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» Which moonshine still is better to buy: reviews, options. How to buy a moonshine still and not regret the choice? Functionality, capabilities, prices, mistakes when choosing, video instructions How to choose the right moonshine still

Which moonshine still is better to buy: reviews, options. How to buy a moonshine still and not regret the choice? Functionality, capabilities, prices, mistakes when choosing, video instructions How to choose the right moonshine still

And so the decision was made. You decided to distill moonshine. Fears and doubts are left behind. Now the question has become acute - which device to buy?

I’ll say right away that this is a difficult choice for a beginner. When you try to choose on your own - > you receive a lot of conflicting information. You try to delve into the details and are immediately bombarded with an even larger array of data. The store clerks say one thing. On the forums, “experienced and engaged” give completely different answers. You come across an article on the Internet, and there’s already a third opinion. Hell, and that's all...

I've been through it. Have I avoided mistakes? Unfortunately no. Hurry up. If I had the knowledge that I have now, I would have a different moonshine still. Perhaps you will buy the same as mine, but at least it will be a conscious choice of a person who knows and understands the subject. In any case, no matter what equipment you purchase, the SEM obtained at home will differ for the better from the breech and this is the most important thing!

Before reading the material further, I want to warn you that this is my vision, my knowledge and my preferences. Please take this into account and approach any of my statements critically :))).

In the first step, I propose to answer - what type of strong alcohol do you want to drink?

option 1 - distillate is enough for me, as my ancestors did

option 2 - I want to get a distillate, but much purer than what my grandfather and father made

option 3 - in addition to distillate, I also want to get pure alcohol at home

The type of equipment that will need to be purchased depends on the option chosen. Everything presented on the market is divided into three types:

Equipment of the first type.

These are the so-called direct flows. At their core, these are modern versions of the machines on which our grandfathers and fathers distilled moonshine. They are only made from modern materials and improvements have been added (dry steamer, built-in thermometer, etc.), which make distillation easier, but do not improve the quality of the final product.

Equipment of the second type.

The main and fundamental difference from the first type is the presence of a reflux condenser.

The reflux condenser is a cooling element that goes to the refrigerator. Allows you to better separate impurities in the distilled product and thereby obtain a purer and stronger distillate

Equipment of the third type.

This includes distillation columns of all types. The process of extracting ethyl alcohol is based on the alignment of distilled liquids (based on boiling point) in a column and their selection as they enter the selection unit. This is more complex equipment. Requires theoretical knowledge of the process and practical skills. But if they are available, it allows you to obtain pure alcohol at home.

Now you know what TYPES of moonshine stills exist for home use.. But this may not be enough for the final choice. Additional options need to be considered. And although they come in second order, it is possible that their influence will be decisive in making the final decision.

Additional parameters for evaluating moonshine stills and frequently asked questions about them

    Heating source

    • Heating elements. Do you have powerful enough equipment? Can your wiring handle the load?

      Gas. Will there be enough power to bring the device into operating mode?

      kitchen stove. Will there be enough power to bring the device into operating mode?

      induction cooker. Does the cube have a ferramagnetic bottom? Without a ferramagnetic bottom at the distillation tank, the induction cooker is useless.


    • If you plan to distill in the kitchen, will your complete unit fit under the kitchen hood?

    Possibility of modernization

    • devices of the second and third types are either “monolithic” or collapsible. Collapsible ones are more expensive, but they allow you to adapt to your future “wants”. and they will definitely arise :))).


    • It makes sense to compare only within the same type of equipment. Don't forget about the heating source. Will it be able to provide the required power to deliver the stated performance?

    Entry price. Budget for the device

    • equipment of the first type is the most affordable offer. Although there are offers when the first type is more expensive than the second. But now you won’t be fooled :))).

      equipment of the second type is more expensive than the first, but not so much to make a choice in favor of the first.

      equipment of the third type is the most expensive. This is understandable. It can produce pure alcohol.

    Requirement for the level of theoretical training

    • equipment of the first type is minimal. Practically not needed

      equipment of the second type - you need to read the material part. At a minimum, understand why a reflux condenser is needed and how it works

      equipment of the third type - you will quickly achieve success in working with these devices if you understand how it works. Even the level of atmospheric pressure can affect the successful distillation. Knowing the theory at a sufficient level, you will be able to make the necessary adjustments in time

How much can you spend on a device?

It is clear that the question is rhetorical and depends on the needs and thickness of the wallet of each of us. When I had this question, after thinking about it, I came up with this technique for myself. Here it is important to understand the calculation algorithm, since everyone has their own input.

The minimum cost of a bottle of vodka is 205 rubles (all calculations in July 2017 prices).
My cost (raw materials + heating/cooling) of sugar SAM is about 55 rubles/bottle ()

Thus, for every half-liter of my own production, I save 150 rubles. (205 rub. - 55 rub.).
For a year I need 172 bottles (see detailed calculation in the picture below). Important note - 172 bottles of moonshine is not the amount consumed personally, but a requirement taking into account treating family/friends/ and just good people. This means that over the course of a year my savings will be almost 26 thousand rubles = 172 bottles * 150 rubles saved from each bottle. If we assume that there are two financiers in the family, then while protecting the household budget for the year, you can BARELY demand the stated amount for the purchase of the device, guaranteeing that it will pay off within a year.
With this calculation, I tried to justify the advisability of buying a normal device IMMEDIATELY, kicking the “toad” that inclines us to buy something to “start trying”, “for beginners”, “budget”. Invest in yourself wisely!

The times of homemade moonshine stills have sunk into oblivion; there are a large number of models on the market, so the question of how to choose a home moonshine still is more relevant than ever.

Advantages of factory-made moonshine stills

If we compare models of devices purchased in a store with those made independently, the former will have the following advantages:

  • Compliance with GOSTs and other sanitary and household safety requirements, excluding emergency and other unforeseen situations
  • Wide choice regarding dimensions, functionality and performance
  • High quality final product
  • Ease of operation (the equipment is equipped with a shadow, viewing windows, thermometers, functional indicators and other useful things)

Types of moonshine stills

The choice of a moonshine still must be made based on its functionality and practicality. Let's look at what types of moonshine stills there are, the main criteria that determine the price and set of options:

  • Operating principle (rectifier, distiller);
  • The material from which it is made;
  • Volume of the distillation cube;
  • Cooling method;
  • Power (if heating elements are present)
  • Capacity liters per hour

The operating principle of distillers is simple. First, the alcohol-containing liquid is heated to the boiling point of alcohol, and then the vapor containing alcohol is cooled. Throughout the entire distillation process, maintain a certain temperature regime, since when it fluctuates, fusel oils enter the drink, spoiling the smell and taste.

Column type distiller

A distiller for moonshine is chosen if it is important for the drink to convey the aroma of the raw materials used in the preparation of the mash. Suitable for making whiskey, cognac, Calvados, rum and aromatic vodka. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting low cost, ease of operation and maintenance.

A distillation column is capable of almost completely purifying the final product from fusel oils and other impurities.

The quality of the raw materials from which the mash was prepared does not matter because... There is almost no organoleptic quality in the final drink, and the alcohol percentage is 96.6%. Distillers cannot produce such a result even with repeated distillation. This alcohol makes wonderful tinctures and vodka.

Rectification- these are the separations of binary or multicomponent mixtures due to countercurrent mass and heat exchange between steam and liquid.

The principle is as follows: alcohol-containing vapors rise upward and are cooled by a refrigerator located at the very top of the column, return downward in the form of reflux and meet with rising steam, mass heat transfer occurs, and the alcohol concentration increases. Below is a selection unit with which you can control the amount of alcohol taken and change its quality; the slower the selection, the purer the alcohol at the outlet.

Operating principle of a distillation column

Most modern devices have two modes (distillation and rectification); by slightly changing the configuration of the equipment, you can prepare a distillate or rectified product, which is very convenient.

Alambiks - classic distillers with the upper part of the distillation cube in the form of a dome - are attracting keen interest from potential buyers. In practice, only distillation cubes made of copper have advantages over other devices. They produce a product with the best organoleptic properties.

Almost all alambiks are made by hand in Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, Italy) and are expensive. They can often be seen in drinking establishments specializing in the production of exclusive alcohol. They shine and impress visitors. For this money it is easier for the average person to buy a mini moonshine factory with a high degree of automation.

Distillation volume

You need to decide what volumes you are going to process and how often. The more productive the model, the larger, heavier and more expensive it is.

An important rule: any moonshine still cannot be filled to more than 80% of its volume. For example, in fifteen-liter cubes you can distill up to 12 liters of mash at a time.

Pay attention to the power of the cooler. It should correspond to the volume of the cube and the heating power or be higher (in this case it will be possible to change the cube to a more capacious one). Therefore, in order to choose the right home moonshine distiller, you should get advice not only about performance, but also about the maximum possible volume of the cube, the recommended heating and cooling intensity.

For example, from 10 liters of mash with a strength of 12% after double distillation with separation of the head and tail fractions, you will get approximately 1.8 - 2 liters of 40% distillate; based on these data, decide how much mash you need to process to obtain the amount of alcohol you need.

What material should the device be made of?

The debate over whether a moonshine still should be made of copper or stainless steel has been going on for a long time. Often, the advice of experienced winemakers boils down to the fact that the best home distillers must be made of copper. In fact, each material has advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantage of copper is considered to be the ability to absorb sulfur oxide, which makes the folk drink too “fragrant”. In addition, copper has high thermal conductivity, and, therefore, greater productivity and less water consumption required for cooling. And of course, copper moonshine stills look expensive and presentable.

Unfortunately, behind the advantages there are no fewer disadvantages:

  • Price. If the purpose of purchasing a device is to save money, it makes no sense to buy expensive copper equipment.
  • Difficulty of care. Due to the adsorption of sulfur oxide, plaque forms on the surface of the device. It must be removed after each use, which is quite labor-intensive.
  • Life time. Copper is not as strong as stainless steel. Most supporters of copper stills still use steel stills, since the copper bottom burns out quickly.

Stainless steel

Apparatuses and distillation cubes made of stainless steel occupy high places in the ranking. It is necessary that the steel not only does not rust, but also complies with GOST standards of the food or medical industry.

An important factor is the thickness of the material. The optimal parameter is 2 mm. Such models of home moonshine stills are durable, affordable and easy to use. In devices made of thin steel up to 1 mm, the mash will burn and give the final product the taste of burnt porridge. Distillation cubes with a wall of 3-4 mm. in practice they have no particular advantages. At the same time, they weigh 50-70% more and cost at least a third more.

In order to get rid of sulfur compounds, it will be enough to fill the column with a copper nozzle and you will get a result no worse than with a device made entirely of copper.

Design features and additional equipment

Also, the choice of moonshine still must be made taking into account the method of heating the structure. If a gas stove is used, there are no special design requirements for home use, only the height of the assembled device, it may not fit on a gas stove, the hood will interfere, or something else.

For induction and electric cookers, it is necessary to choose containers with a flat bottom; specifically for an induction cooker, the cube should have a thick ferromagnetic bottom.

The presence of an emergency release valve for excess pressure (without this module it is not safe to operate a moonshine still).

The presence of a thermometer is necessary to measure the temperature at all stages of production, control of which creates a final drink that is optimally suited to specific preparation technologies.

Demountable modules are easier to clean. It is better to opt for a cube design with a wide neck, into which you can easily put your hand and rinse thoroughly after use.

For rooms with insufficient height, you can purchase a cube with a built-in shade or additionally buy an induction hob; they are not that expensive, and heating is very efficient and fast.

For a dacha, where there are often problems with cold water, types of moonshine stills that do not require running water are suitable.

An electric moonshine still with automation, on the one hand, simplifies the process, but on the other, complicates operation. Even if one controller fails, the entire device will cease to function.

Comparison of moonshine stills

We hope that the following top popular models of distillers from leading manufacturers in the world will help you understand which moonshine still is best for you, make the right choice and select the optimal equipment.


Among the advantages of this small moonshine still are the budget price range, attractive design and the presence of gift packaging.

  • Service life is only about 2 years
  • Narrow neck
  • Thin steel (0.8-1 m)
  • No drain on the steamer
  • No hose included

The device of this brand is a small home mini-distillery. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the special design of the bottom of the distillation cube - it consists of three layers (2 stainless steel with an aluminum gasket). This feature ensures uniform heating, speeds up the distillation process and eliminates the risk of burning. Suitable for all types of heaters.

Models with a built-in steam generator are available for sale. Another plus is the presence of two thermometers, one on the tank lid, the other at the top of the column. The design of the aroma column allows you to preserve the aroma and taste of the original raw materials. If you want to get pure alcohol, you can purchase a distillation column separately.

"House Peregon"

The line of this manufacturer includes a large assortment of high-quality distillers and universal systems of economy class, such as the Antoshka distiller, and premium models such as the Cascade-N distiller of the Elite series. The line also includes excellent steam-water boilers.

Distiller "Antoshka"

"Peasant Woman"

A good, compact device with a steel thickness of 2 mm. There is a collapsible steamer and a long coil that provides a chilled drink at the outlet. Good degree of cleaning of the structure and 7 years of warranty from the manufacturer. The disadvantage is the narrow neck, but the thick bottom reduces the risk of burning to a minimum. As a result, the device does not require frequent and thorough washing and, together with other advantages, takes a worthy place in the rating.

Bayern (Wagner)

The distiller is distinguished by high build quality, rich equipment, magnificent appearance and a good official guarantee. Doubts are raised by the non-separable steamer and the high cost of the product. The thickness of the steel does not correspond to the stated 4 mm. and is only 2 mm.


Despite the low price, the design is fully equipped. Thanks to its miniature dimensions it will fit in any size kitchen. The downside is the small cooling chamber, which produces a warm product at the output. The steamer is non-separable, ineffective productivity (1 liter per hour).


A hermetically sealed and reliable apparatus with a wide neck, thick walls, a long coil and a collapsible steamer. The cost is above average.

"Slavyanka Premium"

Optimal quality-price ratio, reliable assembly, practicality and ease of use, decent degree of cleaning. Minuses:

  • Lack of large displacement models
  • Steamer without drain


There is a faucet for draining stillage, a book with recipes, an alcohol meter, and a diverter (water flow switch) to the faucet. The distillation speed reaches 3 liters per hour. Proven German quality.

The cube has a ferromagnetic thick bottom of 4 mm. There is a main refrigerator and an additional reflux condenser, which makes it possible to strengthen and further purify the product and obtain alcohol up to 92% strong. Thanks to the height of the structure, fusel oils do not reach the top and return to the cube. Disadvantage: due to its size, it will not fit in every kitchen.


Column-type apparatus, characterized by ease of operation. A good option for beginners who want to create their own recipes.


The best moonshine still is a subjective concept. A test for choosing moonshine stills showed that when buying you need to focus on three components:

  • Volumes of processed raw materials
  • Room dimensions
  • Availability of running water

We can confidently recommend the best option for a standard apartment or house - this is a column-type distiller with a reflux condenser (pre-cooler for cleaning and strengthening the product). Models with a non-flow cooling system are suitable for the dacha. Based on experience, it has been verified that for a private house or apartment, taking a device with a volume of less than 30-35 liters is not enough and does not make sense; if you buy less, sooner or later you will still reach this volume.

Thanks to numerous films, the moonshine still in the minds of many is a “coil” installed on a distillation cube. However, times change, technology does not stand still, and this equipment has changed significantly. Today you can find a moonshine still store for every taste with a wide range of products at different prices. Choosing the optimal unit that will fully meet all the requirements placed on it is quite difficult, but it is possible.

How to choose a moonshine still?

The units offered on the markets can be divided into two main categories: and distillers.

They are also distillers and have a centuries-old history. The principle of their operation is quite simple: the alcohol-containing liquid is heated and then the vapor is cooled. To obtain high-quality moonshine, it is advisable to maintain a certain temperature, since when it fluctuates, fusel oils can get into the drink, which can spoil its taste and hue.

Filtration and purification play a huge role. A distiller is usually used in cases where it is necessary to convey the taste of the raw materials that were used to prepare the mash.

Distillation columns became available to the general public relatively recently. They are an analogue of laboratory installations used to produce alcohol. Basically, such devices are produced in Russia.

In the distillation column, several stages of converting steam into liquid and back occur, as a result of which alcohol - the lightest fraction - ends up at the very top and goes out. Its percentage in the finished drink is usually at least 90%.

Having passed moonshine through a distiller several times, you will not be able to achieve this result. Many of the columns operate in two main modes - distillation and rectification. This is very convenient, since the technology for preparing different drinks is different.

When coming to a moonshine still store and choosing a specific unit, first of all you need to start from what kind of drinks will be prepared: pure alcohol or classic alcohol while preserving the taste and smell of the raw materials. In any case, the best option is to purchase a distillation column.

Selecting a still

To distill small volumes of mash - up to 20 liters - compact containers are sufficient, for example, pressure cookers for 7-12 liters. They can be hermetically sealed, they heat up on both a gas and induction stove, and they have an attractive appearance. The bottom of such devices is made of an alloy of different metals and has non-stick properties.

If the volume of mash for distillation exceeds 30 liters, then it is advisable to purchase a distillation cube of 12 liters or more. The most popular are flasks and cans made of aluminum or stainless steel. Containers with a volume of 50 liters and above are stationary and have special hatches for cleaning.

Distillation cubes made of thin metal are prone to burning of the mash, which can affect the taste of the finished drink. This can be dealt with if you purchase a device with a wide filler hole. In addition, you can increase productivity by installing a low-power device on a large distillation cube.

A mandatory requirement is the presence of an emergency overpressure relief valve. Without this part, a moonshine still turns into a very dangerous device.

What to use for heating?

If it is a container, it is better to use an induction oven. It is highly efficient and can maintain a certain power level.

A gas stove also has certain advantages - it quickly heats up the unit and maintains the required mode, but when using it, safety requirements increase.

Volumes of beverage produced

When choosing where to buy a moonshine still and which model, you should not forget about the volume of alcohol produced. For example, if you don’t need too much quantity, you can use small 13-liter units, with which you can get about three liters of distillate at a time. If the required volumes are significantly larger, then it is worth taking larger devices of 35 or more liters.

Conditions under which distillation will take place

Here it is worth paying attention to the method of heating the distillation cube. If you use a regular gas stove, then there are no problems.

If induction or electric is used, then you may encounter certain difficulties, since in this case the distillation cube must have a perfectly flat bottom. Especially for such stoves, you can buy a moonshine still, the design of which is completely suitable for them. Their bottom is in close contact, which speeds up and improves the distillation process.

Which moonshine still is better - with or without a steamer?

The steamer is designed to eliminate most of the fusel oils that can get into the moonshine during distillation. The presence of this device significantly improves the physical and taste characteristics of the finished product.

Using a steamer you can add a certain flavor to alcohol. To do this, put, for example, lemon or orange zest into a special container. Today, the most popular units included in the rating of moonshine stills are produced with one or two steam chambers.

Do you need a thermometer?

Of course, this device must be mandatory. A mixture of water and alcohol boils at the average boiling point of both substances. Knowing this, many people create their own temperature tables, monitoring which allows them to create the ideal drink at the end.

Rating of moonshine stills

The best and highest quality units for the production of alcoholic beverages can only be purchased from trusted and good manufacturers. Where to buy a moonshine still? Today, such equipment is sold either in specialized stores or by the manufacturers themselves. To purchase, just contact company representatives and order your favorite model. Do not forget that when purchasing you need to check the package contents - the units must have all the necessary parts. The rating of moonshine stills allows you to get information about which models and which manufacturers are the best.

The list of the most popular units among consumers includes:

  1. Moonshine still "Finlandia".
  2. German device "Germany".
  3. Moonshine still made in Taiwan "Japan".
  4. Dobry Zhar, a domestically produced moonshine still.
  5. Mini-distillery "Luxstal".

Moonshine stills "Finlandia"

The moonshine stills are opened by a Finnish-made unit of the same name. Despite the lack of an attractive appearance, it boasts a good design: the thick walls of the reliable apparatus are made of food steel, there is a wide neck that facilitates the process of washing the distillation cube, wide connecting pipes, a long coil and a collapsible steam chamber. The Finlandia moonshine still does not require additional tubes or connecting elements.

The device has no particular disadvantages. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy this moonshine still inexpensively - it belongs to the middle price category, but at the same time it fully justifies the funds invested in its purchase. Its minimum cost is 10 thousand rubles. Among its advantages, especially highlighted by those who have already used a moonshine still of this brand and were satisfied, include:

  • Thick steel - about 2 mm.
  • High quality welding seams.
  • Full set along with small gifts with purchase.
  • Wide connecting tubes.
  • Fermentation device.
  • Collapsible steamer with drain.
  • Wide neck of the distillation cube.
  • Long-term warranty - 7 years of operation.

German moonshine stills

German units for the production of alcohol belong to the middle price segment - from 10 to 12 thousand rubles. One of the most popular is the “Germany” moonshine still, which is distinguished by a very rich set of equipment. It includes not only standard hoses, a recipe book and an alcohol meter, but also a diverter, alcohol yeast and a water seal for creating mash. From a practical point of view, it is a very smart move by the manufacturer, which allows you to get a complete moonshine still that can perform the functions of two devices at once: a fermentation apparatus and a distiller.

The body of the equipment is made of food-grade steel, with a very acceptable bottom thickness, which prevents the drink from burning. Despite this, it is still necessary to monitor the temperature. The tank has a small drain tap at the bottom, which allows you to get rid of the grounds. The moonshine still "Germany" is almost completely disassembled. You can wash the unit from the inside thanks to the wide neck.

Moonshine stills "Japan"

At the beginning of last year, a new model of alcohol production units appeared on domestic markets - the Japan moonshine still, which belongs to the upper price category.

The diligent workers of the Taiwanese factory have done a lot of work, creating a 3-in-1 device: a fermentation tank, a moonshine still and a device that allows you to create a foamy drink. You will be pleased with the equipment, which includes not only taps, hoses and a book with recipes, but also a water seal along with a set of measuring utensils.

The Japan moonshine still is made of high-quality food-grade steel and has an unusual appearance. The device deserves the highest ratings: both for its extraordinary appearance and for the high quality and level of purification of moonshine.

Judging by the numerous reviews from satisfied consumers, the Taiwanese factory did a great job creating a truly high-quality and multifunctional moonshine still. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to buy it inexpensively: it belongs to a high price category, the minimum cost ranges from 15-20 thousand rubles.

“Good heat”: domestic moonshine still

The Russian manufacturer, the Dobry Zhar company, produces high-quality equipment designed for the production of alcoholic beverages at home. Its products have gained immense popularity due to their simplicity, high quality of resulting drinks and reliability.

The Dobry Zhar moonshine still is distinguished by its ease of use, quality, absence of breakdowns over a long period of operation, and ease of cleaning. The frame is made of food-grade steel that meets European standards, which is not only characterized by increased strength, but also resistance to alkalis and acids, which ensures the preservation of the natural aroma and taste of the raw materials used.

The device, acting as a refrigerator, uses a standard five-turn coil, which ensures high quality drinks. Unlike most models from other manufacturers, the Dobry Zhar moonshine still comes with metal temperature sensors. They are safe to use, high accuracy and long service life, and are not susceptible to high temperatures. In addition, such units use gaskets made of This material can withstand heating up to 300 °C, while 100 °C is sufficient for brewing moonshine.

Dobry Zhar moonshine stills have a built-in steamer of a special design, which allows you to easily and quickly remove fusel oils from the product, resulting in drinks of the highest taste and quality.

Let's sum it up

Each of the units produced and listed above has its own advantages and disadvantages, making it one of the best. Today, there are a huge variety of brands and models of devices, each of which has the right to bear the title of “Best moonshine still” (rectification column or distiller). But each buyer chooses what best suits him in terms of characteristics and price.

A wide range of units includes different devices that are used for the same thing - creating high-quality alcoholic drinks. The rating of moonshine stills allows you to choose the ideal equipment with which the process of creating moonshine will turn into an art. You can create truly tasty and aromatic alcohol only if you have a reliable, safe and high-quality device.

Drinks prepared at home are many times superior to similar drinks purchased in stores in their taste characteristics.

I am not only a seller, but also a practitioner, a distiller with extensive experience. I personally worked on all the moonshine stills from my store and know all their strengths and weaknesses. Proof? Video channel Sur-Likbez .

Rest assured, all the mistakes were not pulled out of thin air, this is the experience of 3638 buyers, most of whom were novice distillers. So:

1. Think for a long time and collect information. Yes, of course, you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool. Especially if you are completely off topic. But there is a lot of information on the Internet, it is contradictory and scattered. The more you read, the more confused you become and the less you understand which moonshine still is better.

Remember how you learned to drive a car. It seemed so unrealistically difficult. But as soon as we got behind the wheel and started driving, things got better. Right?

It’s the same here, because at the beginning of your journey you have no idea what you’ll encounter. Maybe you like distillate more than rectified or vice versa? You tried? At the neighbor's? What if you do better?

We can say that moonshine brewing is one of the branches of cooking. There are a lot of nuances, directions, assumptions and almost no rules. Some people like it fried, some like it steamed. You put so much salt, I put so much, you put so much pepper, I add so much. Trying to study the theory completely and thoroughly, as in higher mathematics, will not work here. Understanding comes with experience.

Don’t think twice, buy what you like and make the first run. Only practice will give you answers to all questions. Even if you made a mistake, and the first moonshine still will soon no longer suit you. Rest assured, such a product will leave you quite quickly. Either on Avito or to a neighbor. This is me again, as the owner of a moonshine still store, telling you :)

2. Search miracle, so-called - " the best moonshine still" Unfortunately, there is none.

What is good for one distiller is absolutely unacceptable for another. I write more about the best device here. There is no such miracle of a device from which Hennessy flows. Success largely depends on you, how you follow the technology and select the ingredients.

But at the same time, due to the great interest in this topic, various “cool” and “sophisticated” moonshine stills appear every day.

The main task of such creators is to pump out as much money as possible from newcomers like you. Taking advantage of your ignorance and lack of experience, various fairy tales are composed on the fly, for example, some of them:

The double distillation apparatus is complete nonsense. I won't even discuss this.

100% clean. Explain to me how there can be 100% purification if the alcohol can only be 96%, huh???

Two steamers replace the second distillation. Is it really true, what about three steamers for a third? Absolute nonsense.

A moonshine still with five, six or ten steam chambers produces a crystal clear product. This will only lead to greater losses, but not to crystal purity.

And so on, go online and you will be bombarded with such offers. A fake product is easy to recognize; as a rule, it is sold through landing pages (one-page) sites and at the same time they promise simply unrealistic quality of the product. They also offer a bunch of useful and useless gifts + a 250% discount today only.

3. Want buy imported device. This is in some way a continuation of the second point. Here in Russia they make complete g... I’ll take an imported moonshine still, that’s where the quality is. Perhaps the quality is better abroad. But we don’t have imported devices in Russia.

At least in mass sale. You can, of course, find and buy something abroad. And the price will be appropriate. But those products with big names from European and Asian countries, which the Internet is full of, have nothing to do with imports. Well, perhaps, some parts for “European” moonshine stills are purchased in China.

Of course, among these pseudo-Europeans there are also worthy models and they can be considered for purchase. But only as an ordinary moonshine still, and not as an example of European quality.

4. Buy a device according to the principle: “ device for 5000(6000, 7000, etc. rub.) and that’s it. The rest doesn’t interest me.” Of course, I understand that everyone has their own capabilities. And besides, I’m not at all advocating buying the most expensive device. There are quite normal budget models. But it’s better to save up, rather than take outright nonsense, just because it’s cheap. Read what is hidden under a cheap moonshine still here.

5. Buy a moonshine still with small still. “What are you saying, I’m not an alcoholic, I’m doing it for myself! Why a big tank?! Give me the smallest one!” And at the same time theatrically rolling his eyes - a typical picture of a newcomer to my store.

Dear distillers, a 20 liter tank is FAR from 20 liters of moonshine, which you need to drink without a snack. Believe me, they still need to be made, and with a small cube it will take you a LOT of time.

The mash is poured into the cube to the extent of ¾ of the volume of the cube; you need to proceed from the planned production volumes. And strive to distill all the mash in one, maximum - two times.

Remember, a small cube is not a little moonshine, it is a lot of wasted time.

60% of my store’s customers who didn’t believe it and bought a small cube come back to buy an additional larger cube.

6. Don’t analyze yours before purchasing living conditions. For example, buy a column moonshine still and only find out at home that it rests on the hood. Such an irresponsible approach, although rare, does happen.

7. Check stainless steel magnet. Well, this is generally a bearded joke for me. Believe it or not, this still happens, people come to the store with a magnet. This is a method from the 80s of the last century, then it was relevant. People, it's the 21st century! There have long been grades of stainless steel that are magnetic!

8. Look for a moonshine still with the thickness of the metal is like that of a tank. Tell me, why is this necessary? Will the bottom burn out? Seriously? Think for yourself how you need to operate the device so that the bottom burns out. Will you really have such volumes? So that the mash does not burn. Again, thick mash should not be distilled over an open fire; it will actually burn. A steam generator is needed. In general, the purer the mash, the better for the product. Clean with bentonite, or simply through gauze (colander) and you will be happy.

A metal thickness of 1-1.5 mm is more than enough. Thick metal, this is a big price + a heavy device. And if the properties of the metal allow you to work on an induction cooker, then this is a great idea. There, even not quite liquid mash will definitely not burn and the bottom of the cube will not burn out.

9. Expect performance of a moonshine still 5.7 or more liters per hour. Yeah, put up the buckets. Think for yourself, how realistic is this? I don’t argue that sometimes you can find such numbers in descriptions, but we are educated people.

10. Wait for that collapsible steamer- this is a panacea for the smell of moonshine. Yes, steam maceration has its place, it is necessary and very interesting. Taking this opportunity, I recommend that if you need a moonshine still with a steamer, then let it be collapsible. You will be able to get drinks with green flavor and red color. BUT, don't expect a miracle. Few people know that moonshine obtained in this way is saturated with essential oils and will most likely turn white if it is diluted to 40%. That is, you may not get clear drinks. The smell is also a controversial issue. Only with a collapsible steamer will it not disappear. This is a set of events.

11. Prays for Panchenkov nozzle. Hurray, it's there, I'll get alcohol, cool! Yeah, now. If we put a nozzle into a moonshine distiller, we won’t get any alcohol. The nozzle increases the area of ​​interaction between reflux and steam. It works only on column devices and only on those with a reflux condenser. In other devices it is nothing more than a pleasant, but useless addition.

12. Buy a device from narrow filler neck. Yes, they are cheaper, but you will be tired of washing and cleaning it. Your hand should fit into the neck.

13. Steamer without drain. From the same opera. Inexpensive, but it's like putting your pants on over your head. It's possible, but it's damn inconvenient.

So, dear distillers, I shared with you the most invaluable thing - the experience of 3638 novice distillers who have already gone through the agony of choosing a moonshine still. They say you need to learn from other people's mistakes. What do you think?

If you have any questions, call 89627664555.

Preparing alcoholic drinks at home means confidence in their impeccable quality, safety and environmental friendliness. In addition, it is nice to surprise guests with good cognac, whiskey or alcohol-based cocktails. In moderate quantities, a drink created using the right moonshine still is healthier than one bought in a store, since it does not contain artificial colors or flavoring additives. Let's figure out how to choose the best moonshine still. There are several designs, just like tank volumes, let’s look at the most suitable models for the home.

Types of moonshine stills for home

There is a whole range of unique high-quality moonshine stills for home in the following configurations and options.

Whiskey columns

These are copper devices that produce excellent noble whiskey. The whiskey column kit includes the following items:

  • Stills. Can be from 13 to 40 liters. The choice depends on the amount of alcohol desired. The optimal volume for home use is up to 20 liters.
  • . A special device for flavoring a drink. Products that saturate the alcohol with taste qualities are placed there. These could be fruits, nuts, etc.
  • Tubes Made from high-strength PVC, they can withstand the rated load.
  • Vent or reflux condenser. With the help of this element, the drink gets rid of unnecessary distillation products, such as fusel oils.
  • Cooler or refrigerator. Thanks to it, the product comes out already cold. Inside the refrigerator has a shell-and-tube device - steam passes through three straight tubes, and cold water continuously runs between them. It promotes condensation and reduces the temperature of the drink.

The set may also have a thermometer and other additional elements. Thanks to the whiskey still, you can make drinks such as liqueur, absinthe, gin, whiskey, etc. at home.

Whiskey column (volume - 2 l) on a 33 l cube "Old Mednik".

A slightly different apparatus that produces a wonderful, clean whiskey. During the operation of the helmet, steam condenses and flows down the walls in the form of phlegm. Then it boils again and cools. These processes affect the quality of the product, making it as pure as possible. Products on copper cubes protect against splashes and foam getting into the final drink. The kit includes the helmet itself, a cube, an outlet, a refrigerator and fastening elements. This device is chosen by those who want to get a perfectly clean product at home. Cube volume - 7.5 l. This is quite enough for crystal moonshine, not prepared under industrial conditions.

Whiskey copper helmet 7.5 l “Old Mednik”.

Pot Still stills

These are special devices created for those who want to get not only excellent results, but also quick cooking. Moonshine is obtained with a bright, rich taste in a relatively short time, since the kit does not include additional devices that slow down the distillation process.

The main advantages of the device:

  • Availability of a powerful refrigerator. Capable of delivering up to 20 liters per hour, taking from 4 kW of heat.
  • Compactness. This is the right moonshine still for small spaces. It will easily fit on a regular stove, under the hood.

The models offered by Max Cuprum have a special sealed sleeve for connection. It provides excellent fixation of the thermometer fitting. It does not require additional attachment or sealing.

Copper moonshine still "Madrid Extra" (CLAMP 1.5") on a Brendimaster 12 l cube.

Whiskey apparatus

A whole home laboratory for the production of the best alcohol. A 17-liter volume helmet, an all-copper body and a powerful cooler are the main features of the device. The uniqueness of this system is that heavy harmful impurities, when boiling inside the cube, settle on its walls. That is, the ingress of fusel oils and other unhealthy elements into the finished product is completely eliminated.

Moonshine stills of classical design

The choice of a classic system for home brewing depends on the required performance and the type of final product.

For example, models such as “Yerevan” are capable of producing not only the highest quality moonshine, but also pure alcohol (96%). These products have a distillation column. The device is suitable for masters of their craft, as it requires more skills. But it will produce products of the highest quality.

For beginners or lovers of homemade drinks, the Rio and Madrid models are suitable. They lead the way when it comes to cool copper structures. Easy to use, productive, economical. These are classic moonshine stills for home use. They consist of a number of elements, some models are equipped with additional items.

Moonshine still "Rio" on a cube "Old Mednik" 40 l.

So, a device of classical design can have

  • Distillation cube. Volume - from 13 to 40 liters. With a wide neck for easy hygiene.
  • Distiller. A device that promotes good quality alcohol. Repeated distillation through a still can provide up to 85% strength. It can also be equipped with a steamer. This is a special “filter”. It is through the steam chamber that the vaporous product passes, which is cleaned of harmful impurities. The maximum alcohol strength with such a device is 40%. The steamer can be made not only of metal, but also of glass; in both cases, the product is completely collapsible.
  • Hoses made of high quality PVC. For example, the steam pipe must have a wide cross-section. This is because thick particles of mash can accumulate in it. This can lead to a rupture of the hose, since the process takes place under pressure. Max Cuprum machines are equipped with exceptionally wide hoses for safe distillation.
  • Pad. The presented models use a silicone gasket, not rubber. This means that the alcohol will not have any foreign odor.
  • . This is a special tube, the length of which is in direct proportion to the degree of alcohol purification. For example, a 45-centimeter tube purifies the product 60 times, and its strength changes accordingly. With a long drawer you can get pure 96-proof alcohol. An example of this is the Yerevan model.
  • Cooler. It is important that the coil is vertical and the moonshine flows down its walls under the influence of gravity. Max Cuprum produces designs that help you get an excellent product at home.
  • Thermometer. Modern “thermometers” are most often electronic, providing the most accurate measurements.

Choosing the best moonshine still

The first thing you should decide on is your budget. The simplest kits will cost from 10 thousand rubles. The cost is absolutely justified (for all variants of moonshine stills), the service life of the product with proper use is practically unlimited. If you calculate the cost of the resulting drink over the entire period of operation, the price of the device itself will turn out to be very affordable.

Device material

After determining the budget, you can choose the material of construction. There are two of them:

  • copper;
  • stainless steel.

Copper is a unique material for moonshine brewing. Its chemical properties make it possible to obtain a truly high-quality drink. Due to the fact that this element absorbs sulfur oxides well, which give an unpleasant odor, the resulting product is cleaner. It also has the aroma of the products themselves from which the alcohol is made.

So, when choosing the best moonshine stills for your home, you should consider:

  • Allocated budget. The cost of devices varies and depends on many factors. If you still don’t know exactly which device is most suitable, you can always consult with the store’s specialists.
  • Material. The best moonshine still is made of copper (these are premium devices). However, there are simpler designs - made of stainless steel.
  • Equipment. Additions depend on how you want the final product to look.

In our store we have a variety of designs and separate components for devices. You can always consult with experts and determine your most suitable format. There are copper and steel options, various cubic volumes, as well as additional equipment.