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» How to make delicious cappuccino at home? Rules for making cappuccino in a coffee machine How to make cappuccino at home from instant coffee

How to make delicious cappuccino at home? Rules for making cappuccino in a coffee machine How to make cappuccino at home from instant coffee

In its pure form, many people find it bitter and tasteless. Often the reason for dislike for it lies in the strength of a properly brewed drink. However, not everyone knows that there are more than 1000 options for serving it in the world. But you have probably heard about the most popular of them - cappuccino.

This Italian drink, made with milk and milk foam, has a long history. It appeared in the 16th century in one of the Roman monasteries. The Capuchin monks who lived there were the first to come up with the idea of ​​diluting coffee with milk and thick milk foam. Nowadays cappuccino is served in almost every cafe or restaurant. Its mild taste makes it a favorite drink of young girls and mature coffee connoisseurs. And due to the fact that its strength is low, cappuccino is very much loved by those people for whom the standard version of espresso is strictly prohibited for medical reasons.

Typically, a special coffee machine with a cappuccino whisk is used to prepare this drink. But don’t despair and think that the real version can only be tasted in a cafe. Little kitchen tricks help those who love it to enjoy it at home. Let's talk how to make homemade cappuccino.

First you need to choose a good variety. It is best to use a natural drink made from freshly ground grains, brewed in a Turk. This means that before you make cappuccino at home, you should look at the nearest coffee shop and buy coffee. Those who want to follow a completely authentic cooking recipe will also need an espresso maker - a special version of the Turk, in which the drink is brewed by passing hot water under pressure through a filter. But in general, it is enough to make strong coffee in a Turk.

How to make cappuccino at home with the “correct” foam? Here a lot depends on the tools at hand. The fact is that now we need to froth the milk. We will teach you how to make cappuccino at home in two different ways. For the first one you will need a French press. You also need 150 milliliters of milk, preferably with a high percentage of fat content - the thickness of the foam depends on it. Bring the product to a boil and pour into a French press. But now everything depends on manual dexterity: the more actively we raise and lower the piston, the better the foam on the milk will whip up, and therefore we work tirelessly. When it has whipped up, pour 1/3 of the coffee into a cup or glass, add sugar and stir. After this, you need to carefully pour the milk into the coffee and spread the milk foam on top of the drink using a teaspoon.

The second method demonstrates how to make it using a mixer. For preparation you will also need 100 milliliters of milk and 50 milliliters of high-fat drinking cream. Combine the cream with milk and heat over low heat. When the mixture warms up a little, beat it thoroughly with a mixer. We spread the resulting foam on top of the coffee - and now, our drink is ready.

Now we know how to make cappuccino at home. All that remains is to apply the finishing touches - decorate the cup with our drink. An experienced barista turns decorating cups of this drink into a real art, creating real designs on the surface of the foam. Ground cinnamon, grated chocolate or syrups are usually used for decoration. Gently pour some cinnamon or chocolate into the cup so as not to damage the foam. You can prepare a stencil in advance to try to make not just a fragrant powder on the surface, but a small pattern.

Coffee drinks are a combination of three main components: espresso coffee, milk and sugar in different proportions, temperatures and consistencies. Cappuccino is one of the most favorite drinks with a distinct creamy note, which can be prepared both in a coffee machine and at home. What are the most popular recipes for preparing it?

What is cappuccino

According to one legend, the recipe for cappuccino coffee at home was invented in Italy back in the 16th century. In those days, coffee beans were not available to everyone due to the high price. Another reason to use it in limited quantities was the opinion of the devilish power of the drink, which invigorated too much. It was for these reasons that the Capuchin monks began to add milk or cream to the cup. This component softened the bitterness of the drink and its stimulating properties, and also made it possible to save on coffee beans.

Capuchin monks in those days wore black robes with white hoods, which gave the name to the world's favorite drink, which acquired official status only in 1855, when the first coffee machine for making cappuccino was presented at a specialized exhibition in Paris.

If a few decades ago real cappuccino could only be tasted in bars and cafes, today it can be successfully prepared at home, even without a coffee machine.

Classic cappuccino is 180 ml of true pleasure

Classic cappuccino recipe

How to make a classic cappuccino at home? To do this, you will need natural ground coffee, milk or cream, and sugar if desired. The tools you need are a Turk and a whisk or mixer.

For a standard 100 ml of espresso, take 80-100 ml of milk or cream and sugar to taste. First, strong coffee is brewed in a Turkish coffee pot. To do this, pour 1.5 tsp into it. ground coffee, pour in 100 ml of cold water and bring to a boil, repeating the procedure up to 5-7 times. When the coffee is ready, the Turk is set aside and the preparation of milk begins. 50 ml of natural milk is heated in a high container; during the heating process, they begin to gently beat it with a whisk or mixer at medium power. When the milk increases in volume and thick foam appears, turn off the heat and begin to combine the ingredients.

  1. Pour boiling water over or heat in the microwave a small porcelain cup with thick walls and wipe dry.
  2. Pour the Turkish coffee and add sugar to taste.
  3. Carefully pour in the milk.
  4. Spread milk foam on top with a spoon.

Milk or cream must be natural, not powdered, otherwise such a product will not be able to be whipped to the desired foam. Milk should be of maximum fat content, and the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. A drink prepared in this way can be called a classic cappuccino.

Properly frothed milk is the key to a classic Italian drink

Cappuccino with additives

To prepare an unusual cappuccino at home without a coffee machine, you can use the following recipes.

Thick vanilla cappuccino

To prepare it, you will need to brew strong coffee in a Turk from 120 ml of water and 2 tsp. ground grains. Separately prepare the egg-vanilla-cream component. To do this, separate the yolk from the white and gently beat it with 2 tsp. powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin. Heat 50 ml of cream with 30% fat, add the egg-sugar mixture to it and beat it until foamy. Next, the liquid part is poured into a cup of coffee, and foam is placed on top. The drink is ready.

Cappuccino with syrup

To make the drink richer in taste and give it an unusual aftertaste, you can add a little syrup to the cup. Vanilla, chocolate, nut or caramel syrup are considered the most suitable for cappuccino. For a standard 180 ml cup you will need 1 tsp of the sweet ingredient.

Coffee is prepared according to the classic recipe: brewed in a Turk and frothed milk. Next, pour the coffee into a cup, add milk and liqueur, and only after that add milk foam. Sugar is not added to this drink, since the syrup is always prepared with sugar or its substitute.

Cappuccino with egg foam

To make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine with beautiful foam, similar to whipped cream, you can use one secret. Its essence is the use of egg white. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Brew 150 ml of strong coffee in a Turk.
  2. Heat 30 ml of milk to 60 degrees.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it with 1-2 tsp. powdered sugar.
  4. Pour coffee, warm milk into a warm cup and add egg foam.

This cappuccino is more like a dessert than a drink, so it is often decorated with chocolate chips or cinnamon.

Not everyone succeeds in frothing milk for cappuccino correctly the first time. It is important to choose a product with a fat content of at least 3% and without additives. After slightly warming it up in the container, they begin to slowly beat it to catch up the pace. First, large bubbles should appear on the surface, then small ones, forming the very foam that covers the cappuccino. The milk is whipped until the foam forms a layer of a few millimeters, in which case it will not disappear when the milk is poured into the cup.

To make cappuccino with thick foam, you can use a French press or blender. To do this, heat the milk to 60-70 degrees, pour it into containers and begin whipping. In skillful hands, the milk will be ready in 2-3 minutes.

Cappuccino is one of the most favorite drinks in Italy, the homeland of Europe's main coffee lovers. It is no less popular in Russia, and many housewives, using the recipes presented, will be able to prepare a delicious drink in just 5 minutes.

Make cappuccino at home On a cold winter morning, there is nothing better than everyone’s long-loved drink - coffee. This hot drink has a very long history. Coffee is always a gourmet's choice. Cappuccino at home can turn out even tastier. Some people simply cannot imagine the morning without it. There is even an expression “invite for coffee.” You can chat with an old friend over a cup of coffee, or have a business meeting.

In short, there is no question that cannot be resolved over a cup of coffee. But some people prefer to give up coffee due to its harsh and slightly bitter taste. If this is the only problem, we recommend that you switch to cappuccino. Due to fresh milk, this drink has a softer taste and a very pleasant aroma. Some girls love cappuccino for its delicate foam. You will find this drink in any good coffee shop. Agree, you don’t always want to go to a restaurant or cafe for a cappuccino, even if you love it very much. There is a simple way out - learn to cook it yourself, it’s very easy to do, we assure you.

Making cappuccino - recipe

You will need a carton of milk and coffee. To begin with, you should brew ground coffee in a regular pot. Take the amount of coffee at the rate of 2 teaspoons per cup. This will be quite enough. To make your cappuccino delicious, follow all the recommendations below. So, before boiling, you should remove the coffee from the heat. Therefore, you should not leave the stove while cooking. Be very careful. Then you need to put the container back on the fire and do not remove the Turk from the heat until foam appears.

The most delicious cappuccino recipes

As for the amount of water, you should take about 50 ml. Once you have successfully brewed standard classic coffee, you can move on to making foam. It is thanks to her that classic coffee will turn into your favorite cappuccino. For this you will need milk. If you are interested in fat content, we advise you to give preference to milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%. Cappuccino at home will taste better if the fat content is higher.

You will need to heat the milk. Please note that the milk must be heated, then you will get a delicious foam. To turn warm milk into foam you will need to froth it. You can use a standard whisk, or use a mixer or blender. The latter method is more preferable. This will save your time and the quality of the foam will be better. Whisk the milk for about 2 minutes.

Excellent foamy cappuccino

Ideally, you should get a foam of uniform consistency and without large bubbles. Cappuccino does not take very long to prepare at home. The main point in preparation is the combination of coffee and milk, which has turned into foam. Pour in the milk and foam from exactly the container where you poured it in. Only if this condition is met will you be able to first pour in not the frothed milk, but only at the end the foam from it. Another important point is that the milk should be poured strictly in the center. This is done so that the milk foam covers the entire area of ​​the container.

If you have little experience in making cappuccino, you can first pour in the milk, and then, using a regular spoon, add the milk foam. This cappuccino is ready! If you only have instant coffee at home, then making cappuccino from it is also possible. But keep in mind that its taste will be less natural. Another problem may be the lack of a mixer. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a French press. You can also use dry cream instead of natural milk. In a word, there is always a way out.

Cappuccino with espresso flavor

You can make a video with a detailed description of how to make cappuccino yourself. If you have a coffee maker in your home, this makes things much easier. The best option may be a coffee maker with a cappuccino maker or with an espresso function. Such coffee makers are quite expensive, but if you love cappuccino, then purchasing such a thing is a must. You can pamper yourself with fresh cappuccino every morning. Just imagine what a luxury this is.

Cappuccino with a dash of espresso

To make a delicious cappuccino, you need to watch more than a dozen videos. But if you have a coffee maker, everything is much simpler. If the coffee maker has a cappuccino maker, then you can use it to remove milk foam without any problems. To do this, you just need to dip it in milk. Then prepare the espresso and pour in the milk and foam. If there is no cappuccino maker. It can be purchased as a separate add-on without any problems.

Prepare cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino coffee will help relieve stress and bring indescribable pleasure. If you learn how to make cappuccino yourself, you can cheer yourself and your family up every day. In fact, cappuccino has many options. You can sprinkle the cappuccino with grated chocolate. This will decorate it and complement the already deep taste.

Design drawings for cappuccino

You can come up with your own cappuccino recipes. To do this, use your imagination and focus on your taste preferences. You can try adding fruity notes to your usual cappuccino or using thicker cream. If you prefer an original taste, you can add cinnamon or other spices. Cappuccino is just a base that can be complemented with anything. Today there is a huge variety of additives and fillers for coffee. You can even add caramel to your cappuccino. This is a great combination for incorrigible sweet lovers. Cappuccino is a great way to please your friends and family.

Vanilla type cappuccino

You can make a vanilla cappuccino and take a photo of it. This is a very tasty dessert that no one can resist. To do this, you will first need to beat the yolk; to do this, you need to separate it from the white and combine it with 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar. Without ceasing to beat, you must add vanilla to this consistency, as well as cream, 2 tablespoons are required. You can totally get by with milk. Then you should pour coffee into a cup and add vanilla-milk foam. The cappuccino is ready to drink.

Cappuccino with vanilla

Don't be afraid to pamper yourself. You can make cappuccino in a French press. To do this, brew the coffee and then strain it thoroughly. Then you can prepare milk or cream according to the standard procedure. To do this, pour milk into the indicated device, after obtaining foam, combine the milk and coffee. As you can see, there are a lot of options for making cappuccino with your own hands. Don't be afraid to try something new. Pay attention to the cup where the drink is poured. It should be heated, so the taste will be richer and more pleasant. Your family will thank you for such a pleasant surprise in all respects. Bon appetit!


Throughout the history of coffee, many recipes based on it have been invented, allowing their taste to satisfy the most demanding gourmets. Among the options available, one of the most popular and frequently ordered in coffee shops around the world is cappuccino. Fans of the drink claim that the incredible tenderness and soft taste that this coffee, prepared according to an Italian recipe, has, leaves virtually no chance of remaining indifferent. Therefore, information on how to brew cappuccino at home in a Turkish coffee pot will be useful for any coffee lover.

What does cappuccino mean?

If you turn to the terminology adopted by professional baristas, you can find out: “Cappuccino is a drink based on coffee, with the addition of milk, optional sugar, and a thick foam of milk.”

In addition to the main ingredients, chocolate chips, vanillin, various syrups and liqueurs, and egg yolk can be added to the coffee drink.

However, regardless of the additional components, the combination of “coffee + sugar + milk” when preparing cappuccino remains unchanged. What distinguishes this drink from others that contain these components, for example, latte? Its features are:

  • proportions: for cappuccino the ratio of the main ingredients is strictly 1:1;
  • uniformity: when preparing cappuccino, first pour strong coffee, then add foam, and after that all the ingredients are mixed;
  • foam density: dense, strong foam is an invariable attribute of cappuccino; in this drink it has no air bubbles, is uniform in appearance, and light.

On a note. In a properly prepared cappuccino, the foam can support the weight of 1 teaspoon of sugar.

History of creation

Despite the widespread popularity of cappuccino among modern coffee lovers, the history of its creation begins back in the 16th century. This was a period when the Catholic Church considered the use of invigorating drinks as a great sin and a temptation to the devil himself. The inventive Capuchin monks could not come to terms with the ban, and found a good way out of the situation. They began to dilute their coffee with milk (usually goat's), arguing that most of the sin from the person drinking the drink was removed.

As time passed, stories about the drink, which had a delicious taste, reached other members of the church. The delicate and soft taste of cappuccino was appreciated by the Pope himself, after which it became widespread throughout Italy, and then throughout the world.

A little later, one of the monks came up with the idea of ​​additionally whipping the milk into thick foam and adding it to the cappuccino. However, this idea was not initially realized. The resulting foam was not thick enough and did not stick to the hot drink. In search of solutions to this problem, he invented a special device that worked on the principle of modern coffee machines and whipped milk froth using a jet of steam under high pressure.

So, this delicious coffee drink has a fairly long history, and this fact alone is worth trying to make it yourself.

Selection of ingredients

The first and main condition for preparing cappuccino is the choice of quality ingredients. What ingredients we choose to brew coffee will largely determine what we get in the end. In order to brew cappuccino at home, you will need ground coffee beans, sugar to taste and milk of medium fat content (fat content from 2.5 to 3.2 percent is considered optimal). Special dishes also play an important role.

To make cappuccino, you should choose medium-fat milk.

Rules for brewing cappuccino in Turk

To brew cappuccino in a Turk, you need to follow the following sequence of steps.

  1. Pour water into the Turk (it is better to use purified water).
  2. Add ground coffee (the proportion is 1-1.5 teaspoons per 100 ml of water) and place on the stove.
  3. Stirring constantly, bring the coffee until light foam appears.
  4. Remove from heat and wait for the foam to subside.
  5. Repeat the sequence 4-5 times.

When we come to a cafe and order a cappuccino, we are served a drink that has a characteristic, high and dense foam that holds well and does not settle. Without a coffee machine in the house, it is quite difficult to achieve such a foam structure. However, nothing is impossible: here are some ways to do it at home.

Method 1. French press. If you have this useful device at home, the question of how to brew cappuccino at home in a Turk can be considered resolved: with the help of a French press, the cappuccino will be brewed with perfect foam. Simply pour the heated milk into the flask up to half the volume and, using intense movements of the piston, whisk the drink until a thick, light foam is obtained.

Method 2. Immersion blender or mixer. Every housewife has these devices in her arsenal. In this case, the foam should be whipped directly while the milk is heating. To do this, pour it into a wide, tall saucepan, and, after heating slightly, carefully immerse the device, starting the whisking process. It is important to achieve the required foam consistency as quickly as possible so that the temperature of the milk does not exceed 70 degrees.

Method 3. Hand mixer (whisk). The principle of whipping the foam in this case is the same as in the previous method (the milk is whipped when heated directly in a bowl on the stove), but this will take more time and effort.

Once the main ingredients are ready, you can combine them into one using the classic recipe, or make an original drink with the addition of additional components.

To get a strong foam, the milk should be thoroughly whipped first.

Original recipes for making cappuccino at home

If you are determined to learn how to make Turkish cappuccino at home, it is important to do it consistently and not rush into experiments. Experienced baristas recommend first mastering the classic recipe for making cappuccino in a Turk, and, if everything works out, move on to studying original options.

Classic recipe

According to the classic recipe for making cappuccino, you need to prepare strong espresso (2 teaspoons of coffee per 100 ml of water). After the coffee has risen several times, the vessel must be removed from the heat and begin preparing the foam. While the coffee has not yet cooled down, you should heat half a glass of medium-fat milk until hot, then beat it until a thick and dense foam forms. Next, the drink is prepared in the following sequence:

  • Add sugar to taste into a cup of coffee;
  • The resulting milk foam is carefully laid out on top.

The drink is served in a cup or tall glass.


This option differs from the usual one in its more delicate taste, and therefore to prepare it, coffee is taken in a smaller proportion than in the classic version (at the rate of 2 teaspoons of coffee powder per 150 ml of water). Add sugar to the coffee and proceed to preparing the foam. This recipe contains 150 ml milk. heated with a small amount of vanillin or vanilla sugar, and after whipping until foamy, carefully spread onto the brewed coffee.


This drink is distinguished by a strong coffee base (8 teaspoons of powder per glass of water). In a separate bowl, beat 80 ml. milk. Prepare hot chocolate separately: heat 60 ml in a small saucepan. milk, after which finely chopped half of the chocolate bar is thrown in and, stirring gently, melt until smooth). When all the ingredients are ready, pour into a cup or glass in the following order: coffee; hot chocolate; frothed milk. If desired, you can add a spoonful of ground cinnamon powder.


By the way, cinnamon is often added to cappuccino as an additional ingredient. To prepare a drink with cinnamon, you need to brew strong espresso to taste, add sugar, and then sprinkle a little cinnamon on top of the coffee. Spread milk foam on top. When preparing, do not forget about the proportions of milk and coffee: they should always be 1:1.

With honey and vanilla

Sometimes there are situations when you really want coffee, but there is no sugar in the house. It is also not uncommon for people to not consume sugar at all, for example due to diet. In this case, honey will come to the rescue. A cappuccino prepared on its basis will be less caloric than a drink with sugar, and in terms of taste it is unlikely to be inferior to the traditional preparation. So, in order to prepare cappuccino with honey, you need to brew strong espresso, then add honey to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per standard 150 ml cup. When whipping milk foam, you can add a pinch of vanilla to make the taste of the drink even more refined.

Adding toppings

Recipes for making cappuccino with the addition of various toppings (syrups) have also gained great popularity. Most often these are almond, walnut or amaretto syrups. To prepare a drink with topping, you need to pour a small (20-30 ml) syrup of your choice into the bottom of the cup, then pour in freshly brewed coffee. At the end, milk foam is laid out. If desired, you can also decorate the drink with whipped cream.

How to make cappuccino from instant coffee

Brewing is the best way to preserve taste and aroma. Brewed coffee has a distinct taste and makes it possible to prepare drinks with milk based on it, which are not inferior to those that you usually order at your favorite coffee shop. However, if you are not a fan of brewing in a Turk, but want to treat yourself to something special, you can try making cappuccino using regular instant coffee. At the same time, the preparation recipe is not much different from the classic one, except that the coffee is not brewed, but is prepared from soluble granules to taste. The optimal proportion is 2 teaspoons per small (100 ml) cup of boiling water. After preparing the coffee, add sugar and milk froth to the cup. The drink is ready!

Drawing latte art from foam

Surely you have had the opportunity to watch how, when preparing coffee, a barista “conjures” a cup of cappuccino, depicting various patterns. This technique is called “latte art,” and even those who have never tried to decorate coffee with drawings can master it. To begin with, you can use special stencils. By sprinkling coffee with grated chocolate or cinnamon through a stencil, you can make the drink not only more tasty and aromatic, but also give it a delightful appearance. But learning to draw on coffee using cream is a little more difficult. However, after watching several photo and video master classes, you can easily master this art.

Cappuccino is a delicate coffee-based drink with a pronounced milky taste and pleasant sweetness. Prepared more than 5 centuries ago, it pleases coffee lovers with a variety of preparation options. It is especially appreciated because, if you have the ingredients, cappuccino can be easily prepared at home, giving yourself moments of joy and delight.

There are many ways to make coffee. Each person prefers different types, varieties and recipes. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a drink as cappuccino. For many years it has not lost its popularity, and the number of fans of this aromatic, sweet and tasty coffee is constantly growing.

After all, cappuccino is not just coffee with milk. This is an incredibly delicate, tasty and invigorating Italian drink that is simply impossible to resist.

Origin story

The history of cappuccino goes back to the distant 16th century. It was invented by the monks of the Capuchin Order. In those distant times, the Catholic Church categorically forbade the consumption of coffee, the drink of the devil. It was the Capuchin monks who found a way out of the situation. They began to dilute black coffee with goat's milk, claiming that this removed most of the sin from the drink. Cappuccino got its name thanks to red-brown hoods on the monks' robe. After all, translated from Italian, cappuccio means hood.

Later, rumors about the unusual drink reached the rest of the church ministers. The Pope himself appreciated the delicate, divine taste of cappuccino. One day, one monk came up with the idea of ​​whipping milk into a strong foam and adding it to the drink. But the whipped foam did not stick to the hot coffee. The monks tried to add whipped cream to coffee, steamed milk, but they could not get real thick and dense foam. This happened a little later, when a simple Italian, a self-taught mechanic, thought of making a special steam machine for frothing milk. The operating principle of this invention completely replicates the operation of modern coffee machines.

Many people are interested in how to spell the name of this great drink: cappuccino or cappuccino. In Italian, this word is written as Cappuccino, with double P and C. In specialized professional literature, the name cappuccino is used. Find out how to spell the word “cappuccino” correctly.


Cappuccino - what it is and what it consists of. Its main ingredients are coffee, milk, sugar and thick milk foam.. It is important to serve the drink in well-heated porcelain cups or thick-walled glass glasses. In some recipes, cappuccino is prepared with the addition of egg yolk. You can add cinnamon, chocolate chips, vanilla, caramel syrup or liqueur to it. There are many options for preparing this wonderful coffee. Each recipe has its own twist. You can brew cappuccino in a coffee machine, or you can make it yourself using a Turkish coffee pot.

Many people think that there are no differences between latte and cappuccino, but this is not true at all. You can find out the difference between a latte and a cappuccino using this.

Benefits and harms

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether cappuccino is harmful or beneficial. Lately there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of natural coffee. And cappuccino is doubly healthier due to its high milk content.

One serving of aromatic drink can increase low blood pressure and relieve headaches, improve digestion, dilate blood vessels. It has a mild diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body during swelling. You can read about the effect of coffee on the blood vessels of the brain.

Can pregnant women have cappuccino? A direct contraindication to drinking any coffee is pregnancy and lactation for nursing mothers. The caffeine contained in the drink can cause serious harm to the child.

If you are following a low-calorie diet, you will also have to stop drinking cappuccino. One cup of this coffee with sugar and milk contains more than 500 kcal. To reduce the calorie content of the drink, you can prepare it with soy milk.

You should not drink cappuccino while taking any medications; use with caution if you have liver and kidney diseases, high intraocular and blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.

In all other cases, drinking cappuccino is not only possible, but also necessary. Its benefits for a healthy person are obvious. After all, this drink contains a large amount of calcium, iron, pyridine, potassium, vitamin PP and magnesium.

Cappuccino coffee recipes

There are many ways to make cappuccino. In addition to the classic one, there are many more interesting and tasty recipes. How to cook it correctly?

Classic recipe

Brew espresso from 100 ml water and 2 teaspoons of ground coffee. Bring half a glass of full-fat milk to a boil and, without removing from heat, beat thoroughly with a mixer until a dense thick foam forms. Add sugar to the finished coffee, pour into a cup, and carefully place whipped milk foam on top. The drink can be served with cinnamon or chocolate chips.

This is illustrated more clearly in this video:

Vanilla cappuccino

For 150 ml of cold water, take 2 teaspoons of coffee, brew espresso, strain and add sugar. In a separate container, bring 150 ml of heavy cream to a boil with a small amount of vanilla. When the cream begins to boil, carefully whip it and place it on the finished drink.

Vanilla with egg yolk

Beat the egg yolk with two teaspoons of fine powdered sugar. Continuing to beat, add a little vanilla and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. As soon as a high, dense foam forms, it is carefully spread onto the freshly prepared espresso.


Add table to half a liter of water. l. finely ground coffee and brew espresso. Pour 10 ml of caramel and vanilla syrup into preheated cups. You can also use regular caramel, melted in a water bath, and replace the vanilla syrup with a pinch of vanillin. Pour the finished coffee into a cup with syrups and carefully add frothed milk (120 ml).


First you need to make hot chocolate. To do this, pour 60 ml of milk into a saucepan and heat well, but do not boil. Add 70 grams of finely chopped chocolate to warm milk and melt. Hot chocolate is ready. In a separate bowl, beat 80 ml of cream (30%). Brew strong coffee in a Turk (5 teaspoons per glass of water). Pour coffee into the prepared cup or glass and carefully pour hot chocolate along the blade of a knife so that it does not sink to the bottom. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

With cognac

For half a glass of prepared coffee you will need 2 small pieces of white chocolate, 2 teaspoons of cognac, a little powdered sugar, a tablespoon (tablespoon) of whipped cream and a slice of dark chocolate. Melt white chocolate and carefully pour into coffee, pour cognac, cream on top and sprinkle with powder and chocolate.

How to make cappuccino at home using Turks

To make homemade cappuccino without a coffee maker, it is important to brew the coffee correctly. To do this you need clean water, Turkish coffee and coffee beans. Moreover, the grains must be ground immediately before cooking. Cold water is poured into the Turk, the required amount of coffee powder is added and put on fire. Stir continuously until light foam rises. After which, remove it so that the foam subsides. This procedure is repeated at least 4-5 times.

Another important point is the frothed milk. In this case, a blender or mixer can help. Milk must be poured into a metal bowl, put on fire and whisked directly on the stove, avoiding boiling.

Which milk is best for cappuccino? Do not take milk that is too fat or skim. It should be of medium fat content (2.5-3.2%).

How to make coffee using a coffee machine

A machine for making cappuccino must have special devices: a cappuccino maker and a pitcher. The required amount of milk (1/3 of the volume) is poured into the pitcher, and using a cappuccino maker, it is whipped into a strong foam. The coffee maker brews regular coffee, and the foam is added last.

How to froth milk for this drink

If you don't have a coffee machine at home, you can use French press. Slightly warmed milk is poured into the flask and closed with a lid with a piston. Fill the French press to half the volume and, quickly moving the piston up and down, beat the milk.

You can make foam using mixer or small immersion blender. Pour milk into a small container and place on low heat. When the milk starts to heat up, start whisking. It is important that its temperature does not exceed 70 C.

If there are no devices at hand, then it is quite possible to use the usual whisk. But frothing milk this way is a long and labor-intensive process.

We reviewed all possible whippers and milk frothers for cappuccino in the publication.

Do you need detailed instructions for using a geyser coffee maker? Our material, which discusses the principle of operation, how to brew coffee and use a geyser coffee maker, will come in handy:

How to draw on cappuccino

You don't have to be an expert barista to decorate your drink. The simplest and most beautiful designs can be made using a stencil, the slits of which are sprinkled with cinnamon. You can paint on coffee with thick cream, which is poured in a thin stream onto the milk foam. Often toothpicks and thick syrup or hot chocolate are used for such drawing.

Read our detailed article about this art - latte art at the link.

With the help of the following video, which presents various techniques and examples of drawings, you will understand how to draw on a cappuccino:

Learning how to make real cappuccino is not difficult. It is important to strictly observe the proportions of the drink. Each component (coffee, milk and foam) should occupy 1/3 of the volume of a coffee cup.

The ideal cappuccino is a drink with dense foam. If you sprinkle a little sugar on such foam, it should remain on the surface as long as possible.

Nothing lifts your spirits better than a cup of aromatic, sweet and invigorating cappuccino.