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» What city never sleeps? The city that never sleeps. Spider-Man: The City Never Sleeps DLC Pre-Orders

What city never sleeps? The city that never sleeps. Spider-Man: The City Never Sleeps DLC Pre-Orders

New York is often called the capital of the world - fashionable, cultural, financial. Trends in all areas of life are determined here. People call the city "Big Apple", the center of the universe, Gotham. More than 50 million people visit it every year, and the city itself is home to over 8.5 million people who speak 800 languages! The New York City subway has 26 lines and 468 stations. Over 5,500 skyscrapers have been built there, 50 of which are more than 200 meters high. Meet the city where almost everything is the highest.

Times Square

Times Square is small area, a square that is located at the intersection of two of New York's most famous streets - Broadway and Seventh Avenue. For a city, this is a place like St. Peter's Square in Rome or Trafalgar Square in London. Times Square is a place that never sleeps: it is full of colorful neon signs, many of which cost tens of millions of dollars. New York starts here!

Central Park

Central Park is the lungs of New York. It covers an area of ​​341 hectares (larger than the Principality of Monaco) and is located in the heart of Manhattan. The decision to use such​​ a larger area for the city park was adopted in 1853, and after 15 years of work by gardeners and architects it wascompleted Created in english style, the park consists of extensive meadows, hills, walking paths, large lakes and almost 26 thousand trees. The park is well landscaped: here you can play, do various types sports, relax, there are many attractions for children, you can meet a number of animals. 20 million people visit Central Park in New York every year.

Manhattan - a place at the crossroads of cultures

Manhattan is an island and at the same time the central district of New York, with a length of 21.6 km and a width of 3.7 km. Its area is about 58.8 square meters. km (of which 3.5 thousand sq. km is Central Park). This piece of land is home to approximately 1.6 million people. This is the most expensive area of ​​​​New York, where wealthy businessmen, bankers, stockbrokers and a significant part of New York's bohemians have homes. Manhattan is home to the famous Wall Street, Broadway, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Central Park, several museums... the list goes on and on. Manhattan consists of a number of ethnic, economic and cultural districts, the most famous of which are Harlem (where the black population lives), Chinatown​​ (with Chinese residents) and El Barrio (people from Latin American countries live).

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is the most popular skyscraper in New York, which has 102 floors and a height of 381 meters. From its construction until 1973, the Empire State Building was the most tall building in NYC. He lost that position to the World Trade Center towers. With the destruction of the World Trade Center as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the skyscraper once again dominated the Big Apple. However, this year it again fell to second place, losing the palm to Ground Zero, the new World shopping center, which has 3 more floors and a height of 417 meters without a spire.

The skyscraper is open daily from 8.00 to 2.00. For tourists there are terraces on the 86th and 102nd floors, which offer panoramic views of the city. There is a super-fast elevator to the top, going up to the lower level costs $27 (children $21), to the higher level $44 (children $38).

St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral is the largest neo-Gothic church in the United States. Located on Fifth Avenue, directly across from Rockefeller Center, it is sandwiched between the skyscrapers of Manhattan. The fact is that the decision to build it was made back in 1858, when there were no new projects high-rise buildings, But Civil War delayed construction, and it was eventually completed only 20 years later. In 1976, the temple was included in the list of the most important monuments of the city. These days, St. Patrick's Cathedral is open to visitors daily from 6:30-20:45.

Soho area

Soho is one of the most attractive and expensive areas in Manhattan, home to New York's wealthiest residents. However, this was not always the case; at the end of the nineteenth century it was an ordinary industrial area. In the 60s of the twentieth century, avant-garde artists began to settle in run-down factory buildings, using them as their workshops and galleries. Then, in the 70s, popular jazz musicians and other bohemians migrated here. Over time, Soho became an exclusive destination for the rich and one of the most popular areas among tourists.

In the central, historical part of the district you can see the facades of buildings finished in cast iron. In the nineteenth century, cast iron products were produced here, and it was cheaper and faster to build houses from the same material than from stone. To this day, about 250 cast-iron buildings remain in Manhattan, most of which are located in the SoHo district.

Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Broadway

There is a reason why New York is known as the world's global entertainment hub. There is something for everyone here. Concerts of all types of music, sports competitions, theater and opera are just the most popular part among the sea of ​​possibilities. The most famous places that are associated with a wide range of entertainment are the Madison Square Garden arena (NBA and NFL competitions, concerts, boxing are held here), the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway (a dream for theater and opera lovers).

New York - the city of museums

New York is also a city of museums. There are a lot of them, so everyone will find something for themselves. The entrance to most museums is purely symbolic, for example, one dollar, or the “pay what you want” principle is generally used. True, if you are not ready to stand in lines, you will still have to pay for the visit (usually a ticket costs 20-25 dollars and is sold online). Places that are definitely worth visiting:

· Metropolitan Museum of Art

· American Museum of Natural History

· Modern Art Museum

· Guggenheim Museum

· Brooklyn Museum

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the free world, New York and the United States of America as a whole. This neoclassical monument, a gift from the French government to commemorate the centenary of the American Declaration of Independence, is located on Liberty Island in New Jersey. It represents the figure of a woman holding a torch in right hand, and on the left is a sign on which the date of US independence is located. The statue, which together with its base is 93 meters high, was built in the nineteenth century on the site of Fort Wood.

The statue was closed to visitors after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, on May 23, 2009, one of the greatest symbols of the United States was once again “opened” to tourists. By pre-registering for a tour, you can visit the Statue of Liberty or take a ferry ride past, making a trip to Alice Island.

The Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world. Its length is 1834 m, width - 26 m, and height - 84 m, the main span over the water is 486 m long. The bridge over the East River connects the New York boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan. It was built in the neo-Gothic style with characteristic high arches.

After two years of teasers and trailers, Spider-Man is now available for purchase on PS4. In 2004, the game became even more web-tastic than the iconic PS2 title, and the sales back it up; the game topped the UK charts within the day of release.

If you're yet to experience the wonders of Spider-Man on PS4, you can pick up the game from the PlayStation Store for £54.99, or head over to Amazon and pick it up for slightly less at £49.

This is not the end; Although the game has only recently been released, the first piece of DLC has already been detailed. Here's what you need to know about Spider-Man: The City Never Sleeps DLC.

Spider-Man: The City Never Sleeps DLC Release Date

Days before Spider-Man was released on PS4, Insomniac Games revealed the first details about City Never Sleeps, including a release schedule for the episodic DLC.

The DLC is divided into three episodes, all ready for release before the end of 2018. The good news is that you don't have to wait long to play first as it's due to take place next month.

The first episode, titled The Heist, will be released on October 23, 2018, followed by Turf Wars November 2018 and the silver lining in December 2018.

Once Insomniac reveals specific release dates for episodes two and three, we'll be sure to update this section.

Spider-Man: The City Never Sleeps DLC Pre-Orders

You can pre-order the City Never Sleeps DLC now, ahead of its October release. You can pre-order the entire three-part City Never Sleeps DLC for £15.99/$24.99 from GAME in the UK or on the PlayStation Store, but that's not all.

Brown-green waves foamed over the side of the ferry, and the outlines of huge skyscrapers were slowly emerging from the coastal fog. She still had about seven minutes left.

Felicity shivered and closed her eyes again. This would be her last trip on the ferry: she had finally rented a small room in the City, and now she could sleep an extra three hours before studying. The treasured three hours of sleep. She dreamed about them for a whole year! Every time I could hardly keep my eyes open at four in the morning.

Felicity quietly turned the key in the lock and opened the door. She shouldn't have been so careful. It looked like Lily had already woken up, as the fragrant smell of coffee was coming from the kitchen. Walking into the corridor, Fel was relieved to throw the heavy travel bag and sniffed.

Lily, I'll have coffee too! – the girl shouted and marched straight to the kitchen.

Without slowing down, she suddenly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees and came back.

Alex! – she shouted loudly again, putting her hands on her hips and looking at the door frames with feigned interest.

Please put on your pants. We are not on a nudist beach after all!

Fel! Hello! Would you like some coffee?

A completely naked guy with a Turk in his hands appeared in the corridor. He seemed not at all embarrassed by his own nakedness. Knowing this, Fel was in no hurry to turn to face him.

Well, why are you bursting out so early? – a sleepy Lily crawled out of the bedroom. It's good that she was wearing a T-shirt.

It's time for you to get up anyway. And I can't get into my room until Alex puts his pants on.

Lily smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around the guy's neck.

His name is Asgisl Lindblom. It's time to remember. These Scandinavian names are so sexy!

Felicity heard the unambiguous sounds of kisses behind her, and then the hiss of running coffee.

No. Still, you will have to look for a separate apartment.

The day somehow didn’t go well from the very beginning. Firstly, she forgot the keys to the house, and now she had to drag herself to Lily’s work. Secondly, two pairs in a row with Professor Blackley is quite stressful. Finally, she and one unsuccessful student from a parallel group were caught by Dr. Spencer just before lunch and forced to print out a report on statistics for the joint lecture.

They worked until the library closed and still didn’t have time to finish. All that remained was to arrange this entire pile of paper into thirty-four copies and pin up the title pages. I had to take work home. Felicity only hoped that Alex had not drunk all the coffee - he had such a sin.

The girl walked through the night City, clutching a heavy folder to her chest, which flatly refused to fit into her bag, and tried to slip out of her hands, and worriedly counted in her mind:

Four hundred and twenty-eight sheets by thirty-four... it turns out... twelve and five hundred and eighty-eight with a tail. Why not exactly twelve?!

Fel sighed sadly. She will be completely ... oops if she got something wrong.

This city that never sleeps... Fel loved it, despite everything. I loved its gloomy, overhanging skyscrapers, last floors which were buried in the morning fog, and the bright night lights, alluring, exciting, promising so much to the naive man in the street. Icy wind in winter and unbearable heat in summer. The noise of cars, the hubbub of ports, a multilingual crowd always rushing somewhere, shops, cafes, eateries... Fel felt at home in this huge anthill.

The Webster nightclub, where Lily worked part-time, was a fairly prestigious hangout for young offspring of wealthy parents, and was located almost in the very center of the City.

Felicity sat down in the archway at the service entrance, slightly away from the crowd of people wanting to get into the club. A bright neon sign illuminated the faces of those gathered with an unreal phosphorescent light. Never sleeping at night, the “golden youth” craved entertainment. Fel had difficulty understanding them, because now she could only think about how to get home, get rid of the report and finally fall into bed.

Well, where is she? - Felicity straightened the beret on her head, which kept sliding down into her eyes. Here, under the arch, the wind whistled with redoubled force, accelerating as if in a chimney and bursting out into the expanses of Harris Plaza.

The girl took out her phone and looked at the time.
“If she doesn’t show up in a minute...” Fel began, but suddenly the door swung open with a bang, hitting her painfully on the shoulder, and several young men and girls ran out headlong. Laughing and talking excitedly, they rushed past her and disappeared behind the arch.

Felicity barely had time to think that she had miraculously avoided a collision when she again received a powerful push in the back. The phone and folder slipped out of her hands, and the wet, sparkling asphalt, at the speed of thought, began to approach the girl’s face. She closed her eyes in despair.

Someone grabbed her close to the ground, scooping her up into an armful. Felicity found herself squeezed as if in a vice.

Oh, sorry, miss! I almost dropped you...

The guy himself could hardly stand on his feet. Having his head buried in her ear, he was breathing heavily and seemed to be laughing.

Felicity felt persistent odor alcohol, but her thoughts at that moment were occupied with something else: she watched in horror as sheets of paper, caught by the wind, merrily scattered throughout Harris Plaza, clinging to the wet asphalt and puddles.

"Phone. Seven hours of work. Two new cartridges, dry lunch... Phone!!" - Felicity sadly calculated the losses in her mind. But tomorrow at nine in the morning, bloody nose, this folder should be on Dr. Spencer’s desk!

Four hundred and twenty-eight,” Felicity muttered, still in shock.

What? – the guy turned her around to face him and lifted his beret, which immediately slid down onto her nose again.

Four hundred twenty-eight sheets! You keep me up all night! – Felicity was ready to burst into tears.

Because of me? – his smile spread even wider. - Crap! For some reason this makes me happy!

Fel was speechless for a moment and tears, ready to burst out, suddenly got stuck somewhere in her throat.

The young man looked at her with interest in the dim light of the lantern and swayed slightly from the drink. Felicity swayed with him for one simple reason - he was still hugging her.

And you're pretty. And you have a beautiful... eye,” the guy carefully moved the beret to the back of her head and carefully brushed back the light strands from her forehead. - Or rather, the eyes.

Felicity suddenly became confused under his gaze.
- Cretin! Let me go! – She pressed her palms against his chest. But the young man was in no hurry to fulfill her demands.

Will you think about me tonight? - he asked with a slightly slurred tongue.

Be sure! - Felicity was ready to fall through the ground from anger and embarrassment. - I’ll only think about you!

And I about you. If we think about each other at the same time, then we'll kind of spend the night together, right?

For a moment all sounds froze. You could only hear how the draft was driving the sheets of report along the alley, throwing them right under the arch and spitting them out. Something was happening at that moment. Something…

Oliver! Where are you?!

I have to go. – The guy took a short breath and finally unclasped his hands. - Be careful next time, miss. Suddenly I won't be around.

Ollie! – one of their company ran up to them. “We can’t leave you alone for a minute - you’ll immediately get caught in some skirt!”

Well, thank you, Tommy,” Oliver smiled sadly at Fel, as if apologizing.

Oh, sorry miss. Actually he good guy, that's just...

Let's go, really. Otherwise you’ll blurt out something else.

The young man grabbed his friend by the elbow and impatiently pulled him along. And he didn't even turn around.

For some reason a wave of disappointment washed over Felicity. To hide this from herself, she bent down to pick up the folder, but suddenly a bright flash slashed across her eyes. The girl jumped in surprise and covered her face with her palms, again losing the ability to see.

Are you Mr. Queen's new flame? What does Laurel Lance think about this? May I know your name, miss? Where are you from? What do you do? This will be very interesting for my readers!..

Flash after flash practically blinded Fel. She backed into the darkness until she hit the wall, and then turned away, pressing her forehead to the icy bricks. And the flow of questions, asked quickly, did not stop. Felicity panicked.

Oh, you bastard! – a familiar voice was heard nearby. There was a scuffle and the sound of a fight. Something crashed. Felicity pressed herself against the wall in fear, flinching every second from the dull sounds of blows.

You will pay for this! – the photographer shouted in a nasty voice. - I will sue you!


Felicity took her time turning around, even when there was silence.

Hey! Are you okay? - the guy lightly touched her shoulder. The girl nodded.

Here, take it. My friends collected what they found. Maybe some part can be saved?

Fel turned around. A plump stack of crumpled, stained sheets of paper fell into her hands.

Sorry. It seems I've ruined your life a little.

Nothing. It’s nothing,” Felicity smiled. She was no longer angry. After all, he has returned.

I have to go. Again.

But... we agreed, right?

I'll time it. Exactly at twelve at night.

And until five in the morning. Then I'll sleep. I hope.

The door pushed against her shoulder again.

Sorry. I was delayed. I tried to call, but for some reason your phone... God, what happened here?!

Felicity pulled another sheet of report out of the puddle and shook it off with concentration.

Do we have coffee at home? Otherwise I have a date with the printer until the morning. And with someone else.

Everything shines and sparkles with lights. “Jingle Bells” sounds from shops, restaurants and cafes. And in many places, a bearded Santa Claus greets everyone with a gruff “Hohoho,” tickles children and reminds adults to buy gifts. Anyone who doesn't love Christmas should stay away from New York this time of year! Despite the catastrophic hurricane at the end of October that brought turmoil to New York, Manhattan is currently experiencing the same holiday bustle. At Rockefeller Center, as before, there is a 30-meter Christmas tree, illuminated by an eight-kilometer chain of lights.

Outside Macy's stores, children jump on Santa Claus' lap and whisper their wishes to him. Some ask for a live penguin or deer, others ask for poker cards or five dollars... what else do children need. Luxury department store Bloomingdale's, which is famous for its beautiful holiday display, lures onlookers to line up to see the beauty. Decorators from the cheaper Lord & Taylor department store spent several months preparing the elegant and sophisticated design of their windows, and they succeeded, but this is a matter of tradition and the main window of New York was determined many years ago.

None of this is exactly cheap. But you don't feel sorry for anything when you look at luxury stores on Madison Avenue. It's like being in a movie, like turning a corner and meeting Woody Allen or Sarah Jessica Parker. You can find outrageously cheap goods if you walk down Broadway. Cheap jeans, cheap boots, fashionable clothes. Your hands are already full of bags, but you still don’t run out of money. Great Christmas market in Bryant Park, over 100 booths set up back in October selling jewelry, purses, gloves and knitted hats, colorful socks, sundries, sundries. Even the Union Square Christmas market, open from mid-November, offers arts and crafts from Tibet to Guatemala. Christmas is all around you and inside you.

You can always find best tips for shopping at any time in Time Out magazine, a useful thing. Teenagers hang out at Abercrombie & Fitch. Someone is tired of this bustle and needs to relax in one of the countless cafes, while others would be happy to go and have a latte at the café of the charitable organization Housing Works. In the SOHO area there is Crosby Street and the Charme cafe... between books and spiral staircases, you can watch the visitors and enjoy delicious hot drinks. Be sure to try Eggnog. Egg punch...white wine, sugar, eggs and vanilla, Americans love their sweets. A Christmas mixture like this will help reduce stress in shopping labyrinths. The famous Oysterbar in Grand Central is also a good place to explore. Under the arch of the central railway station you will taste various seafood... oysters, mussels in butter, the famous "New York clam chowder", clam or tomato soup.

Weather? Yes, as always in winter in New York. In winter, it is usually a little cold here, but sunny. And sometimes the famous New York romantic blizzard, shown in many films, happens. Then a white blanket covers Central Park and the green lungs of New York look amazing. Relax, make yourself at home and look beyond the horizon... rent skates. On the skating rinks in Central Park, near Rockefeller Center and Bryant Park, you can experience the Christmas magic of New York in a special way.

Or go for a walk in new park High Line in Greenwich Village. New York City offers the best in entertainment and it's true. For example, live music in the small basement of the Smalls jazz club or in the legendary Village Vanguard club, where the famous trumpeter Miles Davis worked... delivers. Those who can't warm up to jazz can watch the most expensive musical in Broadway history, Spider-Man. Christmas in New York... you get used to it. Sometimes so much so that you want to stay here and New Year.

Anyone who thinks it's stupid to languish for hours and surrounded by a huge crowd in Times Square to see the famous ball drop and New Year's confetti and fireworks fill the air... is wrong. Although, New Year's fireworks at Brooklyn's Prospect Park are no less spectacular. And after the fireworks, you can stop by Webster Hall, which is located in the fashionable East Village. Where to relax in its five halls listening to rock, house, hip-hop, reggae or disco... until the morning and until the beginning of January) Only after all this do you begin to understand why New York is called “the city that never sleeps.”

The city of Las Vegas, located in the US state of Nevada, is called by different names. Some have given it the name "Sin City", while others consider it a city that does not know what sleep is. It was built in the very center of the hot American Mojave Desert. Today it is the center of the global entertainment industry, where restaurants, casinos, hotels, concert halls, and gaming pavilions are located. Here you can go to any establishment in the morning of one day, and you won’t notice how the day flies by at the gaming table or roulette.

In this city, from the very beginning of its existence, freedom of morals reigned, where even during Prohibition one could freely find booze. It is famous not only for its gaming and various drinking establishments, but hasty marriages are constantly taking place here; this does not require any preparations or documents - you can register your marriage not in an hour or two, but in just 5-10 minutes.

This city began to be built only in 1905, so there are no historical sights to be found here. In many films about Las Vegas, you can often see artists drinking alcoholic beverages. But tourists should be aware that if they are seen by police with a bottle of wine or whiskey within 1 thousand feet of not only a school or temple, but also a hospital, then they could well end up in jail.

Naturally, the main attractions of this city are hotels, casinos and entertainment complexes. There are many of them here, and they are mainly located along the main street. But still, next to the Las Vegas Strip, 17 kilometers away, there is a very interesting natural reserve called Red Rock Canyon. More than a million visitors come here every year.

It is also worth highlighting another attraction - Cirque du Soleil, which means “Circus of the Sun”. Probably, many people have heard about the famous Canadian circus under that name, which constantly tours all over the world. The circus performers, of whom there are 4,000, are especially impressive with their acrobatic performances. The unusual thing about this circus is that all its artists simultaneously perform in different cities, moving from place to place. And only in Las Vegas did the same group of performers from this circus settle down for the entire time, showing their performances to both city residents and tourists.

In the performances of the artists you can find everything: amazing acrobatic performances, wonderful music, dancing. During performances, everything resembles a fairy tale, and if you come to the performances several times, they will all be different from one another. This is precisely the uniqueness of this circus, which is why such entertainment has no equal and is very popular in the city.