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» What houses and buildings are allowed by law to be built on a summer cottage: requirements for buildings. How to choose the optimal house size? Optimal size of a country house for 4 people

What houses and buildings are allowed by law to be built on a summer cottage: requirements for buildings. How to choose the optimal house size? Optimal size of a country house for 4 people

The garden house is distinguished by its small dimensions. This is explained by the fact that most plots in collective gardens and SNT are very modest in size. Six acres is a standard allotment, which was provided to almost everyone during Soviet times.

Typical layout of a small country house

Modern gardens boast a larger plot area, but this land is more often used for growing fruit and vegetable crops, and it is impractical to plant on it, which will occupy a significant part of the plot.

Therefore, the layout of a garden house must meet two criteria: to achieve maximum comfort and functionality with a minimum area. Appearance also plays an important role, but availability is not at all necessary.

Today there are projects of various garden houses on the market. They are adapted to all types of existing building materials. can be made from:

Such a variety of materials allows you to choose the optimal design for a country house. made from piece materials are more durable and reliable, but their construction will take a lot of time and will cost the owner of the site more. The price will be higher not only due to the more expensive materials used, but also due to the need to build a solid foundation due to the heavy weight of the entire structure.

Houses made of wood are cheaper and more environmentally friendly. The tree will fit very organically into the atmosphere of the garden. The construction of such a house is possible on cheaper and less labor-intensive foundations, for example, screw piles are suitable.

If the house will be used not only in summer, but also in winter, then a wooden house is much easier to heat to the optimal temperature than a stone one.

A garden house using frame-panel technology is a fairly new proposal, but it fully justifies itself in this market niche.

Layout of a country house using frame-panel technology

It is built even faster than, since it does not require long exposure of the box for the material to shrink. You can begin installing windows, doors and finishing, both interior and exterior, immediately after completing the installation of the frame and roof. It takes only a month and a half to build such a turnkey structure.

The cost also turns out to be much more attractive than that of houses made of other materials. The user characteristics are comparable to a wooden house, but the guaranteed service life is about 25 - 30 years, which is significantly inferior to stone houses.

Number of storeys and dimensions of the garden house

A classic garden house is one with a building area not exceeding an area of ​​20 square meters. The plan of the house was extremely simple: such a structure contained only one room, and without a vestibule or a dedicated hallway.

Layout of two floors of a country house

The area was arranged quite chaotically, but most often in the house there was a kitchen table with a minimum set of necessary utensils, a sofa or a bed used as a sleeping place. The rest of the space was taken up by gardening tools, accessories, clothing and seedlings. As a rule, there was no electricity in such houses.

Today, the requirements for a garden house have changed. Despite the fact that it still remains a small building, in terms of comfort and functionality it should not be inferior to a full-fledged residential building. If this is still considered an unnecessary luxury, although most of the drawings provide for the room, then electricity is a must.

The vast majority bring water into the house.
Classic garden house designs offer solutions with a building footprint not exceeding .

Layout option for a small garden house

More the exception than the rule, and more. This is due to the fact that such a house is very difficult to fit harmoniously and correctly into a small plot, without thereby violating the rules for developing collective gardens, and also to leave enough space for gardening experiments.

If it is necessary to increase the available square meters, the building is expanded upward, that is, or with a full second floor. This allows you to double the usable area.

This is the optimal solution if you often come to the garden and stay overnight, or if you host your friends and acquaintances here. For the usual needs of a gardener, the area of ​​one floor is sufficient.

Layout options for garden houses

The layout of the house will depend on its size, number of floors, the number of people who use the building regularly, as well as the existing communications connected to the house.

Layout of a garden house with a combined living room and kitchen

The use of electricity is provided for in almost every project; there may be no running water, since some gardens use summer outdoor running water and showers. Gas and sewerage are the exception rather than the rule in the layout of such houses. A nice addition may be a small stove or fireplace, which will allow you to comfortably use the garden house even in the cool season or occasionally come to the garden in winter.

One-room country houses

This type of layout is typical for very small buildings. The outside of the house is a regular rectangle, and inside there is a room of the same shape. Depending on the size, the building can be supplemented with one or two windows. The entrance group is usually located on the side of a wide facade. Roof type at customer's choice. It could be , or it could be . There are even interesting options when the roof goes down to the ground, creating the illusion of a hut.

The most common sizes of such a house are 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4. There are slightly enlarged versions 3x5 and 2.5x5.

When planning to build such a house, you can even refuse to choose the classic technology, but contact specialized companies and choose a ready-made option for yourself. You can see it on your site in a few days, maximum in a week. Such a house will be completely ready for living and use.

3x3 garden house layout option

Alternatively, the plan of such a house may include a veranda or canopy. In the first option, this is a partially open or glazed unheated space, in the second, a dark, completely enclosed unheated room. Both options involve combination with a porch. For the convenience of planning the area, the entrance from the street is from the end, that is, in the narrow part of the extension.

drawing and layout of a 3x4 house with a veranda

Garden house with two rooms

Two rooms can be present in the drawing of a garden house if it measures at least 4 by 4.5 meters. In this case, you can select a room combined with a dining room and a separate room, which will be a bedroom and a living room at the same time. Such a house can be equipped with a small covered entryway, where there is a hanger for outerwear and outdoor shoes.

With a house size of 4x5, you can also select two separate rooms. The plan of such a building can contain up to three windows in a heated living area.

layout option for a two-story house made of 4x5 timber

The first room is a utility area; it houses an entrance hall, a kitchen and a dining room. This room will also play the role of a vestibule, blocking access to cold street air into the living room. The second room is the living room-bedroom. Houses with a 4x6 building area can be zoned using the same principle.

Option for a garden house with two 6x6 rooms

Many individual developers are thinking about whether it is possible to build a house on a summer cottage with permanent or temporary registration in order to register relatives or friends there. Recently, such lands have allowed the construction of permanent housing, which is approved by Federal Law-184 and SNiP standards. However, the total square footage of all structures including paths should not exceed 30 percent of the allotment area.

Documentation for registration

To legalize a house on a summer cottage, it is necessary to submit certain papers, otherwise the object will be classified as unauthorized buildings. Today, the registration procedure has been significantly simplified. Now, to register a residential building, it is enough to present only three documents.

Certificate of registration of the site

Title papers for land ownership must be provided without fail. If the ownership of the plot has not been registered by law, then during registration it is allowed to present other documents that can serve as confirmation of the rights to the plot.

Cadastral passport for land

This document is usually attached to the general package of papers confirming the right to own land property. However, in some cases its presence is not mandatory.

  • If the property is registered in the unified state register, such paper is not required.
  • Also, the document is not necessary if the board of the dacha association has given an opinion on the legal location of the allotment.
  • And finally, a passport is not provided when there is a decision by the local government that the site is within the boundaries.

A cadastral passport is a special extract that contains information about the property.
The procedure for submitting the document is reflected in the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia N135 dated 08/02/2013.

Technical passport for the building

If a positive answer was given to the question of whether it is necessary to register a house on a summer cottage, then you should contact the BTI. A technical passport is issued there, which contains the characteristics of the residential building: number of floors, area, level of amenities and other information. In our case, the document is necessary to put the facility into operation.

Requirements for the location of the building

When self-constructing, the rules for building a house on a summer cottage must be observed, which are reflected in SNiP 30-02-97. To determine the distances between neighboring objects, a special table is presented.

In addition to the distances listed in the table, the distance to other structures located on the territory, as well as the distance from the boundaries, must be taken into account.

When constructing a residential building on a summer cottage, we must not forget about the location of communication systems.

  • Residential buildings, as well as commercial buildings, should not protrude beyond the building line. That is, a distance of at least 5 m is left on the street side.
  • When building a house, it is necessary to retreat at least 3 times from the boundaries of the adjacent plot. m. However, deviations from the rule are allowed if the homeowners have expressed mutual consent.
  • For safety reasons, it is not allowed to erect residential buildings at a distance closer than 15 m to the forest area.
  • The height of a house on a summer cottage should not exceed 10 m. In this case, the building can have no more than 3 floors.

It is allowed to create under a residential building.
In the first case, the distance from the ceiling to the floor should not be less than 160 cm, and in the other - less than 200 cm.

Minimum acceptable sizes

If small country houses are built from block containers, then they will not be able to be registered as residential properties, since there are special standards regarding the dimensions of housing. Size requirements apply to each room. In addition, passages and additional structures are taken into account.

Rooms Minimum area in square meters
Shared living space 12
Kitchen 6
Bedroom 8
Toilet 0,96
Bathroom 1,8
Passages Width in meters
Corridor 0,9
Ladder 0,9
Hallway 1,8
Floors Height in meters
Basic 2,5
Tsokolny 2
Attic 2,3

The standards for building a house on a summer cottage allow for a garage to be built on the first or ground floor.
With this option, floors and walls must be constructed from fire-resistant materials.

Connection of communication systems

We must not forget about the requirements for engineering equipment. First of all, you should install a device for metering the electricity consumed if, for example, you previously rented a diesel generator for your dacha. The final connection price will depend on many factors.

The water supply can be either autonomous or centralized. However, in the conditions of dacha associations, the latter option is rarely encountered. When installing an independent source, you must adhere to the rules reflected in SanPiN

If there is no general wastewater disposal on the site, then it is necessary to install systems with local composting. The use of cesspools is permitted if they are located at a distance of 1 m from the boundaries of land ownership. For household wastewater, you can build a filter well with a gravel-sand layer.

Gas supply can be carried out using special installations with liquefied substances. Cylinders with a volume of more than 12 liters must be located in an extension made of non-combustible materials or in a metal structure.

As a conclusion

If you plan to build a residential property on the territory of a suburban area with your own hands or register a summer cottage with a house, then these instructions will allow you to do this with minimal losses. If the above rules and recommendations are followed, problems usually do not arise. As for the video in this article, it is intended to provide a visual introduction to the topic.

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Size of a private house, cottage

The home is the primary place of life for a family and should provide comfortable living conditions all year round.

There is an idea that the bigger the house, the better. To certain limits, yes, I agree.

But, firstly, building a house costs a lot of money, and secondly, a house must not only be owned, but operated.

Costs of money for heating, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting and repairs, time spent on cleaning the house, clearing snow that has fallen from the roof, all other things being equal, directly depend on the size of the house.

The size of the house should be determined based on the composition of the family and the size of the budget that the family can allocate for the construction and operation of the house.

An economy class house for a family of 5 people (parents and three children) can have the following minimum set and size of premises:

  • Living room, 18 - 25 sq.m.
  • Kitchen - dining room, 12 - 16 sq.m.
  • Bedroom for parents, 14 - 18 sq.m.
  • Room for children (2 of the same sex), 14 - 18 sq.m.
  • Room for one child, 10 – 14 sq.m.
  • Room (office, guest bedroom), 10 - 14 sq.m.
  • Separate bathroom, 6 - 10 sq.m.
  • Tambour with hallway and dressing room, 10 - 16 sq.m.
  • Boiler room, laundry room, utility room, 6 - 10 sq.m.
  • Stairs, bathroom 2nd floor (if available), 0 - 9 sq.m.

In total, the minimum usable area of ​​an economy class house is 100 - 150 square meters.

When choosing the overall size of the house it is necessary to take into account other factors - psychological, ergonomic, environmental.

Thus, adults perceive living space harmoniously if the house has 30-40 square meters of total area for one person, including children. If it is less, then a feeling of tightness arises. If it is more, then the feeling of security is lost and discomfort appears.

Moving around the house should not take more than 30 - 40 seconds. Comfortable duration of movement around the house is 10 - 15 seconds. Household members will try to avoid long trips. Ask anyone who lives in their own home, The higher the floor, the less visited it is.

House to build on a small plot of land

When determining the area of ​​the future home, the size of the plot must also be taken into account on which the house is being built. A huge house on a small plot behind a high fence looks ridiculous. There should be enough space left on the site, free from construction, so that the family does not feel like prisoners of a fortress.

First floor plan. Not an expensive house to build on a land plot of 4 acres or more. Total area of ​​the house 105.5 m 2.
Second floor plan. The house has the minimum required set and area of ​​premises for a family of 4 to 6 people. The square shape of the house reduces the cost of constructing and finishing the walls, as well as heat loss through the external walls during operation.

On a plot of land measuring 6 - 8 acres, architects recommend building a private house on two levels (two or one floor with an attic) with a total area of ​​no more than 120 square meters.

In practice you can see three approaches people take to building their own home.

The first ones build a house for living. They want to enjoy life in the comfort and coziness of a built home. Such owners clearly plan construction timeframes, sizes and sources of financing, attract contractors for construction at all stages of construction, and carry out the entire range of engineering and landscaping work at once. The house is built in one to three years.

The second ones live for construction. They start construction according to the principle: today I’ll pour the foundation, and then we’ll see. These are homemade craftsmen who get a thrill from the construction process. Construction amateurs who, nevertheless, study construction technologies to the best of their ability and try to do everything themselves. They have vague ideas about the completion date of their construction, the size and sources of money that are needed for construction. Their building hobby spans decades.

There is, of course, a golden mean, when reasonable participation in the construction of family members and relatives, study of the construction market and selection of construction technologies and materials that are effective specifically for your construction, as well as qualified control of the work of contractors, make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of construction without significantly extending its duration.

When choosing the size of your future home do not give in to the temptation of gigantomania- I’ll make a bigger one - a family nest, so that there will be enough for myself and my children and grandchildren. Don’t be deceived, the children will grow up and fly away to build their own nests. Build a house for yourself.

At the stage of choosing the size of the house, calculate the construction budget based on the cost of building one square meter of usable area at 1000 USD (turnkey with landscaping). With active personal participation in construction, this amount can be reduced by 20-40%.

Determine the terms and sources of construction financing that are acceptable to you.

Remember, the most profitable investments are not in real estate, but in your own health and development, in the health, upbringing and development of children.

A healthy, friendly family, successful children are the best capital!

Watch the video on the topic Composition and area of ​​premises for building a house

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What is the total area to build a house?

The sun is shining brighter and brighter, which means that the country and dacha season is just around the corner. It's time to think about future construction and choose the right one garden (summer) house.

A summer house will help solve some temporary household problems.

It can be used as a summer house or as temporary housing during the construction of the main house for permanent residence. After completion of construction, the summer house will be useful on the site as a summer kitchen or as a guest room, for holding home parties or as a place to store gardening equipment and tools.

The construction of a summer house for a summer cottage is inexpensive, but we recommend planning the construction down to the smallest detail, because it has its own characteristics that distinguish the construction from a house for permanent residence. The main feature of such a structure is that it is not heated in winter, which means it must withstand freezing and thawing for more than one season.

You should not approach the choice of a garden house based only on external attractiveness and total area. It must meet as many requirements as possible. And every family has their own: everyone likes to spend their leisure time in different ways. And the number of family members is different for everyone. For some it is important to have a separate room for everyone, but for others the main thing is to have a large living room where everyone can fit in at the same time. Some people need minimal amenities: water, a heater, tiles, and everything else - outside, while others need all the amenities in the house.

A small-looking garden house has a lot of functions.

What else is important to consider when planning a summer cottage? Let us turn to the experience of the owners of such buildings.

  1. Regardless of whether the summer house is built with your own hands or by a hired construction team, you need to choose the right technology for its construction. Price plays an important role.
  • The most budget option is a trailer house. Many people install it and then add additional rooms to it. But this option is not the most convenient from the point of view of further operation.
  • In second place in price - frame houses. Up to 80% of summer houses are built from them.
  • Further - buildings made of logs and timber. In recent years, houses made of timber have become most popular.
  • Summer houses made of stone They are rarely built, they are expensive, and such a house will need to be warmed up in winter for at least a day. Yes, and the stone does not like freezing and thawing - this causes it to collapse faster.

Sample of a summer house from the TopsHouse company

  • You should not make large bedrooms in such a room, It’s better to make one large living room. It is advisable to allocate 50–60% of the area of ​​the entire house for it. But it also needs to provide sleeping places. It is best to orient the living room windows to the southwest or west, because more often than not everyone gathers in the living room in the late afternoon. If you do arrange bedrooms, they should be made with an area of ​​at least 6 square meters. meters.
  • You should not plan a large summer cottage. It's expensive. Remember that such a structure must satisfy three basic functional requirements: it must be comfortable to relax, warm up and temporarily live in in the summer.
  • It is desirable to have a large veranda, where the whole family can sit at the table (15–20 sq. meters). On the veranda you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner, make preparations for the winter, or just sit and read. It will be very convenient if this veranda is glazed. If there is a veranda, there is no need to build a separate summer gazebo.
  • Garden house with a veranda in the form of a gazebo.

  • It’s good to have a fireplace in the house, which will not allow you to freeze on a cold summer night, and will also warm the house if the owners want to come to the dacha during the cold season. Do not forget that a reinforced foundation must be provided for the fireplace.
  • At first, to save space on the site, landowners try to build two-story buildings. But over time, the understanding comes that the most convenient garden house is a one-story one. Unity with nature is more harmonious and natural. For the same purpose, the building should not be placed on a high foundation, unless there is high water on the site in the spring.
  • You should not save money and make small windows. Small windows let in little light, making it uncomfortable inside and losing the feeling of closeness to nature.
  • A small summer house with an attic.

  • If you plan to install a gas stove in the kitchen, then its room should not be less than 4 m2.
  • In this case, you should also put a door in the kitchen, since according to the standards, sleeping places cannot be located in the same room with a gas stove.
  • Preferably do not block vestibules and corridors. It is better to give this area to the living room, where there is a corner for a hanger and a place for shoes.
  • You should consult with specialists regarding choosing a foundation for a summer house. You shouldn’t skimp on this, otherwise in the spring you may be greeted by a very rickety house. Foundations under frozen houses behave differently than under houses that were heated in winter.
  • The structure must be placed on the site in compliance with fire safety standards: if your house is wooden, then the distance to the neighboring wooden house should be at least 15 meters, and to the neighboring stone house - 10 meters. If your house is made of stone, then the distance to the neighboring stone house should be at least 6 meters.
  • You shouldn’t think of a summer house as a primitive structure. It should be pleasing to the eye and be in harmony with the surrounding landscape. You should not deviate from the initially thought-out and verified plan. Otherwise, for the sake of saving money, you may end up with something completely different from what you dreamed of.
  • The exhibition “Low-Rise Country” presents examples of garden and temporary houses that clearly demonstrate the relevance of the above tips. One of them is an exhibitor from the TopsHouse company, shown in one of the photographs. At the exhibition, you will not only get acquainted with the selection offered by manufacturers, but also better understand what exactly you want to see in your building.

    Owners of country plots, of course, do not live in their country house all year round. However, during the warm season, people usually spend quite a lot of time in such buildings. That's whythe design of such structures should be approached with all responsibility.Country house layout,Of course, it should be as convenient as possible. When drawing up drawings of country buildingsThere are a lot of different factors that need to be taken into account.

    Convenience comes first

    When planning a country house, it is worth considering first of all the following:

    • one-story houses with a large area are usually much more comfortable for living than two- and three-story houses;
    • the basement, and therefore the porch of the house, should not be too high;
    • windows in the house should not be very large or, conversely, tiny;
    • Bedrooms should be located farthest from the entrance to the house;
    • a hall with a dressing room will in any case be much more comfortable than a dark, cramped corridor;
    • Any country house should have a bright veranda.

    If these factors, or at least some of them, are taken into account when designing, the interior layout of a country house is highly likelyit will be as convenient as possible.

    What else is worth considering

    When designing a country house, you should definitely take into account the shape of the site itself. On narrow plots, buildings are usually built in the form of an elongated rectangle. On a large wide plot it is possible to build houses of absolutely any shape. In this case, a residential building can be either rectangular or square, or, for example, even hexagonal or round.

    Purpose of premises

    The size of country houses is usually not too large. However, it is believed that they should provide all the premises for the same purpose as in a city apartment. The only exceptions in this case may be the bathroom and shower. The first in suburban areasoftenbuilding on the street. Instead of a shower at the dacha, usuallyOequippingbath. Sometimes a simple wooden structure with a tank on the roof and a watering can is also installed in a suburban area.

    Actually, the house itself should have:

    • living room;
    • bedroom;
    • hallway;
    • kitchen.

    SuchIf it is small in size, it will be the most ergonomic.If the house is supposed to be connected to the gas main, it is advisable to additionally equip it with a small boiler room. If you have a heating system, living in a dacha in spring or autumn will be much more comfortable.Although, of course, if there is not enough space, the boiler can be placed simply in the kitchen. The main thing is that this room meets certain SNiP requirements.

    The hall of the house, as already mentioned, should be quite spacious. It is best if doors lead from it to each of the rooms in the house. The only exceptions in this case are elongated rectangular buildings on very narrow areas. In such houses, the role of a hall or corridor can be played by an ordinary veranda. All rooms in narrow buildings are often located sequentially - one after another.

    Premises in two-story buildings

    Such houses, of course, must also have a full set of premises for comfortable living. On the ground floor in buildings with a vertical architectural orientation there are usually:

    • hall with dressing room;
    • living room;
    • bathrooms and showers;
    • dining room

    The kitchen in such houses is also usually equipped downstairs. On the ground floor of such buildings there may be, for example, a boiler room, a garage, or a laundry room.

    Bedrooms in cottages are most often located upstairs. Also, in some cases, a kitchen, additional bathrooms and various types of utility rooms can be equipped on the second floor.

    In the attics of private houses they often equip:

    • bedrooms;
    • children's;
    • kitchens.

    What size should a country house be?

    When choosing the area of ​​such a building, you should take into account:

    • the dimensions of the site itself;
    • estimated number of people living in summer (maximum).

    It is believed that staying in a country house will be comfortable only if there is at least 30 m2 of space per adult. Thus, for a family of, for example, 3 people, the most convenient building may be a building with an area of ​​70-90 m 2 . In this case, buildings up to 100 m2 are most often left one-story.

    If we talk about the size of the plot, thenin this case, there are no exact requirements for the area of ​​the house built on it. But of course, it is not worth erecting an overly large building on a tiny plot or a small structure on a vast one. A house on a site, among other things, should also look as harmonious as possible.

    Room sizes

    This factorplanning a country house, toOf course, you also need to pay more attention. It is believed that the area of ​​premises for various purposes in a country house should be approximately this:

    • hall or hallway - 6-9 m2;
    • living room and dining room - 20-50 m2;
    • kitchen and pantry - 10-20 m2 each;
    • technical premises - 6-15 m2;
    • bathroom - 6-15 m2;
    • bedroom - 10-25 m2;
    • bathroom and shower - 3-6 m2;
    • garage - 18-20 m2.

    What life support systems will be needed?

    Gas heating inconcrete, brick, paving stones orframecountry houseOf course, it is not necessary to arrange it. As a last resort, in such a building you can get by with a small stove or fireplace. Also, sometimes gardeners use just a few heaters.

    However, electricity and water supply are mandatory systems, including for a summer country house. The summer resident, of course, will have to connect to the power lines in any case. It is believed that for a small country house a single-phase network will be quite sufficient. For a cottage it is better to immediately provide three-phase.

    As for water supply, in this case the most convenient option would, of course, be drilling a well. Although, of course, if you wish, you can also dig a well at your summer cottage.

    Layout options for country houses: building 4x6 m or 6x6 m

    Owners of suburban areas erect buildings of this size very often. They have sizesrelativelysmall, and therefore they should be planned as carefully as possible.

    To make a small house comfortable, gIt would be advisable to combine living in it, for example, with a kitchenand to some extent with the hallway. The latter in a small building 4x6 m most often is not a separate room, but rather a hall separated by a partition. This is exactly the building shown in the figure below.

    Playout of a country house 6 by 6mwith atticmight be something like this:

    • on the right is a terrace along the entire outer wall;
    • at the end of it is the entrance to the kitchen;
    • from the kitchen - in the opposite direction, enter the living room;
    • in the kitchen, near the opposite wall, there is a staircase to the attic;
    • in the attic itself there is a bedroom.

    This layout of a country house with a terrace is considered, in fact, convenient.

    Building 6x8 or 10x12 m

    In concrete, paving stone orframe country housearea120 m 2 sconvenienceaccommodatemaybe alreadybefore6 people. Of course, for such a large family you will need not only a spacious living room, but also several bedrooms. In this case, the toilet and shower should be placed directly in the house, and not on the street.

    The layout of a 10x12 m building could, for example, be like this:

    • It is worth installing a small vestibule next to the front door;
    • its continuation should be a corridor;
    • on the left along the length of the vestibule and corridor you can equip a toilet, bathroom and kitchen;
    • it will be convenient to place the bedroom on the right;
    • the corridor itself in this case should end with a door to the dining room-living room;
    • to the right of the living room, and also behind it, two more bedrooms can be arranged.

    Such a house in plan will look like in the figure below.

    The layout of a 6 by 8 m country house may be slightly different:

    • bathroom immediately after the hallway;
    • to the left of them are the kitchen and living room;
    • on the left are two bedrooms.

    Layout of a two-story country cottage 150-200 sq. m.

    This house is well suited for 5-8 people. The first floor in this case can be planned, for example, as follows:

    • vestibule and corridor;
    • bathroom, laundry room and dressing room;
    • to the left is a large living room;
    • behind the dressing room there is a boiler room, which has a common wall with the living room.

    In this case, the staircase to the second floor can be located between the dressing room and the laundry room. There is just a little free space left here.

    Actually, the second floor itself in such a cottage can be planned as follows:

    • to the left of the stairs is a dressing room;
    • the staircase itself opens into a large hall;
    • in a straight line behind the hall is the bedroom;
    • to the left of the hall and dressing room there is a bathroom;
    • next to it in a straight line is another bedroom;
    • to the right of the stairs and hall is an office;
    • to the right of the living room is another bedroom.

    Layout of a country house with a stove

    Gas today, unfortunately, is not supplied to all cottage or worker settlements and villages. Heating them with electricity is usually very expensive. Therefore, in remote areas, many owners of suburban areas equip their houses with conventional stoves. This allows you to live in the building comfortably and at the same time save on heating costs. The stove in houses is usually placed so that in the plan it is located in the center of the house. In this way, it is possible to ensure uniform and rapid heating of all rooms.

    Of course, it is best if the oven is located in the kitchen. This will allow you to use it not only for heating itself, but also for cooking. Most often in country houses the stove is located near the kitchen wall adjacent to the bedroom.

    Instead of a conclusion

    The following conclusion can be drawn from all of the above.Perform an operation such aslayout of a country house 6 by 6 m,15 by 10 - or any other - is a relatively simple procedure.To make living in a country house comfortable, you needJustprovide it with all the necessary premises. It is also worth trying to choose the optimal area of ​​the latter.

    If you approachlayoutcountry housewith all responsibility, it will certainly turn out to be as ergonomic and comfortable as possible. All family members without exception will be able to live comfortably in it.