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» Which continents are independent parts of the world. How many continents are there on earth and their names. The southern border runs along the seas

Which continents are independent parts of the world. How many continents are there on earth and their names. The southern border runs along the seas

There is a difference between the concepts of “continent” and “part of the world”. The division into continents is made on the basis of separation by water from other continents, and parts of the world are rather a historical and cultural concept. Thus, the continent of Eurasia consists of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. And part of the world, America, is located on two continents - South America and North America. In addition, parts of the world include the islands assigned to them, so although there is no such continent as Oceania, the corresponding islands are included in the part of the world Australia and Oceania.

Old World and New World

The division into parts of the world should not be confused with the division into “Old World” and “New World”, that is, with concepts denoting the continents known to Europeans before 1492 and after (except Australia and Antarctica). The Old World was the name given to all three parts of the world “known to the ancients” - Europe, Asia and Africa, and the New World began to be called the part of the southern trans-Atlantic continent discovered by the Portuguese in 1502. The term is believed to have been coined by Amerigo Vespucci in 1503, however this view is disputed. A number of sources attribute this merit to the Italian-Spanish historian Pietro Martire d'Anghiera (see Italian. - Pietro Martire d'Anghiera or Spanish - Pedro Mártir de Anglería ), who already in a letter about the first voyage of Columbus, dated November 1, 1492, uses the designation in the Latin form “novi orbis”, then a year later in another letter transforms it into “orbis novus”, and in 1516 publishes a famous work under the title , beginning with “De orbe novo...” (“In the New World...”), describing the first contact of Europeans with the indigenous inhabitants of the open lands. In 1524, the same term was used by Giovanni da Verrazzano - already for a story about sailing to the coast of what is now North America (USA and Canada). In any case, following the first discovered shores - the name New World began to be applied to the entire southern continent, and since 1541, together with the name America, it was extended to the northern continent, denoting the fourth part of the world after Europe, Asia and Africa.

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    See what “Parts of the world” are in other dictionaries: Land regions of the Earth, including continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands. Usually there are 6 parts of the world: Europe, Asia (one continent is Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents, South America and North America), Antarctica;... ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Parts of the world - PARTS OF THE WORLD, regions of the Earth’s land, including continents or their large parts along with nearby islands. Usually there are 6 parts of the world: Europe, Asia (one continent Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents South America and Northern... ...

    Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary Land regions of the Earth that include continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands. Typically, six land parts are distinguished - Europe, Asia (one continent is Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents - South America and North America

    ),… …Marine Dictionary PART, and, plural. and, she, w. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary parts of the world - A conditional division of large land areas with islands located near them, these include Asia, America, Antarctica, Africa, Europe, Oceania...

    Dictionary of Geography Land regions of the Earth, including continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands. Usually there are 6 parts of the world: Europe, Asia (one continent Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents South America and North America),... ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary The historical division of the Earth's land into regions, including continents or parts thereof, together with islands located near them. Usually the following regions are distinguished: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America, Antarctica; sometimes in... ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia Land regions of the Earth, including continents or large parts of them along with those nearby. Usually 6 hours are allocated. Europe, Asia (one continent Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents South America and North America), Antarctica; Sometimes… …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary - Individual continents or large sections of their territory, together with islands located near them (about Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America and Antarctica) ...

    Overwhelmed with work, does not see the light of day, busy, busy to the neck, burdened with affairs, burdened with work, overloaded with work, no time to breathe, no time, up to his neck with work, does not see the light, does not see the light of freedom, overloaded with affairs,... ... Synonym dictionary


  • Around the world, part 2, v. 1. Across Europe: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, geographical reader, I. Gorbunov-Posadov. The proposed book should have appeared several years ago, following the appearance of the first part, “Around the World,” containing articles on physical geography, general review globe

Parts of the world are regions of land that include continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands.

Typically there are six parts of the world:

  • Australia and Oceania;
  • Asia;
  • America;
  • Antarctica;
  • Africa;
  • Europe.

There is a difference between the concepts of “continent” and “part of the world”. The division into continents is made on the basis of separation by water from other continents, and parts of the world are rather a historical and cultural concept. Thus, the continent of Eurasia consists of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. And part of the world, America, is located on two continents - South America and North America. In addition, parts of the world include the islands assigned to them, so although there is no such continent Oceania, the corresponding islands are included in the part of the world Australia and Oceania.

Old World and New World

The division into parts of the world should not be confused with the division into the “Old World” and the “New World,” that is, with the concepts denoting the continents known to Europeans before and after 1492 (except for Australia and Antarctica).

All three parts of the world “known to the ancients” were called the Old World - Asia and Africa, and the New World began to be called the part of the southern trans-Atlantic continent discovered by the Portuguese in 1500 and 1501-1502.

The term is believed to have been coined by Amerigo Vespucci in 1503, but this view is disputed. A number of sources attribute this merit to the Italo-Spanish historian Pietro Martire d'Anghiera (see Italian - Pietro Martire d'Anghiera or Spanish - Pedro Mártir de Anglería), who already in a letter about Columbus's first voyage, dated November 1, 1492, uses the designation in the Latin form “novi orbis”, then a year later in another letter transforms it into “orbis novus”, and in 1516 publishes a famous work under the title beginning with “De orbe novo...” (“In the New World...”) , describing the first contact of Europeans with the indigenous inhabitants of the open lands.

In 1524, the same term was used by Giovanni da Verrazzano - already for the story of the voyage to the coast of the present

Unique. To make it easier for people to understand what place is about we're talking about, scientists came up with names for land, dividing it into continents, continents, and parts of the world. All this different concepts, and each of them has a specific designation. So how does a part of the world differ from a continent and what continents exist?

First, it’s worth understanding what a continent is. This is a huge land mass that is washed by seas and oceans.

Difference between and part of the world

In geography, the term “continent” is often used, which means the mainland. Although these two concepts are not synonymous. IN different countries world continental models of perception of the world are different. In India and China, as well as in English-speaking European countries, it is generally accepted that there are seven continents. Spanish-speaking countries and South American countries use a six-continent model. IN Eastern Europe and Greece, it is generally accepted that there are five continents: these countries consider only those territories where people live to be continents; they do not include Antarctica in the list. In Russia and neighboring countries of Eurasia, it is believed that there are four continents.

To understand how a part of the world differs from a continent, one must understand the entire model of the division of the Earth.


The continent is a large part of land washed by seas and oceans. There are six continents in total: the largest is Eurasia. Its area is almost 55 million square kilometers. In second place is Africa, with an area of ​​thirty million square kilometers. North America is slightly smaller, then South America. In fifth place in size is Antarctica. The smallest continent is Australia. All these continents are separated by seas and oceans, although there are formations separated by a land border. Such continents are North and South America, which are divided by the Isthmus of Panama. Between Africa and Eurasia is the Isthmus of Suez.

What is the difference between a part of the world and a continent? To understand this, you should know that, unlike continents, continents do not have land borders. Based on this, scientists divided the entire land into four continents: Afro-Eurasia, America, Antarctica and Australia.

Parts of the world

Knowing how a part of the world differs from a continent, you can understand the geographical system of dividing the Earth. So, the terms “mainland” and “continent” have a scientific basis and meaning, but “part of the world” is a division of land along historical and cultural grounds. The following parts of the world are distinguished:

  • Europe.
  • Asia.
  • America, or the New World.
  • Africa.
  • Australia and Oceania.
  • Antarctica.

When they talk about parts of the world, they mean not only large plots land, but also the islands adjacent to them.

Answering the question of how the concepts of “continent” and “part of the world” differ, we can say that a continent is land surrounded by bodies of water, and a part of the world is land developed by people, located on these continents.


Now we know how a continent differs from a part of the world, and how it differs from an island? By definition, both a mainland and an island are land washed by oceans or seas. However, these concepts have differences.

  1. Size. The smallest continent is Australia - Greenland.
  2. Education. All continents of the Earth are of tiled origin. According to scientists, once there was only one. It was split, which is why Laurasia and Gondwana appeared, which broke into six more parts. Islands are formed most different ways, including during volcanic eruptions, during the action of polyps, as a result of plate movement.
  3. Habitability. Many islands are still uninhabited, unlike the mainland. Even in the harsh Antarctica there are people.

Continents are large parts of land washed by the waters of oceans and seas, and parts of the world are the same land with which some historical and cultural events are associated. A part of the world may include several continents and islands.

Mainland - very large plot land washed by seas and oceans. Sometimes continents are called continents (not to be confused with parts of the world).

More than 200 million years ago, the land on Earth was a single whole. This super-giant continent was called “Pangea”, which is translated from the language of the ancient Hellenes as “ United Earth" About 180 million years ago, the split of Pangea began, which continues to this day. Parts of a large continent separated and moved great distances from each other.

There are currently 6 continents on Earth:

1. Eurasia is the largest continent on our planet (its area is 54.6 million sq. km)
2. Africa (30.3 million sq. km)
3. North America (24.4 million sq. km)
4. South America (17.8 million sq. km)
5. Antarctica (14.1 million sq. km)
6. Australia (7.7 million sq. km)

The largest continent is Eurasia, the smallest is Australia.

Four continents have a land border: Eurasia and Africa are separated by the Isthmus of Suez, North and South America are separated by the Isthmus of Panama.

All continents are separated from each other by oceans. The largest is the Pacific Ocean, the smallest is the Arctic Ocean.

Each continent has its own characteristics climatic conditions, flora and fauna.


Eurasia is the largest continent, occupying 1/3 of the land. There are 2 parts of the world located here: Europe and Asia. The border between them runs along the line of the Ural Mountains, the Black and Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean seas.

This is the only continent that is washed by all the oceans. The coastline is indented, it forms a large number of bays, peninsulas, islands. The continent itself is located on six tectonic platforms at once, and therefore the relief of Eurasia is incredibly diverse.

Here are the most extensive plains, the most high mountains(Himalayas with Mount Everest), the deepest lake (Baikal). This is the only continent where all climatic zones (and, accordingly, all natural zones) are represented at once - from the Arctic with its permafrost to the equatorial with its sultry deserts and jungles. Hence the diversity of animals and plants.

The mainland is home to ¾ of the planet's population (75%), and there are 108 states, of which 94 have independent status.

Here is the narrowest strait - the Bosporus, separating Asia and Europe, and the shallowest strait in the world - the Kerch strait, connecting the Azov and Black Seas.

In Eurasia there are:
- The coldest point on earth: Oymyakon
- Lowest point on earth: Dead Sea Trench
- Highest point on earth: Tibet

The most significant part of Eurasia is occupied by Russia, and in the north there is the most mysterious country of ice - Iceland, an area of ​​extinct and active volcanoes, geysers and waterfalls.

What animals live on the continent of Eurasia?

The fauna of the continent consists of both animals of the Arctic (polar bears, arctic foxes, walruses...), taiga (reindeer, Ussuri tiger...), forests (hare, fox, wolf, bear, lynx...), and inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics (snakes, tigers, elephants, monkeys...).


Africa is the hottest continent on Earth. It is located on an ancient platform, so most of the area is occupied by plains, and mountains form along the edges of the continent. Africa is home to the longest river in the world, the Nile, and the largest desert, the Sahara. Climate types present on the mainland: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Africa is usually divided into five regions: North, South, West, East and Central. There are 62 countries on the mainland.

If Eurasia is usually called the cradle of civilization, then the hottest continent became the ancestral home of all humanity - it was here that the world's oldest remains of early hominids were discovered. Today, Africa is inhabited by about 1 billion people.

Africa is washed by two seas - the Mediterranean in the north and the Red in the northeast, and two oceans - the Atlantic in the west and the Indian in the east and south.

The equator runs right through the middle of the African continent. The air temperature here always exceeds 20°C, and winter differs from summer only in the amount of precipitation. A hot climate could be favorable for growing crops and produce up to three harvests per year. However, water scarcity prevents this continent from becoming tropical paradise– most of the territory is occupied by zones of catastrophic droughts.

Africa's tallest mountain, Kilimanjaro, may have a surprise in store - it is actually a dormant volcano that has never erupted.

Hidden under the sands of the Sahara is an underwater lake whose area is 375 m².

Africa ranks first in the world in reserves of uranium, copper and diamonds.

What animals are found on the African continent?

Land regions of the Earth that include continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands. Typically, six land parts are distinguished - Europe, Asia (one continent is Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents - South America and

North America is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The result of the movement of tectonic plates was a highly indented coastline of the mainland, with a huge number of bays, straits, bays and islands. The largest island is in the north (Greenland).

In the north, the American continent goes far beyond the Arctic Circle, its lands are glaciers devoid of vegetation.

The Cordillera mountains stretch along the western coast, and the Appalachians along the eastern coast. In the west (northern Alaska) is the highest part of the continent - Mount McKinley, whose height exceeds 6 km above sea level. The central part is occupied by a vast plain.

All climatic zones are represented here, except the equatorial one, which determines the diversity of natural zones from the Arctic desert to the subtropics. Most rivers and lakes are located in the northern part. The largest river is the Mississippi.

Indigenous people- Indians and Eskimos. Currently, there are 23 states here, of which only three (Canada, USA and Mexico) are on the mainland itself, the rest are on the islands.

What animals are found in North America?

- PARTS OF THE WORLD, regions of the Earth’s land, including continents or their large parts along with nearby islands. Usually there are 6 parts of the world: Europe, Asia (one continent Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents

South America is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Along the western coast stretches the longest mountain system in the world - the Andes, or South American Cordillera. The rest of the continent is occupied by plateaus, plains and lowlands.

This is the rainiest continent, since most of it is located in the equator. Here is also the largest and most abundant river in the world - the Amazon.

The indigenous population are Indians. Currently, there are 12 independent states on the mainland.

In South America, Venezuela is home to the tallest Angel Falls on the planet – its height is 1,283 meters.
Off the coast of South America stands the natural lighthouse of Izalco, a volcano that spews magma and smoke every 8 minutes.

What animals are found in South America?


Australia is the only continent on whose territory there is only 1 state - the Commonwealth of Australia. Most of the continent is occupied by plains, mountains are located only along the coast.

From the west and south the continent is washed by the Indian Ocean, from the north by the Arafura and Timor Seas Indian Ocean, from the east - two seas Pacific Ocean: Korallov and Tasmanov.

Australia is a unique continent with the largest number of endemic animals and plants (they are not found on any other continent in the world). The indigenous population is the Australian Aborigines, or Bushmen.

Australia is one third dry desert.

What animals are found in Australia?


Antarctica is the most southern mainland completely covered with ice. The average thickness of the ice cover is 1600 m, the greatest thickness is 4000 meters. If the ice in Antarctica melted, the level of the world's seas would immediately rise by 60 meters.

Most of the continent is occupied by an icy desert; life glimmers only on the coasts. Antarctica is also the coldest continent. In winter, temperatures can drop below –80 ºC (record –89.2 ºC), in summer - down to –20 ºC.

Antarctica still remains a territory that does not belong to any country. However, 16 countries have already set up their bases in Antarctica and are actively studying it. Despite the lack of population and territorial affiliation with any state, Antarctica has its own flag, telephone code and even Internet domain.

What animals live in Antarctica?

Penguins, seals, elephant seals, crabeater seal, leopard seal, blue whale, killer whale, albatross.

A continent is a large land surface that is washed on all sides by oceans or seas.

How many continents are there on Earth and their names

Earth is very big planet, but despite this, a significant area of ​​it is water - more than 70%. And only about 30% is occupied by continents and islands of various sizes.

One of the largest is Eurasia, it occupies more than 54 million. square meters. It contains the 2 largest parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Eurasia is the only continent that is washed on all sides by oceans. On its shores you can see a large number of large and small bays, different sizes islands. Eurasia is located on 6 tectonic platforms, which is why its relief is so diverse.

The highest mountains are located in Eurasia, as well as Baikal, the deepest lake. The population of this part of the world makes up almost a third of the entire planet, living in 108 countries.

Africa occupies more than 30 million square meters. The names of all the continents on the planet are studied in detail in school curriculum, but some people do not know their number even in adulthood. This may be due to the fact that in geography lessons continents are often called continents. These two names have significant differences. The main difference is that the continent has no land border.

Africa is the hottest among all others. The main part of its surface is made up of plains and mountains. Hot Africa is home to the longest river on Earth, the Nile, as well as the Sahara desert.

Africa is divided into 5 regions: South, North, West, East, and Central. There are 62 countries on this part of the Earth.

The name of all continents includes North America. It is washed on all sides by the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic oceans. The coast of North America is uneven, a large number of large and small bays have formed along it, different sizes islands, straits and bays. In the central part there is a huge plain.

Land regions of the Earth that include continents or large parts of them along with nearby islands. Typically, six land parts are distinguished - Europe, Asia (one continent is Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents - South America and

The local inhabitants of the mainland are Eskimos or Indians. In total, there are 23 states in this part of the Earth, among them: Mexico, the USA and Canada.

South America ranks on the surface of the planet there are more than 17 million square meters. She is washed by the Quiet and Atlantic Ocean, and also has the longest mountain system. The rest of the surface is predominantly plateau or plains. Among all parts, South America is the rainiest. Its indigenous inhabitants are Indians living in 12 states.

- PARTS OF THE WORLD, regions of the Earth’s land, including continents or their large parts along with nearby islands. Usually there are 6 parts of the world: Europe, Asia (one continent Eurasia), Africa, Australia, America (two continents

The number of continents on planet Earth includes Antarctica, its area is more than 14 million square meters. Its entire surface is covered with blocks of ice, the average thickness of this layer is about 1500 meters. Scientists have calculated that if this ice were to completely melt, the water level on Earth would rise by about 60 meters!


Its main area is a desert of ice, the population lives only on the shores. Antarctica is the most low temperature surface planets, average temperature air - from −20 to −90 degrees.

Australia- occupied area of ​​more than 7 million square meters. This is the only continent with only 1 state. Plains and mountains occupy the main area; they are located along the entire coast. Lives in Australia greatest number large and small wild animals and birds, and there is the greatest variety of vegetation here. The indigenous people are the Aborigines and Bushmen.


How many continents on Earth are there 6 or 7?

There is an opinion that their number is not 6, but 7. The area located around the South Pole is made up of huge blocks of ice. Currently, many scientists call it another continent on planet Earth. That's just life on this South Pole no, only penguins live.

To the question: “ How many continents are there on planet Earth?", you can accurately answer - 6.


There are only 4 continents on Earth:

  1. America.
  2. Antarctica.
  3. Australia.
  4. Afro-Eurasia.

But each country has its own opinion about their number. For example, in India, as well as residents of China, they believe that their total number is 7; residents of these countries call Asia and Europe separate continents. The Spaniards, when they mention the continents, name all the surfaces of the world associated with America. And the residents of Greece say that there are only 5 continents on the planet, because only people live on them.

What is the difference between an island and the mainland

Both definitions are a larger or smaller area of ​​land, washed on all sides by water. At the same time, there are certain, significant differences between them.

  1. Dimensions. One of the smallest is Australia, it occupies much large area than Greenland - one of the most large islands.
  2. History of education. Each island is formed in a special way. There are continents that arose as a result of ancient fragments of lithospheric plates. Others were created due to volcanic eruptions. There are also those species that emerged from polyps, they are also called “ coral islands».
  3. Its habitability. There is life on absolutely all six continents, even on the coldest one - Antarctica. But most of the islands remain uninhabited to this day. But on them you can meet animals and birds of a wide variety of species, and see plants hitherto unknown to man.