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» How to prepare leaves for dolma for the winter. Pickled grape leaves for dolma - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to pickle at home How to pickle grape leaves in winter

How to prepare leaves for dolma for the winter. Pickled grape leaves for dolma - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to pickle at home How to pickle grape leaves in winter

Grapes are a wonderful plant. He gives us amazing berries that we can enjoy fresh. You can make a lot of goodies from them - raisins, jam, juice, wine... Grape kvass is made from young green branches and leaves. And we'll talk about dolma. About this very tasty dish, which is so loved in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Central Asia, and the southern republics of the former Soviet Union. In Moldova they are called cabbage rolls (with the emphasis on the first syllable). Dolma really resembles Slavic cabbage rolls, only the filling of minced meat, onions, rice and herbs is wrapped not in a cabbage leaf, but in a grape leaf. And they turn out smaller than cabbage rolls. The taste is original. Tender grape leaves give the dish a very pleasant sourness and aroma. Today we will talk about how to prepare grape leaves for the winter.

How to choose leaves for dolma

Not every grape leaf is suitable for dolma, but only young and healthy ones. You need to choose bright green, shiny ones from green grape varieties. In red varieties they are more rigid and the edges are embossed. You need to collect leaves during flowering before processing. But since grape leaves grow constantly, you can collect them throughout the summer, before processing. There is no need to take leaves from vines growing near the road.

It is important to properly process the foliage in order to fully reveal the aroma, which will give dolma a special taste in winter.

Harvesting grape leaves

And in order to be able to enjoy dolma at any time of the year, you need to take care of preserving the grape leaves. This can be done in different ways: freezing, pickling, pickling, canning. With any method of canning, the leaves need to be prepared. They need to be washed and dried, or lightly wiped. It is advisable to slightly wither - the leaves become less brittle and are easier to manipulate. Cut off the petioles.


The easiest and fastest way to store grape leaves is freezing. Fold the prepared leaves into a stack of 10-15 pieces. Roll up, wrap in cling film or place in plastic bags. Place in the freezer. The leaves become very fragile when frozen, so it is best to use them in a container. To prepare dolma, defrost it at room temperature. Then scald with boiling water. Then they retain the beneficial qualities and vitamins as much as possible.

Bottled storage

  • The container must first be washed thoroughly. To do this, pour 1 tsp inside. salt and baking soda, pour some water and shake the bottle vigorously. Then rinse with clean water and let it drain.
  • We put the leaves in 3-6 pieces (as it turns out), roll them into a thin tube so that it fits into the neck of the bottle. Use a thin long stick or cocktail tube to help lay the leaves as tightly as possible. Be careful not to tear the leaves! There should be nothing in the bottle except grape leaves.
  • Press down, release the air, and close the lid tightly.

Now we put it for storage in a closet, on the mezzanine, in the cellar. Placing the workpiece in the cold is contraindicated. With this processing method, the product can be stored for up to two years. When you want to prepare dolma, cut the bottle. We take the leaves out of the container and fill them with cold water. There may be a yellowish coating on the leaves - these are amino acids. Do not take such points as a sign of damage. Straighten, stuff with minced meat and cook.
An option for everyone: fill the bottle with leaves in the same way, but add a little salt.

Dry canning

Another simple way to preserve grape leaves is dry canning. To do this, place the prepared leaves tightly in clean glass jars in layers of 10-15 pieces, sprinkling them with salt (not much salt is needed). Next, they need to be sterilized in a hot oven for 5-10 minutes and rolled up with lids. Store in a dark place.


In this section we will look at how to pickle grape leaves. Winter grape leaves for dolma can be pickled like regular vegetables. Below we have discussed several methods.

1st method

To pickle the leaves we need:

  • Wash and sterilize small glass jars.
  • We roll the prepared grape leaves, about 8-14 pieces each, into tubes and place them tightly in jars.
  • The next step is to pour boiling water over it for 5-10 minutes, then drain the liquid. Repeat the procedure. For the third time, pour boiling marinade and roll up with a metal lid.
Preparing the marinade

For 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of 9 percent vinegar.

2nd method

Another way to pickle grape leaves for dolma.

  • We wash the harvested crop under running water and scald it with boiling water.
  • Place 1-2 pcs at the bottom of a sterilized glass jar. bay leaf, 4-5 peppercorns, 1-2 cloves. Carefully lay the leaves on top in layers.
  • Prepare the marinade from 1 liter of warm boiled water, 1 tbsp salt and sugar. spoon and 1-2 tbsp. spoons 9% vinegar.
  • Pour the resulting brine into a jar, put spices on top: bay leaf, cloves, pepper.
  • Cover with a plastic lid. After a day, pickled grape leaves for dolma are ready for use, but can be stored for quite a long time in a cool place.

You can buy pickled grape leaves for dolma in the store, but as is often the case, homemade preparations are always tastier. And the product marinated with your own hands corresponds to your taste preferences.


Let's look at how to pickle leaves. Below we have prepared three ways to prepare salted product

1st method

The leaves can be preserved in a 10% sodium chloride solution. The washed and tightly rolled leaves are placed tightly in a prepared container and filled with non-hot brine. Cover with plastic lids. Salted material can be stored well at room temperature. Before use, the leaves prepared in this way should be kept in lukewarm water for about two hours, this way we will remove excess salt.

2nd method

Grape leaves can be pickled in a less saturated solution. We carry out manipulations as when marinating. Only instead of marinade we use hot brine with a salt content of approximately 2-3%.

3rd method

This method of pickling includes spices. We take scalded and rolled leaves and put them in clean 0.5 liter jars. We make a mixture of:

  • salt – 1 teaspoon,
  • dry mustard - 1 teaspoon, sprinkle the leaves with it,
  • add allspice (several peas).

Fill everything with boiling water and roll up the lids. Store at room temperature.

For a long time, in the East they made it even simpler. The washed leaves were placed in a barrel, filled with strong brine, covered with a clean cloth and pressed down on top with a sinker.

Dry storage

And now what all our efforts are for – Dolma!

This very tasty dish is prepared quite simply. Minced meat (about 1 teaspoon) is wrapped in a grape leaf in an envelope, like cabbage rolls, only smaller in size. For minced meat we use either beef or lamb. Finely chopped onions, herbs to taste - mint, cilantro, parsley, as well as washed rice are added to it; if desired, it can be boiled a little until half cooked. Mix everything well, season with salt, pepper, spices. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Boil the bone broth in advance and strain through a sieve. Place the minced meat wrapped in leaves, like cabbage rolls, tightly in a pan and cook the dish over low heat until cooked.

Video about preparing leaves for dolma

Dolma, beloved by many - minced meat with rice in grape leaves - can decorate your table all year round. After all, most of the ingredients that make up this dish are available at any time of the year. The only problem that may arise is where to get grape leaves. There is only one way to solve this - by preparing grape leaves for dolma for the winter. Of course, today, if you wish, you can buy pickled grape leaves in the supermarket, but in this case, dolma will be very expensive. At the same time, preparing them for the winter is so simple that even an inexperienced cook can handle it.

Cooking features

The most important thing that those who decide to prepare grape leaves for the winter need to know are the rules for choosing suitable raw materials. After all, not all grape leaves are suitable for dolma; some should not be eaten at all.

  • Leaves for dolma are collected in May-June, that is, during the flowering period of grapes. Experienced cooks pluck from the fifth to the seventh leaf for this purpose, if you count from the top of the vine. It is important that the leaves have not been sprayed with chemicals before, have no signs of damage by pests or sunlight, and have a uniform green color without signs of yellowness.
  • Before storing them for the winter, grape leaves must be washed well in running water and doused with boiling water. You can do without scalding with boiling water only if you plan to pickle the leaves. In addition, at the stage of preparing the leaves, their petioles and other rough areas are cut off.
  • No matter how you prepare grape leaves for the winter, they must be dry. You can let them dry naturally after washing, or blot them with paper towels to speed up the process.
  • If the leaves are prepared by freezing, then you need to remove them from the freezer before preparing dolma. If they do not have time to thaw completely, then during use they may turn out to be too fragile and damaged. Because of this, it will be impossible to wrap minced meat in them.
  • If you decide to pickle the leaves in jars, they must be sterilized before doing so. This also applies to the lids with which you plan to seal the jars. Otherwise, it will be impossible to store the leaves for a long time.

There are different ways to prepare grape leaves for dolma for the winter, and the technology will vary significantly depending on the chosen harvesting method. Therefore, in each specific case, you should follow the instructions in the recipe, although you will choose and prepare the leaves in the same way, regardless of the chosen preservation method.

Freezing grape leaves for the winter

  • cling film - how long will it take?

Cooking method:

  • Wash fresh grape leaves well and cut out the stems. Dry the leaves with paper towels. For freezing, you can use extremely dry leaves, otherwise the moisture, when frozen, will make them too fragile.
  • Place cling film on the table. Place a grape leaf on it, and place a few more leaves on top of it. It is advisable that the stack contains 10–15 leaves of approximately the same size.
  • Roll the grape leaves together with the film into a tight roll. Tuck the edges of the film under. Place the bags in the freezer. If your freezer has a quick freeze function, turn it on for 20 to 30 minutes, although this is not necessary.

Frozen grape leaves become brittle. Therefore, you need to store them in the freezer carefully, avoiding damage to them by other products. To protect the leaves, they can be placed in a container or plastic bottle. In this case, the “rolls” of leaves should be of such a size that they can fit through the neck of the bottle; the use of film is not necessary. “Rolls” of leaves are pushed into the neck, after which the bottle is squeezed, releasing the air, and closed.

Dry salting

  • grape leaves - 15 pcs.;
  • salt – 10–20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the grape leaves, dry them, remove the petioles.
  • Wash and dry the glass jar (a half-liter will be enough).
  • Place a grape leaf on the bottom of the jar (you can fold it). Sprinkle it with a little salt. Place the second sheet and sprinkle it with salt too. Continue adding grape leaves until the jar is full.
  • Place the jar in the oven and sterilize them at a minimum temperature of 10 minutes.
  • Boil the lid (you can also use a plastic one) and close the jar with it.

When the jar has cooled, it should be put in a cool place. It is best to put it in the refrigerator, but if your basement keeps the temperature low enough all year round, you can store pickled grape leaves in it too.

Wet salting of grape leaves in barrels

  • grape leaves - how many will be needed;
  • water – how much will it take;
  • salt – 40 g per 1 liter of water.

Cooking method:

  • Place the prepared grape leaves in stacks of 15 pieces and roll them into a tube.
  • Place tubes of grape leaves in a barrel, laying them horizontally.
  • Boil water, dissolve salt in it, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Pour hot brine over the grape leaves and place a weight on top.

Leaves salted in this way can be stored in a cold cellar for up to a year. Remember to rinse them well before using to remove excess salt.

Wet salting of grape leaves in jars

  • grape leaves - how many will go into the jar;
  • water – how much will it take;
  • salt – 20 g per 1 liter of water.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the grape leaves, roll them into tubes, folding them in 10 pieces.
  • Sterilize the jar and boil the plastic lid.
  • Place tubes of grape leaves vertically into a jar.
  • Boil water and pour into a jar.
  • After 10 minutes, drain the boiling water from the jar. Pour boiling water into it again.
  • Drain the water from the jar into the pan after 10 minutes, measure the volume of water, add the required amount of salt.
  • Boil the brine for a minute and pour it over the grape leaves.
  • Close the jar with a lid.

As soon as the jar has cooled, it must be put in the refrigerator and stored there.

Pickled grape leaves

Composition (per 1 l):

  • grape leaves - how many will be needed;
  • water – how much will it take;
  • salt – 40 g per 1 liter of water;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 10 ml per 1 liter jar.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a brine from salt and water, cool it to room temperature.
  • Sterilize the jar.
  • Place the grape leaves in stacks of 20 and roll them into rolls.
  • Place in jars and fill with brine. Place in a cool place for 48 hours.
  • Pour vinegar into the jar. Place in a saucepan, filling it with water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jar. Sterilize 20 minutes after the water boils.
  • While sterilization is taking place, boil the metal lid.
  • Remove the jar from the pan, roll it up and turn it over.
  • Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Grape leaves pickled according to this recipe can be stored at room temperature.

There are different ways to prepare grape leaves for the winter, and none of them can be called too labor-intensive. So dolma can be prepared all year round.



Pickled grape leaves- a rather unusual, but very necessary homemade product, which can later be used in different directions. The most important way to use grape leaves is to prepare delicious dolma from them, which is very similar to cabbage rolls. Only in the case of dolma, the minced meat is wrapped in prepared grape greens, due to which it turns out to have a somewhat unusual taste, but still very tasty, and in the case of cabbage rolls, the minced meat is wrapped in cabbage leaves. In addition, the pickled product added to some salads

, which adds some zest to them. In fact, the use of harvested grape leaves does not end there; they can also be used to prepare many different dishes.

To make unusual leaves for the winter, you must use a white grape variety. Only this type of berry produces young leaves that are very tender and juicy and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Other varieties have tougher leaves with uneven edges, which is not very convenient for cooking.

We suggest you start pickling grape leaves at home, using the recipe with step-by-step technological instructions and photos, which is given below.



    Before you start creating a pickled preparation, you need to prepare all the specified ingredients. Only the youngest leaves, which have not yet lost their beautiful color and bright shade, are suitable for pickling.

    Wash the prepared leaves thoroughly. Especially if they were collected in places where there is a lot of dust. Leaves growing in gardens generally remain fairly clean.

    Now you should cut off all the branches from the clean leaves or tear them off with your hands.

    We form tubes from the finished leaves by folding several sheets at once. Then we carefully place them in sterilized jars so that the leaves do not get wrinkled.

    Fill the jars filled with leaves with the prepared hot marinade. The liquid must be poured up to the very neck of the jars so that all the leaves are in the marinade.

    We immediately screw the full jars with treated iron lids and turn them upside down, after which we cover them with a warm blanket.

Grape leaves are a popular and delicious ingredient in recipes for first and second courses, found in the culinary traditions of many peoples of the world. Grape leaves are low in calories, they contain many microelements, are rich in vitamins B, C, as well as vitamin A - an antioxidant necessary for eye health, skin beauty and immunity, which plays an important role in the prevention of aging and the prevention of cancer. The daily requirement of vitamin A can be obtained by eating just a few grape leaves (about 4-6 pieces). Grape leaves are very interestingly combined with meat, fish and vegetable dishes; they are used for pickling vegetables, added to pilaf and even cooked in soup.

Grape leaves are used in the preparation of dolma (sarma) - a well-known and widespread dish of meat and rice, reminiscent of cabbage rolls, in which grape leaves are used instead of cabbage leaves. Pickled grape leaves will give dolma a special piquancy and delicate taste. In addition, grape leaves can be stored in the marinade all winter, which means you can cook your favorite dishes both in winter and summer! In order to learn how to pickle grape leaves, you need to know several rules for collecting and preparing them.

Rules for collecting grape leaves
It is preferable to collect grape leaves before flowering or at the beginning of flowering, when they are still soft and thin. The taste and structure of the leaves may vary among different grape varieties. The leaves of red grape varieties are coarser and tougher, and are less suitable for use in cooking. The leaves of white grape varieties are the most tender; they taste sweet and sour, salty and very juicy. You need to choose small leaves, untreated with chemicals. It is better to collect leaves in the morning, rinse the collected leaves thoroughly, carefully stack them in stacks of 5-10 pieces and start pickling.

How to pickle grape leaves
Ingredients needed to make pickled grape leaves:

  • young grape leaves;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.
Prepare pickled grape leaves as follows:
  1. Wash the grape leaves thoroughly in cool water. Lay them out carefully to dry a little. Then fold the leaves in stacks of 5-10 pieces and roll them into rolls, place them in this form in small sterilized glass jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave for 3 minutes, then drain. Then pour boiling water over them again for a couple of minutes. Drain the water.
  3. Heat water, add sugar, salt and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil.
  4. Pour the prepared marinade over the grape leaves.
  5. Let the jars sterilize for 5 minutes. Then close the lids and put them in a dark and cool place.
It takes very little time to learn how to pickle grape leaves for dolma yourself. Pickled leaves can be stored for up to two years, fully retaining all their beneficial properties. Before preparing dolma, they need to be washed and soaked in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Pickled grape leaves go well with lamb, pork and beef, with vegetable filling, giving dishes an unforgettable aroma and taste.

Dolma- an incredibly tasty and healthy dish. But alas, there are hardly grape leaves anywhere to prepare it in winter. Of course, you can go around the local markets and, if you're lucky, find grandmothers selling them. But why not follow the proverb “prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter” and think in advance about preparing the basis for the divine dolma? And, in general, in what ways can you pickle grape leaves for the winter? WITH The most successful recipes will be given below.

Advice! White grape leaves are perfect for harvesting for the winter.: They are softer and more delicate. They need to be collected when the tree is flowering.


The shelf life of pickled grape leaves is not so long and is 3 months. Therefore, there is no need to prepare too many of them. For a small family, rolling up a couple of cans is enough. Moreover, the contents of a liter jar will be enough to prepare 2 batches of such a delicious dish. There are several ways to marinate the base for dolma for the winter.

Recipe No. 1

  1. Process the source material: select the most beautiful leaves, rinse under running water.
  2. Leave them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Make piles of leaves, laying about 10 on top of each other. Roll them up.
  4. Place the prepared “rolls” tightly in a jar, but do not forget to first sterilize the container and lid.
  5. Prepare the marinade in the following ratio: for 1 liter of boiling water 1 ¼ tbsp. l. salt.
  6. Carefully pour the marinade into a jar with grape leaves. A small amount of brine will remain: it is not superfluous and will be useful in the future.
  7. Leave the jar of “rolls” to sit for a while. During this time, part of the brine will be absorbed into the leaves. This is where the remaining salt water comes in handy. It needs to be filled to the edge of the container.
  8. Then put 3-4 black peppercorns, 1 tsp in a jar with the preparation. dry mustard.
  9. Close the lid tightly. Pickled grape leaves are ready! You can store them in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

You can use the pickled base to prepare dolma within a few days. To do this, you just need to take the required number of “rolls”, unroll them and rinse them under running water.
If you want to pickle grape leaves for a longer period, you can do the following: add 1 tsp to the jar while preparing them. vinegar. In this case, be sure to seal the jars with sterile lids!

Recipe No. 2

Stages of pickling grape leaves for the winter:

  1. Collect grape leaves. Moreover, this must be done so that they also contain tails.
  2. Prepare them: select the best ones and wash them. Then place on a towel to dry.
  3. Sterilize jars and lids.
  4. Place 3-4 bay leaves, 4-5 black peppercorns, 2-3 cloves on the bottom of the prepared container (the required amount of ingredients is indicated for a 0.5 liter jar). These spices will give the dolma base a rich taste and aroma.
  5. Carefully place grape leaves on top of the spices. Pour boiling water over them. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes and pour the water back into the pan.
  6. Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water and reduce heat. Then add 1 tbsp to boiling water. l. salt and sugar. Stir the brine until they are completely dissolved. This usually takes 3-4 minutes. Turn off the stove, add 1.5 tbsp to the brine. l. 6% vinegar.
  7. Pour the prepared brine into a jar with grape leaves. Roll them up. The base for preparing dolma is ready!

Now we know how to pickle grape leaves. Preparing them for the winter does not take much time, but you can get a lot of pleasure from the delicacy of dolma on cold evenings. How happy my family and friends will be to have such a delicious dinner!

Advice! Some housewives are a little more cunning. They simply freeze the leaves for the winter in the freezer, after rolling them into “rolls” and wrapping them in cling film.