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» How to properly connect a heating pump. Installation of an additional pump in the home heating system. Where to install the circulation pump

How to properly connect a heating pump. Installation of an additional pump in the home heating system. Where to install the circulation pump

Owners of private houses often face some problems regarding heating their homes. Installing an additional pump in the heating system will help solve issues with uneven heat distribution in the pipeline.

This device is mounted on heating structures that operate on a wide variety of fuels (coal, fuel oil, diesel fuel, gas, electricity, wood).


Using a pump of this type has many advantages:

  • increasing system efficiency;
  • rapid warming of the air in the rooms and an increase in the heated area;
  • equalization of temperature indicators in the pipeline;
  • elimination of airiness in pipes;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • possibility of installing heated towel rails, thermostats;
  • use of small diameter pipes;
  • affordable cost of equipment.

A circulation pump is an opportunity to quickly improve the quality of home heating without dismantling the entire system and large financial expenses.


Installation of this equipment requires taking into account its parameters, pipe diameter, pressure and water temperature, and coolant density.

N - designation of pressure, the ability of the device to raise liquid to a certain level. The parameter is measured in meters.
Q – fluid flow in the heating system for a certain period of time, calculated in m3.
This value is equal to the boiler power parameter. The coolant flow depends on the diameter of the pipes.

Circulation equipment is not designed to lift water, therefore, when purchasing it, you need to pay attention specifically to parameter Q. If the boiler is not equipped with a pump, then the liquid flow must be calculated. A similar unit is already built into modern heating devices.

Additional pumping equipment is installed if the boiler is of an old modification, the heating design has been increased due to the expansion of the area of ​​the house.

There is no point in buying a high-power unit: they will not use it at full capacity anyway. In addition, such a device is too noisy. The length of the pipeline determines the power of the injection equipment: for every 10 m of pipeline, 0.6 m of pressure is required from it. A ring 100 m long will work efficiently and productively with a pump pressure of 6 m.

When purchasing pumping equipment, you need to remember that its power should be 10% more than the calculated value.

Types of pumps

To ensure that the energy carrier circulates efficiently, dry and wet pumps are used.


In equipment of the first type, contact of the rotor with the coolant is not provided. The seal used in such a device hermetically separates the pump itself from the motor. The efficiency of this equipment is 80%, so it is advisable to use it when constantly pumping large amounts of liquid.

The area of ​​application of dry pumps is shopping centers, factories, factories. In private homes, such structures are not used due to the high level of noise generation.


The rotor of wet pumps is located in the coolant, which they pump. Water cools the engine. The stator included in the design serves to supply electricity. Pumps with a “wet” rotor have a lot of advantages: long service life, rare maintenance, low noise generation, small size, ease of replacing blocks.

Disadvantages - low efficiency (about 30-50%), limited scope of application (private houses and city apartments), inability to use pumps for drinking water and for anything related to food.

Installation technology

Installing a circulation unit is a process that requires compliance with a certain sequence of work.


Before installation, prepare a check valve: this normalizes the operation of the heating system.

You will also need special keys, fittings, a small pipe with a diameter equal to the diameter of the riser.


Modern circulation pumps can be installed both on the water supply pipe and on the return pipe.

Installation carried out on the bypass (a jumper or a piece of pipe installed between the direct and return wiring of the heating radiator) requires preliminary testing of the device’s ability to withstand strong pressure of hot water.

In houses equipped with a “warm floor” system, the pumping device is installed at the point of hot water supply: this will eliminate airiness in the pipeline.

If there is a membrane tank, the bypass with the pump is placed on the return pipeline, closer to the expansion tank.


The heating system can be made of metal or ecoplastic. There is no difference for the installation of pumping equipment. It is inserted by going around it. If the pipeline is made of metal, then you can purchase a ready-made structure to bypass the main line.

First you need to drain the water and clean the heating structure, rinsing it several times.

Then, according to the diagram, a U-shaped piece of pipe is mounted on the side of the main pipe, in the middle of which a pump is built. Ball valves must be installed on both sides of this unit. What is it for?

Firstly, the natural circulation of the coolant will be restored if one of them is closed. Secondly, you can repair or replace the circulating equipment if you turn off both taps, without needing to drain the water from the system.

During installation, you need to pay attention to the direction of water movement (marked by an arrow on the body of the pump unit).

After this, the system is filled with coolant and checked for functionality. Any errors should be corrected at this stage.

Then, unnecessary air is removed from the pipeline using a central screw. If everything is done correctly, liquid will begin to leak out of the special hole.

Pumping equipment with manual control requires air to be removed before starting work: it is turned on for a few minutes and the valve is opened, this is repeated several times.

After the pipes are filled with water, the pumping device will turn on. The presence of air in the pipeline is excluded.

Connection features

When connected to the electrical network in systems with natural circulation, an automatic fuse (with a flag) is used; it can be used to switch off. It must be installed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the boiler.

The pumping device in designs with forced circulation begins to function when the thermal relay is turned on. In order for the additional and built-in units to work simultaneously, the first one must also be connected to a relay or to the second in parallel.

In electric boilers, the circulation equipment is connected directly to the boiler, which gives it the opportunity to operate only at the moment when the water is heated.

The cleaning filter is usually installed in front of the pump.

A special valve (automatic or manual) installed at the top of the bypass will make it possible to remove air accumulated in the heating system.

Installation of “wet” type equipment is carried out horizontally. Its terminals should be located at the top.

All threads of the heating system must have gaskets treated with sealant in advance.
To safely use pumping equipment, you must use a grounded outlet.

Installation of a pump unit in a heating system requires taking into account all the nuances. Only then will homeowners forget about problems with heat distribution and the formation of air pockets in the pipeline.

Circulation pump serves for forced flow of liquid through the piping.

In some cases, it also regulates the temperature. Most heating systems require the installation of circulation pumps.

Where to place the device on the heating system

It doesn’t matter which pipeline, since the device keeps the liquid hot. The same goes for hydraulics.

Carry out installation in the area near the boiler, up to the system branches. Usually they choose the return line, since in such a case the risks are minimal.

If the heating is divided on two circuits(left and right or by floor), it is better to install a pump on each. This will expand the capabilities and allow you to control a separate area of ​​the building, which leads to resource savings.

How to properly install a pump with your own hands in a private home

One of the most important points is the direction of the rotor. If the installation is vertical, the system will almost certainly have to be redone. They also take into account the flow of liquid through the pipes. There is an arrow on the device for this.

The installation principle does not matter. Study the instructions for the possibility of use in certain schemes. When choosing, take into account the power drop when installing the pump not horizontally.

Correct installation diagram

Installing the pump on bypass is often used. It allows the system to operate during a power outage. This also applies to problems with the circulator, allowing parts to be replaced without draining the water.

Photo 1. Diagram of the heating system. The number nine indicates the installation location of the circulation pump.

For installation you will need:

  • pump;
  • union nuts or flange connections (included in the kit);
  • filter;
  • shut-off valves;
  • bypass and valve for it.

Installation will require some space. Depending on the characteristics of the building, Project development may be necessary.

When creating a piping with forced water circulation It is recommended to install a special section of pipe designed for the pump. They are not common, but they make the job much easier. For the same reason, you should look for an assembled device. Otherwise, you will have to invite a specialist or do the process yourself. The assembly principle depends on the fasteners and material. The latter divides devices into two types: metal, requiring complex welding, and plastic.

Installation rarely takes more than an hour. This does not apply to steel pipes, which require complex connections. When installing, do not make any mistakes with length calculations. The work is as follows:

  1. Preparation: selection of components and their purchase.
  2. Tool selection: You will need keys, sealant, and possibly a welding machine.
  3. First, three units are packed onto the tow: two for the pump and one for the tap. The first ones are distinguished by the presence of a filter. The latter is placed in the lower part, combining the pipe and the squeegee. It is applied to mark the installation location. And they also think through the junction points.
  4. Then assemble the loop without fully tightening the nuts. At this stage, measurements are taken to determine the characteristics of the unit.
  5. The cut parts of the pipeline are placed along a common axis on arbitrary stops. The loop is tightened, then the structure is welded. Before the next step, it is recommended to remove the pump to avoid damage.
  6. They fasten the bottom by joining the squeegee. Having packed the latter, the pump is returned to its place. The rotor is aligned along the horizontal axis. The nuts are tightened, fixing the position of the structure. The joints are coated with sealant and proceed to the electrical part of the process, if required.

After completing the installation, you cannot immediately check it. First, the piping is filled with coolant. To prevent air from collecting in the loop at this time, open the tap. This step is optional if there is a gas outlet. When water flows from the hole, it is blocked. Having completely filled the pipes, repeat the procedure. Then they re-tighten everything, lubricate it with sealant and start using it.

The need for water filtration

A mud trap is often placed in front of the pump, the purpose of which is not to miss solid particles accumulated in the coolant. Enough to use standard coarse cleaning device, since the pipes have a small diameter.

Photo 2. Installation diagram of the pump in the heating system. The arrow indicates the place where the dirt filter is located.

The collection barrel is placed in the downward direction, which will prevent possible malfunctions.

Attention! The filter indicates direction of water flow. If you do not follow it, you will have to change the part more often.

Location of the pump in the heating circuit with the boiler

Depends on the project. Development should be entrusted to specialists to prevent possible malfunctions. It is usually placed at the bottom of the pipeline, near the boiler. For stable operation, follow the only rule: install the device before or after all branches.

Bypass purpose

The device is a shut-off valve that serves to increase hydraulic resistance. This allows the system to operate in the absence of electrical power. An open valve has the same throughput as a pipeline, so the efficiency does not decrease.

Photo 3. Bypass on which the pumping device is installed. There are several valves on the structure.

Electrical connection principle

Circulation pumps operate on mains power 220 volt. Use a regular connection, but a dedicated line is recommended. Will need 3 wires, plug and socket for three contacts. Power can also be provided directly through the terminals. The latter are placed under the cover to the corresponding letters, and the wires are separated by color. N - zero, completely or partially blue. Grounding has a special symbol, green, sometimes in combination with yellow. L - phase, almost any color (except those mentioned above).

Having created the connection, the installation box is closed and tightened with a screw.. Depending on the manufacturer, sealant treatment is sometimes required. The cable must be sufficient to reach the power connectors.

The operation of the entire system depends on the condition of the pump, so it is recommended to provide a backup power supply. Usually the stabilizer is placed on batteries. Even automatic heating will consume no more than 300 W, so it’s enough to purchase the device at 400-450 W. Also consider the battery capacity.

When resolving issues with organizing the heating of their own homes, the vast majority of homeowners prefer a water heating system. Methods for obtaining heat may vary - depending on the availability of energy sources, the types of fuel prevailing in the region, and the cost-effectiveness of one or another approach. That is, in fact, the boiler can be installed depending on the circumstances, gas, electric, solid fuel - long-burning or with automatic fuel supply, diesel, etc. But the distribution of thermal energy among rooms in in most cases it is carried out through circulating through pipe circuits - water or specially selected technical fluid.

When designing a water heating system, independently or with the involvement of specialists, it is necessary to competently approach the selection of all units, components and components, from the boiler and radiators to pipes and the last valve - everything must fully comply with the planned parameters of the system being created. The merman also plays one of the key roles heating pump, since the system equipped with a forced circulation device, it always features stable operation and high efficiency.

Therefore, this publication will be entirely devoted to the nuances of pump design, criteria for their selection and basic installation rules.

Surely, many of the thrifty owners will wonder whether it is possible not to “bother” with the pump at all. Indeed, in a small house with slightly branched contours, it can be organized according to a natural circulation scheme.

Yes, of course, there is such a possibility. To do this, it is necessary to correctly position the expansion tank, select pipes of the appropriate diameter and mount them with a certain slope, and optimally position the heating radiators. In a word, when they talk about the simplicity of a system with natural circulation, this statement is very doubtful. The main advantage of natural circulation - not attachment

it to the electrical supply (if, of course, the boiler itself is non-volatile). In all other respects, it is significantly inferior to forced circulation. Thermal calculations show that even with the most optimal conditions - high boiler efficiency, rational placement of all components, clean pipes not overgrown with sediment and a minimum of shut-off or other fittings, the natural increase in pressure due to the temperature difference and the creation of a slope will be within 0.6 atmospheres. This is clearly not enough to overcome strong hydraulic resistance in an extensive network or even in the event of force majeure circumstances - what happened with a narrowing of the internal clearance or even a short-term stop of the gas boiler can lead to imbalance

heating system, and it will take a long time to “bring it back to life.”

1. So, let’s summarize the advantages and disadvantages of natural and forced circulation:

— The need to use pipes of different, including fairly large diameters, which leads to increased costs of the project and difficulties in installation. The system requires very careful thermal calculations, with precise observance of slopes, with mandatory consideration of the excess of the location of some elements over others and with other nuances.

— Transfer of thermal energy over significant distances (heights) is simply impossible. Both the height and length of the created outline are limited.

— The low speed of natural movement of the coolant leads to completely unnecessary energy losses, uneven heat distribution throughout the rooms, and therefore to a decrease in the overall efficiency of the system and its efficiency.

— A system with natural circulation is very difficult to make any precise adjustments, optimization of heat flow distributionby areas of the house.

2. And now - about forced circulation in heating circuits.

Its disadvantages include dependence on availability - if there is a power failure, the heating system stops.

- Well, firstly, nothing prevents you from organizing the entire system in such a way that it can operate in both modes - it is enough to install the pump unit on the “return” in front of the entrance to the boiler. For example, the figure reproduces the same diagram, but indicating the insertion location of the circulation pump. The strapping procedure will be described below.

“Secondly, let’s agree that now is not the “dawn of the country’s electrification.” And, hand on heart, let’s give ourselves an honest answer to the question - how often, how regularly and for what duration is electricity cut off in a particular area (city, village). If these are just annoying episodes associated with some emergency situations, then everything can be solved by installing an uninterruptible power supply system. The power consumption of circulation pumps is usually very small, and even a small UPS will easily keep the entire heating system in working order.

If, of course, there are still places where power outages are systematic and long-lasting, then in these populated areas it is certainly better to organize heating according to a natural circulation scheme.

Modern home heating systems that use forced circulation, due to the impossibility of maintaining all slopes or the significant length of the pipeline, require the installation of a circulation pump. The main task of this device is to ensure constant circulation of the coolant.

Features of choosing a pump for heating systems

The main criteria that you should rely on when choosing circulation-type pumping equipment:

  • density and kinematic viscosity of the coolant used in the system. If the viscosity of the pumped liquid exceeds the parameters recommended by the manufacturer, the hydraulic characteristics of the device will decrease;
  • equipment power. There is no point in buying an overly powerful device. Firstly, it will not work at full capacity, and secondly, it will create noise interference. If you decide to connect a circulation pump to a system with a complex architecture with your own hands, you should entrust the calculation of the equipment’s power to an experienced technical engineer. To independently determine the optimal device model, you can use the following tips.

The ability of a device to meet the needs of the system loop depends on the following characteristics:

  • coolant volume and pressure,
  • pipeline diameter,
  • temperature and density of the pumped liquid.

The flow rate of the coolant (Q) passing through a given section of the closed circuit is equal to the flow rate and power parameters of the heating boiler (P=Q). So, if the boiler power is 20 kW, then 20 liters of water can pass through it per minute.

Batteries with a power of 10 kW can consume up to 10 liters of water per minute. Using these data, you can calculate the water flow in the system rings.

The level of water flow in pipes directly depends on their diameter. The narrower the pipes, the higher the resistance in the path of coolant movement. The table below is compiled taking into account the standard speed of movement through water pipes (1.5 m/sec).

The power of pumping equipment is directly proportional to the length of the pipeline. It turns out that for every 10 m section of the heating system, 0.6 m of pump pressure is required.

To select a device more accurately, you should also take into account the type of material from which the pipes are made, the type of automation and shut-off valves, and the number of heating appliances in the house.

Approximately for a house with an area of ​​up to 250 m2, a circulation pump for heating is required with a capacity of 3.5 m3/h, a pressure of up to 0.4 atm., installation of equipment for a house with an area of ​​up to 350 m2 - with a capacity of 4.5 m3/h and a pressure of up to 0.6 atm., for buildings with an area of ​​up to 800 m2 - with a capacity of 11 m3/h and a pressure of up to 0.8 atm.

The initial stage of installation of the circulation pump

So, the device model has been selected, now you should study the instructions from the manufacturer. Be sure to take into account the fact that the heating system will need maintenance from time to time. Carefully read the heating circulation pump connection diagram.

When choosing a location for equipment, you must remember that periodically you will have to check and adjust the network. Don’t forget about the shut-off valves that will need to be installed at the inlet or outlet of the pump.

Pumps with a “wet” rotor should be installed on the “return” side. However, today you can purchase equipment with components and parts made from materials that can withstand high temperatures. Such units can be installed on the return and supply pipes.

If you want to increase the pressure in the suction area, install the equipment on the supply pipe close to the expansion tank.

If the house has a “warm floor” system, it is best to install the pump on the hot water supply line. This will avoid the formation of air pockets.

The sequence of connecting the pump to the heating system

  • We remove the liquid from the system and, if necessary, clean the pipeline. In order to understand how to properly connect the circulation pump, you must thoroughly study the diagram.

  • Prepare wrenches (sizes 22-36), a piece of pipe for the bypass, and shut-off valves.
  • In search of an answer to the question of how to properly install a circulation pump, experts came to the conclusion that it is best to place it in front of the boiler on the return line. This decision is explained by the fact that air pockets can form at the top of the boiler over time, and if you install pumping equipment on the supply side, it will draw air out of the boiler. This can cause a vacuum to form and cause the boiler to boil. If the pump is placed in front of the boiler, the liquid will be thrown into it, while the heating device will remain filled. In this case, the equipment will be able to function normally at low temperatures, which will have a positive effect on its service life.
  • After we have decided how and where to install the circulation pump, we perform a bypass. It is needed so that in the event of a power outage or device breakdown, the system does not stop working, and the coolant flows through the main pipeline with the taps open. The diameter of the main pipeline must exceed the diameter of the bypass. After the bypass installation work is completed, we proceed to install the circulation pump, which we also do ourselves.
  • It is important to remember that the device must be positioned horizontally, otherwise only some part of it will end up in the water. This can lead to a reduction in equipment productivity by 30% or more, and in some cases can lead to a complete breakdown of the work area. Make sure that the terminal box is at the top.
  • Ball valves are installed on the sides of the pump, which are needed for maintenance and dismantling of equipment.
  • To protect the heating system from the ingress of small mechanical particles that could harm the pumping device, a filter is installed.

  • The valve should be located on top of the bypass pipe. It is needed to periodically remove air locks.
  • The degree of risk of coolant leakage in the pump inlet-outlet area depends on how well the shut-off valves are secured.
  • When securing the motor shaft, ensure the necessary rotation of the box along the axis. If the house uses an open heating system, an expansion tank will be required.
  • All connections should be carefully treated with sealant.

  • To install the pump, a device with detachable threads is used.
  • If the length of the system pipeline exceeds 80 meters, you will need to install another circulation pump.
  • The cost of carrying out the above measures depends not only on the model of the device being installed, but also on the number of pipeline circuits and the complexity of installing bypass pipes.

After the installation cycle is completed, the system should be filled with water, remove excess air using a screw, and only then turn on the pump. This sequence of actions must be followed each time the device is turned on. If it is difficult for you to perform these operations manually, choose to install a pump equipped with automatic systems for monitoring the operation and protecting the unit.


Private houses with an autonomous heating system with natural circulation have one common problem. The fact that the coolant circulates unevenly through the system leads to the fact that the heating devices warm up unevenly. Installation will help you cope with such nuances circulation pump.

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In this article we will tell you how to connect circulation pump into the heating system.

Circulation pump in the heating system

Installation of a circulation pump in a heating system

Correct installation of the circulation pump in the heating system involves its installation through a bypass pipe - bypass. In this case, when the electrical power is turned off, the system will switch to natural circulation without difficulty. In order to start water directly, it is enough to close the valves on the bypass.

Installing a circulation pump on the bypass

Many users constantly wonder: where is the circulation pump installed in the heating system?
It is mounted on the return pipe between the outer radiator and the heating boiler. This is due to the fact that the pump does not push water, but sucks it in.

Under the influence of hot coolant in the supply pipe, its elements break down very quickly. In the middle of the pump and boiler are mounted only pressure gauge, thermometer and pressure relief valve. A filter is installed.

A large amount of various debris accumulates in any heating system: scale, silt, etc. If you neglect to install the filter, the pump impeller will very quickly become clogged, and as a result, the equipment will fail.

It is very important to place it correctly circulation pump for heating. That is why, when performing this procedure, you must use the following recommendations:

  1. If the connection is made into an already functioning network, then before making it, it is necessary to drain all the water from the system. The pipeline must be thoroughly flushed.
  2. Once the installation is complete, the system must be refilled with water.
  3. All connections must be lubricated.
  4. The last step is to open the central screw on the pump housing and release excess air from it.

This is how the circulation pump is connected to the heating system.

Where should the pump be mounted - supply or return?

Users are always tormented by the question: is it possible to put the circulation pump on supply? Despite the large amount of different information on the Internet, it is difficult to understand where to correctly install the heating pump so that there is forced circulation of water in the house.

Information regarding this issue is very contradictory. Many people say that the device should only be installed on the return pipeline, arguing that:

  • the temperature of the coolant in the supply is much higher than in the return, and therefore the pump will not operate for long;
  • The density of hot water in the supply line is lower, so it is difficult to pump;
  • The static pressure in the return line is higher, making the pump easier to operate.

Sometimes a person happens to get into a boiler room, which provides central heating for apartments, and sees that the devices used there are embedded in the return line. Based on this, he concludes that this decision is correct, without taking into account the fact that in other boiler houses the pumps can also be installed on the supply pipe.

Experts respond to the statements described as follows:

  1. Household circulation pumps designed to operate at a maximum coolant temperature of 110°C. In heating systems in a house, the coolant rarely heats up above 70°C, and the boiler heats water to no more than 90°C.
  2. The density of water at 50°C is 988 kg/m³, and at 70°C - 977.8 kg/m³. For a device that develops a pressure of 4-6 m of water column and has the ability to pump about a ton of coolant per hour, a difference in the density of the transported medium of 10 kg/m³ will not play any role.
  3. In practice, the difference in static pressure of the coolant in the supply and return lines also does not have any significant effect.

The conclusion is simple: circulation pumps for heating can be embedded in both the return and supply pipelines of the heating system of a private house. This factor will not in any way affect the performance of the device or the efficiency of heat supply to the building.

Position of the circulation pump during installation

As an exception, we can highlight cheap solid fuel direct combustion boilers, which are not equipped with automation. If the coolant overheats, it will simply begin to boil, because... burning wood cannot be extinguished at once. If the circulation pump is on supply, then the emerging steam, mixed with water, will begin to flow into the housing with the impeller. The process will then look like this:

  1. The impeller of the pumping device is unsuitable for moving gases. That is why the performance of the unit decreases sharply, and the coolant will move at a lower speed.
  2. Less cooling water enters the boiler tank, causing overheating to increase and the amount of steam to increase even more.
  3. An increase in steam velocity and its entry into the impeller leads to a complete stop of the coolant movement in the system. This becomes the cause of an emergency and, as a result of an increase in pressure, the safety valve is activated, which releases steam directly into the boiler room.
  4. If no measures are taken to extinguish the firewood, the valve simply cannot cope with the pressure release and an explosion will occur with the destruction of the boiler shell.

In cheap heat generators, which are made of thin metal, the response threshold of the safety valve is 2 Bar. In higher quality TT boilers, this threshold is set at 3 Bar.

As practice shows, no more than 5 minutes pass from the start of the overheating process to the moment the valve operates. If you install the circulation pump on the return line, then steam will not get into it and the time period for an accident will increase to 20 minutes. In other words, installing a pump on the return pipe will not prevent an explosion, but it will provide a delay and you will have more time to solve the problem.

Pumps for heating boilers that operate on wood and coal are best installed on the return pipeline. For well-automated pellet units, the installation location is not of fundamental importance.

Connecting the circulation pump to the electrical network

If you used the installation method that we described above, then the circulation pump shaft will be in a horizontal position. In this case, air will not collect in it, which interferes with the lubrication of the bearings.

Among other things, when installing the unit, you must ensure that the terminal box is placed on top. It is necessary to connect the circulation pump to electricity in strict compliance with safety rules.

The power cable must have a plug or switch. The minimum distance between the contact axes is 3 mm. Cable cross-section - no less than 0.75 mm. Of course, the pump must be connected to a grounded outlet.

Number of pumps

Most often, one circulation pump is installed in the heating system of a private house. The power of the units produced today is quite enough to ensure the optimal flow rate of the coolant.

Two pumps are installed in the system in cases where the total length of the pipes is above 80 m.

Operating rules

Today, reliable pumps are produced that are characterized by a long service life. However, of course, like any other unit, the circulation pump can fail. A number of reasons may contribute to this:

  • too strong/weak water supply;
  • the device works when there is no coolant in the system;
  • with prolonged downtime;
  • when water heating greatly exceeds the norm (over 65°C).

To summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that the circulation pump is an integral part of the home heating system. With such a device, you will be protected from all kinds of errors, which can subsequently lead to minor and major troubles. You can install the circulation pump either with the help of specialists or yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.