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» What symbol represents the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. The structure of the hydrogen atom. Electronic structure of the hydrogen atom

What symbol represents the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. The structure of the hydrogen atom. Electronic structure of the hydrogen atom


What is culture as a value system? What is the purpose of such a broad liberal arts education, which has always been our tradition? After all, it’s no secret that our education system, despite all its flaws, is one of the best, if not the best, in the world.

I keep repeating that the phenomenon of “Russian brains” is not ethgobiological, that it also owes its existence to this broad humanitarian basis of our education, I repeat Einstein’s famous words that Dostoevsky gives him more than mathematics. Recently someone - I don’t remember who - said: if we didn’t teach literature, there would be no rockets, no Korolev, or much else.

I am convinced that Russian literature, Russian culture supported us in the war: “Wait for me” by Simonov, “In the Dugout” by Surkov, the same “Terkin”... Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony - it also helped Leningrad survive!

Russian literature is, among other things, an antidote to vulgarity and moral ugliness. We must not allow the teaching of literature to turn into “information” and for “Eugene Onegin” to be viewed only as an “encyclopedia of Russian life.” After all, the point of teaching is not to learn to write as brilliantly as Pushkin, or to “enjoy stylistic beauties” in your free time from serious matters. Literature lessons should first of all introduce high culture, a system of moral values.

A full life of Russian classics in school is a condition for the existence of our people, our state; this, as they say now, is a matter of national security. Without reading “Onegin”, without knowing “Crime and Punishment”, “Oblomov”, “Quiet Don”, we turn into some other people. What about “people”! We are no longer called anything other than “the population.” So we must somehow defend ourselves...

What is culture, why is it needed? What is the goal of that humanitarian education that has always been a tradition in Russia? V. Nepomnyashchy discusses culture as a system of values ​​in this text.

and Russian culture supported us during the war years.” I share the author's position. Yes, without Russian literature and culture there would not be much of what our country is proud of.

Do people need culture? I repeat after the author of the article: yes, it is necessary.

And I want to argue with the hero of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” who argued that “Raphael is not worth a penny,” that all art “is the art of making money.” Time showed that Bazarov was wrong. Almost a hundred years later I.V. Stalin will say about Bulgakov’s novel “ White Guard": " "Days of the Turbins" do more good than harm. If people like the Turbins are forced to lay down their arms... it means the Bolsheviks are invincible.”

I agree with the opinion that Russian literature and art helped to survive during the war. With what impatience the Soviet soldiers awaited the appearance of the next chapter about Vasily Terkin. The image of a hard-working soldier, a defender of his land, raised the exhausted soldiers to battle “not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth.”

What about the war song? Wasn't she needed at the front? Let us remember the words of the famous song: “Scribble, machine gunner, for the blue handkerchief that was on the shoulders of the dear ones.” And the soldier went on the attack to bring victory closer. Victory is home, meeting with loved ones and dear people.

Nowadays, the topic of culture as a value system, raised by the author V. Nepomniachtchi, is especially relevant. How painful it is to see disappointed people around us who have lost faith in beauty. And only culture, in my opinion, can strengthen goodness and beauty.

What is culture as a value system? What is the purpose of such a broad liberal arts education, which has always been our tradition? After all, it’s no secret that our education system, despite all its flaws, is one of the best, if not the best, in the world.

I keep repeating that the phenomenon of “Russian brains” is not ethgobiological, that it also owes its existence to this broad humanitarian basis of our education, I repeat Einstein’s famous words that Dostoevsky gives him more than mathematics. Recently someone - I don’t remember who - said: if we didn’t teach literature, there would be no rockets, no Korolev, or much else.

I am convinced that Russian literature, Russian culture supported us in the war: “Wait for me” by Simonov, “In the Dugout” by Surkov, the same “Terkin”... Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony - it also helped Leningrad survive!

Russian literature is, among other things, an antidote to vulgarity and moral ugliness. We must not allow the teaching of literature to turn into “information” and for “Eugene Onegin” to be viewed only as an “encyclopedia of Russian life.” After all, the point of teaching is not to learn to write as brilliantly as Pushkin, or to “enjoy stylistic beauties” in your free time from serious matters. Literature lessons should first of all introduce high culture, a system of moral values.

A full life of Russian classics in school is a condition for the existence of our people, our state; this, as they say now, is a matter of national security. Without reading “Onegin”, without knowing “Crime and Punishment”, “Oblomov”, “Quiet Don”, we turn into some other people. What about “people”! We are no longer called anything other than “the population.” So we must somehow defend ourselves...

What is culture, why is it needed? What is the goal of that humanitarian education that has always been a tradition in Russia? V. Nepomnyashchy discusses culture as a system of values ​​in this text.

and Russian culture supported us during the war years.” I share the author's position. Yes, without Russian literature and culture there would not be much of what our country is proud of.

Do people need culture? I repeat after the author of the article: yes, it is necessary.

And I want to argue with the hero of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” who argued that “Raphael is not worth a penny,” that all art “is the art of making money.” Time showed that Bazarov was wrong. Almost a hundred years later I.V. Stalin will say about Bulgakov’s novel The White Guard: “The Days of the Turbins do more good than harm. If people like the Turbins are forced to lay down their arms... it means the Bolsheviks are invincible.”

I agree with the opinion that Russian literature and art helped to survive during the war. With what impatience the Soviet soldiers awaited the appearance of the next chapter about Vasily Terkin. The image of a hard-working soldier, a defender of his land, raised the exhausted soldiers to battle “not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth.”

What about the war song? Wasn't she needed at the front? Let us remember the words of the famous song: “Scribble, machine gunner, for the blue handkerchief that was on the shoulders of the dear ones.” And the soldier went on the attack to bring victory closer. Victory is home, meeting with loved ones and dear people.

Nowadays, the theme of culture as a value system, p

    The legacy left to us by antiquity in the field of art is enormous. Antique architecture, sculpture, literature and theater were the subject of study and imitation in all subsequent centuries. When, for example, during the Renaissance the first literary works began to be created...

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    The word "culture" comes from the Latin word colere, which means to cultivate, or to cultivate the soil. In the Middle Ages, this word began to denote a progressive method of cultivating grain, thus the term agriculture or the art of farming arose....

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    IN Ancient Greece There were two types of dramatic poetry: tragedy and comedy. Since the time of Shakespeare, a third type of dramatic poetry has appeared, intermediate between tragedy and comedy - drama in the strict sense of the word. So currently...

  3. From the 10th century almost half of the European part of Russia became part of the feudal Old Russian state, where a distinctive artistic culture has developed with a number of local schools (southwestern, western, Novgorod-Pskov, Vladimir-Suzdal), which has accumulated...

Each representative of society in his family receives certain knowledge. Also, “by default” some rules are established that a person cannot always explain to himself. He just knows that this is how it should be, that’s all. But it’s worth thinking about some of these concepts, finding a definition for them, and justifying their significance for yourself. One of these concepts is culture. Let's figure out together what culture is for.

Culture is considered to be the sphere in which a person defines his characteristics for himself and those around him, also shows his talents and life positions, ideals. In order for the influence of culture to be obvious, you need to accept and understand the meaning of this concept. Only when fully understood does culture develop and have a visible effect on society as a whole.

Why is culture needed?

Everyone can answer this question differently. Moreover, this concept has many branches and directions. For example, if we consider culture from the point of view of creativity, then it is impossible to deny its necessity. After all, not a single member of society can imagine their country without poets and writers, architects and scientists. If these now famous people had not answered the question of what culture is in their time, the people would have been deprived of many of their values. The cultural heritage of a country is its heart, without which its further spiritual development impossible.

Legal culture

One of the manifestations of culture is legal culture. Law, with the help of certain norms, rules and laws, regulates various social relations. Every representative of society should understand what legal culture is and why it is needed. This is necessary for the proper development of a person. Knowledge of one's rights and the ability to apply them if necessary is one of the main characteristics of a person living in a civilized state governed by the rule of law. The concept that a person has rights gives him freedom, but also indicates that there are responsibilities. Legal culture defines responsibilities not only in relation to the state, but also in relation to other representatives of society. Legal culture forms a full-fledged personality that can exist in society without violating the rights of other people.

Physical Culture

Is culture needed in such a manifestation as Physical Culture? Of course yes! In order to discipline not only your body, but also your mind, physical education is simply necessary. If exercise brings the body into shape, then, most likely, it restores morale. This is why physical education is needed:

  • to maintain health, immunity and good physical shape;
  • for a healthy and strong psyche;
  • for work capacity and endurance;
  • for good health and mood.

For these reasons, the answer to the question of whether physical education is needed can only be answered positively. It is not for nothing that they say that a healthy spirit can only live in a healthy body.

Why is speech culture needed?

Speech culture is one of the main criteria by which one can distinguish an educated person from an illiterate one. Why is speech culture needed, why is it important?

  • A person with a culture of speech can always avoid conflict situations.
  • An educated person who knows the culture of speech simply finds interlocutors. Such a person is never alone.
  • The ability to hear a person is one of the main advantages of a person with a culture of communication.
  • Speech culture directly affects a person’s standard of living. A cultured and educated member of society can always find a good job.

Thus, culture greatly influences the worldview and lifestyle of a person existing in modern society. As you can see, the concept of culture is very broad, and we have looked a little at only some of its facets. Every educated person should know modern culture and follow it. Be cultured!