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» How to dry autumn leaves while preserving their color. Methods of preserving flowers: in glycerin, gelatin and salt. Drying in a book and vertical decoration

How to dry autumn leaves while preserving their color. Methods of preserving flowers: in glycerin, gelatin and salt. Drying in a book and vertical decoration

The beauty of autumn foliage is fragile and short-lived. Today it pleases us with its special aroma and rainbow colors, and after a few days only a handful of dry wind remains from the yellow-purple petals. However, if desired, the tender leaves can be saved for later use for various decorative purposes.

Let's try to figure out how to do this.

You will need:

  • leaves,
  • glycerol,
  • paper towels,
  • several large heavy books,
  • wax paper,
  • iron,
  • newspapers.

1. Select leaves, giving preference to whole, flat, relatively fresh and undamaged specimens. Please note that dry and tightly curled leaves do not absorb glycerin well, which we will use as a kind of preservative, which means they are not suitable for long-term storage.

2. In a wide flat container, dilute glycerin in water (ratio 1:2). Dip the leaves into the solution so that they fit freely and are completely covered with liquid. It will take several days for the leaves to absorb the glycerin. If the process goes correctly, then after some time the leaves will be saturated with moisturizing liquid, becoming elastic and soft.

3. Place the soaked leaves on paper towels and leave to dry for 1-3 hours.

4. When the leaves are dry, they should be placed under a press to remove any remaining moisture. You can use an iron or heavy books for this. If you want to dry the leaves with an iron, they should be laid out between newspaper pages and gently smoothed out, setting the device to low temperature. The iron allows you to quickly prepare the leaves for further manipulation.

If you decide to use a book press, then the leaves should be placed on wax paper so that they are closed on both sides, and placed between the volumes, leaving in this form for several days.

How to use?

Glycerin leaves can be used for a variety of decorative purposes. They retain their shape and color for a long time, so they are suitable for all kinds of autumn-themed fakes.

Collages for children's creativity. Creating funny collages with the image of an animal and floraexciting activity, which will appeal to creative kids.

You can turn ordinary leaves into strange animals in literally a matter of minutes. All you need for these fakes is stationery glue, scissors, landscape paper and a little inspiration.

Collages can be supplemented with small handwritten touches that will help to play up the foliage elements in an interesting way.

Crowns and bracelets. You can make a crown from glycerin leaves for the autumn festival, which is held annually in kindergartens and schools. A spectacular headdress is assembled like a wreath or made using a cardboard base and double-sided tape.

Using the same principle, you can make an autumn bracelet that will perfectly complement themed costume.

Another decoration option involves creating crowns with images of forest animals, which are perfect for fabulous performances.

You can also make original masks from leaves by simply coloring them with a black and white marker.

Bouquets. As a rule, autumn bouquets are simple compositions of colorful leaves, which decorate table settings or home interior.

However, there are more complex floral techniques that make it possible to make imitation flower buds from leaves. Such bouquets are especially expressive and are suitable for decorating special ceremonies: autumn weddings and anniversaries.

Fairy lights. By stringing the leaves on a thin thread, you will get a bright garland that will bring joy into your home. autumn mood.

Looking for more sophisticated solutions? Apply glue to the leaves with a brush, generously sprinkle them with shiny glitter and secure satin ribbons at the base, which will help strengthen the garland in in the right place.

Stencils. Leaves can be used as stencils, allowing you to apply an interesting design to fabric, paper or glass. There are two ways to make an autumn image. In the first case, the leaves are simply laid out on the surface, then paint is applied on top. When the coating is completely dry, the leaves should be carefully removed - unpainted areas will remain in their place.

Another method involves applying paint to the sheet itself, which is then used as a stencil. For such a print, you can use absolutely any paint (gouache, watercolor, acrylic, fabric paints), and the sheet itself should be painted on the side where the veins are located. It is better to press the stencil with a roller, but you can do without it by simply pressing the sheet with your hand.

In this way you can decorate clothes, home textiles, dishes and other household items.

How to preserve an autumn bouquet of leaves: saoros

We brought branches of red holly oak from the forest (in the botanical garden they call it Canadian oak) and they are so good. The leaves are large, as if carved, and shimmer in all shades of red. I wanted to admire this wealth of nature longer. And I remembered how they preserved the leaves in childhood. They put them in books, like a herbarium between sheets of paper. It won’t work because there are branches. They ironed the leaves, but they straightened out unnaturally. They also sprayed them with hairspray, probably already completely dry. Although now there are regular varnishes in cans. I just put it in a vase and sprinkled it with water. I found a way to treat it with glycerin on the Internet. In fact, I have a cautious relationship with chemistry and it is unlikely that I will glycerinate. But, suddenly, it will come in handy." There is a more labor-intensive, but also much more effective method plant conservation. To do this, you need to dilute glycerin with water in a 2:1 ratio and soak the leaves in it for several days. The time is selected individually for each sheet "(approx. - for fresh ones up to a week)" - it will become transparent-lace, and the color should intensify and consolidate. Remove the leaf from the solution and let it dry thoroughly. Do it differently with flower buds - pour the same solution into a jar and put the flowers in there upside down, secure the stems to the neck and let them soak in glycerin." Link

"DECORATING THE HOUSE WITH DRY FLOWERSDried flowers. Preservation with glycerin. Drying in a standing position.

Stage 1. Cut and prepare the material. Evergreens can be cut for preservation at any time of the year, deciduous plants - in mid-summer.

Step 2. Place the plants in an aqueous glycerin solution. Thoroughly mix one part glycerin with two parts boiling water, immerse the plants in the solution to a depth of 7.5 cm. Keep the container in a cool, shaded place.

Stage 3. Remove the glycerinized plants. Inspect the plants every week - sometimes wipe the upper leaves on long branches with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of glycerin. Remove the plants when all the leaves change color. The process takes from 1 to 8 weeks depending on the type of plant; if necessary, a solution is added to the vessel. The finished plants are blotted with a paper towel. Before use, hang the plants for several days with their heads down.Plants suitable for preservation in a standing position:Beech, camellia, rose, cotoneaster, holly, rosemary, hydrangea, cherry laurel, ferns, rowan, pear, oleaster, boxwood, oak, magnolia, broom , willow, rhododendron, eucalyptus." Link. Link

In autumn, the leaves on the trees are so beautiful that you want to preserve this beauty longer. The leaves of maple, vinegar tree, apricot, and peach are especially beautiful (from my observations).

A bouquet can be made simply from leaves, both with and without branches, you can include dried flowers and bunches of berries in the bouquet, making a beautiful composition out of them. Look at the examples of bouquets in the photos below and you will find inspiration for creating your own beautiful and unique bouquet.

You can make flowers from leaves. The photo below shows the process of making roses in step-by-step pictures. As a result, you can get an extraordinary bouquet of autumn roses.

Autumn is on the threshold, while the leaves on the trees are green, only here and there on the birch tree are they visible yellow leaves, but this is a quick process, in a few days everything will be in a different form. Let's prepare for the golden autumn and plan to collect a bouquet from bright autumn fallen leaves. On the Internet you can see a master class on making roses from maple leaves, author Natalya Yakubova, teacher primary school. This is such a beautiful bouquet of roses made from maple leaves:

In order for a bouquet of roses made from autumn leaves to please for a long time, you need to grease the leaves with sunflower oil before work or grease ready-made roses with oil.

can be coated with varnish or spray paint:

Happy beautiful autumn!

You can make a luxurious bouquet of roses from autumn foliage. We collect leaves. You can take the leaves different colors, sizes, but they must be clean and slightly damp. If the foliage is very dry, then it will not be possible to twist the leaf into a bud.

Wipe the leaves with a cloth, if necessary. Dry it a little if the foliage is wet. We begin to make the middle of the flower. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half - do not squeeze it.

We twist it into a soft tube. We hold it with our fingers and begin to wrap it with the second leaf. By the way, the sheet may be a different shade.

We do this for as many leaves as we want to get petals. We hold the bud with our fingers so that it does not fall apart. We do this, for example, five buds. We connect them together, holding them by the petioles - we collect a bouquet. Roses can be wrapped in green leaves). Cover with varnish.

Autumn bouquets and some secrets of their making and preservation

Autumn bouquets are amazing compositions that can combine all the gifts of autumn: flowers, leaves, branches, berries, vegetables and fruits. This bouquet will decorate any interior, giving it warm and rich colors and shades of autumn. And to make these bouquets pleasing to the eye longer, there are several secrets that you can use to extend the life of your autumn bouquet until the onset of winter.

The leaves collected for the bouquet can be greased with sunflower oil, adding a couple of drops to it essential oil, for example an orange. This way you can preserve your bouquet for a longer time, and its aroma will improve your mood.

Professional florists use glycerin instead of oil

In a mixture of glycerin with hot water(3:1,) place the leaves or twigs from which you are going to make a bouquet, this way they will not dry out, but will remain soft. Although this method has a drawback - the color of the leaves can change unpredictably.

There is a special flower varnish that florists use to treat cut flowers. You can go to flower shop and ask for help.

Some people advise covering the bouquet with regular hairspray.

And such stunning bouquets can be secured with melted wax by dipping leaves or twigs into it.

After this treatment they will not lose their color and can last for a whole year.

You can also sprinkle your bouquets with sparkles, paint them with gold paint, decorate them with colored ribbons, decorative fruits, cereals, anything that will give them a special autumn feel and set a new note in your interior.

Waxing autumn leaves

In addition to the usual autumn bouquets, the house can be decorated with Japanese ikebana

To make your ikebana beautiful and harmonious, when composing the composition, follow certain rules.

How to create and preserve a bouquet of autumn leaves?

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How to save and use maple leaves?

The shape of a maple leaf is easily recognizable. It can be seen on the Canadian flag, and indeed, there are hardly people in Russia who cannot imagine it. Maples are very beautiful in autumn: their leaves acquire beautiful colour, they smell somehow special. Children and adults collect them into beautiful yellow-orange bouquets, which, perhaps, can be called symbols of golden autumn.

But Maple leaves They don't last very long in this form. How to extend their life? And what else can you do with them? In fact, there are a lot of options. First of all, you need to choose correct leaves: they should be fairly fresh, the process of rotting should not yet begin in them. Having collected a sufficient amount, you can think about how to preserve them. The most popular way is to iron them through sheets of newspaper. This will help remove excess moisture from the leaves and prevent rotting. But this measure may somewhat spoil their beautiful color. Another one wide known method- put maple leaves in the book for a while; it won’t hurt it if you line the herbarium blanks with newspaper. But you will have to wait a couple of months for the results to be good.

So what can you do with dried leaves? Firstly, the same bouquet, which will last much longer, especially if you cover it with a special composition that florists use.
Secondly, they can be used for applications, herbariums and similar crafts. Some even make them beautiful roses, folding several leaves around each other in a special way. Such flowers can be coated with paint and made into wonderful Christmas tree decorations, especially since handmade is now very much appreciated, especially if it is such an exclusive item.

In addition to the decorative function, maple leaves can serve as medicine, they are quite widely used in folk recipes. Thus, they are believed to have wound-healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, and
can also serve as an antiemetic, diuretic, and antipyretic. There is even an opinion that the maple leaf has an analgesic effect. However, it is better not to use such drugs without consulting a doctor, since only a professional can choose the right medications for the patient.

By the way, not all maples have the same leaf shape, but there are about 160 species in this genus. The number of their lobes varies; they can be round or more
elongated. But almost all nations in one way or another revere these trees; they have a place in the famous Japanese gardens, maple leaves inspire poets and composers to create poems and songs.

Moreover, this valuable wood and a wonderful honey plant. In Canada, of which it is a symbol, maple syrup has long been made from it and added to desserts. This is how great the significance of this tree is for a person. Regardless of how useful and practical the maple tree is, it is simply beautiful, and its leaves can last a long time. romantic natures about warm autumn days and the people who were nearby.

4 Best Ways to Keep Leaves in Perfect Condition

You just want to catch the bright colors of autumn and hold on to them longer. Leaves are simply a miracle of shades that are worth decorating your apartment as part of color therapy. 🙂 But how often, after bringing home some beautiful leaf, we notice that it quickly loses color and shape, and it is useless to use it in decoration.

Today the most successful ways, get water, soda, books :))

Water and bouquets

The easiest way to preserve leaves longer is to pick them directly from the branches. Not to say that on the branches autumn leaves hold very tightly, but still this is a great chance to keep the bouquet in original form. Before placing the arrangement in a vase, trim the branches with a sharp knife and lightly split them. You can add a few tablespoons of glycerin or a teaspoon of sugar and an aspirin tablet to the water. Periodically sprinkling the leaves with water from a spray bottle will help the bouquet retain its fresh charm.

Skeletonization and decoration

A skeleton in decoration is a somewhat strange combination, unless we are talking about leaves and flowers. This technique allows you to make things so delicate that you can’t believe they are of natural origin.

You need to prepare a soda solution (about 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and carefully place the leaves in the solution. Boil them over low heat for an hour to two, until the leaves darken, periodically adding baking soda. Then we lay the leaves on paper and hit them with the bristles of a toothbrush. The pulp of the leaf crumbles and a cute skeleton remains. 😉 Then the sheet needs to be dried, you can paint it or leave the resulting natural shades.

Some florists prefer the dry skeletonization method: you can peel the pulp from the leaf without first soaking it. In this case, it is better to use a natural bristle brush, and the stiffer the bristles, the better.

To prevent the sheet from being too brittle after cleaning, you can spray it with hairspray.

Acrylic varnish and garlands

Simple and stylish garlands greatly decorate the veranda and the house, but only if the leaves remain in their original form, without losing their shape and color. Special floral sprays or acrylic lacquer, which is also sold in a spray - in construction stores.

Leaves sprinkled with this varnish look shiny and fresh, are protected from damage and do not fade. The varnish is intended for wooden furniture, plastic, glass, but it will also protect leaves perfectly :)

You can also use a special floral varnish for the leaves to make the flowers shine. Another remedy is the usual one vegetable oil, which can be applied to the leaves with a silicone brush.

Drying in a book and vertical decoration

For that type of decor where smooth and clear lines are needed, the leaves can be dried using the old proven method. Place them between the pages of the book, and then move them to a new page every day. The moisture from the leaves will be completely absorbed in about a week; to strengthen it, you should dip them in a solution of water and PVA glue 4:1 and dry well. And then you can use the leaves in their original form, or paint them.

Pictures made from leaves sandwiched between two glasses look very stylish, and this decor lasts for a very long time, the colors do not fade.

How many flowers should there be in a bouquet?

Autumn time is rich in natural materials, from which you can make a lot of things with your children or decorate your home. In this small selection I will tell you what can be done with leaves, flowers, cones, etc., so that they retain their original appearance longer.

Leaves, flowers, fruits, berries

Collected autumn leaves can be preserved in 3 ways. In any case, they need to be washed well and laid out to dry easily.

And then there are options: 1. Iron the leaves through paper or newspaper and put them in a book (under a press). You don’t have to iron the leaves, but after waiting for the water to dry, simply put them in a book and wait a few weeks for them to dry. To speed up the process, the leaves can be covered with paper, which should be changed periodically so that the leaves give up their moisture faster. After drying, the leaves become slightly darker than their natural color. The leaves will dry out and become brittle. They can be used for appliqués, paintings, etc. Small dry leaves are convenient to use for decoupage of a lamp jar

2. Place the leaves in glycerin diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Cool the solution, place the leaves in it and let it sit for about a week. As the solution evaporates, it must be topped up, and if it darkens, replace it with a new one. The leaves are soft, elastic and shiny. In the same way, you can preserve small fruits and berries (rose hips, hawthorn, rowan, chokeberry, apples of paradise, etc.)

Also, in this way you can not only preserve flowers, but also make arrangements from them in a bottle. To do this, place flowers in a container, pour glycerin solution in the same proportions and keep the flowers for 2-3 weeks. Then drain the darkened solution and fill the container with a new one. Close the bottle hermetically, decorate and enjoy the beauty

3 . Most quick way- Dip the leaves into melted wax. To do this, melt a candle in the oven or on the stove and dip a leaf into liquid wax, let it drip and put it on paper to harden. It is important here not to overheat the wax so that it does not burn (do not allow white bubbles to appear in the liquid wax), and you also need to remove the leaves from the wax quickly, otherwise the layer of wax will be very thick. The leaves turn out to be moderately soft, over time they harden a little, but still remain suitable for various crafts

You can make an autumn garland from such leaves

Or decoration for a room. Glue a piece of paper to one end of the thread or fishing line with a glue gun, and to the other end a paper clip straightened into a hook shape. Use a paper clip to hang leaves from a chandelier or curtains.

Using the same method, you can preserve flowers and fruits. In the photo on the left are waxed materials, on the right are not. All the berries and flowers are from the same harvest, that is, I picked them, on the same day I dipped some of them in wax, and left some in their natural form for comparison.



In this photo the roses in wax are on the right

Lay out all available natural materials in front of your child and let him make an autumn wreath for the door of his room. For the base of the wreath, you can take a ready-made base from the store, or rolled up from newspaper and tape, or simply cut out of thick cardboard. The most convenient way to glue is with a glue gun (with the help of an adult)


The cones are stored well as is, butto keep the pine cone exactly closed, you need to dip it several times in thick transparent glue, diluted in half with water. And also conescan be bleached. To do this, they must be immersed in a solution of bleach or cleaning agent with bleach (the cheapest bleach and good remedy I found one for the toilet in Fix Price for 47 rubles). As the solution bleaches, it becomes darker due to the pigment escaping from the buds. Depending on the strength of the product, the pine cones bleach from several days to several months. If the intensity of whitening suits you. Then we take out the cones, wash them well in soapy water and dry them. After drying, the buds become lighter than when wet. The smell of chlorine is not particularly noticeable

You can make a lot from bleached buds beautiful crafts do. Such light pine cones look very original, and at the same time “natural” in comparison with pine cones painted with white paint


Chestnuts are possible keep them smooth and shiny if they are still fresh and covered with any transparent varnish. If you only have shriveled chestnuts, you need to soak them in cold water overnight or longer until they are straightened out. Then they need to be removed from the water and left in a cool place until completely dry.

Skeletonization of leaves

DIY wax autumn leaves step by step with photos

Natural material This is an interesting thing, but short-lived. After some time, the moisture from the collected leaves evaporates, they become brittle and fragile, and lose color. How to prolong life and decorative look? You can make wax autumn leaves that retain their shape and color for a long time.
Description of material: The master class will be useful for high school students, teachers, and parents.
Purpose: room decoration, decorative bouquets.
Target: creating a decorative bouquet.
- develop creative abilities
- cultivate accuracy and perseverance
For work we will need:
1.Fresh autumn leaves.
2. Candles (the most common white candles).
3.Baking paper or foil (we will place the leaves on it to dry).
4. The saucepan and container for the water bath are preferably wide so that your largest leaves can easily fit into it.
5. Stove, kitchen.

The process itself is as follows:
1. Melt the candles in a water bath. (Amount so that you can freely dip the leaf, approximately 1.5-2 cm from the bottom of the container.) As soon as the wax has melted, reduce the heat to low to maintain heat.

2. Spread baking paper or foil near the stove - the leaves will dry on it so that they do not stick to the surface. The distance from the stove to the foil should be minimal; ideally, cover the edge of the stove, otherwise you will need to scrape off drops of wax for a long time.
3. When the wax becomes liquid, dip the leaf into it, turn it over so that the wax covers it on both sides, 5-7 seconds will be enough.

Take it out and let the beads of wax drip directly over the pan. To do this, first hold it for 6 seconds with the tips down, then, if it is tight, turn it a little to completely cut off all the drops and so that no accumulated wax remains on the tips.

Then quickly place the sheet face up on foil or baking paper. The sheet dries quickly - in about 1 minute. After a couple of minutes, the leaves can already be used for work. Foil or baking paper must be periodically cleaned of wax drops, or a new one must be placed so that the drops do not stick to the leaves. When you put the sheet to dry, a small drop may remain on the tip and extend beyond it - after drying, this drop can be easily removed manually with a knife or fingers, but so as not to damage the entire coating of the sheet.

If a child will participate in the process, then he must be at least 7 years old, and then he can dip the leaves into the wax himself, but only with a long petiole and after a thorough explanation of how hot the wax is. As soon as the child is tired, let him become a spectator. But in general, although this activity is interesting, it is not for kids.

The beauty of autumn foliage is fragile and short-lived. Today it pleases us with its special aroma and rainbow colors, and after a few days only a handful of dry wind remains from the yellow-purple petals. However, if desired, the tender leaves can be saved for later use for various decorative purposes.

Let's try to figure out how to do this.

You will need:

  • leaves,
  • glycerol,
  • paper towels,
  • several large heavy books,
  • wax paper,
  • iron,
  • newspapers.

1. Select leaves, giving preference to whole, flat, relatively fresh and undamaged specimens. Please note that dry and tightly curled leaves do not absorb glycerin well, which we will use as a kind of preservative, which means they are not suitable for long-term storage.

2. In a wide flat container, dilute glycerin in water (ratio 1:2). Dip the leaves into the solution so that they fit freely and are completely covered with liquid. It will take several days for the leaves to absorb the glycerin. If the process goes correctly, then after some time the leaves will be saturated with moisturizing liquid, becoming elastic and soft.

3. Place the soaked leaves on paper towels and leave to dry for 1-3 hours.

4. When the leaves are dry, they should be placed under a press to remove any remaining moisture. You can use an iron or heavy books for this. If you want to dry the leaves with an iron, they should be laid out between newspaper pages and gently smoothed out, setting the device to low temperature. The iron allows you to quickly prepare the leaves for further manipulation.

If you decide to use a book press, then the leaves should be placed on wax paper so that they are closed on both sides, and placed between the volumes, leaving in this form for several days.

How to use?

Glycerin leaves can be used for a variety of decorative purposes. They retain their shape and color for a long time, so they are suitable for all kinds of autumn-themed fakes.

Collages for children's creativity.
Creating funny collages depicting the animal and plant world is a fun activity that creative kids will love.

You can turn ordinary leaves into strange animals in literally a matter of minutes. All you need for these fakes is stationery glue, scissors, landscape paper and a little inspiration.

Collages can be supplemented with small handwritten touches that will help to play up the foliage elements in an interesting way.

Crowns and bracelets.
You can make a crown from glycerin leaves for the autumn festival, which is held annually in kindergartens and schools. A spectacular headdress is assembled like a wreath or made using a cardboard base and double-sided tape.

Using the same principle, you can make an autumn bracelet that will perfectly complement a themed costume.

Another decoration option involves creating crowns with images of forest animals, which are perfect for fairy-tale performances.

You can also make original masks from leaves by simply coloring them with a black and white marker.

As a rule, autumn bouquets are simple compositions of multi-colored leaves that decorate table settings or home interiors.

However, there are more complex floral techniques that make it possible to make imitation flower buds from leaves. Such bouquets are especially expressive and are suitable for decorating special ceremonies and anniversaries.

Fairy lights.
By stringing leaves on a thin thread, you will get a bright garland that will bring autumn mood into your home.

Looking for more sophisticated solutions? Apply glue to the leaves with a brush, generously sprinkle them with shiny glitter and secure satin ribbons at the base, which will help strengthen the garland in the right place.

Leaves can be used as stencils, allowing you to apply an interesting design to fabric, paper or glass. There are two ways to make an autumn image. In the first case, the leaves are simply laid out on the surface, then paint is applied on top. When the coating is completely dry, the leaves should be carefully removed - unpainted areas will remain in their place.

Another method involves applying paint to the sheet itself, which is then used as a stencil. For such a print, you can use absolutely any paint (gouache, watercolor, acrylic, fabric paints), and the sheet itself should be painted on the side where the veins are located. It is better to press the stencil with a roller, but you can do without it by simply pressing the sheet with your hand.

In this way you can decorate clothes, home textiles, dishes and other household items.

Beautiful leaves are the highlight of this season. Some autumn foliage looks more beautiful than summer flowers, because it is filled with vibrant, genuine colors. But to preserve this beauty, you will have to make efforts.

You can choose foliage with your children, brothers, sisters, and then create a beautiful family bouquet. When looking for materials for crafts, follow these recommendations:

  • choose flat, non-curled specimens without streaks or bumps;
  • collect foliage of different colors, do not focus on one tone, otherwise your autumn bouquet will be boring;
  • Dry wet leaves under pressure, otherwise they will not be preserved;
  • leaves that accumulate less moisture can be preserved using glycerin or silica gel.

How to preserve autumn leaves for a long time

There are several ways to preserve seasonal beauty.


Compressing foliage is the easiest way, but the result will not last as long as we would like. After it, the foliage often loses its shape, and then quickly dries out if it is not constantly under pressure. However, it is one of the most common ways to save autumn beauty. How to dry leaves under a press:

  1. Select dry flat leaves.
  2. Place them between newspapers or waterproof wax paper - a layer of wax will seal the cracks and make the leaves smooth.
  3. Take a couple of heavy books and put paper in the middle. The heavy weight will prevent the herbarium from curling.
  4. Place more heavy books or any other weight on top.
  5. Leave the book in a cool, dry place. After a week, check the leaves - they should dry out, but if something goes wrong, all that remains is rotten beauty. If nothing happens to the leaves during this time, keep them under pressure for as long as possible.

After pressing, the foliage can be used to design a room or decorate furniture by placing the dried branches on interior items and then covering them with a transparent cloth. This decor will make the apartment even more comfortable.

Application of silica gel

Silica gel is a powder white, which is used to dry shoes. It resembles salt and can often be found in shoe boxes. Silica gel removes moisture, so it helps a lot when drying shoes. The powder can be purchased at any craft or hardware store.

Silica gel is a powerful thing; it can handle even thick wreaths. Therefore, in order for the craft to be stored for a long time, the composition should be preserved in this way. The drying process using this method consists of several stages:

  1. Select moist, resilient specimens.
  2. Sprinkle a 3cm layer of silica gel on the bottom of a heavy-duty microwave-safe dish.
  3. Place the yellow leaves on top, leaving some space.
  4. Cover the material completely with another layer of powder.
  5. Microwave the dish on medium power, uncovered, for about 2 minutes.
  6. Check the leaves periodically. When they are dried, take them out and let them cool.

Use glycerin solution

Marinating in glycerin is one of the best methods preservation of the herbarium. When using this liquid, the foliage remains flexible and soft for several years. This way you can save not only leaves, but also entire small branches.

  1. Make a one to two solution of glycerin and water, pour into a flat tray.
  2. Place everything in the glycerin mixture and then cover with another dish. Allow the herbarium to be completely submerged in the solution.
  3. Leave the leaves to soak in glycerin. Check every 2-3 days to ensure they are soft and firm.
  4. After filling the herbarium with glycerin, you need to remove it and wipe off the remains.

After the glycerin solution, the foliage can also be used for wreaths or garlands. With their help, you can transform the interior of the table, make rings for napkins and dishes.

The methods that we described above have one significant drawback - in pursuit of storage time during drying, you can deprive the bouquet of the beauty that you were trying to preserve. The probability of such an outcome is small, but it still exists.

  1. Select fresh, damp maple leaves and place them between two paper towels.
  2. Place this “sandwich” on a microwave-safe tray.
  3. Place in the microwave and turn it on at medium power.
  4. Check the herbarium every 30-60 seconds. With high humidity and thickness, this process will take longer.

If too much time passes, the leaves may ignite and burst into flames, so you need to keep a close eye on them and don't wait for them to crumble and shrink. Only you can protect the leaves from drying out and the house from fire.