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» How to care for your bed. How to care for a wooden bed? Basics of care: how to wash a person lying in bed

How to care for your bed. How to care for a wooden bed? Basics of care: how to wash a person lying in bed

Every person should relax, and the opportunity to relax should be accompanied by appropriate conditions and convenience. Nice beds should not only be comfortable, but also individual, depending on the characteristics of each individual person. The amount of energy and strength for the coming day depends on how the night's rest goes.

Despite the many designs and styles, all beds have the same structure. The main components are the body and the mattress. Mainly, convenience depends on the second component. The mattress is divided into several specific parts. The outer shell is fabric upholstery, then the inner layers that give softness, and the last component - the springs necessary for the density of the structure. All the factors described determine whether a person will feel comfortable in bed? and will he be able to fully rest?

There are many design options. The size varies depending on the number of beds: single, one-and-a-half and double. There are options for three beds. The frame material also varies, from the most common chipboard to real wood or metal. Varies style, color shade, decorative elements and structure of the structure. All beds are different from one another. No two options are identical. There are a huge number of options so that each person can choose their own individual model.

Everyone has the right to choose the option that suits their liking. However, regardless of which bed is preferred, it is very important to be able to properly care for this piece of furniture. Proper care can not only extend the service life, but also allows you to maintain the original appearance. Before you study the list of recommendations, it is worth starting with the instructions for use. It comes with every bed. As banal as it may sound, you can find a lot of practical advice, which can be useful in life.

  1. After the furniture is delivered home, it must be freed from the film protection. At long-term storage Condensation may form in the packaging. Plastic packaging causes the surface of the bed and bed to become covered with dampness, mold and may even begin to rot.
  2. As for the mattress, it must be constantly turned over. From the moment of purchase, this should be done at least once every two weeks, and over time, once a month will be enough. This will allow the filling to be distributed as evenly as possible, without compromising the comfort of the bed. Mattresses based on foam rubber do not need to be turned over.
  3. It is strictly forbidden for children to play on the bed. Jumping and strong pressure risk not only deforming the structure of the mattress, but also leading to breakage frame structure. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but the result is inevitable.
  4. Furniture should always be kept clean. If necessary, wash stains on the mattress with soap and water. You need to wipe the frame from dust, vacuum the bottom of the bed from debris and never eat on it.

The most important thing is to remember that this piece of furniture, whatever it may be, is not just a functional detail. It is an investment that everyone spends at least one third of their life on. And it’s important that the rest of your life depends on it. With proper care and respect, the bed will serve you well for many years.

– this is a noble style, timeless classics and beauty in its original form. It fits well into almost any interior style, giving it a touch of solidity.

If you are a fan of wooden furniture, then you should know that it will need special care, different from what beds made of MDF or chipboard covered with decorative film need.

Rules for caring for a bed made of natural wood

So, the following simple rules will help you keep your wooden bed neat and attractive for a long time.

Monitor the humidity in the bedroom

The tree needs a special humidity regime. So, the optimal range is between 40% and 60% humidity. To monitor the indicators, you can install a special hygrometer in the bedroom, which also has the functions of a clock, alarm clock and measuring atmospheric pressure.

You can regulate humidity using air conditioners, fans and humidifiers. Keep in mind that during the heating season the air in the bedroom will be very dry. Then the wood of your bed may become covered with small cracks. With strong humidity, on the contrary, it will become damp and may become deformed or covered with faded spots.

Avoid the sun

Make sure that the solid wood bed is not in direct sunlight. Gradually, due to their impact, the wood may become dull and even become cracked due to the fact that the smooth polishing layer is disrupted. Therefore, it is better to install the bed at a distance of at least 1 m from the window, and if your bedroom is located on sunny side, then put a wooden bed against the far wall.

Don't put off bed repairs

If you find defects on the wooden frame (dents, scratches, abrasions), contact a specialist. They will be able to give the tree original appearance using primer, varnish and wax.

Independent actions here can only harm your wooden bed.

Dust regularly

You barely need to do this damp cloth, but in no case wet, because wood does not like moisture. Don’t be lazy to use special polishes, because they will make wooden frame the beds will be smooth and shiny, and will also act as an antistatic agent.

All of these techniques will help extend the life of your natural wood bed. The tips also apply to chests of drawers, cabinets, tables or chairs, as well as solid wood beds. By providing them with quality care, you can proudly pass on your wooden furniture from generation to generation!

A dream came true and we had a new luxurious bed in our bedroom. Now the whole environment around us has shone with new facets and began to seem more comfortable and functional. In a word, not a bedroom, but a true paradise for those who love solitude and peace among the restless rhythms of modern life.

Amidst the joy of purchasing a beautiful and comfortable bed, we should not forget about caring for such a wonderful furniture structure. Besides proper care can significantly extend its service life.

The first step is to read the care instructions for this type in detail. upholstered furniture. Every serious manufacturer must supply their products with such a document. After the bed is delivered to the place of “registration”, the polyethylene should be immediately removed from it. This is due to the fact that condensation may accumulate under the film, which will lead to the formation of dampness and mold.

It would be unnecessary to remind you that the bed, just like any other furniture, needs to be dusted and cleaned of all kinds of stains on the upholstery. The ideal solution The problem of emerging contamination is the removable cover, which can be removed and washed at any time. The bed mattress can and should be vacuumed during weekly general cleaning.

Experts do not recommend bending or rolling spring mattresses under any circumstances. It is especially worth protecting the fabric with which they are covered from damage. Every 2 weeks (or more often), the mattress in a new bed should be turned from the feet to the head and back. In the same way, it is necessary to turn the mattress over from time to time. reverse side. This is done so that the filler is not only evenly distributed over the mattress, but also forms a flat surface in it.

Under no circumstances should you use your bed mattress as a trampoline. You should also not create favorite “habitable places” on it, which sometimes remain on the mattress in the form of depressions and recesses. Over time, the bed may become loose, and therefore it is necessary to carry out a preventive check of loose fasteners and then tighten them. If the bed is made of high-quality materials, then with proper care and gentle use it can last for decades faithfully.

Caring for a seriously ill person requires certain skills. Here you cannot rely only on your own endurance and intuition. If you do not follow the rules, even the most resilient can ultimately undermine their health and cause harm to the patient. The Mercy service regularly conducts classes on the basics of care for relatives of seriously ill people. For those who cannot attend these classes, we have filmed several video lessons.

Grooming Basics: How to Rotate heavy man in bed and not hurt your back

To turn a person lying on their back in bed, you need to:
- bend his legs at the knees and make sure they don’t slide back;
- ask the patient, raising himself a little on his hands and feet, to move as far as possible to the opposite edge of the bed (so that, turning on his side, the patient is in the center, and not on the edge of the bed);
- ask the patient to place the hand farthest from the person helping on his stomach, turn his head in the direction of the turn and extend his closest hand to the edge of the bed;
- then, holding the patient’s thigh and shoulder, rest your knee on the side of the bed and turn the patient onto his side with the weight of your body;
- ask the patient if he is comfortable and adjust the pillows or is this necessary. .

Basics of care: how to wash a person lying in bed

To wash a person lying in bed you need:
- dress properly (loose trousers, T-shirt and shoes with backs) and remove jewelry (long earrings, beads, chains, bracelets, wrist watch);
— prepare the necessary soap products (specialized foam or lotion, wipes, disposable washcloth or whatever is convenient);
- try to wash the person in parts, that is, separately the hands, separately the chest, separately the legs, separately the head; and separately – intimate hygiene. Then he won't have to lie naked all the time;
- you need to wash from clean to dirty;
- Do not rub the skin. Use a blotting motion;
— don’t forget about oral and nail hygiene;
- watch the posture in which you stand - avoid those in which your back is twisted. Try not to do anything suspended without support. If necessary, arrange a seat for yourself next to the patient;
- get a towel in advance so as not to run after it when the patient is lying naked and wet.

Basics of care: what are the ways to wash the hair of a bedridden patient?

To wash the hair of a person lying in bed you need:
- three vessels with water. The first is to wet your hair, the second is for washing your hair with shampoo and the third is to rinse the soap solution from your head;
- and three diapers. One diaper should be placed under the patient’s head on a pillow, and the other two should be laid on both sides of the head in order to keep the bed linen from getting wet;
- make sure the water is warm enough, but not hot;
- turn the patient so that the head hangs slightly off the bed;
- gently wet your hair clean water from the first vessel, placing the second at the edge of the bed, so that the water from the diaper flows into it;
- periodically lifting your head and supporting it with your hand, apply shampoo to your hair, and then rinse it with clean water from the third vessel;
- pat your hair dry with a towel;
- remove wet diapers, make sure that the patient remains lying on dry linen.

Nursing Basics: How to Avoid Bedsores

To comfortably arrange a bedridden person in bed for independent eating, working on a computer or reading, and at the same time avoiding bedsores, you need to:

— prepare a sufficient number of small pillows and cushions (5-7 pieces);
- to begin with, place a large pillow under your feet, preferably under two joints at the same time - under the knee and under the ankle;
- then place cushions under the shoulder and elbow on both sides and a separate pillow on the floor of the head;
- in order to prevent your head from falling back, you can add another additional small pillow;
- if your hands hang awkwardly, place them on your stomach or on rolled up diapers next to your body so that the patient can rest his hands on them.

Basics of care: how to properly sit a bedridden person in bed

To sit a recumbent person on the bed and equip him with a comfortable place you need:

- turn it on its side;

- then bend his legs at the knees as much as possible and bring them down;

- then put one hand on the thigh, the other hand under the shoulder, on the shoulder blade and, leaning on the thigh, help the patient sit down;

- so that the patient can lean on his back, you need to put pillows or a box of diapers on him;
— you can put bolsters under your elbows, if necessary.

Basics of care: how to comfortably arrange a person lying on their side

To make a person comfortable on their side you need to:
— prepare a sufficient number of small pillows and cushions (5-7 pieces);
- fix the back of the patient lying on his side so that he does not fall backward. Use a pillow or diaper box;
- place a pillow between two joints - knee and ankle. The legs should not touch to avoid bedsores;
— you need to put a pillow or bolster under each arm;
- ask the patient if it is comfortable for him to have the “upper” hand rest on his stomach. If not, place an extra pillow under your arm.

Grooming Basics: How to Put Pants on a Person Lying in Bed

How to put trousers on a person who is lying down:
- in order to put trousers on a sick person, it is necessary to use three sliding sheets;
- place one sliding sheet under the patient’s pelvis and legs, wrap the other two around each leg separately;
- you will need the help of a second person;
— you need to take trousers (it’s better if they are a size or two larger than necessary), put them on your feet and pull them from both sides simultaneously up to the lower back until the trousers are in place;
- then remove the sliding sheets from under the patient and from the legs by pulling them from the hip.

Nursing Basics: Three Ways to Pull a Lying Person to the Head of the Bed

The most common problem in care is the need to pull up a person lying in bed if he has slipped down. We offer you three ways to do this and not dislocate the patient’s shoulder joint. To do this you need:

1. Take a sliding sheet sewn to form a “pipe”. Ask the patient to bend his knees and place non-slip mats under his feet. Then place a sliding sheet-tube under the patient. Remove the pillow so that he lies flat. Ask the patient, leaning on his arms and legs, to pull himself up.

2. Consider the option when a sick person cannot help you move. Then you put the sliding sheets again, as in the first method. Remove the pillow and place it at the head of the bed to prevent your loved one from hitting their head on the bed. Approach the foot of the bed, lift the patient’s feet and, resting on the heels, move the person upward.

3. There is another method, but it can be used if you are working with your loved one at home. You ask the sick person to bend his knees, climb up and sit on the bed on the side of the legs and, resting your feet on the back of the patient’s thighs, move him towards the head of the bed.

Once you have completed moving the patient, remove the sliding sheets. Pull on yourself upper layer“pipes” so that the patient does not slide back.

Secrets for caring for bedridden patients from Norwegian physiotherapist Per Halvor Lunde, especially for the website “”

Secrets of care: how to change a diaper for an adult without hurting your back

Per Halvor Lunde: I want to show how an ordinary blanket can help me turn an adult on his side for changing diapers and other hygiene procedures. I roll up the blanket and place it under my shoulder with one edge and under my hip with the other. Then I raise the side.

I need to fold her legs at the knees. I place latex mats under my feet to prevent my feet from slipping on the sheet. If my feet are heavy, I can help lift them with a sliding cloth folded in half and placed under the heel. Then, instead of lifting my leg, I will pull it up the sliding surface. Then, if the patient can hold onto the side with her hand, I will ask her to do so.

I check the bolster and help her turn onto her side. She ends up lying on the edge of the blanket with her hip. It should be visible that there is a gap between the thigh and the bed. It will help carry out hygiene procedures, wash and change diapers.

Care secrets: how not to capsize the ship

Per Halvor Lunde: Place a rolled blanket under your shoulder and hip. The height of the blanket should be the same as the ship. We bend our knees.

If the patient can hold on with his hand, let him hold on to the side. Using the sheet and my body weight, I help her turn onto her side so that her hip is on the folded blanket. I'm setting up the vessel.

There's a space between the bed and my thigh so I don't have to push the bedpan underneath. I apply the bedpan and turn her on her back. You can raise the head of the bed. If you have a different type of boat, the blanket needs to be folded so that they match in height.

In order to pick up the bedpan, I turn her on her side again - with her thigh on the edge of the blanket - and easily pick up the bedpan. I don't need to lift the girl and move her from the height of the vessel down onto the bed. Thus, there is less chance of hitting and knocking over its contents.

Secrets of care: how to easily turn a person on his side and not drop him out of bed

Per Halvor Bunde: I fold a piece of sliding fabric in half and slide it under the sheet to the middle of the bed. I'm doing it slowly. If you rush, it will be uncomfortable for the patient. As a result, the sliding fabric should end up in a fold in the center of the bed.
Then I make sure that the fabric is double-layered along its entire length. I am installing a safety rail for a functional bed. Let's imagine that the patient can hold on to the side with his hand. We bend our knees and place latex mats under our feet to prevent our feet from slipping on the sheet. This simple equipment will help both me and the patient.

I must further explain that if the patient's legs do not work at all, he needs to put a pillow on him so that when he turns, he does not hit his knees on the side. Slowly I put my knees on the side, and ask you to hold on to the side with your hands. After which, I pull the sheet. Slowly.

Then I take the second piece of sliding material and slip it on the other side. Sometimes you can get by with just the first piece. The second piece is sometimes needed if the patient is a heavy person. Having done this, I continue to pull the sheet. The patient ends up lying on his side, but he is still in the center of the bed. If necessary, I put a bolster between my knees.

At the end I adjust my head, remove the rugs from under my feet, smooth out the sheets and do all the things good nurses do to make the patient comfortable. I will notice that I smooth and straighten the sheet before I take out the sliding fabric. This makes it easier to do. I fold the side.

Secrets of care: how to put a jacket on a bedridden patient

Now I will show you how to put a jacket on a person who is lying down. For this I will need the help of an assistant. Raise the head of the bed. The sides won't be of any use to us. If the headboard can be moved or removed, it will be good. Take the sliding fabric and fold it in half, and then roll it up. We put the roll under the pillow, but on the sheet. We gradually unfold it under the patient’s back so that the edge is just below the lower back.

Now we remove the pillow. We pass the jacket between two layers of sliding fabric. This must be done simultaneously with an assistant on both sides. Then we correct it so that everything turns out smoothly. So that the sleeves are in place. You can lift one layer of sliding fabric to level the jacket on both sides. Then, you need to pull the entire jacket a little to the side where you will begin to put on the sleeves to free up some room for arm movement. Put the sleeve on one arm. And move the jacket to the other side.

The hard part begins. If the jacket is too tight, this can become a problem. But let's get creative with this. We can take another piece of sliding fabric and wrap it around our hand. This will make the process easier. We pass the second hand. We take the fabric out of the sleeve. And remove the fabric from under the back. Depending on convenience, we drag it up or sideways. We raise our heads.

Secrets of nursing: how to sit a patient on the edge of the bed without hurting his back

Now I will help the girl sit on the edge of the functional bed. Let's imagine that she is paralyzed but can hold her head up. First, I raise the side of the bed. Then I need to put something under her back. For example, let it be a box that I cover with a blanket. Then I bend the girl's legs at the knees. As we agreed, the girl can hold her head up, so I ask her to raise her head and raise the head of the bed. I'm doing it slowly. In the process I adjust my legs. And here she sits with support. The secret is that I helped her sit up using the functionality of the bed instead of straining my back and lifting her weight. Now she fits perfectly.

Flock / Microvelor— non-woven material (velvet substitute). This is an upholstery furniture fabric with a base of polyester and cotton (usually 35% cotton, 65% synthetic), onto which pile is applied electrostatically. This gives the flock a velvety surface. Flock meets all the basic requirements for furniture fabrics. The appearance is quite decent. The flocks can withstand any load and are treated with dirt and water-repellent impregnation.

Jacquard - popular name: artificial silk. Several dozen brushes running in different directions and from different angles, create a detailed pattern. It is not for nothing that the jacquard loom is called an outstanding human invention. It was invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801. The basic principles of the jacquard loom have remained virtually unchanged, with the exception of increasing the speed of operation. The fabric is dense and tough. The loops are twisted and do not unravel when tightened. Jacquards “breathe” and are hypoallergenic. If chenille thread is used in jacquard fabrics, then such fabrics are called jacquard chenille. Typically chenille thread is woven into the weft.

Chenille ("chenille")- in French "caterpillar". Chenille yarn is created by weaving fibers between two strong strands, which are then twisted into a spiral. Outwardly, it looks like a furry caterpillar, hence the name. Due to the fleecy structure of the fabric, a pleasant effect of color play is created. Fabric with pile, soft, warm, creating comfort in the home. The composition of the raw material can be plain, say viscose, or mixed: for example, polyester with viscose, cotton or acrylic. Chenille is a very dense, durable fashionable and relatively expensive fabric. By consumer qualities has high wear resistance, as it contains synthetic fibers. By environmental properties close to tapestry, as it contains natural fibers.

Velours— A variety of pile fabrics. Exist different ways creating these fabrics. The main, most common method is when a fleecy thread is intertwined with two warp threads. This can be represented in the form of a letter “W” very tightly overlapping each other. Thus, increased strength of velor and density of its pile are achieved. Wide range of colors and unique design fabrics allow it to be used in a wide range model range upholstered furniture.

Microfiber— is highly resistant to abrasion and has a rich palette of bright colors. The qualities of microfiber are ideal for furniture coverings. No wonder microfiber is called the fabric of the third millennium: high mechanical strength(breaking force), high resistance to abrasive wear (abrasion), resistance to peeling (formation of “pellets”), ease of care (the fabric is easy to clean available means), the appearance is close to natural suede.

Furniture suede- fabric imitation of a natural analogue. Furniture suede differs slightly in appearance from natural suede, but is much more durable and easier to care for, and is easy to clean. Combines the elegance, style and characteristic effects of natural suede with the strength, durability and high technical characteristics modern materials. The fabric consists of 23% cotton, 70% polyester and 7% PVA glue. The fabric does not form pills, is fire-resistant, resistant to light, moisture and friction. The fabric is protected with a Teflon coating.

Scotchguards- these are simple jacquards, in the production of which a special oil-, dust- and water-repellent impregnation is used - a protector on water based, does not contain solvents. The use of this impregnation makes the fabric more resistant to various types of dirt and moisture.

Arpatek. The creation of Arpatek began with the development of fabrics for the automotive industry, where materials must respond especially high requirements operation and comfort. After years of research and laboratory tests managed to create a product that fully meets the requirements for use in the production of furniture, clothing, shoes, etc. Thanks to its unique properties and unique structure, this material has no analogues. Arpatek is soft, subtle and noble. Look like natural material and feels like the highest quality leather. Arpatek is easy to clean, tear-resistant, resistant to mechanical and light influences, retains color well and does not lose its appearance. Composition: 42% viscose, 33% polyurethane, 25% cotton.

Relax The fabric is not subject to mechanical damage (scratches, tightening, etc.), has a dense pile (100% polyamide) and an elastic layer. It has the ability to stretch and instantly restore its shape. The fabric is protected by a special coating from stains and dirt. The base of the Relax consists of 65% polyester and 35% cotton.


Candle wax. Dry candle wax should be crushed, scraped off and vacuumed up. Cover the remaining stain with blotting paper and iron. Apply trichloroethane to the fabric and dry off excess liquid. Chewing Gum Cover chewing gum ice cubes (in a plastic bag) and scrape with a blunt object. Apply methyl alcohol to the fabric and pat dry.


Beer Wash the wet cloth with mild soap and dry off any excess moisture.

Then apply a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons of white vinegar per 1 liter of water). Dry off excess moisture, rinse with clean water and dry again. Blood Remove stain with cold water.

Chocolate Clean the dried stain and wash it warm water with mild soap. Dry off excess moisture.

Fruit juice Apply a solution of ammonia and vinegar and dry. Ink Wash with acetone and dry. Rinse with clean water and dry.

Jam Apply a solution of mild soap and vinegar and dry. Rinse with clean water and dry again.

Red wine Blot the liquid immediately. Then sprinkle salt on the wet spot. After the salt has absorbed the wine and the stain has dried, brush or vacuum.

Soft drinks Rinse with lukewarm water and dry.

White wine Rinse with a solution of ¾ methyl alcohol and ¼ water and dry. Wash again with a mild soap and water solution and dry.

ATTENTION! Follow the instructions for cleaning upholstery fabrics and by special means care

Caring for scotch guards. Fresh greasy and wet stains are easy to remove. Place a towel that absorbs water well over them. Treat the contaminated area a small amount water and mild soap, wait 2-3 minutes, then wipe off the stain circular movements and a soft sponge. For heavy pollution Dry cleaning recommended. iron at low temperature (up to 110°C); cleaning using hydrocarbons, ethylene chloride, monofluorotrichloromethane; cannot be bleached; manual or machine washable at a temperature not exceeding 40°C; Do not wring out or dry in washing machine.

Caring for velor fabrics. Clean with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Wash at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Use water-based cleaning products. Short spin mode (manual spin is not recommended). Does not require ironing.

Relax fabric care. To maintain furniture in good condition, it is enough to regularly clean the surface of the fabric with a furniture brush with soft hair or remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. General pollution. Household pollution can be easily removed with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Removable covers can be washed in a washing machine at maximum temperature 40 degrees. Use neutral powders and water-based cleaners (not containing alcohol). Automatic drying is recommended.

It is best to remove stains immediately. Remove liquid with a sponge. Rub the stain with a white cloth or napkin to absorb any remaining moisture. Using a sponge soaked in a soapy solution (95% water, 5% soap), gently wipe the dirty surface in a circular motion. Let the fabric dry and then restore the lint with a soft bristled brush. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Dry is not recommended dry cleaning, do not bleach or wring.

Caring for furniture suede. Contamination must be removed immediately. The liquid stain must first be blotted with a soft cloth to remove the contamination. After cleaning, the stain can be dried with a hairdryer, keeping it at some distance from the fabric.

Flock care. Cleaning can be done with the most common water-based detergents. To remove dust and maintain the silky shine of the material, the fabric must be vacuumed regularly. Stains applied ballpoint pen or lipstick, can be neutralized with a 10% alcohol solution. Fresh greasy and wet stains can be easily removed if you apply a well-absorbing towel to it. Treat the stained area with a small amount of water and mild soap, wait 2-3 minutes, then scrub the stain using a circular motion with a sponge or soft brush. Ice cream - rub with a hard-bristled brush, then treat with a foaming detergent. Do not try to scrape off dried stains or matted material. Do not use cleaning products containing strong chemicals or petroleum-based solvents.

Care of jacquards. Dry cleaning is recommended to remove stains from this fabric. To remove dust, the fabric can be vacuumed. Dust can also be removed with a sponge or soft brush. When removing a stain, do not rub it. Use an easily absorbent cloth or sponge. Stains should never be rubbed. Never use different stain removers at the same time. Until the fabric is completely dry, avoid any impact on the wet area. Dry the fabric naturally.

Arpatek fabric care easy to clean, retains color well and does not lose its appearance. It does not require constant care. For those who still want to care for the material, there are special cleaners and care products.

Microfiber care. The fabric does not fray, does not tear, does not fade or fade, and does not require special care. To remove dust and maintain a silky shine, the material must be regularly vacuumed and cleaned with a dry sponge or soft clothes brush.

Chenille care. Most stains on this fabric can be easily removed with water-based cleaners or regular soap and water. Traces of lipstick and fat can be removed using a 3-6% ammonia solution and water. Gentle dry cleaning with perchlorethylene-based products is allowed.

Leather is a hygroscopic capillary-porous material, so the relative humidity of the room should not be less than 65-70%. To maintain the elasticity of the skin, you need to lubricate (grease) the coating 1-2 times a year; for this, it is best to use sponges soaked in stearin lubricant. To prevent premature fading and burnout of the dye, it is advisable not to place furniture on straight Sun rays and intense light bulbs.

To remove dust deposits and dirt from the surface of the skin, use an ordinary soft flannel cloth soaked in ordinary water. If you cannot remove dirt immediately, you can use a weak soap solution (neutral soap).

Stains from medicinal tinctures, wine, and various marks from felt-tip pens are removed using medical alcohol and a piece of cotton wool, followed by treatment with a stearin sponge. Various organic fatty stains are not dangerous for the skin, since over time they pass through the entire thickness of the skin.

After transporting the furniture negative temperatures, it must be left packaged in a warm room for at least 24 hours for the skin to regain its elasticity.

Strictly follow the rules for unloading furniture!

When exposed to low temperature conditions, the following occurs:

  1. Crystallization of moisture, which leads to loss of elasticity.
  2. Removing moisture - the skin “dries out” and, what is very important, this process is accompanied by “compression”, i.e., a decrease in size.

If you act on “roughened”, frozen skin, then cracks may form at the sites of impact (the integrity of the surface layer is damaged).


Stains must be removed using upholstery cleaning products.

All removable covers should be cleaned at the same time; washing at water temperatures up to 40 C is possible.


Fabric composition: 65% cellulose, 35% jute. There are options for this fabric without the use of jute thread.

Natural SUEDE

Fabric composition: top - 100% polyester, base - cotton with a mixture of synthetic fibers.

It is highly resistant to fading and burning; it can be washed at a water temperature of 40 C and spin in a soft mode. Avoid drying in direct sunlight.

ATTENTION! - When washing, slight shrinkage of the fabric is possible.

To preserve and maintain furniture upholstery in proper condition, it is necessary to regularly vacuum the sofa (with a soft brush) and timely remove any substance that can cause stains.

Some types of tissue can be removed using an aqueous solution with the addition of soft detergents or technical alcohol.

Liquid stains should first be blotted with a soft cloth, then rubbed with a clean, white cotton cloth, then add a little detergent.

Remember to clean the fabric using light circular movements, from the outer edge to the center. After cleaning, you must immediately dry it with hot air (hair dryer) at some distance from the fabric.