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How to make cheap repairs. How to save money on apartment renovations - tips for beginners and experienced craftsmen. Ceilings - suspended

A DIY cat bed is an exclusive piece of furniture that is ideal for both you and your pet. However, if you don’t know how to sew on a machine, it’s better to buy a couch in a store, it’s very inexpensive.

DIY cat bed: material

Most cat beds are made of a fabric cover and special filling, so you need to understand the materials from which it is best to sew this cat item.

If you want to weave a basket for a cat, then we have already described how to do this in another article, and, in any case, you will need a cloth mattress to lay it in the basket.

It is best to sew a cat bed from anti-vandal fabric, the so-called anti-claw fabric. This is not a specific type of fabric, but a general name for several types of particularly durable materials that can withstand increased stress.

Anti-claw fabrics include:

Flock– dense artificial pile, securely glued to the base. The material is quite durable, but it is difficult to remove wool from it, since it literally sticks to it. However, it is the most popular material for cat beds. Microvelour– flock with pile less than 1mm.

Jacquard- large-patterned, tightly woven fabric. Jacquard is the most durable and most popular furniture fabric, very dense and non-fading. It looks impressive, but it is not cheap. Jacquard is somewhat rough and can cause irritation for sphinxes. In addition, the threads in jacquard are really difficult to pick out with a claw, but cats like the rough surface, and if your pet constantly scratches the bed, the jacquard will not hold up. Types of jacquard: tapestry– an expensive type of jacquard made from denser and higher quality threads; scotchguard– jacquard coated with water- and dirt-repellent compounds (Teflon coating).

Chenille- binding fabric made of threads and pile. Chenille looks like a thick rug, and is great for cat mattresses, but giving it some kind of complex shape is quite problematic.

Furniture suede– synthetic fabric that imitates natural suede. This fabric looks good, it is quite durable, does not wear out and is easy to clean, but stains on it will always be obvious.

Artificial fur– fabric imitating natural fur. High quality and durable material for a cat bed. However, like flock, it is not easy to clean; faux fur with long pile is especially problematic to care for.

Oxfordthick fabric with weaving matting. Initially, Oxford fabric was used for sewing men's shirts, but today it is often impregnated with a special water- and dirt-repellent composition (polyurethane) and is made from especially strong threads. This modernized Oxford is used to create covers for equipment, tents and military uniforms. The material does not look very presentable, but it is extremely durable.

Also, a cat bed can be made from less durable, but cheaper materials:

Calico– dense cotton fabric. Calico is well known to us from cheap bed linen. Such fabric frays and wears out very quickly, especially if it is used by an animal.

Satin– thick cotton and/or silk fabric with shine. Satin looks better than calico and is more durable. But, of course, it is inferior in strength to anti-claw fabrics.

The fillers in the beds are:

Sintepon– artificial batting made of polyester or a mixture of polyester and wool (wool). Beds made from padding polyester do not hold their shape well and significantly lose volume after washing. Sintepon, created using the adhesive method, is unsafe for people and animals.

Holofiber– synthetic non-woven material made of polyester (type of padding polyester). Holofiber environmentally pure material, which holds its shape well and can withstand even numerous washes.

Periotec is a polyester material with the addition (or without) of natural and synthetic fibers. Periotek is today used to make human mattresses, pillows, sofas, etc. It is quite durable, environmentally friendly and keeps its shape, but is more expensive than holofiber.

Foam rubber– polyurethane foam. Foam rubber is an extremely resilient and elastic material; it is perfect for making the sides of a cat bed.

DIY cat bed: instructions

DIY cat bed No. 1

Below we offer you instructions for making a bed from an old long-sleeved sweater (long sleeve) and filling; you can also use an old sweater or badlon. It is worth noting that such a bed is easy to make, but it will not last long.

DIY cat bed No. 2

Another very simple bed made from an old blanket. In the video, they suggest turning the bed upside down, but you can use it without turning it over, but then you need to place a pillow or mattress on the bottom.

DIY cat bed No. 3

This is a complex transformable bed, which requires advanced cutting and sewing skills to make. It can be either a full-fledged independent bed or a comfortable mattress that is placed in a basket or carrier.

It is known that a cat can be in a state of dozing for up to 22 hours a day. She chooses sofas, armchairs and beds for sleeping, leaving a lot of wool. Cat six then sticks to clothes, causing unpleasant troubles for the owners. In this case, a special sleeping area for pet. And if your pet doesn’t have one yet, then you should definitely buy it. Pet stores offer a wide range of cat beds, but it’s much more pleasant to make one yourself.

Everyone has a sweater in their closet that you can’t wear anymore, but it’s a shame to throw it away. We’ll use it to build a cat bed, and at the same time give a second life to an old thing. Note that a place with a master's smell is more attractive to pet than purchased ones brought from a pet store.

How to make a cat bed from an old sweater with your own hands

The process of making a cat's nest is simple, anyone can handle it. To sew, we don’t even need a sewing machine or other special tools. In addition to an old jumper and stuffing, it is enough to prepare thick threads and an ordinary needle with a large eye.

Which sweater is suitable for a bed?

Use a sweater made of any material - knitted or knitted, it just depends appearance finished product . It is better to choose a model with standard straight sleeves. Styles with sleeves " bat“in the final form they don’t look very neat, but you can experiment. It is worth looking at the composition of the yarn from which it is made so that the cat would want to sleep in this place.


Ideally, items made from natural threads are suitable, without the addition of synthetics. They do not accumulate static electricity and create discomfort for the pet.

Which filler to choose for a bed

Suitable fillers include padding polyester, holofiber, down, bamboo or any other. Don’t rush to run to the store, there’s probably some lying around in the pantry at home old pillow, a blanket or even a jacket. The litter made from these things is quite suitable for a cat's place. If this is not the case, you can use old things.

Making a cat bed: a step-by-step guide

Knitted items retain the smells of the owner well, and if the cat has already taken root in the house, then it likes these smells. With a little effort and adding a little creativity, we will create an exclusive, comfortable and safe place for your pet.

Preparatory stage

Having decided on the sweater and filling, all that remains is to prepare scissors, a large needle, safety pins and thick thread. We can start.

Transforming a Sweater

The following actions must occur in this order:

  1. Lay out the jumper on a flat surface.
  2. We cut off the neckline along the shoulder line and sew up the neck hole manually from the wrong side.
  3. We put a seam on sewing machine or manually.
  4. Turn it inside out front side and lay a parallel line that serves as a continuation of the sleeve seam.

The result is a roller.

Filling the sweater

We tightly stuff the sleeves and the space between the two lines with filler. If there is no filler, old pants, thick scarves or other things will do, which we roll into a roller and insert into the hole.


If you use a roller made of clothing instead of filler, it is more convenient first insert this roller into the sleeves, and only then lay a second parallel line.

We also fill the base of the sweater with any filler, but not as tightly as a roller. You can put a small pillow or old warm clothes there to create a soft feather bed.

Forming a bed

The final steps are as follows:

  1. We sew the bottom edge by hand and pull the seam tightly, forming a gather.
  2. We connect the sleeves in front and sew them together.
  3. We turn the bed upside down and pin the sleeves to the base with safety pins, so that we get equal sides around the entire bed.
  4. Using a large needle with thick threads, we connect the sleeves to the bottom with an “over the edge” seam.

The product is ready!

Tips on how to make a bed out of an old sweater

To avoid mistakes, take note of the following tips:

  • For a pet that is too large, it is better to use a men's sweater to fit comfortably in the finished bed.
  • It is not necessary to cut off the collar of the sweater, just tuck it in. On the wrong side, we sew a line straight along it, turn the sweater inside out, the collar will remain inside.
  • When filling the sleeves with filler, make sure that they hold their shape and are not too hard, otherwise the cat will be uncomfortable.
  • As an additional decoration, sew several buttons to the base of the bed. Cover the buttons with fabric. We put one on top, the other on bottom, and sew them on at the same time, creating the effect of a quilted pillow.

Now your pet will be comfortable lying on his own bed, and the old sweater will not gather dust in the closet.

Any dog ​​needs its own place in the house, where it can take a break from the hustle and bustle of people and get some sleep. But sleeping on the floor or thin bedding is not a pleasant pleasure even for an animal. That is why caring dog owners purchase cozy and soft beds for their pets. However, it is not always possible to find the product in pet stores suitable size, colors and shapes. Making a dog bed with your own hands is not difficult. You only need minimal sewing skills and a little time.

Before you start making a dog bed with your own hands, you should watch her rest a little. The choice of the shape of the bed depends on how the animal prefers to sleep - curled up, stretched out or crawling under the blanket. For those who like to relax curled up, you need to choose round models; pets will feel most comfortable in them. For those who like to stretch out, beds are more suitable rectangular shape without sides.

Having decided on the choice of the shape of the lounger, it is necessary to prepare in advance the materials that may be needed during the work process. This:

  1. 1. Paper for patterns. If possible, it is better to purchase special lined paper. It will allow you to prepare the future product with the greatest accuracy. If this is not possible, you can get by with a regular newspaper.
  2. 2. Fabric for the cover. The material must be dense and non-pilling. The most suitable fabrics for these purposes are denim, teak or furniture fabric. These are the most wear-resistant and long-lasting fabrics. It is desirable that the surface sheathing material did not have lint, as it contributes to the accumulation of dust particles.
  3. 3. Filler. It is best to fill the bed with synthetic materials - padding polyester, siliconized fiber or foam rubber. They can be purchased at specialized craft stores. Synthetic fillers do not accumulate dust and are hypoallergenic, unlike natural ones. If the owner is against synthetics, he can fill the case with hay made from aromatic herbs. But such a filler will have to be replaced often.
  4. 4. Fabric for pillowcase. In order for the bed to serve for a long time without wearing out or getting dirty, you need to sew several replacement pillowcases for it. The material for them should be chosen soft and pleasant to the touch. The dog should feel comfortable in the sleeping place.

Before you start sewing, you need to measure the length of your pet. This should be done while he is lying on the floor, fully stretched out.

From old things

For dog owners who are not good at sewing, a bedding option made from scrap materials - an old sweatshirt or sweater - is perfect. Even someone who knows nothing about sewing can handle this model.

The following materials will be useful:

  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads and pins;
  • a pillow of a suitable size;
  • sweater or sweatshirt;
  • any filler;
  • fabric for masking the connecting seam.

Master class on sewing a lounger:

Step No. Action Image
1 Turn the sweatshirt inside out and sew up the collar, leaving a small hole
2 Level the item on a flat horizontal surface and draw a straight line from one armpit to the other. Mark the line with pins and sew. Remove the pins.
3 Sew both sleeves to the side without sewing all the way
4 Fill the sleeves and middle part of the sweatshirt with filler
5 Place a small pillow at the bottom
6 Sew the free edges with thick thread
7 Connect both sleeves at the cuffs and sew as tightly as possible
8 Cover the connecting seam with a piece of nice fabric
9 Call your pet and evaluate what happened

Fabric house

This house is suitable for small breed dogs such as dachshunds, chihuahuas or Jack Russell terriers. It turns out very soft and comfortable.

It’s easy to sew a house yourself using a pattern with the following dimensions:

Step-by-step instruction:

Stage No. Action
1 Cut out the details of the house from foam rubber. Each part, highlighted in color, is cut out separately. There is no need to make allowances
2 Cover the foam blanks with separate covers and stitch them several times. If the foam is too thin, you can reinforce the parts with cardboard. For this purpose, a box from a large household appliances- the cardboard there is three-layer, with a corrugated lining and therefore quite soft
3 Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out two parts: on the front and back sides. Don’t forget to allow seam allowances depending on the thickness of the foam.
4 Cover the foam blanks with fabric and connect them together as shown in the pattern
5 Sew in two zippers (see pattern)
6 Fasten the zipper and the house is ready

This cozy dog ​​house easily folds up and can be taken with you on a trip or to visit.

Owners of large breed dogs are better off making a house out of plywood, as a large animal can damage or deform the fabric base.

Bed with sides

A bed with sides is suitable for both large and decorative dogs. For large dogs you just need to increase the size of the pattern.

Every animal needs its own corner where no one will disturb it, and dogs are no exception. Sleep on the floor in plastic box or on hard bedding the pet is not at all happy. Why not make your own dog bed? Let's try to master this master class! In the article we will look at the types of sun loungers and two step by step instructions on making a dog bed.


What are they?

Before you start designing a “sleeping place” for your pet, let’s look at the types of beds and what material they are made of. The choice depends only on the size and breed of the pet. So, if the dog has long hair, then it will do plastic version. This is one of the most popular products.

Why is that? Plastic is easier to clean from dog hair, and this material is also non-toxic. The lounger comes with strong supports on which it stands stably. For plastic models, pillows made of cotton are certainly offered.

Loungers in the shape of houses various sizesgreat option for quiet dogs prone to solitude. They are made from soft and hard materials. We can safely say that this is a kind of shelter for your four-legged friend, which you will arrange to your liking.

If a plastic lounger seems unattractive, pay attention to other options - for example, wicker beds. Both large and small, they are suitable for dogs of all breeds and personalities. Pets are offered open and closed models.

It’s easy to guess that dog beds with an open top will be received with a bang by sociable pets who love to be the center of attention. Well, less “sociable” animals will be happy with closed beds in which no one will disturb them. In addition, they are made from natural materials, unlike plastic ones, which only benefits the dog.

If you want to pamper your pet an original gift, choose a dog sofa with a removable cover or just comfortable pillows. This masterpiece of high-class dog furniture will fit perfectly into the interior and will please your pet.

If the pet small size, a small lounger of any type is suitable for it - plastic, plush, fur. It all depends entirely on your preferences. Is it a large dog? Then you also have plenty to choose from. For example, here is such a wonderful product, as in the photo.

We sew a bed

Having decided what kind of sleeping places there are for dogs, let's try to do something similar. We offer an elementary version of the fabric model, which can be easily sewn even by an inexperienced craftsman.

Tools and materials

To sew a large or small size lounger, you will need:

  • the fabric from which you will make the product (velor, plush, old fur coat or thick jeans);
  • filler (this can be silicone, foam rubber, dry sawdust, etc.);
  • large sheet for creating a pattern;
  • material for a pillowcase or cover that you will wash periodically (for example, cotton);
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors.

A simple bed in the form of a pillow

Even a novice master can handle this model!

  1. First, we measure the pet, because the product is intended for him. To do this, wait until the dog lies down with his legs stretched out and take measurements.
  2. When we have specific numbers, we begin to take action. Your task is to draw a pattern on thick paper.
  3. Having done this, we cut out paper fragments of the future bed (as a rule, these are two large circles or rectangles).
  4. Now we draw the contours of the sunbed parts onto the fabric and cut them out.
  5. We sew the fragments together, leaving a small space through which we will fill the product with foam rubber or any stored filler.
  6. All that remains is to sew up the hole with tight threads, and the pet’s sleeping place is ready.
  7. By increasing the pattern by 2-3 cm on each side, you can sew a removable pillowcase using this principle. But do not sew up the hole, but provide a closure with buttons, snaps or a zipper.

Lounger with sides

If you want to give your pet a bed with sides, the pattern will be different. Master class on how to make a cozy sleeping area for your pet.

Pattern of a lounger with sides

  1. Take a bulky piece of fabric.
  2. Now let's draw a large rectangle or circle with sides, as shown in the figure.
  3. We apply the part to the material and cut out two fragments of the future bed, cutting off the corners along the way.
  4. We sew the resulting pieces together and put soft filler into the future bottom of the product.
  5. We sew it up, and then fill the sides.
  6. We strengthen the resulting lounger with zippers or lacing. This is convenient: when it’s hot, the sides can be lowered and the bed will turn into a comfortable mattress. It is advisable to have a removable cover for it so that the product does not get dirty.

How to make a bed from an old sweater?

Do you have a blouse that is about to be thrown away? Don't rush, if you are a jack of all trades, an old sweater will find new life. It’s easy to make a cute bed for your pet out of fabric – just a little effort. How is it sewn? We offer a master class with instructions for action.

Tools and materials

To create this piece of dog “furniture” you will need:

  • old sweater;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • two unnecessary pillows.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pull the “innards” out of the pillow.
  2. Cut off the neck of the sweater if it is high, or simply sew it up if the blouse has no collar.
  3. Next, sew the product from one sleeve to the other.
  4. The next step to be taken is to insert the pillow inside the jacket and mend the bottom.
  5. Push the soft “entrails” that were pulled out from another pillow into the formed “arc” from the sleeves.
  6. We admire the resulting product, which you sewed yourself.

Separately, you can make a removable cover for washing. Your pet will be more comfortable in the new bed. We hope you enjoyed the master class. You need to find some time and give your pet a gift.

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1. A good face for a bad game.

100% polyester silk. Stone-like tiles, parquet-like linoleum, onyx-like laminate, Trekhgorka like Ralph Lauren. Python-like porcelain tiles. “Artificially aged” something... It’s embarrassing to even think about. Alas, the number will not work. Look through good interior magazines. Everywhere there, stone is stone, and wood is just that, wood. If you don’t have the money for parquet, and simple laminate is beneath you, look for a good engineered board. The result is a floor that looks worth much more than the money you spent on it. A good alternative to porcelain tiles for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways - cement tiles. The result will look a hundred times more expensive.

2. Leave the ceiling alone.

Everyone has become obsessed with ceilings! If you think sensibly, focusing your attention on the ceiling only reminds everyone of its existence. And according to its height. Even if it cracks, the two-sixty-high ceilings will not turn into majestic vaults melting somewhere at an unimaginable height. This cannot happen, no matter what the “decorator’s tricks” promise you. Just accept it. Tall doorways can do much more for your home than a ridiculous five-layer ceiling with neon lights. Let interior doors will be two in height, say twenty. A door handles lower it a little, five to seven centimeters. By taking a non-standard approach, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

3. When choosing paint for walls, think about the movement of color throughout the house.

Neighboring. If you have a bright living room, let the hallway be painted in a deep, relatively dark color. The cost of paint will be the same in any case, and the result can look really expensive.

4. Buy modular laminate cabinets from a store and order the doors for them from a good carpentry workshop.

This will give you significant savings, which, however, no one will ever notice. The same is true for kitchen equipment.

5. If you still purchase ready-made cabinet furniture, let the veneer of the facades be dark, and the door panels be simple (rectangular).

Remember: light wood always looks cheaper. Avoid yellowish and reddish shades of veneer. And, while saving on the furniture itself, invest in good handles!

6. If you don’t have money for a good carpet, look for viscose carpet or mixed fibers imitating a silk or wool pile carpet.

Choose the color and texture that suits you and order a piece of the size you need. For a little extra money, its edges will be covered with braid.

7. Place the curtains on a thick lining.

Even inexpensive curtain fabric will greatly benefit from this. Look for fabrics that are three meters wide. This results in significant savings. If you are not willing to spend a lot, avoid printed textiles (fabrics with a pattern). When cutting patterned fabrics, due to the need to properly join the fabrics, a lot of scraps remain. The more rapport, the more waste. Do not use curtain tape for curtains. Let the seamstress lay down the “hand” folds. It's not that expensive, and the pleats, gathered with braid, look very cheap.

8. Set-set-set. Identical things in the interior are permissible only in one case: if they are paired items that form a symmetrical composition. and leave the sconces from one set to those to whom God has not given imagination. They are the kits upholstered furniture“a sofa or two armchairs” and similar tender sadness. For more details, see the next paragraph.

9. Ready-made solutions.

Bad news: there isn't any. At least for us. Shower room being built construction method because it is a room. Unless you run a student hostel or an underground massage parlor with striptease, a shower stall (that sad structure of yellow acrylic and lopsided doors) will not suit you. Don't spend money on “designer” plumbing fixtures. Let the appearance of the plumbing equipment in the bathroom (kitchen, bathroom) be dictated by the function. Buy washbasins and faucets simple shapes, without inappropriate decor. The toilet should be inconspicuous and do its job. No one will admire him, right?

10. Paintings, prints, engravings, photographs and posters frame in simple but deep frames with glass and always with a mat.

Even a picture printed at home inkjet printer(or naive children's drawing), in such a frame looks very significant. Play with the size of the mat. A small work in a very wide mat looks very “designer-like”. And, by the way, cardboard for mats can be of almost any color.

11. Comfort. Another collective fetish.

According to my observations, what in our Palestinians is called “comfort”, in 99 percent of cases, is poetic closeness. In many ways, this is a physical memory of a bygone childhood, of the warm and affectionate meager Soviet life with carpets teeming with saprophytes, a kind grandmother, Czechoslovak crystal and the unread Dreiser in the polished Polish wall of “Hanka”. Moreover, expensive devilry like round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true for such rich things as lambrequin, garland and swag. Don't worry: in a good, well-thought-out interior, comfort inevitably comes naturally. That's why…

12. ...Farewell, gypsy Sera!

Duvet covers made of calico in fine Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, pillowcases in eye-catching shades, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All these are attributes of collective farm chic, forgive me for being blunt. They will not add comfort. Variegated coloring is often necessary for these things solely to hide their exceptionally lousy quality. Keep bed linen and bath towels plain white (options: Ivory, ecru). But made from excellent Egyptian cotton.

13. However, it is also important not to overdo it with ivory.

Peach, beige, sand... The average nuanced range is good for chain hotels. Because their stenciled interiors are bound to please everyone. You should like your interior. After all, he is a manifestation of your essence, right? Pick up a fan palette from any paint manufacturer. Do you feel pleasant heaviness? These are your possibilities. Don't miss them!