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» How to dilute finishing putty in proportion to water. How to mix putty for walls: instructions and useful tips. Methods for preparing the mixture

How to dilute finishing putty in proportion to water. How to mix putty for walls: instructions and useful tips. Methods for preparing the mixture

There really are a lot of putties, because this finishing material can be intended for walls, ceilings and even facades, and in all cases it can be different composition. You also need to know for what stage of finishing the powder is intended, since it will be difficult to properly dilute the putty without this information. According to the last criterion, a distinction is made between, for example, starting and finishing putty.

How to dilute the putty is usually indicated on its label. Although you can risk making your own adjustments if you need it to have some brighter expressed properties. Sometimes this is required for decorative (textured) or special (waterproofing, acid-resistant) putty. In order not to degrade the quality of the finish, you need to know general principles dilution of putty materials.

How to dilute dry putty - basic rules

Read the instructions carefully, there you will find the proportions in which the mixture should be mixed with water. Take a container of an appropriate size that is easy to stir and pour the contents of the bag into it. Add required quantity water and start kneading, it is best to do this mixer for 10 minutes. The water should be clean and not cold, best room temperature.

Then you can proceed to finishing works, since diluting dry putty, as you are convinced, is not difficult. You can work with this material about 40 minutes, until the mixture begins to thicken and harden, and, having passed through this time threshold, setting will begin to occur almost before our eyes. Of course, the time is average, it is better to check this fact in the instructions on the package, and this can also be affected by the expiration date, the room temperature, and the quality of the material.

It is impossible to extend the viscosity of the putty by re-dissolving it; it is better to mix a new solution, having first cleaned the container. Because the quality of the finish will suffer significantly.

If you need to putty in several layers, then be sure to wait for everything to dry well, but do not overdry it, that is, you cannot apply a second layer the next day. Also, you cannot dry it using an accelerated program, for example, with a hairdryer, as this will lead to cracking. Do not apply other materials, such as primer, to poorly dried putty.

How to dilute putty - features

It has already been said that this finishing material comes in several types, so it is worth clarifying some of the nuances of how to dilute the putty depending on its purpose. Let's start with starting, which is used for rough finishing. Its consistency should not be very fluid, since it is applied in a thick layer and hides gross surface defects. Sometimes this layer should be about 5 cm; it can only be applied in several steps. To prevent the solution from starting to set during this time, its life time is artificially extended by adding river sand. Be sure to exclude any impurities, that is, clean it well, and mix it in a 1:1 ratio.

Finish The putty is prepared according to the instructions if it is sold dry. But now long-lasting liquid finishing putty is becoming more and more popular. There is no need to dilute it with water; it is ready for use straight from the package, usually sold in a plastic bucket. Moreover, you can open it several times, it will not lose its quality. A special feature of finishing putty is the existence of façade and interior grades; façade is often toxic, which is unacceptable for interior work. Pay attention to this.

Leveling the walls and preparing them for decorative finishing– one of the most important works, the quality of which determines not only the aesthetics of the room, but also the reliability and durability of the repair. If you make it yourself, it is important for you to know how to dilute the putty - the proportions of the dry mixture and water, mixing methods, optimal consistency depending on the purpose and purpose of use.

The putty mixture should be plastic, elastic, smooth out well and stick to the surface, not flow off it or fall off in pieces. At the same time, it should easily lag behind the spatula and have a uniform consistency without lumps or solid inclusions.

By buying ready-made putty in a hermetically sealed container, you free yourself from the need to think about how to achieve the required quality of the solution - the manufacturer has already taken care of this, you just have to mix it well before applying.

But the price of ready-made mixtures is much higher than dry ones, which require dilution with water directly onto construction site, so the choice most often falls on the latter.

It would seem that there should be no problems with their preparation, since the packaging always contains detailed instructions from the manufacturer, which describes the entire process in detail. But, firstly, putty mixtures are sometimes prepared independently from gypsum or cement, and secondly, the consistency of the solution, obtained by strictly following the instructions, is not always convenient for performing this or that type of work.


  • If the surface needs serious leveling by filling significant potholes and cracks with a putty mixture, it will be easier and faster to do this by giving the solution a thicker consistency. It is also easier to seal joints between slabs and masonry seams with a thick mortar;

  • For finishing putty, the mixture should be more liquid, since it is applied in a very thin layer and is intended to make the base smooth;

  • For the ceiling (see Puttying the ceiling in different options) and for the walls, the proportions of the dry mixture and water may also need to be changed in order to achieve better adhesion to the surface.

Experienced finishers are able to determine suitability for a particular purpose by the type of finished mortar and its behavior when applied to a spatula. Those who take on such work for the first time will have to act empirically, taking the proportions from the instructions as a basis and preparing the mixture in small portions.

Note. The putty must be diluted immediately before use. Each type of mixture has its own working period, after which the solution begins to harden and lose its properties. It will no longer be possible to revive it by adding water and stirring.

Preparation of putty solution

Before applying putty to the walls, make sure that they are ready for leveling: they are cleaned of dirt, sagging and splashes of plaster, greasy stains. They also need to be primed (see Primer before puttying walls - is it necessary) and let the primer dry. All this must be done in advance, since ready solution won't wait.

Breeding order

Prepare a large clean container with smooth walls, a dry spatula and a drill with a whisk attachment.


  • Pour the required amount of water into the container;
  • Pour the dry mixture into the water, trying to pour it into the center of the container to form a slide;

Note. If you prepare the solution according to the instructions, which indicate the amount of water for the entire volume of putty, calculate in advance the number of components according to the specified proportion.

  • Let the powder settle into the water, then mix the contents well using a drill with an attachment;
  • If the solution is not the right consistency, at this stage you can still add the dry mixture, scooping it up with a spatula from the bag, or water, immediately stirring again;
  • Collect the solution from the walls of the bucket with a spatula and immerse it in the total mass;
  • Leave the putty alone for a few minutes to allow it to swell and form molecular bonds, then stir again.

If you prepared the putty mixture with your own hands or you do not have recommendations for proportions, then the powder is carefully poured into the center of the container with water until the height of the pile above the surface of the water is approximately equal to 1/3 of the height of its underwater part.

You should end up with a solution in which the spatula stands like a spoon in thick sour cream, and when scooped, it does not fall off in pieces and does not flow down, but slowly slides off, leaving no traces.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to properly dilute putty. But there are several nuances that it is advisable to know about and put into practice.

  • Do not mix the mixture at very high speeds of the drill, since at high speed air enters the solution, which, when applied to the surface, forms bursting bubbles;
  • The water for cooking should be clean and at room temperature. Too cold or hot negatively affects the quality of the mixture, which, when dry, may begin to peel off the wall or crumble;
  • Try to prepare the amount of solution that you will have time to use before it sets. And plan your actions in such a way that you do not have to be distracted during the puttying process.

Note. The thicker the mixture, the less water it contains, the faster it will dry.

  • If you have not had time to use up the entire solution, do not try to “revive” it by diluting it with water. Even if it looks quite good, its quality will suffer and the coating will not last long;
  • Always use a clean container and mixing attachment, and wash them after each use. If you do not do this, the dry particles that get into the fresh solution will not dissolve and will not allow you to do the job efficiently, leaving grooves on the surface;

  • The same applies to spatulas and other tools for putty.

It is important. Before washing, be sure to disconnect the whisk attachment from the drill so that no water gets into the chuck.


Any, even the most basic work requires a responsible approach and compliance with the rules for its implementation. In the case of diluting putty, there are few such rules, they are simple, so even beginners should not have problems. Especially if you watch the video in this article and see the whole process from start to finish.

To begin work on puttying walls, ceilings and slopes, you need to prepare a putty mixture. It's not difficult to mix. To do this you will need some tools and material, the putty mixture itself in a bag.

Initially it looks like a powder, but after adding it to water, it becomes viscous. To achieve the desired thickness of the putty, it is stirred with a mixer.

Putty is universal material to level the surface, so you need to learn how to stir it correctly. Only then can the desired effect be achieved.

There are many companies in the world that produce putty. Some do it best quality, some create economical options, but basically putty is available to anyone who makes repairs.

Depending on the composition, the putty can have different viscosities. For the starting layer, a viscous putty is needed, but not too thick. If the mixture is made liquid, it simply will not cling to the wall, it will slide and it will be impossible to work with it efficiently.

First, you need to prepare a container of water at room temperature and pour the dry mixture from the bag into the water, observing the proportions indicated on the package. Then you need to mix the capacity of the container with a mixer. It is recommended to knead smoothly for 5-10 minutes, in a circular motion, as well as along the entire height of the container (bucket), making up/down movements. All these actions must alternate.

After reaching the desired consistency of the material, you can begin finishing work.

How to dilute finishing putty?

Experienced craftsmen use their own methods for mixing putty. They are practically no different from putty mixtures that are mixed by inexperienced people or novice specialists, but there are features that you should be aware of and take into account when mixing the finishing putty.

To dilute the finishing putty, you must:

  1. Read the instructions on the packaging. By following these requirements, you can achieve the desired viscosity of the mixture. The finishing putty should be moderately liquid and not too thick, since a thick mixture is inconvenient to work with;
  2. For finishing putty, you need a mixer with a spiral-like attachment; you need to use it to thoroughly stir the mass in the container to the desired consistency;
  3. The finishing putty should be stirred smoothly. No lumps should form during the mixing process. To do this, make circular movements throughout the entire container. If, nevertheless, lumps have formed, you need to knead again.

The viscosity of the finishing putty should be adjusted by the master or the person doing the repair.

How to properly dilute gypsum putty?

Gypsum putty is intended for applying a rough layer under wallpaper. It has a number of properties that help to carry out high-quality apartment renovations. Gypsum putty dries quickly, so stir it in large quantities no need.

To properly mix gypsum putty, you must:

  • Prepare plastic container(old basin, large bowl, five-liter bucket);
  • You need to pour several trowels of putty into the container. It depends on the area that needs to be leveled;
  • After this, you need to pour a little water and make sure that the mixture does not granulate or create lumps;
  • Mixing can be done using a trowel or spatula;
  • No other ingredients should be added to the mixture, as this may deteriorate the quality of the putty;
  • After mixing the putty and achieving the desired level of viscosity, you can begin to work.

This type of putty is widely used for work in wet areas, since it has moisture-resistant and heat-resistant properties.

Leveling walls and preparing them for cladding is one of the most difficult operations, the quality of which determines the durability of the repair and appearance premises. For this purpose, putty is used. Modern market offers ready-made mixtures that can be immediately applied to the surface, but they are quite expensive, so for large-scale work they use dry compositions. In this article we will look at how to dilute putty for quality training walls and ceiling.

To carry out truly high-quality work, the putty must be elastic and plastic, at the same time the mixture must lie well on the surface, spread over it and easily come off the spatula. The consistency should be uniform, without lumps or other solid formations.

Packages of dry mixtures have instructions for diluting them, which must be followed, but in some cases a thinner or, conversely, thicker solution is required, so you should be aware of some rules for diluting the mixture.

Dilution for rough finishing

This operation can be carried out by two methods, the first of which is a bit like kneading dough and is used when there is no mixer attachment or power tool at hand.

Let's look at how to dilute putty step by step:

  • First you need to prepare a plastic container - wash it, dry it, and then pour about 7 trowels of dry putty.
  • Then add a little water and mix thoroughly. Tools and containers must be fairly clean, since dirt getting into the mixture will cause it to dry out prematurely in the container or crack on the walls and ceiling after drying.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous solution without lumps, you need to add the remaining dry material and water, and then mix everything again.

After mixing, let the putty sit for 3 minutes, then mix again and apply to the walls or ceiling. The amount of material should be such that it is enough for 20 minutes of continuous work. To prevent the putty from cracking after drying, you need to carefully prepare the surface and maintain proportions during preparation.

The second method involves using a screwdriver or a mixer attachment on an electric drill.

  1. Pour water into a clean plastic container, then add the dry composition there. Required proportions, as well as other information on how to dilute the putty, can be read on the packaging.
  2. Then you need to turn on the power tool and knead for 2-3 minutes.
  3. When the solution reaches the required consistency, it should be left to swell for about 15 minutes, then mixed again using an electric drill or screwdriver.

It is important to know! When mixing with a power tool, there is a risk of the solution becoming saturated with air. To avoid porosity of the mixture, it must be mixed at 800 rpm.

Dilution for finishing

Preparing such a mixture is practically no different from working with starting putty. Only in this case the requirements for repeated mixing and cleanliness of instruments are higher. The fact is that it is applied to the walls in a very thin layer, so all lumps or other formations will be visible to the naked eye.

These defects will be especially visible during the subsequent application of finishing materials with a glossy texture when the room is illuminated from the side. Mix finishing mixture It’s better to do it several times, taking breaks for it to swell. The mixing tool must be washed before each procedure.

The container also needs to be washed every time; you cannot leave the remnants of a previously prepared mixture and start preparing a new one in the same place. Also, do not add any residue collected from the mixer to the solution, as this will lead to the formation of lumps.

Making your own mixture

Now let's talk about how to properly dilute putty at home. At the moment, there are many recipes for preparing such mixtures, but the main components are plaster, glue, chalk and varnish.

Most often, putty based on gypsum and chalk is used to finish walls. To prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare a container, 3 kg of chalk, 1 kg of gypsum and wood glue. For mixing, it is better to use an electric drill with an attachment, but you can get by with a regular spatula. In addition, to protect the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to use a respirator or gauze bandage.

The chalk and plaster should be thoroughly sifted, then the glue should be poured into a plastic container. The sifted powder should be gradually poured into adhesive composition. After which the composition should be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is better to cook in small portions, since the putty dries out quite quickly, and the excess will have to be thrown away. This solution is used as a finishing solution finishing material in dry rooms.

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made putty mixture; it is easy to make it yourself: all you need is chalk, plaster and wood glue

In more humid conditions for walls to be painted oil paints I need another putty. To prepare the base, you need to stock up on drying oil, chalk and drying agent. Pour 1 kilogram of drying oil into a mixing container, then add 100 grams of drier and mix. Then gradually add chalk, the total weight of which should be 2 kilograms. The resulting material is perfect for processing walls with windows and doorways.

If wall surfaces are planned to be subjected to adhesive painting, then you should prepare a special putty. To prepare it you will need 1 kg of wood glue, 2.5 kg of chalk and 25 grams of drying oil. The first step is to sift the chalk and heat the adhesive composition, then add drying oil to it and mix thoroughly. Chalk is added last in small portions to prevent the formation of lumps. In some cases, in order for the composition to fit better on the wall, soap, previously grated on a fine grater, is added to it.

The question of how to dilute putty is often asked by people who decide to do the repairs themselves. Puttying is one of the important preparatory stages, on which the quality of the final result depends. Not everyone can afford ready-made formulations, so construction markets We offer a huge selection of dry powders, which, if the correct dilution proportions are observed, can become a worthy alternative to expensive ones. This article will discuss exactly how to properly dilute a putty mixture for walls at home.


Dry putty mixture is a powdery material that contains astringent components, the main filler and various additives. Before applying to the wall to be leveled, it should be diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Dry putty has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to different temperatures (can be stored in both warm and cold rooms);
  • the ability to control consistency;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of transportation.

The prepared solution cannot be used:

  • at high humidity, since over time it will begin to peel off from the walls;
  • with sudden changes in temperature, which will quickly lead to its softening.

Experts recommend diluting and mixing the putty using a drill with a special mixing attachment. With its help, the mass is more uniform than when using improvised means.

How to choose?

When purchasing a dry putty mixture, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • safety - the composition should include only substances that are harmless to human health;
  • adhesion – adhesion to the leveled surface must be good;
  • convergence - the formation of a smooth surface should occur without the use of additional tools and materials;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • possibility of grinding.

In addition, when choosing, you need to decide at what stage of finishing you plan to use the leveling coating.

Depending on the purpose, plaster can be of the following types:

  • Basic (starting). She carries out all the rough rough surface treatment: correcting unevenness, sealing cracks, filling depressions. This composition is applied in a layer up to 7-8 mm thick. If the defects cannot be eliminated the first time, the layer is reapplied. After this initial leveling, the surface turns out smooth and slightly rough due to the coarse components of the putty.
  • Finish. Intended for finishing the surface and bringing it to a perfectly smooth state. It is applied once in a thin layer onto pre-dried starting putty.
  • Universal. It is used for both roughing and finishing work, but is characterized by increased cost and not always adequate efficiency.

The main component of the mixture has an important impact on where and under what conditions it will be used.

Depending on the composition, putty can be of the following types:

  • Cement. It is used for finishing building facades, as well as wet and unheated rooms: bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, basements. It is moisture resistant and resistant to extreme temperatures. After application to the wall, such putty begins to shrink greatly, as a result of which layers of mortar have to be reapplied to better alignment. Its hardening speed is low and amounts to 28-30 days, which significantly slows down the finishing process.

  • Plaster. Intended for dry rooms inside the building: living room, bedroom, corridor. IN in this case the solution on the surface dries within a few days, but also quickly decomposes when exposed to moisture.
  • Polymer. Represents universal mixture for leveling polyurethane, cement, concrete and gypsum surfaces. It combines the properties of cement and gypsum plaster, resulting in a high cost.

  • Oil-glue. It is applied before painting to concrete, wood and plastered surfaces.
  • Water-dispersed. Used for partial leveling of bases made of various materials: wood, aerated concrete, brick.
  • Polyester. Used when working on metal, wood, paint coating, concrete, natural stone. It is successfully used to seal holes and through holes, getting rid of rust and corrosion. This composition is distinguished by good adhesion, increased strength and water resistance.


The diluted putty solution should have a characteristic consistency and density. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of water and dry matter. For each species these proportions are different.

Gypsum-based compositions are diluted in a ratio of 1: 0.8, that is, 0.8 liters of liquid are required per 1 kg. For cement compositions, water will be required 2 times less: 0.37-0.42 l per 1 kg. 1 kg of polymer putty is diluted with 0.25 liters of liquid.

Depending on the situation, the water flow can be changed. So, for basic finishing, a thicker composition is required, so less liquid can be used. For decorative finishing, a liquid mixture is used, which means more water will be required.

Please note that water for dilution must be taken at room temperature.

Process technology

The process of preparing the mixture at home should begin with preparing the necessary tools.

You will need:

  • a spacious bucket with high walls without rounded corners (plastic, enameled or galvanized);
  • drill with attachment;
  • scales;
  • paint brush or spatula.

To properly make putty with your own hands, you should follow the following procedure:

  • Fill the bucket with the required amount of water.
  • Shake it in a circular motion to wet the remaining dry walls of the container.
  • We weigh the dry mixture and carefully pour it into the water. Then leave for 3-5 minutes so that it softens a little.
  • Slowly immerse the drill and begin to mix the solution, moving the mixing attachment in a circle, left and right, up and down.

  • Having achieved the desired consistency, stop kneading. We clean off the adhering remains of the mixture from the walls of the bucket with a spatula or brush. We repeat the batch.
  • Do not touch the prepared mass for 10-15 minutes, give it time to swell.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue, which will make the solution softer and more elastic, and the layer applied to the surface stronger and more reliable.
  • We repeat the batch.
  • We take out the drill, lower it into another container with water and run it for 1-2 minutes. In this way, dirt will be instantly removed from the nozzle.

If you don't have a mixer, you can mix the mixture by hand. Pour dry putty powder into a dried bucket and then gradually pour in water. We knead in a circular motion, gradually moving from the center to the edges. If the solution is too thin, add more mixture; if it is too thick, add more water.

Please note that in this case, putty is poured first, and not liquid is poured. If you do the opposite, as with mechanical kneading, lumps will appear in the composition, which will be difficult to get rid of.

The above method is suitable for compositions based on cement and polymers.

Breeding gypsum putty done in a slightly different way:

  • Pour 7 trowels of powder into a bucket and fill them with the same volume of liquid. Mix everything thoroughly;
  • Add the remaining parts of the mixture and water and mix everything until smooth;
  • Leave the solution for 2-3 minutes to swell and mix everything again.

Unlike other types gypsum plaster very capricious. After drying, it may crack over time due to a number of reasons: violation of production technology, failure to maintain the correct proportions of components, a thin layer of application (less than 5 mm), or a dirty surface to be treated.

The steps for diluting putty with fiberglass are not particularly difficult.

In this case, you should adhere to next sequence actions:

  • Move to warm room. The temperature on the thermometer should not be lower than 18 and not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.
  • After opening the jar with the composition, mix it thoroughly so that the solvent rises to the top.
  • Prepare a clean container and pour into it part of the mixture that you will need for work, and cover the rest with a lid. Since the diluted composition dries instantly, dilute such an amount that you can work out in 10 minutes.
  • Add hardener.
  • Mix everything with a spatula. The composition should be thick and homogeneous.

As a rule, such well-known companies as "Novol", Sea-Line, QuickLine, indicated on the packaging correct proportions diluting putty with hardener. If the manufacturer does not mention this, then the craftsmen recommend using electronic scales of increased accuracy or your own eye. The amount of hardener should be equal to 3% of the total putty mass.

It is very important to maintain the correct proportions when mixing: if you add too much hardener, its excess will not interact with the particles of the putty composition, as a result of which streaks and stains will appear on the surface to be treated after application. If there is not enough hardener, the solution will turn out watery, will be difficult to apply to the base and will harden unevenly.

  • The mixture should be mixed gradually. Start at low speed and gradually increase the speed. These steps will help avoid the appearance of lumps and bubbles.
  • After mixing, leave the solution for a few minutes and then stir it again. This way the ingredients will adhere better.
  • Use only clean containers and tools. Combinations of particles of the old and new mixture will lead to a violation of the consistency and elasticity of the future composition, which will adversely affect the quality of the finish.