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» How to properly dig a well with concrete rings. How to dig a well for water supply: a detailed analysis of two basic technologies How to dig a well yourself

How to properly dig a well with concrete rings. How to dig a well for water supply: a detailed analysis of two basic technologies How to dig a well yourself

The question of how to dig a well with your own hands will remain relevant at all times, because this is an excellent opportunity to solve the problem of water supply for areas to which there is no connection. central water supply. At first glance, this process may seem too complicated and time-consuming, but if you follow a certain sequence of actions, you can cope with the task on your own.

Wells were built back in those distant times when there was no heavy construction equipment, which means you can build a well on your own site.

The photo shows the digging process

Where to dig a well

Of course, the first thing you need to do is decide on the place where your well will be dug, and in choosing this very place you should take into account the following factors:

  • Under no circumstances should construction begin near large sources of pollution, since water that passes through the upper layers of the soil will absorb harmful substances. Such sources of pollution may include compost, manure or garbage heaps, or wastewater disposal sites;

Note! If you plan to dig a well with your own hands on a slope, then it should be located above sources of pollution.

  • When thinking about building a well, you should understand that its construction is not always practical. It is necessary to take into account the hydrogeology of the area, for example, in swampy areas it is impossible to use water from wells for drinking, since it contains perched water with various harmful impurities;

  • The availability of water at an accessible level directly depends on the terrain in which you plan to dig a well with your own hands, and on the type of soil. For example, on a slope you may not find water at all, or getting to it will only be possible with the help of specialized construction equipment;
  • The well should be located as close as possible to the place of water consumption. This arrangement will reduce shipping costs. But you can’t build a well too close either. To provide a house with water from a well, the shaft must be located at least five meters from the building.

Many superstitious people entrust the matter of choosing a place to dig a well to shamans. Previously they used willow twigs, but today they use wire frames to find water. Whether to trust shamans or not, everyone decides for themselves.

If your neighbors already have a well, then you can safely dig and be sure that you will find water. But if the neighbors do not have a well, then you should drill exploration well, which will tell you everything about the presence of water in the ground.

When and how to dig

The question of choosing the time to dig a well with your own hands is as important as choosing a place, so you should pay due attention to this point:

  • Spring is the time when the snow melts, so it is undesirable to start the digging process during this period, since you can make a mistake in choosing the depth of the shaft. This error may be allowed due to the fact that during this period of time groundwater are located very high level. So a well dug in April may be completely dry by December. The groundwater level can fluctuate in the range of 1-2 m;
  • Best time for construction this is winter, the very end of it, or the very end of summer. It is at this time that the water level is at its minimum. Of course, digging wells with your own hands in winter period difficult, but there are situations when other times of the year are completely unsuitable for such work, we're talking about about well shafts passing through floats;

  • The process of digging fairly deep mines takes a huge amount of time, and digging must be done continuously. Therefore, you should plan everything so that you have a lot of free time.

Now let's try to figure out how to properly dig a well with our own hands.

Basically, such construction requires at least three people:

  • One man works with a crowbar and a shovel in a mine, filling buckets with soil;
  • The second person lifts these buckets to the surface and carries the soil to the dump;
  • And the third is resting at this time, preparing to replace one of his comrades.

The photo shows a clear demonstration of the digging process

The work is carried out at a fairly dynamic pace, so workers often replace each other. If there are large stones in the ground, they are turned out using a short crowbar, then tied with ropes and removed from the recess.

Note! If you work in a mine, you should listen to your own health, and if you suddenly feel unwell, you should leave the mine. Your condition indicates an accumulation of harmful gases that need to be pumped out to continue construction.

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Well made of reinforced concrete rings

If a place for construction has been chosen, the materials, the price of which is relatively low, have been prepared, the digging process itself should begin. It should be noted that the work ahead is difficult and time-consuming, because the weight of the concrete rings is quite high.

It is quite difficult to install them manually, so perhaps you should use a manual type hoist suspended on a tripod, which you can easily assemble from wooden beams. Of course, purchasing such a mechanism can significantly increase the cost of digging a well manually, but it will reduce the labor intensity of this process.

The technology for digging wells manually consists of the following steps:

  • On initial stage we are digging a recess that would be equal in diameter to the dimensions of the concrete ring. The bottom of the well must be horizontal and as level as possible so that the first ring lies without tilting.

Initial stage - deepening

  • Next, we dig a well with our own hands, descending directly into this ring, sending the developed soil to the surface. Under its own weight, as it is dug, the ring will lower. At the moment when the first ring deepens, the next one should be installed on top of it;

The photo shows the installation of the second concrete ring

Advice. If at some point the rings stop lowering under their own weight, then a deviation has occurred. In order to level the structure, it is necessary to install a shield on top of the rings, which is weighted with bags of soil and heavy stones, and leave for a while. Under the weight of the shield, the rings should lower.

  • When water starts flowing into the mine, the digging process should not be stopped. The water needs to be pumped out and further digging;

  • Digging stops when there is too much water and water-bearing veins are visible;
  • The bottom of the well is lined with carefully washed large stones. A layer of washed gravel or crushed stone is poured on top. Such a filter at the bottom of the well will protect the water from sand.

  • The well seams are treated with cement mortar and liquid glass so that the perched water does not fall into the well.
  • After there is enough water in the well to submerge the pump, it should be pumped out. This procedure must be repeated several times.

Construction of a well is an excellent opportunity to solve the water supply problem. If the construction procedure is taken seriously and responsibly, then the whole process will not become backbreaking work. Well, the very fact that the well was built with one’s own hands will certainly warm the soul of a good owner.

The video in this article will allow you to learn even more about the intricacies of the construction process.

You can dig a well without hiring outside workers, with your own hands. You just need to study the step-by-step instructions.

Before construction, it is determined by what digging methods the work will be carried out: by alternately installing the upper rings or by finding the level of the aquifer. The method is chosen based on the depth of the water.

The method of sequential installation of rings is as follows. The ring is placed on the surface of the earth and they begin to select the soil inside. Over time, it itself sinks into the depths. To dig a level well, it is necessary to ensure strict verticality, otherwise, if there is a strong slope, the concrete sediment will stop. You can adjust this yourself by tying a plumb line and setting a level on top of the ring.

After the top edge is level with the soil, a second one is installed on the ring. The next ones are installed as necessary until the lower one drops to the aquifer. You can immediately install gaskets to seal the seams.

This method allows you to control the height and number of rings and not be afraid of soil shedding, since the digger is inside.

When performing this option, it must be taken into account that it is inconvenient for one person to dig and remove soil. It will be necessary to involve one more employee. You will also need some extra help when installing the rings on top.

The second method is to initially excavate the well shaft and then install concrete once the aquifer is reached. This method is easier when digging, a person is not cramped inside the ring. It is possible to make deeper shafts. The rings are installed when the walls begin to crumble. Several rings are sealed against the ingress of flood and groundwater.

Cons this method are the following points:

  • It is possible to miss the beginning of soil collapse, then the mine will suffer.
  • It is difficult to control the tightness of the structure; insulation is only possible from the outside.
  • The amount of earth to be filled between the shaft and the ring is uncontrollable, as is its density. Therefore, flood and rainwater may enter.

All work on the construction and operation of wells is carried out with mandatory compliance with safety regulations. It assumes:

Today it is not difficult to find a company that provides services for arranging a water source at a summer cottage. Let's find out how much it costs to dig a well in a country house and how to carry out this operation.

Companies offer concrete rings along with digging. The price of work, including materials, is approximately 4,200 rubles. for each ring from the first to the tenth. The next ones will cost more, since they must be additionally strengthened to withstand soil pressure.

If the materials are yours, then you will pay about 2000 rubles. for each ring. It is also necessary to include costs for related materials, which will amount to approximately 1000 rubles.

Additional installation of a well head (well house) will cost about 5,000 rubles.

Before you start organizing a source, you need to choose its location correctly, since the quality of the water depends on this, as well as the duration of operation of the well.

Let's figure out where to dig a well in the country.

  • Water passing under the top layers of soil tends to become polluted. Therefore, you cannot install a source near a drain. Wastewater, garbage and compost heaps.
  • When constructing a well, it is important to take into account the hydrogeological situation. For example, water in a swampy area is not suitable for drinking, since high water will penetrate into the well, along with which everything that comes in its way will enter the water.
  • It is advisable to locate the source near places of water consumption. This will reduce the cost of water supply. However, you should not make a well near the house; it should be at least five meters away from the home.

Now you need to decide when is the best time to dig a well in your dacha. The ideal period for organizing a water source is autumn - early winter, since at this time the lowest water level is observed.

In spring it is difficult to choose the appropriate depth, since due to snow melting the water level fluctuates within 1-2 meters.

After the location of the future source has been chosen, the main steps begin. To make the work easier, it is recommended to use special devices and tools.

You will need a winch to lift the buckets, and you will also need to install a tripod through which a rope or rope will be thrown.

  1. Markings are made on the site intended for digging a well. It is taken into account that the diameter of the shaft should be 10 cm larger than the ring being installed.

It is difficult to immediately determine the required depth. Of course, you can focus on the well located nearby. But on average it takes about 8-12 rings.

  1. Next, they begin digging, and the rings are immersed one at a time, as the shaft is opened, to the appropriate depth, so that the ring rises 10-20 cm above the ground. The next ring is delivered to the work site on a cart that has a height corresponding to the protruding part of the ring. This will reduce the presence of a massive ring in weight to a minimum. The operation can be seen in the photo.
  1. After the first ring is immersed, the next ring is installed, whose weight forces the structure to sink down. The rings are fastened together with staples in the amount of at least three pieces. After installation, remove soil from the walls.
  1. When considering the question of how to dig a well at your dacha yourself, it is worth noting the methods for removing soil. There are two methods, the choice of which depends on the density of the earth. If it is soft, then it can be cut through and removed from the middle without any problems.

It will be difficult to manually dig a well with clay rock with your own hands; this will require the use of special tools.

  1. After installing two rings, the hole is deepened by 0.8 m, and the rings are dug in a circle so that they go deeper under their own weight. By laying hemp rope and applying a cement composition, the joints between the rings are sealed.
  1. The column is built up until water appears at the bottom. The liquid along with the sand is removed, and the well itself is left for twelve hours to allow it to fill with water.
  1. The next day I cleanse the source again. The procedure is carried out until a sufficient amount of relatively clean water. Cover the well with a lid and leave it for a day.
  2. Next, a filter is laid, consisting of a 10-centimeter layer of fine gravel and a thirty-centimeter layer of coarse gravel.

In order to know how to properly dig a well in a country house, you must not only be able to position the rings evenly, but also ensure their protection and reliable fastening.

The rings are connected with metal brackets, which are attached to bolts passing through the wall.

To prevent penetration of perched water into the source, the seam between the rings must be sealed with linen rope and cement mixture. Additionally with outside After digging in the rings, a layer of waterproofing is applied along the seams or even along the entire wall.

Many are convinced that such activities worsen water quality, but these words should not be believed. Water can become worse only if the water penetrates through the seams, which after some time will still become unusable.

The space dug around the well is filled with blue clay, and foam plastic is laid to prevent it from freezing (photo).

Related articles:

  • How to dig a well

Heading – wooden house above the well, not only performs a decorative function, but also prevents water pollution, preventing wind-blown debris from getting inside.

  1. First, a frame is built from beams or boards. First, four racks are installed, which are connected by the upper and lower trim.
  1. To equip the roof, you will need to organize rafter trusses, onto which the sheathing will then be mounted.
  1. The rafters cut at an angle are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.
  1. Then cutouts are made on the rafters where they will be connected by strapping.
  1. Installing jibs allows you to strengthen the structure. The rafters are fastened together with two boards, which are then lathed.
  1. After this, installation begins roofing material, which can be used as roofing material.
  1. The final stage is the installation of slate, which is attached to the roofing felt with special fasteners. Corner connections covered with wind boards.

After the main work on the construction of the house is completed, the installation of the door begins. It is a plank shield, the manufacture of which will not be difficult.

Cutting boards required sizes and connect them together wooden blocks with a cross section of 2.5x3 cm. For this, two bars on top and bottom of the door will be enough.

To ensure the rigidity of the structure, another bar is attached diagonally. After covering, the handle and latch are attached, the hinges are cut in and the door is installed on the house.

  1. As already stated, work on creating a well on your site begins with calculations and determining the location for digging.
  2. If you have already collected all the necessary information, you should start marking.
  3. After this, you need to start digging holes.
  4. It is necessary to dig to such a depth that the first ring, regardless of the type of installation (open or closed), does not go completely into the ground.
  5. As you already understand, the work is described using a closed installation method, due to the fact that it is much more common.
  6. After installing the first ring, there should be a protrusion of 10 centimeters. You can transport the ring into the dug hole using a cart. It should be the same height as the ledge. That is 10 centimeters. You must understand that even the installation of the first ring determines the quality of the future well. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully check its verticality. If the first ring is slightly distorted, further work may not go according to plan.
  7. Then the second concrete ring is installed. It is connected using special brackets.
  8. For two rings you will need at least three staples. Considering that the operating principle of the closed well installation method is to immerse the rings under their own pressure, it is necessary to dig a hole in the center of the rings.
  9. After installing the first two products, the structure should be deepened by 80 centimeters.
  10. After this, the rings are dug in a circle.
  11. If you are forced to work with soft soil, it must be removed from the middle of the ring. If we are talking about hard ground, then first you need to remove the soil under the rings. This will allow you to get rid of obstacles that may interfere with the immersion of the structure.
  12. After eliminating unnecessary soil and interference, you can work in standard mode, removing soil from the middle.
  13. To connect rings on soft ground, experts recommend using staples. Despite the existence of more modern designs– rings with locks, the above option is considered more optimal. This is due to the fact that rings with locks are not able to protect the rings from deformation in soft ground in winter. They start to move. The brackets provide for this process and do not allow the structure to move.
  14. As you dig a hole, it is necessary to process the joints of the strung rings. To do this, a special sealant is used and a tarred hemp rope is installed. Additionally, it can be sealed using cement mortar. The walls of the shaft should be built up until water is visible.
  15. After sealing the rings and sealing the cracks, the sides must be compacted with clay. Additionally, you can sprinkle with earth. This will protect the well from rainwater, pollutants and other unnecessary elements.

In areas where there is no centralized water supply, you have to build wells or boreholes. The type of source depends on the hydrogeological conditions of the area, the needs and personal preferences of the owner.

Digging wells is a labor-intensive and expensive process, but it can be made cheaper by doing it yourself. Therefore, we invite you to figure out how to make a well with your own hands and what you will need for this.

Aquifers can occur at several levels. The topmost one is usually located close to the surface of the earth. This layer is called perchal water. It may be dirty chemicals, used for agriculture, fecal bacteria from wastewater, etc.

Verkhodka is not suitable for feeding a well, unless the water is planned to be used exclusively for technical purposes or for irrigation garden plants. It should also be taken into account that during seasonal changes the amount of water can significantly decrease or increase.

Wells are dug into the groundwater horizon. This aquifer lies below the perched water. The water in it is often free-flowing, so its level in the well is the same as in the aquifer. During construction hydraulic structures groundwater is cut off from the perched water layers to protect it from contamination.

An aesthetically designed well will not only provide the site with water, but will also decorate the local area

Artesian waters lie below groundwater. Wells are not dug to this horizon, and the construction of wells is very expensive. In addition, you have to obtain a permit to use water resources.

Artesian waters are pressure waters, so the water level in the well is higher than in the horizon, and even gushing is possible.

Another advantage shaft structure The advantage of tubular is the ease of construction. You can find out how to dig a mine well with your own hands by reading specialized literature and articles.

If desired, everyone can take their advice and dig and arrange a quality water source on their own.

A column, or tube well, is shallow well, the walls of which are lined with a pipe, and the water is raised using a manual or electric pump

A tube well is built if the aquifer is located shallow, and the owner can use drilling equipment. The advantage of a tubular structure is faster construction. Due to their small diameter, tubular structures are less polluted. They can be built next to residential and commercial buildings.

Both types of wells have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a suitable design, you should take into account all the nuances. Since it is easier to build a mine well without the use of special equipment, in the future we will consider the issues of digging just such a source.

The best time to start construction

When is the best time to dig a well? If you start work in the spring, after floods, you can make a mistake with the depth of the mine. Groundwater is rising, and until its level drops, it is not advisable to dig. Otherwise, there may be a need to deepen the structure, because There will not be enough water in summer and winter.

The autumn rainy season is also not the most favorable time for building a well. But in the summer heat or winter it is quite possible to start work. During these periods, the water drains away. If you can build a working well, it is guaranteed to maintain productivity in other seasons.

Winter construction is complicated due to soil freezing, but in summer or early autumn nothing prevents excavation work from starting. However, there is one exception. If the well is built on quicksand, it is better to dig it in winter.

The first frost is not an obstacle to building a well. You can start work even if the first snow has fallen. The main thing is that the soil does not freeze too much

Two main ways to dig a mine

Before digging a well at home or in the country, you should decide on the type of soil and choose the appropriate method for constructing the shaft. There are only two methods - open and closed. They differ significantly, each of them has its own characteristics.

The technology of open well digging is applicable on clay and loamy soils. For sandy and sandy loam soils, the closed method is more suitable

Method #1 – open digging technique

The open method of digging a well is convenient and simple. Its essence is that you first need to dig a shaft to the required depth, and then install concrete rings. This method is suitable for areas with dense soil that is not prone to crumbling.

The mine is dug down to the aquifer. If necessary, the walls are strengthened as they go deeper into the ground. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the calculated dimensions finished design. When the shaft is dug, its walls and bottom are constructed, and the remaining gap is filled with a layer of sand or crushed stone.

To ensure that the joints between the rings are airtight, they are installed on cement mortar. A good option is to use locking rings, the design of which immediately provides for the possibility of connection. The well made from them will be stronger and more reliable

Method #2 – features of the closed method

If the soil on the site is sandy, then the open digging method is not suitable, because... the risk of the mine walls collapsing is too great. This makes work difficult and can be potentially dangerous for construction workers. Then they use the “ring” method of digging a well. The technology itself is more complex than the open method, but safer.

Having chosen a place for the well, you should dig a shallow hole for the first ring. The recess can be from 20 cm to 2 m. The diameter must correspond to the size of the rings. Having installed the first ring, they begin to select soil from inside the structure. A heavy concrete ring will sink under its own weight.

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Availability own home or summer cottage- that's always good. But some negative aspects of this fact usually cloud the whole picture. One of the big disadvantages of the dacha is the lack of a well. Those who do not have their own well should be interested in this article. By purchasing a well at your dacha, you will not only save time, but also get clean drinking water, thereby enriching your body with useful microelements and vitamins.

Below we will look at the following aspects:

  1. how to dig a well
  2. when to dig a well with your own hands
  3. how to dig a well with your own hands
  4. how to make a well with your own hands
  5. safety precautions when digging wells
  6. concrete rings

Digging a well using improvised means

How to dig a well at your dacha with your own hands and how to dig a well correctly? One of the most common and easy ones, but not cheap ways- this is to call a team of professionals. In the event that you still want to test your capabilities and dig a well yourself, you should stock up on hardworking and patient assistants.

It is also necessary to prepare the necessary equipment, tools and materials. It is worth emphasizing that digging wells is very dangerous and difficult work. A person starting to dig wells must take a realistic approach to the task and evaluate his own physical abilities.

The entire process of digging a well can be divided into several steps:

  1. Finding the Right Place
  2. Installation work
  3. Mine water insulation
  4. Filter installation
  5. Organization of the apical part of the well
  6. The final stage is decorating

Where to dig a well on the site?

Research shows that in the European part of our country it is possible to dig a well in various places, that is, everywhere. But you shouldn't apply extra effort With maximum level of labor costs and minimal results. There are methods developed over time and experience that are known to almost everyone.

First, it’s worth understanding what underground water is:

  • At a distance of up to four meters from the ground, as a rule, there are surface layers - perched water. They are fickle, always depending on the time of year and the amount of rain. Always heavily soiled chemical elements and organic waste from fields, and, in principle, is not envisaged as a supplier of spring water.
  • The next layer is groundwater, which is located at a distance of ten meters or more from the surface of the earth. This layer is distinguished by its constancy, since the water from it has been purified, and it is this layer that is designed for digging wells. The liquids of this layer are without pressure, and the level always remains at the same level.
  • Further, at a depth of more than thirty meters, artesian waters are located. The results of all work are aimed at them digging wells.

So, the search is to find the point of the second groundwater level, which is closest to the surface of the earth. How to do this? From the search location it is worth excluding those places where cesspools or silo pits, as well as latrines and garbage dumps. In the worst case, such pollution must be at least fifty meters. And one more condition - the well must be located no closer than five meters from permanent buildings.

One of the most accurate and no less complex is the method of exploratory drilling, which requires a lot of effort and finance. However, no one has canceled other search methods, which have often been used for centuries.

It is better to search for places for a well early in the morning or late evening, or even at night.

When is it better to dig a well by hand?

If the point has already been found, then you need to mark it and decide on the time upcoming works. Quite often you can hear that the best season is winter, since groundwater are in a state of "rest", at the bottom.

But it is sometimes difficult to agree with such a statement, since in winter it is extremely difficult to carry out excavation work, also under the condition of constant presence of liquid and a high mass fraction of moisture in the atmosphere. But do not forget that digging deep wells in winter is much easier, since oxygen flows into them more easily, and in the hot months this can be difficult. Best season for digging wells is end of summer and beginning of autumn, before the rainy season.

What is needed to dig wells?

Tools that may be useful:

  • shovels
  • pickaxe and crowbar
  • buckets
  • ropes
  • building level
  • insurance and protective equipment
  • drainage pump
  • concrete materials for waterproofing works

Current wells are most often made of reinforced concrete or concrete rings. It is best to buy rings that have lock part and fit tightly to each other. Classic ring parameters:

  1. thousand millimeters - internal diameter
  2. one thousand one hundred sixty millimeters - outer diameter
  3. eighty millimeters - wall thickness
  4. nine hundred millimeters - maximum height

As a rule, the mass of such a ring is about six hundred kilograms. There are rings of the same diameter, but smaller in height. There are holes on the walls of concrete balls for inserting slings when lowering the rings into the shaft.

I would like to warn you that there are also low-quality rings on sale that are damaged or have already been used by someone. Saving in this matter is impractical, since this is a serious issue and experience shows many stories of broken, distorted and bursting balloons, with sad outcomes.

How many rings are needed? This question is purely individual, and in each individual case requires its own approach. It is necessary to find out from the nearest residents what kind of well they have and how deep it is. And in your case, the parameters shouldn't change much.

Digging a well and installing rings

  • You can install one ring straight and further go deeper under it, and it will decrease by the force of its gravity; according to the degree of deepening, a subsequent ring is installed on the first one, and they are secured to each other, and so on until you reach the aquifer. This method is called “deaf”, and is popular for difficult soils. This method is not the best as it has many disadvantages. For example, when passing, a significant problem may be a boulder that can get under the wall of the ring. And it will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to remove it. And one of the advantages is the fact that for subsequent rings there is no need involve special equipment.
  • We call the second method “open” and it means that the shaft will be dug to the full height required by the project, with the further installation of rings. The disadvantages include: a very large volume of soil to be removed, difficulties with installation and fastening of the rings. Plus, there is always a big risk mine wall collapse.
  • And a mixed method is also possible, which will be optimal. Initially the work is carried out open method, but as soon as the first signal about the instability of the mine walls is received, it is necessary to switch to the closed method. In practice, it is the mixed method that is used most often.

4. The work becomes difficult the moment the aquifer is reached. Most often, it is necessary to collect the incoming liquid. Before entering this horizon, the joining of the lower rings is necessary seal with special compounds.

5. The extension of the well trunk is carried out taking into account that the ring protrudes five hundred millimeters above the ground level. Further, this piece can be decorated with a log frame or brick.

Well filter

Without a component such as a filter, the water in the well will not be as clean as you would like. Water rushing from distant soils can rise with sand, soil and turbidity.

The choice of filter depends on the quality and condition of the bottom of your well:

  1. If the bottom of the well consists of heavy clay through which water rushes, then, as a rule, the water will be the cleanest and does not need a filter
  2. If the bottom of the well consists of soft clay rocks, then it will always be washed away by the waves of incoming water. The spring becomes muddy, and it is possible that water can only be collected from the upper layers. To eliminate this disadvantage, you need to install a bottom filter.

Safety precautions when digging a well

This work is very dangerous, specific and labor-intensive and requires special safety measures:

  • To begin with, the area where you are going to work must be fenced off and unauthorized persons, in particular children, should not be allowed in.
  • It is prohibited to place collected soil closer than three meters from the shaft. In the best case, it should be taken away immediately to a safe distance. At the same distance from the mine there should be nothing superfluous: objects, apparatus and materials that are no longer used.
  • All lifting mechanisms must be inspected before starting work. You also need to control the position of the ropes and hooks.
  • Buckets intended for soil evacuation must be tightly tied to the ropes, and when working at deep distances of more than six meters, they must also have a safety edge.
  • Deep work may be accompanied by the accumulation of various gases in the mine, which can cause suffocation of the worker. Before going down there, it is worth checking the composition and quality of the air. This happens in the most primitive way - lowering a burning candle. If it goes out, ventilation must be carried out, and then the test is duplicated.
  • If there is not enough oxygen in the mine, it is also worth ventilating it. For this purpose, compressor fans or other air blowers can be used.
  • It is necessary in the strictest order and in a loud voice to warn the worker in the mine about descending elements or objects. The excavator in the mine must wear a helmet, and it is also worth taking care of the possibility of emergency evacuation.

Being the owner of your own country plot and not having your own well is probably not the most good option. Yes, of course, some holiday villages are equipped centralized system water supply, but it’s still better to be completely independent from the “whims” of public utilities. The well will also become a source of clean water drinking water, and will satisfy all household needs and provide watering personal plot, but only if it will be arranged correctly.

— materials and tools for carrying out waterproofing work.

Most modern wells are made of reinforced concrete rings. It is best to purchase products that have a “quarter” locking part for centered and tight fit of the rings to each other. Standard size rings – 1000 mm – internal diameter, 1160 – external, wall thickness – 80 mm, maximum height– 900 mm. Such a product (KS-10-9) weighs 600 kg. If necessary, you can purchase rings of the same diameter, but of a smaller height - 300, 500 or 600 mm. On the walls of such rings there are holes for inserting slings when hanging and lowering them into the shaft.

You should immediately warn against purchasing low-quality, illicit rings that are damaged or have already been used. Such savings here are not only inappropriate, but can also be dangerous, since the practice of arranging wells knows many cases of rupture, distortion, and bursting of rings with all possible consequences.

How many rings are needed is an individual question for each specific place. It is worth finding out from your neighbors how deep their well is; this figure should not change much. At the same time, the structure of the well itself is taken into account - the height of the water-bearing part itself, the trunk and the head.

Digging a well and installing rings

  • Work begins with markings on the soil surface. For these purposes, as well as to control compliance with the dimensions of future penetration, you need to build a simple device - a cross of two slats, with a length equal to the required diameter of the shaft.

Cross - a template for further work

If the ring has an outer diameter of 1160, then the shaft should be marked approximately 200 - 300 mm wider, i.e. Ø from 1350 to 1450 mm with the open method of constructing a well (more on this below). At closed method leave the minimum required gap - so that the ring fits into the shaft without distortion.

  • Filming upper layer soil with turf and begin to go deeper into dense layers of soil.

All selected soil must be located at a distance of at least 3 meters from the pit from the work site. You can even immediately take it away, for example, to the place where you plan to build “ alpine slide" When the clay layer begins, it is better to store the selected clay separately - it will be useful in the future for waterproofing the well.

  • After going deep to the height of the first ring, install a tripod or other structure on which the lifting mechanisms, and further work can be planned in different ways:

1. You can install the first ring exactly and continue to dig under it - it will fall under its own weight.

As the settlement progresses, the next ring is installed on the first one, and they are fastened together with brackets - and so on until the aquifer. This method is called “closed”, and is more relevant on problematic, shifting soils, with quicksand, underground “rivers”, etc. Thus, the excavator always works in a concrete ring, which lowers with him as the soil is removed.

This method is not considered optimal, as it has many disadvantages. So, big problem During excavation, a large boulder may become trapped under the wall of the ring - removing it will not be easy, and sometimes even impossible. But on the other hand, installation of subsequent rings does not require complex lifting equipment, since it is always carried out at the top.

2. The second method is called “open” and involves digging a shaft to the entire required depth and then installing rings. Disadvantages - a much larger volume of selected soil, difficulties with installing and fastening the rings (the work is carried out at a considerable depth), there is always a danger of shedding or even collapse of the mine walls, especially when unstable aquifers begin or quicksand breaks through the wall - the source of “overwater” .

3. Based on the above, the optimal method will probably be a mixed method. At first the work goes on open method, but before the first sign of instability of the walls or the appearance of signs of perched water. Then they immediately descend to the dug depth reinforced concrete rings, and further excavation of soil is carried out using a closed technology, with the deposition of an extendable well shaft. This is the approach most often used in practice.

  • The work becomes more complicated once the aquifer is reached - according to the rules, it is necessary to settle the trunk on at least one more, and better yet, two more rings. Often it is necessary to ensure constant pumping of incoming water. Before entering this layer, the joints of the lower rings must immediately be sealed with special cement-containing compositions.

  • The well shaft is extended in such a way that the top ring protrudes approximately 500 mm above ground level. In the future, this head can be formed by a frame or in another way; a crank mechanism is installed above it to lift the bucket.

Video: methods of digging wells from reinforced concrete rings

After completely tearing off the well along its entire depth, it is necessary to pump out all the water and silt from it in order to install a bottom filter.

Well bottom filter

Without this element, the water in the well will not have the purity that the owner probably expects. The springs gushing at the bottom of the well can raise turbidity, sand, and in the case of quicksand (extremely saturated with water flowing sand) it will simply become overgrown and shallow very quickly.

Choice bottom filter depends on the state of the bottom - what kind of soil forms it:

  • If the bottom is dense clay through which springs flow, then, as a rule, the water will be clean, and there is not even a need for a bottom filter. Moreover, its installation can even reduce the debit of the well. Light turbidity, if any, can be easily eliminated with a regular household filtration system.
  • If the bottom is formed by soft clay, then it will be constantly eroded by streams of incoming water. The water becomes excessively cloudy, and it can only be taken from the top layer. To eliminate this drawback, you will need a direct bottom filter.

To do this, large stones or crushed stones are placed on the bottom, with maximum size, up to 150 200 mm. Then a layer of medium-sized gravel (fraction 20-30 mm), up to 150 mm thick, is poured. And a final layer of clean river pebbles, also up to 150 mm thick, is laid on top. The total thickness of the resulting filter reaches half a meter.

  • The sandy bottom through which water seeps in poses another danger. Any impact on it (for example, a lowered bucket) causes a rise in the sand mass, which rises to the top along with the water. It is impossible to install in such a well pump equipment– sand will quickly disable it. However, everything can be solved by creating a reverse bottom filter that will prevent grains of sand from rising from the bottom.

In this case, the washed water is first poured onto the bottom. river sand. The second layer is river pebbles or gravel up to 10 mm in size (shungite can be used). And the top layer will be large gravel or pebbles ranging in size from 50 mm. The thickness of each layer is at least 150 mm.

  • The bottom is a pronounced quicksand - which means you can’t do without a special wooden shield. It is knocked together from aspen or oak boards and cut exactly to the size of the bottom of the well. It is drilled into the shield a large number of holes with a diameter of 10 mm. It is then wrapped in geotextiles and placed on the bottom.

To prevent it from floating up, they press it down with large stones. At least a 200-300 mm layer of small pebbles or gravel is laid on top.

What safety measures are required when digging a well?

The work of digging a well is very specific and dangerous and requires special precautions.

  • First of all, the area should be fenced off and strangers, and especially children, should not be allowed into the work area.
  • You cannot store the selected soil closer than 3 meters from the mine, or even better, immediately take it to a safe distance. In the same radius the mine should not have any foreign objects or unused tools.
  • All lifting mechanisms - construction sites, tripods, winches installed on them, gates, hoists and etc.. must be checked daily before starting work. The condition of ropes, slings, and rigging hooks is also carefully monitored. All lifting devices must have a reliable brake and locking system.
  • Buckets (tubs) for extracting soil must be tightly tied to ropes, and when working at a depth of more than 6 meters, they must also have a safety end.
  • Working at depth may be accompanied by the accumulation of gases in the mine, which can cause suffocation for the excavator. Before lowering it into the mine, the air quality must be checked - a burning candle is lowered into it. If it goes out, forced ventilation must be carried out, and then the test is repeated.
  • If there is a lack of oxygen during work, it is necessary to create conditions for forced ventilation. For these purposes, you can use a compressor, fan or other air blower (sometimes even a powerful vacuum cleaner), or install a metal furnace near the shaft, the vent of which is connected to a pipe lowered to the very bottom of the shaft.
  • It is imperative to warn the excavator by voice about objects being lowered or raised. A worker in a mine must wear a safety helmet, and the possibility of emergency evacuation must be provided.
  • When working using the ring deposition method, the upper unclosed edge of the shaft should not be more than 1 meter. If there are signs of instability of the shaft walls, work is immediately stopped until the cause is determined and the possibility of eliminating it is determined.

Typically, work on high-quality digging of wells is carried out by teams of experienced professionals who have their own specialized equipment. It is almost impossible for a beginner to cope with such a task - there are too many nuances familiar only to masters, and the work is fraught with too many dangers.

At this point, the construction of a well at suburban area are far from finished. There is still serious work to be done on waterproofing, insulation, installation clay castle, concrete blind area, conducting water pipes, head equipment and other stages. They will be discussed in more detail in other publications on our portal.