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» What are the best handles for interior doors? How to choose handles for interior doors: tips and tricks The best door handles for interior doors

What are the best handles for interior doors? How to choose handles for interior doors: tips and tricks The best door handles for interior doors

A door handle is not just a component element, as many people think. Firstly, the door will not function correctly without it, and secondly, it plays an important decorative role, as it affects the design of not only the door, but the entire interior of the room.

Let's find out together how to choose door handles so that they are beautiful, comfortable and last for many years.

Before we start choosing, let's figure out what kind of pens exist and how they differ.

So, these products are classified according to the following criteria:

  • Device and form factor;
  • Purpose;
  • Material.

Device and form factor

Depending on the design, handles are divided into the following types:

  • Autonomous. They are a part that is not connected to the locking mechanism, hence the name. They are usually used when a lock without a latch is embedded in the door leaf or there is no lock at all. Such handles are rigidly fixed, since their task is only to make the door convenient to open and close, i.e. move around the axis of the suspensions.

Most often, free-standing handles are made in the form of a bracket - this is a classic option that can be used on both external and internal doors.

Typically there are brackets that are attached to the door at two points using rosettes. But, there are products that are fixed on a strip, which in turn is attached to the door.

In addition, there are options for autonomous handles in the form of a sphere, various figures, etc. They are installed on interior doors and additionally serve as interior decoration;

  • Push. These products are a lever that allows you to operate the latch of the locking mechanism. When you press the lever, the door is unlocked, after which it can be freely moved around the axis of the suspensions.

There are two types of fastening for these products - on a plate-plate and on a socket. As a rule, the overlay also serves as a frame for the mask, which is why similar models are more common.

Sometimes, instead of a hole that provides access to the secret, there is a rotary handle on the bar, which allows you to open the lock from the inside without a key;

  • Rotary. These models work in the same way as push models, but are designed as a sphere or cone rather than a lever. Therefore, to unlock the door, you have to turn the handle a little. Such products are usually installed on internal doors;

  • Knobs. These products are largely reminiscent of rotary models in shape and principle of operation, but differ in the presence of a built-in latch that can be locked. Essentially, this is a simplified version of a mortise lock.

Lock control, i.e. its locking and unlocking can be done by a button, a built-in cylinder or an additional small rotary handle located in the center of the main handle.

Knobs are intended for installation exclusively on internal ones. In particular, they are widely used on bathroom doors due to the latch locking function.

Special mention should be made about handles designed for. Unlike all other products, they are recesses inside the door leaf. In fact, these are not even handles, but simply mortise linings with a recess.


Depending on their purpose, pens can be divided into two types:

  1. Interior;
  2. External.

The latter are usually more durable and weather-resistant. Most often they are made of metal. It must be said that external models are often installed not only on entrance doors, but also on internal doors if they are expected to bear a large load.

For example, they can be found in offices and other public institutions. As for products for internal doors, they are usually more elegant, but are not designed for heavy loads. Therefore, there is no point in using them for other purposes.


The material is an important selection factor, which determines the appearance of the product, as well as its strength and durability.

The most common are metal models, which, depending on the type of metal, differ into the following types:

  • Steel with protective coating. These are durable products, however, as a rule, they are susceptible to corrosion, since the coating deteriorates over time and loses its protective qualities. This is especially true for cheap models;

  • Made from stainless steel. They have an attractive appearance and are not afraid of corrosion. Thus, this is the best option, not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of cost/quality ratio;
  • From silumin. This is the cheapest option for handles, which, as a rule, come complete with budget Chinese locks. Visually, they are no different from more expensive analogues made of stainless steel or, for example, brass. However, they very quickly lose their attractiveness.

The main disadvantage of silumin products is their fragility. At one point, such a handle may remain in your hands separately from the door. Therefore, it is better to refrain from purchasing silumin models;

  • Brass. These products are very strong and durable, as they are not afraid of either mechanical loads or atmospheric influences. Their only drawback is their high price;

  • Copper. These products are even more expensive than brass ones, but they are practically eternal. Even if such a pen loses its attractiveness, it can be cleaned with a special product and its attractive appearance will return.

You can distinguish silumin from other metals by its light weight - its suspicious lightness should alert you. In addition, silumin is not magnetic.

Of course, besides metal ones, there are other types of handles:

  • Wooden. These products can be used for external and internal doors. Most often they have a metal base on which a wooden cover is attached. However, there are also completely wooden products.

One of the disadvantages is that they require periodic maintenance - coating with paints and varnishes. In addition, in terms of strength they are inferior to metal analogues.

But wooden products have an attractive appearance; carved handles look especially beautiful and unique. In addition, they are pleasant to the touch, which is especially important for external doors in winter;

  • Plastic. These are inexpensive products intended for indoor use. Most often they are installed on metal-plastic doors;

  • Glass. Such pens look very beautiful and unusual. It should be remembered that even tempered glass remains glass, so they require careful handling. Somewhat more practical are combined solutions, i.e. made of metal with glass inserts.

Nuances of choice

So, we found out that there are different types of door handles - how to choose the best option? First of all, you need to decide on the type of lock, which determines the choice of handle design.

  • First you need to decide on the technical characteristics of the product, i.e. its size. For example, for push and turn handles, an important point is the thickness of the door. The length of the metal rod, the so-called square, depends on it.
  • For example, for a door with a thickness of 30-60 mm, you will need handles with a rod 11 cm long. Of course, it is better to purchase a model with a longer rod than a short one, since it can be cut if necessary.

  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the cross-sectional dimensions of the rod. The standard section is 8x8 mm, but there are other options. Therefore, first find out what size hole for the rod the lock has.
  • If a rotary handle is purchased with a frame lining, be sure to measure the center-to-center distance of the handle and the lock cylinder.
  • Sometimes additional functions may be required - for example, the presence of a rotary handle for the lock release. As already mentioned, this feature makes it easier to lock and unlock the lock from the inside.

Having decided on the technical parameters of the product, pay attention to the design. The handle must match the style of the interior of the room and the design of the door itself. In addition, the style and color should match the rest of the hanging fittings.

  • Therefore, you must decide on such parameters as material, style, shape and color of the product before going to the store. This will somewhat simplify and at the same time speed up the choice.

Please note that all door handles within the same room must be the same. Therefore, purchase them for all paintings at once. Otherwise, the differences will hurt the eye and somewhat spoil the perception of the interior.

  • Having decided on the design, pay attention to ergonomics, because one of the main requirements for this product is convenience. Checking ergonomics is very simple: take the handle in your hand and feel how it fits. Imagine having to use it every day.
  • If you do not feel any discomfort, pay attention to the quality of the product. First of all, strength is important. For example, if you are choosing a handle for a heavy door, then it should also be massive, heavy enough and inspiring confidence.
  • Of course, for lightweight doors, for example, made of MDF, excessive strength is not needed. Therefore, you can choose a wooden, plastic or even glass model.
  • Also pay attention to the quality of workmanship - the accuracy of processing, the quality of the coating, if any, the absence of backlash, etc. There should be no loose or creaking elements.

If the model you choose meets all the above requirements and suits you with the price, you can safely purchase it. Here, in fact, are all the instructions for choosing door handles.


A few words about the installation location

If we are talking about a private house or apartment, then where the handle should be installed, you have the right to decide for yourself, the main thing is that it is convenient for you and your household. But when choosing a place, experts recommend focusing on 2 things:

The location of the handle should suit all family members.

  1. First of all, you need to measure at what height all the other handles in your house are. After all, when one handle falls out of the overall ensemble, it is very noticeable and spoils the interior;
  2. If you choose a place to install all the handles in your home, then you need to focus on your arm bent at 90º at the elbow. Naturally, it is worth taking into account the height of all family members and choosing something in between.

The installation height of the door handle according to GOST is a completely different matter. The documents state that such structures are installed at a height of 1 m, plus or minus 100 mm. This information should be well remembered by office owners and business workers in administrative buildings. Otherwise, the fire inspector will have another reason to find fault.

The average installation height of the handle is 1 m.


Even the most beautiful and expensive handle is unlikely to look attractive on the door if it is not installed carefully. Therefore, finally, I’ll tell you how to do the installation yourself. As an example, let's take the most common option - a rotary handle with an overlay.

So, the handles have been purchased, now all that remains is to insert them. The inner lining has been removed, so there is practically nothing holding the outer lining in place. If you pull the handle a little harder it will come out along with the square pivot pin and connecting pins.

So, the work is performed in the following sequence:

Illustrations Actions

  • Insert the rod into the square hole of the handle;
  • Secure the rod by tightening the locking bolt located on the inside of the handle, as shown in the photo.

  • Place the handle in the working position by inserting the rod into the hole in the lock;
  • If the handle is free-standing or simply with a latch, but without a lock, the trim plate must be leveled in a vertical position using a level;
  • Then the handle is fixed to the door leaf with self-tapping screws or bolts that are screwed into the lock.

The response handle is installed in the same way.

Handle with latch for interior door

Often, several types of handles can be installed on a lock embedded in an interior door. This is especially true for lightweight latches; any rotary handles generally fit there. The main thing is that the turning mechanism works using a square pin.

The handle mechanism is screwed to the doors with self-tapping screws, but so that the fastening washer does not spoil the appearance, it is covered with a decorative overlay, after which the handle is installed.

In round knob handles, both the handle itself and the decorative overlay are fixed using an unobtrusive inner tongue. This tongue needs to be pushed down using the special key included in the kit. The tongue itself is equipped with a spring and after removing or installing the handle, it returns to its original position.

To disassemble the knob, the side tongue is recessed inside.

In rotary handles, the system is slightly different; after installing the handle, you need to fix it with a small screw on the side, and then screw it on or simply put a decorative cover on the latches (depending on the model).

The screw that secures the rotary handle can be either a Phillips screwdriver or a hexagon. In the latter case, the hexagon must come with the handle.

Fixing screw.


The choice of such seemingly simple elements as door handles contains a number of nuances. However, having dealt with them once and for all, you will be able to choose door handles so that they not only properly perform their main functions, but are also the highlight of the interior. To consolidate the information received, we recommend that you additionally watch the video in this article.

In most cases, the interior door handle comes complete with the door itself, and the choice is limited by the range of fittings used by the manufacturer. But even in this case, you need to know what they are. And even more so, this knowledge is necessary when replacing a door handle.

Overlay handles for swing wooden interior doors

The easiest to install are the so-called handles-brackets, by holding which you can open or close the door. The main function is to provide the ability to pull the door towards you (to push away from you, the handle, in principle, is not needed). But simplicity of functionality does not mean limited forms and style solutions.

Here are examples of “Soviet constructivism” - nothing superfluous and a complete lack of decor:

And since such pens are still in demand, its only difference from that era, and to some extent “decoration”, is the coating with modern hammer paint. Such a handle is attached directly to the door leaf with four screws, and is mainly installed on inexpensive paneled doors.

Modern models make them much more attractive in shape and decor. For example, such a handle in the Art Nouveau style will serve as a real decoration for an interior door:

Even a simple rectangular “bracket” can be made attractive by adding engraving to the bracket itself and attaching it to a decorative strip. Like this classic style pen:

There are also overhead handles with hidden fastenings, which, even for a simple form, will only improve its decorative qualities. They are fastened in pairs, opposite each other, onto two studs, for which through holes are drilled in the door leaf.

The only drawback of the overhead handle is the lack of a latch. This may have an effect if the door frame has lost its vertical position. Moreover, such a loss does not necessarily occur due to poor-quality installation of the box - any house is subject to shrinkage and subsidence (and a wooden one is also subject to shrinkage). And to prevent the door from opening (or closing) spontaneously, latches are added to the overhead handles, which consist of two parts. The main part of the mechanism with a roller or ball is cut into the end of the blade, and the counter part is cut into the box.

Lever handles for swing wooden doors

Most interior door handles have a movable handle that operates the latch. That is, with the help of a handle the door is not only opened or closed, but also fixed in the door frame.

The simplest push model with a regular latch when assembled looks like this:

In addition, such a handle can also have a lock function. The locking mechanism can be operated in two ways - either from inside the room using a rotary handle:

or from outside using a key.

And although the cylinder is designed on the principle of a disk lock, its degree of secrecy is minimal. And the lock itself does not protect against breaking the door, but simply protects the personal space of the owner of the room.

“Responsibility” for the aesthetic properties, like the previous type, falls mainly on the handle: metal, wood, glass, porcelain... There are even rhinestones.

These handles also differ in the shape of the decorative lining. In addition to the round socket, like previous models, they can be equipped with elongated overlays.

Moreover, this shape of the lining allows you to hide two holes in the door under it: the top one for the latch drive handle, the bottom one for the handle and lock cylinder.

Knobs for wooden doors

The word "knob" comes from England. A narrow translation of the noun is handle, bump, head. But there is also a “technical” translation - a round door handle.

The simplest knob without a latch mechanism can be considered a classic of interior doors. Soviet industry also produced similar handles made of wood or plastic.

Now most of these models are equipped with a movable head and latch. And they are of the rotary type.

Like push handles, round rotary knobs can have a simple latch.

But if they have a handle on the inside for fixing the latch, then on the outside they are equipped with either a cylinder for the key or a screw for a flat-head screwdriver to force the latch to unlock.

Sliding door handles

If the sliding door moves parallel to the wall, then overhead handles are also suitable for it. This is exactly how all-glass sliding doors are installed.

But wooden models, regardless of whether they are “hidden” in a cassette in the wall or moved along the wall, are equipped with a special type of handles without a protruding handle. They are cut into the door leaf.

There are similar simple handles for cassette glass doors.

In addition, wooden sliding interior doors can have handles with a lock.

Features of handles for interior glass doors

We have already mentioned two options for handles for glass doors. In addition to overhead and mortise ones, they also have knobs. For example, these:

If the glass door needs to be fixed or locked, then the latch and lock mechanism cannot be embedded into the door leaf. Therefore, for these cases, overhead models of handles are produced - with a latch:

or with a latch and lock.

When choosing fittings for interior doors, you need to understand what types of door handles there are and how they differ. Thanks to the presence of at least minimal knowledge regarding the classification and properties of these products, you can choose the best quality option at an affordable price.

There are many types of handles for interior doors.

Main classification criteria

In order to choose the right handles for interior doors, first of all, you need to know what criteria exist for their classification today.

First of all, when buying a pen, you need to pay attention to its shape and type, they can be:

  • stationary;
  • push;
  • rotary;
  • nobs.

Types of door handles for interior doors

Products are also distinguished by the type of material from which they are made. There are many more options here, since several materials can be combined in one model. The appearance of the handle, its strength and other performance characteristics depend on the quality of the raw materials.

It is also important to distinguish. It can come complete with a handle or be mounted separately. There are also models with a latch on the plug.


First, you should consider the simplest option, namely stationary handles. This type of fittings can have different shapes:

  • U-shaped;
  • L-shaped;
  • round.

Main types of stationary handles

The product is attached directly to the canvas using two or more screws. Installing such accessories will not be difficult. If we talk specifically about interior doors, it is worth noting that these types of door handles are used extremely rarely today.

Stationary models are not directly connected to the locking system; in order to open the door, you just need to pull it in the appropriate direction, or at the same time turn the key in the keyhole. No other movements are provided for such fittings.

The scope of application of such handles today is mainly limited to summer cottages, utility rooms with additional locks, and storage rooms. Much more often their analogue can be found on furniture; this is the most striking example of the use of such handles.


One of the most popular types of handles are push-type models. A special feature of their device is the halyard tongue; to set it in motion, you need to lower the handle-lever down by pressing. Thanks to the design of this model, you can easily find fittings that match the design.

These varieties are ideal for use on both interior and entrance doors. They are cut into the canvas and connected to a locking device; in addition, you can equip it with a lock or latch.

Some models have a built-in latch.

To understand why push handles are better than other types, let's look at their advantages:

  • Ease of use. To open the door, just press the lever. You can do this even with your hands full. You can also silently close the door with a simple movement.
  • Ergonomics. When used, the handle fits comfortably in the palm of a person's hand, but ergonomics vary depending on the specific product.
  • A wide range of. Lever handles may differ in color and combination of materials. In addition, the lever can have a wide variety of shapes, bends and additional decorative elements.
  • Reliability. The failure rate of push handles is much lower than other types.

Lever handles are considered the most convenient to use.

However, such pens also have some disadvantages. One of them is that the push lever often gets bumped when moving around the house; clothing, a bag, or simply gets caught on it.

Knobs and rotary models

Another option is round rotary knobs. They can also have a slightly elongated oval shape. Such models are mainly used only for interior doors. For them, it is possible to expand the range of products through the use of combinations of different materials, transparent inserts, etc.

The principle of operation of the rotary handles is that to bring the halyard tongue to the “open” position, it is necessary to turn the round handle clockwise. After you release the handle, it will automatically return to its original position and the tongue will be out.

If you want to additionally have a handle with a built-in lock, then it is better to choose the nob model. This is similar to a regular rotary handle, but if in the first case a minimum of space is required to insert the mechanism, for this option you will need to cut a hole in the canvas to accommodate the lock. The difference between knobs is that there is a keyhole in the center of the round handle. It can have a two-way exit or be closed on one side with a plug or latch.

Rotary models of interior handles are the safest to use

The advantage of round rotary handles is that it is almost impossible to get injured by them. However, there is such a drawback as inconvenience of use, since the hand can slip, and if you cannot clasp the handle with your palm, you are unlikely to be able to turn it. In addition, sudden movements often cause parts to jam inside the mechanism.

Materials used

In order to finally understand which door handles are best for use on interior structures, you should consider the range of materials used for their production. First of all, it is worth dividing all models into three categories:

  • Metal. This is the standard material used to produce all door handle models. This is mainly brass, as well as aluminum, stainless steel, silumin and various alloys. The surface coating can be represented by chromium, nickel and other variations.
  • Plastic. Cheaper models. Plastic can imitate metal with a certain coating, and transparent material can imitate glass. It is very easy to determine by its light weight.
  • Tree. Very pleasant to the touch and respectable in appearance. They can be made from both cheap and valuable species, which directly affects their cost. The top of the wood is polished and mostly varnished. The internal mechanism and main parts are also made of metal.

Types of door handles depending on the material of manufacture

Glass is used less frequently for rotating models. A stone, such as jade, can be used. Also, modern technologies make it possible to combine all materials with each other and add special decorative elements: leather, stones, rhinestones, etc.

Poor-quality coating wears out and peels over time, which significantly worsens the appearance of the door. If you do not plan to replace fittings in the near future, it is better to immediately buy a more expensive and high-quality model.

Taking into account all the criteria described above, you can choose the most suitable handle model for interior doors. Depending on the operating conditions, the requirements for them may manifest themselves to varying degrees, so when purchasing you need to focus on the specific situation and financial capabilities.

Door fittings must be reliable, high quality and beautiful. After all, doors are not only a functional element, they are also part of the decor. Therefore, before choosing handles for interior doors, find out what they are like.

Types of handles for interior doors

  • Stationary.
  • Latch handles.
  • With latch and lock.
  • With latch and lock.

Division according to this principle allows you to select the necessary functionality. We'll talk about each type in more detail below. What you need to figure out right away is the type of fastening. Handles for interior doors can have two types of lining: rosette and plate. The escutcheon is the base with which the handle is fixed to the door leaf. They differ in size and shape.

Fixed and latch are the two main types of handles for interior doors. And models with latches can additionally be equipped with a lock or key

The plate is always elongated, at least 10 cm long. Most often it looks like a rectangle, often with rounded corners, but there are models with straight ones. Ovals are rare, but they are also elongated. The handle is usually located in the upper third of such an overlay. The remaining area is either free, or a lock or lock cylinder is installed.

The rosette is a circle or square with a handle in the center. There may be more original forms, but they are usually compact and regular in shape. Stationary handles for interior doors are usually made on rosettes. They are the majority. Although you can find them with latches and even locks. But the handle on a socket with a latch and a latch/lock almost always has a round shape (nob). The thing is that the push (oblong) ones on such a small base are easy to tear off, applying only a little more force.

There is a kit for double doors - a handle with a latch and a stationary one

Plate-style door handles usually have a built-in latch and may have a latch and a key. Options with a key are similar to those installed on entrance doors. But they are thinner and not so much attention is paid to the reliability of the crossbar. They are still intended for indoor installation and serve only to protect privacy, and do not serve as protection against hacking.


Stationary door handles are easy to install and have a low price. Low price - this is when compared with similar ones of the same material and the same manufacturer. After all, there are also expensive copies. They are simply “designer” or “author’s”.

In any case, these are just pens without additional functions. In order for the door leaf to be fixed, the installation of additional fittings is required. This is usually a roller or magnetic clasp. But the pair - latch + handles - is already comparable in price to other options.

Several models of stationary handles

If we talk about the form, stationary door handles can be:

  • Round (spherical).
  • In the form of a bracket.
  • Pressing.

There are two installation methods. The first is that each handle is attached to the door leaf separately. In the picture above these are staples. Installation of the second type requires a through hole, since the two handles are connected by a common rod. In the photo, round ones are attached this way, although this is not at all the rule. There are options for brackets with through fastening and round options with individual fastening.

It is clear that models with through mounting are usually more expensive. But they are also more reliable in operation: they cannot be pulled out, since the exact same fragment rests against the door leaf on the opposite side. On cheap doors made of MDF, this can be important, since the handle with individual fixation is very easy to tear out of the fiberboard. Not on purpose. Accidentally.

Latch handles

Handles for interior doors with a latch are convenient. One type of hardware combines two devices: a handle and a latch. The handle can be round (also called a knob or knob) or push-type (regular oblong). The locking element is most often a bolt (in simple words, a tongue).

Latch handle


Depending on the method of action, bolts can be spring or magnetic. In spring models, the bolt protrudes from the door leaf all the time - it is pushed out by the spring. When you close the doors, thanks to its special shape (beveled edge), the bolt presses the spring, and once it is completely in the hole of the counter plate, it returns to its original position - the spring pushes it out again. It is the presence of a spring and the sounds that accompany the work that are the disadvantage.

To remove some of the objections, some manufacturers make the deadbolt from durable plastic. The sound when closing using such a latch is much quieter. In principle, they can be called almost silent, but what scares us away is the price. It is higher than for products with a metal tongue.


There is a second option for quiet latches - . In this case, a magnet is installed in the jamb, the bolt is made of a magnetizable material (can be plastic, by the way) and secured in the part that is attached to the door.

Please note that the bolt can simply move freely. When we close the doors, the bolt enters the zone of action of the magnetic field, jumps out and is fixed in this position. It turns out that the doors are closed with a latch held in place by a magnet. When you need to open the door, press the handle, which is connected to the bolt. It comes out of the groove, you open the doors. Since the magnet is far away, the bolt remains in the door leaf. The advantage of magnetic latches is a quieter opening (but far from silent, as they say in advertising), and the absence of wearing parts.

With latch and lock

If you need to choose handles with the ability to lock the doors when closed from the inside, you need models with a lock. They differ from those described above only in that they have an additional locking mechanism. It looks like a small rotary lever. It can be located either on the handle or on the escutcheon - depending on the model. And the handles can be either round or push-pull. And the mechanism is both spring and magnetic. In general, the types of handles are the same, but with the additional possibility of locking.

With a locking bolt

How does the blocker work? When you turn the lever, the mechanism locks the latch. In this position, it is impossible to open the door from the outside. The latch will open after the locking lever returns to its original position.

In general, a convenient thing, but not for families with children. Out of curiosity, they may close it, but they won’t be able to open it or they’ll forget how. However, for such cases there are options with the ability to unlock from the outside. A small hole is made in the outer lining. If necessary, a special key (a long thin wire) is inserted into this hole, with which the blocker is forced to move. That's all well and good, but you can't be sure that someone else won't unlock the doors you've closed at the wrong time.

With latch and keys

Don’t know how to choose handles for interior doors if you need to periodically restrict access to the room? A model with a latch and keys may be suitable. This is essentially the same mortise lock with a handle, but designed for installation in lighter doors. Therefore, the bolts are not so powerful and can be distinguished by price - they are much cheaper, and the thickness of the inserts and the “seriousness” of the larvae are much lower.

By the way, there are compact models with spherical handles. Those same nobs (or knobs). The keyhole is located in the center of the handle on each side. If there are other doors leading into the same corridor that have handles with latches, you don’t want to draw attention to the locked door, this is a good solution. You just need to choose a reliable manufacturer.

Materials and design

We should also talk about what materials door handles are made from. They can be wooden, plastic, metal. Combinations of metal and plastic are also popular. Forged handles should be highlighted as a separate group. Not all of them are suitable for interior doors, as this is delicate work that requires skill. Therefore, forged handles for interior doors are more of a premium segment.

Deciding on the material

By the way, a plastic door handle does not mean bad. Modern plastics are not inferior in strength to some metals and alloys. And if you take into account that they are much more flexible, tinted better, they can be transparent, colored in the paste, with sparkles, etc. In general, if you need not too expensive and practical handles for interior doors, look at plastic ones. There are a couple of options above - in combination with metals and a few more ideas below.

Plastic is a practical and inexpensive material

Metal handles are good for everyone, except that they are cold to the touch and nothing can be done about it. But with plastic overlays they become more tactilely pleasant, and they can have very different appearances. From elaborate ones, which can fit into a “palace” interior, to ultra-modern ones, in tune with high-tech and minimalism styles.

Handles for interior doors made of metal are the most diverse. And this is only mass production, middle price segment

Please note that in addition to color and shade, the surface of the handles can be polished (shiny) or matte. Moreover, the “dullness” can also be different. Only this already changes the perception. Engraving, paint, tint varnish, etc. can also be applied. There really are a lot of options.

Solid wood handles

How to choose solid wood handles? It can also be made of wood. Traditional material can have a completely unconventional look. It’s just a pity that the most interesting models are imported, and they cost accordingly. And our craftsmen offer very simple and often not very well processed options.

The best manufacturers

If you are choosing door handles for your dacha, there is no point in buying super expensive ones. Then you can search the market from the “good China” category. When purchasing, pay attention to the weight. Silumin ones crumble after just a few months, but they can be calculated by weight - they are light. All other alloys are quite heavy. If ease of care is important to you, consider plastic ones. They are not inferior in strength, however, we have a problem with the assortment.

If you don’t know how to choose handles for a well-renovated house or apartment, you’ll have to choose from a more expensive segment. The Italians produce very good door fittings. There is a premium class, but there is also a quite reasonable price. There are also worthy manufacturers from other countries.

  • Colombo
  • Anselmi (Italy)
  • Palladium
  • Apecs

These are the color options for metal door handles from Colombo.

Of the entire list, the cheapest are Apecs, but they have the largest backlash. Although it has been in use for years. All others are approximately at the same level in terms of quality, although prices for similar models may differ. But it's a matter of special technologies. Usually they relate to sputtering - new technologies are being developed for applying various types of metals so that the coating does not “slip” during operation. The Italian company Colombo has achieved great success in this. Years later, the appearance of the handles remains “like new.”

Photos of interesting models

Before choosing handles for interior doors, you need to know what the room will look like. The design style must match, and the shades must be in harmony. Ideally, door fittings and hinges should also be the same color. If some discrepancy between shades can still be ignored, then an obvious discrepancy in colors will be striking.

The problem with our markets and stores is the similar assortment. Finding something truly interesting is very difficult. Some work on order with large companies. It’s not very convenient in the sense that you have to wait for it to be delivered, but at least somehow you can solve the problem if what you all have is not pleasing to you. In general, several interesting models are presented in this section.

Stones and rhinestones can be inlaid into the metal, and engraving can be applied. More modestly priced ones have plastic linings

Long handle for a permanently mounted door: one of the options. These are also called “staples”

These are suitable for a girl's room

Variations on a theme...

A door handle is an indispensable accessory, the purpose of which is not only to help open and close the door, but also to complement the interior design, bringing fresh notes to it.

The modern door hardware market is filled with a variety of products produced by various manufacturers. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the consumer to determine which door handles are better. If we only touch on the appearance, then when choosing, you should be guided by your own preferences, as well as the style in which the room is decorated. But it’s not always easy to navigate the functionality and reliability of door handles.

In this article we will talk about what kind of door handles better in terms of quality and durability. Especially considering the constant, daily load that falls on them. When choosing handles, it is important to pay attention to the material from which they are made and the reliability of the internal locking mechanism. But first things first.

Stylish, beautiful and unusual - these are the door handles

Door handles are made from a variety of materials, among which the most relevant are:

  • alloys of aluminum, copper and zinc;
  • brass;
  • steel and stainless steel;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • nylon;
  • bronze;
  • silumin.

Among the above-mentioned materials, brass is considered ideal because it is quite durable, not cold and has a certain softness. Brass products reliably resist corrosion. In addition, if the product is properly processed, the brass handles become like gold. But polished handles lose some of their practicality and become more susceptible to corrosion.

If we talk directly about durability, then stainless steel products will be the undoubted leader. This material can retain the pristine beauty of the handle for centuries, regardless of the conditions in which it is used and the load it has to withstand. The only, but very significant, drawback is that such accessories have a considerable price. In this case, you can reassure yourself that buying low-quality pens can lead to constant replacement of them, and this, as can be easily predicted, will bring much greater expenses.

If you want to understand which door handles are better, pay attention, at least for the sake of comparison, to handles made of nylon and aluminum, which belong to the “golden mean”, both in quality and in price.

To give the handles a certain shine and a pleasant appearance, it is customary to use special coatings that significantly increase aesthetics. So, if a product is coated with a thin layer of titanium and zirconium, it acquires an excellent appearance, and its service life increases several times.

Variety of door handle types. Which ones are better?

There are a large number of different types of door handles. Some of the most popular are stationary or so-called “taffy”, shaped like simple balls or reminiscent of staples. They are not equipped with or associated with a locking mechanism. This type of handles is recommended for installation on massive doors. Their purpose is to pull or push the door, depending on which way you are going. The undeniable advantage of stationary handles is that they are independent of the lock. Also, do not forget about the ease of installation - it is easily screwed to the door leaf with two screws. The disadvantage is that you must choose the right latch or lock for this type of fitting, since it makes no sense to install a separate rotary handle. Therefore, for “toffees”, a roller lock is best suited.

What kind of door handles It’s impossible to say for sure whether stationary or push-type are better. It all depends on the purpose for which they are installed. The principle of operation of the second type is to move the latch tongue, which locks the door in the closed position. Typically, handles of this type are sold complete with a halyard mechanism, but this does not mean that they cannot be installed separately from each other or changed if one or another part of the device breaks down. In turn, handles with a latch (push) can also be equipped with a locking mechanism that allows you to close the door with a key. Some configurations require the key to be used on both sides of the door, while others only require the key to be used on one side because they have a turning handle on the other.

Knobs made in the shape of a cylinder or ball deserve special mention. They can be considered a certain modification of pressure devices, since they are similar in operating principle. To open the door you just need to turn the handle. The peculiarity of this type of door handles is that to close them, you must press or slightly turn the button in the center of the handle, which will lock the latch. To open the device from the other side, you must use a key. For safety, a small metal plate is supplied with the handle, which is used if the keys are lost. Because of their peculiarity, knobs have become indispensable when arranging a door to a bathroom or between rooms.

A variety of manufacturers - each has its own traditions and characteristics

On the domestic market of door handles, many foreign companies represent their products, among which the Finnish manufacturer ABLOY stands out, which has long established itself as one of the best in the world.

It is necessary to mention Italian companies, whose door handles stand out for their unsurpassed design, and therefore remain the most fashionable and stylish from year to year. At the same time, just a few years ago, the Italians began to actively introduce innovative technologies and the latest developments, which allowed them to significantly improve the quality of their products. So, we constantly hear pens from the following companies:

  • Mottura;
  • Domino;
  • Mortinelli;
  • Mandelli & C spa.;
  • Valli&Valli s.p.a.;
  • Colombo.

German manufacturers have always pleased consumers with excellent quality products, but in terms of design they did not strive to stand out, producing strict and calm products that appeal to conservative consumers. Among German factories, companies such as

  • HP plus;
  • Wilka;
  • Hewi;
  • Dorma;
  • Jado et al.

Hard to tell, which door handles are better- Italian, German or Finnish. Before making your final choice, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the products of other factories, which are no less famous not only in Europe, but also in our country. These are companies like

  • Nemef (Netherlands);
  • Modima and Daganlar (Türkiye);
  • Metalplast LOB S.A (Poland);
  • Kurzemes Atslega (Latvia);
  • Tesa and Bronces Coba (Spain);
  • products from South Korean, Chinese, Belarusian, Czech factories.

In recent years, Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers have begun to produce quite good pens, however, it is not so easy to establish truly high-quality production.

Each manufacturer is concerned that its pens take first place in appearance, and therefore pay great attention to the ergonomics of their products, that is, how comfortably the pen fits in the palm. Of course, this is also done because consumers put aesthetic properties first, and only then evaluate quality and durability. As a result of this, determining which door handles are better is sometimes quite difficult and you should study in detail the specific model you like and compare it with competitive samples.

Factories in a particular country are focused on a specific material. Thus, German companies prefer to work with aluminum, steel or brass, but Italians, in addition to brass, choose stainless steel.

How much it costs? Price is one of the main criteria

All factories producing door handles distinguish three main price categories for their products:

  • low;
  • average;
  • high.

However, there is no clear gradation here and determining the price category is not so easy. It all depends on the specific manufacturer. Thus, Chinese, Polish, Turkish, as well as domestic manufacturers classify goods that cost from 15 to 120 rubles in the low price category, in the medium price category - from 120 to 250 rubles, and in the high price category - over 250 rubles.

But companies that offer consumers more expensive door handles have their own gradation and include handles costing from 200 to 500 rubles as cheap, handles costing from 500 to 2000 rubles in the middle category, and more than 2000 rubles in the high category. Naturally, the price range by category is somewhat arbitrary, since the price depends on many factors and can change, if not every month, then every year. Therefore, just by price you can determine which door handles are better not so simple, and not entirely correct.

The main criteria affecting the cost of pens are the following (presented in descending order of importance):

  • the material from which they are made;
  • type and method of coating treatment;
  • structure and type of construction;
  • the company involved in the production and its location;
  • the name of the designer who worked on the development of a specific model.

Models made of wood or plastic are rightfully recognized as the cheapest. Relatively inexpensive aluminum and nylon products. The most expensive will be handles made of stainless steel.

So, a set of handles made of aluminum or brass will cost 400-500 rubles, and for exactly the same set made of stainless steel you will have to pay from 4,000 to 6,000 thousand. But you can find it much cheaper - it all depends on specific factors, the list of which is indicated above.

It is also worth remembering the type of surface treatment. Thus, regular polished brass handles are the cheapest. A brass handle model finished in brushed nickel will be much more expensive. If the finishing involves a combination of coatings, then its cost will be even higher.

What to look for when choosing? Some practical recommendations

To understand which door handles are best, be sure to compare several models in your chosen price range when purchasing. When comparing, you should pay attention to the durability of the model, as well as the strength of the coating and design features.

The second factor that should be given due attention is the appearance of the product and how harmoniously it will fit into the interior design. The basic rule in this case, helping to understand which door handles are better, states that the type of fittings should not be too bulky (that is, stand out on the door leaf) or too inconspicuous.

Also consider the purpose of the pen and the tasks it will have to solve. This applies in particular to whether a locking mechanism or a latch is required. The configuration of each specific model depends on its main purpose.

It is also important to understand what kind of door handles It is better depending on the general shape - on a bar or rosette. The former use long screws as fastenings, screwed very deeply into the door leaf. They screw the device, usually at four points - below and above the handle. This ensures that the handle will not become loose during use. However, such door devices can sometimes be extremely difficult to choose - this is due to the fact that the color of the strip does not always match the color of the door or the tone in which the room is decorated.

Today, socket mechanisms are quite popular, they are quite easy to install and quite simple to choose, regardless of the style of the room.

We hope that this material will help you understand which door handles are better and make the best choice based on what type of hardware you need.

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