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» How to watch guests in contact. How to view guests in Contact: complete instructions

How to watch guests in contact. How to view guests in Contact: complete instructions

Officially, the VKontakte service does not provide the ability to find out who visited your page, looked at photos, a wall, and also performed other actions. Developers social network decided to leave this moment confidential so that anyone could freely view another user’s accounts without worrying about whether the owner of the page would know about it or not. But even so, there are applications and tricks that your page guests may react to. With their help, you will find out who visited you and looked at your personal profile information. Get to know the two main methods in this article.

How to recognize VKontakte guests: applications

Without special applications, it will not be possible to recognize guests, and this is absolutely certain. You need to add any application to your social network that is designed to catch guests. As an example, you can take the most popular option: My guests and fans on VKontakte.

  • Follow the link and click on the blue button in the upper right corner of the “Launch application” screen. It will automatically be added to your “Games” section in the left menu of the page.
  • Wait for the application to load. Depending on your internet speed, this may take up to five minutes.

The application has six main sections for working with guests, friends and your page:

  • The very first section “Guests” allows you to view all users whose activity was observed on your page.
  • The “Fans” field contains your most frequent visitors.
  • “Promotion” was created for paid services by page promotion.
  • By clicking “Photo Show”, you can see all the photos of your friends, even in which they are tagged.
  • The remaining two sections give full information about the time of adding your friends and the list of those who have left.

Go to the “Guests” field. You will see your visitors. However, only those who have the time of visit written in red under their name are real.

  • In the “Fans” section, you will see the users who were the most active on your page. This data can be posted on the wall by clicking on the “Post post” button.

  • You can access a summary for one week, a month, or the entire life of the page.

  • By clicking on the gear in the right corner of the program, you can clear the list of your guests so that you only see new ones each time.

How to recognize VKontakte guests: a trap

An effective way to lure visitors to a special application. The bottom line is this: you copy the link created by the application to your page, other users, out of curiosity, follow it and are displayed in your application. This way you will recognize your guests without violating the site’s principles.

  • In the same app, click on the “Catch More Guests” link in the top left corner.

  • Copy the link in the first paragraph of the window that appears.

  • Go to your page. Now you will need to paste this link into any desired field on the site.

  • Click on your page thumbnail in the upper right corner of the site, and then select the “Edit” line.

  • In the right menu, find the “Contacts” line and click on it. Paste the link from the application into the “My Site” field so that users will see it in the information about your page.

  • Now the link is displayed in the most visible place. Any visitor to the page can click on it and fall into your trap.

On the Internet you can see many sites that offer to download programs for tracking VK guests. You should not naively trust them, because such programs do not exist at the moment. Be careful and don't fall into the hands of scammers.

The social network Vkontakte is one of the most popular in Russia. According to statistics, more than 80 million people visit it daily, and the total audience is hundreds of millions of users. Despite all the variety of possibilities, VKontakte does not allow tracking guests of a user page, which forces users to look for alternative ways to obtain such statistics. In this material I will tell you how to find out who visited my VKontakte page, what methods and tools exist for this, and how to use them.

So, if you are interested in who visits your VKontakte page, then, first of all, please take into account that the declared impossibility tracking guests is the official policy of the VKontakte administration. What I understood from communication from:

Considering the above, it is impossible to track visits to VKontakte guests using the capabilities of the page itself due to the lack of appropriate tools. However, there are tools that allow one way or another to bypass this disadvantage and track visitors to your profile. It will also be useful for users of the social network brief instructions — .

The best ways to find out who visited my VKontakte page

Method 1. Imaginary deletion of the page will allow you to see the guests of your profile

The first method will show you some of the most active visitors to your page. It is considered one of the most proven, but its capabilities are quite modest - you will not see either the frequency of visits or all your guests. All that will be available to you are the names and surnames of several people who most actively visit your VK page.

  1. To use this method, go to the settings of your VKontakte page;
  2. Select the “General” section and scroll to the bottom of the page;
  3. Find there the option “You can delete your page and click on it” (don’t be afraid, because of this click it will not be deleted).

A window will appear in which the system will ask you the reasons for deleting the page. Check the box next to the “No comments on my page” option and you will see the first and last names of the two people who visit your page most often.

Now click on “Cancel” and return to “Settings”. Click on “Delete Page” again and click on “No Comments on My Page” again. You will receive the names of two more people. By repeating this method several times, you will get the first and last names of the people who visited the VKontakte page (yours) most often.

Method 2. The list of your friend’s friends will let you know who visited and when

The second way to find out about VKontakte guests is to go to your friend’s friends list from his account. In this way, you can track how often he visits your page compared to the pages of other people, and how actively your friend is interested in your VK page (the most regularly visited pages will be displayed from top to bottom).

The disadvantage of this method is that most of your friends are unlikely to want to just give you access to their VK account. But as one of the alternatives to tracking those who visited my VKontakte page, this method is worth considering.

Method 3. VKontakte applications

There are several popular apps that allow you to track guests in contact (or at least declare it). The most popular are “My Fans and Guests”, “My Guests” and other similar digital products. Just go to the “Applications” of your page, enter “My guests” in the search bar (or type these names in the general VK search bar on your page), and these applications will be found, you can install them, launch them, and then track people , which have happened throughout last days or months (or even years) on your page.

Despite the ease of obtaining and viewing such statistics, its validity is rather questionable. In most cases, such services do not track the people who visited your page, but the people who liked your materials. In the case when a person simply silently went to your page, read your posts and looked at your photos (without likes), he (in most cases) will not be displayed in the statistics of such programs.

Method 4. Publish a decoy link on VK

Another way to answer the question of how to track guests of my VKontakte page is to demonstrate a pseudo link to your (supposedly) personal website in the data on your page. The most curious of the guests click on this link, and when they go to it, they are immediately recorded by some kind of VKontakte application (like the previously popular “

If you are a user of the VKontakte social network, you may want to find out who is visiting your personal page. This will help you understand who is interested in you, often comments (see), likes (see) and is active (see).

How can I see who visited my VKontakte page?? Very simple - now I will show you two ways.

What is it for?

As I already noted, the main goal is to identify users who are active and interested in your page. But further options may be as follows.

You can get in touch with a person (see), chat, add him as a friend (see), etc. Why not. Especially if it's a beautiful girl.

Another option is if, for example, you use VK to promote your business or product. To people who have shown interest, you can offer your services (see).

In any case, it will be nice to see who we are interested in.

We delete the page and see who visited us

This will be the first way. It's quite original. The point is this.

When you try to delete your page (see), you will be asked to indicate the reason, and will give a list of users who will be very upset that they will no longer be able to communicate with you. This list will contain those who visit you most often.

Let's try to see how this works using my account as an example.

Go to the “My Settings” menu.

Note. Appearance updated - now access to settings is in the menu in the upper right corner of the page.

Scroll the page to the very bottom. Here we need to find the link "Delete your page". Let's press it.

A window will open where you need to indicate the reason for deletion. Now attention - you definitely need to select the item “They don’t comment on my page”. The following text will be automatically generated in the window below: “I am surrounded by a wall of inattention...”. And then the names of the two users who most often visit your page will be indicated.

Now let's look at the second method.

See who visited my VKontakte page using the application

This method is also very simple. We will launch the application, and it will generate a list of our most active visitors. By the way, I have already reviewed several similar applications. You can view:

But let's return to our topic. Go to the “Applications” section and type “guests” in the search.

It is worth noting that the principle of operation of each of them is similar - they collect statistics on your guests. Therefore, I will choose among the applications found at random.

And at work we check "I am a spy, my guests".

Click on its icon. A window with a description will open. Here we press the button "Launch the application".

After this, a list of users who visited us for Lately. You can view them and go to their page.

That's basically it. The method is quite simple. Using similar applications, you can always see who came to visit you.

Update: a new way to search for guests using the Odnoklassniki social network

This is the meaning. Unlike Contact, Odnoklassniki has a mechanism for searching for guests. Just go to the appropriate tab and you will immediately see all the visitors to your page. But why do we need guests in classmates, you ask? There's no particular reason why. But if we could redirect our secret visitor from VK there, we would be able to identify him. This is the method - we publish a link to our profile in OA, and wait for people to click on it.

But there is a condition - we, and our guest, must have pages in Odnoklassniki. Otherwise, how will we see him?

Now we return to our VKontakte page and publish this link in a post on the wall.

To do this, insert a link into the post creation field (see). You can choose and upload a colorful photo and add a motivated title. So that guests are more likely to click on the link. To edit, use the appropriate buttons. To publish, click “Submit”.

Make sure to keep it at the top of the list.

Users will appreciate the ability of the VK “My Guests” application to watch online visitors, track those who come to see their profile more often than others, and much more. However, not all information should be trusted, and the application itself asks for a suspiciously large number of permissions.

How to install?

Despite the number of analogues, users prefer to use “My Guests” “VKontakte”; the full version can be downloaded for free only for Android and iOS phones. For computers, the social network extension of the same name is used for online use. Although in reality this is not the only possibility

Android program

To install on an Android phone, you will need:

  • Open the Play Market store.
  • Next you will need to find the VK application “My Guests”, download the application on Android for free from full version can be done using the “Install” button.
  • Give the permissions that the service requires.

Iphone version

In the same way, it is possible to download the application for free "My guests and fans"“VKontakte” on iPhone through the AppStore. After installation, you can watch not only visitors and fans, but also order promotion.

To add an extension to the online version, you will need:

  • Open your page.
  • Go to the “Games” section.
  • Find the search, which is located under the “My Games” window and enter the name.
  • Launch the extension and give all permissions that are requested.

It is also possible to download a separate program “Guests on VK” via a computer (PC) for free or for a fee, but such utilities turn out to be either dummies or fraudulent services.

Real service capabilities

The classic extension has 6 sections:

  • Visitors. Since the “My Guests” application works in VK, collecting online information about likes and comments, few visitors can be caught. Sometimes the extension adds those who wrote messages or responded to comments in public pages; it happens that users are included in the list of visitors randomly.

  • Fans. In this block you can see those who come to view your profile more often than others.

  • Promotion. The VKontakte (VK) application for viewing page guests is also used for profile promotion: a set of subscribers, likes, etc. Packages and price ( online payment votes) depend on the number of impressions.
  • Photo display is a kind of local market. You need to watch and tag other users’ pictures with the “Kiss” button, receiving coins for it. For these coins you can send your pictures to the “Photo Show” section.
  • All about friends. The user can view general account statistics (last visit, number of mutual friends, etc.). Friends' last visits are also listed.

  • Profile. The extension evaluates traffic and the use of additional tools.

Both the online version (extension) and the phone application offer the same functionality.

What are the risks of using these applications?

The most worrying thing is the list of permissions that the service asks for: here is access to personal information and to all sections, right down to notifications. It is also worth noting the dubiousness of these visitors: it is often possible to view different lists simultaneously in the application and in the online version.

Any program for viewing guests on VK can become a serious source of problems; such utilities can be easily downloaded for free on the Internet. Such programs generously share viruses, collect logins and passwords, and only sometimes turn out to be non-functional dummies. Analogue extensions from the Play Market and AppStore can also collect logins and passwords.

Therefore, before installing the “My Guests” application on VK, you should carefully look at the reviews and do not share your login and password so as not to become a victim of hacking.

To recognize guests, you can download one of the local applications. Following step by step instructions, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Which app should you choose?

VKontakte offers more than a dozen special applications with which you can not only see visitors, but also view visit statistics, the actions of these people, and also track who was added or removed from friends. Each application has its own “tricks”; by downloading several, you yourself will determine which program is convenient for your needs.

In our article we will talk about two of the most popular applications - “My Guests” and “My Fans and Guests”.

To find the application you need, just enter its name in the search bar above your main photo on the page.

After clicking on the “My Guests” application, this window will appear where you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the program and see what data you allow access to.

In the upper right corner, click “Launch application”.

After launching the application, you can see the people who came to visit you.

Important! The program generates a list of guests based on user activity. If a person simply looked at your page, but did not leave a “trace” (did not like the post, did not comment on the post, did not go to your photo albums), then the application will not display such a guest.

A unique feature of the “My Guests” program is the ability to promote your page. To do this, you need to select the “Promotion” tab and select the city, gender and age of the people to whom you would like to show your page.

Be prepared for the fact that for each person to whom your page is shown, you will have to pay with money or “votes” on VKontakte. For example, in order for about 10,000 users to see you, you need to fork out about 300 rubles or spend 44 of your “votes”.

If these numbers don’t scare you, and you are eager to make new friends who will comment on your photos and posts, and maybe find your love, feel free to order a promotion service. Your account will quickly gain popularity.

When you launch this application, we perform the same initial steps as when searching for the “My Guests” application.

By entering the desired application and selecting “My fans and guests” from the list, a download window will open in front of you. At the top right click “Launch application”.

By launching the program, you will also see your guests, also see who your friends like, and promote your page, as in the previous application. The highlight of this program is the “My Desires” tab. With its help you can express your attitude towards a person. It looks like this:

“My Desires” Tab

Advice! Do not forget that by downloading applications, you consent to the use of your personal data, so carefully read all the terms written in small print or hidden in links.