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» How to make a Christmas tree from waste. Master class on making spruce from plastic bags for the veranda. Christmas trees made from used Mountain Dew cans

How to make a Christmas tree from waste. Master class on making spruce from plastic bags for the veranda. Christmas trees made from used Mountain Dew cans

There probably isn't a person who doesn't use packages. But few people know that they make various cool trinkets. It’s very easy to make crafts from plastic bags with your own hands, and plus you won’t incur additional costs.

You can create tricks from plastic bags with your own hands quite quickly. Moreover, you will not incur any special costs or efforts when making trinkets.

Step-by-step instructions for making a flower:

It is necessary to fold the polyethylene so that it becomes a square. Next, cut the coals so that you get petals. The next thing you need to do is fasten all the pieces together with wire. Instead of the middle, use a bead or a beautiful button.

Diagram of a polyethylene flower

All you need is a piercing and bags. First, twist the wire into a circle and secure it well. Next, you need to tie the cut strips around the frame. It is advisable to attach more of these strips, then the wreath will be thicker and brighter. You can add other trinkets: an artificial skull, rubber spiders, etc.

A few examples of photos on how you can diversify your Halloween wreath:

Thanks to this technology, you can quickly and easily make beautiful wreaths from bags for Christmas or Easter with your own hands. It all depends on how you want the wreath on your door to look. We present to your attention a video in which you can learn in detail what needs to be done and why.

To work you will need:

  • Packages, preferably green.
  • Scissors. Manicures are possible.
  • Beads for the future foundation.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Compass.

The technology for making a Christmas tree from plastic bags is quite simple:

  1. First, make some preparations. It is necessary to cut circles from the bags. You will need to prepare circles of different diameters, since several of them will go to the top and middle of the tree, and the larger ones will go to the bottom.
  2. It is advisable to very carefully stretch the edges of your circles a little. Do this very slowly so as not to damage the workpiece.
  3. Take two identical circles and glue them together. By the way, you need to insert another circle between them, but with a smaller diameter. Having completed this process with all the blanks, you can begin assembling our Christmas tree.
  4. The rings need to be folded from top to bottom, from the largest to the smaller ones.
  5. We begin to assemble our tree in the following way: we put a circle on a needle, and then a bead, then everything again and so on until the very top. Instead of the top, you can use beads or some other decoration that you like best.

In the photo the Christmas tree looks like this:

Christmas tree made from bags

You must have:

  1. Multi-colored, bright bags. Preferably 3-5 shades.
  2. There are two types of wire: thick and thinner.
  3. Sheet of paper – 2 pcs. A pen or pencil to draw a sketch.
  4. Thermal gun.

The manufacturing process begins with a drawn frame of the cockerel’s body, along which the body of our figurine will need to be bent using thick wire. Next, you need to cut strips from the bags, preferably 3 cm long for the sheepskin coat and 2 cm long for the head. We take a wire that is thinner and put our blanks on it. Thus, we should have an accordion. We recommend tying the strips tightly, so the finished toy will look more beautiful.

We need to give the rooster volume. To do this, you can use cotton wool or rags, whatever. Having wrapped the fillings and the frame with tape, we proceed to decorating the toy with our colored accordions. It is advisable to attach them using a heat gun. We do everything gradually, there is no need to rush. The comb and mouth can be cut out of plastic or cardboard, at your discretion. When you completely cover the body with accordions, do not forget about the eyes for the animal. These can be simple beads. That's all, the cockerel is ready.

You can make a jump rope for your child from plastic bags with your own hands. You will need to carefully cut thin strips and tie them together. In place of the handles, you can wrap electrical tape or adhesive tape.

There is also a technology for knitting polyethylene, which can be used to make unique handbags or even carpets. It all depends on desire. You can make different pom-poms.

And finally, I would like to note that handmade crafts made from plastic bags will work well as a gift for your children or friends. Don't be afraid to learn something new.

We hope, thanks to our article and master classes, you will soon have at least one polyethylene toy that you made yourself.

Tatiana Prokopenko

The New Year holidays are quickly approaching, and this remaining time is filled with creative bustle: manufacturing various crafts, drawings for numerous competitions, exhibitions, and just pleasant surprises and decorations.

Every year we decorate a hall, group, area for the holiday.

This winter turned out to be stingy with snow, so there are not so many snowy buildings and figures on the site, and we decided to decorate veranda festive composition of Christmas trees.

I suggest you master class on making a Christmas tree from plastic bags. Since our walls green verandas, then our spruces will be blue, or one might even say blue.

For work we need blue or blue trash bag, white plastic bag, slats (and I have wonderful plastic sticks from folders that we got on occasion from a company that was closing, a stapler.

We fasten the sticks together to form a triangle.

Cutting three-piece bags.

We string one strip onto a stick,

secure with a stapler.

We are preparing three of these "skirts", alternating blue and white. We fix the top.

Now let’s decorate our Christmas tree with everything we find.

These can be homemade light toys, decorations made from candy wrappers, colored packages, cones, snowflakes, tinsel and whatever you have.

I wish you creative success.

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New Year is coming soon and now you have a good opportunity to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, which will be an excellent souvenir for the New Year's holiday.
The Christmas tree is very simple to make. But to do this you need to know how to crochet. Therefore, this is more likely a craft for girls or for mothers. We will knit not from traditional knitting threads, but from garbage bags.

You will need the following materials:
3 garbage bags of different colors. It is better to take blue, green or light green and white. If you don't have white, you can buy purple.
crochet hook
After the tree is connected, we will need the base of the tree, that is, a stick or whatever comes to hand. You can take some not very large kitchen item: a mashed potato masher or a rolling pin. We will put a Christmas tree on it.

Next, we take one garbage bag and roll it into a tube. Using scissors, we cut strips about 1.5 cm thick. The bag is twisted along its length. If the strip is a little thinner, it’s not a problem, but it’s better not to make it thin. So as not to tear.

Then, after cutting the strips, they straighten and tie together. It turns out to be “yarn”.
After the yarn is ready, we begin to knit. Knitting technology is not important. You can knit with patterns, or you can do simple knitting, one chain stitch without crochet.

And so on in a circle. The size of the circle can be arbitrary. How big do you need the tree? If it is tabletop, then you can make a circle with a diameter of 50 cm. The second circle is made 20 cm larger and the third another 20 cm larger than the second. So, we get three circles.

They can be of different colors. According to your taste. You can alternate stripes. You can make the tree completely monochromatic, green. Then attach Christmas decorations, garlands, and beads to the tree. You can sew or glue pieces of cotton wool to make it look like snow.

After the end of the New Year, the Christmas tree can be used as a rug, as it is made of waterproof material. You can also fantasize with it and come up with another purpose for it, for example, bedding for an animal.

Almost anyone can make this original decoration for the New Year's holiday, and the material will always be at hand. Previously, we have already published an article about an original useful craft for the home: we recommend taking a look!!!

If you want your Christmas tree to be original, then it’s time to start preparing it.

To prepare a Christmas tree from garbage bags you will need the following tools:

  • crochet hook
  • Three rolls of garbage bags in three colors. You can choose any cold tones: blue, blue, green, white, purple.
  • Sharp scissors

The base for the Christmas tree is a stick, a riser, a kitchen item, such as a rolling pin. It can be stuck in a flower pot or vase. There are many options here, there is room for imagination. Whoever has what he has can be used as a basis for Christmas tree.
Let's start knitting and assembling the Christmas tree. You need to knit three round napkins of different diameters. One napkin with a diameter of 30 cm, the second - 40 cm, the third 50 cm. String the napkins onto the base. The first napkin is the largest, then the middle one and the smallest at the top, that is, the one with the smallest diameter. We decorate the Christmas tree with balls, garlands, streamers, cotton wool, snowflakes and candies. During the knitting process, you can alternate the colors of the garbage bags. For example, you can make several circles blue, then green, then white. You can knit the entire Christmas tree in green, but only make the border (one row) white. It will look like snow on spruce branches. Step-by-step technology: 1. Take one package. We roll it lengthwise into a pipe. 2. Using scissors, cut strips 1-2 cm wide. It is desirable that all strips are the same size.

3. Unfold each strip and connect them together. It is better that there are no knots. 4. We get “yarn” for knitting. For ease of further use, the yarn can be wound around a pencil to prevent the yarn from getting tangled. 5. Take the hook. We make 5 air loops and link them into a circle. 6. We start knitting in the round. The knitting technique is similar to knitting a napkin. You can use complex circuits, but this is not necessary. It is better to knit simple patterns: one single crochet stitch. 7. We make the second row with two air loops.
8. Further in a circle with two air loops. 9. Having finished the first napkin, we proceed to the second.
10. Then we knit the third 11. When all three napkins are ready, you need to string them onto the riser and we will get a Christmas tree. She's ready to dress up. The sizes can be made larger, and the number of napkins can also be increased, from 3 to 5 or more. After the New Year holidays are over, our napkins can be used as bath mats.
They are waterproof and do not retain moisture because they are made of polyethylene. It is impossible to slip on such a rug. The napkin can also be used as a stand for a vase of flowers or a bedding for a pet. The result is a universal device.

New Year is coming soon and now you have a good opportunity to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, which will be an excellent souvenir for the New Year's holiday.
The Christmas tree is very simple to make. But to do this you need to know how to crochet. Therefore, this is more likely a craft for girls or for mothers. We will knit not from traditional knitting threads, but from garbage bags.

For this craft you will need the following materials:
. 3 garbage bags of different colors. It is better to take blue, green or light green and white. If you don't have white, you can buy purple.
. Scissors
. crochet hook
. After the tree is connected, we will need the base of the tree, that is, a stick or whatever comes to hand. You can take some not very large kitchen item: a mashed potato masher or a rolling pin. We will put a Christmas tree on it.

Next, we take one garbage bag and roll it into a tube. Using scissors, we cut strips about 1.5 cm thick. The bag is twisted along its length. If the strip is a little thinner, it’s not a problem, but it’s better not to make it thin. So as not to tear.

Then, after cutting the strips, they straighten and tie together. It turns out to be “yarn”.
After the yarn is ready, we begin to knit. Knitting technology is not important. You can knit with patterns, or you can do simple knitting, one chain stitch without crochet.

And so on in a circle. The size of the circle can be arbitrary. How big do you need the tree? If it is tabletop, then you can make a circle with a diameter of 50 cm. The second circle is made 20 cm larger and the third another 20 cm larger than the second. So, we get three circles.

They can be of different colors. According to your taste. You can alternate stripes. You can make the tree completely monochromatic, green. Then attach Christmas decorations, garlands, and beads to the tree. You can sew or glue pieces of cotton wool to make it look like snow.