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» How to make a turtle from a wheel what. What flower beds can be made from old tires: photos and videos. Swan from an old tire

How to make a turtle from a wheel what. What flower beds can be made from old tires: photos and videos. Swan from an old tire

Photo 1: DIY tire swans. Photo 2 – Sketches of the future design of the figurine

I was looking for a second tire - for making paws - with a non-metallic cord, so that it would be easier to cut.

Such a tire can be identified by the markings on the sides. For example, the inscription TREAD PLIES: 2 POLYESTER CORD+2 STEEL CORD+1 NYLON CORD means that the belt consists of two layers of polyester, two layers of metal cord and one layer of nylon cord.

And the inscription SIDEWALL means how many layers the frame (in particular the sidewalls) consists of. There may also be RAYON - viscose cord.

But still, cutting tires, even with a non-metallic cord, is not the easiest thing, as it might seem at first glance. Based on my own experience, I concluded that it is easier to do this with a jigsaw - there is no smoke, as when using an angle grinder, and it turns out quite quickly.

The cutting technology is as follows.

You need to draw a cutting line on the tire with chalk, drill a hole in it, insert a jigsaw file into it and start cutting.

I connected the parts of the figure with metal screws - it turns out quickly and firmly.

Additional materials were needed to make the turtle.

The shell, for example, could be molded entirely from . But to simplify the process and save foam, I used a plastic basin - turned it upside down and screwed it to the tire, and then applied foam on top. The base for the neck and head was a plastic glue bottle.

I placed a wooden block inside the bottle for a more reliable connection to the “body”.

Having installed the basin and bottle, I filled them with polyurethane foam in two steps. The thicker the layers of foam, the easier it is to give the figure the desired shape.

Between each application I let the composition “stand up” completely (according to the instructions on the bottle).

After finishing the foaming, I cut off the excess with a sharp knife, and to make the surface smooth, I leveled it with PVA-based putty and applied Aquastop on top. This was required because the figure would be standing outdoors and exposed to rain and sun.

The design was applied to the shell using a template cut out of thick cardboard. Using a knife, I made cuts 5 mm deep along the markings and embroidered them with a bent nail.

I made the claws on the paws from sheet plastic and attached them with screws.

The turtle's eyes are made from furniture bolts and nuts, and the key is cut out of three-layer plywood.

It consists of two parts - a separate head and beard. I inserted these parts of the key (to a depth of 50 mm) into the slots on the sides of the turtle's mouth. For strength, I first applied PVA glue to them.

The turtle - after waterproofing - was covered with aerosol nitro primer and painted.

The main color was applied with aerosol nitro paints. I used brown paint, although there were proposals to make the turtle green. But the master’s opinion turned out to be the main thing here.

Another fairy-tale character has now appeared on our site! The manufacturing process was simple, and the result pleased our whole family.

Figurines made from tires for the garden - indicated by numbers in the photo

You can decorate your summer cottage or just a courtyard near your house with ordinary old wheels, and many craftsmen make real masterpieces with their own hands! Indeed, in our country the recycling of used tires is not at the highest level, and we can see a lot of tires thrown directly onto the street. But you can combine business with pleasure and create crafts - decorations for your summer cottage, garden, or vegetable garden with your own hands. Let's look at a selection of photos of crafts made from tires:

We use tires in the garden

With the help of paint and imagination, you can create your own real work of art. There can be a lot of options for making flower girls; we will look at the master classes themselves in the following articles, but now let's look at the southern exotic - the palm tree:

DIY tire tree tree

Crafts on the theme of southern holidays are very popular with us; we have already published an article that described its production in detail. In addition to exotic plants, you can also create African predators:

Tire crocodiles

Decorate your garden with tire crocodiles

Such animals can not only inspire admiration, but also scare away unwanted guests... They are really made very beautifully and believably.

Elephant made from an old tire and inner tube in the garden

A colorful blue elephant, all from the same southern African countries, will look very good on the playground. Here are a couple more examples of these wonderful inhabitants of Africa:

By painting a tire correctly, you can create your own zoo from a wide variety of animals from all over the world. And all you need is desire, a few tires and a little imagination. Here at someone’s house a tire was turned into snails and a black and white zebra:

Snails and Zebra: crafts from tires for the garden

You can come up with fancy birds to decorate your garden; for example, a parrot can be a good home for flowers:

Parrot and swans: homemade products from an old tire

For bird lovers, you can make these fun crafts:

Birds - crafts made from tires for the country garden

The pet birds turned out very wonderful, they don’t even look so impressive!

Turtles from a tire

“Auto” turtle from a used car tire

Car tire turtles

How about a good cup of tea?? You can also make a “tea set” to decorate a flower garden; such a cup will be difficult to pick up, but it looks great!

Tire crafts for the patio

For a complete tea set to go with these cups, you need good garden furniture, here are just the right tire samples:

Old tire as furniture

The furniture turned out to be truly original, although it cannot support the weight of a person on its own, so the frame must be made of a metal structure.

Playground decorations using a tire

Fairy-tale animals can decorate both your playground and the area near your home. Few people will be able to pass them without smiling, and children will be most interested in such figures.

Funny horses

Horses made from car tires

These garden helpers will help you transport something, or simply transport a tire or flower garden with your carts.

Garden Crafts

basket - flower garden for the garden

Well, at the end of our photo selection, let’s watch a video in which I also use tires for needlework and which will be a good addition:

DIY tire crafts

That's all, we hope you liked the photo selection of crafts made from tires and tires with your own hands, see you on our pages!

An unusual sculpture of a turtle decorates the landscape of the garden and is its highlight. How to make a turtle with your own hands for the garden?

To work on this craft you will need the following materials:

  • foam sheet;
  • strong wire;
  • cement mortar;
  • colored oil paint.

The legs, neck and tail are cut out of foam plastic. They are laid out in the correct order on plastic wrap.

From above, the space in the middle is filled with small pieces of foam. There should be a small slide.

The wire is cut into 3 parts. Staples are made from it, which are placed on top of the foam slide, holding the pieces together.

The head is cut out of foam plastic separately. It should be in proportion to the body. In other words, don't be too big or too small. It is coated with construction cement mortar, making it voluminous.

In this case, the edge of the lower part is left foam. Leave the workpiece to dry. The head is attached to the body with nails.

Next, the paws and tail are coated with cement mortar, and then the turtle’s shell. Use a staple to level it. The result should be a hemisphere with smooth curves. After all work, allow the workpiece to dry.

When the cement sets and hardens, using a thin brush, use green, yellow and brown paints to draw the pattern of the shell. The legs, tail, and head are also painted over. The end result is this nice garden sculpture made of cement.

We carry out work from plastic

Making a turtle out of plastic with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need the following materials:

  • strips of plastic;
  • plastic bowl;
  • a small sheet of plywood;
  • glue;
  • colored oil paint.

The process of making the craft begins with placing a plastic bowl upside down on a sheet of plywood. Using a pencil or marker, draw a circle along the edges of the bowl. Next, cut out a circle from plywood.

Paws and tails of equal width are cut out of strips of plastic. They can be painted in any color using prepared paints. When the blanks are dry, they are glued onto a circle of cardboard: two paws in front on the sides, two on the sides in the back and a tail between them in the middle.

The edges of the bowl are coated with glue and a circle of plywood is placed on top of the paws. Allow the workpiece to dry.

Instead of one large bowl, you can use several small plastic plates. Then you get a whole group of beautiful figures that are placed among the grass or on the paths in the garden.

How to use old tires?

You can make a turtle for the garden from waste materials - old tires or something else.

To make a beautiful garden sculpture, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 car tires;
  • a container of polyurethane foam;
  • empty glue bottle;
  • spray paint.

In the whole tire, cuts are made along the upper edge on the sides. Separately, 4 paws and a tail are cut from another tire. They are threaded with their bases into the cuts on the first tire and secured using construction screws.

On one side, another incision is made in the center. The edge of an empty paint or glue can is squeezed into it. This is a blank for the head.

A large metal bowl is placed over the tire hole. It is also attached to the rubber with self-tapping screws. Next, the entire perimeter is coated with polyurethane foam from a container.

When the foam dries, use a sharp knife to form a hemisphere, like the shell of a living turtle. Irregularities are sanded with sandpaper.

The blank for the head of the craft is also covered with polyurethane foam. It is blown from all sides with polyurethane foam and sanded until it looks like a real head.

A beautiful pattern is drawn on the shell using a simple pencil. To make it voluminous, the frozen polyurethane foam is slightly pressed along the lines using an awl.

An original solution made of stones

You can also make a turtle from natural materials. A beautiful sculpture will decorate any, even the most sophisticated, landscape. To bring the idea to life, you will need the following materials:

  • stones of various sizes;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal rods;
  • colored garden paint.

A suitable location for the location of the future sculpture is selected. The first layer of stones is laid out in a circle. On top of it there are 2 metal rods in front and behind on the sides, one next to the other. The rods are fixed with a second layer of stones, which are laid out on top. Everything is filled with liquid cement.

Small pebbles are laid out around the rods in a semicircle. The voids also need to be filled with cement mortar.

Next, the turtle's shell is formed from the stones. It is filled with liquid cement. While the surface of the shell has not yet set, small stones are placed on top over the entire area. Each of them is slightly pressed into the base.

The workpiece is left for several days to allow the cement to dry. The finished garden sculpture is covered with multi-colored layers of paint. Let it dry.

Just like that, using scrap materials, using enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, you can make a beautiful exotic turtle for the garden. Other beautiful figures are made from these materials.

It's always nice to make something beautiful and useful out of a junk item. A clear example of such creativity is beautiful flower beds made from tires. They are not difficult to build, but their benefits are enormous. But the imagination of dacha masters is not limited to this. From old wheels, which often just lie on the road and pollute the environment, they make street furniture, sculptures for the garden, and even rebuild small children's towns.

Such a simple and unsightly material at first glance, like old car tires, in fact, seems to be specially created so that every summer resident can feel like a real artist and decorate his plot with real designer flower beds and original author’s sculptures. Without exaggeration, you can cut anything out of tires. Such crafts, along with those made from plastic bottles, will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the dacha all year round, and most importantly, they will not require special financial investments.

It’s also nice that the benefit of the idea of ​​making crafts with your own hands from tires is twofold: on the one hand, we recycle a wheel that polluted the environment, and on the other, we get an original garden decoration or flower bed.

Crafts made from used rubber tires amaze with their variety and the richness of the imagination of their authors. Here are the most common ones:

In the photo - flower beds made from tires

A small flower bed. The easiest way to make flower beds from tires is to leave the tire as is, just decorate it brightly and fill it with soil. Nothing complicated. Even a weak woman or child can cope with this, and such a flower garden will look wonderful.

This photo shows cups made from old wheels.

Flower beds made from old tires in the form of various objects. Make them more difficult. The tire is cut into two unequal parts and the larger one is turned inside out. It is worth noting that the edges of tires can be made in various shapes, it’s all a matter of imagination and sleight of hand. Using this technique, flower beds are made in the form of a mug, flower, or vase. A huge rubber cup made from tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen thus build an entire tea set on their site.

Turtle made from old wheels

Flower beds and sculptures in the form of animals and fairy-tale characters. A funny frog made of tires, a kind gnome, a mysterious unicorn, beautiful swans, a three-headed dragon, a turtle, a luxurious carriage, a huge telephone - it’s easier to list what is not made from this affordable material. The only condition is to think through the composition from the very beginning, so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

In the photo - multi-tiered flower beds for flowers or berries

Multi-tiered flower beds made from several tires. The simplest one to make is a three-tier one, but the number of parts can be greater. Several tires of the same or different sizes are placed on top of each other or in a checkerboard pattern. A tire well looks impressive, stylized to look like a real one and equipped with all its inherent attributes: a chain, a shaft with a visor, a bucket. This flower bed can also be used as a vertical bed for growing berries and vegetables.

Tire beds for strawberries

A strawberry bed made from tires will take up minimal space and give a rich harvest. It is also perfect for growing seedlings, herbs, and peppers. From such a flowerbed you can make a fence for a raspberry or currant bush, or make several of them and use them to delimit the garden into cultural zones. It is also worth mentioning that a well made from tires is often made not only decorative, but is used to disguise a drainage pit or septic tank.

Experienced craftsmen and craftswomen know many secrets that help them create garden sculptures and flower beds from tires with their own hands. They understand better than anyone how to make unique and inimitable handicrafts from old, useless trash. Here are just a few of these secrets:

  • Imported tires are best suited for the job, as the rubber on them is softer and easy to cut. But in their absence, domestic products will do. In principle, they are quite easy to process and allow you to give crafts from them different shapes.
  • Tires intended for use on winter roads are more pliable, easier to cut and easier to process than those used in summer.
  • The longer the tire has been used and the more it is worn, the thinner, softer it is and the easier it will be to work with: cutting and turning.
  • Before you start creating a craft, the material needs to be prepared: thoroughly cleaned of dirt, and degreased before painting.
  • To cut car tires, use a sharp knife with a thin spine. You can check how well it is sharpened by running the blade along a notebook sheet, holding it suspended. If the knife does not cut or tears the paper, it is not sharp enough.
  • It is more convenient to cut a car tire for garden crafts if you periodically lubricate the knife with machine oil. This will make it easier to fit into the rubber. Used oil will also work.
  • When you need to cut out some shaped elements, markings are applied to the tire. It will help you achieve a more accurate and accurate result. It is most convenient to apply it with ordinary white chalk, or, in extreme cases, with a marker.
  • The durability of the craft depends on what paint you use to paint the rubber. Both automotive paints and any outdoor paints are suitable for old tires.
  • Before painting the tire, it is recommended to prime its surface. A primer with the addition of a small amount of PVA will increase the strength of the coating and reduce paint consumption.
  • Paints in aerosol cans speed up the painting process to 20-30 minutes, and the painted layer itself is made more uniform.
  • Decorative finishing can be made from scrap materials. For example, cover the surface with pebbles, bottle shards, or lay out pictures from colored plastic bottle caps.

It is better to paint a flower bed made of tires not only from the outside, but also from the inside. This way they will look more aesthetically pleasing, and the black rubber will not be visible from the inside.

Of course, every master has his own secrets, and it is impossible to list them all. And when you take up this fascinating business - tire sculpture, you will certainly have them too.

Several master classes on making crafts from old tires

As mentioned above, crafts made from tires are varied. Their appearance and purpose are limited only by the imagination of the master. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic models. After reading them, you will learn how to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands and you will be able to create original, unique and useful garden accessories yourself.

A simple flower bed in the shape of a flower

A small flower bed made like a daisy from one tire is the simplest basic model. You can make several such flower beds, arrange them sparingly and decorate the approach to the house. Sometimes they are placed on asphalt or tiled areas.

We will need:

  1. One old tire.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Marker or chalk.

Mark the cut location with a marker. We will cut the tire along them, from thickening to thickening.

Before cutting tires, make sure that they do not have metal cords that could damage the knife. They are usually inserted into truck tires.

We cut the tire along the entire circumference with even zigzag petals of any shape of your choice (triangular, oval, semicircular).

We turn the tire over and work with its reverse side. Moving the knife along the thickening, we cut out a circle from the back of the tire.

Then, along the entire circumference inside the tire, approximately every 20-25 cm, we make transverse cuts from the cut edge to the bend (end of the tread).

After this, the tire needs to be turned out. The flowerbed is ready. All that remains is to paint it, giving it a more attractive look, fill it with soil and plant plants.

For greater clarity, watch the following video:

Garden flowerpot from an old wheel

You can make a beautiful garden vase from an old wheel in a short time.
Such flowerpots look better in pairs in front of the house, on opposite sides of the door or porch. Let's look at a step-by-step master class on how to make them.

We will need:

  1. Tire with disk.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Chalk or marker.

Using chalk or a marker, mark a zigzag line along the entire frontal circumference of the tire, along which we will begin cutting. Thanks to it, the flowerpot will look like a large flower with many petals.

Cut the tire along the marked line with a sharp knife. To facilitate the process, the knife is periodically dipped in machine oil (used oil will also work).

After the wheel is cut, we check whether there are any uncut sections left and proceed to turning it out. It is better to do this together with an assistant, slowly, in parts.

After we managed to turn out the tire for the future flower bed, it turned out that there was a tube in the wheel. It needs to be cut out and thrown away.

The flowerpot is ready. Its bowl was made from the main part of the wheel. There is no need to remove the disk from the tire. It serves as a raised platform and stand for the vase, and the remains of the tire at its base provide additional support.

All we have to do is clean, degrease and decide how to beautifully paint our new garden vase. When you pour the earth into the bowl, do not forget to put a gasket on its bottom so that the earth does not spill out and make several holes in it to drain the water.

Video instructions for making a flowerpot:

Swan from an old tire

The most popular garden sculptures made from tires are swans. They are usually placed near an artificial pond, which gives the area a stunning look. You can plant grass in the bird itself, then it will seem that it is peeking out from behind the vegetation. Detailed step-by-step instructions with photos will help you make it.

We will need:

  1. Sharp knife.
  2. An electric drill for making holes for a knife to fit into the rubber.
  3. Sander or file.
  4. Jigsaw.
  5. Chalk or marker (preferably a marker).
  6. Wire 5-6 mm in diameter (rigid, to give the shape of a “swan” neck).
  7. Plastic clamps (to shape the head).
  8. Roulette.
  9. Gloves.

According to the diagram, we mark the contours of the future swan on the surface of the tire using the following video, in which the author uses dimensions in inches, calling them inch in the international measurement system. Inch (1 inch) = 2.54 cm.

How beautiful and neat our sculpture will turn out depends on the accuracy of the markings.

Let's start cutting. At the initial section, we drill 3-4 holes at a distance of 3-5 cm with a drill and cut the tire between them with a knife. We insert a jigsaw into the resulting cut and begin to cut out the swan.

After all the contours are cut out, turn the tire inside out. We try to do this carefully, since careless movements in the thinnest places can tear it.

To make the bird’s figure look more neat, we smooth all the cuts along the contour with a sander.

To shape the swan's neck, we insert a wire into it. To do this, drill holes in the center of the neck and to the end of the body every 20 cm. We apply the wire and secure it in the holes with soft staples.

Forming the head. We make longitudinal cuts and holes, as shown in the photo, and using the same wire or plastic clamps we give the swan’s head the shape.

Our tire swan is ready. All that remains is to paint it and make a stand.

The swan can be painted white or not painted at all, leaving it black. We make the beak red. Swans look very beautiful in a pair: black and white.

Without a stand, soft rubber swans will not stand. You can simply take any tire and paint it, for example, blue. Thus, it will symbolize the pond. Or you can take the time to make it curly.

We make the figured stand in the same way. We mark the outline on the tire along which we will cut, cut the tire along it, turn it inside out and paint it.

Using a similar technique, you can make any shapes from tires: animals, birds, fairy-tale creatures.

But, if you don’t want to bother with complex markings and cutting, you can do it simpler. For example, assemble a cute frog from whole tires.

In the photo - a flowerbed in the shape of a frog

Making a frog from tires is very simple. The body and head are assembled from one or several larger tires, eyes are assembled from small wheels, for example from a baby stroller, and paws are assembled from rubber scraps.

Flowerbed chamomile

It’s hard to come up with a decoration that’s easier to make than this flowerbed. Despite the fact that it requires several car tires, it can be assembled in literally 15-20 minutes, it looks nice, neat and will never be out of place.

We will need:

  1. Three old tires of the same size.
  2. A sharp knife or grinder.

We cut all the tires in half, having previously marked the cut locations. Before cutting, find out if there are metal cords in the rubber. A knife won’t take them, so use a grinder.

To give the future flower bed an aesthetic appearance, you can paint the tires. It is better to do this in advance, immediately after cutting.

The turtle has long been the personification of wisdom and longevity. According to Chinese beliefs, this animal should be in every home as a talisman. In this master class you will learn how to make a funny and cute animal from materials found in almost every home. Anyone can make a turtle with their own hands; you just need to apply a little patience and self-confidence.

This wise animal will not only decorate your interior or your garden, but will also protect your home from adversity.

We make a do-it-yourself crocheted turtle in a master class

In order to crochet a turtle you will need: yarn of various colors, crochet hook No. 2.5, padding polyester for stuffing, buttons or pebbles for eyes, thick fabric, glue.

First we start knitting the turtle head. To do this, you need to knit a ring of 4 chain stitches, and start a circle of 6 single crochets. We continue to knit in a circle, adding 6 single crochets each time in a row. This is how you should knit 8 rows. Next we simply knit 11 single crochet rows. In the 20th row we knit the 9th and 10th loops together. We simply knit row 21. On row 22, knit every 7th and 8th stitch together. We also simply knit the 23rd row. In the 24th row we knit every 6th and 7th loop together. Rows 25 and 26 are also simply knitted.

Let's move on to knitting the animal's shell. To do this, we also knit a ring of 4 chain stitches and knit 8 single crochets and continue to knit in a circle. Each row we add 8 single crochets. Thus, we knit to the desired diameter of the shell. If desired, you can use several colors of yarn.

Let's move on to collecting our turtle. Sew together the head, legs and shell. We sew the required diameter of dense fabric to the shell along the entire perimeter and leave a small hole. We stuff it with padding polyester and sew up the hole. Then we glue the eyes to the turtle. If desired, you can decorate it with bows and ribbons, embroider a mouth, nose and even eyes.

From cones.

A turtle can be made from cones in two ways. The simplest example of making a turtle is to take a cone and use plasticine to make a head, legs, and tail.

More complex production - we take the required number of cones and fasten them together in the form of a turtle shell, using wire or fishing line. We make the head by attaching the cones with wire to a small piece of thicker wire or plastic tube. We fasten the head and shell together. That's all! For greater effect, the turtle can be varnished.

From tires.

A very cute turtle for your garden can be made from ordinary old tires. Here you can see a photo of the finished work.

We will need:

1) 2 old tires,

2) paints,

3) brush,

4) bottle,

7) screwdriver.

We take the tire and cut it into 4 equal parts - these will be the future legs of the turtle. Next, on one side of each leg, we cut off everything except the tire tread, thereby leaving the attachment for the legs. In another tire we make 2 cuts on each side for attaching the legs, and 1 cut for attaching the head and tail. We insert the pieces of tires into the holes and secure them on the wrong side with screws. We make the tail from scraps left over from the first tire, a bottle will serve as the head, and we also insert it into the slot and screw it to the tire. Then we paint the turtle in any color you like and let it dry.

A gypsum turtle will also fit very well into the landscape of the site. A cute garden figure will deservedly take its place on your site.

Made from felt.

A cute felt animal can become a pincushion, a toy for a child, or even a pillow.

For work we will need:

1) brown and green felt,

2) thread and needle,

3) padding polyester,

4) cardboard,

5) beads for the eyes.

First, we make a pattern or print a sample in the required size, shown in this photo.

The first detail is the body of a turtle, 1 copy made of green felt. The second detail is a turtle shell, 6 copies, brown. The third part is the head of a turtle. 2 parts are green. The fourth detail is the legs of the turtle, 4 copies. The fifth piece is the tail 1 piece.

To begin, we sew the six parts of the turtle shell together using an over-the-edge seam. This results in a voluminous cup. Then, using the same seam, we sew together two parts of the head on one side. Then we sew the head and legs to the first part - the body of the turtle and turn them inside out. We stuff the stitched parts of the turtle with padding polyester. We sew the shell to the turtle's body, leaving a few centimeters unsewn for stuffing. Cut out a circle of cardboard slightly smaller than the resulting turtle shell. We insert the cardboard inside and fill the toys with padding polyester. Then we sew up the hole for stuffing with a blind stitch. And finally, we sew the bead eyes to the turtle’s head. If desired, the turtle can be decorated with fish and stars, and you will get a sea turtle.

Made from rubber bands.

An equally fun and interesting toy tortilla turtle keychain can be made from rubber bands for weaving bracelets. And children will also enjoy a fun and interesting way to occupy their time by making a funny turtle. You can also make a cute keychain if you weave a turtle from beads. Here you can see a photo of the finished work.

A rubber band turtle can be woven using either a loom or a crochet hook. Weaving is quite difficult, and a person without weaving experience is unlikely to cope with such a task the first time. It’s better not to read such a master class, but to watch it, where, in addition to the story about weaving, you can see all the weaving with your own eyes and not get confused in the pattern. You can watch a video on weaving a turtle from rubber bands at the end of the article.

Made from polymer clay.

A cute polymer clay craft can decorate your desktop or can be given to someone as a small token of attention.

For this you will need: green and white polymer clay, water, a brush, a toothpick, a small ball and beads.

First, let's sculpt the turtle's head. Take equal parts of white and green clay and knead them to a uniform light green color. Roll into a ball and pull it out in the form of a drop. Using a toothpick, we make indentations for the eyes and draw a mouth and nose. We insert the beads into the recesses. Next, we make legs from 4 small balls, also light green. Roll out a ball from green clay and use the ball to make a depression in the shape of a turtle shell and leave to dry. We attach the head and paws to the shell, make a flat circle for the turtle's belly and attach it to the shell with a brush and water. We make a flagellum from green clay and attach it to the shell as a border. Finally, we make spots of light green clay along the shell and let the figurine dry.

From plastic bottles.

An equally funny turtle for your child can be made from a plastic bottle. It is done very quickly and easily. Even a child can handle it. We take a plastic bottle, cut off the bottom, this is exactly what we need. Cut out a turtle from a foam napkin. Sew the napkin and bottle together as shown in the photo.

We cut a hole at the bottom for coins and a small piggy bank or box is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of this master class on making a turtle with your own hands from scrap materials, we selected a video that will be a good addition to the articles written above.