klugart even reported on “romantic tourism” in Kenya's second largest city, Mombasa. Initially, the photographer planned to show poverty in the country, but after seeing the number of interracial romances, he returned from Kenya with completely different material - the report told about the love relationships of mature women and young Kenyans.

They asked me for a written interview on the topic of pickup - at the resort. For one Ukrainian-language online publication. Without particularly bothering, I wrote answers to the journalist’s questions.

I decided to publish what I wrote for my friends. I’ll say right away that I wrote in the expectation that all this would be reworked by a journalist. Secondly, I wrote without particularly worrying about style and completeness of presentation. There is no need to treat this as dogma. He simply quickly answered questions without thinking - in writing. The resulting article is far from an objective and holistic view of holiday rentals. But someone may find the couple of tips that I created useful.

>What are the features of resort pickup?

The main features are that at a resort (or on vacation, including on a business trip in another city, in sanatoriums, etc.) there is a different rhythm and way of life than in your hometown.

In your hometown, there are a lot of factors in the lifestyle of both men and women - which are an obstacle to the emergence and development of any kind of relationship:

1 This may be the presence of other parallel relationships of completely different degrees of intimacy (from ordinary friends, to boyfriends, flirting relationships, erotic friends, lovers/mistresses, wives/husbands, etc.). Moreover, regardless of how much a person himself desires it, these relationships can absorb his strength, time, energy and attention in such a way that even if these relationships do not satisfy a person in some way (or are not needed at all), nevertheless they do not allow to appear in his/her life for someone else or something new.

2. This can be work and everyday life, which can also take up the lion’s share of a person’s time, energy and attention. So there is not enough desire for something new. Moreover, it is not clear in advance whether it is worth pouring your energy and time into this new thing at all. Will this new thing be interesting and exciting, or boring, additionally exhausting? Therefore, many city residents, absorbed in everyday worries, often simply avoid the new and unknown.

3. These may be habits and principles that do not allow a person to make new acquaintances. A person may not visit places where new people meet en masse: nightclubs, bars, restaurants, concerts, exhibitions, etc. And his entire social circle may be limited to work, friends and his place of residence.

...Well, etc.

In any case, a person who is cut off from his entire usual life (consisting of the above circumstances) turns out to be much more ready for new acquaintances. And you can get closer to another person much faster than what happens in your hometown, where so many factors interfere with this. And if in your hometown, a lot of time can pass between acquaintance and date, because... Both of them fail to see each other for various reasons, then at the resort there may be no gap at all between an acquaintance and a date, when they smoothly flow into each other. And the speed of development of the novel can be much higher. And it depends on this whether anything will work out at all, and whether the novel itself will be exciting, emotional, or vice versa – slowly and barely develop sluggishly, without special feelings and emotions (due to the fact that there is simply no time for this in your city) .

In addition, in addition to eliminating interference at the resort, it also adds factors that facilitate these acquaintances:

1. A holiday atmosphere that those who earn money at the resort try to create: entertainment, discos, exotics, food, strong drinks, attractions, new interesting places (excursions), walks by sea, land, mountains, sports recreation - wind surfing , ATV, paragliding, paintball, etc. and so on. All this creates a feeling of unusualness, unusualness (for this reason people go on vacation), thanks to which all impressions, including new acquaintances (and new acquaintances), seem brighter and more unusual in general. Since everything around is unusual and not the same as at home, then people seem unusual, meeting people, spending time, etc. And with unusual people, you are more attracted and attracted.

2. At the resort you don’t know anyone and no one knows you. Therefore, people can try themselves in new roles, do things they can’t do at home.

3. In addition to entertainment, there is also a place for boredom at the resort. At home you are not used to resting for so long, so there is much more free time at the resort than you initially expected. And as a result of the emergence of a certain emptiness, which is filled at home by acquaintances, friends, lovers, affairs, work, etc. - this emptiness strives to be filled with something: new acquaintances.

Now about pickup at the resort.

If in an urban environment a girl may simply not have time for you, then at a resort she has more than enough time. You both have a lot of free time, and a lot of choices on how to spend it, just like you. The main motive for spending time is to enjoy it and keep vivid memories of your vacation for the whole year. If a girl does not receive vivid impressions from her vacation, then the vacation has passed her by. Therefore, to a certain extent, a man’s efforts to quickly and brightly seduce a woman at a resort meet with complete understanding on her part. Especially if she is leaving soon, but has not yet had an interesting, bright meeting with a memorable man.

Those. both sexes at the resort have time and desire for a holiday romance. And then it depends on whether you want to invest this time in each other. Or you will look for a better option. Time is the second most important resource at a resort after money. Spending extra time on someone for nothing means saying goodbye to a piece of your vacation that you may have been waiting for a whole year. It is no coincidence that when meeting people at a resort, the first thing they ask is when you arrived and when you are leaving - just to understand who has how much time left. An experienced resort seducer will try to choose a girl who will soon be leaving home (especially if she has not yet found a partner - here on vacation), because... firstly, she will not resist seduction for too long, and secondly, by leaving, she will free him up for new novels (and he will not have to ruin his good impression of himself by seducing her and leaving the next day to have an affair with the next one).

At the resort, girls are favorably treated with romance. But they don’t like people who are too timid. Qualities that allow you to receive vivid emotions and impressions are valued.

> How does it make things easier that women who go on vacation, alone or with friends, are often in the mood for adventure and easy flirting?

It certainly makes it easier when a woman is in the mood for adventure and light flirting. This is the peculiarity of resorts. And it’s good if she knows how to be independent and independent from her friends in her decisions. When it comes to having a girlfriend, the process of seduction - this fact rather makes it more difficult. Because Friends often act as brakes for each other. They keep each other from getting too emotional with someone they don't know. For easy acquaintance and flirting at the resort - a friend does not interfere, but on the contrary even helps. But as the holiday romance deepens, they begin to feel deprived (especially if they themselves don’t have anyone nearby who they like as much). Therefore, girlfriends help the beginning of acquaintance (they feel bolder next to each other). But they interfere with the transition stage of acquaintance and flirting to romance and seduction. To seduce a girl with a friend, it is obvious that a friend is needed who would take the friend on himself. But even one couple does not always work out from a one-on-one acquaintance. And it’s even more difficult to add two pairs at once from a two-by-two dating situation. Therefore, all of the above about a friend is absolutely true for any situations. The friend of the girl you want to seduce is more of a hindrance than a help. Although it all depends on whether the friends feel independent enough to walk separately if they wish. Then your friends are only useful.

> What do you advise to do with those who are “not committed” to continuing their acquaintance?

It's better not to waste time on them. There are a lot of people at the resort who will fall for it. Why torture yourself and the girl? True, it is better to show some persistence. It’s easy to understand whether it should be shown by looking at the girl’s reaction. If in general she is pleased with you, but she is not ready to deepen the dating phase with sex, then you can try to be persistent. You just need to understand whether the girl likes you in principle. And if they are pleasant, then you don’t have to rush to lose this acquaintance - due to the fact that the seduction drags on. Just rationally distribute your time (don’t spend all your time only on this girl), while simultaneously developing several more such novels. Then you can wait a day or two until the situation is better determined. Just don’t turn into a mixture of an ATM, a guide and an animator for a girl you haven’t slept with yet. And if a girl clearly doesn’t like you, or is not charming enough for her, there is no point in wasting energy and time on her. It is better for both of you to go your separate ways and meet more suitable companions. Fortunately, the resort has this goodness in abundance.

> Do you know or have you heard about men who earn seasonal income from wealthy older women, with whom they have affairs in warmer climes? How popular is this fishing in our country?

I don't know and haven't heard. This is not our profile. We don't take money from women! :)
And we relax at resorts not in warm regions, but in our native lands, where there are an order of magnitude more beautiful women.

> What typical scenarios for seducing girls at resorts could you name?

Typical scenarios can be divided by filming location:

scenario > Night club

2 scenarios: The first scenario is for more status clubs - where, first of all, they walk, have fun, relax, and the choice of the partner they like is made slowly and can be changed several times during the evening. The second is for simpler clubs (bykotek) with simple morals - where the girls are taken almost immediately and then do not change their choice.

Be bright, cheerful, fiery. Communicate often and meet new people. Take part in competitions. Dance and have fun. From a bunch of girls to meet, choose one who will respond well to touches and kisses, and who you can take with you home or to the seashore (or anywhere). She will feel that she is with a very bright and cool guy, whom if she misses now, he will easily find another.

Choose for yourself the object that you will hill up. Get acquainted quickly, boldly, without apology, claiming rights to the girl. Immediately hug and offer a drink. You feed her alcohol and at the same time isolate the girl from communicating with anyone other than yourself and your company, doing this with the persistence and persuasiveness of a buffalo. You are bullied in the bud - any attempts by other guys to approach your girlfriend. You also bully her so that she understands that she will have to choose at most one of the “real boys” of your company. The moment you hugged her for the first time, from then on your hand almost never left her shoulder. Do not let her go anywhere from you, being in close contact with her (until she gets drunk enough and is ready to leave the club with you :))))). It is not recommended to play closer and further in such places, and to leave your girlfriend alone for at least 10 minutes. No flirting with distance or demonstrating your pickup skills in picking up new girls. An example of praise for perseverance from a seduced girl: “Do you know how I freeze 90% of men off? I immediately tell them that there won’t be sex and they don’t have to try... that they should go look for another more accessible girl. And 90% do so.” they do - they leave. And in response to this, you still didn’t go anywhere. And I liked that you were just there and didn’t leave. In the end, you got me, just without leaving my side, and after waiting so long until I decided ".

scenario > Cafes, bars, restaurants

Sit down, get to know each other. Invite them to dance (music is everywhere at the resort). If the contact is good, become bolder with your hands and lips. Then take him for a walk to the sea. Then take it to a place where no one will interfere.

scenario > Street

Quick option. For this option, it’s good when the girl is with a friend, and you are with a friend. Already when meeting, openly indicate sexual interest. With looks, touches, words. As a rule, it is immediately obvious to girls what you are suitable for and what you want. If they react well to all this, it means they agree in principle. All that remains is to buy a drink, find a reason and a place to go, so that everyone can stay together in a close group without witnesses. You can go to the sea to the beach, you can go home, you can go somewhere else. The main thing is not to go to a bar or restaurant or disco. There the whole point of the quick option will disappear. You need to go somewhere where you can easily move on to sex later.

Slow option. You can meet in groups (you with a friend, she with a friend), or one on one. The essence is romance. Take a walk first - chat. Find out if you like each other. You can sit and chat in a cafe and drink champagne to get to know each other. Then deeper romance - with the transition to kissing. You can right there where they drank champagne. To do this, you can take a walk somewhere in the dark: the alleys of the park, a bench, or to the sea. After this, you can postpone the continuation until the next evening (especially if you feel that by persistently pressing you will fly out of the romantic model). Be sure to accompany the girl so that she has no options left to meet and sleep with someone else that evening. Continue the next evening. And it is advisable to seduce her on the second date. If it doesn’t work out, then there’s one more try, but provided that you still have other backup options for girls. Because the likelihood of sex at a resort with each day of communication (until the acquaintance has yet turned into sex) does not grow, but falls. This means she doesn’t like you enough, and she’s looking for other options at the same time.

scenario > Beach

2 options: fast and slow.

Fast. You can meet in groups (couple to couple). Get to know each other easily and simply. A joke or a direct introduction: “Hello, I’m Vova from Odessa! How are you?” If communication goes well, you start joking, being mischievous, etc. To do this, you have been given in the sea - seaweed - which you can throw, water - which you can splash, sand which you can sprinkle anywhere. Also, gently rub suntan cream into different parts of the body. Anything that evokes either an emotion or a pleasant bodily sensation. Go swimming together and in the water move from games and pranks to bold touches and actions. Then you can try to complete all this quickly, even in water, or wait until a more suitable place... The time for transition to bold actions in water is the 20th 40th minute of communication - no longer. If it doesn’t work out, look for the next ones.

Slow and romantic - it's better to get acquainted one on one. You communicate for a long time, thoughtfully and with pleasure (with anyone who doesn’t do this, look for someone else). Have a nice time. Time goes fast. During communication, sometimes you touch a girl as if by accident. When you realize that you have already had enough of communication, move on to communicating with your bodies. You can have a massage (fortunately, you have sunscreen). You can start kissing or just chat about intimate topics, reinforcing your words with your hands. When you both get excited (your bodies are naked, but there are people around you) - find a secluded place and become even bolder there. The transition time to seduction is 3-5 hours. Yes, even in the evening, when the girl and I spent the whole day on the beach and talked drunk and already wanted more. The main thing is that it is interesting to communicate.

In general, there can be a lot of options for dating and seduction. You can't list them all. There are a lot of ordinary acquaintances - typical for the urban environment. You just pick up the phone and then call:

scenario > Meeting someone, picking up the phone, dating

Everything is the same as in the city. Exactly the same pickup methods. They just make calls easier and appointments are made easier and faster.

> Can serious intentions contradict the rental rules? :)

Yes, they get in the way. Serious intentions have the right to appear when seduction has already taken place, some time has passed in the relationship and you can already evaluate the girl comprehensively. And serious intentions at the dating stage - you haven’t had anything with the girl yet - are simply ridiculous.

Successful and wealthy men are sometimes tired of endless meetings and negotiations. They also want to be away from the bustle of the metropolis and go to the sea. For relaxation and recuperation, there is nothing better than traveling in the company of a beautiful young girl who will delight her man and give him affection and warmth. A wealthy man who has decided to “Look for a travel companion” most often seeks to meet a girl on the Internet, because he simply does not have time for long courtships and meetings.

Advantages of our resource

Finding a girl to travel with on our website will not be difficult. Here you can find many profiles of ladies who are ready to accompany a man on a trip. We do everything to ensure that no one feels alone. Look for a pretty girl, strike up an unobtrusive conversation with her and invite her on a trip that will be enjoyable for both of you. A representative of the fair sex will brighten the days spent on the beaches of Turkey, Thailand or Egypt. In return, the man is only required to provide the material side of the trip.

It is very easy to find a travel companion for a holiday abroad, and all fellow travelers are from Moscow. First, a man will need to go through an easy registration procedure. By becoming a user of our resource, he gets access to a database of profiles filled out by a wide variety of girls. Convenient filters will help you quickly find a vacation companion, thanks to which a man can indicate the one he is interested in:

  • City of residence;
  • Age;
  • Availability of photos.

Having completed the search for a female companion at sea, you can safely begin communicating with this special one. During personal correspondence, you can resolve many issues, and then arrange a meeting. If the proposed option for spending time suits the girl not only financially, but also physically, we can safely say that the search for a vacation companion has been a success. The main thing is to assure the lady of your own decency and solvency.

Every potential vacation companion wants to meet a man who will not only show her corners of the world she has never been to, but will also be very generous. A wealthy person will take care of choosing the best hotel and the most interesting excursion program. A long trip often leads to a rapprochement between a sponsor and a fellow traveler for a summer vacation at sea. If a man really likes a lady, then he will be able to invite her on other pleasant trips in the future.

A wealthy person who has decided “Looking for a companion for a joint holiday” will be able to find a girl with any interests on our website. Here you can meet someone who loves active recreation or, on the contrary, is interested in ancient monuments.