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» How to make a picket fence. A fence made of edged wooden picket fence. My own master

How to make a picket fence. A fence made of edged wooden picket fence. My own master

Continuous or through fencing made of wooden slats is widely used for fencing houses and summer cottages. A wooden picket fence has many advantages: its production requires minimal costs, and if repairs are necessary, it can be done as quickly as possible.

Required materials and tools:

roulette, building level, strong twine;
shovel or drill;
metal pipes or wooden logs for making supports;
transverse logs (veins) made of metal or durable timber coniferous species 50x100 mm (for every 30 m of fence you will need 10 supports and 20 three-meter veins);

Wooden picket fence

Sand, cement, crushed stone for pouring metal support pillars;
hacksaw with medium teeth;
axe, hammer;
chisel with a wide blade;
mounting brackets and bolts for attaching crossbars to racks;
self-tapping screws or galvanized nails;
sandpaper for sanding wood;
drying oil, paint and brush for painting.

Installation of support pillars

To make the fence even, the soil should be carefully leveled. Before leveling, the area where the construction of the fence is planned is cleared, and trees and bushes are uprooted. The roots of many plants (poplar, willow, rose hips, etc.) are quite tenacious, so even small cuttings should be removed. Otherwise, after a couple of years, the remaining roots may produce abundant growth and damage the hedge.
1. Along the perimeter of the site, in the place of future supports, gates and gates, small pegs, between which a string is stretched. To ensure that the fence is perfectly level, before you begin installing the support posts, you should measure their location several times using a building level.

A string is stretched along the perimeter of the fence

Advice. When wet, wood becomes heavier, which significantly increases the load on supports and joists, so they must be made of sufficiently durable wood or metal.

2. The standard interval between supports is 2.5-3 m. This distance will be enough to support the entire span. The distance between the supports must be equal to the length cross beams taking into account the indentation on the fastening.

3. At the location of the supports, use a shovel or drill to make holes 70-100 cm deep (this figure depends on the type of soil). Fill the bottom of the pit with a layer of 20 cm broken brick, stones or gravel, then sand. This “pillow” is thoroughly spilled with water and compacted.

4. Wooden logs cleared of bark and knots. To protect against dampness and insects, the part that will be underground should be burned at the stake or treated blowtorch. Wood can also be impregnated with bitumen.

5. Fill with solution wooden supports You shouldn’t – they will rot very quickly in concrete. They are installed in pre-prepared holes and covered with crushed stone and sand. In this case, each layer of such backfill is spilled with water and compacted.

Advice. Since the main load will fall on the pillars and veins, it is better to make them from metal. They should be thoroughly cleaned of rust and coated with any anti-corrosion solution. Places that will be in the ground should be treated especially carefully.

Installation of metal supports

6. Support posts must be installed strictly vertically. To do this, use a building level.

Aligning the supports

7. Once the supports are aligned, they are secured using spacers. Next it is poured concrete mortar with the addition of crushed stone. Its proportions depend on the brand of cement.

Important! All subsequent work is carried out only after the solution has set (at least 1-2 days).

8. To ensure that the height of the fence is the same along the entire perimeter, after installing the first and last pillar, a nail is driven on top of them, and a string is stretched between them, which will serve as a guide for other supports.

A string is stretched between the supports

Fixing the picket fence

1. B wooden pillars grooves are prepared (two for each pillar) with a depth of 30 cm. Their location is measured by the building level.

2. A vein is inserted into each groove and secured to the post using self-tapping screws (a more durable option) or nails. In this way, all the pillars are tied.

Attaching the log

Advice. When using metal supports, rust can quickly appear in the places where the veins (logs) are welded to the posts, so it is better to fasten them with mounting brackets and bolts. Using staples purchased from a store or made yourself from strips of metal, you can attach and wooden joists.

Attaching the support to a wooden core using a bracket

3. Standard length picket fence 1.25 m. When using boards non-standard sizes they are cut to the required length.

4. The outer pickets are attached first, and they should be located exactly 90° relative to the vein. To protect the boards from rotting, their lower end should be placed at a distance 5 cm from the ground. Next, the remaining boards are attached.

Fixing the picket fence

Advice. To avoid splitting, pickets, screws or nails should not be placed along the same line. To prevent the ends from sticking out, you should not attach them too close to the edge.

5. Distance between pickets may be arbitrary. They can be attached either as a continuous sheet or with a slight indentation from each other. However, for the fence to look aesthetically pleasing, these indentations must be the same along the entire length of the fence.

Advice. When installing a continuous fence, to prevent deformation due to changes in humidity, the boards should be fastened with a small gap.

The boards are attached with a small gap

Painting and decorating the fence

To prevent the wood from absorbing too much paint, before painting it is coated with drying oil and allowed to dry. For painting use any frost-resistant paints, stains or decorative varnishes.

Decorating a picket fence is easy. For example, you can cut it top part at a certain angle, make it semicircular, or, combining the length of the picket fence, decorate the top of the fence with a zigzag or ladder. The cut ends are sanded or sanded. Pickets sawed at a certain angle not only look more original, but absorb less moisture: it rolls off its surface.

Any decorative elements fences are cut out according to the template from plywood using jigsaw. They can be made separately and then attached to separate sections of the fence.

Types of picket fences

Options for decorating a picket fence

Video: Installing a picket fence with your own hands

Choosing a fence for a site is not an easy task - it needs to be reliable, durable, and beautiful. All these requirements are met by a fence made of metal picket fence(Euro picket fence). Climbing on it is problematic - not the same rigidity. Breaking it is “boring” - usually, those who like to misbehave limit themselves to bending a couple of slats. Beauty, of course, is a subjective criterion, but such fences look better than the same solid one. In addition, they are not so susceptible to wind loads, which allows saving on support poles. An additional plus is that they are breathable. In general, a good option.

What is a metal picket fence

A metal picket fence is made from a sheet of galvanized steel. A relief is formed on the sheet, after which it is cut into picket strips, covered with protective compounds, and painted. The resulting strips are of a certain height. Usually the height is from 150 to 180 cm. To complete the fence, you also need support posts (usually 60*60*2 mm), bowstrings (two or three crossbars that go between the posts) and fasteners.

Types, shapes, profiles

The thickness of the metal of the Euro picket fence can be from 0.4 to 1.5 mm. The most common is made of steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. The width of the picket is from 80 mm to 128 mm, the length is up to 2 meters.

P and M - shaped profiles metal picket fence

There is a metal picket fence with different profiles: P (rectangular), M-shaped and semicircular. M-shaped ones have more ribs and therefore have greater rigidity. But there are also U-shaped ones, in which grooves are formed in the “back”. In this case, it is already difficult to say which of them will be tougher. Most likely, the latter, especially if it has rolled edges.

Semicircular ones also have greater rigidity, but are more difficult to form and usually have a higher price. For added strength, additional grooves can also be formed along the long side.

In general, the more grooves-stiffening ribs, the better the bar’s resistance to bending along its length. But as the terrain becomes more complex, the price becomes higher. Since it is quite large in itself, you usually have to look for a compromise. In any case, the bar should withstand your attempts to bend it.

What to look for when choosing

When you choose a metal picket fence, it is advisable to look at the lot offered to you in person. The thickness of the metal may be stated to be the same, but in practice it turns out that the edge of a strip from one batch can be bent with a finger, but with another batch this trick is not possible. And this is from one manufacturer. The issue is the quality of the metal batch, and it is rarely stable.

A rolled edge, several layers of protective coatings - these are the signs of a good metal picket fence

Also, be sure to pay attention to the edges - it is better if they are rolled. Firstly, it's more attractive appearance, secondly, the picket fence is very rigid, and thirdly, the sharp edge is curved and it is impossible to get hurt. The only drawback of a picket fence with rolling is its higher price, since it requires special equipment and additional processing time.

If we talk about the products of specific companies, then the Euro picket fence Grand Line (Grand Line), Barrera Grande, Nova, TPK Center Metalroofing, FinFold, UNIX (Unix) are popular.

Painting methods

It is also worth understanding the painting method. There is an iron picket fence with double-sided and single-sided painting. When one-sided, the back side is covered with a layer of primer without painting. Has, accordingly, grey colour. A metal picket fence, painted on one side, gray on the inside. It's not so bad - it doesn't catch the eye. If you are not satisfied with this option, either buy it with double-sided painting, or paint it yourself. Paint is taken “for roofs”, choosing the appropriate shade. Note that brush-painted metal looks... not very good. If you have a spray gun, the appearance will be good, although not ideal.

This is what the “wrong side” of a metal picket fence painted on one side looks like

You should also take into account that there are two types of painting of metal picket fences:

  1. polymer coating;
  2. powder paint.

The first method is much more reliable, since the application technology requires special equipment and strict adherence to technology. As a result, such a picket fence can withstand increased mechanical influences. Even if a scratch appears in the coating (although you have to try), the metal does not rust, since there are still protective coatings that prevent rust from occurring.

Polymer coating is the best choice today

Powder coating, in theory, is no worse. But only if it was done according to the rules: applied to primed metal protective covering, and on top of it - powder paint and baked it in special chambers. But the point is that you can apply paint in the “garage”, and you can somehow burn it there. The result will just be completely different. In addition, there are ready-made sheets of Chinese origin. In them, paint is applied in the workshop, but often directly onto an unprimed steel surface. It is impossible to determine all these nuances externally, and after the slightest scratch rust appears. So the polymer coating is more “safe”.

What can a metal picket fence look like?

You can like metal fences or not, because there is no dispute about tastes. But in terms of practicality, they certainly outperform. Once installed, you won’t think about the fence for years afterwards. It does not need to be painted for it to look decent, since good quality the paint lasts for years without visible changes. And this is one of important factors, which make you think about installing such a fence.

On a strip foundation

With clinker brick foundation and pillars

Installation methods

There is a single-row and double-row (double-sided, checkerboard) method of installing metal picket fence strips. With a double row, the slats are placed on both sides of the bowstring, and so that they overlap each other by at least a centimeter. Therefore, the distance between the slats should be slightly less than the width of the picket fence. With this installation, the planks on linear meter 55-60% more fencing will be required. But the fence turns out to be practically invisible - only from a certain angle can you see a small part of the area. And this despite the fact that the fence will not be continuous and all the “delights” of a solid fence will not affect you.

Most often, the planks are mounted vertically, but there are also horizontal method installation - it can also be single-row or double-row. Looks good horizontal fence more "exotic". When installing the planks in two rows (double-sided), the result is completely opaque.

The disadvantage of this installation method is that special pillars and intermediate pillars are needed that will provide the required structural rigidity. Another nuance: planks are usually produced up to 180 cm in length; longer ones will have to be ordered, and this costs additional money. So you will either have to install poles more often, or overpay for a non-standard size.

Dimensions and distances

When installed in one row, the gaps between the planks may be different. The exact distance is chosen arbitrarily, depending on how “transparent” you want to make the fence. Most often, the distance between the pickets is 35-50% of the width of the strip. But this is not a rule; there are both smaller and larger gaps.

When installing “checkerboard”, if you do not want your yard to be visible at an angle, the slats should cover 50% of the width of the picket fence or more. If visibility is not important, you can place them so that the edges overlap by only 1 cm.

The height of the fence is selected depending on the wishes of the owners. If you want the yard to be as closed as possible from prying eyes, the length of the slats should be at least 180 cm. Taking into account the fact that they will be slightly raised above the ground, this is enough to ensure that the vast majority of people will not be able to look into your territory.

If you don’t care whether something will be visible through the fence or not, you can take both 1250 mm and 1500 mm. In the first case, the fence will end somewhere at the chest level of passers-by, in the second - at eye level or slightly lower (see the figure for an approximate layout), and this is without a foundation.

Span width vertical fence from a metal picket fence - 200-250 cm. It is at this distance that the pillars are dug in, then two or three crossbars are fixed between them. These cross members are called “logs” or “strings”. For a picket fence up to 150 cm high, two crossbars are sufficient; for taller ones, three are better.

Types of Fills

There are several more types of filling spans (distances between support pillars). The easiest way to install is a direct method - this is when all the planks are the same length. On top of such a fence you can put a U-shaped bar made of the same material (sold in the same place as the European picket fence). In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, it also covers the metal cuts, which increases the service life of the fence.

All “waves” require cutting most of the planks to a certain distance. One “wave” per span is made in increments of 50 or 25 mm. With a pitch of 50 mm, the height difference between the shortest and longest slats is significant, but the fence looks more openwork. In the case of a “wave” with a step of 25 mm or with a “double wave”, the difference is smaller. Upper bars are installed much less often here, but they can also be installed. Only at the point where the “wave” breaks will you have to cut the sidewalls and bend them.

Features and installation rules

When installing a metal picket fence in Middle lane In Russia, it is recommended to install poles from profiled pipes 60*60 mm (60*40 is possible). For crossbars, it is more convenient to take the same profiled pipe, but with a cross section of 40*20 mm. In this case, the fence will definitely withstand wind and snow loads.

When installing, the installation step of the pillars is 2 meters. If there are two crossbars, then they are attached so that there is 25-35 cm to the edge of the bar. With a picket height of 150 cm or more, the distance is 30-35 cm, with shorter ones - 25 cm. But, with a fence height above 1.5 m, it’s better to make three lags, and not only in regions with strong winds. It’s just that with two lags it turns out too long distance between the fasteners, which makes it easy to move the slats apart.

There are two ways to attach the planks: with self-tapping screws and with rivets. Self-tapping screws and rivets are installed on both edges of the strip on each of the crossbars. That is, if there are two crossbars, 4 screws/rivets are needed for each strip; if there are three, then 6 fasteners are needed per picket fence. You can, of course, attach it to one self-tapping screw or rivet on the crossbar, installing it in the middle. But in this case, pushing the picket fences apart with your hands is as easy as shelling pears - and there is no need to climb over the fence.

It’s faster to install this way, but it’s a “purely decorative” fence

Which type of fastener should I choose? Self-tapping screws are easy to install - this is their advantage. But they also unscrew easily, which, under certain circumstances, can be a disadvantage. Rivets take longer to install, but they are also much more difficult to remove. What to choose? On the front part of the fence or if the fence is left unattended for a long time (for a seasonal visit), it is definitely worth installing rivets. Of course, if the attackers set their sights on it, they will also be able to remove the rivets, but this will be more difficult. When installing a fence between neighbors in houses permanent residence, it is quite possible to attach a metal picket fence with self-tapping screws.

How to make it yourself

As you probably noticed, metal picket fences are produced using almost the same technology as corrugated sheets, and the sheet costs less. Therefore, many people have the idea to make a picket fence by dissolving the corrugated sheet into strips. In principle, this can be done if you are able to cut strictly along the line without any noticeable deviations. But for cutting you need to use metal scissors - punched or hand-held. Under no circumstances should you cut with a grinder, as it burns the protective cover. So the work ahead will not be easy and will take a lot of time. If this doesn't scare you, you can try it.

What is the disadvantage of a homemade picket fence made from corrugated sheets? Everything is obvious: the edge is rarely even, since it is difficult to do it manually. In addition, the cut is unprotected and may begin to rust. You can, of course, coat the sections with primer/paint, but in order for all the layers to adhere properly, an absolutely clean surface is required. That is, the cut areas must first be removed from dust (not so difficult, but it takes time), then also degreased. Only in this case will the protective coating be of truly high quality.

It is advisable to roll the edges - this will give the homemade picket fence greater rigidity, because additional reliefs are rarely formed on the profiled sheet. It “holds” its shape due to its size and alternation of waves.

The picket fence is included in the category of cheap types of fencing for private land plots. Massive structures made of brick, concrete, wooden beam have serious advantages, but they cost big money and are not available to everyone. The urgent task for most summer residents is to search alternative options for fencing your territory.

A wooden picket fence becomes one of them. This alternative has been used for a long time. In particular, 50 years ago, the percentage of installation of fences of this type, made of wooden materials, was very high. At the same time, the external picture was somewhat spoiled by the uniformity of such vertical structures.

With development construction technologies and the expansion of the information field, when specialized organizations began to offer their services via the Internet, people were presented with various options enclosing structures. Nowadays, finding on the Internet a photo of a picket fence made not only of wood, but also of other materials is not particularly difficult.

Combination has become popular different materials when installing fences. Today you can often find fences that successfully combine wood and facing brick. And even uniformity today implies the use of wood, metal or plastic.

Any of these basic materials allows you to easily and quickly erect a fence around the site, serve as protection and at the same time, in some cases, serve as an exterior decoration for the house.

Advantages of wooden fencing structures made of picket fence

Creating a beautiful aesthetic appearance is important when constructing volumetric elements. But not only the house should be beautiful. Fencing included in the suburban private territory, complements the external architectural ensemble and represents that part of it on which general attention is fixed in the first place. It is important that this element is made in compliance with aesthetic standards.

Wood belongs to the category of easily processed materials and is in great demand among consumers who want to build unique structures on their sites. In addition, if you have the skills to work with wood, have a good imagination and the desire to make a picket fence with your own hands, the issue of saving money is removed by itself.

With a renewed focus on light wood processing, the process of building a fence becomes interesting, performing it in various configurations without changing the technology of work.

The result is a reliable wooden fence made from wood material a certain breed. The appearance of the structure is formed depending on the parameters of the pickets and the order of their installation.

Properly carried out work, in accordance with the technological order and in compliance with all standards, will allow you to obtain a strong structure that will have every chance of serving for many years. It is not difficult to take care of such a structure.

Considering that wood is afraid of fire, water and insects, for which it is a “delicacy”, it is necessary to treat the surface with protective substances and make the structure waterproof and resistant to burning and rotting.

Describing the advantages of a picket fence, many point out that the presence of frequent gaps in the structure makes it possible not to shade the area and to have excellent ventilation of the adjacent part of the territory. Typically, plants that love sunlight are planted along this type of fence.

Metal and plastic in the process of erecting picket fences

In an effort to stand out among their neighbors and gain some individuality, many summer residents prefer to replace wooden materials to others. Some people build a fence from a metal picket fence, while others use plastic for this. The choice is a personal preference of each person.

The main criteria when choosing a material are strength, reliability and an attractive aesthetic appearance resulting from the design.

A plastic picket fence for a fence, among other things, eliminates additional protective treatment, coloring and is designed for quick and easy care. This material can be called the most suitable for beautiful design, since there are many colors besides the standard white tone.

At the same time, installing a fence made of metal picket fences, the material for which is profiled strips, allows you to obtain the most durable structure. It is otherwise called a European picket fence.

In addition to common advantages with wood and plastic, this fencing has its own advantages. In particular, they are expressed in the absence of the need to make support columns. Metal itself is a very rigid material and does not require additional fixation.

Main types of fence installations

Traditionally, the picket fence is installed vertically, but for those who do not accept standard approaches, there are other options for fastening the material. The planks can be fixed vertically or alternated in a checkerboard pattern. The type of material does not matter. Only the fastening elements are essential.

Photos of picket fences

Wooden picket fence on summer cottage– advantages and installation

Most often, wooden picket fences are preferred by those owners who strive for environmental cleanliness in environment. This kind of fencing is considered the cheapest and most attractive in appearance.

The only drawback of a wooden picket fence is its relatively short service life - up to 15 years. You can extend the service life using special antiseptics, preventing wood from rotting.

Advantages of a wooden picket fence

Wooden picket fence, along with other types of fencing, has a number of advantages:

  • versatility;
  • low cost;
  • attractive aesthetic appearance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • diversity different forms slats;
  • reliability;
  • Possibility of quick installation and dismantling.

For many owners, an irreplaceable advantage of fencing is the ability to decorate the fence and “fit it” into the decor of the garden plot.

If you have special skills, they prefer to combine a wooden picket fence with materials such as stone and brick.

Wooden picket fence

Selection and preparation of material

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer, pliers, screwdriver;
  • nail puller;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill, drill bits;
  • nylon cord;
  • welding machine;
  • level;
  • primer;
  • water-resistant paint (varnish is possible);
  • gas drill;
  • shovel and crowbar;
  • self-tapping screws (galvanized nails are possible);
  • wooden stakes (metal stakes);
  • brush for working on metal.

In order for the fence you installed to serve for a very long time, you need to carefully consider the selection of tools and materials. Important point Before installing the fence, select the material: supports and other elements of the picket fence structure. Best suited as racks wooden beams or metal pipe. For a positive result, care must be taken to protect the support pillars.

If you choose wood, you need to cover bitumen mastic that part of the post that we will bury during the installation of the wooden picket fence. The beam itself must be impregnated with an antiseptic.

It is worth considering that a profile pipe is more durable material, which is resistant to stress and has a longer service life than wood. It is noteworthy that you can protect the metal by simply removing the rust using a metal brush. Then the pipe must be primed and painted with frost-resistant paint. From this it should be concluded that installing wooden fencing on metal posts is the most reliable option.

Note: top part profile pipe must be closed at any time of the year. To do this, it is necessary to weld a metal plate to the end of the support or install a special plug. To protect wooden supports from moisture, it is necessary to sand the end of the beam and then coat it with waterproof putty.

Preparatory work

Before installing the fence, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which consist in planing of veins, processing of pillars and sawing off the tops of a wooden picket fence.

Planed parts are economical, more durable and easier to paint. The veins (veins) are load-bearing elements, they are made from beams with a cross-section of 50×80 mm. Also, to make veins, poles with a diameter of 6-10 cm can be used. They can be spliced ​​anywhere in the run in two ways: half the width of a tree or an oblique log in height. It is necessary to ensure that the joints in the lower and upper parts of the veins do not coincide. Fastening the brackets is very simple: in the middle of the bracket, using hammer blows, it is first bent and then pressed into the wood.

The lathing of a wooden fence is made using a cord and a template. Any rope is suitable as a cord (it is pulled using two strips at the height of the upper end of the wooden picket fence). A template is a specially made cross, the stand of which is made from a board. Its width is equal to the clearance between two picket fence strips. The transverse size of the plank is 40-50 cm. It is nailed to the stand at a right angle perpendicular to the cross. Using this template, you can quickly fill the fence sheathing using only a control cord.

The pillars themselves must be sanded, and then their tops are carefully sawed down into two slopes. To better preserve the pillars, the earthen part can be covered with three layers of roofing felt or doused with hot tar.

The veins need to be planed into one slope: this way they will rot less, because the water will drain from them. Before digging holes for the posts, you need to make markings along the cord. Ideally, the distance between two support pillars is three meters, the length of the veins is 6 m.

Installation of picket fencing

A wooden picket fence is built according to the same principle as other types of fencing. To begin with, we determine the direction in which the future fence will be built. Then we clear the ground of all bushes, weeds and branches that could interfere with the process of erecting a wooden picket fence. Next, using a lace, we mark the place for the pillars. Distance between them should not exceed 3 m. Otherwise, the crossbars will sag under the weight of the attached pickets.

We install the support pillars in the ground. To make the resulting structure more durable, it is necessary erect pillars using cement-sand mortar. The depth of the dug hole in which the pillars will be installed is 1.3 m.

We install pre-prepared pillars on a 20 cm cushion consisting of gravel. Its task is to prevent the support from being squeezed out during frosts. After installing the pillars, they must be fix with alternating layers of soil and concrete mortar.

After fixing the pillars, you can begin installing the veins. They can be attached using self-tapping screws or nails. Once the veins are attached to the posts, you can begin installing the picket fence. You can also attach the planks using self-tapping screws or nails. The cord and template will allow you to quickly install the picket fence.

The video shows the process of installing a picket fence:

Finishing and decorating the fence

Film-forming finishes adhere very poorly to freshly planed boards. To roughen a jointed surface, you need to sand the wood with 60-grit sandpaper. Coatings for wood water based are not absorbed into wood, as they contain acids.

Paint looks best on a wooden picket fence. However, so that it does not lose its appearance, it is necessary remove every five years old paint, then strip the wood and repaint.

If you don’t like the paint, you can use a translucent stain. It is quite durable and also looks quite beautiful. In the future, there will be no need to clean the wood from stain: it is enough to cover the surface with another layer.

Helpful Tips:

  • It is better to apply paint with a brush rather than with a spray gun;
  • stain can be applied by spraying and then rubbed in with a brush;
  • It is best to apply paint or stain in dry and warm weather.

Not everyone can afford such high prices. The most economical option is a wooden fence. In addition to low cost, the picket fence has a number of advantages:

  • Wood - environmentally friendly clean look material.
  • There is room for imagination - the shape of the boards, the height of the fence and its color depend on the wishes of the owner.
  • Easy to install, maintain and operate.
  • A fence is not always able to protect against thieves, but for dogs and freely grazing animals it will become a barrier.
  • Nice view.

The disadvantage of wooden fencing is its fragility. With care and timely repairs, a picket fence can last 15 years. In the spring and dry summer, when there is a high probability of a fire, a wooden fence, unlike a fence, will not be able to contain the fire.

Financial issue

The cost of a picket fence in different regions

Prices for picket fences differ in the regions of Russia. It depends on how rich the area is in forests and on the number of enterprises involved in timber harvesting. Another factor that determines the cost of a picket fence is the species from which it is made. Usually this coniferous trees– larch and pine. The fencing from the second option will cost owners less.

Picket fence price with installation

If finances allow, a simple way out of the situation would be to call a team to bring and install the fence. The price depends on the degree of urgency and how long the company has been working in this field.

When the fence is delivered “turnkey”, the craftsmen carry out work on and finishing the fence, hanging gates, attaching locks and handles. At the same time, the cost of the fence increases by several hundred rubles per linear meter. But the owner does not have to worry about the quality of construction. Companies provide a guarantee for a certain period of time. If the customer finds a defect, the workers undertake to correct it as soon as possible.

It is necessary to calculate how much a fence costs individually. It all depends on the region where the owner of the estate lives and the prices of the companies involved in installing fences.

Do it yourself: necessary materials

To erect a wooden fence on the site you will need:

  • Support posts– metal pipes or powerful wooden beams.
  • Veins– beams with a cross-section of 40 mm and a length of no more than 3 meters. You need 2 pieces for each span of the fence. One is attached at the top, the other at the bottom.
  • Picket fences– slats made of planed boards. Their width and shape depend on the owner’s ideas.

If your arsenal of tools allows, you can prepare all the material yourself.

The wood needs to be well dried, otherwise finished fence deformed. To do this, the boards are stacked. The place where this structure will be located is cleared of grass and debris. The area for the stack is made as level as possible, otherwise the board may lose its shape during the drying process. Wide, thick boards or several logs are laid on the ground so that in the spring, when the soil is loose, the stack does not “move” to the side.

The base of the stack is covered with film or roofing felt so that moisture evaporated by the ground is not absorbed by the wood. The first boards are laid no lower than 30 cm from the ground. The “floors” are separated from each other by wooden or plastic slats 2-5 cm high. The width of the stack should not exceed 80 cm. It should not be built too high - there is a high probability that the supports will not hold up and the structure will collapse. Ideally, the boards should be under a canopy, but if the owner does not have such an opportunity, then it is enough to cover the material with slate. How long it takes to dry depends on the type of wood. On average the process takes 2 years.

To speed up the process, you can contact a timber processing plant that has installations for drying wood. Or plan the installation of the fence so that there is enough time to prepare the wood. All cuts must be treated with sandpaper to avoid cuts and scratches.

If you don’t have the tools, desire and time to do this yourself, you should contact a woodworking company and order what you need there. This will save time, but will require serious financial expenses. A well-dried, sanded “constructor” to create a fence should arrive at the owner’s site.

Fencing installation

Before you begin installing the fence, each wooden element should be treated protective agent. This will allow the picket fence to serve for 10 - 15 years without requiring major repairs.

When everything is ready, you need to determine where the fence will rise. The area should be cleared of stumps, grass and bushes. Need to mark locations for installing support pillars. It is not worth making a span longer than three meters - over time, the vein will sag under the weight of the slats, and the fence will tilt to the side. That part of the racks that will be underground is treated with hot pitch, tar or a special solution that protects the wood from rotting, or is covered with roofing felt.

A hole 1.3 - 1.5 meters deep is dug under each pillar. To prevent the support from “moving” to the side or from sagging during periods of precipitation and snow, a 20 cm layer of gravel is poured onto the bottom. The stand is fixed in a vertical position. Earth, concrete or cement is poured into the hole layer by layer.

There are two ways to complete the next step: either the spans are attached to the posts, and then the slats are nailed down, or the spans are assembled separately and then hung on the supports. There is no big difference in the expenditure of time and effort.

Important: when working on uneven area it is necessary to make the fence in “steps”, evenly distributing the difference over the entire length of the side of the fence.

To make the fence look nice, the distance between the pickets should not be greater than the width of the slats themselves. The fence can be mounted using either nails or self-tapping bolts. The metal racks have special corners for securing the cross beams.

Finishing work

When the fence is ready, you can start painting it. The natural color of the wood pleases the eye and seems ideal. But if he spends some time in the rain, snow or scorching sun, no trace of this beauty will remain. Therefore, a prudent owner is obliged to choose a paint whose color he likes and fits into the overall exterior of the house, or stain. The latter, in combination with colorless varnish, will help to imitate wood of any species or “preserve” the original color.

Moreover, it is better to apply the paint with a brush, and first spray the stain with a spray bottle.

The top of the fence can be given interesting shape waves or semicircles. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with a pencil and a drawing tool. You should not rely on your “diamond eye”, since the consequences of failure will be very difficult to correct. On front side For a fence, decorative elements of various shapes made of wood or metal are suitable as decoration.

Good to know: If the fence is designed with regular even boundaries, then ropes need to be pulled along the lower and upper edges. Then there will be no problems with the correctness of the lines.

Options decorative solution top of the fence.

For those who like to profit from other people's goods, picket fences with a conical top will cause great inconvenience. Also, nothing prevents the owners from stringing barbed wire on top.

This wooden creation should be crowned with a reliable gate or gate - it all depends on the wishes of the owners. In any case, the “doors” in the fence must be locked. If necessary, there can be several gates.

If the person erecting the fence is the happy owner of an entire farm, and on the site, in addition to the house, there are hectares of beds, a mini-farm, a pasture, etc., then it makes sense to consider a picket fence for zoning the territory. Low wooden fences around flower beds and bushes also look very nice.

In order for site owners to be inspired by the idea of ​​​​building a new fence, the photo below shows beautiful wooden picket fences.

Classic. Arched spans, pillars with decorative tops.

Another solution for the top of the pillars. A small detail is a different image.

Reverse arch.

A gate made of the same material and an arch above it fit very nicely into the fabric of the picket fence.

Above the gate you can place not only an arch, but also a pergola.

"Flowing" fence. A wooden picket fence is one of the few fence options that can easily accommodate complex terrain.

Step solution.

Luxurious option on a stepped base.

Sometimes an unusual color sets the style.

A radically different style solution. Although the focus is also on color.

Bright, but classic version colors.

Wood is rarely painted dark colors, but why not.

Unusual black fence.

Chameleon fence. The artistic coloring makes it that way.

Another creative color option.

Fence colors with a nod to colonial style.

The original version of the spire. Nothing prevents you from coming up with and implementing your own.

Variations with the direction of the pickets are possible. They are mounted not only vertically, but also horizontally.

….A mesh option is also possible.

It is difficult to say how long the entire fencing installation process will take. If the materials are prepared, the area is small, and there are helpers, then you can get it done in a day. A team of specialists will need the same amount. A week is not enough for a person who does everything alone and has to fence off a large area.

About the assembly on video

Find out how to assemble a fence from a ready-made picket fence in the material below.