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» What fruits come from the melon tree. Papaya or melon tree. Proper planting of a smoky tree: all the subtleties of growing a crop

What fruits come from the melon tree. Papaya or melon tree. Proper planting of a smoky tree: all the subtleties of growing a crop

Several years ago I read on a gardening website about an unusual overseas fruit - pepino. Lemons, pomegranates, and figs are already growing and bearing fruit on my windowsills. I decided that the “melon tree” should definitely be on this list.

After researching the Internet on this topic, I went from buying seeds to enjoying the unusual taste of a strange fruit. In this article I will talk about this interesting plant and share the secrets of growing it at home.

Pepino is a tropical perennial plant in the form of a shrub with partially woody branches. Its bushes reach 1.5–2 m in height. They can easily be called a tree. The leaves are large, oval-shaped, up to 15 cm long.

This amazing fruit, oddly enough, belongs to the nightshade family. It is closely related to potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes. Pepino flowers are very similar to potato flowers, only slightly larger.

Natural habitat is the countries of South America. This strange fruit is very popular among the local population and is included in many dishes.

Pepino photo:

Fruits of the "melon tree"

Oval or round fruits when ripe have a soft yellow color with purple stripes and small inclusions. The size of the fruit varies depending on the variety and growing environment - from 50 grams to 1.3 kilograms.

Fruits grown in the sun under favorable conditions gain sweetness and juiciness. The taste is reminiscent of melon, pumpkin and pineapple. In appearance it is similar to a pear, which is why it is popularly called “melon pear”.

If the fruit has not received enough sunlight or other important conditions for full development, its taste will resemble an ordinary cucumber. But even then it is perfect as an ingredient in salads. Overripe fruit loses its juiciness and attractive taste.

Some varieties have a slightly bitter peel, so it is best to remove it before use. Also carefully remove the seeds with a spoon.

The value of the “melon pear”

Pepino fruits not only have a bright juicy taste, but are also rich in nutrients and vitamins. This exotic fruit is rich in vitamin C, as well as groups of vitamins B and PP. It contains such important substances as iron, pectin and carotene.

Pepino: growing at home

For cultivation in the regions of Russia, two varieties are most popular:

  1. "Ramses". A variety with good productivity and high resistance to unfavorable development conditions. The fruit is pear-shaped, yellow-brown in color and is distinguished by early ripening.
  2. "Consuelo." It also has good yields. Its fruits are cream-colored with lilac-colored stripes with juicy pulp and a pronounced melon flavor. Their weight reaches 1.3 kg. This variety is more demanding in terms of development conditions.

Pepino is a heat-loving plant; to grow it, it is necessary to create a special favorable microclimate:

  • The ambient temperature should not be lower than +13 °C;
  • the optimal average daily temperature for active growth and fruiting is +20 – +25 °C;
  • air humidity should be high - approximately 75–80%;
  • always moist soil.

The root system of the plant is located almost on the surface of the soil, so it is worth protecting it from wind and strong drafts to prevent it from breaking. In extreme heat, when the temperature remains stably above +30 °C, the flowers fall off without an ovary.

A glass balcony or greenhouse can be a great place for this miracle fruit. It is quite possible to grow it on a windowsill, but the fruits will not be as large and tasty.

Growing from seeds

Pepino seeds are sold in a specialty store. You can try to extract it yourself from a ripe fruit purchased at the supermarket. But in this case, you risk getting late flowering or not entirely healthy shoots from the hybrid fruit.

The development of pepino seedlings occurs rather slowly, so sowing should begin in December. First you need to germinate the seeds:

  1. It is recommended to soak the seeds in a growth stimulator for a day.
  2. Seeds treated with a stimulant are wrapped in a wet cloth and left in a warm place without access to light.
  3. As soon as the first signs of germination appear, the sprouts should be placed in a shallow container under glass and provided with round-the-clock lighting. It is important to ensure that the fabric is always wet.
  4. When the cotyledons emerge from the peel, the sprouts are planted in prepared soil and covered with glass or film. To avoid bacterial diseases, it is recommended to treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Lighting is reduced to 16 hours a day.
  5. Once the shoots have appeared, covering is not required. Continue to monitor temperature and humidity.
  6. After 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into individual pots.


The simplest and most reliable way is cuttings. The donor is a bush that has survived the winter well.

Before wintering, the mother bush is cut to 1/3 of its height and stored all winter at a temperature of +8 °C. During the dormant period, the plant is watered approximately once a month.

At the beginning of February, the plant is moved to a warmer room (16–17 °C), and regular watering begins. A week later, feed with nitrogen fertilizer. During the period of shoot growth, remove the buds that form.

The cutting procedure can be started closer to the end of February - beginning of March.

  1. A shoot with 7 leaves is cut from a bush.
  2. The bottom two leaves are removed and the rest are cut in half. Thus, they reduce moisture loss and help speed up rooting.
  3. The cutting is placed in a container with water up to the leaves, and after 7 days the roots appear.

Stepchildren from a bush can be planted directly into the ground. To do this, you need to moisten the soil well and cover it, for example, with a cut plastic bottle. This will increase humidity and speed up rooting.

Watering and fertilizing

Pepino requires high humidity, but excessive moisture also harms the plant. Watering should be carried out as the top layer of soil dries. It is useful to mulch the soil with sawdust to reduce moisture loss and reduce the frequency of watering.

Feeding seedlings with mullein gives good results. Dilute in a ratio of 1:10 and water 3 times:

  • as soon as the seedlings have taken root;
  • 2 during the period of active growth and development of the bush;
  • at the beginning of fruit formation.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or permanent container (8–10 liters) at four months of age. The minimum air temperature should not be lower than +18 °C. At home, the plant is given a window sill on the sunny side.

Pepino prefers light soil. An excellent predecessor for it would be garlic, cucumber or beans. The soil must be well loosened and freed from old roots and weeds.

The distance between the beds should be at least 70 cm. Do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise you risk getting active growth of greenery instead of fruits. Combine last year's manure with phosphorus and potassium.

Bush formation

The plant forms many stepsons throughout the growing season. They draw life-giving forces from the bush, which negatively affects the formation of the ovary and the formation of fruits.

They should be removed when they reach 3–5 cm. Leave small stumps 1 cm long so that new ones do not grow in the same place. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month.

Usually 1–2 stems are left on the bush. As they grow, the shoots are tied to a support so that they do not break under the weight of the inflorescences.

During the flowering period, shake the bushes slightly to help the flowers pollinate. It is recommended to pick off white flowers without lilac stripes, as they are barren flowers.

Diseases and pests

The overseas fruit was enjoyed not only by our gardeners, but also by local insects. On bushes and fruits you can find:

  • slugs;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • ticks;
  • ants;
  • whitefly

Fungal diseases in the form of rot and blackleg become a common problem for pepino. It is necessary to carefully monitor the humidity level and temperature. Regularly ventilate greenhouses and the rooms where they grow.

The melon tree is a member of the Papaya family.

This tropical plant has long been cultivated as a garden crop in its homeland.

Melon plantations can be seen in India, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia and Sri Lanka.

The average height of the tree reaches 4-6 meters, individual specimens can grow up to 8 meters.


Despite the capriciousness of the culture, many gardeners are happy to take on the task of growing this exotic plant in their homes.

If you decide to grow this tree at home, then the care instructions and requirements for organizing the habitat must be followed clearly and consistently.

Landing instructions

Preparation of planting material

You can grow papaya from a seed at home, but the seed must be from a fresh fruit.

So, if you have a papaya fruit and you decide to plant a melon tree at home, then the seeds need to be removed and washed with running water. The seeds must be dried in the fresh air for 24 hours, then they must be sorted out and any obviously damaged ones removed.

You can prepare seeds for planting by either soaking them in a growth stimulator for 12 hours, or placing them in damp sand/moss and covering them with film for 12 hours.

Seeds should be planted in the ground in March. From this time on, the length of daylight hours increases and this will benefit the plant. If natural light is not enough, then you need to organize additional lighting.

Soil preparation

For a melon tree, a mixture of sand, peat, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions is suitable. You can also use ready-made soil, adding sand to it. At the bottom of the container for planting, it is necessary to organize a drainage layer.

Sowing seeds

For sowing, take the maximum possible number of seeds, so that you can then select the strongest and healthiest specimens.

They need to be planted in a container at a distance of a centimeter of one specimen from another, to a depth of 2 centimeters.

You will be able to see the first shoots within a couple of weeks. The container itself with the planted seeds should be covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect.

The glass cover must be removed for ventilation for 1 hour every day.

Watering should be regular, but not abundant. The main thing is not to let the soil in the container dry out. Stronger specimens are transplanted into separate pots.

Instructions for caring for a melon tree at home


For good growth and development, it is extremely important to provide a sufficient amount of light; it would be optimal if it is natural sunlight; in the absence of sufficient daylight in your climate, you can get by with fluorescent lamps.


The optimal temperature for the plant is 18-24 degrees; it can easily tolerate higher temperatures, so in the summer heat you can safely take it out into the fresh air, onto the balcony or into the garden.


Since papaya has very large leaves, from which water evaporates rapidly, it needs watering daily. To maintain the desired level of humidity for the plant, you can use spraying the plant.

As temperatures drop, watering can be reduced somewhat.

Top dressing

The plant receives its first feeding a couple of weeks after transplantation. Next, mineral fertilizers should be applied every two weeks, strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the instructions for their use.

Manure or humus can be used as organic fertilizers. During the flowering period, the plant should be fed phosphate-potassium fertilizers, and in the growth phase add nitrogen-containing.


Young papaya plants grow very actively; within a year the root system fills the entire pot. This slows down the growth of the plant, it stops blooming and producing fruits.

Therefore, the transplant should be done annually.

When organizing a transplant, it is important to remember the fragility of the plant’s root system; even minor damage to it can lead to the death of the tree.

When choosing a container for transplanting, give preference to those that are 10 centimeters larger than the previous one. You should not take a pot that is too large, as the roots will not be able to cover all the soil, which can lead to root rot.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings up to 1.5 centimeters thick from an annual or biennial plant are suitable for propagation.

From cuttings up to 10 centimeters long, it is necessary to remove all foliage and dry it for several days in order to reduce the amount of juice and dry the cut site.

The petiole should be rooted in a container with coarse, damp sand or peat.

Additionally, you need to organize a greenhouse effect using a plastic bag or plastic bottle.

After transplanting into a pot that is a couple of centimeters larger, the new shoot is cared for like an adult plant.

Pest and disease control

At home, not many diseases and pests can appear on a tree, but they can seriously damage it.

Spider mites and aphids

These pests can collect all the juices from the plant and destroy the leaves and stems. You should fight them using insecticidal preparations, folk remedies can help soap solution, garlic infusions or yarrow.

Powdery mildew

May appear in conditions of high humidity or cold weather.

To prevent occurrence, you should observe the temperature regime and control watering.

You can defeat powdery mildew:

  • copper sulfate,
  • colloidal sulfur or
  • fungicidal drugs.

Among the folk methods of struggle can be noted:

  • solution of soap and soda,
  • ash solution,
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate,
  • decoctions of onions or garlic.

Is it possible to get papaya fruits at home?

The question remains open, there are gardeners who claim that in our conditions the fruits fall before they have fully ripened, while others say that they were able to get the fruits. The latter insist on strict adherence to the rules of caring for the plant in order to get the desired delicacy.

Try to grow this exotic plant yourself at home and then you will definitely be able to answer the question of whether you can grow papaya in your apartment or home.

Growing an exotic plant at home is not new. These crops include papaya - a tree with wide, long leaves resembling blades, similar in appearance to a palm tree. The plant can reach a height of 10 meters in nature. At home it grows up to 6 meters. Variegated plants, unusual in our region, continue to delight the eye with unusual tropical greenery, and the fruits from the melon tree are a heavenly delight.

How to grow an exotic plant at home

Papaya is also called melon tree due to the similarity of the fruit to this fruit. Dwarf papaya grown as a houseplant on a terrace, balcony, veranda, indoors is a living decoration that complements the interior.

This melon tree (pictured) is capricious and sensitive to any stimuli. Therefore, when growing papaya, try to be consistent in caring for the fruit “pot”.

Subtleties of selecting material for planting

When planning to grow a tree from a seed, choose seeds only from fresh fruits. To be on the safe side, you can plant several specimens. During cultivation, not all seedlings take root due to their sensitivity to the microclimate.

To remove the seeds:

  • the fruit is cut in half;
  • take out the seeds;
  • washed under clean running water at room temperature (to avoid overheating or hypothermia of the planting material);
  • dry for 24 hours;
  • Damaged seeds are discarded.

Preliminary preparation of planting material

This stage can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Place the planting material in a moist environment (moss or sand) and leave it under the film for 12 hours.
  2. Soaking in a special solution that at the same time stimulates growth.

When to plant seeds

March is considered the optimal time for planting, according to reviews about the melon tree and the intricacies of growing papaya. With the onset of the second month of spring, daylight hours increase, thanks to which the plant receives the required amount of light per day. When choosing other dates for sowing, get ready to organize additional lighting for the papaya sprout.

Important! If there is insufficient sunlight, the sprout becomes too elongated and does not develop properly. The tree's stems begin to turn yellow and its leaves curl.

Selecting soil and container for planting

Before planting a tree in the ground, specially prepare a soil mixture consisting of:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf land.

All components for creating a garden mixture are taken in equal parts and mixed. If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, you can take a purchased version, choosing soil for ficuses with the addition of sand.

As a container for planting papaya seeds, take a long container, the bottom of which is lined with drainage - small expanded clay or pebbles. At home, you can try to grow the following exotic plants:

  • lychees;
  • jujube;
  • a pineapple;
  • cucumber-lemon;
  • kumquat;
  • medlar.

Sowing seeds in a container

For planting, take a large number of seeds in order to select the strongest seedlings in the future. Seeds are planted according to the following scheme: retreating 1 cm between grains and deepening them into the soil no more than 2 cm. After processing the planting material, the germination rate increases, because the first shoots hatch within 12-15 days.

How to properly germinate seeds

Papaya is a typical inhabitant of the tropics, so to grow a tree from seeds, it is enough to provide the sprouts with warmth, light and moisture. Optimal growing conditions for melon tree sprouts can be created by covering the container with glass. When you start growing papaya, do not forget to ventilate the container daily by opening it for about an hour. Next, it is recommended to select sprouted strong trees and plant them in separate flower pots.

How to care for young plants

Melon tree sprouts are regularly watered, limiting the dose of moisture supplied in order to prevent root rot, which develops in conditions of high humidity. Drying out the soil is also unacceptable. The young plant must receive sufficient levels of light and heat. If natural light is not enough, organize artificial lighting for a young melon tree.

How to provide proper care for a tree

The homeland of papaya is Southern Mexico. Distribution region - America. In harsh climates in northern latitudes, this fruit tree does not survive in open ground, which is why the practice of growing trees in garden pots is common here.


The more light for a melon tree growing at home, the better. It is desirable that the food source be natural. If this is not possible, use artificial lighting (fluorescent lamps).

Important! Place the light at least 30 cm away, otherwise the papaya leaves will get burned. The tree always reaches out to the light, so turn the plant from time to time so that it does not grow one-sided. In winter, plants are kept indoors in a warm room, in summer they are placed on the balcony for hardening.

Organization of temperature conditions in the room

The tropical type of plant needs warmth. The optimal temperature for growing at home is +19…+25 o C. Indicators above the norm do not have a negative effect on the tree; Even if the leaves have wilted a little, regular watering will return the papaya to a healthy appearance.

Irrigation system and microclimate humidity

Systematic watering will help ensure normal moisture circulation for the plant. Due to the large evaporation of moisture from large leaves, the melon tree has to be watered daily.

In the cool season, watering is carried out less frequently - every other day. High air humidity is maintained by spraying, the so-called cold shower for the plant. At the same time, waterlogging is undesirable, so there must be good drainage and a tray to drain excess water.

Fertilizers for exotic fruit

Feeding is carried out 14 days after the first transplant. The complex of mineral fertilizers is applied at intervals of once every 14 days, in the volume (proportions) described in the instructions for the mixture.

Papaya shows positive reactions to feeding with organic mixtures: humus and manure. With the onset of the flowering period, potassium phosphate fertilizers are used. Growth is stimulated with nitrogen preparations.

Don't forget about mulch. The ideal option is chopped grass, imitating flooring in a tropical forest.

Tree transplant

Young specimens develop quickly. The root system is actively growing, filling the entire container. Papaya is replanted annually, monitoring the growth and development of the tree.

Important! When growing a plant in a cramped pot, its growth slows down, flowering becomes poor, and fruiting may stop.

When moving the ornamental tree to another container, do not forget that even minor damage to the papaya roots leads to death. When choosing a pot for transplanting, consider the following factors: each next one should be 10-12 cm larger than the previous one.

Important! Don't buy a big pot right away. The roots do not have time to cover the earthen lump in the container, as a result of which there is a danger of developing root death and tree disease. Large markets are only suitable for strong cuttings with a developed root system.

Rules for propagating papaya by cuttings

To grow a young papaya (melon tree) at home, you need to make an effort and follow the sequence of actions, as in the instructions.

  1. For propagation by cuttings, annual or biennial plants are chosen. Preference is given to cuttings with a thickness of 1.5 cm.
  2. Cut into 10 cm pieces, removing leaves.
  3. Dry for three days so that the cut area is covered with a thin skin that protects from bacteria.
  4. For rooting, planting material is placed in a container filled with wet sand or peat mixture, deepening the stems by 3 cm.
  5. The top of the cutting is covered with a cut of a plastic bottle to simulate a greenhouse. If this step is omitted, rooting may not occur.
  6. The first transplant is carried out into a container 2-3 cm larger than the previous pot.
  7. Further care for the plant is no different from caring for an adult tree.

Protecting papaya from pests and diseases

Ornamental plants, especially those grown in pots, are susceptible to diseases and pests. The tree shows high resistance to fungi and invasions, but suffers from spider mites and powdery mildew, which can seriously damage the ornamental plant or lead to its death.

To remove spider mites, special means are used:

  • acaricides: “Aktellik”, “Antiklesch”,
  • biological: “Akarin”, “Fitoverm”,
  • folk: soap solution (for spraying), decoction of yarrow or garlic (for spraying).

Helps to cope with powdery mildew:

  • fungicide preparation: “Hom”; "Kuprozan"; "Vitaros"
  • folk remedies: soap and soda solution; ash solution; weak pink solution of potassium permanganate; decoction of onion or garlic.

Papaya is loved for its beneficial properties and taste. The fruit is consumed as a dietary product, used to prepare “vitamin bombs” - cocktails with a high content of vitamins and minerals, as a preventive measure for certain diseases (colds, flu).

The aromatic fruits of the melon tree and juice are used in cosmetology, for preparing creams and masks at home for the care of the face, body, hands, neck, and hair. This nutritious fruit is valued by gardeners and flower lovers for its decorative appearance and beneficial properties. That is why growing and obtaining the fruits of a melon tree at home is such an entertaining and interesting process for gardeners.

Botanical name: Papaya or Melon tree (Carica papaya) - genus Carica, family Caricaceae.

Homeland of papaya: Central and South America.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: well moistened, containing sand, humus and peat.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 10 m.

Average life expectancy: 20 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings.

Description of papaya and its photo

Papaya is a low, palm-shaped, slender tree, reaching up to 10 m in height. The trunk is green, not woody, thin, devoid of branches.

The crown is located at the very top. It consists of numerous, large, palmate leaves, up to 70 cm in diameter, which are supported on long, thick petioles.

The flowers are formed on the upper part of the trunk, in the axils of the leaves, are inconspicuous, and have no decorative value. Over time, they turn into large fruits, weighing up to 8 kg, the largest specimens reach 9 kg.

The fruits are shaped like a melon. They are located in large clusters surrounding the trunk. They have a yellow or amber tint. Their length is about 30 cm. Fruiting begins 10-12 months after planting. Up to 130 fruits are harvested from one individual per year. Fruit ripening is uniform. Papaya pulp is juicy, sweet, and has a pleasant aroma similar to the aroma of melon. The cavity of the fruit contains black seeds. The fruit is consumed in fresh and processed form. It is used as desserts, used in the preparation of compotes, juices, marmalade, jellies, syrups and other products. The seeds are used to add flavor to dishes. All parts of the plant contain milky sap, which often causes an allergic reaction. A mature papaya resembles a palm tree.

The photo of the papaya fruit clearly shows its resemblance to a melon.


It grows wild in Asia and tropical America. Grown in India, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Hawaii, Jamaica and many other tropical countries. In the south of Russia there are experimental plantings of this plant. Papaya is a fruit tree. Each country where it is cultivated has its own forms and varieties.

The papaya tree is heat-loving, but does not tolerate extreme heat. Not demanding on soils. May be damaged by severe frosts.

A photo of papaya is presented below in the photo gallery.

Benefits of papaya

Papaya fruit is very healthy. The pulp of the fruit is rich in vitamins A, B, B2, B5, vitamin D. It contains fructose, minerals, glucose, the enzyme papain, which breaks down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, thereby promoting good digestion. The vitamin composition allows the plant to be used for medicinal purposes. The milky juice of the unripe fruits of this plant is poisonous, but when they are fully ripe, it becomes watery and loses its toxic properties.

Papaya is well absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended as complementary food for infants.

How to eat papaya

Despite the fact that this fruit is common in all countries, not everyone knows how to eat papaya correctly. The fruits are consumed raw, after removing the skin and seeds, or baked. Unripe papaya is stewed and used to make salads and sauces. Add when stewing vegetables, cook with meat, fish, poultry. Baked papaya takes on the smell of bread, which is why it is called “breadfruit”. The fruits are also used in the food industry as meat tenderizers. Papain is used in the production of wines, liqueurs, beer and cheeses.

These exotic fruits are transported slightly unripe and hard. They are carefully removed from the tree and placed in bamboo baskets. Thus, papaya tolerates transportation well and is not damaged.

Useful properties of papaya

The beneficial properties of papaya have been known for a very long time. Eating this fruit helps normalize stomach acidity, improve liver function, and restore vitality and energy after illness. Papaya juice is used to treat osteochondrosis and prevent the development of cancer. The fruit is used externally for burns, wounds, and eczema.

In ancient times, women used the unripe fruits of this plant to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

The fruits and leaves contain the alkaloid carpain, which has an anthelmintic effect. Medicines containing the extract of this plant are intended to combat viral infections.

The properties of papaya allow it to be used to treat gastritis, ulcers, constipation, colitis, and also for weight loss. 100 g of fresh pulp contains 39 kcal.

The fruits are harvested when they turn yellow. Unripe fruits are stored in dark places where they ripen for 3-4 days.

The young leaves of the tree also have medicinal value. They are used to treat wounds in the oral cavity. To do this, fresh leaves should be chewed.

Cosmetic products are made from papaya. The oil of this fruit is of great value, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and is rich in potassium and other minerals. This oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, cares for and moisturizes. Papaya juice is recommended for removing age spots on the skin. It is enough to wipe problem areas with it. The extract of this plant is included in hair care products.

Growing Papaya

Papaya is considered one of the most unpretentious tropical crops. In favorable conditions, the tree will grow and develop very quickly, and a good harvest will not be long in coming.

The optimal temperature for this crop is 23-29°C. Low temperatures slow down plant development, as do temperatures above 30°C. At low temperatures, the quality of fruits deteriorates and they become tasteless. Undesirable and increased soil moisture.

The root system of the tree is superficial, so the plant is demanding of soil moisture. If water stagnates for a long time, papaya may die. Excessive waterlogging leads to the development of fungal diseases. To prevent them, drainage and regular loosening are required. Planting areas should be windless and illuminated by sunlight.

There are several ways to propagate papaya. One of the most common and simplest is propagation by seeds. Plant the seeds in a well-moistened soil mixture consisting of turf and humus soil and sand. Small cups or pots are suitable for planting. 2-3 seeds are planted in each container. After some time, one of the largest and strongest sprouts is left. Shoots appear 1-1.5 months after planting. Seedlings of this crop grow very quickly; as they grow, they are transplanted into larger containers. In favorable conditions, flowering begins after 5-6 months.

When propagating from seeds, it is possible to plant seeds in nurseries or greenhouses with subsequent transplantation to a permanent place. When planting in a permanent place, several seedlings are planted in each hole. Subsequently, weak or defective specimens are removed. After 5-6 months, the top is cut off, after which the plant appears 2-3 shoots. Pinching promotes better yield. Growing papaya in this way allows you to get the first fruits in a year.

How to Grow a Papaya or Melon Tree

This exotic tree can be grown from cuttings. Before growing papaya, you need to prepare cuttings of annual and biennial plants. The cuttings are dried for 2 days, after which they are planted in pots filled with sand. The cuttings are transplanted into an earthen mixture consisting of sand, peat, turf and leaf humus. All components are taken in equal proportions. Growing plants are transplanted 2 times a year into a deeper container. In a cramped pot, the roots will stop growing and the tree will die. With this growing method, papaya begins to bloom 3 years after planting. If replanting is done less frequently, tree growth slows down or stops. Since the root system of the plant is superficial, wide, shallow containers are suitable for planting.

Since the individual is light-loving, on cloudy days and in winter it requires illumination with a fluorescent lamp. The distance between the lamp and the tree must be at least 30 cm.

Caring for papaya involves regular watering and spraying, but in small volumes, since if there is an excess of moisture, the root system rots. Fertilizing is applied every 2 weeks from spring to autumn. For this purpose, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. In the spring, the soil is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, in the summer with superphosphate and nitroammophos. In winter, feeding stops. No shaping or trimming is carried out.

Pests and diseases

The most dangerous crop pests are aphids and spider mites. Insecticides are used to combat them. In cool weather and during prolonged rains, “powdery mildew” appears on the leaves, manifesting itself in the form of a white coating. Infected leaves are treated with a solution of copper sulfate. The papaya melon tree is often attacked by spider mites. To destroy the pest, the plant is sprayed with an actofite solution.

Mountain papaya

Mountain papaya is a variety of common papaya. Externally, the individuals are similar, but mountain papaya has more sparse branching and is short in stature. Most trees grow up to 2 m in height.

The fruits of this crop are elongated, smooth-skinned, with a pointed apex, 5-20 cm long, and when ripe they acquire yellow and orange shades. The pulp is yellow, aromatic, sweet and sour in taste, filled with seeds.

The benefits of mountain papaya are quite high. It contains vitamins C, A, K, E and a large amount of fiber. The fruits are consumed fresh and processed.

Cultivated in South America to decorate garden plots and produce fruit. Due to low productivity, it is not widely used. The yield of one tree per season is 60-100 fruits. In adults there are up to 200 pieces. Mountain papaya is a perishable fruit and is therefore transported to other countries via air freight.