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» What channels are there and what are their names? What types of TVs are there? Basic principles of television

What channels are there and what are their names? What types of TVs are there? Basic principles of television

How does satellite television differ from cable television, digital from analogue and how to choose the type of broadcasting? Let’s try to understand the intricacies of this issue.

First, let's look at the types of broadcasting. There are only three of them:

- broadcasting. In this case, the channels are broadcast using television towers. To receive this type of broadcast, you must have an antenna to receive the signal.

- cable broadcasting. It is delivered to the consumer by companies - cable operators. In this case, the signal is transmitted via a cable, which must be installed by specialists in your apartment, if you contact them, of course.

— satellite broadcasting. Satellites distributed above the Earth's equator at an altitude of 36 thousand km broadcast channels. To receive signals from satellites, you need to acquire antennas - “dishes” aimed at them.

There are two types of terrestrial and cable television – analogue and digital. They differ in the way the signal is transmitted. An analog signal is significantly inferior in image and sound quality to a digital signal, which, by the way, also increases the number of broadcast channels. Due to its clear advantage, the latter is gaining more and more popularity. In the case of satellite television, digital has completely replaced analogue broadcasting.

In order to work with a digital signal, the TV model must be suitable. If this is not the case, you can use a receiver. This device converts the digital signal into another format that is understandable to the technology.

It is important to know that digital broadcast formats for broadcast, cable and satellite will be completely different. European standards look like this:

  • DVB-T– broadcasting
  • DVB-C— cable broadcasting
  • DVB-S And DVB-S2— satellite broadcasting standards. The latter is more modern and promising.

What are the criteria for choosing a broadcast model?

Subscription fee. Today, this is provided for by cable and satellite TV; terrestrial TV will join them immediately after the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting. For satellite operators, the size of the subscription fee depends on the number of TV channels and their topics. This approach is gradually being introduced by cable television operators, and in the future it will most likely spread to the terrestrial model.

Necessary equipment. Each type of signal delivery requires certain technical equipment - an antenna for reception and a TV or TV tuner that supports the desired type of broadcasting. Prices for these devices vary - this point also needs to be taken into account when choosing.

Conditions of admission. In order for the signal to be transmitted without interference, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the type of broadcasting and the conditions for its reception. That is, if you watch TV in a country house far outside the city, then satellite TV will be the best option. If you live in the city on one of the top floors of a high-rise building, then you can safely choose broadcasting.

If your house, on the contrary, is low-rise, then the method of transmitting the signal via cables is suitable (if your house is connected to cable television).

Your preferences. For some, a few public channels are enough, while others want access to a wide variety of them. Each satellite and cable television operator has a different set of platforms offered, so you should focus on your interests.

There is an opinion that satellite television is of better quality than others, but such a statement is controversial. If the broadcast is digital, then, regardless of the method of signal transmission, the image can have very high clarity.

For more than half a century, television has been one of the main ways to convey information to many people at the same time, as well as a way to relax after a working day and have fun on the weekend.

Technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds, and the types of broadcasting and the availability of television for the population are changing.

Where did television begin?

The date from which Soviet television began its countdown is April 29, 1931, when the first television image was broadcast.

Since then, the development of technology has not stood still. If in Soviet times two televisions per family were a luxury, and the whole family (and sometimes neighbors) gathered to watch evening programs on a single TV channel, now you will not surprise anyone with television broadcasting on a tablet or laptop in any place with Internet access.

Terrestrial TV

Perhaps the most important television in Russia is terrestrial. To distribute it, television towers - repeaters - are installed in all cities, amplifying the incoming signal.

Thanks to the massive scale and centralization of this type of broadcasting, the main TV channels have become available to Russian residents even in small, remote corners of the country.

In order to receive an over-the-air signal at home, you need to install an antenna and connect it to your TV. You can also use a common, collective antenna if you live in an apartment building.

Terrestrial television can be analogue, but recently clearer, digital broadcasting has become increasingly widespread. In order to receive digital terrestrial television, you need to have a TV with a built-in ability to switch the signal from analog to digital. If this is not the case, you can use special TV tuners (set-top boxes for televisions).

Due to the universal prevalence of terrestrial TV, advertising placed on it helps to reach the widest range of consumers.

Cable TV

From the point of view of reaching the audience, such television occupies a niche opposite to broadcast television. Its main goal is not mass broadcasting and bringing television programs to as many viewers as possible, but diversity and meeting the needs of people with different interests.

Cable television is characterized by a variety of channels on completely different topics. Those interested in sports can watch broadcasts of various competitions. For families with children there are specialized children's and educational channels. There are TV channels that show news programs, films, music videos or entertainment programs 24 hours a day.

To connect to cable TV, you need to contact your nearest operator (often they also provide Internet services). If you live in an apartment building, then there is probably one or more companies that are ready to provide you with a paid subscription and extend the cable to the apartment.

Satellite television

Satellite television is another way of bringing television broadcasts to viewers. Such television broadcasting is carried out using numerous satellites flying in low-Earth orbit.

To receive a satellite signal at home, you need to buy a special antenna (“satellite dish”) and place it on the roof of the house or on the balcony. For residents of some remote areas, this is the only way television can reach them.

Coverage of most of the Earth's surface by satellites is achieved by their specific location in orbit. They are located along the equator and move at such a speed that it will seem to the observer that they are constantly at one point in the sky.

Unlike terrestrial TV, satellite TV receives its main income not from advertising, but from subscription fees from subscribers. Until recently, not everyone could afford the purchase, but the situation is gradually changing.

Online television

In our age of widespread Internet penetration, online television is a way to stay connected even when far from home and any premises with a TV.

In addition to accessibility, the main advantage of interactive (online) television is the flexible management of subscriptions to TV channels, among which you can always choose exactly those that are of interest at the moment.

Another advantage of this type of broadcasting is that it is not tied to the time of broadcasting. The subscriber can always pause the program of interest or watch it later in the recording.

How to choose?

There are several criteria by which you can choose the optimal type of television broadcasting for yourself.

Now only cable and satellite TV have it, but terrestrial TV may also have it after the widespread transition to digital terrestrial television. For cable TV, the fee is constant and usually includes 100 channels (in addition to the main broadcast ones). The price of a satellite TV set is regulated by the number of connected TV channels.

Equipment. TV towers and antennas for receiving over-the-air TV in cities are installed everywhere and usually do not require the purchase of separate equipment. For remote areas or holiday villages, the best option would be to purchase a satellite TV set. It is most convenient to connect cable TV together with the Internet from the operator servicing your home.

Signal reception. For multi-storey buildings, the clearest image is achieved using cables, while outside the city it would be better to connect to a satellite dish. Analogue terrestrial TV is suitable for those who are used to using the TV as a background and do not pay attention to the quality of the signal.

Modern television, according to the form of signal transmission, is divided into cable, satellite, terrestrial and Internet television. Each type has its own exceptional advantages and, of course, disadvantages in terms of advertising impact on the target audience.

Terrestrial television distributes the signal using ground repeater stations. In Russia, this type of TV broadcasting is most common.
With millions of people watching broadcast television every day, advertisers have the opportunity to reach a huge number of people. Such coverage of the population is not provided by the Internet, radio, street advertising and any other methods of influence.

Digital broadcast television differs from the standard in the quality of picture and sound transmission. Digital television is based not on the standard transmission principle, but on the transmission of only those elements of the frame that have changed compared to the previous frame. For example, brightness, color, etc. may change. As a result, five or more digital channels can be used instead of just one analogue channel.

Cable TV characterized by high selectivity of exposure. It is not aimed at everyone, its task is to satisfy the needs of a specific, sometimes narrow audience. For this reason, a huge number of cable channels have been created - historical, children's, sports, family, etc. As a rule, these channels exist due to viewers signing up for a paid subscription.

What's happened satellite television? This is a type of broadcast using a satellite that is in low-Earth orbit. Each TV viewer receives a signal arriving at his “dish” antenna.

When the United States mastered satellite broadcasting technology, American television was able to expand beyond the country's borders. US television began to overcome European borders starting in the 70s of the last century.

Why does satellite television exist? Primarily due to subscription fees, not advertising.

If you need to reach an audience that cannot be reached by terrestrial and cable television (for example, for geographical reasons), satellite television comes to the rescue.

In addition, we note that the satellite television audience, as a rule, is solvent, since a satellite television set is not cheap.

Internet television or online TV- This is the youngest type of television. Received on communicators, mobile phones, tablet computers and, of course, regular computers.

Through online TV you can influence a young, active and solvent audience. Typically, another feature of Internet TV viewers is their mobility.

The disadvantages of this type of television are the relatively small coverage of the population. Although some experts believe that the future of television lies in this broadcasting option.

Today, there are several ways to transmit a television signal, including Internet television, satellite, cable and terrestrial. Let's talk in more detail about each of these types of television, analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Analog and digital TV

Initially, television was distributed using analog data transmission, which led to a significant deterioration in image quality. Among other things, the possibilities for receiving such television were significantly limited. However, already in the nineties of the last century, digital TV appeared, which significantly expanded the capabilities for transmitting video and audio signals. Among the advantages of such digital TV, we note the excellent image quality, which will be appreciated by owners of large TVs.

What is cable television

Cable television operators appeared at the end of the last century and gained great popularity in the market. As the name suggests, such television is transmitted via cable, and the providers themselves include various thematic channels, including entertainment, sports, films and information. Cable television can be offered on a paid or free basis.

If we talk about the advantages of such cable television, we can note the maximum possible selection of channels, as well as the ability to select a package of TV channels that will fully satisfy your needs. All cable television is broadcast in digital format, which ensures image quality and maximum picture realism.

What is satellite television

Satellite television first appeared in the eighties of the last century, but this technology received its greatest distribution already in the 20th century. The technology of such satellite television is extremely simple. There are numerous telecommunications satellites in low-Earth orbit, broadcasting a signal over the airwaves, which is received by subscribers using special antennas, and the data is subsequently decoded and displayed on the TV screen.

Today, satellite television is offered on a paid and free basis. Its advantage is the largest possible selection of TV channels, as well as excellent image quality. Regardless of your preferences, you can choose an offer package that will fully meet your needs. Moreover, if previously the cost of such equipment for receiving satellite television was extremely high, today you can easily select inexpensive options for receivers and antennas that will be available to every buyer.

What is interactive television

With the development of the Internet and fiber-optic high-speed data transmission, interactive television has gained popularity, which allows you to view various programs of interest to you on the TV screen, while it is possible to rewind and record TV programs. Today, interactive television is offered to subscribers at affordable prices, and everyone can choose interesting options for offer packages for themselves, so the cost of such TV is not too high.

What is IP television

IP television has also become widespread today, which allows you to view various TV channels on the screen of a mobile phone, computer or TV. This opportunity has arisen thanks to the development of high-speed Internet access. Such IP television is offered today at affordable prices, and there is a choice of free channels, including thematic packages.

If we talk about the advantages of such IP television, we can note the excellent image quality and the ability to select TV channels that will be of interest to every homeowner. However, it must be taken into account that in order to comfortably watch such programs, you must have high-speed Internet access, and television itself is offered in most cases on a paid basis.

What is broadcast television

Terrestrial television is distributed using appropriate repeater stations located on the ground. Today, this type of television is most widespread in Russia. To receive such terrestrial television, you must have an appropriate active or passive antenna, digital decoder and TV.

Currently, terrestrial television is completely switching to digital broadcasting, which allows for the highest possible image quality. The supply of TV channels has also expanded significantly, which for many domestic operators exceeds several hundred different all-Russian, foreign and regional channels. Everyone will be able to choose the best option for them to offer such terrestrial television, which can be distributed both free of charge and for a small additional fee.

Today, television systems can be divided into:

1) Terrestrial TV

2) Cable TV

3) Satellite TV

4) Interactive TV

1.Today, terrestrial television remains the most common means of delivering broadcast programs to viewers. To transmit programs on the air, high-frequency electrical oscillations are used, which, unlike low-frequency audio and video signals, can freely propagate in the surrounding space over considerable distances in the form of radio waves. Image and sound signals are emitted by the transmitting antennas of television centers, each at its own radio frequency, called the image and sound carrier signal, respectively. We receive these signals on our televisions using a television antenna. This type of transmission of television signals is called terrestrial or terrestrial television. The frequencies of carrier signals have values ​​strictly specified by the standard. A pair of signals carrying image and sound, used to transmit one television program, is called a radio channel of terrestrial television or, more simply, a television channel. Terrestrial television signals are transmitted using ultra-short radio waves, abbreviated as VHF, in the frequency range from 48 to 862 MHz.

2. Using a cable allows you to reduce the influence of external interference on the useful signal and, therefore, transmit it with better quality than over the air. At the first stage of cable television development, signal transmission was carried out mainly between television stations. Currently, local cable television networks are also widespread, designed to deliver programs directly to television viewers. A local cable network is called a cable network, most often located within a small settlement, microdistrict, and sometimes within a single building, for example an apartment building or a hotel. Through this network, from a small receiving television station, for a subscription fee, terrestrial and satellite television programs are provided, practically without interference and with good image and sound quality.

3. Satellite television, or STV for short, is today the most dynamically developing method of transmitting television signals over long distances.

A high frequency television signal is emitted towards a television satellite

The frequencies at which satellite programs are transmitted are much higher than the frequencies of terrestrial television, so to receive them you need a special antenna that is not similar to the terrestrial television antennas we are used to. It usually has the shape of a “plate” with a diameter of 0.6-3.0 m and is most often made of a thin metal sheet or mesh. A receiving head is placed on the satellite antenna, which is connected via a cable to a tuner that converts the NTV signal into a signal perceived by a regular TV.

4. This is a type of pay television service that is based on an access control system that allows you to build a completely new “relationship” between the operator and the subscriber. When choosing such a service, the subscriber ceases to be a passive viewer receiving a stream of information broadcast by numerous channels. From now on, he decides for himself when, what and for what money he will watch. And, of course, a necessary condition for the functioning of interactive television is an infrastructure that provides feedback to subscribers.

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