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» What are suspended ceilings. What are the types of ceilings: stretch, suspended, plasterboard, plaster, painting, wallpaper, etc. MDF has a lot of positive qualities

What are suspended ceilings. What are the types of ceilings: stretch, suspended, plasterboard, plaster, painting, wallpaper, etc. MDF has a lot of positive qualities

Overhaul always raises the question of which ceilings are better in an apartment. Let's make a brief overview of the main types of ceiling coverings, determine their disadvantages and advantages. Choose what suits you best in terms of price, quality and appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of different ceilings


It is a canvas that is fixed on a plastic or aluminum profile and is located under the main ceiling. If there is no desire to level, primer and paint the ceiling, hide the defects under a PVC film or under a cloth. At the same time, a seamless fabric coating is considered more durable than a PVC sheet. Before installation, all cracks must be sealed with sealant. And the ceiling draped with fabric in ancient Greece can be considered the prototype of modern tension structures.


  • Easily withstands flooding by neighbors from above, which means you don’t have to worry that wallpaper, furniture and the ceiling itself will deteriorate.
  • It is fireproof, eco-friendly, does not fade from sunlight.
  • Withstands a load of 100 kg/m2. Can hide wires, pipes, beams.
  • A rich choice of colors and textures (suede, gloss, satin, mat). Any pattern (photo printing) can be applied to PVC film. If desired, such a ceiling can be made multi-level (for example, in the form of an arched vault).
  • The fabric version does not require individual adjustment, has no seam, roll width up to 5 m, length - according to your desire. Takes only 2 cm of room height. The "soaring" ceiling, which has illumination around the entire perimeter, looks impressive.
  • Fast installation. You can install a ceiling of medium complexity in half a day. The canvas is stretched before repairing the walls, but after all rough dusty operations and after electrical installation.
  • Warranty - 10 years.

A stretch ceiling with a mirrored surface makes the room look taller. Suitable for a classic style room


  • When welding PVC strips, a seam remains on them, which can be noticeable on mirror sheets with a large area.
  • Do not withstand negative temperatures.
  • Luminaires in a stretch ceiling have a power limit. Incandescent lamps - 50 W, halogen - 35 W. Otherwise, the ceiling will overheat, stretch and sag.
  • High cost (from $ 35 1 m2) and the possibility of damage by a sharp cutting object.

Stretch ceiling can have a different texture. The glossy surface is interesting for its mirror effect, which makes the ceiling "higher". Matte texture does not give reflections, has a deep color saturation, is a universal option for a room of any style. And the satin ceiling appears pearly white due to its smooth relief and good reflective properties.

Plasterboard (GKL)

A building material made from two layers of cardboard with gypsum dough inside is called drywall. Drywall sheets are laid and fixed on wooden or metal profiles that create the frame of the structure. Glass wool, which is placed inside, acts as a sound insulator. Such a ceiling is a kind of suspended.


  • Allows you to realize any design idea and create a ceiling of any configuration and size, including a multi-level relief.
  • Possibility of installation of halogen lamps.
  • Durability and reliability. Strong yet lightweight construction.
  • If desired, such a ceiling can be repainted.
  • Does not emit harmful chemicals.
  • It has fire-fighting properties due to a layer of air and special fillers.

GKL ceiling for a room in the style of minimalism


  • If the structure is mounted in the kitchen, you need to purchase an electric hood. Otherwise, steam and soot will pollute the surface, and the ceiling will have to be painted every year.
  • It is impossible to wash the GKL coating, as well as use it in wet rooms, that is, this option is not suitable for the bathroom.
  • Water-holding capacity is 50 l/m2 (less than tension). After flooding, drywall loses its appearance and needs to be replaced (the frame remains the same).
  • It is advisable to use it at a room height of 3 m. The design “eats up” a space of 5-20 cm, depending on its shape.
  • It is problematic to perform high-quality installation on your own, you will have to call the masters, which increases the cost of repairs.

Plastic panels (PVC)

This is a modern finishing material, it can be glossy or textured, with a width of 25 to 40 cm and a variety of colors (including patterns).

When buying, choose panels with a large number of stiffeners - they are stronger and more durable. Check the panels for flexibility and find out if they can be easily connected to each other (the joints must be neat). With slight compression, cracks should not appear on the surface of the material. If your actual ceiling is flat, the panels can be glued on with liquid nails, but are most often placed on a metal or wood frame.

Siding is a type of PVC or wood finish. Initially, it was intended for external surfaces, therefore it has higher strength characteristics.

Siding looks quite presentable and can be washed. Good choice for the bathroom


  • The ceiling material does not ignite, is not affected by fungus, does not emit toxins. Therefore, this type of finish can be used in bathrooms and bathrooms.
  • Does not fade under the action of sunlight and artificial light, the coating can be washed with detergents.
  • If it is necessary to perform zoning of a room (for example, a kitchen), siding will help to delimit the work area from the dining area.
  • Above the crate, you can carry out electrical wiring, ventilation and sewer pipes. Moreover, access to communications will be available, because the tile can be easily disassembled.
  • Relatively low cost of the material (about $ 2-6 per 1 m 2).
  • Ease of installation, which means that such a ceiling can be laid on its own and save on the work of the master.

Disadvantage of PVC panels:

  • Fragility. Requires careful handling during operation. Accidental slight impact with a tool can leave a mark.

The original solution is ceiling wooden beams. They fit perfectly into the interior of such a living room.

Bleached or dyed

Eco-friendly and "breathable" ceiling. With the observance of technology, you can achieve a smooth, neat, white surface. No special professional skills required. Before whitewashing, washing, leveling and priming are done. Painting with water-based paint is a good, low-budget way to update the ceiling.

Important Points

  • Ideally, before starting work, a design project of the room is created. In this case, you can guarantee that the ceiling will be in harmony with the walls, floor, furniture. On the Internet, you can download a finished project-drawing of a suspended ceiling.
  • Determine for which room you choose the finishing material. For living rooms, the main condition is environmental friendliness (require quality certificates from the seller). There are additional requirements for the bathroom and kitchen ceiling: moisture resistance, good performance.
  • Regardless of what you want to make the ceiling in the apartment, you need to think about lighting. Light is important not only from a functional point of view, it is an important element of decor, creates the right atmosphere, focuses attention on certain areas of the room. It is necessary to outline where the lamps will be located before installing the ceiling covering.

We conclude that the ideal option for a living room or bedroom is a stretch ceiling or plasterboard. PVC panels will be appropriate in the corridor, bath and toilet. Siding is advisable to apply on the balcony. And painting or whitewashing is popular as a low-cost finishing method.

Video: PVC ceiling installation

Video: plasterboard ceilings

The question of which ceilings are best done in an apartment arises both among the owners of comfortable private houses and among the owners of urban housing who have decided to start landscaping their possessions. When choosing a material for such a finish, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of each of the premises.

For example, the bathroom has a specific humid microclimate. And in order for the ceiling decoration in this room not to become completely unusable after a couple of years, it must have the appropriate characteristics. The kitchen also has its own characteristics, and not every facing material is suitable for it, since the ceiling will require regular maintenance. For ceilings in residential areas, the most important quality is the environmental cleanliness of the finish, of course, along with decorative appeal.

If not so long ago the most widespread ceilings were whitewashed or painted with oil paint, today a very wide selection of various materials is presented in hardware stores. And many of them are quite suitable for use both in wet rooms and in living rooms with a normal microclimate.

Criteria for choosing materials for apartment ceilings

So, the materials that can be used to decorate the ceilings of the apartment rooms must meet certain requirements. Only by taking into account these features, you can get a high-quality, durable ceiling that fully corresponds to a particular room.

Speaking, for example, about a bathroom, the impact on the ceiling surface of constant wet fumes is taken into account, and the likelihood of direct contact with water drops is not forgotten. In addition, a certain risk cannot be excluded that your bathroom may be flooded by neighbors living on the floor above. Another feature of this room is the often alternating temperature changes, which also adversely affect many finishing materials.

Finishing the kitchen ceiling must be resistant not only to moisture, but also to vapors containing grease and oils, as well as to elevated temperatures.

Other rooms may have their own characteristics.

It is best to immediately try to formulate some of the requirements that ceilings in the premises of the apartment should have.

  • Moisture resistance - this quality is necessary for the bathroom and kitchen. The ceiling finish should not be saturated with moisture, withstand the effects of hot steam, without getting wet or deformed.
  • The material must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, that is, not be a breeding ground for various bacteria, mold, fungus. Finishing should not release toxic substances into the surrounding air. The ceiling must not become a source of dust distribution. This rule must be observed in any premises of an apartment or residential building.
  • The durability of the finish, that is, the material should not age quickly, undergo chemical or biological decomposition, destructuring, corrosion. This quality is important for all types of ceilings, but it is of particular importance in rooms with a specific microclimate - in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • The surface of the material should lend itself to light wet or dry cleaning in residential areas and regular washing with household chemicals in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Some ceiling finish materials have the ability to contain leaks or the ability to quickly dismantle in emergency situations. These qualities are especially useful for ceiling decoration of bathrooms and kitchens. However, they will also be useful for other rooms, since, unfortunately, pipe breaks can also occur in the heating system. And such emergencies can spoil any repair.
  • aesthetic qualities. Finishing should have a neat and attractive appearance and be in harmony with the wall decoration. These qualities are considered by many apartment owners to be the main ones. It should be noted that they really are of great importance, since the appearance of the entire design of the room depends on them. Big, but not always decisive ...

In order to be able to decide on the choice of material for finishing the ceilings in the rooms of the apartment, it makes sense to consider the characteristics of the most popular modern materials used for this purpose.

The main types of ceilings

Varieties of ceilings can be divided according to their basic design and the material used for their manufacture and decoration. So, ceilings can be suspended and stretched, glued or painted with different materials.

  • For stretch ceilings, plastic material is used in the form of large canvases. Its installation is carried out using special equipment.
  • Suspended ceilings are a metal or wooden structure - a frame on which various materials are fixed or laid - it can be plastic, metal or wooden lining, polymer panels, artificial glass, chipboard, drywall and other materials.

Suspended ceilings can be single-level or multi-level. In addition, ceiling surfaces with several levels can be combined with tensile structures.

  • For gluing the surface of a flat ceiling, wallpaper, polystyrene foam tiles, fabrics, natural original coatings, such as cork, are used.

Today, the most popular in design developments can be called plasterboard ceilings, including multi-tiered ceilings with original lighting, and stretch surfaces. Both the first and second options are very difficult to mount on their own, without special skills and special equipment.

For bathrooms, the most popular finish is plastic panels and stretch fabrics.

Ceiling height in the apartment

To choose a material for finishing the ceiling in any of the rooms, you need to calculate its height, and take into account the fact that some designs involve a significant reduction in it. Therefore, in apartments with low ceilings, the arrangement of suspension systems becomes always expedient, since such ceilings will create an oppressive impression.

The ceiling height standard in Soviet-era apartments is most often 2400÷2500 mm, in modern new buildings this parameter is sometimes increased to 3000 mm.

If the apartment has low ceilings, and they need to be made visually higher, then it is worth choosing materials that have a small thickness and are fixed directly to the floor surface, or those that have a reflective effect, for example, light stretch ones.

If the ceiling height is high enough, then this allows you to place heat and (and) sound-proof material between the finish and the ceiling, mask engineering communications in this area - electrical wiring or ventilation ducts.

Color design is also of great importance in order to visually lift the ceiling. For this purpose, there are several design techniques:

Prices for stretch ceilings

stretch ceiling

  • You can smooth the junction of the wall and ceiling by choosing materials of the appropriate shades, that is, finish the ceiling and walls in the same color.
  • Another option is to line the ceiling with reflective material.

  • A stretch ceiling with a spatial 3D pattern, for example, a sky with clouds, gives a good effect.

Now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the varieties of ceilings. This will make it much easier to make a choice for specific premises of the apartment.

Dropped ceilings

As mentioned above, one one of the most popular ceiling cladding options in different rooms of the apartment in recent years, various types of suspended structures have become. They are of high quality and look very good, and have a considerable number of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceiling structures

To winning qualities ceiling finishes with a suspended structure include the following:

  • With the help of suspended structures, you can easily level the surface and hide numerous flaws, which abound even on concrete floor slabs.
  • Various communications can be hidden under the false ceiling elements. Thanks to this possibility, there is no need for chasing walls or ceilings.
  • Many designs are easy to install.
  • In some cases, it remains possible to dismantle the cladding if it is necessary to repair or replace some fragments of the cladding
  • Good indicators of durability.
  • Such ceilings have a very aesthetic appearance.
  • There are ample opportunities for mounting various lighting systems.
  • A variety of materials used for ceiling cladding allows you to consider several options and make the best choice.

False ceilings have their own limitations , which you also need to know, choosing one of these options:

  • When installing a suspended structure, the ceiling in the room becomes lower. This is especially noticeable in apartments, where it is already cramped in this regard.
  • Some types of suspended structures are able to pass steam into the space between the finish and the ceiling. In the absence of proper ventilation, condensation can form in this space, creating favorable conditions for the emergence and reproduction of mold colonies, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.
  • A suspended ceiling is not able to protect the premises from leaks that may occur in emergency situations.
  • When performing self-assembly, high accuracy of calculations and assembly work will be required.
  • Some types of suspended ceilings will cost the owners very expensive.

Varieties of suspended structures

Suspended ceilings can be made of different materials and their design may differ slightly from each other:

  • Slatted ceilings and coverings made of plastic or natural lining.
  • Cassette or modular design.
  • Solid false ceiling.

Suspended rack-type ceiling and lining

This design consists of panels made in the form of long panels or lining, which can be made of plastic, wood, steel or aluminum. The panels are fixed solid or with the necessary clearance to a metal or wooden frame fixed to the main ceiling and/or walls.

The frame can be fixed directly to the ceiling or lowered at a certain distance from it. The latter option is often chosen in cases where it is necessary to place communications under the decorative cladding, or it is planned to install recessed fixtures.

Drywall prices


Frame parts installed along the perimeter of the walls are very often decorative elements at the same time, as they give a neat look to the joint line.

As mentioned above, slats or lining for ceiling cladding are made of different materials. In addition, they can be connected to each other in different ways. So, an absolutely smooth common surface can be formed with barely noticeable (and often - and not noticeable at all) seam lines. Another option is a relief lining with recesses along the entire length, which are sometimes given a different color. And, finally, sparse installation of panels is also practiced.

  • Plastic panels most often today they are used for facing the ceilings of bathrooms, as they have qualities that correspond to the microclimate of this room. They also find their application in corridors or hallways.

Plastic lining has the following characteristics:

— high resistance to moisture;

- resistance to temperature changes;

- light weight of the material, which simplifies its installation;

- ease of care for the finish;

— material safety;

- long service life;

- finishing does not require additional coating with decorative materials throughout the entire period of operation;

- affordable price of the material, which allows, if desired, to change the finish without dismantling the frame structure.

Plastic panels are produced in different widths and with different surface structures. It can be matte, glossy, embossed or metallic.

This material can be combined in color on the entire surface of the ceiling, or a specific area of ​​​​the room can be highlighted with a certain color. Quite often, in a plastic one-color lining, the gaps along the joints are decorated with a molding that has a steel or gold color.

How to mount the ceiling of plastic panels yourself

If, the choice fell on the plastic ceiling, then this work can be considered quite feasible for independent execution. You will need instructions for carrying out installation work, and can be found in the article of our portal.

  • Wooden lining. Some owners of apartments and houses, preferring the so-called eco-style, choose wooden lining for decorating rooms. And mount it not only on the surface of the walls, but also on the ceiling.

As you know, wood has numerous advantages, the main of which are the environmental friendliness of the material, aesthetic appearance, long service life, resistance to temperature changes.

The disadvantage of this material is its hygroscopicity, therefore, if a decision is made to decorate a bathroom with natural clapboard, then reliable protection against moisture will be required. For this purpose, wooden panels are impregnated with an antiseptic, natural oils, or coated with a special heat-resistant wax before installation. Such substances have moisture-repellent properties, and, creating a film on the wood surface, reliably protect it from steam penetration.

A good option would be a wooden board for finishing the bedroom and corridor. In the bedroom, wood, due to its natural properties, will create a favorable microclimate and allow the walls to “breathe”. Especially such a ceiling would be appropriate in these rooms if the walls are also lined with natural wood.

  • Metal slatted ceilings. Panels for it are made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating or aluminum, with a thickness of 0.4 to 1.0 mm. The width of metal rails can reach up to 300 mm, which greatly speeds up the installation of trim on the frame. But there are products of other widths, for example 80 ÷ 120 mm, so there is a choice - as you like. The length of the panels can vary from 2000 to 6000 mm.

The outer coating of such a metal cladding may be embossed or smooth, solid or perforated. Most often, all types of metal panels, except for those that have perforations, are used for lining the bathroom ceiling. Perforated panels are not suitable for both the bathroom and the kitchen, as various fumes will begin to collect in the space between the cladding and the ceiling, as a result of which an unpleasant smell will soon appear in the room.

This material is well suited for the ceiling of the hallway. Less commonly used metal material for living rooms. But this is not excluded if such styles as, for example, hi-tech are chosen for their design.

The metal version of the finish can have a different external coating - glossy, matte, polymeric color spraying, mirror or imitating the textured pattern and color of wood.

This material almost completely meets the requirements for finishing used in wet rooms:

- It does not absorb moisture at all and even repels it, so it will not become a breeding ground for various bacteria.

- The metal does not emit toxic substances into the environment, so the cladding can be called environmentally friendly.

— The material is resistant to temperature changes.

- Facing is designed for a long service life, as well-made panels change their original "commodity" appearance.

- The surface is easy to care for, it can be wet cleaned using household chemicals.

The disadvantage of steel panels is the need for mandatory treatment of cuts of rails with an anti-corrosion compound, otherwise corrosion can spread further. Aluminum products are quite expensive.

Prices for plastic panels for the ceiling

plastic ceiling panels

Modular suspended structure

This type of ceiling is a suspended structure of panels made of different materials. It can be frosted or mirror glass, metal, plastic, gypsum fiber lightweight boards or even moisture-resistant drywall. The fundamental difference is that these panels (tiles) fit into cells of a suspended metal frame of a special design.

The frame for a modular ceiling differs in that it is open. That is, its profiles are calculated not for fixing on them panels with the help of one or another fastener, and on laying from above into formed cells. This version of the suspended ceiling is much easier to install and repair, since any panel can always be replaced with a new one.

Frame guides for a modular ceiling are made of electrogalvanized steel or aluminum with a thickness of 0.4 ÷ 0.8 mm. The front, that is, the surfaces of metal profiles facing the room, are covered with a protective and decorative polymer layer of different shades or with a metallized paint composition. This makes it possible to choose the colors of the frame and panels - the guides become a neat frame for decorative plates.

A classic example of this design are the popular Armstrong ceiling systems.

This type of construction can be applied in any of the rooms, if it corresponds to its design solution for its design.

  • Panels from compressed mineral and cellulose fibers. They are not heavy at all, although often the surface is very similar with plaster finish. However, the surface texture of such plates can vary greatly.

Such panels give the ceiling an accentuated accuracy. In addition, many of them have perforation or a special surface texture, which gives them the property of very effective sound insulation.

The cost of such panels cannot be called high, and they are quite suitable for the category widely available meterials.

  • metal panels modular ceiling have the same characteristics as the rack metal version. Their advantages include a wide selection of shades, ease of installation.

  • Mirror panels can be made of water-repellent glass or polished metal. Therefore, such suspended ceiling elements perfectly resist moisture and hot steam.

The reflective surface of the mirrored ceiling visually expands the space of a small bathroom or hallway. In addition, mirrored panels reflect light from lighting fixtures located on the walls of the room, greatly increasing their glow.

Mirror ceiling panels are produced in different sizes and colors. They can be perfectly smooth or have various textured patterns on their surface.

  • "Glass" modular ceilings. In this version, the role of the panels is performed by acrylic translucent plates, on which a matte finish is applied. It can be white or colored. The surface of such pseudo-glass panels are often decorated with large or small drawings, which brings a special originality to the interior design. If a matte “glass” ceiling is chosen for installation, lighting is immediately provided for it. With its proper placement, it will not only create brighter lighting in the room, but also highlight the ornaments on the glass.

This version of the ceiling finish does not absorb moisture, is easy to clean and retains its appearance for many years. Similar "glass" ceilings can be installed in the bathroom, hallway, and sometimes even in the living room.

False ceiling prices

suspended ceiling

Due to the fact that matte pseudo-glass the panels are made of acrylic, they are very light in weight, so they can be easily and safely mounted on their own. In addition, the acrylic ceiling is absolutely safe to use - even if it falls from a height, the panel will not break and cause serious injury. Smooth "glasses" are easy to clean, and they are resistant to various household hygiene products, with the exception of those containing abrasive additives.

Spotlights are built into cassette hanging ceilings without any problems. In addition, manufacturers also provide for the production of special lighting devices (luminous panels or fluorescent lamps), the dimensions of which exactly match the dimensions of the frame cells.

Solid ceiling cladding

Solid ceiling sheathing is usually made in cases where it is necessary to level the surface of the main surface. At the same time, in the gap between the ceiling and the cladding, it is possible to lay heat-insulating or sound-proofing material.

Solid sheathing can be applied in any room of an apartment or house. However, if it is installed in a humid room, that is, in a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen, then any of the facing materials used will need to be treated with antiseptic and priming compounds.

This design of the ceilings implies the presence of a frame that is attached to the ceiling and is most often made of wooden beams or special galvanized metal profiles. Used for cladding glass-magnesite sheets, plywood, chipboard, OSB, but drywall has gained the most popularity in recent decades.

This version of the ceiling sheathing almost always requires additional finishing. It will include sealing the seams between the sheets, impregnation with primers, and then painting or wallpapering.

From drywall on the ceiling, multi-tiered structures can be created that allow you to place wiring and lighting of any kind inside them. However, to mount such a ceiling is not at all simply, and without a certain experience, the ability to work not only with drywall, but also with metal profiles, as well as without a properly drawn up project in advance, it is not worth taking on this business at random. Qualitatively cope with this work under the power of specialists. But if you still decide to try your own capabilities, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technology for performing such installation work. We can provide information support in this matter.

Do you want to try your hand at designing and installing a suspended multi-level plasterboard ceiling?

If yes, then first you need to take a short theoretical course. Well, then, in work, strictly follow the technological instructions. You will find both in a very detailed, literally to the smallest detail, publication of our portal.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are especially well suited for apartments with low rooms. They reduce the height of the room by only 40 ÷ 50 mm, thanks to the installation of special profiles on the walls around the perimeter of the room, on which an elastic or fabric fabric will be stretched.

Stretch ceilings can be fabric or made of PVC film. To determine which of them will seem better, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the features of both options.

Stretch ceilings from PVC films

This version of stretch ceilings can be divided into several subspecies according to the structure of the created surface:

  • Glossy films have a reflective effect and quite pronounced glitter.
  • Semi-matte ceilings in their texture resemble frosted glass.
  • Matte stretch ceilings do not have a reflective effect, and in appearance they are difficult to distinguish from a smoothly plastered surface.

  • Mother-of-pearl films create spectacular soft play of colors.
  • Cloths imitating a suede surface have a velvety texture, due to which the lighting of the room is dimmed and evenly distributed throughout the room. This option is perfect for a bedroom or living room.
  • Satin coating options tend to reflect the light flux falling on them from a natural light source, that is, windows, as well as from lighting fixtures.

  • Ceilings with a 3D image of a starry or cloudy sky are popular.

To positive qualities PVC films

  • The elasticity of the film allows you to create different shapes on ceiling surfaces.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, does not emit toxic substances into the air, does not attract or accumulate dust. These qualities make it possible to use PVC films for facing the ceiling in children's rooms and bedrooms.
  • A wide range of colors and decorations allows you to choose the material for any design style of the room.
  • The width of the canvases can vary from 1200 to 3200 mm, which allows the material to be used for ceiling cladding in modern apartments with a standard layout.
  • The canvas perfectly hides all the flaws in the surface of the capital ceiling, and its installation is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • The material is resistant to chemicals and high temperatures.
  • PVC does not absorb odors, so this ceiling can also be installed in the kitchen.
  • The surface of the ceiling is easy to clean, so it is easy to care for it.

  • The canvas can withstand loads up to 100 kg / m², so if a leak occurs from the top floor, the water will remain in ceiling material, which capable of stretching under its weight. After removing the water, the ceiling can be restored.
  • The design allows you to hide the necessary communications under the canvas.
  • The canvas does not change its appearance during operation.
  • More affordable price than fabric stretch ceilings.

However, it is impossible not to mention the shortcomings PVC canvases, which include the following points:

  • The design cannot be installed independently, due to the need to use special equipment.
  • Stretch ceiling from PVC films it is undesirable to plan for installation in rooms where the temperature can drop to +5 degrees or less.
  • The film in the stretched state is unstable to mechanical damage, and it is easy to damage it with a sharp object.
  • If you have to connect two canvases with a weld, then it remains a little noticeable on the surface of the ceiling.
  • Polyvinyl chloride is not a "breathable" material, which disrupts the natural air exchange in the premises of the apartment.
  • With strong heating, the canvas can be deformed, so it is not recommended to build powerful lighting devices into it.

Stretch fabric ceilings

Not many owners of apartments or houses know that, in addition to PVC stretch ceilings, there are also fabric fabrics. And manufacturers represent in the construction market wide enough choice of these materials. This option differs from its PVC "brother" in a number of operational characteristics.

Fabric webs are divided into two types according to the structure of their surfaces:

  • The textured version has in its structure a relief embossing of the fabric. The canvas consists of two layers, which form the protruding pattern.

  • Satin canvas has a polymer base and a structural pattern of natural satin fabric. Due to the fine-grained structure, the stretched fabric acquires a mother-of-pearl effect, and it is enhanced by properly installed lighting.

Fabric stretch fabrics have the following positive qualities :

  • High strength characteristics.
  • Material resistance to low temperatures. Fabric fabrics retain their performance characteristics when the temperature drops even to -40 degrees.
  • The material does not deform, does not crack when the humidity and temperature characteristics of the air change.
  • Fabric canvases can be dyed. To do this, use special paints based on acrylic. Repaint the surface of the material without losing it operational opportunities can be up to five times. In addition to the usual even coloring, ceilings of this type can be painted with various ornaments, which expands the possibility of their use in different styles of rooms.
  • Unlike polyvinyl chloride, fabric fabrics are breathable, so when they are used indoors, natural air exchange is not disturbed.
  • The undoubted advantage is the aesthetic appeal of the material. The structural structure of the surface of the canvases makes the design of the room richer, adding respectability to it.
  • The width of fabric sheets reaches 5000 mm, which allows it to be used in fairly wide or long rooms without any connecting seams.
  • The refractory qualities of the material are acquired by him thanks to a special impregnation.
  • Ecological cleanliness of canvases. Fabric ceilings are made from natural materials that do not contain toxic substances.
  • Long service life, which in any case should be more than 10 years.
  • Fabric ceilings are installed in a "cold" way, unlike PVC sheets, the installation of which involves the use of special powerful heating equipment. Assembly work on the installation may well be carried out alone.

disadvantages fabric ceilings can be considered the following features:

  • Not so big, in comparison with PVC (at least - for now) the choice of colors and ornaments.
  • The complexity of coloring the material.
  • The fabric version of stretch ceilings, unlike PVC, is not able to hold water in case of emergency, so this finish will not save the room from the flood. At the same time, the fabrics are able to retain moisture in their structure for up to 48 hours. An exception to this characteristic is the products of the company "Cerutti", which has good moisture resistance.
  • Fabric canvases absorb and retain odors well in their structure, so it is not recommended to use this type of finishing material in the kitchen.
  • Attracting and holding dust - this quality reduces the scope of fabric ceilings. They are not recommended for use in apartments where people with a predisposition to allergic reactions live. According to this quality, the fabric version loses to PVC canvases.
  • Re-installation of dismantled fabric sheets is not possible.
  • The high price of fabric ceilings, which is explained by the naturalness of the raw materials used for their production.
  • The lack of proper elasticity of the material does not allow it to be used for decorating ceilings of irregular or “patterned” shapes.

Finishing ceilings directly on the surface of the floor

Stucco ceiling finish

This method of leveling and finishing ceilings can be called traditional, since it has always been used in apartments of high-rise buildings - it is still used today. The emergence of innovative materials for surface preparation and finishing plasters has greatly simplified this task.

Plastering a ceiling is a very complex and time-consuming process that requires high skills. Therefore, to conduct it in the absence of experience is unlikely to succeed. On the contrary, you can only thoroughly spoil the surface, so much so that it will be extremely difficult to fix anything.

To level the ceiling, putties and plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement are used. Gypsum plasters and putties are supplied manufacturers of special additives that prolongs the curing of mixtures from 5÷7 to 30÷45 minutes, which allows an experienced plasterer to perform a quality job.

The result of properly carried out finishing work, in compliance with all technology requirements, should be a perfectly even and smooth ceiling. Further, a decorative finish is applied or glued to its surface - it can be whitewash, paint, wallpaper or other similar material.

The difficult task of plastering the ceiling

If, nevertheless, the “itch of independent creativity” is insurmountable, and it is decided to try your hand at this difficult task, then before starting work, we recommend that you carefully read the article on our portal.

To "pros" ceiling plastering can be attributed to the following points:

  • The ceiling practically does not change its height.
  • For finishing, several different types of materials can be used.
  • In an emergency, a high-quality ceiling coating will retain its evenness and smoothness. The only thing that will need to be done is to dry the ceiling and replace the decorative trim.
  • Relatively affordable price for materials and work.

"Cons" stucco finishes also have a lot. These include:

  • When carrying out plastering work in the room there will be a large amount of dirt and dust, so the room will have to be freed from all pieces of furniture in advance.
  • To hide communications in the ceiling surface, it will be necessary to carry out chasing before plastering, while when installing suspended or stretch ceilings, this process is not required.
  • Surface plastering is long enough process, since it is necessary to wait for the drying of each applied layer. Therefore, the repair of the apartment will be delayed for a longer period.

In addition to leveling, special plaster decorative mixtures are used to finish the ceiling, which are applied to the surface after it has been leveled. This process can be called art without much exaggeration, so only professionals can handle it. It should be noted that not every plasterer has the ability to correctly apply this material to walls and ceilings. Therefore, choosing a master, it will be quite logical to get acquainted with his portfolio, see previous works.

Decorative plaster in the apartment - from the category of exclusive finishes

It is difficult to say whether it is worth taking on the independent conduct of such work. In order to be able to imagine what varieties look like, what they are, and how difficult the process of applying them is, you should refer to the profile article of our portal.

Wallpapering on the ceiling

Despite the fact that many consider the decoration of ceiling surfaces with wallpaper to be unfashionable, a long-gone option, it is still successfully used in design art today. Thanks to innovative developments, Russian and foreign manufacturers produce many types of wallpaper that have a real opportunity to transform the ceiling surface literally beyond recognition.

So, today on sale you can find non-woven, vinyl, paper, liquid wallpaper, as well as glass and even more exotic options. Some of them are designed for staining and are designed to be able to carry out this process several times.

Wallpaper can be divided according to the type of pattern - it can be applied in the correct order with a certain step, or it can have a chaotic arrangement. To simplify the task of pasting the ceiling, the best option would be wallpaper in which you do not have to select a pattern, since this will be quite difficult to do.

How not to get confused in the variety of wallpapers?

The range of these finishing materials in our time is extremely wide. And it can be difficult for an inexperienced consumer, who is conceived to focus only on the decorative qualities of paintings, to choose the right option. A special publication of our portal should help the reader with the question.

So, if the surface of the ceiling quite smooth, then you can paste over it with one of the types of wallpaper. Such a finish will cost relatively inexpensively and may well be produced independently. With the expectation of the future, you can choose wallpaper for painting, that is, when changing the design of the room in the future, the canvases can be repainted in a different color.

Wallpaper for painting can have a pronounced embossed pattern, and with careful pasting, the joints between the canvases will be almost invisible.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

To virtues ceiling decoration with wallpaper include the following:

  • A wide range of wallpaper choices, both in terms of material of manufacture and decorative design.
  • Quite affordable price compared to many other types of ceiling finishes.
  • The work on pasting is carried out in one or two days, that is, there will be no big delay in the timing of the repair.
  • Wallpaper can be applied in any style direction that is chosen for decorating the room.
  • Among the existing types, according to the material of manufacture, you can choose environmentally friendly options for paintings, these include paper, non-woven, liquid or glass wallpaper.
  • Non-woven wallpaper with a relief pattern and large enough thickness, perfectly mask small flaws on the ceiling surface.
  • Wallpaper on the ceiling gives the room a special coziness and comfort.

To negative points associated with the decoration of the ceiling with wallpaper, include the following:

  • Some types of wallpaper are not resistant to ultraviolet radiation, that is, they tend to fade. On the ceiling, however, direct sunlight can get it, but nonetheless.
  • Wallpapers are not suitable for finishing ceiling surfaces in rooms with high humidity, as they will peel and bubble over time.
  • Such finishes, as a rule, are not very durable. The truth is, it is always easy to change.
  • Wallpapers of almost all types are able to attract dust and absorb odors.

Styrofoam boards

But this option, if not disingenuous, can really already be attributed to the "materials of yesterday." Nevertheless, the high affordability of such a department still keeps it among the very popular ones, so let's stop our attention on it.

Expanded polystyrene facing ceiling plates are produced by stamping or extrusion. They can be very thin or have a thickness of up to 12 ÷ 14 mm, if we consider this parameter together with the height of the relief pattern located on the surface.

The extruded material is of higher quality and therefore has a higher cost. If the pores of expanded polystyrene are clearly visible on the surface of the stamped tile, then the products made by extrusion are absolutely smooth and more durable.

To choose a quality finishing material, when buying it, it is worth making a thorough visual inspection of the products. They must have even right angles, which will be the key to their quick and high-quality mounting on the surface.

It is worth making another experiment to control the quality of the material. To check the selected variant of the tile, you must take it by its corner and slightly shake it up and down. The product must not break or crumble. Of course, this material has low fracture strength, but the tile must still withstand the load from such an experiment.

Today, in specialized hardware stores, you can find various options for polystyrene foam tiles according to surface characteristics:

  • Smooth or embossed, and the relief can have different depths.
  • The color options of the tiles are varied - it is white or plain one color, or several shades that smoothly transition from one to another.

  • Plates can be square or rectangular. Square products are most often produced with dimensions of 400x400, 500x500 and 600x600 mm. Rectangular slabs can have dimensions of 600×300, 700×300, 700×400 mm.

The framing of the surface lined with polystyrene foam tiles is made with special skirting boards made of the same material, which are also produced with different relief patterns or in a smooth version. In addition, special corners and sockets imitating stucco elements are used to decorate corners or the area where lighting fixtures are located.

This material, as well as all the others, has not only a number of advantages, but also its very significant drawbacks.

To virtues the following features of the material can be attributed:

  • The very small weight of the products and the rather compact dimensions make it easy to glue them to the ceiling, and it will not be difficult to carry out this process on your own. The only thing that is recommended to be done to simplify the installation process is to accurately mark the ceiling, starting from its middle or from the lighting fixture, which is located with one or another offset to one side or the other from the center of the ceiling surface.

  • Affordable price for products, which allows you to purchase such a finish even for families with low incomes.
  • The ability to create a neat and quite aesthetic design of the ceiling in a short time - the installation of products can be done in one day.

disadvantages ceiling finishes with polystyrene boards are very significant, and this should definitely be borne in mind.

  • Expanded polystyrene can not be called an environmentally friendly material. In addition, when heated, and especially burning, it releases into the environment extremely dangerous volatile compounds that can cause toxic damage to the respiratory system and the central nervous system. It is for this reason that in many countries expanded polystyrene is strictly prohibited for use as a finish and insulation in residential and public buildings, in vehicles.
  • The plates are combustible, and when exposed to open fire, the material begins to melt and spread. Together with the fluid mass, fire and poisonous smoke spread, the dangers of which have already been mentioned.
  • Quite difficult care of the ceiling covering, as this must be done very carefully, in order to avoid damage to the surface of the cladding.
  • The tiles located around the lighting fixtures may turn yellow over time, and it will not be possible to get rid of such manifestations. However, yellowing can also begin in other parts of the ceiling - polystyrene foam does not differ in high resistance to external influences and durability.
  • With temperature changes, the tile may peel off the surface.
  • The material has a porous structure, so it absorbs various odors, greasy fumes, nicotine resins well. It is not possible to remove these substances from expanded polystyrene. In addition, the plates attract dust, and if they have a deep relief, then it clogs into it. If the dust is dry, then it can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, and if it is oily, then it is unlikely to get rid of it. Therefore, this material is not recommended for use on kitchen and bathroom ceilings.

In a word, apart from an affordable price and ease of installation, such a finish cannot boast of anything else. Recommend it for use - the tongue does not turn.

So, we have finished reviewing the main types of ceiling finishes available for rooms in the apartment. In summing up, we can once again emphasize that when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account several factors that will directly affect the optimal solution:

  • Financial opportunities. The most affordable finishing option is pasting the surface with wallpaper or polystyrene boards. But cheap is still very rarely become high-quality and durable.
  • Ceiling flatness. If the ceiling is uneven and requires major repairs, then plastering with a further application of a decorative layer is suitable for finishing it. An excellent solution would be a suspended or stretch ceiling. These options are able to level any surface.
  • Ceiling height. If the ceiling is low and, moreover, uneven, then putting it in order is possible only by plastering. Then the surface can be painted or pasted over with one of the selected materials.
  • If the ceiling is high the most optimal there will be one of the false ceiling options.

Now, knowing about the main technologies that are currently used for finishing ceilings, you can weigh their advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the quality of the ceiling surfaces of the apartment, as well as your financial capabilities. After that, it makes sense to work on the project (even in the simplest version), make calculations, and then go to a specialized store to buy everything you need.

At the end of the publication, we suggest watching a video with an overview of possible options for ceilings for an apartment.

Video: Recommendations for choosing a ceiling for rooms in an apartment

The most common type used to decorate any room. In addition, a thin PVC film, due to its elasticity, allows you to successfully hide defects and irregularities in the ceiling surface.

The photo shows a glossy stretch fabric in a modern bedroom.

Types of suspended ceilings

The photo shows a children's room with a ceiling decorated with light wallpaper with a pattern.

Ceiling tiles

Expanded polystyrene ceiling coverings can have a laminated or matte surface, have a beautiful relief, elegant ornament or abstract pattern. Such models add a special aesthetic beauty to the interior.

What else can be done on the ceiling?

Other types often used for ceiling decoration.

Plastic panels

They can be used in any living space. A diverse color palette of plastic panels allows you to choose the most suitable shade that will harmoniously complement the entire interior.

  • Advantages and disadvantages.

For a competent choice, you need to pay special attention to the composition and strength of these products.

The photo shows beige plastic ceiling panels in the interior of the bathroom.

aluminum panels

They can have a smooth matte, glossy texture or a surface with a mirror coating. Aluminum panels are very practical and suitable for decoration of any premises.

  • Advantages and disadvantages.

Aluminum panels are quite an attractive interior detail and a great addition to modern stylistics.


Acrylic glass or plexiglass can be multi-colored, frosted, patterned, or completely transparent. Such models allow you to create an interesting lighting solution in the interior and give it a very spectacular look.

The photo shows a frosted glass ceiling structure in the bedroom, made in light colors.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages and disadvantages of glass products.

stained glass

With the help of such an expensive piece of art made of multi-colored glass, you can give the atmosphere brightness and personality. In the interior, stained-glass ceilings always look expressive and spectacular.


The mirror, due to the excellent reflective properties, fills the room with additional light and visually enlarges it in size.


The design with many recesses and cells, decorated with decorative beams, looks very attractive and brings some luxury to the room.

Combined ceiling

Various combinations of materials, colors or textures allow you to design a surprisingly interesting and extraordinary ceiling design and make the room non-standard and non-trivial.

The photo shows a bedroom and a view of the combined ceiling in white and brown colors.


Due to the excellent technical and operational characteristics, siding is also used to hem the ceiling plane. It is not only an environmentally friendly, modern and beautiful type of design, but also has a great variety.

Cork ceiling

Cork has many advantages, which allows you to create an unusual highly aesthetic design.

  • Advantages and disadvantages.

Thanks to such a special texture and naturalness, cork brings a feeling of rapprochement with nature into the atmosphere.

The photo shows cork on the ceiling in the interior of a small living room.


It is a modern design trend that gives the whole space an unusual look. Laminate has increased strength, aesthetics and a huge selection of color and texture solutions, thanks to which this type of finish is in harmony with the entire decor.


Ceiling lining, due to the soft and pleasant color of the wood, forms a special microclimate and creates a comfortable environment conducive to relaxation.

MDF panels

Outwardly, they are no different from wooden products. They have a varied color palette and can imitate wood, for example, models with veneer are considered the most classic type of MDF panels.

Decorative rock

Artificial masonry allows you to create a strong and characteristic accent in the room, making it not only more expressive and brighter, but also more technological and functional. This mobile finish is great for decorating most styles.

The photo shows the interior of the kitchen and the view of the vaulted ceiling, trimmed with masonry.

Classification of ceilings by material

Ceilings are divided into several types, according to the material from which they are made.


The vaulted ceiling with facing brick forms a natural, spectacular and truly exclusive design. Such decoration undoubtedly becomes a decorative and architectural feature of the entire space and makes it visually more interesting and unique.


It is a publicly available and fairly budget material, which, in addition to various decor, acquires a luxurious and no less sophisticated look.

  • Advantages and disadvantages.

The photo shows a concrete ceiling surface in the interior of a modern living room.

The concrete surface perfectly sets off bright colors and textures, and also goes well with wood or metal finishes.


This design option always looks very solid and elitist. Wooden products will fill the atmosphere of an apartment, a private cottage or a country house with special warmth and comfort.

What ceilings are better to do in the apartment?

Ceiling decoration makes the space much more interesting and complements it perfectly. You can familiarize yourself with the comparison of stretch fabrics with products from hl in detail in another article.

Selection Tips:

  • You can visually harmonize a room with a high ceiling by painting the ceiling plane in a dark color.
  • For recreation areas, choose breathable and most environmentally friendly materials, such as whitewash, water-based paint, wood or cork.
  • In a narrow room, you can use panel or rack ceiling structures with a transverse arrangement, they will help to visually expand the space.

How to finish a low ceiling?

In such rooms, which are often found in apartments, such as Khrushchev, it is important to decorate the ceiling without reducing the height. For example, you can increase the space by using finishes in light colors or glossy and mirror surfaces.

Comparison table with the characteristics of popular types of ceilings

Comparison of characteristics in the table.

Whitewashing/Painting Rack Suspended plasterboard Stretch
Materials and their properties
Type of structure They have a slightly uneven, rough surface that is prone to dirt. The slats have a smooth surface, but form some irregularities due to the joints. Drywall products have a smooth, rough surface that is not afraid of pointed objects.

Tension webs have a flat surface, strong enough, but prone to mechanical damage by pointed objects.

moisture permeability They do not have flood protection. When flooded, they do not retain water. Can protect against flooding and retain water.
moisture resistance Not moisture resistant. Perfectly tolerate wet cleaning and do not accumulate condensate. Subject to accumulation of condensate, not afraid of wet cleaning. They are not afraid of flooding, steam and are great for wet cleaning.
Soundproofing Is absent. Weak level. Middle level. Middle level.
Temperature mode Irrelevant. Irrelevant. Irrelevant.

They do not tolerate low and high temperatures.

fire resistance Does not burn. Non-refractory. Possesses fire resistance. Fireproof.
Environmental friendliness Eco-friendly. Eco-friendly. Eco-friendly. Eco-friendly.
Structural properties
Changing a color or pattern Through re-plastering. Only by replacing individual rails. Can be repainted. Only by replacing the canvas.
Design Diversity Dont Have. They have a small number of forms. They have a huge variety of shapes and multi-level designs. They represent a large number of design solutions and have many forms.
seams None. During assembly, joints are created in the structure that are not masked. After painting or plastering, the seams become invisible. The adhesions between the tension webs are not noticeable.
Slight indent from the main ceiling plane Is absent. Five centimeters. Seven centimeters. Three centimeters.
Preparatory process before installation Required. Required. Required.

It practically does not need preparation, only objects that are not resistant to heat should be taken out of the room.

Installation cleanliness Lots of dirt during installation. A lot of pollution, dust is formed and wallpaper deteriorates. A lot of construction pollution, dust is formed and wallpaper deteriorates, especially when processing seams. Probably a minimum of dust.
Installation time Two to three days. Two to three days. Three to four days, including painting. One day.
Lifetime Two to four years old. Five to eight years old. Five to ten years old. About twenty years.
Care Do not include wet cleaning. Requires wet cleaning. Suggest dry cleaning. If the surface is painted, the stains will be very difficult to clean. Virtually no maintenance required. In case of contamination, cleaning is carried out using special solutions.
Long life problems Over time, cracks appear and delamination occurs. There are gaps between the rails. Cracks may appear at the seams, peeling of paint or putty is possible. Over time, they may lose elasticity or fade.
Possibility of repair Is absent. Assumes. Assumes. Does not require repair. Only a complete replacement of the canvas.
Warranty Dont Have. Have. Have. Guaranteed from ten to fifteen years.

Photo gallery

The ceiling plays a dominant role in the design of any room. With the help of various types, you can not only make the interior much cozier and more comfortable, but also affect its visual perception.

Finishing a city apartment and a private house requires different design solutions. This category presents the most practical types of ceilings made of various materials (budget, middle or elite class). The dignity of the ceiling depends on the ease of installation, ease of maintenance, excellent appearance of the surface.

  • Modest ceilings in apartments

Universal ceiling decoration is carried out by traditional methods - whitewashing, painting or pasting (wallpaper, tiles). These types of ceilings in an apartment are common in modest rooms with low walls, neutral design.

  • Original ceilings for apartments

The desire to arrange stretch ceilings is easily explained - the material (matte, glossy, embossed) is easy to install, lasts a long time and is resistant to negative influences. Multi-level systems with original lighting look extremely advantageous.

  • Ceilings for private houses

For rustic-style houses, slatted or false ceilings are an excellent solution. Wooden paneling creates comfort, provides high environmental friendliness. More modern interiors allow you to repair the surface in any way.

Suspended ceiling type Armstrong: pros, cons and installation

Increasingly, suspended systems are used to decorate the ceiling. They are popular due to ease of installation, ease of installation, affordable price and long service life. These types of ceilings do not require preparatory work to blur the entire ceiling surface and remove the old coating.

How to fix a profile under drywall: a description of the process from A to Z

Plasterboard constructions become an indispensable attribute of every repair. With the help of them, you can perform various designs inside the room. To do this, you need to choose the right type of drywall, choose fasteners and profiles for it. The process itself, when carefully studied, is quite simple, the material is easy to use, and the fasteners will not require much effort.

How to make a slatted ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands

The slatted ceiling in the bathroom is another possibility for a decorative surface finish without too much dirt. This type of ceiling has advantages over other types of suspended structures for wet rooms. Consider its features, give recommendations on how to assemble a slatted ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands.

Self-installation of stretch two-level ceilings

Golden hands and a clear head are a good help in any business. Are you skilled with construction tools, are friends with electricians, have you not lost your skills as a draftsman and do you have an aesthetic taste? Then the installation of stretch two-level ceilings will be up to you! Features of the installation of a stretch coating Creating a beautiful stretch ceiling is a time-consuming task that requires good building skills. One person with a similar...

How to make a ceiling from plastic panels: instructions for beginners

Finishing the ceiling often takes a lot of effort, money, and requires a specialist to install the suspension system. If these options do not suit your budget, install a plastic panel structure with a hinged frame. PVC panels have advantages over analogues that you should know. How to make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands in a short time will be announced in our article. Let's touch on the moments...

Rack suspended ceiling: characteristics and installation instructions

False ceilings are very popular today, which perfectly hide the flaws and irregularities of a conventional ceiling. Their design features help to reproduce the room of the required height, and most importantly, they hide communications. This ceiling type of ceilings has found its application in the reconstruction of industrial areas into retail or office space.

Fabric stretch ceilings

Such a method of finishing the ceiling as whitewashing, painting and plastering has long "passed" to the relics of the past. These simple materials are being replaced by a more aesthetic, noble and modern fabric stretch ceiling. This type of decoration appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. What he really is?

First of all, the choice of ceiling design depends on what design concept prevails in your home. And if there is no clearly defined style, there are still some motives, characteristics by which you can choose a ceiling covering. If it's time to make new ceilings, look at a variety of options.

The installation of such a ceiling may well be done by hand, if such installation has already been carried out, well, or the repair skills are sufficient to deal with the instructions on your own.

The very word "suspended" suggests that the future ceiling consists of some structure that is suspended from the draft, base ceiling. Hangs on a frame. And this frame is either wooden or metal.

For the device of a metal frame, profiles are used - ceiling and guides. They are attached around the perimeter, forming a frame that you will sheathe. In this case, we are talking about the creation of plasterboard structures. But the frame also happens with a cassette ceiling, and with a rack, etc. It's just that the frames themselves can be different, as well as the suspensions to them.

Varieties of ceilings (video)

Ceiling options: whitewash or paint

Let's say the ceilings in your apartment are low, and various types of suspended structures are definitely not your option, then you should.

Varieties of ceiling finishes:

  • Whitewash. The old version, when the ceiling is covered with chalk or lime composition. True, such a composition, of course, is not applied to an unprepared surface. First you level the base ceiling with plaster and putty, then you treat it with a primer, and only then whiten it. In terms of performance, this is not the best option, after two years (at least on average), you will have to whiten it again.
  • Painting. The situation is almost the same, only instead of chalk and lime you use a coloring composition. Paints are more practical, inexpensive, and easy to work with. Moreover, after whitewashing the ceiling is only white and no other, modern paints suggest a lot of options for colors and shades.
  • Wallpapering. This design of the ceiling design also has a long history, but the option itself is pretty good. Firstly, if you take wallpaper for painting, you can update the ceiling almost every year by simply repainting the wallpaper. Secondly, you can take not just paper wallpapers, but, for example, bamboo ones, which will be a great option for an eco-style living space.

Well, today they refuse such a coating as plastic decorative plates, referring it to an outdated, no longer so spectacular ceiling decor.

Types of ceiling in the house: cassette structures

Cassette ceilings also belong to frame structures. Their principle is that the frame must be filled with special panels. Sometimes a cassette ceiling is called a raster ceiling.

Characteristics of the cassette ceiling:

  • Cassettes are slabs of mineral wool or glass wool (compressed) with fillers such as clay or starch;
  • Plates are made without phenol-formaldehyde resins and asbestos, therefore they are non-combustible and harmless to humans;
  • Usually the plates are white, plain;
  • The most common texture of the plates is smooth, but plates with a rough surface can also be purchased;
  • In addition to standard panels, special ones are also available, for example, moisture resistant or acoustic.

The mounting system of the cassette ceiling is as follows: bearing and intermediate profiles, suspensions and fillets (wall profiles). It turns out that the ceiling is mounted quite quickly, and just as quickly it can be dismantled or partially disassembled.

Types of ceiling structures: rack type

Slatted ceilings are usually mounted in small areas with high humidity or aggressive environments. These are light and durable, environmentally friendly ceilings. They are absolutely not afraid of moisture and are not combustible.

A rail is a thin aluminum or steel plate, which is coated with a stoving varnish in several layers.

As for the design, it is:

  • Silver plated;
  • gold plated;
  • Chrome plated;
  • Mirror;
  • Matte;
  • With or without perforation.

It is also easy to mount such a structure: attach a carrier profile, a comb to the main ceiling, and the panels themselves simply snap into place on this comb. Clamps are used in the system.

Ceiling repair options: stretch fabric

This is one of the most popular ceiling designs. You can either stretch the PVC fabric or polystyrene fabric. In the first case, the workers will come and take preliminary measurements, in the second, measurements are not needed, an extra piece of matter will simply be cut off.

Stretch ceiling features:

  • Pretty quickly, in just a couple of hours, your ceiling becomes perfectly smooth and even;
  • Stretch ceiling most favorably presents complex and original lighting systems;
  • This coating can be considered durable, as it serves with proper care for at least 15 years;
  • And it’s easy to care for him - occasionally you can vacuum, and so - wipe with a cloth in a mild soapy solution;
  • Stretch fabrics can be matte and glossy;
  • In case of flooding, the stretch ceiling will save your furniture and floor from water, and the water can then be drained (call the experts);
  • All irregularities of the base ceiling are securely hidden.

Ceilings with photo printing are especially popular today, which allow virtually any high-quality images to be transferred to the ceiling, which increases design possibilities.

If irregularities are visible on the ceiling

Here you can do it in two ways. The first is to clean them with putty, plaster and primer until the ceiling is even. Yes, you may need to apply more than one layer of leveling compound before you achieve the result. But there's nothing to be written here.

The second - you simply equip a suspended structure that will hide defects. But if there is a threat of collapse of the plaster, then it is better to eliminate it before creating the frame and its sheathing, so that it does not collapse and cannot harm the suspended ceiling.

A stretch ceiling can also hide an uneven base surface. Often this is done in new buildings, where in the second, third year, minor, but unaesthetic cracks can go along the ceiling.

How to eliminate irregularities on the ceiling (video)

Today, the choice of decor and arrangement of the ceiling is great, and there is an option for every taste and every opportunity. Keep the balance of style unity, color balance and buy only high-quality materials.

Good luck with the repair!

Types of ceilings (photos of different materials)