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» How to grow your own pineapple. Growing pineapple at home. Video on how to grow a pineapple at home from the top

How to grow your own pineapple. Growing pineapple at home. Video on how to grow a pineapple at home from the top

Hobbyists successfully grow a wide variety of plants at home, including exotic ones. It's not too difficult to grow pineapple. You just need to properly prepare and plant its green top, and then provide the plant with appropriate care. And in order to do everything correctly, it is better to follow the step-by-step instructions with videos and photos exactly.

How to grow pineapple at home

A blooming or fruiting pineapple looks very unusual in the interior. His appearance evokes admiration and even some surprise. In ordinary home conditions, it is not found very often, although many gardeners are interested in trying to grow it. With proper care, this exotic plant takes root well in an apartment. Under favorable conditions, after 2.5-3 years it can bloom and begin to bear fruit.

To plant pineapple in apartment conditions, use the green top of the fruit. For an experienced gardener, in principle, there is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to properly root the apical part of the plant. But in order for your attempt to plant an exotic plant to be a success, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • correct choice of fruit;
  • careful preparation of planting material;
  • planting the green top in the ground.

With good care, pineapple can bear fruit at home

If everything is done correctly, the top will take root in the ground. In the future, when the plant takes root, it will need to be provided with appropriate care so that it grows and develops normally. If conditions are favorable for the pineapple, in a few years it will bloom and bear fruit. They are edible, but will be smaller in size than plants in their natural environment.

Choosing a fruit for planting

The correct choice of fruit is of great importance for successful planting of pineapple. It must be ripe, without rot or damage. Unripe or overripe fruits are not suitable for planting. But special attention should be paid to the green top of the pineapple, because it is what is used for rooting.

The apical part should be strong and healthy, without any signs of rotting, and the leaves on it should be fresh, rich green in color, without brown spots. If the foliage on the fruit is limp or has begun to dry out, then it is better to put that fruit aside and choose another, healthier one.

Attention! For planting pineapple, it is preferable to use fruits purchased in spring or summer. Those purchased in winter may become frostbitten, and such planting material is no longer suitable for cultivation.

If you have any doubts when choosing a pineapple for planting, it is better to buy two fruits at once, but take them from different stores. So the likelihood that at least one of them will be suitable will be much higher. And many flower growers do just that, then root two tops at once, with the expectation that if not both, then one will definitely take root.

Preparing the top of a pineapple for rooting

After purchasing a pineapple, the fruit itself can be used for its intended purpose, that is, eaten. For rooting, you only need its top with leaves. It must be carefully separated from the fruit itself. You can do this in one of two ways:

Pineapple top for planting

  • unscrew the top;
  • cut the apical part from the fruit.

If the pineapple is ripe, the top part twists out quite easily. To do this, you need to take the fruit itself with one hand, and with the other, grab its green top and start twisting it. It is necessary to hold it by the place closer to the base, and not by the leaves, so as not to damage them. Too much force applied when unscrewing can damage the apical part. Therefore, if it is not possible to separate it from the fruit in this way, it is better to act differently - cut out the green top.

To cut out the top, use a sharp knife, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees. Having carefully separated it from the fruit with a tool, you then need to carefully peel off the pulp, otherwise the top may rot in the future. You just need to act extremely carefully so as not to accidentally damage the points on it from which roots will then grow. With either method of separating the top, you will then need to remove the lower leaves by about 3-4 cm.

The apical part prepared in this way is often rooted in warm and settled water, using a container of suitable size, preferably made of dark glass. The top is lowered into the liquid with its bare part, placing the container with the plant in a warm and well-lit place, but not in the sun. The water is changed regularly, every 2-3 days. Roots should appear within a few days. When they grow to 2-3 mm, the plant can be planted in the ground.

Landing in the ground

To plant the top, you need to take a fairly large container with a height of 20-30 cm and a diameter of about 30-35 cm. If such a pot is not at hand, you can first plant the top in a smaller container, and only then, as the plant grows, move it to more suitable. At the bottom you need to lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles, and on top of it fill the pot with nutritious soil, leaving some distance to the edge.

Stages of planting a pineapple

To moisturize and additionally disinfect the soil, it is better to pour boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate well. About a day or two after this, pineapple can be planted in such prepared soil.

Advice. For planting, you can use ready-made purchased soil intended for bromeliads, or prepare the soil for pineapple yourself from humus, peat and river sand in equal proportions.

In properly prepared soil, make a hole slightly larger than the cutting of the top of the pineapple, lower it along the lower leaves and press the soil around it. To protect the roots from rotting, you can additionally add a little ash or crushed coal to the hole. The plant is placed in a warm, illuminated place, avoiding direct sunlight. At a temperature of 25-27 degrees, the top will take root in the ground within 1.5-2 months.

In summer, the pineapple can be placed on the balcony, protected from the rain. In autumn and winter it is usually kept on the windowsill or close to the window. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to ensure that it is not in a draft. Caring for the plant will consist of regular watering, only without excessive waterlogging of the soil, spraying and wiping off dust from the leaves, and fertilizing every 1-2 months.

A blooming pineapple or a plant with fruit set looks very beautiful in the house. It can become a real decoration of any flower collection. Even a novice gardener can grow it on his own from the green top, because there are no big difficulties in this process, especially if you follow the instructions.

Let's talk about another way to grow pineapple, about caring for it, choosing soil, and so on.

What kind of care does a pineapple require in principle?

Pineapple as a fruit is in great demand in hot countries, because it is well adapted to the scorching sun and high temperatures. However, the exotic fruit can be grown in Russian conditions. True, you will have to keep it in the apartment and at the same time strictly comply with a number of necessary requirements.

Which pineapple to choose to plant at home

On good fruit, the leaves forming the tuft will be bright green, firm to the touch and large, but proportionate to size. This is especially important when you are choosing a pineapple to plant. If the purchase is made in winter, the leaves may be frozen. In this case, they will have a rather stunted appearance - very pale and slightly dried out.

In order for the future pineapple to take root and take root, it needs to be covered with a transparent plastic bag or jar to create a mini-steam room. Don’t forget to remove this “ ” sometimes so that the plant can be ventilated.

The fleshy leaves of the plant store moisture well. Due to this feature, wild pineapple species continue to grow in nature. The tuft of the fruit also contains adventitious roots. They absorb water accumulated in the axils of the leaves. And it is from these roots that a new plant originates.

Signs of a ripe fruit are an aromatic smell and a sweet taste. Pineapples that end up on shelves in Russia are usually yellow or slightly greenish in color. If the fruit is overripe, it will taste fermented and unpleasant. Experts believe that you can significantly reduce the likelihood of choosing a pineapple unsuccessfully if you make purchases in supermarkets rather than in markets or fruit stalls.

Preparing the pineapple top

After purchasing the fruit, take a sharp knife and carefully cut off the tuft right where the leaves meet the fruit. Try to separate all the pulp. For more convenient planting and better rooting, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves from the tuft, exposing about 0.5-1 cm.

Then rinse it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which has a pinkish tint. If possible, dip the exposed tip in the ash. If you don’t have it on hand, activated carbon will also work. This is necessary so that the crest does not rot. I would like to note that all operations must be carried out at once.

After this, you will have the most important part of preparing the tuft for planting - drying. Leave it in a dark place for about a week, maybe a little more or less. Room temperature is ideal for drying. The tuft should not be placed in the oven or in the sun. For better drying, a rosette of leaves can be hung by a rope or thread.

Nutrient medium for pineapple: choosing soil for planting

After a week, it is recommended to plant the tuft in a pot with a volume of no more than 1 liter. This will be quite enough for the first time. Since pineapple is still a tropical plant, it loves sandy soils. If you do not plan to pay special attention to planting, you can buy ready-made soil for cacti. It is quite suitable for our pineapple. You will also need expanded clay for drainage. All this can be found without problems in flower shops.

If you want to completely immerse yourself in the growing process, then prepare a substrate from soil (preferably turf), peat and sand in proportions of 1:1:1. A generous layer of expanded clay is first placed at the bottom of the pot. After this, the resulting substrate or soil is poured. Well, then comes the most important part - planting our crest.

The day before, do not forget to shed the soil generously. Then you need to make a hole in the pot and plant a rosette of leaves there, lightly sprinkling it. Make sure it sits there well and won't fall off on its own. It can be watered before and after planting.

Greenhouse conditions for pineapple

In order for the future pineapple to take root and take root, it needs to be covered with a transparent plastic bag or jar to create a mini-steam room. Do not forget to remove this “greenhouse” from time to time so that the plant can be ventilated. This system must be maintained for about 2-4 weeks - until the crest takes root and begins to grow. During this period, it should be watered as needed.

After removing the mini-greenhouse, you need to regularly spray the plant, since a sharp transition from humidity to dry air can have a detrimental effect on it. After removing the bag or jar, watering must be carefully monitored. It is better to use warm water. It will take so much that it not only saturates the top layer, but also seeps into the pan. When the top layer of soil dries out, you can water again. For the successful growth and development of the plant, it does not hurt to use complex mineral fertilizers, which again will be offered to you in any flower shop. It is worth feeding depending on the drug itself and the concentration of substances in it. Fertilizer methods should be indicated on the packaging. As a rule, this is 1-2 times a month.

Where to grow pineapple

The pot with the plant should be placed in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight. Leaves should retain moisture and not dry out. This could also be the edge of a windowsill, which the sun illuminates only in the morning or evening, when its rays are not yet so bright.

You also need to take into account that pineapple loves hot climates, so it needs the warmest place in the apartment. However, in winter it is advisable not to place the pot next to heating devices and central heating radiators, as they dry out the air. If you still can’t find another place, you can place a plate of water next to it. This will slightly increase the air humidity. In addition, you can periodically practice spraying. Such procedures will benefit not only pineapple, but also your other favorite plants.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that winter is still the coldest time of the year and frosty air can come from window cracks. It is also possible that you yourself will regularly ventilate the room, so the temperature in the window area will be lower than room temperature. Given these circumstances, I would recommend moving the pineapple to a warmer place. Low temperatures, especially if they last for a long time, are simply destructive for the plant.

Although there is a way out of the situation: lay a fluffy towel over the entire window sill, which will also cover the slopes. This step will help save the plants, at least a little. However, still do not leave the window open for a long time, especially when it is frosty outside. Water, which is found in large quantities in pineapple leaves, can easily freeze. As a result, the plant will at least lose its charming appearance.

The key to success in planting and growing is proper care.

Pineapple will begin to bloom and bear fruit after two years. By this time, an inflorescence will appear on the top of the head, from which a small fruit will subsequently form. The key to success is proper care. Don't forget about fertilizers and don't overdo it with watering.

It should be replanted only in extreme cases, since pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant. I would recommend doing this procedure only once. At the very beginning, we place the pineapple in a small pot, and after about a year and a half we transplant it into a large container. At the same time, it is important to preserve the clod of earth and not disturb the plant during flowering. As a last resort, it can be transplanted after the fetus has begun to develop and is sufficiently strong.

Major plant problems are usually caused by improper watering or too much sun exposure. All this can affect the leaves. If they begin to dry out or soften, then the plant should be moved deeper into the shade and the watering should be put in order. However, in general, pineapple gets sick very rarely. In our conditions it has practically no pests.

The photo shows the stages of growing homemade pineapple

Photo 1. The pineapple crest is carefully cut off with a special knife. Photo 2. The lower leaves are removed from the tuft. Photo 3. The crest is treated with potassium permanganate or activated carbon 4. To grow pineapple, you need a substrate of soil, peat and sand in proportions 1:1:1

On a note:

Pineapple and its properties are widely used in numerous recipes of national cuisines of a number of countries around the world. In fresh or canned form, it goes well with other fruits, herbs, vegetables, meat and seafood, so it is used in preparing cold appetizers and side dishes for hot dishes. It also looks great in various salads, highlighting the taste of other ingredients.

Pineapple is also good for making desserts and freshly squeezed juices. The fruit, which has a sweet and slightly astringent taste, is often added to ice cream and smoothies.

Pineapple has gained particular popularity among diet supporters. Obesity fighters are confident that it can speed up the body’s metabolism, making it easier to lose excess weight. It is believed that pineapple allows you to prepare delicious and satisfying dishes that are low in calories.

Latin America is considered the birthplace of pineapple. According to legend, the first Europeans to try this fruit were the companions of Christopher Columbus. They noted that the fruit resembles a huge cone in appearance and tastes very sweet. It was delivered to Europe in candied form. Then the people of Holland. Great Britain and France began to grow it themselves in greenhouses.

In Russia, pineapple was initially considered an exotic overseas cabbage. It was fermented in barrels, used as a side dish for meat dishes and added to soups. And only then did aristocrats appreciate the fruity taste of the fruit and began to drink it along with champagne.

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Many people have repeatedly wondered how to grow a pineapple at home from the top. This is one of the most amazing fruits in the world, native to hot tropical countries. However, under controlled conditions, the plant can be grown in temperate climates, and even in a city apartment.

How to grow pineapple at home?

Most people set out to grow pineapple for decorative purposes or out of interest, but it is quite possible to ripen the exotic fruit on the windowsill. Of course, this will require effort and patience. In addition, you should not expect that an indoor pineapple will reach its usual size and be similar to those sold in stores, but it is possible to grow a small fruit weighing about 300 g.

So, when you decide to get an exotic plant in your apartment, you need to take into account that pineapple belongs to the Bromeliad plant family. This means that it develops until the fruit ripens, after which it dies. That is why it is recommended to think in advance about how to grow pineapple at home, because there are several ways to propagate it. So:

  • rooting the top of a ripe fruit is the most common and accessible method of growing;
  • pineapple from seeds is also an affordable option, but longer and more labor-intensive;
  • propagation by shoots that appear on the plant during the flowering period.

When you decide to grow a pineapple for the first time, it is better to use one of the first two methods, since for the latter you need to find a flowering plant somewhere to take shoots from it. Most often, home gardeners grow pineapples from the tops, but you can try to germinate the seeds, the main thing in this case is to find good seed material.

How to grow pineapple at home (video)

Growing a pineapple from the top

Growing pineapple from the top of a purchased fruit takes place in several stages. In order for the experiment to be successful, you need to get to know each of them in detail. So:

  1. Choosing the right planting material, on which the success of the operation largely depends. You need to germinate the top of a ripe fruit; green or overripe pineapple is not suitable for this purpose. When choosing it in a store or at the market, you need to pay attention to the leaves: they should be rich green, hard and healthy. If in some places the foliage begins to turn yellow or dry out, then it is better to put the fruit aside and look for another specimen. You also need to be careful during the winter, as they are often frostbitten at this time of year. Focus on the smell - ripe fruits have a very characteristic smell. The skin of a good fruit has a beautiful golden brown color, without gray spots.
  2. Preparing the top. First of all, you need to separate the tuft from the pulp: to do this, you need to collect all the foliage into a bunch with one hand and slowly, very carefully scroll through it. The process is reminiscent of unscrewing the cap from a tightly closed bottle. As a result, the crown along with the stem should move away. If this does not happen, you can use a knife to cut off the top of the pineapple. In this case, it is necessary to cut off all the pulp so that the top does not rot, after which all that remains is to separate a few centimeters of the stem from its lower part. As a result, small brown dots will be visible on the circle - these are root buds from which roots will appear in the future.
  3. Sprouting roots. In order for the top to give roots, it is enough to immerse it 3-4 cm in a container of water at room temperature. The glass should be placed in a warm place where there are no drafts or temperature changes. After a week, roots should appear.
  4. Planting sprouted tops. You can plant it immediately in a large pot with a diameter of 30-35 cm, or in a smaller container, but then you will need to replant the grown plant. Pineapple grown at home does not tolerate crowding: as soon as it lacks space, the leaves begin to dry out, and the plant itself stops growing and developing. A pineapple grown in such conditions will never bloom or bear fruit. There must be a drainage layer and holes to get rid of excess water.

How to root a pineapple (video)

Plant care

As you know, pineapples grow in hot countries, so cold is contraindicated for them. Those who decide to grow it in a temperate climate need to monitor the temperature, otherwise the plant will die. So, in the summer, you can take it out onto the balcony or into the garden, avoiding direct sunlight. Fresh air will do it good - over the summer the plant will noticeably grow and become stronger.

In the cold season, pineapple feels good away from radiators and heaters, in a room where there are no drafts. For better wintering, it is recommended to place the plant on the south side so that it can receive maximum sunlight. Regardless of the time of year, it requires 6 hours of daylight, and the optimal temperature is considered to be +22...+26°C.

An adult plant requires moderate watering; in winter, once a week is enough. Moreover, it adapts well to droughts and tolerates them better than overwatering. In the summer, when the pineapple lives outdoors, it needs to be sprayed periodically. Excess moisture will be absorbed from the bases of the leaves and quickly evaporate from their surface when blown by the wind. The soil in the pot should be well ventilated, which is why a drainage layer is needed. At the same time, it should not dry out completely between waterings. In summer, when the plant is actively growing, it needs to be watered more often than in winter. But don’t overdo it, make sure that mold and a marshy smell don’t appear, which indicate acidification of the soil. If this does happen, you will have to completely renew the soil, otherwise the plant will rot and die.

For harmonious growth and development of pineapple, it must be fed periodically. As a rule, once a month during the growing season is sufficient. Fertilizer can be bought in specialized stores that sell everything for the garden. You can use a liquid form of fertilizer to spray the plant, after diluting it with water, as written on the label.

Thus, growing a pineapple from the top on a windowsill is a very real idea that can be brought to life by following the recommendations given. This simple and fascinating process is very addictive, and after 2-2.5 years, the plant will delight the caring owner with beautiful flowering and fragrant fruit.

To grow pineapple at home, you will need a fresh pineapple, a pot and an irresistible desire to try your hand at gardening. If everything you need is ready, it’s time to read the instructions.


Step 1: Buy a fresh pineapple

Select in the store, which will then serve as the basis for growing.

Pay close attention to the appearance and remember that a suitable pineapple has:

  • firm green leaves without yellow or brown spots;
  • golden brown skin that is firm to the touch;
  • pleasant sweetish aroma.

Small midges should not fly around the fruit. Also check the base of the leaves - sometimes midges sit there.

Step 2: Peel off the top of the pineapple

Hold the fruit with one hand, and with the other, grab the leaves at the base and unscrew them. Do this carefully so as not to damage the top.

If you are afraid, cut off the top of the pineapple, leaving a minimal amount of pulp. Carefully remove any unwanted fruit residue around the leaves with your hands. A new pineapple will grow from the top, so make sure it is not damaged.

Step 3: Let the leaves dry

Leave the top upside down for a week. The stem and base should dry out.

Step 4. Sprout the roots of the top

Pour water into a glass. The neck of the container should be wide enough so that the stem fits freely, but is not completely immersed there.

If you don't have suitable utensils, you can use the following life hack: insert a few toothpicks into the base of the stem at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the bottom and use them as a support. When the top is immersed in water, the toothpicks will prevent it from sinking completely into the glass.

Place the glass in a well-lit, dry place and be patient. Roots will take several weeks to form. During this time, it is important to periodically change the water and avoid sudden temperature changes.

The stem will be ready for planting when the roots reach 5–6 centimeters in length. This is enough for it to take root well in the soil.


Step 1: Choose a suitable pot

The height of the pot should be approximately 15 centimeters. Fill it with soil that is 30% organic matter. Also suitable soil for cacti. They, like pineapples, love one type of soil.

Step 2: Plant the Top

When planting, make sure that only the stem and roots are in the ground. There is no need to cover the leaves with soil.

Step 3. Water the plant and leave in a warm place

After the first watering, monitor the condition of the soil - it should always be moist. To do this, water the plant at least once a week. The room temperature must be at least 18 °C. It is also important that the sprout receives plenty of sunlight. You can create a greenhouse effect by covering the pot with a plastic bag to speed up the growth of the pineapple.

Step 4: Watch for the Flower to Appear

The pineapple will fully take root in six months. A flower will appear from the center of the leaves - a red cone, from which blue petals will subsequently form, and then the fruit.

Pineapple not only has a pleasant taste, but also a significant number of beneficial properties. There is an opinion that this fruit contains all the minerals and vitamins. It is not surprising that many people want to grow it themselves. But not everyone decides to undertake such an experiment due to the tropical origin of the fruit. If you still decide to grow a pineapple from the top of the house, then read the planting rules and care recommendations.

Is it possible to grow pineapple at home?

Growing pineapple at home is a troublesome task, but the results are worth it

Pineapple is a herbaceous perennial plant, a member of the Bromeliaceae (bromeliad) family. Grows in equatorial and tropical areas. The leaders in cultivation are the Philippines, Thailand, the USA and Latin American countries. Today there are 9 varieties of this crop. The most common is the large-tufted pineapple (Ananas comosus).

It is possible to grow the plant in Europe only if greenhouse conditions are created. You don’t need a special room for this; an ordinary apartment will do. The fruits of the plant obtained in this way are slightly smaller in size than the fruits that are transported from tropical zones. But this does not affect the aroma and taste of pineapple.

Required tools and materials

To grow this exotic fruit, prepare:

  • a pineapple;
  • water;
  • cup;
  • manganese potassium;
  • priming;
  • expanded clay;
  • a pot with a diameter of 15–20 cm or more;
  • plastic film.

Step-by-step instructions for growing a pineapple from the top

Pineapple is grown in several ways. The most effective of these is to use a top.

Selection of planting material

Choosing a healthy pineapple for propagation is the key to success

One of the conditions for successfully growing pineapple is the correct choice of fruit. To avoid mistakes, follow these rules:

  1. Pay attention to the leaves. In high-quality pineapple, they have a rich green color and a firm structure. If you find a fruit with yellow or brown leaves, you should not purchase it.
  2. The color of the peel should be golden yellow.
  3. A healthy fruit has moderate elasticity. Don't choose a pineapple that is too hard. But if the fruit is too loose, then this is also an indicator of its low quality.
  4. It is recommended to purchase pineapple for home cultivation in late August or early September. If you buy fruit in winter, make sure that it is not frozen. It will not be possible to obtain a healthy plant from such planting material.
  5. The presence of gray spots on the peel is unacceptable.

Top preparation

1. Grasp the top with your hand and turn it out with a slow, gentle movement. The inner stem should separate along with the leaves.

You can unscrew the top by hand or with a knife.

2. If the fruit is not ripe, difficulties may arise during this procedure. Then use a knife and use it to remove the leaves and root. When cutting, maintain a 45° angle. Do not place the knife horizontally.

If you use a knife, make sure it is at a 45 degree angle

3. Remove the pulp that remains on the stem, otherwise the planting material will begin to rot. From here the pineapple root system will develop.
4. Step back 3 cm from the tuft and cut off the top along with the leaves. The result should be a cutting with a crown. We also remove the lower leaves. Make sure your kidneys are not damaged.
5. The next stage of preparation is preliminary germination. Pour settled water at room temperature into a glass and lower the cutting into it. It should sink 3-4 cm.
6. Place the glass in a warm, well-lit place with a stable temperature. Change the water every 2–3 days.

Sprout the top and plant in a pot

7. After 3 weeks, roots will appear on the top, after which it can be transplanted into the ground.

There is also an alternative preparatory treatment option. The cuttings are suspended on a rope in a vertical position with the crown down. The plant dries out over the course of 2–3 weeks. It is believed that after this procedure the tip takes root better.

Important! Treat the cutting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this will help prevent it from rotting.

Video: method of preparing the top


General scheme for planting pineapple

1. Prepare the pot. In size it should not be inferior to the cut of a pineapple at the tuft. Since the plant will have to be transplanted into a larger space as it grows, you can immediately use a pot with a diameter of 30–35 cm. But if this is not possible, at this stage a container with a size of 15 cm will do. It is mandatory to have a drainage hole to avoid stagnation of excess moisture. It is recommended to plant pineapple in a pot with low sides, but with a large diameter. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the root system, which is located in the upper layer of soil.

2. Place a layer of expanded clay 2–3 cm thick on the bottom of the container.

3. Fill the pot with soil. The soil can be purchased at flower shops or prepared yourself. 2 days before planting, it must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. There are several options for soil composition for pineapple:

  • mix peat and river sand in equal proportions;
  • combine turf and leaf soil, peat, birch sawdust and coarse sand in a ratio of 3:2:2:2:1;
  • mix leaf humus, turf soil, sand and peat (2:1:1:1).

4. In the middle of the container, make a hole 3 cm deep, place the top with the roots down and fill it with soil to the level of the leaves.

5. Use your fingers to compact the soil slightly.

6. Water the plant with a small amount of water. The soil should be slightly moist.

7. Place the pot in a warm place with sufficient lighting. If you start planting in cold weather, cover the seedling with plastic film, this will create the necessary microclimate.

8. For the plant to take root, the room temperature should be 25–27°C. This process takes 1.5–2 months. Do not leave the pineapple in direct sunlight.

9. When the first leaves appear, remove the film.

Aftercare of the plant

In order for the plant to fully develop, it is necessary to provide it with a certain level of temperature, regular watering, fertilizing and lighting.


  1. In the room where the pineapple grows, maintain the temperature at 22–25°C.
  2. In winter, lower it to 16–18°C.
  3. If the temperature does not meet the required level and the room is too cool, use heating devices.
  4. If the plant is on a windowsill, it must be protected from drafts and frostbite.
  5. In the cold season, it is better to move the crop to a warmer area of ​​the apartment.


The culture does not tolerate excess moisture

Pineapple should not be watered too much. Its natural habitat is tropical climates, where the plant does not receive water for several months. Twice a week will be enough; in winter, reduce the frequency of watering to once every 7 days.

Focus on the condition of the soil and plant. If the soil has dried out or the leaves begin to wilt, this indicates that the pineapple needs moisture. You need to water it into the rosette of leaves, which is filled to 2/3 of the volume. Use only settled or filtered water at room temperature. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the liquid.

Important! Excessive amounts of moisture will cause the plant to rot.


Pineapple is a light-loving crop. But exposure to direct ultraviolet rays is extremely undesirable. The most suitable place for it would be the east or west side. It is not recommended to place the plant on a south window.

There is no need to turn it. Pineapple develops well under one-sided lighting. In late autumn and winter, the plant needs an additional light source. Place a fluorescent lamp next to it at a distance of 20 cm. Illuminate the pineapple for 8–10 hours a day.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season

The growing season begins at the end of February and lasts until September. At this time, the pineapple needs to be systematically fed. Fertilizers are applied every 10–15 days. The process itself has the following features:

  1. Pineapple is fed with horse or cow manure. Prepare a bucket and fill it 1/3 with organic fertilizer, add the remaining volume with warm water.
  2. Stir the mixture periodically for 3–5 days.
  3. After this, the solution should infuse for a week.
  4. Then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. For 1 liter of soil, 50 ml of fertilizer is required.
  5. Spray the pineapple with a solution of iron sulfate 1-2 times a month (1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water).

Important! Do not feed your pineapple with alkaline fertilizers such as wood ash or lime.


The first transplant is carried out after 2 months. By this time, the pineapple will be well rooted and will be able to actively consume nutrients and moisture from the soil. In the future, it is replanted every year.

The root system should not be allowed to overgrow. For each new transplant, use a pot that is 2–3 liters larger in volume than the previous container. Move the plant along with a lump of earth. The procedure is carried out in the same sequence as planting. A similar soil composition is used.

Video: pineapple replanting process

Stimulation of flowering

Flowering can be stimulated in several ways, for example, using calcium carbide

When grown at home, pineapple begins to bloom after 3–4 years. If this does not happen, try one of the following tips:

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium carbide in 500 ml of water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then drain the liquid, leaving behind impurities and sediment. Pour 50 ml of this composition into the middle of the outlet every day for a week. After 1–1.5 months, flowering will begin.
  2. Cover the plant with a plastic bag. Place some smoking coals near the pot. The pineapple will bloom after 2–2.5 months. But this procedure needs to be carried out 2-3 times with a week break. When the coals stop smoking, remove them and remove the plastic from the pineapple.
  3. Place the pot in a large bag and add 3-4 tomatoes or apples. When the fruits begin to deteriorate, replace them with new ones.


The harvest will appear 6–7 months after flowering. When grown at home, pineapple reaches a weight of 0.3–1.5 kg. Ripe fruits can be identified by their sweetish smell. During this period, it is not recommended to use mineral fertilizers; feed the plant only with organic substances.

After fruiting ends, new shoots will appear on the pineapple within 2–3 years. Then the plant dies. The children can be re-seated. They are planted in the same way as the top.

Pineapple can be successfully grown at home. If you follow the above recommendations, in a few years you will taste fruits grown on your own. And if you wish, you can organize an entire plantation. Good luck!