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» What flowers can be planted next to grapes. Grapes: pros and cons of joint planting with other plants. Grapes and roses

What flowers can be planted next to grapes. Grapes: pros and cons of joint planting with other plants. Grapes and roses

The neighbor who lives behind the door opposite is a master of gold, always ready to help, not like the elderly neighbor downstairs, who constantly breaks into a scream and collects gossip about everything and everyone. This situation happens not only among people, but also among grapes.

He gets along well with some plants next to him, receiving only benefits from their proximity, but with other representatives of the flora he cannot get along, drooping from melancholy and decreased quantity useful substances in the soil.

Grapes and pears are excellent neighbors

Even experienced gardeners sometimes begin to be at a loss: will the grapes like this plant, a bush with berries, onions, vegetables, other grape varieties, or is it better not to risk it and plant them in different corners of the garden, preferably opposite ones. In order to deal with doubts, this review was created. Below you will find out with what grapes are ready to establish friendly ties, and with which plants hostilities may break out. Beginning summer residents will also learn why to plant different plants nearby.

Be friends with your neighbor, but hold on to your saber

Allelopathy - the science of friendship and enmity

Allelopathy is the property of closely growing vegetables, bushes and other plants to influence each other. The main culprit is chemical substances, secreted by each plant and forming a kind of biochemical protection: they influence the neighbors quietly growing nearby. The influence can be either positive, stimulating the growth of a neighbor, say a grape, or negative, suppressing its development. Substances released green creature consists of many elements including sugars, acids, essential oils and toxins.

Allelopathy is important for people involved in agriculture, and is not important on an industrial scale or on a local scale. For summer residents, knowledge of this science will help them correctly place small area vegetables, herbs and greens, thereby increasing the yield.

Bad neighbors of grapes: calendula (marigold), parsley, yarrow, clary sage

Pests are a real scourge for any cottage. They penetrate everywhere and everywhere. Having sunk their teeth into your favorite onion, cabbage or grapes, they quickly spread throughout the garden bed and if you don’t take action in time, you can forget about a great harvest. The secret is that pests find their victims by smell.

If you plant, for example, garlic or dill, then you practically don’t have to worry about the vines.

The influence of neighbors on each other can be more complex than just negative and positive. Thus, corn planted with legumes will grow much slower than its counterparts, but the harvest will be richer.

Criterias of choice

The choice of what to plant with is based on the following criteria:

In cramped conditions and offended. It is recommended to arrange the plantings in such a way that they do not crowd together, taking away crumbs of space from each other. You can find manuals on sale or on the Internet explaining how much distance should be left between vegetables and bushes.

Good neighbors of grapes: dill, hyacinth, yarrow, strawberry

Light. Plants desperately fight for light because it is the basis of their life. Many representatives of the flora are light-loving, so the main thing here is not to plant a light-loving, but low plant in the shade of a tall one. But some feel great living under other plants - which means these greens prefer shade to sun. The former include dill, cabbage and eggplant and should be planted with neighbors of similar size. Basil, cumin, carrots - they love sparse shade and can be planted under dill, which provides enough light. Mint and periwinkle will not feel intrusive if planted in dense shade.

Cabbage is an unfortunate neighbor, as grapes take away the light from it

Soil and moisture. Nutrients and moisture are collected by the roots and nourish the plant. The lack of these elements results in a depressed state, illnesses and slow dying. In human settlements where famine began, local residents, out of desperation, engaged in cannibalism and fought fiercely with each other for every moldy edge of bread. The same can be said about plants, but if in nature only the strong and cunning survive, then at the dacha a gardener can adjust strict laws and avoid the death of participants in the struggle for food.

Legumes and grapes grow well nearby

“Adjust” means carrying out a strict selection for the title of neighbor, since simply abundantly moistening the land and enriching it with fertilizers good results will not give. Some vegetables, instead of stopping quarreling, grow a branched root system, which does not stop their arguing. In addition, not all vegetables turn out tasty in rich soil: an excess is just as harmful as a deficiency.

Therefore, when choosing neighbors for grapes, the first thing you should pay attention to is the roots and nutrient requirements.

Vegetables with deep-lying roots are less dependent on other plants in the garden, as opposed to vegetables with a root system lying close to the surface.

The difference is in care. Different cultures differ in their care requirements. Some plants need a lot of moisture, others come from dry areas and do not like water. So, let's say cucumbers need a lot of water so as not to taste bitter, but onions Excess moisture is harmful, so planting these two vegetables together is a bad idea.

Corn is a very bad neighbor. because it takes away nutrients

Crops also create inconveniences in terms of harvesting: one is already ready for consumption, while the other needs a little more time to ripen, as a result of which the hand accidentally grabs unripe fruits.

Choosing friends

In fact, there are quite a lot of plants with which grapes feel comfortable in the same bed. Best neighbors, TOP variations:

Helps get rid of excess moisture drainage system, or you can raise the strawberry bed higher. The distance between the berries and the trellises varies from 50 cm to 1 meter.

Other grape varieties - but this issue is worth considering separately.

Varieties relationships

Beginning winegrowers are in no hurry to plant different varieties together. A justified fear, because cultivation takes more than one year. A person who has not been involved in planting this crop has to delve into everything from books and advice from experienced people; he is surrounded by a sea of ​​contradictory information, among which in the first place are the demands made by the grapevines on their owner - the guardian. The fears are unfounded. Different varieties feel great together.

Different grape varieties bear fruit well side by side

The tradition of planting grape bushes together is associated with the nature of this plant. Varieties are bisexual and female.

The former pollinate themselves with their own fertile pollen. In female varieties, the pollen is not fertile, that is, it is inferior, sterile, it is not suitable for pollinating flowers, and without this, the ovaries will not form, and the harvest will not work. It is advantageous to plant female varieties together with pollinating varieties: the neighbor will pollinate the flowers of a sterile companion and contribute to the emergence of a crop. Pollination by an outside bush will also be beneficial and the yield from such a neighborhood will be higher, the berries will be larger in size and tastier.

It is correct to place together varieties that have the same fruiting period.

Either enemies or friends

Onions, radishes and sorrel, beets and strawberries are not the only neighbors that have a beneficial effect; flowers, say pansies or asters, can be included in the list. Compatibility with roses is ambiguous, fruit trees and bushes. In the old days, roses were often planted between bushes with grape berries to protect the latter from being trampled by free-roaming cattle. Now that the problem with horses and cows is almost settled, there remains one more reason why it is worth planting prickly flowers with grapes.

Mildew disease is a terrible nightmare for winegrowers, destroying their offspring and the fruits of hard work. Roses are also susceptible to this disease, and even to a greater extent, and if they are placed near the grape plantings, between them, the flowers can be used as an alarm and a call to mobilize the wine-growing team. Roses will also warn about excess heavy metals in the ground and decorate the garden with their presence.

Grapes and roses suffer from the same diseases, so they need to be planted away from each other

Fruit trees are another controversial neighborhood. Vines, no matter what variety, need sunlight, but if you plant them in a circle of shadow falling from the crown, growth problems will begin. The second problem is at the underground level. The roots of the tree are powerful and developed; the grape roots have nothing to oppose them. Tree roots will take the lion's share of nutrients from their neighbor and the productivity of the latter will noticeably lag behind the bar. Almost the only fruit tree that summer residents can plant near the vines is the pear.

The pear is a recognized neighbor for grapes; both plants are tolerant of each other.

Neighborhood with currants and raspberry bushes is acceptable until the effect that the smell of bushes can have on grape vines and their fruits. Indirect harm to the roots of the latter will come from caring for currant bushes - they need regular watering in the summer, unlike grape roots. As a result, additional, dewy roots of the latter will develop to the detriment of the main ones, and this will lead to sad consequences from cracking of the berries to a decrease in resistance to frost.

Currants are a neutral neighbor for grapes

Beware of enemies

It is worth noting the fact that not all gardeners agree on the beneficial and negative effects of plants on each other. Some believe that sorrel and onions, noted in this article as useful plants, actually harm the grapes. A recommendation is advice, but gardens are different. At one dacha, onions are a wonderful neighbor, but at another, they are a blood enemy that has to be rooted out with a fight. Monitor the behavior of your green wards and react sensitively to changes in their well-being; this tactic will help you avoid trouble.

Nettle is an antagonist of grapes and is very depressing

Potatoes, eggplants and capsicums cannot be planted with grape bushes.

Weeds can be both pests and beneficial neighbors. If you plant bushes on bare ground, they will grow “creakingly” - slowly and sadly, lagging behind their fellows growing on the green carpet. The grass acts as a kind of fertilizer for the soil, enriches it, saving it from overdrying and hardening. Grapevines will not survive on bare ground. WITH reverse side, weeds were not called weeds because they have pretty eyes. Grass takes away nutrients from young plantings, which is why they cannot develop and grow at a normal pace, so an excess of weeds is just as harmful as their complete absence. The size of the weeds also matters: according to tall grass pests deftly move from the ground to low-hanging grapes.

Weeds protect grapes from drying out

A good neighborhood is good for the vines. Sow strawberries and radishes, but make sure that the bushes like their presence.

No matter how much you say that grapes do not like competitors, gardeners still try to save on space and plant neighbors with grapes. In order to cause less harm, let’s remember which plants are compatible with grapes.


Sorrel, carrots, peas, white cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, red beets, melon, radish, strawberries, cucumber, dill, beans, onions.


Cherry, pear, plum, apple tree, garlic, pumpkin, lettuce, purslane.


Parsley, eggplant, potatoes, capsicum, celery, gooseberries, physalis, caraway seeds.


By and large, these are all weeds: dandelion, wormwood, wheatgrass, plantain, bindweed, nightshade, yarrow, nettle.

And also, oddly enough, most flowers are harmful - marigolds, clematis, cornflower.

Lawn grass is also contraindicated for grapes, as are horseradish, corn, tomatoes, sunflowers, and cut onions.

But the most harmful neighbor for grapes is the walnut.

In addition, any neighbors root system located closer to the soil surface than grapes. They will have to be watered more often, which means that the grapes will develop shallow roots. In addition to other side effects, this will lead to cracking of the berries during ripening.

Particularly noteworthy is the proximity of grape plantings to fruit trees. If they are placed near the roots, the grapes will suffer from shading. Even if you plant grapes at a short distance from the trees, after a while the roots of the trees will penetrate into them, and the vine will compete with them. Therefore, it is better to plant grapes at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the periphery of the crown.

For every gardener and gardener there remains topical issue about which plants should be planted nearby. The author of the book “The Melange Vegetable Garden,” Russian agronomist B.V. Bublik and the American farmer D. Jevans, in the book “How to Grow More Vegetables...” described in detail the interaction of various cultivated plants, which are most often grown in Middle lane Russia. Of course, to get good harvest it is necessary not only to choose the right plants for adjacent beds, but also to provide them with good care. Then all crops will bear fruit successfully and the harvest will be guaranteed.

➣ They are distinguished by high production of allelopathic substances ash, wormwood and wheatgrass. Where these plants appear, all others, especially cultivated ones, immediately stop growing. You should not leave the listed weeds between the beds or along the perimeter of the garden.

Scientific experiments with labeled atoms have proven that substances secreted by mustard roots enhance the growth of crops such as peas. Legumes, in turn, are released into the soil a large number of nitrogenous substances, which is not acceptable for all plants. However, bush beans grow well next to legumes.

Peas are also a good neighbor for many vegetable crops (tomatoes, potatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, beans) and herbs (mustard). Peas are planted between the rows of these crops. Next to this representative of the Legume family, you can successfully grow lettuce, eggplant, spinach, celery. If you plant cabbage or other cruciferous vegetables next to peas, its roots will be protected from rotting. You can find out which family the most common crops grown in central Russia belong to from the table.

Beans grow well next to cucumbers. They can be planted around cucumber beds. This culture also combines favorably with potatoes, sweet corn, mustard, radishes, radishes, spinach. It is recommended to plant beans between these plants. Oregano, borage, yarrow and rosemary are good neighbors for beans.

Table. Distribution of popular garden and flower plant species by family


Peas, beans, beans, soybeans, clover


Borage (borage)


Buckwheat, rhubarb, sorrel


Basil, lemon balm, mint, snakehead, hyssop, marjoram, oregano, sage, savory, thyme


Corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley


Rutabaga, cabbage (red and white cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts, broccoli, etc.), radish, radish, turnip, horseradish, spinach, mustard


Garlic, onion (onion, leek, shallot, chives, etc.)

Beetroot, chard

End of table.



Anise, chervil, coriander, lovage, carrots, celery, parsnip, parsley, caraway, dill, fennel


Potatoes, tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis, petunia, allspice


Asters, marigolds, calendula, pyrethrum, lettuce, sunflower, chamomile, zinnia, yarrow, tarragon


Watermelon, melon, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin

Representatives of plants of the Liliaceae family ( different kinds onions and garlic) grow very well next to plants of the Apiaceae family (carrots, radishes, celery, parsley and parsnips) and Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage).

The proximity to tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, potatoes, cucumbers. Flowers can be planted nearby petunias, chamomile. It is useful to plant savory and chamomile in small quantities around the onion beds.

Various vegetable crops successfully coexist in beds with white and black radish.

For many plants, spinach is located nearby.

Its roots release saponins into the soil, which enhance the growth of many crops (potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans). Spinach also creates a special microclimate around itself. Its leaves cover the soil and keep it moist and loose. In this regard, spinach is often used as an accompanying plant. It is planted between rows of plants with slower growth, and while the main crops are just sprouting, spinach has time to grow and creates favorable conditions for them. Near bush beans

Root vegetables such as radishes grow well. This proximity has a positive effect on its taste and size, and also protects it from damage by worms and cabbage flies. It is recommended to plant radishes 2 weeks before planting bush beans.

Watercress and nasturtium will also help you grow large radishes. It will be useful for beans if you plant a little celery nearby. Beans grow well with

cucumbers, corn, cabbage, strawberries, pumpkin, beets, carrots. The taste of beans is positively influenced by savory growing nearby. Good neighbors for vegetable plants sometimes they are spices

and flowers. For example, amaranths have a positive effect on eggplants. You can plant lettuce between the eggplants and basil around them.

For watermelons, adjacent areas with potatoes, oats, corn and peas will be useful. For melon, only radish is a good neighbor. Cabbage has many types. The most popular of them are cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and kohlrabi. They grow better next to onions (any), beans, herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, dill)

. Potatoes have a positive effect on the taste of cabbage, so these plants are suitable for mixed planting.

Dill sown between the rows of cabbage significantly improves its taste. For the most common type of cabbage, white cabbage, the best plants

- neighbors are onions, potatoes, lettuce, celery, radishes, bush beans and dill.

Broccoli grows well next to onions, lettuce, beets and celery.

Good neighbors for potatoes in the garden are eggplants, beans, cabbage (especially cauliflower), corn, carrots, beets, lettuce, radishes, beans, horseradish, garlic, and herbs and flowers - amaranths, nasturtium, tansy, coriander, spinach. With mixed planting, potatoes turn out to be more resistant to diseases. cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkin. Bush and climbing corn are favorable neighbors for corn itself. beans, potatoes, soybeans.

Legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen, which is very necessary for corn, which, in turn, brings climbing plants useful as a support. Also You can plant tomatoes, lettuce, and sunflowers next to corn.

Pepper goes well with basil. These plants help each other grow.

The place next to the cucumbers is suitable for peas, white and cauliflower, kohlrabi, radishes, onions, lettuce, celery, beets, parsley, sunflowers and beans. Tansy and sow thistle also have a positive effect on cucumbers. Dill sown among cucumbers prolongs their fruiting period, and therefore increases the yield.

For parsnips, a place next to legumes and radishes.

You can plant celery next to the bed tomatoes, cabbage, leeks, bush beans. In the shade of these plants, celery grows more fragrant.

The following crops are planted with lettuce: legumes, carrots, cucumbers and radishes.

Tomatoes have good compatibility in beds next to onions, garlic, carrots, parsley and many flowering plants. If there are nettles next to the tomatoes, they will have a more pronounced taste. Monarda tubulara also contributes to the growth of this favorite vegetable crop and the improvement of its taste characteristics.

To get a good harvest of beets, it is useful to plant nearby carrots, cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, lettuce, parsley and dill.

For a pumpkin you can choose the following neighbors: corn, nasturtiums. A sow thistle growing nearby can be helpful.

The place next to the radish is suitable for carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, and spinach.

Spicy herbs are released into external environment a large number of aromatic substances with volatile properties. Thus, they affect those plants that are planted nearby. Spicy herbs are widely used in cooking and medicine and are often found in gardens among vegetables and berry plants. It is also necessary to select them correctly for joint plantings.

Most vegetables are favorably affected by parsley, borage, lavender, marjoram, hyssop, chervil, chamomile, savory, thyme, sage, and dill growing nearby. Dandelion helps vegetables and apple trees grow. This plant produces environment a substance (ethylene) that accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Many herbs release substances into the environment that have a beneficial effect on other plants (repel pests, disinfect the air, enhance growth). Such plants are called satellite plants. These include anise, basil, mustard leaves, coriander, hyssop, mint, marjoram, lemon balm, cumin, dill.

Some herbs can enhance aromatic properties each other. For example, if you plant yarrow next to nettles, it will be more fragrant, and if you plant mint, its content will increase. essential oils 2 times.

➣ If you plant oak, birch, linden or poplar next to the garden, then fruit trees will find themselves in comfortable conditions and they will get sick less and bear fruit well. These trees can be placed on personal plot or along the edges of the garden.

Oregano and marjoram have a positive effect on the growth and taste of many cultivated plants.

The snakehead (Turkish mint) creates shade in which cucumbers feel good, which is reflected in their productivity.

Coriander is a good neighbor for anise, cumin and many vegetables. It has a positive effect on the soil structure, and therefore vegetables can be planted next to overwintered coriander without digging up the garden bed.

It is useful to plant hyssop next to grapes; this significantly increases the yield of the latter.

Lovage can be planted anywhere in the garden. He is helpful neighbor for many vegetables and improves their taste, increases resistance to disease.

Mint is found in many gardens. This plant is useful to plant next to tomatoes and cabbage. The harvest will be more abundant and the taste of vegetables will improve. Mint grows well among sorrel. The main thing is to make sure that the mint does not grow too much.

Strawberries grow better next to borage. It is important not to let it grow and trim the bushes in a timely manner. Borage also increases the resistance of other plants to various diseases. It enhances the growth of peas, cabbage, onions, beans, and many herbs.

Parsley has a positive effect on the taste of tomatoes. You can plant it around rose bushes. A good combination is parsley and onions. First, in the spring, parsley seeds are sown in rows, and after 2 weeks, leek seedlings are planted between them. Both crops will grow well.

The following crops grow well next to celery: onions, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, spinach.

A plant such as rue goes well on the site with vegetable and flower crops, as well as fruit trees and shrubs.

Dill grows by self-sowing in many gardens. This does not always have a positive effect on the harvest. The roots of this plant secrete substances that are not beneficial to all vegetables. Therefore, it is better to plant dill specifically next to lettuce, cabbage, onions, cucumbers.

Sage is a useful neighbor for all types of cabbage and carrots, as well as strawberries.

Thyme has a beneficial effect on nearby vegetables and improves their taste. It is especially suitable for tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Savory improves the growth of eggplants.

Some weeds can be useful neighbors for cultivated plants. Japanese farmer-scientist Masanobu Fukuoka, founder of one of the trends in organic farming, came to the conclusion that there is no need to carry out continuous weeding in fields and vegetable gardens or use herbicides. He believes that weeds contribute their share to maintaining soil fertility and balance in biogeocenoses. M. Fukuoka recommends not completely destroying weeds, but periodically mowing them or limiting their growth using mulching. He also advises creating a grass cover in soil gardens from beneficial weeds or green manure. This has become common in Japan and it is extremely rare to find bare soil in gardens there. At insufficient humidity soils in dry areas trunk circles around the trees they are left free for watering and care, and the rest of the area in the gardens is planted with ground cover green manure. This principle can also be applied in small private gardens. In large free areas among ground cover plants, you can place beds with cultivated plants (vegetables, herbs). For example, small islands of thistle in the garden promote the growth of onions, corn and tomatoes. The main thing is not to allow this weed to grow.

Various herbs are used for planting between rows in vineyards. Plants useful for grapes additionally protect the soil from being washed away by water during watering and from drying out. Greatest benefit corn brings in grapes to grow. For him good neighbors There are also auxiliary vegetable crops - oilseed radish and radish. Parsley has a healing effect on vineyards. Promote the growth of grapes, peas, onions, cauliflower, watercress, beets. Less significant for increasing grape yields are beans, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, melon, and dill.

Of the trees and shrubs compatible for grapes are pear, Chinese lemongrass and actinidia. These plants can be planted next to each other. You can also plant grapes and actinidia around a fence or gazebo.

Grape yields can also be increased by: flower plants, for example asters, geraniums, forget-me-nots, phlox. Irises planted nearby do not bring any benefit, but do not harm this plant either.

From plants you can create around the garden or vegetable garden hedge. At the same time, shrubs for it need to be selected taking into account not only decorativeness or height, but also compatibility with the plants being grown. Hedges made of privet, elderberry, spirea, and rose hips are beautiful and useful for harvest. These shrubs have a healing effect on the garden. In the garden, growing cherries and raspberries next to each other significantly increases the yield. Apple tree and raspberry heal each other. Raspberries accumulate nitrogen and increase the oxygen content in the soil, which turns out to be beneficial for the apple tree. It is recommended to plant these crops close to each other, but make sure that the raspberries do not grow too much.

The combination of barberry with plum or honeysuckle in the garden has a positive effect on the harvest.

Strawberries and some plants grow well under sea buckthorn. medicinal plants(oregano, chamomile). It is useful to plant onions between currant bushes and leave them in the winter.

Hawthorn grows well at a distance of 4 m from cherries. If these trees are planted closer, the hawthorn will end up in the shade and wither away.

Apple and pear trees are good neighbors. A distance of at least 3.5-4 m is maintained between them, otherwise when the trees grow, they will be cramped and the effect will be the opposite.

The dogwood grows safely and bears fruit next to the apricot. You can even plant these plants close to each other and they will still be compatible. Dogwood can grow even with walnut, which is a solitary plant. Next to it, all other cultivated plants grow poorly.

It is permissible to plant plums and cherries at a distance of 5 m from each other. They will bear fruit well. The plum should not be allowed to get between the cherries and the cherries. In such conditions the tree will die.

For strawberries, parsley, bush beans, and spinach located nearby will be useful. You can also plant onions, cabbage, radishes, radishes, lettuce, beets and garlic next to it.

If land plot zoned for garden and vegetable garden, then between fruit trees and vegetable crops plant herbs (anise, basil, lemon balm, coriander, parsley, thyme and tarragon).

In order to navigate the choice of cultivated plants for cultivation, as well as the timing of their planting and location on the site, it is recommended to draw a diagram of the garden in advance. This will help to correctly position the beds with different plants, outline mixed plantings, check the compatibility of all plants growing next to each other. Next year, this scheme must be changed according to the rules of crop rotation. To do this, it is necessary to additionally take into account the compatibility of plants with their predecessors.

When selecting plants for adjacent beds, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that some plants are protectors against any diseases or pests (animals, insects, worms).

Plant compatibility can be used to increase overall yield in other ways. Plants for compacted plantings are also selected taking into account the height and volume they occupy. By choosing the right plants, you can make compacted beds.

Plants planted next to each other will not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, will mutually enhance growth. Caring for them is almost the same, so they grow comfortably in the same bed.

Condensed plantings can be done simultaneously, i.e. sow the bed with selected crops at once, or in stages. You can harvest some crops and plant others in the vacant space. This approach allows not only to grow healthy and well-bearing plants, but also to save land area.

In compacted beds, the main plant and the compacting plant are distinguished. Usually the latter has a shorter time to reach technical ripeness.

Eggplants, carrots, corn, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, beets, and celery are often used as the main crops. Compaction crops include onions, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, lettuce, radishes, beans, pumpkin, garlic, dill. Typically compact and compact crops are used as compaction crops. low growing plants. It is important to correctly place the main and compacting crops on the same bed. For example, the central part of the garden bed can be occupied by beets, and radishes, lettuce, and dill can be planted in rows along the edges.

Compaction crops quickly produce a harvest and are removed from the bed, while the main crop continues to grow until the end of summer or autumn.

➣ Berry bushes can be included in hedges. In this case, the protective barrier turns out to be denser and even prickly. From berry bushes Gooseberries, raspberries, and black currants are suitable for this. Next to each other they bear fruit well.

Plants such as tomatoes and cabbage take up a lot of space in the beds and are combined with small vegetables - onions, carrots, radishes. Fast-growing crops (bok choy, lettuce, spinach) are convenient to plant as cover crops or after harvesting main crops. For long-growing crops (carrots, parsley), it is recommended to plant plants that quickly reach technical ripeness.

Combinations of tomato and pepper with basil are optimal for compacted beds; cabbage and tomatoes with mint; parsley with tomatoes, peas or strawberries; onions, cucumbers, lettuce or cabbage with dill.

Draw up a plan for your garden better in winter in order to promptly grow seedlings of the necessary vegetable and green crops, prepare beds on the site and successfully plant them in the intended places (Fig. 1,2).

Figure 1. Compacted bed with onions, spinach and carrots

In order for plants in the same bed not to interfere with each other’s growth, it is necessary to take into account not only their allelopathic properties. It is not recommended to plant crops belonging to the same species next to each other, as they will consume the same nutrients from the soil. It should be taken into account that tall plants create shade for shorter plants, which is not always useful for the latter. When combined plantings, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the plant root system. If their roots lie at the same level in the soil, then the impact of colins will be more significant, and competition for nutrients and moisture will increase.

Figure 2. Compacted bed with

Growing grapes in Russian regions is becoming increasingly popular, and today few people can be surprised by the presence of such a plant in their garden plot. This situation is largely due to the emergence of new varieties that can survive in cold climates. For good growth It is important not only to follow the rules for choosing a place and caring for a plant, but what is no less important is what can and cannot be planted next to grapes.

The desire to have on a personal plot various varieties grapes naturally. At the same time, many gardeners are concerned about whether this will affect the nature of fruiting. Planting different varieties of grapes will naturally entail the process of cross-pollination, but the hybrid qualities will only affect the seeds, so the color, shape and taste of the fruit will not change.

What criteria should you use to make a choice?

When choosing a variety, you always pay attention to the characteristics of the variety, the characteristics of fruiting and the timing of ripening. This leaves out one of the important points- the ability of a plant to self-pollinate. There are two groups:

  • with bisexual flowers;
  • with female-type flowering.

For crops with flowers of both sexes, the presence of another species nearby is not important, and they are little dependent on insects for fruiting. At the same time, the presence of another species nearby has a positive effect on the yield indicators.

There are varieties that are characterized by female flowers. The work of natural pollinators in the form of insects is important for them, and planting bushes with bisexual flowers nearby has a positive effect on them. During periods of bad weather, varieties incapable of self-pollination require manual work.


Despite the possibility of planting different grape varieties nearby, it is important to consider the range important details. Plants have a number of significant differences in terms of breeding qualities, so caring for them can differ significantly. In this regard, the compatibility of varieties should be taken into account when planting plants on the territory that do not differ much in terms of growing and care conditions. The following points should be taken into account:

  • requirements for the place and growing conditions;
  • ripening period;
  • type of grape in the form of table or technical grapes;
  • characteristics of growth and fruiting.

There are early and late ripening crops that require different quantities heat. Bushes can differ significantly in shoot height and growth power; some varieties do not require strong support, others can grow up to 2 m. The choice of planting scheme and work with plant nutrition depends on such characteristics.

Helpful neighbors

The proximity of grapes to certain types of plants can affect fruiting rates both positively and negatively. In this regard, before planting a garden crop next to a tree, you should find out how it will affect the growth of the bush. Entire works of scientists have been devoted to such questions, finding out what is recommended to be placed under grape bushes.

The most famous was the classification of the Austrian scientist Lenz Moser, who compiled a table of the usefulness of each plant for grapes in points. In it, sour sorrel is recognized as the most useful “neighbor”.

Green manure

The quality of the soil and moisture directly affect the growth and fruiting of grapes. Green manure helps improve soil quality, which is achieved by growing certain types of plants and then adding them to the soil. This technique helps to enrich the soil with nutrients, increase its moisture capacity and looseness, and activate the work of beneficial microflora.

The best green manures for grapes are:

  • lupine;
  • sweet clover;
  • clover;
  • mustard
  • rye.

Legumes are sown in late July, cereals in August to September, and during work they add mineral fertilizers. Planting of green manure is carried out only in regions with sufficient rainfall, otherwise the plants will become direct competitors to the grape bushes, depriving them of precious moisture.

Winter crops are planted in the ground at the end of April or beginning of May, spring crops in October or November. When carrying out work, it is important not to damage the roots of the grapes.

Helper weeds Weeds help keep the plant from spring frosts

, therefore, when laying shoots for the winter, they cover them. During hot weather, they will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the soil; just place them in the aisles. Green mass is considered a good raw material for making compost, and when burned, you can get ash, which is an excellent natural source of nutrients for plants.

Planting cucumbers near trellises

The proximity of cucumbers and grapes is considered acceptable. In this case, trellises are used to grow the former, but it is important to choose a variety that performs well in outdoor conditions.

Strawberries between the rows The land between the grape bushes is characterized high humidity

, and the shoots form a shadow. Such conditions are considered optimal for strawberries. At the same time, due to the different penetrations of the root system deep into the plant, the plants do not compete with each other for nutrients.

When planting, it is important to take into account that the distance to the grape bush should be sufficient for free collection of both types of berries. Often, when growing in this way, gardeners are faced with a discrepancy in the ripening time of crops. In June, strawberries begin to bear fruit, but at the same time it is necessary to treat grape shoots with pesticides, which prohibits the consumption of sprayed berries.

Previously, roses were frequent “neighbors” of grape shoots. This is how the owners protected the plantings from uninvited guests in the form of stray cattle. Flowers were considered an indicator of a disease dangerous to grapes - mildew. The first signs of it on roses appear a little faster, so in this case you can start fighting earlier.

Onions and garlic

Planting onions and garlic next to grapes helps repel a large number of pests. It is permissible to plant only turnips; it is better to avoid choosing varieties of pearl onions and chives for these purposes. It is important to periodically loosen and fertilize the plants.


For grapes, proximity to white cabbage. To reduce the risk of diseases of both plants, it is better to use “neighbor” for planting early varieties. They have short term ripening and are therefore less susceptible to pests.

Other flowers and vegetables

The greenery of grape bushes can shade garden crops from the sun. Flower crops thrive in the shade of the shoots - aster, viola, phlox, primrose and many others. Most types of greens coexist well with grapes - sorrel, dill, spinach. Cucumbers find additional support when grown on trellises.

Neutral interacting cultures

Neutral garden crops in relation to grapes include cherry, pear, plum and apple trees. Planting them in the neighborhood does not have a significant impact. It is important to take into account the factor of sufficiency of light, since tall trees and shrubs can lead to shading, and lack of light is one of the factors in reducing yield.

Plants that cause mild harm

Potatoes, eggplants, celery and capsicums planted next to grapes can cause minor damage.


When planting grapes, it is important to know what not to plant nearby. In most cases, a ban is imposed when crops begin to compete for nutrients, are prone to the same diseases, or differ significantly in the care required for growth.

Wild growing

Plants harmful to grapes include weeds. The most harmful include dandelion, shoots of wormwood, yarrow, wheatgrass, plantain leaves, and nettle.

Vegetable garden

You can't sow near grapes lawn grass, tomatoes, corn, horseradish and sunflowers.

Other "enemies"

All varieties are prohibited garden crops, which have common pests with grapes and are prone to the most dangerous diseases for them. Failure to comply with this rule greatly increases the risk of infection.

Do not plant plants with a similar type of root system structure next to each other, as this leads to competition between them. Do not plant crops that require frequent watering nearby. As a result of excessive soil moisture, the roots of the grapes will begin to rot, and this can lead to its death.