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» How to make apple chips. Step-by-step recipe for making delicious apple chips in the oven

How to make apple chips. Step-by-step recipe for making delicious apple chips in the oven

Oh, those snacks! Always a problem with them! Salty potato chips and crackers are harmful. Cookies and candy are high in calories. Dried fruits and nuts are good, but not just any kind, and you get tired of the best ones.

If you are tired of unhealthy high-calorie snacks, I suggest making a dietary snack – apple chips. This snack is low in calories, it does not contain harmful additives, preservatives or dyes. But most of the beneficial substances contained in apples are preserved. In stores, of course, they sell thin slices of dried apples, but homemade ones are much tastier. This I responsibly affirm.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 1.5-2 hours for drying


  • 5 small apples with dense flesh (for example, Gala variety)
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 0.25 teaspoons of citric acid.


    We collect everything you need.

    First, let's prepare the syrup. For it we need sugar and citric acid - adding it will prevent the apples from darkening and will enhance the natural sourness of the fruit.

    Pour a glass of water into the sugar.

    Place on the fire and bring to a boil. There is no need to boil the syrup - just enough for the sugar to dissolve.

    Remove the syrup from the heat to cool slightly.

    Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into thin slices (1-1.5 mm). This can be done either with a knife or on a grater, which is used to shred cabbage for pickling. Using a core remover, we cut out the seed pod, although this is not the only way to get rid of the seeds. If we simply cut the apples, they will fall out, and the box “by itself” will take on a beautiful pattern in the center of the circle in the form of an asterisk.

    Place the apple slices in the syrup and let them steep for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the apples will absorb the syrup a little. If not all the apples fit into the syrup, it’s okay - we’ll infuse it in parts.

    After the apples have steeped, they must be rid of excess syrup. To do this, place the slices on a paper towel and let them dry a little.

    Place the dried apple slices on a baking sheet or wire rack lined with parchment paper.

    Place the baking sheet on a medium level and set the apple chips to dry for 1.5-2 hours in a preheated oven at a temperature of 60-80 degrees.

    The finished chip slices become slightly wavy and tortuous.

    Apple chips are best stored wrapped in paper, placed in a cloth bag or glass jar. And you can have this snack at any time of the day!

Happy chip-crunching!

Homemade apple chips

Chips cannot be called food, but you will agree that this is an ideal pastime, a delicacy loved by everyone, not only children, but also many adults.

No matter how chip manufacturers claim that the products they produce are high quality, made from natural products, without various flavoring additives and preservatives, we don’t really believe this, since we already know a lot about this.

But don’t deny yourself your favorite delicacy and pleasure. Therefore, craftsmen and lovers of delicious food have learned to cook chips at home.

But today we will not talk about potato chips - we are moving forward and will focus on making fruit chips.

Apple chips are a tasty, aromatic and crunchy product that replaces seeds, which are also popular. For the domestic market, this is a new delicacy that has appeared thanks to modern technologies. It is considered a light and healthy snack, and the most important thing is that, unlike potato chips, it is much healthier and less caloric.

It doesn't take much to prepare them. We bring to your attention simple recipes for making apple chips at home in the kitchen.

Apple chips - homemade recipe

Apple - 1 piece,

1 tablespoon honey,

1/3 cup of any nuts (to your taste)

A little bit of cinnamon is not for everyone.

Preparing chips is very simple, the main thing is to have a good oven that bakes the dish evenly.

The apple needs to be washed, cut lengthwise, remove the core with seeds and cut into thin slices, 1.5 - 2 millimeters thick.

Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment, place the chopped apple slices on it and place in a preheated oven - temperature 100 - 120 degrees, for one hour.

If your oven does not bake completely evenly, rotate the baking sheet after 30 minutes. An hour has passed - remove the baking sheet from the oven, grease the apple chips with honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts and cinnamon and put in the oven for another 20 minutes. Z

Then we transfer the resulting chips from the parchment and we can say that they are ready. But they will be soft when hot, so they need to be allowed to cool so that they become crispy, like industrial potatoes.

Recipe 2.

Sweet apples - 2 pieces.

Peel the apples, remove the middle, cut into thin rings (if you have a special device, use it).

Place the chopped apple slices on a wire rack and place it on a baking sheet. At a low temperature of 80 - 100 degrees, bake for 2 hours. Then remove from the oven, let cool, and transfer to a closed container.

In this way, the finished chips can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than one week.

As you understand, preparing this delicacy is not difficult, or rather, it’s very simple and quick. The chips are tasty, healthy, and you won’t find them on store shelves.

If there are children in the family, prepare this sweetness for them; perhaps they will like it even more than industrial potato chips. Have a nice time.

The rhythm of life in big cities does not provide modern people with enough time to eat leisurely and qualitatively, to saturate their body with useful substances. And the main thing is not to harm it, which is what fast food enterprises mainly do. One alternative to fast food products is apple chips. Finding a recipe for this dish is not a problem now. You can prepare it at home, take it with you, and you will always have the opportunity to refresh yourself.

general information

We have already decided that such “fast” food as sandwiches, store-bought potato chips, pizza is not suitable for us. Let's take care of our own figure and health. It’s not for nothing that scientists consider apples and dishes made from them to be one of the healthiest foods. For example, apple chips, the recipe for which we will now share, are not only very tasty, but also healthy for the human body.

Everyone has long known: just one apple a day - and our body will be saturated with useful substances, the digestion process will be accelerated. This culinary development, prepared from the most common fruit, will also provide us with a nourishing and tasty snack. To diversify the latter, it is recommended to use apples of different varieties.

First recipe: cooking apple chips in the oven

To prepare one serving of chips we will need: apples - three or four juicy fruits, granulated sugar - 80 grams, water - one glass. Let us immediately note that in each option we use already thoroughly washed and dried fruits; we will not repeat this further in this article. So, let's prepare apple chips. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Make syrup from granulated sugar and water.
  2. We remove the cores from the apples, trying to do this so that they retain their shape as much as possible.
  3. Now we cut our fruits into thin rings. Leave the peel.
  4. Pour syrup over the sliced ​​rings for 15 minutes. Then we put them in a colander or sieve to drain the syrup.
  5. Place special paper in the oven on a baking sheet to prevent the chips from sticking. Place the circles on a baking sheet.
  6. Preheat the oven and bake the product in this state for one hour. If you did not cut the slices thin, you need to cook for about two hours.

Chips should be stored in an airtight container. You can eat a home-cooked dish with cinnamon, honey, jam, and nutmeg.

The second recipe for making chips in the oven. What you need

Without harming your figure, such a dish can be safely consumed in the amount of one serving per day. So feel free to take them when going for a walk, vacation or work. Children who are very attracted to fast food will also like them. Let's cook apple chips in the oven using a slightly different recipe. Required ingredients: 160 grams of apples, 80 grams of granulated sugar, 250 ml of mineral water.

Cooking process

  1. We cut out the core of the apples, cut large fruits into slices, and cut them into chips.
  2. We dilute sugar with water, wait for it to boil and throw it into a container so that they are soaked. Then we catch them and place them on a wire rack to drain the liquid.
  3. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the pieces on it.
  4. We send them to the oven, preheated to a temperature of 110 0 C. If the thickness of the circles is small, then one hour is enough for them. Cook on one side for 30 minutes, turn over and do the same on the second. Bake thicker slices for two hours.

To prevent the apples from darkening, thinly sliced ​​​​slices should be dipped in a solution of sugar and salt and dried at 70 degrees. Now you know another way to cook apple chips in the oven. Average cooking time - one and a half hours, four servings, 153 kcal - calorie content of one serving. Such aromatic and tasty chips are always a suitable light snack.

Cooking apple chips with spices

Sometimes there is a desire to eat something low-calorie and unusual, but not sweet. In this case, information on how to make spiced apple chips will come in handy. This delicacy is so delicious that it will never disappear from your foot. You can eat it even in the evening, after 18:00. For six servings you will need: three green apples, half a lemon, two teaspoons each of cinnamon and powdered sugar. You also need equipment: a knife, a baking sheet, a bowl, paper towels, a dish, cutlery.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Dessert for children

Fragrant and tasty chips will perfectly diversify your children's diet. You will need two servings: 200 grams of cored apples (two pieces), granulated sugar - 80 grams and 250 ml of sparkling water, apple or plain. Now we are preparing apple chips - a recipe for children. It will take us an hour and a half. We cut the core out of the fruit and cut them into circles, as thin as possible. You can use a special grater. We dilute granulated sugar with water and boil, then pour the syrup over the workpieces for 15 minutes. Place them on a wire rack and let them drain. Preheat the oven to 110 degrees. Place the circles on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and into the roasting pan.

Fry for 30 minutes on each side, turning them twice. Be careful when doing this and do it quickly, as the chips will stick quickly. It’s better not to tear off the stuck ones, but put them back in the oven for about two minutes, and then turn them over. Serve simple and tasty mugs to children, they will definitely like them.


Why do most people consider chips to be a harmful product? Because in stores and cafes, such food most often consists of potato slices made with chemicals. But we suggest you spend a little time and prepare apples that will be healthy and harmless to the liver. You won’t be offered such a tasty dish either in a beer bar or in a store. After all, no one except you will worry about your health. In addition, financial resources will also be saved, since only homemade apples of sweet and sour varieties will be needed. And make sure that the selected fruits are not tasteless or wadded, with rotten areas, since the result depends on this.

Hello my dear sweet tooths. I have a surprise for you. I suggest you prepare an amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy delicacy. These are apple crisps in the oven. They are sweet, crunchy and very flavorful. These chips literally melt in your mouth, fueling the desire to take 1 more... or 5... or 10... Finally, the plate is empty. Oh, how delicious it was. But they quickly “evaporated” 🙂 But what I’m praising everything about – you prepare it yourself. Read the recipe with photos below.

What are the benefits of apple chips?

It turns out that this product has a rich chemical composition. There is:

  • fructose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins C, , , and others;
  • iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium, etc.

Due to the presence of pectin, the treat can have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. In addition, it provides an antimicrobial and cleansing effect (removes toxins and other “garbage”).

Potassium and iron present in apple chips are involved in metabolic processes. They are also responsible for the growth and full development of the body. Therefore, this delicacy (unlike other sweets) is very useful for children.

The ascorbic acid present here helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this vitamin strengthens the body's immune system.

But although apple chips are very healthy, such dried fruits are not particularly suitable for a diet. That is, you can afford a few pieces as a snack. But I don’t recommend replacing fresh apples with chips when losing weight. The thing is that this delicacy has a considerable calorie content - 253 kcal per 100 g. It contains 59 g of carbohydrates, 2.2 g of proteins and 0.1 g of fat. For comparison: the energy value of fresh apples is 52 kcal.

Features of preparing apple chips

This delicacy is very easy and quick to prepare. Especially if you have a convenient vegetable cutter. You can, of course, cut it with a knife, but it will take a little longer. The thinner the slices, the faster they will crisp.

The ones I made were very thin and fragile. They are great as a decoration for desserts. If you want to make them as a snack for work, make the slices a little thicker. This way they won't break when carried.

Any apple can be used for this recipe. If too sour, add a little more sugar, and if too sweet, sprinkle with lemon juice. There is no need to remove the core.

Use sugar or cinnamon to suit your taste. I saw a recipe that added a pinch of nutmeg. I haven't tried this version yet. If you cook, write in the comments to the article how it turned out for you.

Once the oven temperature is set to the right temperature, you can forget about the slices for a while. But this is only until the air is filled with the aromas of cinnamon and apples. I used to dry apples at a very high temperature of -175°C. We had to constantly monitor them to protect them from burning.

But now I cook at a temperature of 100°C. And I want to tell you that the problem of delicacy burning has been solved. The slices remain light, crunchy and have a subtle sweetish taste.

The only thing you need to do as soon as you take them out of the oven is remove them from the parchment paper. Otherwise, the chips will stick, and when you start to tear them off the parchment, you will break them.

How to properly store apple chips

If you are preparing them for future use, make sure they are stored properly. By the way, such a delicacy (provided that it is without sugar and other additives) can be stored for a long time.

To do this, place the cooled chips in a fabric bag. Or place in a container with good ventilation. But I don’t recommend placing this delicacy in a tightly closed container. The chips will get moldy there.

Well, here is the promised recipe for apple cinnamon chips. Cook and crunch with pleasure. You can post a link to it on social media. net. I think your friends will also like the recipe for a natural treat. Yes, for those who care about a slim figure, I recommend preparing

Apple chips are a natural, healthy, dietary, and most importantly, tasty alternative to traditional potato chips. Quick and easy to prepare, these chips are a real find not only for lovers of crispy snacks, but also for all connoisseurs of tasty and healthy food.

Prepare your ingredients.

In theory, any apples are suitable for making chips. However, for best results, try to choose apples that are crisp, sweet or slightly sour. Choosing the right apples allows you to make apple chips that are delicious on their own, without any additives.

Of course, there are a number of cooking techniques that will enhance the flavor of any apple. For example, apples can be blanched in boiling sugar syrup, sprinkled with sugar or brushed with honey. After such processing, almost certainly, any apples will become tasty, but it also means more work with them.

Wash the apples and cut into thin slices. I use a grater with a special attachment, but if you don’t have one, you can cut the apples by hand. Just try to keep the slices as thin as possible and about the same size.

Thin slices of apples will not only cook faster, but will also be crispy, just like chips should be. Thicker pieces in the oven or microwave, of course, will also dry out and brown, but it will take longer and they will taste closer to dried fruit than chips.

Rinse the apple slices in cold water (this will help the apples stick to the paper less), dry lightly and place on a baking sheet or plate lined with baking paper.

Ideally, you should arrange the apples so that the slices do not touch each other, but, of course, we all want more to fit on a plate or baking sheet. There is a way out - try to ensure that the apple slices touch or overlap each other only slightly, along the edges. This will allow the chips to bake and brown. They will stick together a little where the apple slices touch, but it is quite possible to separate them after cooking.

Sprinkle the chips with spices to taste and place in the microwave or oven. In the microwave, cook the chips for 7-15 minutes at maximum power (mine is 800W) until the chips are lightly browned. If your oven has a grill mode, then cook the chips 2/3 of the time in the microwave mode, and the last third in the grill mode.

In the oven, bake the chips, with the door slightly ajar to allow steam to escape, at the lowest temperature until the slices are dry and wavy around the edges. Usually the process takes 1.5-2 hours.

Apple chips are ready!

While the chips are still hot, they may be a little soft, but once they cool, they will firm up and become crispy. Make 1-2 batches of apple chips, experimenting with times and settings to suit your microwave. Depending on the type of apple, the cooking time may vary slightly each time.

Store apple chips in an airtight container, wrapped in parchment paper. Bon appetit!