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» How to drain water from a pool: frame, inflatable and stationary? Where should I pour it? Details of the procedure. How and where to drain water from the pool. Further care Which pump to pump water out of the pool

How to drain water from a pool: frame, inflatable and stationary? Where should I pour it? Details of the procedure. How and where to drain water from the pool. Further care Which pump to pump water out of the pool

This article will tell you in detail how to drain a frame pool, answer most frequently asked questions and give you many useful tips. And once you familiarize yourself with all the rules and aspects of this matter, you will easily cope with your goal.

There are several main types of water drainage:

  • Draining water into natural reservoirs;
  • Watering the site;
  • Draining water into the sewer;
  • Transferring water from the pool to the septic tank.

Draining water into natural bodies of water

This method is very convenient if there is a pond, lake or small river near your site. In this case, nature will help solve the problem in a short time. There are several conditions that are best met when water flows into natural spaces:

  • The drained water should not be heavily contaminated;
  • Under no circumstances should liquids that are heavily chlorinated or mixed with chemicals be drained;
  • Coordinate the operation in such a way as not to violate environmental protection laws.

In fact, every person who respects our planet is obliged to think about protecting it and keeping nature safe and sound. Therefore, the purity of natural sources is extremely important and must be respected. Chemical elements can destroy the entire world, both animal and plant.

The most convenient way to get rid of water from the pool is to lay a pipe to a natural reservoir and move all the liquid through it using a pump. This option is considered economical only if the body of water is very close. The pipe diameter can be 110-150 mm.

If a fence creates an obstacle along the way, then depending on its design, you can carefully dismantle it with your own hands in the right place. In case of certain difficulties, it is easier to call experienced workers for help.

You can also easily dig a trench with your own hands, in which it would be advisable to place a pipe, which will ensure stability.

Watering the area

How to drain a pool and use up water? The main distinguishing feature of country houses is the adjacent land area, often of considerable size. And, of course, all lovers of gardening and gardening plant numerous flower beds, vegetable beds, hearth trees and much more on it.

All this beauty needs to be looked after. The main point of this process is watering, mainly carried out using a simple hose and, if necessary, a pump. This is where the water from our pool comes in handy.

It is necessary to roughly estimate the volume of water so as not to drown the planted property. The structure of the frame pool is such that a pair of holes are created at the corners, sealed with special covers. Further steps are quite simple - you need to connect a standard country hose, stretch it to the right place, getting rid of tangles and bends. Then, by opening the valve and letting the water flow, you can do two useful things. This method of low tide is one of the most convenient, leaving the fence and the entire area behind the site untouched, but it requires care and caution.

Draining water into the sewer

It is no secret that a huge part of the water from the pool, if not all, is heavily polluted. What to do with all this slurry? It’s clear that all the chemistry and dirt in it will ruin all living things, and it’s necessary to put this whole thing somewhere. If you have access to such a modern miracle as sewerage, then consider yourself lucky. After all, this is the ideal place to drain the water from the pool.

All dirt and chemicals will go away safely along with household waste. If we talk about how to drain a frame pool in this situation, then everything is as simple as shelling pears. You can use pipes to the sewer hatch after digging a small trench. For speed and convenience, using a pump is quite acceptable.

If you use a so-called “cesspool”, you need to be extremely careful when draining, since the water level should not exceed the permissible level. The valve should always be at hand so that, in case of anything, you can quickly stop the flow of liquid. In this process, it is better to do without a septic tank system, because it will clog very quickly, and you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it, or even buy a new one. The drain is the best place for dirty pool water. And in this case, neither the fence nor the environment will be an obstacle to you. Plus, you won’t have to spend money on materials and labor, saving a lot of money.

Transferring water from the pool to the septic tank

This system is very convenient and practical. No hoses or buckets. It is quite difficult to drain all the water from the pool with your own hands. A septic tank is a small structure whose volume rarely exceeds one cubic meter. It is designed to purify and collect water, a kind of filter. Using a septic tank when draining a frame pool is a simple solution to the problem.

All contaminated water from the pool will be cleared, and the emptiness will allow you to wash it thoroughly. Septic tanks are located underground next to the pool. It uses a pump as the main mechanism. If desired and possible, you can assemble this design yourself. The material from which a treatment facility can be made can be different - concrete, Eurocube and others. This method is quite easy to use and has a significant number of positive aspects.

In conclusion, it should be said that getting rid of water in a home paddling pool is quite simple, and you can do it yourself without overpaying for the work. You just have to be careful and strictly follow all instructions.

Thanks to the variety of offers in different price categories, today swimming pools have appeared on almost every site. Large stationary swimming pools set up by wealthy people, independent systems connected to water supply and sewerage, and their operation is automatic. But inflatable or frame models, by magic, do not fill or empty; here you need to make an effort. This is where special equipment comes to the rescue - pumps for pumping out water.

Which pumps are suitable for pumping water from the bottom of the pool

There are several types of water pumps; depending on the operating principle and equipment, they are designed for different applications. For pumping water from swimming pools and other containers in which the water is not clean, but not completely littered, there are self-priming drainage pumps.

The pump can be a special one, usually produced by pool manufacturers, or a household pump, designed for widespread use. Depending on the cost of the reservoir, a pump for pumping out water may be included, but this is in expensive frame models. The bulk of the units have the same manufacturer, but are supplied separately.

Types: submersible and surface (drainage)

Household sump pumps that can be used to empty water come in two types.

  • Submersible– lower to the bottom of the pool or other emptying container and pump out water through the grate in the housing. They do not require additional sleeves for operation. Find out which pump to choose for your well.
  • Superficial– remain outside, a special hose is lowered into the container to suck out the liquid. In addition to this, you can also check out.

For swimming pools, they produce not only drainage pumps that can quickly drain water and at the same time clean the bottom, but also universal systems that operate in several modes:

  • Circulation– they circulate water in the pool for uniform heating and pass it through a purification system, preventing “blooming”.
  • Heating– work both for draining water and for pumping it in, while simultaneously heating the cold water entering the pool.

A drainage pump can not only pump out water from the pool, but with its help it can actually set up an irrigation system. Water can be pumped from a nearby pond or rain barrel.

The technology for installing a drainage pump in a well is described.

Which ones are better

For inflatables

The most common for summer cottage use are inflatable pools; recently, they have been successfully replaced as leaders by frame varieties. Both are distinguished by their mobility, they can be installed wherever you want, and ease of use. In the middle of the season, if proper measures have not been taken to purify the water, the pool may need to be drained, or this will happen at the end of the swimming season, when it needs to be prepared for wintering. In any case, it is impossible to spit out several cubes with buckets, and the water will not flow by gravity due to the safety valves.

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To pump water out of an inflatable or frame pool, you can use the included filtration pump.

Special pool drainers differ from household drainers in their smaller power and dimensions. These are compact models that will collect almost all the water from an inflatable or frame structure. In addition, they are designed to clean the bottom from dirt and can serve as a water vacuum cleaner during the swimming season. The convenient handle allows you to move the device across the entire bottom of the pool.

Frame pools make it possible to organize a swimming place in your dacha or backyard, which is especially valuable for areas with remote natural reservoirs. At the end of the swimming season, the water from the pool must be drained and the structure itself must be disassembled.

There are three main reasons why a frame hydraulic structure has to be freed from water:

  • Overflow. Heavy rains can cause a frame pool to overflow, making it inconvenient to use. In this case, it is necessary to partially drain the water.

There are cases when it is better not to drain the pool water. We are talking about static structures buried in the ground. If such a bowl is emptied, it may become deformed as a result of winter heaving of the upper layers of soil. The presence of frozen water inside will compensate for this load.

To empty frame pools of small volume, a special hose is used, which is attached to one of the two drain holes at the bottom of the bowl.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Decide on the point where the water will drain. This point is regulated by local laws regarding the disposal of used water.
  2. Connect a garden hose of the required length to the selected drainage hole. You can use any of the holes: usually the most convenient option is chosen. After switching, you need to make sure that the drainage module is installed correctly inside the bowl.
  3. Release the drain valve from the cover and screw a special adapter to it. The valve is usually located at the top of the structure, and the adapter can be purchased at any hardware store.

    Drain valve

  4. Connect a garden hose. One end of it is connected to the adapter, and the other - inside the selected water disposal point.
  5. Open the drain valve. There is a drainage plug inside, after which the water begins to drain out quite quickly. The flow rate is controlled by this plug. In some models of frame pools, the drain hole is located too high, which is why some of the water remains. In such cases, several racks of the structure around the neck are dismantled in order to tilt the bowl in the desired direction. To remove residual water, use a plastic bucket or basin.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the hose is unscrewed from the adapter and the drain button is placed in its place. On the outside of the pool, the drainage valve must be closed with a special lid.
  7. If an inflatable cup is used, all the plugs are unscrewed from it and the air is released.

Before putting the bowl away, wipe it well and dry it. All valves and plugs must be removed and placed in a separate bag, and the pool structure must be sprinkled with talcum powder. Any dry room with a positive temperature (for example, a heated garage or a shed protected from rodents) is suitable for storing a folded frame pool.

You can remove water from a frame pool using a filtration pump, which is included with most modern structures.

You can do this as follows:

To simplify the procedure, owners of large frame structures try to acquire a special pool pump model. It has more compact dimensions than household drainage analogues. With this device you can almost completely empty the pool bowl. It is also capable of cleaning the inside of the bowl from contaminants: for this reason, a pool pump is often used as a water vacuum cleaner in the summer. It has a comfortable handle, so there are no problems moving the device along the bottom of the pool.

Another advantage of this model is the ability to function in conditions of a minimum water level, which is not possible with submersible drainage technology.

As for surface pumps, which are often purchased by dacha owners for work in their gardens, with their help it is possible to completely empty the pool bowl. To do this, the device is installed next to the bowl, and the suction hose is lowered inside. In this case, it is also necessary to carefully monitor the procedure to avoid dry running. Such equipment is not suitable for the role of a water vacuum cleaner, due to its high power. A surface pump can remove bottom dirt, but large volumes of water will be sucked in.

When choosing a suitable model of pumping equipment for servicing a frame pool, first of all, pay attention to the power and principle of operation. Drainage models must be in a plastic case, which will protect the bowl from damage during pumping out water.

The technology for emptying medium and large frame pools largely depends on the drain point. When choosing it, the characteristics of the area and standards for waste water disposal are taken into account.

Into a natural reservoir

If there is a river, lake or ditch near the dacha, the water from the pool can be drained there. This is the most convenient option, allowing you to implement the process in the shortest possible time.

Some limitations should be taken into account:

  • It is prohibited to pour excessively dirty water into a natural body of water.
  • The liquid to be removed should not contain chlorine or other chemicals.
  • Before starting the procedure, you must coordinate your actions with local authorities.

The most convenient way to transport water from the pool to the reservoir is to organize a temporary pipeline, equipping it with a pump. The optimal pipe diameter is considered to be 110-150 mm. It is advisable to lay the route in a straight line, with, if the landscape allows, a slight slope towards the drainage point. If the pool is operated on an ongoing basis, and the distance to the reservoir is small (up to 100 m), the pipeline is laid in a trench. This saves time on its assembly and disassembly.

For watering

If no chemicals are added to the water during the operation of the pool, and swimming occurs without synthetic soaps and shampoos, the drained liquid can be used for watering the garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Most often this is done in the summer, when preventative water replacement is carried out. Watering the land can be done immediately, or water can be pumped into a reserve tank. This requires a garden hose of the required length and a surface pump.

In cases where the water still contains a small percentage of impurities (detergents or bleach), it can be used for technical purposes. For example, such a liquid can easily be used to wash a car or use it for washing and cleaning premises. If construction work is being carried out at the dacha, then the drained water is used for mixing solutions, paints, and washing tools. In any case, before pouring water into a ditch, it is advisable to come up with a more practical use for it.

Down the drain

Disposing of waste water into the central sewer system is considered the most correct option. In this case, there is no threat of environmental pollution or flooding of the site. Therefore, if there is a corresponding pipeline on or near the household territory, a permanent pipeline is laid to it. As a rule, collapsible plastic pipes with a diameter of 110-150 cm are used for this: they must be laid at an angle of 3 degrees per 1 lm towards the drain.

If the sewer inlet is located near the pool, you can do without a pump when draining. To do this, connect a tube to the drainage hole by inserting it into the branch pipe of the permanent line. As a rule, this pipe is installed next to the pool and covered with a special lid.

The speed of emptying the bowl will depend on its volume, the angle of the line and the number of turning sections (if possible, they should be reduced as much as possible). Before starting the process of draining water into the sewer, it is necessary to clarify with the local administration the size of the limit for waste discharged into a common pipe. This will make it possible to correctly regulate the rate of water removal by selecting a pump of the required power.

Organization of a receiver for draining water

It happens that there is no central sewerage system in a populated area, and the degree of contamination of the water in the pool does not allow it to be drained into a reservoir or used for irrigation. There is only one way out - to organize a special receiver on the backyard territory. In this case, the water has to be drained gradually, since such a structure is not able to accept too large volumes.

How to drain water from a frame pool

Sooner or later, an artificial reservoir of any type will require draining the water.

Water is drained:

at the end of the swimming season in case of severe turbidity and contamination, if its filtration is impossible when substances hazardous to people get into the water for eliminating breakdowns and repairing coatings when the bowl overflows with rainwater

How to drain water from a permanent pool

Stationary (buried) according to the rules must have a circulation and drainage system, which is laid in the initial stages of construction. It includes suction nozzles, drain nozzles or bottom nozzles. The water will drain out on its own through the open drain hole. Filters also usually have a multi-mode valve that allows water to drain into the sewer. It is enough to select the valve mode (flushing/draining) and ensure that the hose (pipe) exits to the place where the liquid is drained (for example, a pit). After this, we start it with the pump and monitor the removal of liquid. Please note that using this method the water will be drained to the level of the last suction nozzle. The remaining liquid is drained into the bottom hole or pumped out with a pump.

How to drain water from a Bestway pool

You can empty it in the same way with other models of similar design (see above):

  • there is a drain valve - open the plug and connect the hose;
  • partial drainage of water - select the rinse/drain mode on the filter tank tap and start filtration;
  • drainage is not provided, there is no filter with the tap position “Drain” - pump out the water with an external pump.

Where to drain water from a pool at the dacha

A swimming pool is a desirable accessory in the summer season in any area. To ensure that the use of the pool is always comfortable, you need to take care of it - change the water and clean it.

It is ideal to drain the water into the sewer system, if there is one. You won't have to worry about swampy areas. However, in summer cottages there is rarely a centralized sewerage system, so draining large volumes of water can become a problem for users. Large volumes of water are usually treated with chlorine, oxygen or bromine based products. The use of chemical water has a number of nuances and determines the method of disposal/processing of such liquid.

Water is treated with chemicals:

  • In country houses, it is recommended to drain into a cesspool. But keep in mind that it may not be suitable for draining large pools, because... this may cause it to overflow.
  • In this case, install a separate water inlet for drainage. The reservoir for water disposal is designed taking into account the volume of the pool (as a rule, the size of the water intake is calculated with a margin). This will allow you to drain the pool whenever necessary.

not used:

  • Organize drainage into natural reservoirs or arrange special ditches to distribute water throughout the area.
  • Swimming pools can be an excellent source of water for watering plants and the irrigation system of the area. This is especially true for arid zones and areas with problematic water supply.
  • ! The volume of the pool bowl should be less than the volume of the drainage pit or receiver into which the water is drained.
  • ! When connecting to the sewer, the pipes must be sloped so that the water leaves and does not return. The drain pipe must be equipped with a valve.
  • ! Please note that the size of the pipe or hose (diameter) determines the rate of drainage.
  • ! If the water in the pool is treated with chemicals, it cannot be used for irrigation or discharge into ponds or other natural bodies of water.
  • ! Discharge into water bodies is possible only if it does not contradict environmental legislation adopted in the given region.

One of the most important activities related to the pool is the organization of drainage. Let's learn how to properly drain a pool.

Draining water from a pool is one of the most important processes in its use, so it needs to be thought through in advance. High-quality drainage operation will be ensured only if it fully complies with the type of structure, its location, as well as sanitary and technical standards.

We arrange drainage of water from the pool

It is possible to arrange several types of drainage of waste water from the pool, each of which directly depends on many factors. Here it is necessary to take into account the contamination of the liquid, its volume, frequency of drainage, and the distance to the water intake point.

Standard water drain

The easiest way to drain the water from the pool is to connect the drain to the sewer. It is possible to organize and arrange everything not only with stationary structures inside the house or capital, free-standing buildings, but also with small inflatable and frame models.

To do this, you will only need to install a drain in the pool itself, make a connection to the sewer system, run pipes and lay them in the right direction and with a certain slope. The liquid will drain faster if the diameter of the pipe is selected correctly and the distance to the sewer is minimal.

Managing pool filtration modes (VIDEO)

Draining the garden and beds

When using small pools, such as frame pools or even children's inflatable pools, the discharge often occurs simply into the garden or garden of the land. The task is simplified if the structure is located on a slight slope or next to drainage holes and ditches.

Thus, you can simply open the discharge valve or lead the hose from it to the required location, and soon the waste water will flow out of the container by gravity, and you can replace it with clean water.

You can also use a medium-power pump for this process, which will help convert water from the pool into excellent pressure for watering flower beds and beds.

Draining water into a septic tank

Experts do not recommend draining liquid from the pool into septic tanks and cesspools, since literally in one discharge you can completely fill the volume. It’s another matter if the drain is organized into a special pit for drainage, which will be dug to a depth below the level of the tank, and preferably to the sand and gravel layer of soil.

In this case, the contents of the structure will drain much faster, and if you use the pit strictly for its intended purpose, it will be able to help you with high-quality drainage.

Pool drainage into bodies of water

From the point of view of organizing such a drain, everything is very simple and even inexpensive, but from the point of view of the legality and ethical standards of a civilized person, it is, of course, worth thinking about. Naturally, it is possible to arrange the disposal of waste water into a river or lake, but only if the liquid does not contain a large amount of chemicals.

Cleaning activities

In this case, it would be a good idea to use special filters for swimming pools, which will be responsible for the purity of waste water, or special settling wells. We also recommend that you definitely communicate with the services in your region that oversee such issues, so as not to run into large fines for environmental pollution.

Automation of the drain system

Automated drainage of water from a structure is possible in any of the above cases, and it is even recommended to increase the rate of emptying of the structure and the ability to reuse the liquid (if it does not contain a large amount of chemicals).

To do this, you should consider special sump pumps as well as filtration equipment. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.