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» What is the standard size of a football goal? Standard football goal sizes

What is the standard size of a football goal? Standard football goal sizes

Conventionally, football goals are divided into three rows of three squares, each of which is assigned a number from one to nine. The calculation of squares begins from the bottom row in such a way that the fourth square is located above the first, the seventh above the second, and so on. The names are associated with the markings on the training board, which is designed for practicing shots on goal.

The square division of football goals is solely for training purposes - field players must score goals, trying to direct the ball to a specific area (the center or corners of the goal).

In any other situations, there is no numbering of the central zones at all, and football commentators most often operate with such concepts as “punch under the crossbar” and “punch high or low in the center.” The side zones of a football goal are usually called threes, sixes, nines - in this case it is specified which side of the goal we are talking about (right or left).

Width and height

A football goal consists of two vertical posts connected by a horizontal crossbar. The crossbar must be strictly metal - using a rope instead is strictly prohibited. The goal itself is placed in the center of each football goal line, with the distance between its posts being 7.32 meters, while the distance from the bottom of the crossbar to the ground should be no more than 2.44 meters. There are two types of football goals - stationary and portable.

Crossbars and goal posts should always be painted white so that players can see where to score goals.

The cross-sectional diameter of the crossbar and racks must be completely identical and cannot exceed 12 centimeters. The width of the football goal line should be equal to the diameter of the crossbar and posts. A securely fixed net is always attached to the ground and goal behind the goalkeeper, ensuring that it does not interfere with him. The gate itself must also be securely fastened to the ground, since otherwise there is a high risk of traumatic and even fatal situations. In addition, they must be as stable as possible and weigh as little as possible - the ideal solution is portable aluminum football goals that are easy to transport, move and install. Manufacturers also coat high-quality football goals with a special anti-corrosion coating that protects them from rust.


  • What are the dimensions of a football goal?

Tip 2: Why are the top corners of a football goal called nines?

Today, football is one of the most popular and discussed games in the world, with a huge number of fans on different continents. Football has its own symbols, rules and even slang.

The main principle of the game of football is to score more goals into the opponent's goal, of which there are two on the field. They are equal in size, quite wide and tall. When practicing the accuracy of kicks in training, many team coaches assign their players a certain target to aim for. Football goals are conventionally divided into several squares. Their number is usually nine. The counting of squares starts from the bottom and ends at the top, in the corners. Each row has three squares.

Shot on the nine

Football fans and even those who are far from this sport have heard at least once in their lives the expression present at most matches: “kick to the top nine.” This means that someone from the team on the football field tried to kick into the corner of the goal. A nine is a right or left corner. It depends on which side the conditional division of the gate into squares begins.

In some cases, football goals are conventionally divided into only 5 equal squares, but the division into 9 parts remains common. It's much more convenient.

On the field this division is not so important. It plays the main role during training. Not all players can shoot accurately at the goal when the goalkeeper is standing in it, which is why you need to try to shoot into the corner. Dividing the goal into 9 squares is the most optimal for practicing accurate winning shots.

The goal that was scored into the top nine is considered spectacular and technically difficult even for experienced athletes.

English football

The history of the name of the corners “nine” goes back to English football - after all, it is Foggy Albion that is considered the birthplace of modern football. In this country, the angles that are located between the crossbar and the barbell are called upper 90 degrees. Over time, the number 90 began to be replaced with the usual “nine”. Thus, it turned out that if you hit the right corner, then you hit the nine. Over time, this name spread to many countries around the world.

According to one of the other versions, it is believed that the upper corners began to be called nines due to the fact that previously football goals looked like a wall with circles attached to it. They had serial numbers that indicated the number of points. They were arranged in the shape of a rectangle. The top extreme corners could be worth 9 points. Therefore, these angles were subsequently called nines.

There is probably no person in the whole world who does not know about football. The key element of the most popular team game is the football goal. Without this iron structure, both teams would not be able to please the audience with beautiful goals, and the game itself would lose its meaning. What is the standard size of a football goal? Are the goals the same in all types of football? Now we will find out.

Football goals: sizes, standards

Football goals consist of two vertical posts, also called bars, which are connected at the top by a horizontal crossbar. Their diameter is the same in all areas and is 12 centimeters or 5 inches. What size is a football goal? The rods are installed opposite each other at a length of 7.32 meters or 8 yards. The height of the crossbar from the ground is 2.44 meters or 8 feet. The shape of the goal resembles the letter “P”, where the crossbar is much longer than the two bars. The entire structure of a football goal is usually made of metal and painted white. When a football goal is installed, it is securely installed on the ground. A net is attached to the back of the structure, which should not interfere with the goalkeeper.

A little history

The first mention of the gate is found in an English chronicle during the 16th century. Back then, playing with the ball was radically different from modern football. However, several centuries ago, players designated a certain area with the term “gate”, and also tried to build a certain structure. Until 1875, a rope was stretched over the side bars, after which they decided to change it to a crossbar. At the beginning of 1891, before one of the fights in the English city of Nottingham, a net appeared behind the goal.

Mini football

What are the dimensions of mini football goals? Futsal originated in Brazil around the 1920s. This type of big-time football received an impetus for development in the mid-20th century. Futsal players play with a smaller ball, which has a much smaller rebound from the surface of the court. This variety differs from its larger “relative” not only in the size of the playing field, the length of the halves and rules, but also in the size of the goal. However, despite the fact that they are significantly smaller, as a rule, spectators during the match witness a larger score. This is largely due to the tactics of the game, which differ significantly from grass football. Often, mini-football teams play one-on-one, that is, each player monitors the actions of a certain opponent in the opposing team.

Mini football goal sizes

Unlike big football, where the goal is securely installed in the ground, in mini-football this structure is fixed to the floor. The size of a football goal in this type of game is as follows: the distance between the posts is 3 meters, and the height from the crossbar to the surface of the court is 2 meters. Goals in mini-football are equipped with a net in such a way that it does not cause inconvenience to the goalkeeper. Its purpose is to keep the ball in the goal. The diameter of both barbells and crossbar in mini-football is 8 cm.

Goals for children's football

Thanks to its accessibility, football is winning the hearts of boys all over the world. Unlike hockey, where equipment is available only to parents with a certain income, here all you need is a ball. Often, children kick a ball in the yard, where some kind of fence or thin tree trunks serve as goals. However, unlike standard children's football goals, they cause a lot of inconvenience.

It is recommended to purchase goals for children's football that are made of aluminum. This material greatly helps prevent boys from getting injured. When installing, take into account the lightness of aluminum, so the gate must be securely fastened. To increase the durability of the structure, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnish or enamel, which will protect against corrosion.

Children's soccer goal sizes

What size are children's soccer goals? Compared to big professional soccer, which is 8 feet by 8 yards, baby goals can't be that big. This is due not only to the size of the field on which the boys play, but also to their anthropometric data. In the children's game, unlike professional football, there are no strict standards and rules. What size is a soccer goal for children? As a rule, manufacturers make two types of gates for boys depending on their age: 3 by 2 meters or 5 by 2 meters. The diameter of the rods and crossbar is also significantly smaller.

In professional football, the goals for training purposes are divided into 2 zones, each of which in turn is divided into 9 equal squares. There are 18 numbered zones in total, numbered from 1 to 9. Thanks to this division, it is easier for football players to practice shots on goal. As a rule, ordinary fans know about only one zone - the “nine”, thanks to sports commentators. This occurs when a football player hits the upper right or left corner of the goal.

Due to the round shape of the bars, in some cases, after a twisted hit, the ball may bounce in the opposite direction. For example, when a leather sphere crosses the goal line, it returns back to the field.

Goals in big football often lead to serious injuries to players. Especially such cases arise in jumping, when the head collides with a barbell or crossbar at high speed. Some goalkeepers wear a special helmet on their head to avoid injury.

Around 50 people around the world die every year due to football goals not being secured properly.

A football field is a platform of a certain size for matches. It is the basis for each game, along with the fact that the length of the match is 90 minutes.

Over the years of the existence of football rules and standards, the parameters of the playing field have also changed. The last significant change to the markings took place back in 1937 - then it was decided to draw a semicircle in front of the penalty area.

Standard dimensions of a football field

To this day, there is no uniform standard in sizes. There is only one regulated by FIFA football field length and width range. For international matches it is as follows:

  • length: from 100 to 110 m;
  • width: from 64 to 75 m.

There is also a wider range, noted in the rules of the game of football published by the founders of the game (the English). According to it, the field sizes can be:

  • length: from 90 to 120 m;
  • width: from 45 to 90 m.

Sizes that fit into this range are acceptable for matches of domestic professional championships.

However, the dominant football organization FIFA has a document that indicates the exact dimensions of the field. The document is based on technical recommendations for stadiums hosting international football matches. According to the document, the size of the field should be 105 by 68 meters (equal to 0.714 hectares or 7140 square meters or 71.4 acres).

These standard dimensions fit the parameters of the fields of most famous stadiums in the world. At the same time, the document notes that the minimum distance from the field markings to the end of the lawn should be five meters.

The marking of the football field itself is a rectangle - two side lines and two goal lines. There are regulations on the minimum width of the marking line - which corresponds to no more than 0.12 meters.

If we consider a regular field for playing football, its main parameters are as follows. It is divided into two equal parts by a middle line, in the center of which a circle is drawn. The diameter of this circle is 18.3 m.

Football goals are installed along the lines across the width of the field. The gate has a width of 7.32 meters and a height of 2.44. A penalty area is marked from the goal line, inside of which there is a mini area - the goalkeeper's area. The boundaries of the goalkeeper's area along the goal line are 5.5 meters away from the posts in each direction, and the same distance from the goal perpendicular to them.

Penalty line width is 40.32 m, length - 16.5 m. In hectares, this is 0.0665 hectares, or, to be more precise, 665 square meters, or 6.65 acres. Everyone knows the penalty point, located in the center of the penalty area - a penalty kick is taken from it in the event of a violation inside this square.

It is characteristic that the distance from the penalty spot to the arc on the outskirts of the penalty area is 9.15 m - exactly the same as the radius from the point of the central circle to its borders.

For training two-sided games, when each team has no more than 6 people, as well as for children's competitions, a mini-size football field is often used. The playing area is half of the entire football field - that is, approximately 70 meters in length and 50 in width.

This minimum field also has a gate proportional to the reduced size, usually also 2 times smaller. Appropriate markings can be applied to this playing area only if a mini football competition is being held. In other situations, in particular during training, they do without it.

Many football teams play tactical formations to suit their field sizes. As a rule, if a team has good level players who demonstrate excellent individual skills, a large field will be an advantage.

An example is the 2015/2016 Champions League quarter-final match, in which Real Madrid hosted German Wolfsburg at the Santiago Bernabeu. Having lost the first match in Germany with a score of 0:2, the Spaniards decided to win back at all costs in the return match and bet on a wider field. The world's sports tabloids have covered the noticeable expansion of the markings at the Royal Club's famous stadium.

Men of any age are fond of mini-football - from children to adult men. Recently, the fairer sex took up the baton and also began to try themselves in this sport. This active team game perfectly develops many physical qualities, such as endurance, reaction speed, and flexibility. Like any other sport, mini-football requires its own sports equipment, which includes not only a special ball, but also special ones.

Historical facts

Football goals were first mentioned in the 16th century in an English chronicle. In those days, football was very different from the modern ball game. In the first games, the goal was a special area on the football field, marked by the players. After some time, along the edges of the designated area, the players tried to build a structure from two side rods. And instead of the top bar, the players pulled a rope between two bars. This design was used until 1875, after which an iron crossbar was installed instead of a rope. And only in 1891, in the English city of Nottingham, the gates were first equipped with a net.

Main types of football goals

Football goals are divided into three main groups:

  1. Professional. They are used in big sports, both for holding official matches and for training football players. They have standard dimensions: 7.33 x 2.45 m. Their design can be different, but due to their size they can only be installed on a large field or in a large gym.
  2. School. This type is designed to be compact while performing its usual functions. Their size is most often 5 x 2 m. They can be located in a school gym or on a street field. They are used for playing by amateurs, as well as in children's educational institutions.
  3. For mini-football. These gates have slightly different proportions, their size is 3 x 2 m. They are installed only in gyms.

Mini football

Mini-football originated in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, and began to develop in the 1950-60s. It differs from ordinary football in many ways: the ball is smaller in size (accordingly, it bounces off the surface much weaker), the playing field and the goal for mini-football are also smaller. In addition, the length of the halves and the rules of the game differ.

However, the small size of mini-football does not mean that the matches are less entertaining; compared to big-time football, spectators can see a larger score in the game. This is largely achieved thanks to different tactics of the game, which differs from football on grass. Futsal players often play a single game, not relying on the actions of the team as a whole, but paying attention only to themselves and their opponent.

Requirements for gates

Any sports competition involves increased loads and certain requirements for venues and equipment. Therefore, the requirements for gates are quite serious:

  • they must be very durable to withstand impacts, because the ball is quite heavy;
  • strength requirements are also imposed on the fastenings; they should not be torn off during the game;
  • the net should not block the view of the spectators and the goalkeeper, therefore it should be transparent;
  • the material from which the mesh is made must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and other weather conditions, and also be tear-resistant.

Gate installation options

There are several basic options for installing futsal goals.

Collapsible. These are the easiest gates to install, which is why they are relatively inexpensive.

Stationary. This option is highly reliable, since during installation their base is poured with concrete. Special glasses for concreting are sold complete with the gate. They are installed only on training fields, since concrete surfaces are rarely used in indoor gyms.

Wall-mounted. This is the most convenient gate from the point of view of using it in small areas. There are two types of wall gates: folding and solid.

Important ! When installing wall, solid or stationary gates, be sure to check the quality of all fastenings.

They must be fixed very well, because according to statistics, about 50 people receive injuries incompatible with life from falling gates every year.

Features of nets for mini-football goals

A net for mini football goals is necessary not only for convenience, it also makes refereeing the game much easier. Sometimes educational institutions leave the gates open, citing the fact that at school any competitions are held at the amateur level, and for amateur play a net is not needed. But still, the mesh is not such an expensive pleasure, and it is worth equipping the structure with it.

The requirements for nets are one of the simplest - they must be proportional to the goal and have high strength. When choosing a mesh, pay attention to the marking where its size is indicated; it is difficult to make a mistake with this parameter. Strength is measured by the thickness of the thread. To make the mesh, synthetic materials are used that are very resistant to ultraviolet radiation, rain and other weather factors, maintaining the necessary properties of the material for a long time. The thicker the fiber, the stronger the mesh. You can order the mesh according to all the necessary parameters through the online store.

Goals for children's mini-football

Football is the most popular game among boys of any age all over the world. This largely depends on its availability. After all, for example, for hockey, parents will need to spend a lot of money on the necessary uniforms. To play football, you just need to buy a ball. In many yards, children use various fences, sticks, and trees as gates. But still, compared to real gates, these structures are completely inconvenient.

Children's football goals can be divided into the following main types:

Goal size for children's mini-football

Children's futsal goals may not meet the specific requirements governing standard goal sizes. After all, the field for children to play on is smaller, and the football players themselves are still kids. Also, children's mini-football does not have to obey strict rules and refereeing. Manufacturers offer the following goal sizes for children's football - 3 x 2 meters and 5 x 2 meters. Which goal to choose depends on the age of the players. The bars and crossbar are also proportionally reduced.

DIY mini-football goal

Metal, wood, and aluminum can be used to make gates. Everyone chooses according to their financial capabilities and preferences. The standard dimensions of such mini-football goals are 3 x 2 meters and the depth is 1 meter. If you decide to assemble the structure yourself, then you need to remember that all dimensions are given according to the internal distances between the rods.

When choosing or making bars for a barbell, focus on a diameter of 8 cm. Pine can be used as a material; this is the easiest material in terms of processing. You can hire a carpenter to make the parts, or try to do everything yourself. Wood is a fairly lightweight material, and assembling such a structure does not require any special skills or tools. An ordinary carpenter's set will allow you to saw off, plan, and nail.

The U-shaped structure must be fastened with stainless steel fasteners, and a support board and struts must be screwed from below for stability. If desired, you can make the mini-football goal collapsible so that you can remove it for the winter season. This way you will extend their life.

You can make mini-football goals from metal pipes. To do this you will need a welding machine, an angle grinder and a grinder. Not everyone can find such tools in their pantry. Therefore, it is easier to order a welded version from a specialist.

The installed structure will need to be painted, and this is done with two colors of paint. Usually it is white and black, but other contrasting options are possible. Before painting, the wooden structure will need to be treated with special antifungal primers, thanks to which the wood will not rot longer. It is better to paint metal structures with special metal paints.

When the structure itself is assembled, you can attach the mesh to it. This should not be done too loosely, but not too tightly either.


All over the world it is difficult to find someone who has not heard of football. And one of the main types of equipment for him is a football goal. After all, if they weren’t on the field, there would be no point in this team game.

Goals for playing mini-football can even be made from plastic pipes; all stages of work will not seem difficult if you follow the recommendations from the following video

The first indications in the rules on the size of a football field.

  • - Under pressure from the Sheffield Football Association, the English FA adopts rules requiring that goals be equipped with a rigid crossbar and prohibiting the use of ribbon. The final size of the gate is set.
  • - A net appears on the goal.
  • - Appearance of the penalty area.
  • - The goalkeeper has the right to play with his hands only in his own penalty area. Previously, he was allowed to play all over the field.
  • - The last change in the marking is the arc of the penalty area, 10 yards from the penalty spot.
  • Dimensions

    From a point 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yards) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 m (12 yards) from it, a penalty 11 meter mark. Outside the penalty area, an arc with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn, the center of which coincides with the penalty mark. This line helps the referee position the players correctly when taking a penalty (all players other than the kicker must be at least 9.15 m from the penalty mark, behind the ball and outside the penalty area).


    Flags are installed in the corners of the field, on flagpoles at least 1.5 meters high, without any points at the top. A quarter of a circle with a radius of 1 meter is also marked there - corner sector, in which the ball should be when a corner is taken.

    Flagpoles can be installed at both ends of the center line, at least 1 meter apart.


    The goal must be placed in the center of each goal line.

    They consist of two vertical posts located at equal distances from the corner flagpoles and connected at the top by a horizontal crossbar.

    The distance between the posts is 7.32 m (8 yards), and the distance from the bottom contour of the crossbar to the ground is 2.44 m (8 ft).

    The cross-sectional width and height of both posts and crossbar are the same and do not exceed 12 cm (5 inches). The width of the goal line is equal to the width of the posts and crossbar. Nets may be attached to the goal and the ground behind the goal, which must be securely attached and positioned so as not to interfere with the goalkeeper.

    Goal posts and crossbars must be white.

    Additional zones

    Technical area- a marked place outside the field, in the immediate vicinity of it, in which the coaches and substitute players of the team should be located during the match.

    Football field design

    A world-class football field is a complex, multi-layered structure. A football field consists (from top to bottom) of the following parts:

    • Grass lawn;
    • Substrate made of sand and crushed stone;
    • Heating pipes;
    • Drainage pipes.

    Grass surface

    The grass surface needs to be watered and fertilized, as well as the “bald spots” to be sown. The grass does not allow for many games: to prevent it from being trampled, the number of matches on natural grass should not exceed two per week.

    In modern stadiums, grass is not grown, but is brought in in the form of turf rolls.

    Synthetic coating

    A synthetic coating is a “carpet” of synthetic material from which “blades of grass” stick out. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a complex-shaped product with stiffening ribs. To ensure elasticity, the artificial turf is covered with sand and rubber crumbs on top.

    Synthetic flooring requires only two types of maintenance:

    • after a certain number of games, the coating is replaced with a new one;
    • After each match, with a special machine similar to a large vacuum cleaner, sand and rubber are removed, separated and laid down again.

    Mixed coating

    The mixed covering consists of turf into which synthetic blades of grass are sewn using a special machine. This type of surface is very expensive, but is practically no different from grass and can withstand much more matches. Care is also limited to watering, fertilizing and timely replacement of bald spots. The first Russian stadium to use such a coating is Lokomotiv Moscow.

    All world championships are held on grass (and mixed, since it is equivalent to grass).


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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      Football field is a place for playing football. Its dimensions and markings are regulated by Rule 1. Field of play of the Rules of the Game of Football. Football field markings Contents 1 History 2 Dimensions ... Wikipedia