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» How to properly wash bed linen using a washing machine. Washing bed linen in a washing machine: modes, temperature, ironing. Instructions for the care and use of bed linen

How to properly wash bed linen using a washing machine. Washing bed linen in a washing machine: modes, temperature, ironing. Instructions for the care and use of bed linen


Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. The quality of sleep is influenced by many factors: furnishings, bed size, softness of the mattress and bedding. The question of how often to wash bed linen interests many housewives, since the cleanliness of the sleeping set determines the mood and well-being in the morning. In addition, a dirty bed can cause allergies. To change your sleeping set in a timely manner and wash it properly, you need to know some recommendations.

How often should bed linen be changed?

The frequency of changing bedding varies from person to person. Each of us knows how often to wash things, but does not think about how to properly care for bedding. It is recommended to wash bed linen weekly, but in winter you can do this less frequently or as it gets dirty. The speed and degree of contamination of the kit depends on a number of factors:

  • shower frequency;
  • sleeping in pajamas or naked;
  • sweating;
  • sexual life;
  • presence of pets.

Regular washing of the sleeping set eliminates dirt, dust mites, bacteria, and unpleasant odors. In addition, changing the bed prevents it from getting dirty, prevents allergic diseases, and promotes a good mood. In many families, bedding wears out quickly, so it is important to know the recommendations for changing it depending on the type of fabric from which it is made.

Made from natural fabrics

  • calico;
  • satin;
  • percale;
  • silk.

When washing cotton bed linen and sets made from natural fabrics, you should first read the recommendations on the label. It is recommended to wash bed linen weekly at a temperature of 60 degrees, with the exception of being in the house of a patient with fungal diseases, then the optimal temperature is 90 degrees. When washing colored laundry, it is recommended to use powder for colored fabrics or gel with a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Silk sets must be washed on a delicate cycle without spinning, or the set must be dry cleaned. Linen washed at low temperatures should be ironed to destroy microorganisms and bacteria. It is recommended to iron your sleeping set, especially silk and linen, slightly damp. If no conditioner was added during the washing process, you can treat the set with an antistatic agent.

Made from synthetic fabric

Sleeping sets made of synthetic fabrics: polyester, lycra and others are often found on the market, attracting low prices. However, the hygienic properties of such a kit are far from impeccable. When washing synthetic fabrics, remember that they should not be boiled or ironed at too high a temperature. Viscose and modal should be washed by hand, at low temperatures, using mild detergents. For other fabrics, the optimal washing temperature is 40-60 degrees.


A child's body is different from adults, so the older generation needs to follow some recommendations for changing children's sleep accessories. For newborn babies, it is recommended to change their linen at least once every 5 days. For preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, linen can be changed once every 10 days, and for teenagers weekly. If the child is sick, then the sheet and pillowcase are changed daily, and the duvet cover every 4 days. Children's sleep accessories must be washed with a special powder at 60 degrees.

How often to wash bed linen

The contamination of bedding depends on various factors in our lives. In contact with the face and hair, pillowcases absorb the remnants of night cream, decorative cosmetics, and secretions of the sebaceous glands of the hair, and become dirty much faster. Sheets, in contact with the body, absorb human sweat, and a large number of microbes are bred on them. Duvet covers are the least likely to get dirty, so it is recommended to wash them every 10 days.

Sheets and duvet covers

Large bed components have their own washing characteristics. First of all, the body sweats, leaving marks on the sheets. When preparing your duvet cover for cleaning, you should turn it inside out and shake the corners, as more dust collects there. Wash sheets and duvet covers once a week. In winter, washing can be done less frequently, while in summer, fresh sheets need to be made much more often.

Pillowcases and pillows

Cleaning pillowcases and pillows has its own characteristics. Caring for pillows involves washing them 2-3 times a year. During the warm season, pillows should be ventilated in the fresh air. A large amount of cream, sweat and decorative cosmetics residues accumulate on the pillowcase, so if you find inflammation on your face, you should reconsider the schedule for changing pillowcases. If synthetic materials are used, pillowcases should be changed more often, as synthetics have a negative effect on human skin.

Mattress covers

Using a mattress cover is an additional protection for the mattress from stains and damage, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction to dust mites, which can live even in mattresses from elite manufacturers. In addition, mattress covers increase the service life of the product. As for washing the mattress cover, you need to wash the cover to remove dirt every month.

Fresh bed linen gives you a comfortable sleep and ensures complete rest. Many people are interested in how many degrees and in what mode to wash, so as not to spoil an expensive and beautiful set. Next, you will learn how to wash bedding in a washing machine, how to prepare it and how often you need to do it.

Before washing, laundry must be sorted. You should not load white items into the machine together with colored ones so that they do not become stained. Sets made from different materials also need to be separated. The type of fabric determines which mode to wash bed linen on.

Sort things by degree of soiling. Dirtier laundry requires careful washing, but the rest can be washed in a gentle cycle and extend the life of the products. It is recommended to turn pillowcases and duvet covers inside out to remove dust particles from the corners.

By fabric type

How to wash bed linen depending on the type of fabric?

  • It is recommended to wash cotton and linen at 60° with any spin up to maximum. If the laundry is white, the temperature can be increased to 90° for disinfection or bleaching. It is better to wash brightly colored sets at 40° to prevent the colors from fading.
  • Satin and poplin are also washed at 40°-60°, but the temperature cannot be increased.
  • Silk. Many people are interested in how to wash silk bed linen, because it is very expensive. Usually the washing machine has a special mode, and you should also use special detergents for this fabric. Choose a temperature no higher than 30°, and minimal or no spin.
  • Batiste and bamboo require delicate washing at a temperature of 30°-40° and minimal spin.
  • Synthetics are washed at 30°-40° in a special mode for synthetic fabrics. If not, choose delicate mode. Sometimes clothes with synthetic fibers need to be rinsed twice.

These are general rules, but the manufacturer's recommendations are much more important. Try to save labels from new kits. They should indicate at what temperature to wash bed linen, how to wring and dry them. Also the main fabrics and corresponding temperatures are often indicated on the washing machine.

How often should you wash your bed sheets?

Many people have developed the habit of changing their underwear once a week. More frequent washing of bed linen is not required, it will only reduce its service life. In winter, when we sleep in pajamas and sweat less, we can do laundry even less often. In Europe, for example, one wash every two weeks is considered the norm. But they air the laundry there. If you don't want to change the entire set, it is advisable to wash at least the pillowcases. They get dirty first.

New kit

Do I need to wash new bedding? The answer to this question is clearly positive. New underwear may become contaminated during sewing and packaging. In addition, the fabric is often treated with special compounds so that the set becomes hard and holds its shape well. For the first wash, choose the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer. This will help to effectively clean the kit and rid it of excess paint.

Some tips for washing clothes

  • Don't forget to control the weight of the bed linen in the machine. One set usually weighs no more than 2 kg. It is important that things move freely in the drum.
  • The question of whether bed linen should be ironed does not have a clear solution. On the one hand, ironed linen is smoother and more beautiful. On the other hand, its hygroscopic properties deteriorate. Always recommended. wash clothes that have dried outside to kill germs.
  • Keep your washing machine clean and prevent dirt from accumulating in the rubber seals.
  • When washing bed linen in a washing machine, it is better not to add handkerchiefs and small items to the drum. It is more convenient to wash them separately.

Now you know in what mode to wash bed linen. Don't be surprised if it shrinks a little after washing. This is usually provided for in the dimensions and does not interfere with the use of the kit.

Of course, household appliances make a woman’s life much easier, but to prevent the machine from ruining the laundry, it is recommended that before you start washing, you need to find out how to wash bed linen and what temperature should be set for careful care. Not a single household appliance can independently select a mode and temperature that will wash things well and will not cause a change in their shade, shape and quality. Therefore, when you decide to wash, you should find out in advance at what temperature to wash your bed linen, especially when washing is done regularly.

How to wash bed linen in a washing machine? The first and important stage of such manipulation is proper preparation, which is necessary before placing it in the washing drum.

It is known that if bed linen has not been properly cared for and a lot of dirt has accumulated on its base, this will make the fabric 4% heavier. This leads to difficulties during machine washing. All small debris and other components that fall on the material will remain there.

For example:
  • fats released from the skin;
  • dust particles;
  • body lotion;
  • protein compounds.

It is recommended to wash bed linen immediately after removing it from the bed, otherwise it will sit in the basket or basin and become saturated with an unpleasant odor from other dirty things. This leads to the appearance of yellowness or an unpleasant gray tint. How to wash such soiled material? To do this, the set is first washed in a basin with soap, and then poured in for soaking. After washing, the bedding is washed in the usual way at medium degrees. The box where dirty things are stored must be well ventilated and also have gaps for ventilation. Very dirty clothes should not be stored in them.

If you do not want the fabric to be damaged or deformed when washing in a machine, you should also choose the right powder or gel, on which the final result depends. So, how to wash bed linen correctly, what should you pay attention to after purchasing such an item?

It is important to note that poorly washed or wet clothes should not be placed in the basket, since after 1-2 days mold will appear in them, significantly deteriorating the condition of the fabric.

How often should I wash my bed linen? To prevent the material from turning yellow or turning gray, you should wash it once a week.

At what temperature are bed linen washed? If the fabric is colored and bright, then a temperature regime of less than 70 degrees is needed. In other cases, it is permissible to set a high mode (up to 80-90) degrees, which will gently wash the fabric and conduct a powerful disinfection of the material. After all, high temperatures kill ticks and other microorganisms.

When washing bed linen in a washing machine, it is important to first separate colored fabrics from colorless ones. It is also recommended to separate silk and cotton fabrics. To thoroughly wash the bed linen, turn out the pillowcases and duvet covers, and then clean the corners with a brush (preferably a toothbrush). All protruding threads should be cut off, as during the washing process (especially on textiles), puffs may appear.

How is the washing temperature considered correct? Powder manufacturers claim that their detergent can take care of things even in cold water. But professionals say that laundry is washed carefully and well only at elevated temperatures, which literally washes away all the accumulated dirt. Moreover, hot water breaks down fats that are often present on the base of dirty laundry, thereby improving the quality of washing.

How many degrees is better to choose? It is difficult to get confused in such information, so it is best to read the information you are interested in on the product labels, where the optimal temperature mode, degrees, type of powder, and more are written. Also, you should not ignore the fact that you should choose the temperature after purchasing the powder, because it also washes gently and well at a certain temperature.

General principles on how to wash bed linen if you don’t know what temperature to choose:
  1. 40-degree water is good for any material from which the laundry is made. It removes light to medium dirt. But it’s worth washing very dirty fabric by first soaking it in a soapy solution.
  2. Washing at 60 degrees allows you to remove stubborn stains, but before putting things in the drum, stains should be pre-treated with detergent. How often should bed linen be washed at this temperature? This should be done once a week.
  3. The boiling mode (its temperature is 95 degrees) can wash things while simultaneously disinfecting. Such degrees lead to the fact that the fabrics are washed completely.

Do I need to wash new bed linen? Yes, if a woman has just bought a set, it is recommended to do this so that all excess paint is erased and the fabric gets rid of the unpleasant odor. If it is too dirty, how many degrees should I choose?

In this case, laundry care is carried out at a temperature of 95 degrees, which will reliably wash out all the dirt from the fabric. Also, very dirty things should be soaked in advance with the addition of powder, which will allow the contaminated areas to be soaked.

What mode should I use to wash bed linen? To ensure that the fabric is washed properly, it is recommended to select a specific program. But how to choose it? The washing mode depends on the material from which the laundry is made.


  • silk and satin - in this case, it is recommended to wash the fabrics in the “Hand Wash” program, which does not heat the water more than 30 degrees (then the material will not lose its shape and color);
  • linen and satin can be washed in any mode at which the temperature can reach 40-90 degrees;
  • bamboo, chintz and cambric are washed on “Delicate wash” at 40 degrees;
  • polyester is cleaned using the “Synthetics” program, also at 40 degrees;
  • calico is washed on “Cotton” at a temperature of 60 degrees.

If you strictly adhere to these rules, your underwear will last a long time without changing its color, becoming covered in pills or losing its shape.

Do I need to wash new bed linen, and what program is best to do it on? As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to rinse new laundry. In this case, the mode depends on the material used in manufacturing. However, it is better not to use high temperatures during the first wash, because the material is clean and only needs refreshing.

By following the above tips and rules, you will be able to carefully and properly care for your bed linen, because proper care is necessary for it to last a long time and not spoil its appearance.

Clean bed linen has a direct impact on healthy sleep. Even if you wash thoroughly before going to bed, this will not guarantee the cleanliness of your sleeping area. To maintain bed hygiene and comfort, every housewife should know how to properly wash bed linen in a washing machine.

Preparing for washing

To ensure that your bedding set lasts for many years, there are key washing aspects to follow. This question applies not only to pillowcases, but also to other products. To prevent your textiles from deteriorating after washing, follow these rules:

  • Before washing, you need to take into account the manufacturer's requirements. Each package of bed linen contains information about the composition of the material, suitable temperature conditions and ironing method. Similar information is present on product labels.
  • Before placing items in the machine, be sure to turn them inside out. If the products have zippers, fasten them to prevent damage to the fabric.
  • Sort things by color and type of fabric. Colored linen should not be washed with white to prevent the snow-white set from being dyed into unknown shades.
  • Sets made from different types of fabric should be washed separately. This method will help you avoid the appearance of pellets.
  • Always respect the weight limit of your washing machine and only fill the drum halfway. Compliance with these rules will ensure a delicate wash, easy rinsing along with high-quality spin.
  • Bleaching agents should be used in minimal quantities, as they destroy fabric fibers and have a negative effect on color. This rule applies to colored materials and some types of fabric. Study the manufacturer's recommendations and product labels.

Temperature and mode for different fabrics

Each fabric requires a special approach. To ensure the long life of your bedding set, follow the care requirements for your type of material. You will need to decide what fabric your bedding set is made of. Manufacturers offer linen, bamboo, cotton, percale, velvet, silk, poplin and satin linen. Based on your choice, consider the desired washing mode.

Children's bedding

Children's bedding should be washed separately. When washing, use only special detergent products that are not capable of causing allergies in your baby. It is recommended to wash newborn clothes yourself using laundry soap.


In order for a cotton bedding set to serve you for many years, you should start with proper storage. Such material should be kept in a closet, out of contact with the sun's rays. It is recommended to arrange your laundry with fragrant herbs or leave a bottle of eau de toilette on the shelf. This method will give your pillowcases a pleasant aroma.

Before washing things in the machine, divide your laundry into three categories: dark, colored and white. It is also recommended to separate items according to the degree of contamination.

It is best to wash cotton at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. If things are highly soiled, use the 90 degree mode. Keep in mind that this temperature is only suitable for white items.

Colored sets cannot be washed in this mode. If you purchased a new set, hand wash it in cool water. In subsequent cases, be guided by the degree of contamination of the products.

Drying cotton bed linen should be done on a clothesline. Do not allow things to dry out; remove them from the rope in a slightly damp state. This method will help you simplify and significantly speed up the ironing process.

Satin lingerie

Satin is a combination of satin weaves in cotton fiber. This material looks attractive due to its smooth surface.

Such kits should be stored as far as possible from sunlight. You should also dry your clothes in the shade. Keep in mind that after you wash such linen, the fabric may shrink slightly in size, but the parameters of the set are designed for such a reaction.

To wash satin, you will need a delicate program, which operates at forty degrees. Select a spin mode of 600 rpm.

You should not purchase powders that contain bleach. As a rule, a set of satin can withstand up to 400 washes.

There is also deluxe satin fabric, which is considered a modernized version of the well-known material. The label contains detailed conditions for caring for such products. Wash the set in the washing machine, selecting a gentle cycle of 40 degrees.

Calico set

Calico bedding sets are considered high-quality products that do not shrink after washing and do not fade over time. To extend the life of the fabric, you should follow the washing regime.

Take into account the fact that colored material can color the water, while maintaining the saturation of the design itself. Products are dried in the fresh air or in a drying chamber.

The washing mode should be selected based on the color scheme of the set. Turn on the temperature mode in the automatic machine, which does not exceed 60 degrees. Washing this fabric is allowed only in a gentle cycle with a spin cycle of no more than 600 rpm. Fabric softener may be used.

Bamboo products

Bamboo is considered the best solution for bedding. The material can be painted and draped well, and is also very hygienic to use. Many buyers are attracted by its shiny surface, which is similar to the shine of silk.

Bamboo linens should be handled with care. Products should not be dry cleaned or washed with bleach. You can tumble dry only in the most gentle mode.

Wash this kind of laundry manually at a temperature of 30 degrees. The use of products containing chlorine is not allowed. To ensure that your bedding remains attractive after washing, dry it by laying it out on a horizontal surface.

Silk sets

Many women like it when their bed is covered with silk sheets. Such kits belong to the elite and expensive category.

Silk underwear should be stored in cardboard boxes. Some housewives replace cardboard with white paper or gauze. When buying such underwear, remember that it is not intended for daily use.

The fabric can only be washed in delicate or manual mode. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Do not squeeze or rub the products, so as not to spoil their appearance. By adding table vinegar when rinsing, you will refresh the paint of the material. Rinsing involves replacing cool water with warm water.

Linen linen

It is recommended to load linen products into the machine using a program with a temperature of 60 degrees. White sets can be cleaned with ordinary detergents, while colored sets can be cleaned with a special powder designed for thin materials. Avoid bleaching particles in the powder.

If you bought a finished set of flax, which contains impregnation with various substances (cellulose, fat, synthetic resin, etc.), choose a delicate mode of 40 degrees.

To make your task easier, soap your sheets before washing and leave them in warm water for one hour. Then add a little powder with a large spoon of table vinegar to the water. Wash items in cool water and dry.

Jacquard set

Jacquard material has found its application in many sectors of life, including in the field of bed linen. The fabric has numerous advantages and an attractive appearance, which is why many buyers choose it.

Jacquard linen It is unacceptable to wash with bleach and spin. Washing with products containing aggressive chemicals is not allowed.

Purchase neutral powders for these purposes. If you prefer machine washing, then choose a temperature setting of 30 degrees.

Before washing, it is better to turn duvet covers and pillowcases inside out, fastening the zippers with buttons. Neglecting the last recommendation may result in fabric damage. Drying jacquard should be done in fresh air. Avoid contact of laundry with sunlight.

Satin lingerie

Caring for such material depends on the base. If you have silk satin, choose the dry cleaning type. For other varieties, you can use machine or hand wash. The polyester set can be washed at 30 degrees. Spin cannot be more than 800 rpm.

Terry bedding sets

Before making your bed with a terry set, wash it. This is required to remove lint, remaining dust particles and other substances. You can simply refresh your bed with salted water and a good rinse.

Machine washing is allowed with a spin speed of up to 800 rpm. Don't select Eco mode, it is not suitable for this type of laundry. If you have a color set, purchase special soft-action products. You can resort to fabric softener.

Tapestry set

A bedding set like this will look gorgeous in your bedroom. Tapestry is often given to lovers of bright colors. This material is practical because the duvet cover can be used as a bedspread.

The bed is changed every seven days. It is recommended to select only delicate washing programs to extend the life of the material.

Try to avoid contact of products with ultraviolet radiation, as such contact can lead to fading of the design.

Tapestry linen is washed only with a gentle program at temperatures up to 30 degrees. Make sure that in the selected mode the spin speed does not exceed 600 rpm. Avoid using powder with bleaching particles and machine drying.

How often should I wash?

According to the requirements of SanPiN in the field of medical organizations, bed linen should be washed, taking into account the degree of contamination of the set, but not less than once a week. You should wash your bed at home at the same frequency. During this period, the laundry loses its freshness, but does not have time to become very greasy.

In winter, when we sweat much less and wear pajamas, we can change the bed once every couple of weeks. In various European countries, it is customary to change linen every couple of weeks, provided that the bed is ventilated and the air has a significantly lower temperature than in Russia.

Pillowcases get dirty more often because they come into contact with hair. Therefore, it is better to change these products frequently – once every two or three days.

If there are members of the household who have a fever at home, it is appropriate to wash the set daily. Using fresh bed linen every day will guarantee hygiene and a speedy recovery for the patient. If you don't have the ability to change them daily, at least change your pillowcases.

New underwear should also be washed before use to ensure that it is clean and hygienic. Moreover, washing will help refresh the bed and remove remaining dust.

Do I need to iron?

Many women are interested in the question: is it necessary to iron and starch bed linen? This question cannot be answered unambiguously, because there are positive and negative arguments. However, most of the arguments boil down to the fact that you don’t have to iron the bed.

The arguments that speak about the positive properties of ironing include the following:

  • The ironing process, due to exposure to high temperatures, helps to destroy germs and bacteria;
  • Most people say they feel more comfortable sleeping on ironed clothes.

Knowing at what temperature (in the machine) to wash your bed linen, you will preserve the colorful colors and durability of the material. For natural ones, use a temperature of up to 60 degrees and a speed of no more than 1,200, and for delicate ones – 30–40°C with a minimum number of revolutions. Heat treat children's underwear at 800 rpm and be sure to iron them. If the stains that appear on the sheets cannot be removed at home, contact a dry cleaner.

The modern choice of bed linen puzzles housewives, especially young ones, since each set requires its own care. A special feature of the processing of such products is the structure of the fabric, the mode and at what temperature to wash the linen (bed) so as not to thin the fabric and preserve the color.

How to properly wash bedding in a machine

Washing bedding by hand is a labor-intensive process, since oversized bedding is now popular.

In such cases, it is almost impossible to pay attention to the entire area of ​​the duvet cover or sheet. The best way out is to wash it in a machine, but a number of nuances must be observed so that the fabric does not fade or “shrink” after washing.

Which program to use

It is important to change bedding on time, otherwise it will affect the process and quality of washing. If snow-white linen is heavily soiled, soaking is required, otherwise the fabric will soon wash out and turn gray. Modern ones are equipped with a soaking function, so be sure to turn it on if you didn’t change the bed on time.

The mode is chosen based on the fabric from which the set is made.

Table 1. Programs for washing adult bedding in a machine

Most sets consist of several types of fabric and have a pattern, so it is important to look at the manufacturer’s label before washing. The icons describe in detail how to process this particular set, and whether it can be machine washed at all. Before you start washing, be sure to read the manufacturer's information to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Selecting the temperature regime

This nuance is also described on the label, but if the icons are missing for some reason, rely on the general recommendations.

General characteristics:

  • Wash white, very dirty sets made of linen, cotton, calico at 90 degrees. Coloreds cannot tolerate temperatures exceeding 40°C;
  • bamboo – up to 40°C;
  • flannel – up to 60°C;
  • synthetics, silk, 3D, satin, jacquard (for example, Diana sets) - maximum 30°C;
  • wool, terry and knitted fabrics – 30–40°C.

Silk and wool products absolutely do not tolerate boiling. After the procedure, the tissue shrinks or loses its shape, so under no circumstances should you resort to exceeding the optimal temperature.

The correct temperature for washing bed linen will avoid fading and damage to the fabric!

Selecting a detergent

The selection of detergent depends on the type of set: adult/children, degree of soiling and color.

  • We use bleaches, “Whiteness”, hydrogen peroxide only for white (not delicate) so that;
  • Lightly soiled colored items from any fabric are washed with vinegar, soda, ammonia, and heavily soiled items are washed with powder with the addition of dry or liquid “Vanish”;
  • diapers, accessories from blankets, pillows, kits for discharging a newborn with baby powders and hypoallergenic stain removers, folk remedies.

Take care of children's underwear with full responsibility. Do not use ordinary powders and stain removers, otherwise the child will have an allergic reaction, accompanied by prolonged treatment.

How to properly wash bed linen, watch the video:

Features of washing different bedding

Bedding made from natural fabrics is the easiest to wash, because it is less demanding in terms of temperature and washing mode, but delicate ones (bamboo, cambric, silk) require special care.

We wash bedding made from cambric and bamboo

Washing cambric or bamboo bed linen in a washing machine requires a minimum temperature not exceeding 30°C.

It is best to process such products by hand, because they are very delicate and do not tolerate careless treatment. However, if you still prefer to wash in a machine, avoid spinning at high speeds and set them to the lowest speed manually.

Instructions for processing cambric and bamboo in a machine:

  1. If there are stains, wash them by hand.
  2. Place the product in the drum.
  3. Set to delicate wash.

After turning off the machine, immediately take out the laundry, shake it and hang it straightened on the line. In most cases this eliminates the need for ironing.

It is much more difficult to get out of bed, or.

Silk underwear

Silk products (not of Chinese origin) are expensive, but they need to be cared for in the same way as bamboo.

Use stain removers and powders only as a last resort. Wash your clothes in a timely manner and if stubborn stains appear, try to remove them with improvised means.

If you do not trust folk remedies, use liquid powder specifically designed for silk products (in combination with a softener).

Which mode is best to wash, at what temperature, see the table.

Table 2. Washing parameters

We wash baby clothes (newborn)

At what degrees to wash baby bedding is usually set in the program by the manufacturer of the washing machine.

Usually it is 50–60°C. Considering that things may be stained with feces, stains from yogurt, baby formula, and other products, pre-wash them by soaking them in a solution of folk remedies:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. vinegar, 50 g soda, 2-3 tbsp. l. ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in 5 liters of water.
  2. Immerse dirty diapers in the solution for 2 hours.
  3. Wash stains by hand with laundry soap.
  4. Place the wrung out bedding into the drum.
  5. Add baby powder to a special container.
  6. Start the machine in the “baby clothes” mode, setting 800 revolutions (spin) and washing temperature – 60°C.

The fresher the stains, the easier and better their removal. After this treatment, the baby's bedding will look like new. But if the laundry is very bright, reduce the washing temperature to 40°C to prevent it from fading.

After drying, be sure to iron and smooth out the folds that are pressing on the newborn’s back.

How to wash bed linen without a washing machine

Without an automatic machine, it is very difficult to wash bedding, because after it gets wet, it becomes heavy.

First of all, wash the stains in a solution of folk ingredients or stain remover. Further:

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. Add dry or liquid powder to suit the fabric and color.
  3. Leave to sit for an hour.
  4. Wash your laundry by hand.
  5. Squeeze, but do not twist too much to avoid damaging the fibers.

After hand washing and drying, the laundry will be wrinkled. Be sure to iron it, fold it several times, and put it in a storage place.

How often to change bedding

Bed linen should be changed regularly, and not when it gets dirty, because your health depends on it.

Replacing dirty laundry with new ones

Factors requiring frequent washing:

  • dust mites. They actively develop in unwashed laundry. May provoke decreased immunity or an allergic reaction;
  • bacterial diseases. Favorable flora for pathogens is sweat absorbed by the sheet and duvet cover;
  • aesthetic beauty. Sleeping on freshly washed laundry is much more pleasant than sleeping on a worn and stained set with fur, dandruff and hair.

In summer, change your bedding weekly, as sweating increases in hot weather. In winter, once every 2 weeks is enough, but if you sweat often in cold times, then be sure to wash your sheets once every 7 days.

Instructions for the care and use of bed linen

  • be sure to wash new clothes;
  • Avoid using bleaches and powders containing chlorine;
  • turn items inside out before washing;
  • wash each set separately;
  • Treat products made of polyester and natural fabrics separately from each other. This way they will remain soft longer;
  • When starting the machine, be sure to take into account the recommendations indicated on the manufacturer’s label;
  • do not fill the drum more than 50%;
  • damp products can be ironed more easily and with better quality;
  • iron from inside out.

If you have a stain that is difficult to remove, take it to a dry cleaner to remove it. Specialists will carefully remove it using special tools and equipment. Of course, the cost of the procedure is high, but only it can restore your favorite underwear.

Larisa, August 28, 2018.