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» How to lose weight in four months. Is it possible to lose weight if you don’t have willpower: how to develop and train it at home Diet to lose weight in 4 months

How to lose weight in four months. Is it possible to lose weight if you don’t have willpower: how to develop and train it at home Diet to lose weight in 4 months

She told me why the “Sweet Sunday” rule is useful and explained how to correctly calculate the calorie content of your diet. Detailed weight loss plan for 4 months - on BeautyHack!

Alla Manaykina Dietitian (@your_figure_designer)

20 kg in 4 months is more than a realistic figure. On average, you will lose 3-5 kg ​​per month, and if you correctly build a weight loss plan, it is completely safe for the body.

According to statistics, a person can lose 200 g of pure fat per day. An important point: the more you weigh, the easier it is to lose weight (due to rapid fluid loss). If you weigh about 70 kg, losing weight will be more difficult because the body does not consider these kilograms to be extra and is reluctant to part with them.

Don't treat your new eating plan as a diet.

This is one of the main problems of those who want to lose a large number of kilograms in a short period of time. And it leads to the fact that immediately after losing weight, the weight returns.

There are even statistics: only 5% of those who have lost weight manage to maintain their new weight for 12 months.

There is no need to treat the new diet as something temporary: “I will eat so that I lose 20 kg, and then I will start eating as usual.” It won't work! Even if you lose weight and return to your normal diet, you will gain weight very quickly.

4 months is the time during which you must change your eating habits and reconsider your own nutrition philosophy. The new diet is the system that you will continue to adhere to.

Daily calorie intake

There are a huge number of formulas for calculating the number of calories. They take into account weight, height, gender, age, physical activity rate, but do not take into account the most important thing - the speed of metabolic processes. And this is the most important thing in the process of losing weight. I recommend first calculating your metabolic rate using the Harris-Benedict formula.

For women: 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in centimeters) - (4.330 x age in years)

Then multiply this figure by the physical activity coefficient and get your daily calorie intake. But this is not the final number: you will eat taking into account a calorie deficit so that the body spends more than it takes in.

Important: the overall reduction in calories should not exceed 15-20%. Otherwise, you risk increasing levels of stress hormones, slowing your metabolism, and losing muscle mass rather than fat. You can't go hungry!

They help in calculating the individual calorie content of the daily diet. I also advise you to keep a food diary at least for the first time in order to visually assess how much and what you eat. You can use apps for this: they discipline and show how many calories are contained in a certain amount of product.

Recalculate your daily caloric intake every month.

Focus on feelings of fullness and hunger

It happens that, according to all calculations, it turns out to be 1600 kcal, but for you this is catastrophically low, you experience hunger, not appetite. This means you need to increase your caloric intake. A normal meal should satisfy you for 2-3 hours.

Same with water: if you are thirsty, drink! If not, there is no need to force yourself. It's good if you manage to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

Three main meals a day + 1-2 snacks

This is more than enough. Try not to eat too often (with an interval of 1-1.5 hours). This provokes an increase in blood glucose levels and increases the production of insulin, which, in turn, slows down the fat burning process. Long intervals between meals (about 3-4 hours), on the contrary, trigger this process. During this time, you can drink water, but do not have a snack.

Breakfast is 25% of the total calories, lunch is 30%, dinner is 20%, snacks are up to 20%.


Choose dishes that fill you up well. For some it is protein food (omelet, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt), for others it is carbohydrate food (cereals). I recommend starting your morning with a glass of water and then making a fruit and vegetable smoothie (such as spinach, banana and kiwi). Then after 30-50 minutes you can start a full breakfast. After it, you won’t feel like eating for 2-3 hours.

Breakfast option: omelette with tomatoes and broccoli (you can add a little grated cheese), whole grain bread.


A good option is fruit. But it is better not to combine them with other products, otherwise digestion will be inhibited and the fermentation process will start. You can add half an apple to cottage cheese, but a fruit salad or smoothie is a separate snack.

You can satisfy your hunger with nuts and dairy products.


Lunch should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it’s better to start it with salad, because it is a source of fiber (gives you a feeling of fullness). As a rule, after it you will eat less than usual.

If you are used to eating soup for lunch, then choose light vegetable dishes, avoiding fatty, rich borscht, broths, solyankas, etc. Also, be careful with cream soups - they are very high in calories.

As a side dish, I recommend dishes with animal or vegetable protein. Product compatibility is of great importance here. Red meat is best eaten with vegetables, brown rice or quinoa with fish.

After lunch, there may be a second snack, then you won’t have a wild appetite for dinner.

Lunch option: brown rice, fish and fresh salad dressed with unrefined vegetable oil.


Dinner can be vegetables (cooked or raw) and poultry, fish or legumes - a mix of fiber and protein. I advise you to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Also at this time you need to give up carbohydrates so as not to increase insulin levels and interfere with the production of somatotropin - in adults it is responsible for fat burning. The peak production of this hormone is 1-2 hours after falling asleep.

Dinner option: turkey breast and vegetable stew.

"Sweet Sunday" rule

Once a week, allow yourself any dish outside your diet. When a person knows that he has such an indulgence, it is easier for him to keep himself in good shape. Otherwise, the probability of failure is high. Moreover, one dish a week will not globally affect the process of losing weight.

After two months, the rate of weight loss may slow down

This is called the “plateau effect” - the weight stops at one level. There are several reasons: you stopped adhering to the regime or your body is accustomed to physical activity, and your metabolism is accustomed to the energy consumed.

Reboot! For example, set up an “energy swing”: eat more than usual for a couple of days, and then eat less for a couple of days. Or practice protein and carbohydrate days.

The body will experience mild stress, and the weight loss process will resume.

Important: if the diet plan I described above suits you and you continue to lose weight, you do not need to experiment with nutrition.

Consider the phase of the menstrual cycle

In the second phase and during menstruation, weight usually increases due to fluid accumulation and redistribution of hormones. This is a physiologically normal phenomenon, and a slowdown in the weight loss process may be associated with it (read other facts about menstruation - editor's note).

Fasting days - once a week

But if fasting days provoke a terrible feeling of hunger in you after, it is better to abandon them. So this method is not suitable for you.


Aerobic exercise should be a priority. Cardio training increases calorie consumption, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and increases performance. During training, the heart rate should be at 60-70% of its maximum frequency. The latter is determined by the formula: 220 - (your age). This is necessary for normal fat burning.

The duration of classes is also important - 60 minutes (3-4 times a week). This could be a light jog or a brisk walk.

At 2-3 months, you can add strength training (start with circular training for all muscle groups) - 1-2 times a week. Losing 20 kg is stressful for the body, so to prevent stretch marks and sagging skin, I advise you to get regular massages.

If you are reading this article, then I am calm for you, because you are a reasonable person and are not fooled by stupid headlines like “how to lose 40 kg in a month.”

In 4 months you can burn about 20 kg of fat without straining too much! Of course, to show such a result, you need not only to follow a diet, but also to do physical exercises, which will be discussed below. But they are only an aid in losing weight.

If exercise is not your thing, you can simply follow a proper diet, but then don't expect such rapid progress. Your result will be approximately two times less.

Recipe for losing weight in 4 months

So, let's move on to practice. Diet.

To effectively remove fat and not harm the body, you need to eat. Yes, you heard right! You don't have to go hungry! On the contrary, fasting, long breaks between meals, causes your body to store more fat reserves and prevents you from losing weight.

Your diet should consist primarily of complex carbohydrates. It is very advisable to completely give up everything sweet and starchy, fatty and fried. But if you can’t do this, then in small quantities and only in the first half of the day you can eat a small amount of “forbidden” foods.

Your diet should consist of the following foods:

  • Peas, tsetsevitsa, Chickpeas, mung bean
  • Buckwheat
  • Raw vegetables: such as carrots and cabbage
  • Raw vegetable salads
  • Low-salt and low-fat foods
  • Any types of meat, poultry and fish
  • Cottage cheese

Of course, products such as mayonnaise, lard, fried shortbread (especially with animal fat), white bread, gingerbread, etc... should be excluded. Fast carbohydrates are deposited on the sides and interfere with fat burning.

In general, you can eat any food with a glycemic index below 55.

For exercises, it is best to use multi-joint weight training exercises and target the largest muscle groups, such as the legs, etc.

To make the process of losing weight go even faster, use any light aerobic exercise: walking, running, working with light weights without breaks. The main thing is that you work continuously for 20-50 minutes. Only after 20 minutes does the fat begin to burn.

How can you determine that the workout was carried out correctly and aimed specifically at burning fat? See the answer in the video below.

Many women are puzzled by the goal of losing weight, because today plumpness is not valued; slim and fit people are in fashion. On the Internet you can find a lot of different diets and physical exercises in order to lose weight and become thin, but sometimes it takes up to a year, because rapid weight loss is harmful, and the result will not last long. Losing a few extra pounds is easy, but what if you need to lose a lot of weight? Is it possible to lose 15 kilograms in 4 months? You will learn about this in this article. Specific techniques and effective results - try to become more beautiful and slimmer today.

How to lose 15 kilograms in 4 months?

1. Watch what you eat during snacks. Many women gain weight precisely because they allow themselves light snacks. These same snacks may not be so light, but quite high in calories and nutritious.

It seems to you that a couple of sandwiches between breakfast and lunch will not harm you, but in fact this is not the case. You simply don’t notice how often you use it, which, in fact, you don’t need. A piece of cheese, a bun, some yesterday’s stewed potatoes and a few sweets - you don’t perceive all this as a full meal, so it seems to you that you can afford such little things.

If you count your calories for the day, you will be surprised that your snacks make up a large percentage of the total. If you want to lose 15 kilograms in a short period of time, you will have to eat apples, yoghurts and dried fruits as a snack.

2. Provide your body with regular exercise. This is the most important rule that you will need to adhere to if you want to lose a lot of weight. You should study every other day, at least 1.5 hours. If you do extra exercise every day, you will get closer to your goal faster. This could be an exercise group, fitness, dancing or running.

The more varied stress you give your body, the faster you will lose weight. Don't let yourself relax, exercise even if it's raining or you have a slight runny nose. Don't feel sorry for yourself, otherwise your kilograms will stay with you.

3. Avoid high-calorie foods. The fewer calories you eat, the faster you will lose weight. If you want to lose weight safely for your body, you should not starve. During these 4 months, do not eat flour, sweets or fried foods. It is even permissible to eat meat if it is stewed in its own juice or boiled.

You should get all the necessary microelements, and if you start starving, your body will quickly regain the lost kilograms. Avoid complex dishes, boil vegetables and eat fresh fruits and dairy products. Sweet carbonated drinks, chips and cutlets are your ban for 4 months.

4. Drink more water. What is water for? To speed up metabolism and speed up the process of fat breakdown. Your stomach receives liquid, and all other organs begin to actively work in order to digest it. Thus, energy is spent, but calories are not absorbed. For 4 months, drink 1-1.5 liters of water every day to speed up your metabolism and cleanse your body of toxins. Remember that water cannot be replaced with tea or juice; choose mineral water without gas to nourish the body with useful microelements.

5. Do fasting days. You shouldn’t torture yourself too often, so set aside one day a week to cleanse your body and burn off excess fat. On this day, you can consume only one type of product at your discretion. This could be an apple, yogurt, fresh juice or water.

Nutritionists have proven that fasting days based on drinks are the most effective, because this way your body will burn more calories, especially if you have training on that day. It seems that once a week is not enough, but if this system is continued for 4 months, the result will be. Fasting days are great for removing excess moisture and toxins, and if you cleanse the body, it will be much easier to lose weight.

6. Don't eat after 6. The golden rule that millions of girls around the world know about. Sometimes it’s not so easy to restrain yourself, especially if you have a lot of delicious foods at home or you’re visiting friends. You can drink tea, water or kefir, but eating after 6 pm is strictly prohibited.

Many women believe that if they go to bed much later, then they can take longer to eat. This is an excuse, so if you are not in the mood to lose weight, do not torture your body. At different times of the day, our body absorbs calories differently. In the evening, metabolism slows down as all organs prepare for sleep. If you actively eat food during this time, it will turn into fat. But you can eat your favorite foods if it is the first half of the day, because then you will burn all the calories before nightfall.

7. Don't keep unhealthy foods at home. Of course, if you have a husband or a large family with children, then it is unrealistic to adhere to this rule, but you can cook what you like least so that there is no temptation. If you live on your own, simply do not store high-calorie foods that can harm your figure.

Buy for breakfast what you forbid yourself throughout the day and eat it, do not buy procedures in reserve. Today, stores have goods for every taste, so you will not have a problem purchasing the missing product at the right time.

8. Visit cafes and restaurants less often. Think about the fact that in such establishments it is rare to find food that you can eat during these 4 months. Eat at home, because this way you will know that everything on your plate is the freshest and healthiest. If you have a meeting at a restaurant, order only coffee or tea. This way you can save your money and won’t gain back those extra pounds. Reward yourself at the end of each month for saving money and not eating too much pizza, high-calorie salads and desserts.

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You will have more than enough time to lose weight. How to lose weight in 4 months – you don’t need to exhaust yourself with strict diets and starve yourself. You just need to change your diet. Instead of dinner, drink a glass of low-fat kefir. For a cup of coffee for breakfast, add a plate of buckwheat without butter and sugar or oatmeal. Make your portion sizes smaller by increasing the number of meals to 5-6 times a day. Such new nutrition rules will help reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by 400-700 kilocalories. Give preference to fruits and vegetables. Enrich your diet with fish, olive, corn or sesame oil.

How to lose weight in 4 months - diet

In order to lose excess weight, you need to bring your diet to the following proportions: 55% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 15% fats per day. Don't forget that there are different types of carbohydrates. At least 2 days a week you need to eat only “natural” carbohydrates - fruits, grains, vegetables. And on the 3rd day you can afford bread with bran and porridge. Every day you must include proteins in your menu: fish, poultry, nuts, beans.

Remember that no diet will give the desired results if it is not supplemented with vigorous physical activity. Training is needed not so much for burning fat, but for transferring muscles into an active state. In this case, even when at rest, they will consume fat. Choose what you like: aerobics, swimming, exercise equipment, dancing.

Try to completely avoid alcohol, which contains a lot of calories. But if you really want to, you can drink a glass of dry white wine, which has the lowest energy value.

Bodyflex technique for weight loss in 4 months

Try doing exercises from the Bodyflex technique. It was developed by American housewife Greer Childers. This woman borrowed the basis of the method from one of the clinics, where she once again took a weight loss course. Greer selected only the most effective ones and reduced the training time to 15 minutes a day. This complex is perfect for those who do not know how to lose weight in 4 months. It is recommended that young mothers start playing sports with it. In 4 months of classes you will just return to the normal level lost after childbirth. The Bodyflex technique can be downloaded from any sports website. The main thing to remember is that aerobics burns 250 kilocalories, jogging burns 700 kilocalories, and Bodyflex burns 3500 kcal.

Psychological aspects of losing weight in 4 months

As you know, the psychological component is a very important factor in losing weight. If you often get depressed, eating your emotions with extra cakes, you need to stop urgently. If you have any problems, you are angry and irritated, the best way for you is to jog or walk in the fresh air. If you are lonely, call your friends; being among people will help you keep in touch with the outside world, and not “eat up” your problems alone.

One of the principles of losing weight says that the body always receives less energy from food than it expends. Nutritionists say that the minimum amount of calories the body needs for full functioning is 1200 kcal. Additional energy will come from reserves stored over the years, and in the meantime the body will lose weight.

Stay on the move as much as possible to burn extra calories and energy. Even a few daily muscle stretching exercises will speed up your metabolism by 10%, provided you do it for at least 4 months.

Rules for losing weight in 4 months

  1. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
  2. In buildings with an elevator, walk up the stairs.
  3. Do morning exercises.
  4. Get adequate sleep.

By following these simple rules, you will really lose extra pounds in 4 months, your level of self-esteem will increase, and the question of how to lose weight in 4 months will lose its relevance.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Before you lose weight in 4 months, you should learn about some factors for losing weight: following a diet, eliminating excess calories, and exercise. Losing weight using the express method is like shock therapy for the body. Nutritionists insist on a gradual change in the established lifestyle. Losing up to 10 kg in 3 months is considered normal and does not cause harm.

Is it possible to lose weight in 4 months?

Specialists in the field of nutrition have developed many techniques that allow women to get the desired result by changing their usual diet or increasing the strength load on the body muscles. Is it possible to lose weight in 4 months? A universal weight loss scheme involves control over the quality and quantity of food consumed. Proper nutrition and maintaining the health of the whole body will help you achieve a beautiful figure.

How much weight can you lose in 4 months?

The leading principle of each diet is based on reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates consumed in the menu until they can be completely eliminated. For the full functioning of vital organs, it is necessary to focus on protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Replenishing the body with useful microelements and vitamins is extremely important to support vitality.

To find out how much weight you can lose in 4 months, you should take into account the physiological characteristics of your body. A radical diet will allow you to burn up to 15 kg. Complex physical exercises, gymnastics, leg swings, bodyflex or aerobics for 4 months are the basis of strength training, thanks to which it will be possible to reduce body weight up to 30 kilograms.

Lose 10 kg in 4 months

Slagging in the body, changes in hormonal levels or salt accumulation are the reasons for the appearance of fat folds. Short-term diets are aimed only at temporary results. After returning to your normal diet, the lost weight comes back at boomerang speed. Following simple rules will allow you to lose 10 kg in 4 months:

  • Breakfast is strictly on time. An hour after waking up, you should eat, giving preference to complex carbohydrates found in cereals.
  • Protein food. Light broth should be combined with a small portion of meat, seafood, boiled vegetables or low-calorie salad. It is recommended to eat fruits half an hour before meals or 1 hour after. At the same time, it is not advisable to go hungry or eat lonely stress.
  • The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.

Lose weight by 15 kg in 4 months

Losing 1-2 kilograms in a week is a realistic goal that refutes fasting or debilitating diets. A healthy diet will allow you to lose 15 kg in 4 months. Rational restructuring of the menu includes:

  • Formation of a healthy diet. Removing from the menu harmful food products that contain emulsifiers, preservatives, and antioxidants. Their alternatives would be chicken or turkey meat, fish, bran bread, cereals, nuts, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, low-fat kefir, olive oil, and freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  • Having a fasting day once a week. Its main goal is to improve metabolism, cleanse the intestines of toxins, and rid the body of excess fluid. It is recommended to alternate the menu on fasting days. Eat buckwheat or oatmeal for the first week, kefir shake for the second week, and baked pumpkin for the third week. Eliminate coffee.
  • Fractional meals in small portions of 200 g with minimal calorie content. This approach normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restores metabolism, saturating it with useful microelements and nutrients.

How to lose 20 kg in 4 months

The human body is amazing in its capabilities. Discipline, willpower, and the necessary knowledge will tell you how to lose 20 kg in 4 months. The action plan includes:

  • The correct balance between kilocalorie intake and energy loss through physical activity. An online calculator will help you calculate how many kcal are consumed.
  • Ensuring you eat the right amount of calories by creating a daily calorie deficit.
  • A balanced diet including protein and carbohydrates.
  • Drinking large amounts of liquid. You should drink 7-8 glasses of water.
  • Elimination of “harmful” snacks.
  • Psychological relaxation, which is recommended to be supplemented with a Charcot shower.

Lose 30 kg in 4 months

Regular exercise can work wonders. Combining a balanced healthy menu with exercise will allow you to lose 30 kg in 4 months. A five-hour training regimen per week is considered an effective way to lose up to 400 kcal per day. The strength training course should include:

  • aerobic exercise, which increases blood circulation and increases heart rate;
  • using exercise machines, weights or dumbbells to maintain muscle mass;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle of daily life, which includes walking, running, and outdoor recreation.

How to lose weight in 4 months without dieting

A healthy lifestyle contributes to the formation of a slim body and gives you good health. Limited consumption of sweet, salty, fatty and fast food is the norm for a properly composed menu. Before you lose weight in 4 months without dieting, you need to adjust your food intake according to the basic principles:

  • regularity and fractionation of meals;
  • rationality of the food set;
  • proportionality of food distribution.