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» How to hide electrical wiring in an apartment. Rules for installing hidden electrical wiring in an apartment and house. Hiding wiring and low-current wires

How to hide electrical wiring in an apartment. Rules for installing hidden electrical wiring in an apartment and house. Hiding wiring and low-current wires

Before repairs, they usually think through work with electrical wiring, solving two interrelated problems: how and where to hide wires in an apartment and how many sockets are needed ? The preparation of this plan depends on many reasons, but without an idea of ​​what, where and how the furniture will be placed, it cannot be solved. Finland has very strict rules fire safety, therefore, at the request of friends who asked where our wires are, if they are not visible in the photographs after the repair, showing those electric installation work, which we spent at home, it must be said that we did everything possible to ensure that, while observing the rules, our electrical wiring was laid in accordance with our personal ideas about comfort.

During the renovation process, we partially replaced the electrical wiring, and hid the wires in special plinths for electrical wiring. And if you click on this photo, you can go to the post where I tell you how they built it in Finland 50 years ago, what we encountered during the renovation process, and specifically about the state of the electrical wiring before it.
And in this post I show all the wires and sockets in our apartment, and how they are hidden.

In the previous photo in the living room big flower covers the baseboard for the electrical wiring and the antenna and the outlet, so we'll move it over and see how it's done.

Directly from the TV there is a single plinth, inside of which there is not only electrical wiring, but also an antenna, and from the outlet there is a thinner plinth just for the antenna. Electrical wire from the TV with a regular fork plugs into a socket.

We had to cut off a regular outlet from the extension cord and install a smaller, flat one so that it would fit behind the TV, because we couldn’t find a long cord for it. I already told you about it, the distance from it to the wall is 2.5 cm.

The terrarium, because it stands sideways, could not be connected via the plinth, so the wire for it is an ordinary white one from an extension cord, but the plinth for the antenna ends and a piece of wire also sticks out, because we didn’t want to glue the plinth onto the wallpaper, it’s ugly. And internal wiring in the wall is prohibited due to local safety regulations.

In the bedroom, I managed to twist the bottom around the mechanism so that they are no longer lying on the floor, which I complained about in the post that they were too long.

There is a second outlet in the bedroom that we don’t use, but I didn’t bother to remove it because the curtain is constantly covering it.

Inside the kitchen cabinet there is a socket for the hood and with it light bulbs for light above the stove.

The main outlet in the kitchen above the desktop looks like this: for a kettle, coffee pot, tablet and basically anything that needs to be charged.

I call the extra outlet in the kitchen a guest outlet, because my friends and relatives who stay with me plug in their computers and work in the kitchen. Also, a Christmas sixteen-candlestick sticks into it when it stands on the window in new year holidays. It was also impossible to install my favorite flat sockets in the kitchen due to safety precautions.

In the bathroom, the main socket is above the lamp, it is connected to an electric toothbrush, and it is also used for a hair dryer.

It would have been impossible to remove the extra outlet in the bathroom anyway, so I left it just in case: you never know, maybe when we buy a washing machine and dryer.

A plinth for electrical wiring stretches from the distribution board in the hallway washing machine and ovens.

It runs along the corner along the mirror and ends at a regular baseboard. A hole is drilled from there and then it is laid behind kitchen cabinet before dishwasher And electric oven.

I don’t like modern sockets because they are convex and collect dust, so I didn’t replace the flat ones that were in the apartment.

This is the only outlet in the office, and the computer wires, unfortunately, lie on the table, and I still can’t imagine how to hide them. They collect dust, but I wipe them regularly when cleaning as necessary.
The conclusion that I made for myself in the process of organizing and planning repairs: the main thing is not the number of sockets in the apartment, but their thoughtful use to connect the necessary household appliances, because electric wires They collect dust in the apartment and need to be hidden .
What do you think, friends?

Disguising cords running around the room is quite simple. The main thing is to use your imagination a little, using available tools and some design techniques. Next, we will proceed as follows - we will separately analyze how to hide wires from a TV, computer, and even lamps on the wall!

TV and Internet

Hide from view network cable and TV wires running around the room is not difficult. It is best to use a special electrical skirting board that will run through the entire house to the bedroom or living room. If you don’t want to buy a new baseboard, you can carefully disguise a bunch of wires using special designer things, like a picket fence, as in the photo below:

In order not to pull the Internet cable from front door to the bedroom, it is recommended to install Wi-fi router at the entrance to the apartment (in the corridor). In this case, the connection to the network will be wireless and you will not have to run the cable between rooms, through doorways and thresholds.

In addition, you can hide television wires in a cable channel, which is quite easily attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. Today there are many that will suit the color not only ordinary apartment, but also in a wooden house.

If the repair has already been done, then the most the best solution there will be the use of decorative elements - beautiful clips that will decorate the wires from wall mounted TV walking along the floor and wall. You can also see an example of this method of solving a problem in the photo:

If you want to hide the cords from the TV during repairs, we recommend making a special niche for them in the drywall or, conversely, assembling a box:

In order not to damage the walls, you can hide the TV and Internet cable in the baseboard if you do it as shown in this video:

How to carefully remove the cable?

Well, the last way is to cut a groove in the wall behind the plasma and run electrical wires along it. However, this is the most time-consuming option and is best avoided. Imagine that the TV will need to be hung on another wall, and you will have to think again about how to hide the antenna cable.

As for other household appliances - an air conditioner, a stereo or even a home theater, using the ideas listed above, you can disguise hanging wires using the same method. The cable from the air conditioner is most often hidden in a cable channel, and the wires from the home theater are run above the baseboard, secured with special clips.


Computer wires really spoil the interior of a room, and if you get a little creative, you can hide them quite nicely.

The first idea is to disguise all the cords from the monitor, system unit and modem under the table cover, securing them with clips on self-tapping screws or double-sided tape. This idea is clearly shown in the photo example:

You can see another simple way to hide everything unnecessary under the table cover in this video lesson:

How to remove unnecessary cords from the “computer”?

Don't want to spoil the table? You can hide the wires from your computer equipment in a shoebox, decorating it in an original way to match your bedroom interior.

You can find out how to make such a box with your own hands by watching this video:

How can a shoe box be useful?

In addition, an original idea is to buy a special cover for the extension cord, which is quite simply attached to the lid desk.

If the cord from the speakers bothers you, you can easily hide it in an appropriate case that is attached to the back of the table.

All unnecessary cords, including charging, can be beautifully removed from the table using ordinary clips, as in the picture below:

Another idea is to thread the whole bunch of wires through a hose. In this case, the chaos under the table will hide in one single shell, which will not spoil the interior of the room or even the office so much.

Using all these tips you can disguise electrical wires and make workplace more neat. There's nothing complicated about simply placing cords and cables in a box or securing them under a table! In addition to the fact that you will put order on your computer desk in this way, the disguise also allows you to protect the cords from dogs and cats that like to chew on chargers, headphones, etc.


If all the wiring from the chandelier is hidden in the lamp body, then hiding the cord is a little more difficult. If the wall is bare, you can decoratively hide the hanging wire by extending it and making a design on the wall. You can see an example of such an idea in the photo:

If you are thinking about how to hide the wires from the sconce during repairs, it is best to connect the lamp from the junction box, and not through an outlet. In this case, all electrical wiring will be hidden under the plaster and wallpaper, and the interior will not be damaged. Do you want to do without gating? Then hide all the extra ones in the cable channel running along the wall.

Hide the power supply from LED strip can be in a special box that is mounted under the ceiling and can be used in the kitchen or in the living room.

That's all I wanted to say about this issue. We hope that you have gained ideas for yourself on how to hide wires from a TV, computer and other household appliances so that it is beautiful.

Modern housing consists of many communications, where electrical wires occupy a leading place. They connect not only numerous light sources, but also all equipment, from household to digital. Such an abundance of cable can create an unattractive picture, and if there are small children in the house, it can also be dangerous. To avoid any troubles, when planning a renovation, you must immediately determine where and how to hide the wires in the apartment. Let's look at the most common options that are very popular.

Internal placement

When it comes to major renovation, then it is best to hide all communications so that they do not spoil the aesthetic appearance.


This technology can be used when wallpaper is already hung on the wall. To do this, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. The wallpaper is carefully cut with a sharp knife and bent to the sides, secured with needles.
  2. By using construction tools make a groove where the wire will be hidden.
  3. Place the cable in the resulting recess.
  4. The groove is sealed with plasticine or covered with plaster.
  5. When the solution dries, coat the wallpaper with glue and glue it in place.


No less popular is the placement of wires on the floor, or rather under it. So simple, but at the same time in an original way, you can quickly disguise the wires. Once you choose this option, you have several options.

  1. Special plinth. When visiting a hardware store, pay attention to models of skirting boards with a special niche for cables. The central part will be easy to remove, and wires can be laid in the recess. This method is convenient and universal.
  2. Disguise to the floor. During the repair work Using a hammer drill, a recess is made in the floor, in which communications are laid and then filled with cement.
  3. Cement strainer . Leveling the floor is a mandatory process in almost every apartment. To do this, you need to stretch the wire in a corrugated structure, lay it on the floor and pour a regular cement screed on top.


You can even hide the wires on the ceiling, and this will be easier to do than with a wall. There are also several options here:

  1. Installation of a decorative niche made of plasterboard, which runs along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. The resulting gap can accommodate a huge number of wires. Experts recommend connecting all communications into one common highway.
  2. A stretch ceiling also allows you to hide the wires, but you just need to think about this before the canvas is stretched. The placement method will not make any difference.

External camouflage

If you don’t want to disrupt and add more work to yourself, then you can use no less interesting ways camouflage.

Tree branch. Even a small but extra piece of cable can be easily decorated. To do this, a tree branch is formed, which is decorated with homemade leaves, flowers and birds. An original idea will update the interior and enliven the room.

Trees. If the length of the excess wire is too long, then do not rush and cut it. It will be enough to buy special fasteners, look on the Internet for a suitable silhouette and form it on the wall.

Scenery. More complex options can also be considered. So you can “draw” on the wall original panel. The main thing is a clear contrast that will highlight the idea.

Art object. Since we are talking about electricity, we can do original design ceiling in the form of a giant light bulb. This design is fixed to the ceiling.

Power station. To decorative element performed several functions simultaneously, you can depict a simple power plant on the wall, with the help of which parents can teach their children the basics and principle of operation of the power plant.

Highway. The process is more complex and painstaking, and will also require free time and desire. To create an interesting piece of furniture, you need to cut out all the components from cardboard and, if desired, paint them to create a colorful object. You can purchase special blanks. This way you can easily disguise the wires from the TV.

Fence. Any wires can be secured to the top of the baseboard. But to disguise them, you can cut out small pieces in the form of a fence, which is fixed to the baseboard using double-sided tape. This original idea for a children's room, while the fence can be painted in different colors or one specific one.

In addition, communications can be easily hidden behind the following items:

  • tall indoor plants;
  • correctly positioned furniture;
  • door frames;
  • carpet covering.
Note! It is best to sketch out the wire placement plan on a piece of paper in order to think through and use several masking options.


The largest number of cords are located around computer desk. Here, in addition to the computer itself, there may be other devices that require connection to the mains. All this leads to the presence of not only tangled wires, but also carriers. To decorate them, just use your imagination:

  • Using clips, screws, double-sided tape, all wires are secured under the table cover.
  • Any shoebox will contain a large number of wires that will come out of specially made holes.
  • The sewn cover for the extension cord is simply fixed to the lid of the desk and, thus, it will not get underfoot and interfere with the user.
  • A simple cover is also made along the contour of the back of the table, along which the cords will run down to the sockets.
  • To keep the wires twisted into one whole, you can tighten them into a hose, which will quickly remove the chaos behind the wall.
  • To prevent device connectors from getting lost, you can use simple stationery paper clips that are attached to the side of the tabletop. When it comes to Internet cables, experts recommend switching to modern and innovative technologies, that is, use wireless network– Wi-Fi. This will allow everyone to connect to the Internet no matter what room they are in.

Note! The shoe box idea can also be used for storage. chargers to phones, tablets and digital cameras. In this case, they will all be in their places and will no longer get lost.

  1. During the masking process, each type of cable must be marked on both sides. Even after a few years you will not get confused in large quantities wires and quickly find what you need.
  2. Wires that are used to transmit data or signal (computer, antenna, audio and Internet) must be connected separately from cables with alternating current networks. This will reduce the level of interference and noise.
  3. The power cable should be short in length; the longer it is required, the higher the likelihood of electric shock and injury. Even a child or animal can damage it while playing.
  4. The fabric braid should not be bent, as the fabric may catch fire if it is slightly torn, and also quickly lose its attractiveness.
  5. The specialty store offers a wide range of special decorative boxes, in which you can hide wires. Original design It will easily fit into any room interior and will not take up much space.

Note! Buy and cut the required amount of wire after the fact, so that later you don’t have to think about where to put the excess and how to decorate it .

If necessary, you can implement the most unusual and extraordinary ideas for masking wires in the apartment.

It is completely unrealistic to imagine our life without electricity. It is for this reason that the average modern apartment contains a lot more wires than in the old days. It's about not only about electrical wiring elements and numerous cords from devices, but also about the “low power” for telecommunications. And today we will talk about how to hide these elements effectively and elegantly.

  • You can trip over the wires;
  • Small children or animals may damage the wiring and may receive an electric shock;
  • The sight of wires lying on the floor or hanging from the walls greatly detracts from the design of the room.

Hiding wiring and low-current wires

I would like to start with the wiring, that is, with the cables running from the distribution infrastructure in the entrance to the power points - sockets. In addition, this section is also relevant for low-current wires for telephone and Internet. As a rule, these wires are hidden in the floor, walls or ceiling, or are run through special cable runs. But first things first.


Traditionally, two types are used:

  1. Grilling. Making recesses in an existing wall. As a rule, this is a shallow groove that we create using a hammer drill, grinder or special tool– wall chaser. After this, the wires are simply laid into the grooves and sealed with putty;
  2. Gasket under gypsum board. Often used in room decoration plasterboard sheets, which not only cover existing walls, but also create new partitions. In this case, installation is greatly simplified, since there is a distance under the plasterboard sheets due to the presence of the frame.

All these methods have common rules:

  • Wires should be laid no closer than 15 centimeters from the ceiling;
  • Diagonal laying is not allowed - you need to work only in horizontal or vertical directions;
  • You must know exactly where the wires are laid so as not to touch them in the future. Map the wiring in the walls;
  • To make it easier to control the supply of electricity, distribution boxes are installed along the route of the wires.

Important! The existing wallpaper will not prevent you from carrying out such installation. Just carefully peel them off at the place where the grooves were made, so that after completing the work you can return them to their original place.


In the case of ceilings, gating occurs in the same way as walls. Thus, we can bring the wire to the place where the chandelier is fixed. After this, all that remains is to level the place and carry out general finishing ceiling. However, it is much more convenient to use dropped ceilings, plasterboard sheets and other finishing methods, including tension options. In this case, there are niches into which wires can already be placed. In addition, we can provide electricity not only to the chandelier, but also to create many different lighting concepts, supplying power to all light sources. As for communication wiring, low-voltage wiring is usually not laid anywhere other than walls.


The most rare method. After all, disassembling the floor to replace the wire is much more difficult than in the case of a wall. In addition, the floor is often laid heating systems, and there is simply no room for other communications. Finally, floors can flood or simply be exposed to moisture, which is not a good thing in the case of electricity.

But if you still decide to do this, then they usually use gating in a ready-made cement floor, as is the case with walls. Also, wires in corrugated channels can be laid in a screed, pouring cement on top.

Overhead cable ducts and skirting boards

We decided to display this item separately, since the method, although hidden, still involves placement outside the wall. At the same time, not only wiring and low current are carried out in this way, but also cords with wires. So, in construction stores You can easily purchase skirting boards with space for cables, which will greatly save time and effort compared to arranging everything inside the wall. But you need to understand that in this form the wiring and cords will be more vulnerable to mechanical influences and flooding.

Today there are special cable channels that mean long plastic products with empty space in the center. Often they are used in a vertical position in order to lay power or an Internet cable from the same baseboard to a consumer device - a TV or router.

How to attach a cable duct to a wall

Some people commit a grave mistake without fixing this polymer element to the wall. But in fact it is very simple to do this. There are several ways:

  • Liquid Nails. In fact, these are not nails, but special glue. This option is used if we attach the cable to a tile or other very smooth surface. At the same time, you need to understand that this glue, despite its strength, will not hold securely. So they use it more as an additional fastener, and it should be used as the main one only when there are no other options;
  • Self-tapping screws. With their help, it is convenient to attach the cable channel to aluminum or wood. As for the length, you should not overdo it, since when located 40 centimeters from each other, the adhesion force to the wall will be sufficient. It is better to screw it in with a screwdriver, since this process is very labor-intensive manually;
  • Dowels. This method is chosen if we place the cable channel on a wall made of concrete or brick. Here we should drill holes in the plastic bottom of the channel in advance, then attach it to the wall and mark the places there. Next, all that remains is to drill holes in the marked parts with a hammer drill and insert dowels there according to their design.

Important! Regardless of the method used above, when using it, the wall should be as smooth as possible, since unevenness will reduce the strength of the fastening. It is better to connect two cable channels using ready-made corners, but you can also cut them at an angle of 45 degrees.

Masking cords

In most cases, it is the cords that bother us, starting from wires surge protector to the computer and ending with numerous wires from equipment. In this case, you can use many camouflage options. Here are some of them:

  • Wires in a box. The easiest way, since everyone has boxes and it’s easy to work with them. At the same time, there are ready-made options, like the Plug Hub, where the bottom is covered with rubber and the walls themselves are plastic. Yes and regular box often spoils the view with its presence;
  • Gluing to the table. Relevant for computer wires, which often just hang from the table and get tangled underfoot. But you can just put them together and attach them with something sticky back side table;
  • Homemade or ready-made clamps. It doesn’t matter what or how they are made – main function lies in the need to keep all plugs at hand in in the right place. Suitable for a variety of chargers that we actively use.

Remember that electrical cords are potentially dangerous, so do not use them longer than required. Twisting and weaving are not permitted as this increases the risk of fire as well as the chance of electric shock. If you have to use many wires in one place, it is better to label them to avoid confusion. Finally, separate the electrical power wires from the “low current”, usually responsible for the Internet and communications. Otherwise you will get a lot of interference.