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» How to make a lampshade for a table lamp, floor lamp, chandelier with your own hands, photo. How to make a beautiful lampshade for a lamp from scrap materials with your own hands

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp, floor lamp, chandelier with your own hands, photo. How to make a beautiful lampshade for a lamp from scrap materials with your own hands

Cozy evenings with a book in your favorite chair, soulful tea parties with family in the kitchen, romantic dates with loved ones... And above all this - a familiar, familiar, traditional lampshade for table lamps, wall lamp or a floor lamp standing on the floor.

Beautiful lampshades, made by yourself, become noticeable and irreplaceable interior items. They bring a touch of romance into everyday life and fill homely atmosphere warmth and beauty.

The material for making a lampshade can be fabric, paper, or beads. By showing imagination and patience, you can transform an old lamp shade with your own hands beyond recognition. Such an exclusive element will make the interior individual and truly homely.

Master class on making a lampshade with your own hands

A popular material from which to make a lampshade with your own hands is fabric. Linen, silk, denim, organza - any option.

A whole piece or strips of material will do. You can simply cover the frame with printed fabric and make it plain with embossed flowers from the same material.

It is important to understand in advance where exactly your lampshade will “live”. A romantic environment requires an appropriate “companion,” while strict minimalism requires another.

Expert advice: As a basis for the lamp, you can take the frame from an old lamp. Making it yourself from stiff wire is also easy. And it’s worth choosing energy-saving lamps so that the fabric doesn’t catch fire.

How to do beautiful lampshade with your own hands?

  • Let's take it finished frame, for example, with a ring diameter of 20 centimeters on top, thirty-six centimeters on the bottom, and twenty-eight centimeters in height;
  • select the fabric and cut it into strips, each four to five centimeters wide; only about twenty-five stripes;
  • the edges of the tapes must be smooth;
  • iron them well with an iron;
  • wrap one edge of the ribbon around the top ring and sew it on by hand;
  • now we take it down and wrap the lower ring, and again the upper one;
  • when the strip ends, we secure its edge by sewing it to the fabric;
  • take a new tape and continue;
  • when the entire frame is wrapped, we sew “belts” for the edges;
  • to do this, we take two strips of material of a different shade and cut out two strips from it, each length is thirteen centimeters, width is ten;
  • iron the ribbons, bending the longitudinal edges 2.5 centimeters to the wrong side;
  • then bend the strip in half;
  • glue double-sided tape onto the frame hoops;
  • We glue a strip of fabric onto it, slightly cutting its edge along the way so that the material lies as evenly as possible;
  • bend the second edge of the tape to inner surface cases and also glue them with tape;
  • In this way we decorate the top and bottom of the frame with “belts”.

You can make a border from crocheted ribbon or ruffle.

DIY lampshade made of plastic and fabric

The second homemade lampshade is also made of fabric. You can make it based on an old lampshade. Or you can transform a typical product bought in a store like this:

DIY lampshade. Photo

- the first step is to measure the circumference of the upper and lower rings, as well as the height of the frame;
- add two centimeters from each edge to the resulting dimensions so that the seams can be made;

DIY lampshade. Master Class

- take a sheet of thin plastic and cut out a rectangle or trapezoid from it - the base on which the homemade lampshade will rest;

How to make a lampshade with your own hands. Step by step photo

— cut the fabric to size, use masking tape to glue it to the table;

- glue the material onto the plastic;

Master class - DIY lampshade. Photo

— we bend the resulting part around the frame of the lampshade and fasten its edge with clamps;

- mark on the fabric the place where the seam will go;

- remove the paper clips and glue along the marked line with glue; press the joint with something heavy and let it dry;

Homemade lampshade for a lamp. Photo

- then we turn the lampshade over with our own hands and glue it inside in the same way;

— now you can glue the connection between the body and the rings;

— when everything is well fixed, remove the clamps;

- decorate the bottom and top of the lampshade using paper tape; glue it so that one edge extends beyond the ring;

— we bend the free edge into the body and glue it;

— fold a strip of fabric of a different color in length to the height of the lampshade and a width of five centimeters in half, fold the edges inward, and iron it;

— apply glue to the inner surface of the tape and glue it together;

DIY lampshade. Step by step photo

- glue the strip to the seam on the lampshade;
- cut out two strips of paper of the same width as the finished strip for the seam; then glue it to the top and bottom edges of the lampshade; fix with clamps; Glue a strip of fabric on top of the paper.
The homemade lampshade is ready.

Ideas for making a lampshade with your own hands with photos

This “floral” lampshade will perfectly complement a romantic interior.

A little imagination - and the bouquet with variegated roses is ready.

Delicate tones create a romantic mood.

A frill of white roses is the perfect complement to a strict, simple design.

This wonderful lampshade brings back memories of grandma's napkins.

These origami-style lamps will look good in a minimalist interior.

Another representative of the ancient Japanese art creating masterpieces from paper.

Light green-blue strokes will fit perfectly into the design of green tones.

A beautiful lampshade made from postcards or pictures of a castle

It will turn out beautiful and original lampshade. We will need a picture of locks, scissors, tape, a cutter and a small lamp (lamp).

Those who have creative imagination and love to decorate the house with things they made with their own hands in their free time, they have several advantages over others.

  1. What is the advantage
  2. From fabric
  3. From paper
  4. From threads
  5. Other solutions

What is the advantage

  • Opportunity to save money. A unique author's product will be obtained free of charge or a purchase will be required small quantity materials, which is several times less than the cost of a finished product purchased in a store.
  • A way to express your individuality, to come up with and make extraordinary, unlike standard, interior items, for example, lampshades for chandeliers, with your own hands;

  • Working together with young children will allow them to get involved in work, spend fruitful weekends together, and show their creativity.

  • By putting your soul and positive energy into your creation, you can make a wonderful gift for your family; mothers and grandmothers will be especially happy about it, as it will become a pleasant reminder of their beloved children or grandchildren.

From fabric

Decorate the chandelier with the remainder beautiful fabric even those who have not learned the rules of sewing and do not have a home can sewing machine. It’s good if there is the same material in the house as on the upholstery upholstered furniture or curtains. Then the lamp will become part general finishing interior

A bright lamp will decorate the kitchen, country house, children's room. The technology for its manufacture is very simple. Thanks to it, it will have a neat appearance both from the outside and from the wrong side of the product. To work, you need to stock up on suitable fabric, scissors, double-sided tape, thread and a needle.

  • Remove the old covering from the unnecessary chandelier, leaving the frame.

  • Prepare even strips from the fabric of the future product. To do this, at regular intervals, approximately 3 - 5 cm, along the warp threads, make cuts and tear the fabric with quick movements.

  • Then iron the strips and trim off excess threads, neatly shaping the edges. The length of the strips can vary, the longer the better because fewer connections will be required.

  • Starting the process of forming the lampshade, one of the strips should be secured to the upper ring of the frame using a needle and thread.

  • Gradually wind the fixed strip around the upper and lower rings of the frame, overlapping each subsequent layer with the previous one. When the first strip ends, sew the next one to it from the wrong side and continue.

  • In order for the lamp to have a finished look, the lower and upper edges of the lampshade should be decorated. To do this, cut a strip 14 cm wide from contrasting fabric.

  • Fold one edge 2 cm and iron.

    Apply double-sided tape to the inside.

  • Then glue the finishing tape to the lampshade, gradually removing the protective layer from the tape, while simultaneously wrapping it on the inside.

  • Similarly to the top, trim the bottom edge of the lampshade. Trim off the excess material.

Thus, with the help of this master class it is not at all difficult to update an old chandelier.

From paper

Another way to show your imagination and at the same time spend your free time profitably is the opportunity to make a lampshade out of paper.

To do this, you need to cut strips of white, colored paper, thin cardboard or plain newspaper. Then arrange them into a product by arranging the strips randomly, winding them symmetrically relative to the central part of the chandelier, as seen in the photo.

Periodically apply glue at the points of contact and form a stable structure.

From threads

Quite simple to make and effective in working order is a lampshade made of threads.

How to update a table lamp with your own hands: 37 ideas for a lampshade

The following instructions will tell you how to do it original lamp from scraps of colored yarn.

  1. For work, prepare a rubber ball according to the desired size of the lamp, scissors, glue, thread.
  2. Inflate the ball and wind the threads, crossing them in any direction, leaving free gaps.
  3. When finished, apply clear glue to the surface.
  4. Without waiting for complete drying, carefully cut a hole, which will later be necessary to screw in the lamp, deflate and pull out the ball.

Other solutions

People with unconventional thinking creative imagination they will not throw away unnecessary things from which it is quite possible to build an original lamp. For example,

  • from metal gears and parts;

Unique, original decoration premises and the surprise of guests from the exclusive lampshade will be ensured.

Read also: DIY wooden chandelier, Which lamps are better for suspended ceilings

A minimum of material and modest craftsmanship skills are all that is required to give a new look to an old table lamp.

The lampshade of your favorite lamp has faded and is no longer pleasing to the eye!

Replace it with a new one.

Ideas and master classes for making DIY lampshades for a floor lamp and table lamp

And it’s not at all difficult to make one by covering the fittings of an old lampshade with a fabric with a pattern you like or with a scrap of wallpaper left over after the renovation.

Using self-adhesive paper (with a protective film) to make a lampshade simplifies the “production” process. This paper is sold both in rolls and in the form of individual sheets.

If you don't have self-adhesive paper, you can use self-adhesive transparent film. It is especially effective for gluing the covering of a lampshade made of wallpaper.

To do new lampshade, you will need: self-adhesive paper with a protective film, a steel ruler, covering material, tape for finishing the edges, adhesive tape, universal glue, frame rings, clothespins.

How to make a lampshade pattern

The dimensions of the lampshade are determined by the diameters of the large and small rings of the frame. Marking the pattern for covering is done like this. First, on a sheet of plain paper of a suitable format, draw a segment AB, the length of which is equal to the diameter of the lower ring. From the center Z of this segment, a perpendicular is restored and point Y is marked on it - the height of the future lampshade. It is chosen at will. Next, through point Y, a segment CD equal to the diameter of the upper ring is drawn parallel to AB.

The pattern of the covering should have the shape of a ring segment. To find its center, segments AC and BD are extended. The point of their intersection will be the desired center X. From it, through points A and C, arcs of concentric circles are drawn with a compass.

The segments EG and HF that limit the segment are the joining edges of the pattern. Their position is found as follows: the length of the segment AB is divided by the length of the segment AX, the quotient of the division is multiplied by 180 degrees. The resulting angle is laid off from the X center, halved relative to the XZ axis.

How to assemble a lampshade

Depending on the design of the lamp, the lampshade is attached to it using the lower or upper ring. To do this, the corresponding ring of the lampshade is connected by knitting needles to a sleeve placed on the socket of the socket.

Our lampshade does not have parts that fasten the rings together and determine their relative position. This function is performed by the tight fitting. Therefore, the rings must be attached exactly to its edges parallel to each other. The slightest inaccuracy and the lampshade will become skewed. To prevent this from happening, before finally assembling the lampshade, the rings must be carefully tried on.

1. Wrap the ring with adhesive tape, sticky side out, so that its surface is as flat and smooth as possible without wrinkles.

2. Delete protective film from self-adhesive paper and stick it on the fabric.

Press the fabric onto the paper.

3. Place the pattern on the fabric, align the edge and cut out the lampshade cover along the contours.

4. Roll the blank into a lampshade, insert and secure the lower (larger) ring with clothespins.

Glue the edges of the workpiece from the inside.

5. Glue the bottom ring and compress the adhesive joint with clothespins until the glue dries.

The same is done with the small (upper) ring.

Additionally, secure the adhesive seam from the inside with adhesive tape.

The upper and lower edges of the lampshade can be decorated with braid.

Next page: Hot water bottle for a teapot... Do-it-yourself Rainbow doll Previous page: DIY piggy bank “Little Housekeeper”

Today I will show you how you can breathe into old things new life. We will talk about the Soviet floor lamp. In truth, even in its best years it was a completely ordinary and unremarkable lighting device.

How to restore an old floor lamp with your own hands

Of course, we could just cover it with white paint, but we are not looking for easy ways. We will change the design of the item radically. So, to restore the floor lamp we need:

1. gold acrylic paint in a can;
2. polymer glue (I used DRAGON);
3. brush;
4. satin and gold braid (they can be purchased in stores specializing in the sale of fabric and sewing accessories);
5. threads in the color of satin and a needle;
6. gold acrylic paint for painting on fabric. They are made on the basis of aqueous acrylic dispersion, so they do not stink either during painting or after drying. I recommend using Javana (Germany) or Decola (St. Petersburg) paints. Read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions during operation.

As a result, I spent $10 on materials for restoring the floor lamp. In my opinion it is much cheaper than buying a new one.

With a floor lamp leg everything is simple. Spray paint from a can in 2-3 layers.

How to make a lampshade with your own hands from fabric

In order for the paint to dry thoroughly and not drip down, we take a break before applying each new layer for 15-20 minutes. Do not bring the can closer to the base of the floor lamp than 30 cm, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly. It is better to do this work on the street or balcony, because the smell from the paint until it dries will be sharp and unpleasant.

Then everything is a little more complicated. We lay out the satin on the floor and place the lampshade on it sideways in the center. We carefully roll it first in one direction and then in the other, while at the same time we outline the outline of the future product. I did it with chalk because... the fabric was dark, you could use a pencil. Cut out the resulting shape, leaving an allowance of 2 cm on each side.

Next we start painting. The pattern can also be pre-applied with a pencil or chalk. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely cover the color and texture of the fabric the first time, so you will most likely have to apply the paint in 2 layers.

Well, the last stage of floor lamp restoration is assembly of the product. A new fabric lampshade needs to be sewn with the needle seam forward and placed on the old base; it is better to secure it at the top and bottom with polymer glue. We carefully sew the braid on top. Attach the lampshade to the base. That's it, our restored floor lamp is ready.

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How to make a lampshade with your own hands and a frame for it - for a floor lamp, beautiful made of paper + interesting video

  1. How to make a beautiful lampshade with your own hands from paper
  2. How to make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands
  3. What can a lampshade be made from?
  4. How to make a lampshade frame with your own hands

Fortunately, you don't have to buy a lamp just because of a beautiful lampshade, as you can make one yourself.

Yes, one that will cost less than buying a floor lamp, and at the same time it will be much more beautiful. And now will teach you how.

How to make a beautiful lampshade with your own hands from paper that can be used as a lamp

You will need

  • Long stem glass
  • Candle
  • Rope - can be made from threads
  • Drawstring with a tassel at the end
  • Decorative tape
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  • Transparent paper with decorative pattern
  • A little sand

Manufacturing process:

1. Make a template from plain A4 paper.

2. Attach the template to transparent decorative paper with a design and trace it with a pencil. Then cut out the resulting image.

3. Glue decorative tape to the edge of the paper.

4. Secure the rope with a tassel at the end with tape reverse side paper.

5. Glue the side ends of the paper together.

6. Tie a string to the stem of the glass.

7. Wrap it around the leg as shown in the picture below.

8. Pour sand into a glass, place a candle on top and light it.

9. Place the dome you made on the glass.

And the lampshade with the lamp turned out so beautiful.

How to make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands

You will need

  • Patterned paper
  • Decorative paper
  • An awl with which you will pierce holes on the future lampshade
  • Glue and brush
  • Scotch
  • Ribbon to match the color of decorative paper
  • Clamps
  • Frame for lampshade

In our case, the frame for the lampshade consists of two parts:

Manufacturing process

1. Tape the patterned paper to the back of the decorative paper.

2. Use an awl to make holes along the contour of the design.

Handicrafts for home

In the end it turns out like this:

3. Wrap the paper around the first part of the frame.

4. Mark with a pencil the line along which you will glue the decorative paper.

5. Glue the paper with glue.

6. Coat the bottom part of the resulting cylinder with glue and glue the second part of the frame to it.

To make it stick, press it with clamps.

In the same way, glue the first part of the frame to the top of the lampshade.

9. Glue the tape to the top of the lampshade. This is done like this:

  • coat a small piece (about five centimeters)
  • glue and clamp with clamps
  • then coat it with glue and glue the next piece, etc., until you have glued the entire tape

10. Bend the tape so that it covers the frame and glue it.

As a result, you will get this lampshade for the floor lamp:

Using this technology, you can make any drawing.

What can a lampshade be made from?

  • Beaded lampshade
  • Lampshade made from plastic bottles
  • Wicker lampshade in Provence style
  • Lampshade made of organza or thread - you can make a hanging version

We will tell you how to make them in the following materials, but now I would like to tell you about...

How to make a lampshade frame with your own hands

You will need

  • Welding wire - select the length 3, focusing on the height of the lampshade. At the same time, do not forget to add 3-4 cm for connection.
  • The top part is from a jar of vitamins, the neck of which fits right into the lampshade.
  • Vacuum cleaner cord return spring.
  • Soldering iron.
  • An object that can be used to poke holes (an awl, a nail, etc.)
  • Pliers

Manufacturing process

  1. Make a circle of the required diameter from the return spring of the vacuum cleaner cord. Solder the ends.
  2. Make three holes in the neck of the vitamin jar and in the circle you made. The holes on each item should be approximately the same distance from each other.
  3. Insert welding wires into the holes and bend their ends with pliers so that they do not come loose.

In the end, this is what you should get:

To relax a little after learning the information, here is a video on how to make a candle from an incandescent light bulb:

Don't switch. Soon there will be a continuation of the DIY lampshade theme. Using these links you can switch to the second and third parts of the article.


An organza lampshade looks simply amazing, and there is no need to water such a flower.

Materials and tools:
. Organza golden swamp and turquoise color
. Golden green beads
. golden wire
. Gold colored acrylic spray paint
. Lamp
. Glue
. Pliers
. Wire cutters

1. Cut out 40 petals along an oblique line from organza in two colors.
2. We fold the petals of two colors in pairs and, stepping back from the edge 0.5 cm, sew a zigzag seam with stitches 2 cm wide. Cut off the excess fabric. Lightly pull each petal along the seam so that the edges are wavy.
3. We cut the wire into 20 pieces 10 cm long and attach a bead to their ends. We collect the blanks into a bundle. We twist the ends of the wire so that we get a flat leg. These will be fixes.
4. Cut a wire 35 cm long and string 50 beads onto it. We bend it so that there are 30 beads on one end and 20 beads on the other.
5. Using glue, attach the petals to the lampshade so that you get a flower.
6. Attach the stamens and long wire, imitating brushes.
7. Paint the leg of the lampshade with gold paint.

making a lampshade like this

An ordinary lampshade under an elegant cover looks completely new. The most suitable fabrics are light, stiff and transparent. Choose such tones so that a warm, caressing light emanates from the lamp, good mood create white, cream and pink shades. You can successfully use an old lampshade. For an ugly frame, take an opaque fabric - taffeta, light silk or thin cotton. If you like the color of the lampshade, let the design be visible through the transparent cover.

Curly lampshades
Using this method, the lower cover and the gathered upper cover are sewn separately, which are held on by an elastic band. The lining is placed over the lamp and the top edge of the lampshade, and the outer cover is attached just below, with the junction hidden under a wide ribbon. Finish the case with a silk ribbon, light braid, highlight its narrowed part with a bow, rosette or silk flower - this is a convenient reason to practice with decorations. You will need: A concave frame or lampshade. Centimeter, ruler, pencil and scissors. Paper. Textile. Threads. Elastic band 6 mm wide. 2 safety pins. Tape 50 mm wide.

Measurements. Measure the bottom circumference (A) with a centimeter, add 4 cm to the seam. Measure the length of side (B), add 8 cm for the elastic drawstring. Determine the height of the outer cover (C) and add 1.5 cm for the hem. Write down your measurements.

Calculation of fabric consumption. Using the measurements taken and taking into account seam allowances, draw a rectangle AxB on paper. Draw a second rectangle taking into account the gathering allowance Cx2A. Determine the fabric consumption from the pattern - you need to cut one rectangle of each size.

Open it up. Pin the pattern onto the fabric lengthwise and cut out the outer cover and lining.

Stitching the lining and cover. Sew short sections of the lining using a French seam. On open sections, sew drawstrings, turning them first by 3 mm, then by 12 mm. Leave some unstitched areas on each drawstring so you can thread the elastic through. Sew the short sections of the outer cover with a French seam. Fold one long edge 3mm and stitch. Turn it over again by 3mm and stitch again.

Lining adjustment. Thread the elastic bands into the drawstrings and secure the ends with pins. Place the cover on the lampshade, tighten the elastic bands so that the cover fits the lampshade. Trim the ends of the elastic bands and sew them together. Sew the drawstrings with a hidden seam.

How to measure elastic for an outer cover. Wrap the elastic band around the lampshade at the level of the top edge of the cover. Pull the elastic slightly so that the cover fits snugly. Cut the elastic and sew the ends together.

Attaching the elastic band. Fold the elastic band into quarters and mark the folds with pins. Fold the cover in the same way and mark the folds. Pin the elastic to the top edge of the cover from the wrong side, aligning the marks. While stretching the elastic and gathering the cover into folds, sew the elastic in a zigzag pattern.

Finishing. Place the outer cover over the lining that is already on the lampshade. Tie a ribbon around the narrowing point to close the line of connection of the covers, attach it with a few stitches. Decorate the lampshade with a bow, rosette or flower.

Lampshade - “coolie”
You can also sew a cover for a conical lampshade. Here are the instructions for sewing the sheer fabric floral lampshade cover discussed above. This cover is simply glued to a small white conical lampshade. If you don't have an old lamp that can be refurbished, pick up an inexpensive, color-matching lampshade at the store. You will need: Conical lampshade. Centimeter, ruler, pencil, scissors. Newspaper. Threads. Ribbon 35 mm wide for tying the top and for the bow. Universal glue.

Measurements. Measure the bottom edge of the lampshade (A), add 4 cm for the seam. Measure side (B), add 6 mm. Draw a 2AxB rectangle on paper, taking into account seam allowances, and calculate the fabric consumption.

Open it up. Using the pattern, cut out a rectangle of fabric lengthwise. Sew short edges with a French seam.

Hem. Turn one edge under 3mm and stitch. Fold the edge in again by 3mm and stitch again.

Gathering the top edge. Fold the cover in four and mark the folds with pins. Sew along the top edge twice, starting and ending at the pins. Mark four equal sections on the top edge of the lampshade with a pencil. Place the cover on the lampshade and, aligning the marks, gather it to fit the size. Distribute the gathers evenly, fasten the threads and remove the cover.

Tying the top. Cut the ribbon so that there is enough for the top edge, adding 1.5 cm to overlap the ends. Fold the ribbon over the gathered edge, fold one edge, and attach the ribbon. Stitch the tape to the edge, catching both sides and gathers in the seam.

Finishing. Place the cover on the lampshade and glue universal glue in several places. Tie the remaining ribbon over the glued area into a bow to disguise it.

Advice. Tulle lampshade. So that the case is made of thin and soft fabric stayed better on the lampshade, it can be reinforced with a lining of hard tulle. Measure the distance from the edge of the lampshade on one side to the edge on the opposite side across the top. Cut a circle of this diameter from tulle. Drape it symmetrically over the lampshade and cut out a circle to cover the top. Sew the cover as above, but baste the lining before you tape the top edge.

The color of the lampshade under the clear cover with a small frill at the top matches perfectly with the decor of the room. Sew a cover as for a conical lampshade. Cover the gathered seam with a ribbon with a bow or a garland of roses.

Types of lampshades
Making a lampshade with your own hands is not at all difficult - this good way save.

Table lamps and pendant lamps play a prominent role in the interior. These are not just light sources in the house, but also important elements decor. You can reduce expenses on furnishings and choose the ideal lamp if you make the lampshade with your own hands.

What is needed to make a lampshade
Kits for most of our models are available for sale. But if you don't have a lampshade unusual shape, can be found in thrift store an original old model that you can decorate to your liking.

Frames. The frame consists of upper and lower rings connected by posts, and a base for the lampshade. The rings and shape of the posts determine the type of lampshade. For example, for a cylinder-shaped lampshade, the diameters of the upper and lower rings are the same. The rings are connected by straight lines vertical posts. The elegant “concave empire” lampshade has an upper ring that is smaller than the lower one and the posts are smoothly curved inward.

Materials. To make and cover the frame, you will need: Strong, tightly woven cotton tape to wrap around the frame so you can sew on the lampshade. Self-adhesive paper tape if the lampshade is not sewn on. Enamel for painting a metal frame.

Textile. When choosing fabric for a lampshade, follow these rules: Look through the fabric at the lamp and check how it transmits light. For a lampshade without lining you need thick fabric, which will hide the contours of the lamp and stands. If the outline is visible through the lampshade, add a lining. The fabric shades the light of the lamp. For example, blue and green lampshades give a cold glow, red and yellow - a warm glow.

Fittings. Each frame comes with mounts for the lamp fittings. Typically, the lampshade of a table lamp is attached to its stand using a suspension ring with spacers or to a special frame that rests directly on the fittings; small “candle” lamps have clamps that hold the lampshade. Lampshades pendant lamps suspended on fittings.

Parchment paper for a smooth lampshade. Self-adhesive PVC sheet is a rigid PVC sheet to which fabric or other material can be glued. Decorative finishing, which is glued or sewn to disguise the joints and finish the lampshade.

A lampshade made of dark, heavy fabric allows light to pass through from above and below and creates a directional flow of light.

Thick fabric is not suitable for a pleated lampshade. On a flared lampshade, the design is more distinct at the bottom. Check how a folded piece of fabric looks.

For a shaped lampshade, you need soft, easily draped fabrics. The fabric pattern should lie nicely diagonally.

Frame making
Before covering the lampshade frame with fabric, it must be prepared depending on the type of frame and the covering material. For example, if you are making a cardboard cap on a plastic-coated frame, no prep work is required. The metal frame should first be painted with white enamel to prevent it from rusting. The old frame needs to be cleaned sandpaper. If you are sewing a lampshade to a frame, you must first paint the frame and wrap it with tape, after which you can sew on the cover.

Painting the frame. If metal carcass is not covered with PVC, it should be painted. Remove traces of rust with sandpaper. Sand the frame so that bumps and protrusions do not damage the fabric. Paint the posts and rings with white enamel, but leave the center ring alone.

Wrapping the frame. If the frame is covered only with fabric, then you need to wrap it with cotton braid. Do not wrap the suspension and fittings ceiling lamp. To calculate your braid consumption, measure the length of each post and the circumference of each ring and multiply by 3. This will be total length braids. If the white ribbon shows through the dark fabric, paint the ribbon to match the color of the lampshade.

Wrapping the stand. Cut strips of tape 3 times longer than the post. Start work from the top end of the rack. Wrap the end of the ribbon around the ring, then around the post to secure the end. Using slight tension on the tape, wrap the post from top to bottom in a spiral so that each turn covers and holds the previous one. The finished winding should not move.

Fastening the winding. When you reach the bottom of the post, wrap the braid around the ring, threading the end through the last turn to create a knot. Pull the ribbon tightly and leave a loose end. Wrap all the posts in this way except one.

Wrapping the top ring. Measure the circumference of the top and bottom rings and the height of the last, unwrapped post. Cut the braid to this length. Roll up the tape and secure with a rubber ring, leaving a free end of 20 cm. Hold the end of the tape in front of the top ring at the unwrapped post. Throw the ribbon through the ring over the free end and secure the end.

Shutdown. Wrap the top ring, wrap the braid in a figure eight around each post. Having reached the unwrapped post, secure it with a figure eight and wrap it from top to bottom. Make a figure eight at the bottom and wrap the bottom ring. On each stand, trim the ends of the braid to 1 cm and hide them under the braid wound in a figure eight. After finishing the winding, trim all ends of the braid to 6 mm, tuck and sew by hand.

How to choose a base stand
The lampshade and the lamp stand must form a single unit. There are a few principles to keep in mind when choosing a base stand and lampshade. The lampshade should completely cover the fittings, but not the base of the lamp. The lower diameter of the lampshade should be twice as wide as the widest point of the base stand. The height of the lampshade should be 1-2 times the height of the round or vase-shaped base stand. The height of the lampshade for the base stand and candle should be 1/3 of the height of the stand.

If a person loves creative experiments and wants to spend the day off profitably, you can make a new beautiful lampshade.

This craft will decorate your home. And only at first glance it seems that making lampshades for table lamps with your own hands is too expensive. There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. All you need is some wire, fabric and thread (or fabric glue). This is easy to do, and simple materials at hand are suitable for the craft. An interior element such as a lampshade will add a new motif to the familiar interior of a room or will be a wonderful gift for acquaintances and friends.

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands?

What's a living room without a beautiful lampshade? Masters of handmade art have a lot of tips in their arsenal on how to create a wonderful lampshade for an old lamp dating back to your grandmother’s youth. Most practical option- this is to make a round lampshade frame for a table lamp from wire. Stretch the fabric over the wire and secure it.

There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. By following the instructions, a beginner will avoid many mistakes. Let's give an example of the most common classical scheme lampshade frame. We also make a pattern for the fabric according to these dimensions, but with an allowance.

The best fabric for a lampshade is felt or cotton. Felt allows you to make multi-layered unusual crafts. And on plain cotton, before attaching the fabric to the frame, you can apply a design using an iron. To secure the fabric correctly and evenly, it is convenient to use transparent textile glue. You can easily find it in a decoupage store. The end result is an excellent lamp.

How is the drawing applied? There is no special trick to this either. You need to find special paper for thermal photo transfer. A suitable design is printed on it, and then you need to take a heated iron and iron every millimeter of paper well. You don't need to do anything else. When the pattern has cooled, the fabric is securely attached to the frame. Just don’t forget to leave a small gap when cutting out the fabric scraps so that the edges (top and bottom) can be folded and carefully glued from the inside out. Or use regular colored tape for these purposes.

Frame options

Lampshades for table lamps made by yourself are, in any case, nicer than factory-bought ones. Anything that the author's imagination allows is possible. But for round shape The easiest way is to choose a pattern that is glued to the fabric.

If you don’t want to bother with drawings, just take regular plain chintz fabric and make patterns suitable for the shape of the wire frame. The main elements of crafts are imagination and the ability to work with your hands. Therefore, you can make the wire frame of a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands.

Unusual lamps for a new interior

When in new room renovation has been done, and you want to complement the image of the living room with some exclusive detail, you can put one lamp with unusual design for a small one coffee table. Or on the dressing table in the bedroom. This will be an excellent solution. After all, even when decor costs are minimal, creative taste is always appreciated.

Find unusual ideas for a lamp, and, in particular, a new lampshade, you can at exhibitions of handicrafts, or simply by using maximum imagination. Rice paper lampshades of various shapes are now popular. Many people love colored things and decorate the frame with decorative colored beads.

The main thing in creative experiments is to choose the right shade of small decorative elements. When the style, color scheme and shape are chosen correctly, even the simplest things will look elegant in your room.

Stylish cardboard lampshade

You can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands from cardboard. He will be completely different from the others. The material for the craft needs to be durable, but thin. The benefit of this option is that it is an incredibly easy way to create a lampshade from scratch.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 4 identical frames are cut out of cardboard. The same frames in which photographs are placed.
  2. A piece of fabric is glued to the back of each frame.
  3. Carefully make a few holes on the side with a gypsy needle and sew the frames together with laces. You need to make a small flashlight. The cardboard is pre-glued. It is stitched to make the craft look more beautiful.

The advantage of this option is that it is a completely simple way to create a lampshade from scratch. In addition, this “flashlight” is a very light object. And it is possible to repaint it in any color, but preferably to match the selected fabric. It looks unusual and suits the style for elegant interiors.

Lampshades for table lamps, made by hand for the nursery

An interesting lamp in a nursery will come in very handy. Make a better lampshade for your child together. Trust his personal taste. After all, for a child, the most important thing is the process, not the result. You can use denser materials that do not transmit light well, for example, plastic covered with paper. With a lampshade made of plastic, the lamp dimly illuminates the room and acts as a night light.

Maybe the child will want to see his favorite cartoon character on such a night light. Using the cotton print idea this can be done.

Lampshade for a cozy bedroom

But for a woman’s bedroom, a lampshade with a knitted pattern is more suitable. Some stores sell simple knitted napkins as decorations for tables or shelves. These wipes are great. If a woman knows how to crochet, she can make such a napkin herself.

When you need to give the napkins the shape of a ball, you need to put a few of them on a children's ball, cover them completely with glue and let them dry a little. Remove unnecessary parts in advance. Then the fabric is removed and hung on the prepared circle of wire lampshade.

A self-knitted napkin already has right size, it does not need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the frame. The napkin is sewn to the edge of the frame using regular threads. Making a DIY crochet lampshade for a table lamp is as easy as shelling pears.

A ball of thread as a lampshade

A very popular method is a glued ball made of thin threads. All you need is a skein of thread, PVA glue and balloon ik. You can also use thick threads.

What to do?

  • The balloon is inflated and smeared with glue.
  • Using fresh glue on the ball, wind the threads layer by layer in any order.
  • There is space left at the bottom so that you can screw in the light bulb later.
  • When you get a ball, apply another layer of PVA on top of the thread chaos.
  • This ball is left to dry for 12 hours.

After this, the balloon is pierced with a needle and pulled out. The lampshade is now ready to be installed on the lamp. DIY lampshades for table lamps made using this technique do not have to be round. Instead of a ball, it is convenient to take a plastic 5-liter bottle or other square-shaped object and apply the same “pattern”. You will get a wonderful lampshade if you take an inverted plastic flower pot instead of a mold.

New life for an old lampshade

What to do when you have lamps with lampshades, but the old glass shade is broken? How to repair a table lamp shade with your own hands? Sometimes you don’t want to say goodbye to your old favorite things, even though they grow old and fade with time. What can be done to ensure that they continue to serve? They can be refined and restored to a beautiful, stylish look. But how to update the lampshade of a table lamp with your own hands?

Of course, the old frame needs to be repainted and repaired if it is cracked somewhere. Now many types of glue for the restoration of such things are sold.

Then think about what base you will choose for your craft. If you are new to handmade crafts, ask for advice from those who are more familiar with the details of this hobby. But still better basis for the lampshade there will be a classic fabric.

If you are one of those people who really dislike boring things, and you prefer to see only unique interior items in your apartment, then you should think about making something amazing for yourself.

If we consider the picture in general, you can do anything with your hands, and it will not only be beautiful, but also unique. But, of course, it’s worth starting with the simplest. To begin with, do exactly that thing that is always in sight, that you will see constantly.

Such things include chandeliers and lamps. We suggest making a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands. Of all the lamps, it is the easiest to make. In addition, a table lamp can be an amazing gift.

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp?

Making lampshades for table lamps is quite exciting. And it’s not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance. This requires a little patience, effort and, of course, some materials.

Master class - lamp shade

To make a lampshade in our case you need:

  • the basis;
  • wire;
  • a piece of tulle;
  • textile;
  • beads.

So, let's start making a unique lampshade:

  1. Take your old lamp, whose shade has long been broken. If you don’t have one, then buy the most inexpensive primitive lamp in the store. In stores that sell lamps, you can buy a table lamp without a shade for pennies.
  2. And now that we already have the base itself, we need to make a frame. We make it from wire; it’s better, of course, to involve your husband in this matter. If your ceiling is intact, it’s just old and inconspicuous, and you decide to update it, then you don’t need to make a frame.
  3. We put aside our base, lampshade or frame for a while and begin creating the decorative elements of our lamp. Take any fabric you like and cut circles out of it. Their diameter depends on how big you want the flower. Our diameter is 5 cm.
  4. If you don’t have special hot scissors that immediately cut the edges of the fabric when cutting so that they don’t fray, use a candle or lighter. If the edges of the fabric do not fray, they do not need to be processed.
  5. Then take a needle and thread. Sew the edges of the fabric and tighten them well. You will get a beautiful petal. Make a large number of these petals.
  6. Next, we proceed to assembling the flower itself. Take five petals and sew them at the very base along the edge, close them into a ring and sew the first and last petals together. You will get a wonderful flower, in the middle of which you need to insert a bead, seed beads, sequins, button or other material. It depends on your wild imagination. Do this with all the petals.
  7. When you have created a sufficient number of flowers, take your frame or lampshade and proceed to the most interesting stage.
  8. If you attach your flowers to the lampshade, then simply glue them using glue like “Moment Crystal”. It is completely transparent and will not leave any marks, even if it comes out a little in visible places.
  9. If you have made a frame, then it is better to cover it first. Old, unnecessary tulle is suitable for this. And already sew yours on it flower garden. By the way, you can make the flowers multi-colored and arrange them in a certain pattern. Here you just need to give free rein to your imagination. We ended up with a lamp like this.

And finally, a little advice. If you are making a frame, don't make it too narrow. This will allow you to decorate it with flowers made from even the lightest fabric.

We are confident that such a table lamp will not only not go unnoticed, but will also surprise all your guests.