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» Which willow to choose when designing a site? Brief overview of types and forms. Willow: planting and care, types and varieties, photo Bush willow with white leaves

Which willow to choose when designing a site? Brief overview of types and forms. Willow: planting and care, types and varieties, photo Bush willow with white leaves

white willow, or silver (Vetla)- Salix alba L.

It grows throughout Europe, extending beyond the Urals, with the exception of the Far North. Available in many reserves of the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, the Baltic states, Crimea, and Central Asia. It grows along the banks and valleys of rivers on sandy alluvium. Sometimes it forms pure stands. Light-loving hygromesophyte.

A large tree 20-25 m tall, with a powerful trunk covered with fissured, gray bark. The young branches are very impressive, thin, drooping, and silvery-pubescent at the ends. Older shoots are bare, shiny, yellowish or reddish-brown in color. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, silky-whitish in youth, later dark green above, bare, silvery below, silky-pubescent, which makes the tree very showy at the slightest breath of wind. Flower catkins develop simultaneously with leaves.

Grows in natural plantings on the territory of the GBS. Tree, at 26 years old, height 10.5 m, trunk diameter 26.0-32.0 cm. Grows from 30.IV ± 5 to 5.X ± 9 for 158 days. In the first 3 years it grows quickly. Blooms from 17.V ± 6 to 20.V ± 6 for 3 days. The fruits ripen in June. Produces plants from seeds of GBS reproduction. Winter hardiness is complete. 100% of cuttings root without treatment.

Twisty shape of white willow
Photo of Alexandra Menshova

It grows quickly, is photophilous, frost-resistant, has little soil requirements, and tolerates urban conditions well. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. This plant reproduces well from both summer and lignified cuttings. The rooting percentage is close to 100. There are cases when even stakes dug into the ground take root. Lives up to 100 years.

An integral element in the compositions of large parks and forest parks located on the banks of large bodies of water. A valuable tree for quick landscaping of new buildings and industrial facilities. Used in groups and for road lining.

Decorative forms:

"Argentea". A large (about 25 m in height) tree, the flowing shoots of which are covered with silvery shiny oblong leaves up to 8-10 cm long. Later, the leaves become dark green, smooth on the upper side, and remain shiny white on the lower side. Their autumn color - yellow. In early spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed, the entire tree is covered with golden earrings and from a distance looks like a yellow cloud.

"Coerulea". A large (up to 20 m) tree, the leaves of which are sea-green above and light below.

"Limpde" - tree 20 - 40 m high. Trunk diameter up to 3 m. The crown is narrow-conical, with a diameter of 10 - 12 m. The bark is gray, dark gray, with deep cracks. The shoots are yellowish, then light brown. The leaves are lanceolate, up to 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, green. It blooms in April - May at the same time as the leaves bloom. Honey plant. Grows quickly. Photophilous. Prefers moist alkaline soils. Tolerates prolonged moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. It has a beautiful crown shape. Frost-resistant;

"Tristis" - tree 15 - 20 m high. The crown is spreading, with hanging shoots, 15 - 20 m in diameter. The bark is yellowish, then brown. The shoots are yellow. The leaves are lanceolate, 8 - 12 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, green. Autumn color is yellow-green. It blooms in April - May simultaneously with the leaves blooming or a little later. Earrings are yellow. Honey plant. Grows quickly. Photophilous. Tolerates dry soils, but prefers moist ones. It has a very picturesque weeping crown.

"Sericea". A tree about 10 m high with silver leaves and a rounded crown. It grows slowly and reaches its maximum size only at 15-20 years. White willow still has a variety called "Splendes" with silver leaves on both sides.

weeping(f. pendula) - a form in which, in addition to the unique shape of the crown, the color of the bark of young (up to four years old) shoots is remarkable: in early spring and summer the bark is bright mustard, and in summer it acquires a red-brown “tan” from the sunny side. The leaves are very elegant, up to 10 cm long with a width of only 1.5 cm, with finely pointed tips, colored light green. Branches with leaves fall like yellow-green streams of a waterfall. Propagated very easily by green summer and woody cuttings. Easily withstands waterlogged soil.

Photo by Olga Blokhman

S. a. var. vitellina (L.) Stokes- I.b. yolk-yellow. In GBS since 1955, 2 samples were grown from cuttings obtained from VNIILM (Moscow) and Germany. Tree, height 7.8 m, trunk diameter 9.5/16.5 cm. Blooms in May. The fruits ripen in June. Winter hardiness is complete.

And also the forms:

yellow weeping(f. vitellina pendula) - with very long yellow shoots, extremely beautiful near the water; Britzenian(f. vitellina britzensis) - with red shoots; brilliant(f. splendes) - with leaves, silvery on both sides, silky-shiny below; gray(f. coerulea) - a large tree with obliquely upward directed branches and bluish leaves; oval(f. ovalis) - with oblong-elliptical leaves.

White willow varieties are popular abroad" Cremesina"with bright scarlet bark of young shoots and" Vitellina"with golden-yellow bark of annual growth. These varieties are pruned low after or even before flowering, as a result of which the bushes consist only of annual shoots, which allows you to admire their beautiful bright branches against the backdrop of snow every early spring. Over the summer, the shoots grow again, and that’s it repeats from the beginning. In the German company "Kordes" you can purchase varieties " Darts Snake" - a vigorous, wide bush with dark foliage and " Tristis Resistants"is a rust-resistant bush or tree with intensely colored branches; long, feather-like golden-yellow branches make the bush unusually decorative.

Decorative forms are indispensable in single, small group and contrasting plantings. Despite the fact that these are quite large plants, white willow varieties can be grown in a small garden. Their crown can be quickly formed into a beautiful ball. To do this, simply cut the tree at the desired height. If you do not leave the trunk, but plant the plant on a stump (that is, practically cut the tree down to the ground), then you will have the same ball, but lying on the ground. By repeating this procedure periodically, you will be able to keep the plant within certain dimensional limits. With this simple step you can place this beauty in a small area.

Lapland willow

Willow(genus Salix, willow family, Salisaceae).

See also willow.

All willows are characterized by a special love of light; in the shade and in remote places they grow very poorly, disappearing in crowded spaces between other tree species; very moisture-loving, in dry places all species, with the exception of willow, disappear; prefer lighter rather than heavier soil.

Lapland willow

Northern Europe, Alps.

Shrub with brown bark and gnarled branches. In peat bogs, in the northern regions also in damp meadows. Young leaves are covered with slightly shiny felt, adult leaves are wrinkled on top, with white down, long-elliptical, pointed, entire with strongly prominent veins; earrings are thick, fluffy, sessile.

Decorative shrub.

Purple willow. yellowberry

Purple willow, yellowberry

Europe, Siberia, North. America.

A medium-sized shrub (1-3 m) with purple or yellow thin flexible, bare, shiny branches; leaves oblanceolate, glabrous, dark green above, slightly shiny, bluish-green below, dull, often opposite.

Found along sandy river banks.

Willow bicolor

Willow bicolor, phyllicolia

Northern Europe.

A shrub of various sizes, but never a tree; found in bushes along with other willows; the leaves are completely bare and somewhat glossy, oval, entire or with sparse small teeth, bluish-green below, ovate, elliptical or lanceolate.

The bush is quite dense and can be used for hedges in damp places.

Wintergreen willow

Wintergreen willow (Salix pyrolifolia Ledb.).


A very remarkable tall shrub. The leaves are bare, shiny, reminiscent of wintergreen leaves; used for groups in damp places.

Propagated better by seeds than cuttings.

creeping willow

creeping willow (Salix repens L.)

A creeping small shrub (0.2-1 m) in damp places, with an underground trunk and thin arched branches, with oval silvery-fluffy leaves; catkins are almost spherical or spherical-ovoid on a short leafy stalk.

Through swamps, swampy meadows and bushes, less often along damp river banks; quite a common plant.

Rosemary willow

Rosemary willow (Salix rosmarinifolia Koch).

Northern Europe.

A common low-growing shrub with linear leaves that forms a dense, non-creeping bush.

Grows in peat bogs.

Willow stipule

Willow stipule (Salix stipularis Smith.)

Europe, Siberia.

A beautiful, large shrub, sometimes a small tree, often found along our river banks. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, silvery-fluffy below.

Gives excellent large rods for knitting, weaving and simple basket products.

Basket willow, vine

Basket willow, vine

Europe, Siberia.

Large shrub (1.5-3 m); leaves are narrow-linear, in some cultivated forms broad-linear, sometimes narrow-lanceolate, white-silky, shiny below, earrings are long, oblong-cylindrical. Along the sandy banks of almost all significant rivers, sometimes in abundance, together with almond willow, it forms a continuous strip of coastal willow forests.

The branches are considered the best for knitting, weaving and basketry.

They are considered the best decoration of water banks in gardens and parks.

Willow five-stamen, chernotal

Willow five-stamen, chernotal

Europe, Siberia.

A small tree, common in our wild state in damp open places; easily recognizable by its lanceolate, shiny, almost leathery leaves and five-stamen flowers; It blooms very late - at the end of May, after all our willows and is an excellent honey plant.

The seeds ripen late in the fall and hang in the winter in the form of papery white clusters. Seed hairs are similar to cotton and are recommended for yarn, but are too fragile and therefore suitable only for stuffing.

It propagates poorly by cuttings, better by seeds, more often in the fall and germinates slowly but surely.

Dew willow

Dew willow (Salix rorida Laksch.)

Amur region.

One of the most beautiful willows, similar to shelugu , only much more effective and attractive; deserves attention for its appearance and decorativeness.

It is still rare in culture.

A complete list of plants for hedges in the book

A wonderful tree, widespread throughout our country, is willow. It is unusually beautiful: a powerful trunk, thin hanging branches, graceful elongated leaves of various shades of green, flowers in the form of fluffy earrings. Perhaps every resident of the northern hemisphere is well acquainted with willow, and many grow it in their garden plots.

People call willow willow, willow, willow, vine, lozinka, willow, shelyuga, and the names vary depending on the area.

The tree has long served as inspiration for poets, writers and artists. A. Fet, S. Yesenin, A. Akhmatova, F. Tyutchev and many other poets dedicated their lines to him, and G. H. Andersen wrote a fairy tale called “Under the Willow Tree”. The most famous painting depicting this plant is considered to be “Weeping Willow” by C. Monet, however, the tree can be seen in many landscapes.

Willow is also known in many religions. In Christianity, the willow replaces palm branches on Palm Sunday. In Judaism, the tree plays the role of one of the symbols of the holiday of Sukkot. According to Chinese mythology, a jug with a willow branch that drives out demons is held in the hands of the merciful goddess Guanyin. Willow trees are often mentioned in folklore. Japanese legend says that where the broom grows, a ghost lives, and the British consider the willow to be an ominous plant that haunts travelers.

This unusual tree is famous not only for its mystical, but also for its down-to-earth, practical properties. Willow is widely used in medicine, industry and production, and agriculture.

  • Medicine. Willow leaves and bark were used to treat fever back in Ancient Egypt and Greece, and Native Americans used broom decoctions as a pain reliever. Later, scientists discovered a number of useful substances in different parts of the plant: tannin, salidroside, salicin, flavonoids. And the well-known salicylic acid, from which aspirin was subsequently made, was first discovered in willow.
  • Production. Since ancient times, thin flexible branches have been used by residents of the northern hemisphere for weaving furniture, fish traps, fences and fences. Wicker weaving has survived to this day. Nowadays, baskets, chairs, boxes, and cradles are most often made from willow twigs. Wicker items are extremely beautiful and fit perfectly into many interior styles. Willow wood is also suitable for making paper, rope and even fabric, and eco-friendly fashion in recent years has revived interest in natural willow products.
  • Agriculture and the environment. Weeping trees are also widely used in agriculture. Firstly, willow is an excellent honey plant, especially valuable for its early flowering. Secondly, the branches and leaves are suitable for livestock feed. Broom is often planted along sliding banks or slopes of ravines. Thanks to its long, twisting roots, the plant copes well with erosion. The vitality and durability of the tree sometimes even becomes an environmental problem; for example, in Australia, willow was widely used to strengthen the banks, planting huge areas with it. The willow has taken root well and has replaced many native plants. In addition, the tree is used for wastewater treatment, the formation of protective forest belts, and the drainage of wetlands.
  • Gardening and landscape design. Willow, and especially some of its varieties and species, is an excellent ornamental crop that can decorate any area. In addition, the tree is unusually unpretentious and grows quickly. Many famous designers include willow in their compositions, creating gardens in a romantic style.

Botanists classify the genus willow (Latin: Salix) in the willow family (Latin: Saliceae). The genus includes woody plants and shrubs, which can be deciduous or, much less commonly, evergreen. Representatives of willows vary greatly: some of them are large trees with a powerful trunk, reaching 40 meters in height, others are dwarf creeping shrubs. The appearance is determined by the area of ​​growth. Tall species are found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Europe, Asia and America, and dwarf willows grow mainly in the north.

Most often, willow has a large weeping crown, consisting of a large number of elongated branched stems covered with bark of various shades: from light green to dark purple. The bark of young shoots and trunks is usually smooth, but begins to crack with age. The leaves, with rare exceptions, are arranged spirally and sit on a short petiole with two stipules. Their shape is very diverse: most often there are species with linear and narrow-lanceolate leaves, a little less often - with elliptical and even rounded ones. The edge of the leaf blade is usually decorated with small or large teeth, although there are species with smooth edges.

Willow is a dioecious plant with small male and female flowers collected in dense inflorescences-catkins. Some willows bloom in early spring, before the leaves appear, others a little later, in May-June. After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a capsule with a large number of small seeds with a thick white tuft. The seeds are carried by the wind over long distances and, once in water or silt, remain viable for a long time.

Ornamental species, hybrids and varieties of willow

In total, there are at least 550 species of different willows in the genus. Such diversity is the result of natural mutations and human activity. Over a long period of study of the plant, many hybrids have been bred. Even botanists often find it difficult to classify one species or another, let alone ordinary amateur gardeners.

And yet, we can identify several of the most common species suitable for landscaping parks, squares and garden plots.

Willow white or silver(lat. Salix alba) is a large (up to 30 m in height) tree with thick cracking bark and a spreading openwork crown. The plant is widespread in Russia and the former Soviet republics, as well as in Western Europe, China and Asia Minor. It is found mainly along the banks of rivers and other bodies of water and often occupies huge areas. It is very unpretentious and grows quickly in favorable conditions; in the northern regions, young shoots may freeze a little. It is durable (some specimens reach 100 years or more), tolerates both lack and excess of moisture, and is undemanding to the soil. Excellent for landscaping large, including urban, areas, and can be used to produce vines.

Distinctive features of the species are thin hanging branches, painted silver-gray; with age, the shade of the shoots changes to brown. The bright green, smooth leaves have a lanceolate shape and a finely serrated edge; the reverse side of the leaf is silvery, slightly pubescent. Round inflorescences-catkins develop in the spring, simultaneously with the leaves.

I. white

The widespread use of the crop has led to the emergence of various forms, varieties and varieties.

Some varieties:

  • Yellow (var. vitellina) - large rounded crown and golden yellow or reddish shoots.
  • Brilliant (var. sericea) is a medium-sized tree with graceful, emerald-gray foliage.
  • Gray (var. caerulea) – branches point upward at a slight angle, bluish-gray leaves.
  • Silver (f. argentea) - young leaves have a beautiful, silver-gray tint on both sides, later the front side of the leaf becomes rich green, the back side remains bluish.
  • Yellow weeping (f. vitellina pendula) - very thin and long shoots that fall to the ground.
  • Oval (f. ovalis) – leaves of an unusual elliptical shape.

Among the large number of varieties of white willow, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Golden Ness" (Golden Cape) is a variety that received an award from the Royal Horticultural Society. The plant is especially attractive in winter when graceful golden-yellow branches are exposed.
  • "Tristis" (Tristis) is a fast-growing willow with a classic appearance: narrow silver-green leaves on thin drooping branches. It is highly frost-resistant and recommended for areas with cold winters.
  • "Yelverton" (Yelverton) is a low tree or shrub with bright red-orange shoots.
  • "Aurea" is a large plant with unusual yellow-green leaves.
  • "Hutchinson's Yellow" is a shrub reaching 5 m in height, decorated with graceful shoots of a reddish-yellow hue.
  • "Britzensis" (Britzenskaya) - shoots of a red-brown hue.
  • "Chermesina Cardinalis" (Chermesina cardinalis) is a very showy variety with scarlet branches.

I. "Golden Ness", I. "Yelverton", I. "Aurea", I. "Chermesina Cardinalis"

Babylonian willow or weeping willow(lat. Salix babylonica) is a tree characterized by brittle yellowish-green drooping branches. Distributed in the subtropical zone - Central Asia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southern coast of Crimea. Contrary to the name, the birthplace of the culture is China, from where it was transported to other regions. It reaches a height of 12 m, the diameter of the crown is about 6 m. In addition to long stems that reach the surface of the ground, it stands out with beautiful glossy leaves, bright green on top and silvery below. It is very decorative, as it has a short leafless period: the leaves fall only in January, and already grow back at the end of February. Babylonian willow is especially beautiful in early spring, when it is covered with fresh young greenery.

I. Babylonian

Unfortunately, the species is not frost-hardy and cannot grow in regions with cold winters. Otherwise, the crop has no special preferences: it does not require special soils and easily tolerates short periods of drought.

One of the varieties is widely known:

  • Beijing (var. pekinensis) - distributed mainly in China, Korea and Eastern Siberia. Also known as Matsuda willow (lat. Salix matsudana).

There are many more varieties of weeping willow:

  • "Tortuosa" (Tortuosa) - a plant with interestingly curved, as if twisted, brown-green branches and bright fresh foliage.
  • “Crispa” (Crispa) - this variety does not have curled shoots, but leaves that form intricate curls on the branches.
  • "Tortuosa Aurea" - twisted red-orange stems.

I. "Tortuosa", I. "Crispa", I. "Tortuosa Aurea"

Purple willow(lat. Salix purpurea) is a plant whose popular name is yellowberry. This species is found throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. It is a medium-high (on average 3 m, maximum size - 5 m) deciduous shrub with dense purple or yellowish shoots directed upward. Elongated, bright green on top and silver-green on the back, the leaves are arranged in pairs, and not alternately, as in other species. The inflorescences, which appear in early spring, are purple in color, hence the name of the taxon. Purple willow is often used for wickerwork and in ornamental gardening as a hedge.

I. purpurea

The most famous forms:

  • Graceful (f. gracilis) is a fast-growing shrub with elongated bluish leaves.
  • Hanging (f. pendula) is a shrub with a wide crown formed by thin hanging shoots of purple color.
  • Dwarf (f. nana) - distinguished by its compact size and neat spherical crown.

Among the varieties are the following:

  • "Norbury" (Norbury) is an elegant low-growing variety.
  • "Goldstones" - shoots of a beautiful golden hue.
  • "Irette" is a low shrub with narrow gray-green leaves.

Goat willow(lat. Salix caprea) is often popularly called delirium or broom. The official name refers to the plant's consumption by goats and sheep. Wild specimens are often found in the temperate zone of Europe and Russia, as well as in Siberia and the Far East. Unlike other species, it prefers to settle in dry places, however, if this is not possible, it can also grow along the banks of reservoirs or in swamps.

This is a large (up to 13 m in height) tree or shrub with spreading powerful branches and oval bright green leaves. The shape of the leaves differs from other types of willow and rather resembles a bird cherry. Earring inflorescences appear in early spring, even before the leaves appear, and numerous seeds ripen in May.

I. goat

The plant is widely used in medicine, agriculture, construction and crafts. At the same time, a number of decorative forms and varieties have been obtained, the main application of which is landscaping of various territories:

  • "Kilmarnock" (Kilmanrock) is a low shrub with long drooping branches, greenish oval leaves and yellow or gray inflorescences.
  • “Weeping Sally” is a variety similar to the previous one, but more compact in size.
  • "Silberglanz" (Silver gloss) - elongated leaves with a silvery coating on the surface.
  • “Gold Leaf” - the leaves of this variety, on the contrary, have a golden hue.

(lat. Salix integra) is an East Asian species, most often found in Japan, China and Korea. It is distinguished by its modest (no more than 3 m in height) size and compact shape. Some botanists consider the plant to be a species of purple willow. It stands out as spreading. reddish or yellowish. branches and narrow leaves with practically absent petioles.

Often found as an ornamental crop, the standard form is especially common. The most popular variety - "Hakuro-nishiki" (Hakuro Nishiki) or "Nishiki Flamingo" (Nishiki Flamingo) is known for its compact size and beautiful variegated leaves in cream, pink and green shades. These varieties are often grafted onto the more frost-resistant goat willow and grown in the middle zone without shelter.

I. whole-leaved "Hakuro-nishiki"

Willow brittle(lat. Salix fragilis) is a species familiar to Russia, widespread in Europe and Western Asia. The plant was introduced to North America and Australia, where it became a weed, displacing native species.

It is a large (up to 20 m) deciduous tree with a long life expectancy. The spreading crown consists of thin branches that easily break with a loud crack (hence the name of the species). Broken branches that fall into the water take root easily, and when the current carries them further, they form new colonies. The shoots bear elongated bright green leaves.

I. brittle

There are several varieties found in culture:

  • Bubble (var. bullata) - a beautiful crown with soft rounded hills, a bit like a giant broccoli.
  • Basfordiana (var. basfordiana) is a hybrid with bright, yellow-orange branches.
  • Rousseliana (var. russelliana) is a tall, fast-growing variety.
  • Reddish (var. furcata) is a dwarf willow with bright red inflorescences.

Decorative varieties:

  • "Rouge Ardennais" (Red Ardennais) - showy reddish-orange branches.
  • "Bouton Aigu" (Thin bud) - shoots from olive green to purple.
  • "Belgium Red" (Belgian red) - burgundy shoots and emerald green leaves.

Willow(lat. Salix viminalis) is usually used to produce vines, but there are also decorative forms. This is a tall (up to 10 m) shrub or tree, distinguished by long flexible shoots that become woody with age. Young branches are covered with short silvery hair that disappears over time. Very narrow alternate leaves appear in April, simultaneously with golden-yellow inflorescences.

Holly willow(lat. Salix acutifolia), also called red willow, grows in most of Russia. This is a deciduous tree or shrub, the maximum height of which is 12 m. Most often, the plant is found along the banks of rivers and lakes, but it can also settle outside water bodies. It is distinguished by thin long shoots of brown or reddish color and narrow two-color leaves: bright green above, grayish-silver below. The plant is especially beautiful in early spring, when the fluffy catkins bloom, and this happens even before the leaves appear. The most famous variety - "Blue Streak" (Blue Stripe) stands out for its elegant bluish-green leaves.

I. twig-shaped, I. holly

creeping willow(lat. Salix repens) is a very graceful, low-growing (no more than 1 m) species, common in France. In other regions it is found very rarely and only as a cultivar. The main difference is the large number of branched stems, which are initially covered with silvery fluff and then become bare. The leaves are oval-elliptical in shape and have different surfaces: pubescent bluish below and glossy dark green above. Fluffy inflorescences bloom in April or May. The plant is protected in many areas of France.

The most popular variety is the creeping silver willow (var. argentea) - a valuable highly ornamental plant with densely pubescent grayish leaves and purple shoots.

Shaggy or woolly willow(lat. Salix lanata) is a subarctic species that grows in Iceland, Northern Scandinavia, and northwestern Russia. It is a spherical, low-growing (no more than 1 m) shrub with dense branched shoots. Young shoots are covered with short bluish fluff; over time, the stems become brown and smooth. The leaves of the species are interesting - silvery in color, oval-ovate in shape. The texture of the sheet is velvet, felt. The species is excellent for landscaping areas in the northern regions.

I. creeping, I. shaggy

Willow lancet(lat. Salix hastata) is another low-growing shrub species, the average height of which is 1.5 m, and the maximum size is no more than 4 m. It grows on the slopes and banks of Arctic rivers, in the Alps and tundra. Wild specimens are often found in Northern Europe and America, the Far East, Siberia, and Central Asia. The plant is distinguished by branched shoots that grow upward or spread out on the ground, as well as oval leaves, smooth on top and slightly pubescent on the back side.

Willow reticulum(lat. Salix reticulata) is a low-growing ornamental plant native to Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In nature it serves as food for deer. This is a branched low (up to 0.7 m) shrub, decorated with branched creeping stems and unusual leaves. The leaves are oval-shaped and dark green in color with a textured silky surface. Due to its elegant appearance, netted willow is often used in the design of parks, squares and garden plots in the northern regions.

I. spear-shaped, I. reticular

Willow in landscape design

The variety of types of broom allows you to choose a plant suitable for specific conditions. First of all, you need to focus on the size and location of the site.

In wide open spaces of a large area, large powerful trees will be appropriate - silver willow, goat willow, brittle willow in temperate climates, Babylonian willow in the south. Tall cultivars are perfect for landscaping city parks and squares, and creating protective vegetation strips along roads. The ability of the above species to grow rapidly, smoke and gas resistance makes them indispensable for planting in areas of new buildings.

Willow, especially its water-loving varieties, is indispensable for decorating and strengthening the banks of various reservoirs. It does well in humid environments. The only problem is that the perennial grows very quickly, occupying free areas. The plant should be carefully monitored: young shoots should be cut down annually.

Medium-sized varieties of willow - purple, whole-leaved - are planted as tapeworms in open clearings or lawns. They serve as the center of the landscape composition, around which lower crops are located. Another option for using such willows is the organization of hedges.

Compact species and varieties (creeping, reticulated, hairy, spear-shaped) can be placed even in modest-sized areas; these plants will not take up much space. Such willows look good as the lower or middle tier of a landscape composition of different heights, composed of shrubby perennials. In addition, low-growing willow is perfect for decorating the banks of miniature country ponds: streams and ponds. This way you will get an original imitation of river landscapes.

Growing and care

Growing willow in your garden is not difficult: the tree is very unpretentious and does not require complex care. However, the diverse types of willows are often not similar to each other and need different conditions: soil, amount of water and lighting. The method of plant propagation may also differ. That is why the gardener’s first task is to determine the type of willow and, depending on this, act in the future.

Location, soil, fertilizing, watering

Almost all plant species are considered light-loving. They can easily withstand direct sunlight and prefer open spaces, however, a little shading will not harm the tree. Willow can be planted both in open sun and in partial shade.

The humidity of the area depends on the selected type. The vast majority of willows in nature prefer to settle along the banks of water bodies, so they should be placed as close to the water as possible.

[!] With the help of powerful roots, an adult willow consumes a large amount of water every day. This property of the tree is used to drain swampy soils and areas with near-surface groundwater.

Willow is not picky about soil composition, although it prefers a loose (water- and air-permeable) and nutritious substrate containing a sufficient amount of sand and loam. The tree does not like peat soils in which moisture stagnates, and only some willows (white and purple) are able to grow on peat bogs.

Only young, immature specimens need feeding and watering. Subsequently, the tree itself obtains the necessary moisture through a powerful root system.


Willow tolerates decorative pruning well, and its crown becomes even denser and more decorative with the help of this procedure.

Low and medium-sized willows with branches pointing upward can be formed in the form of a ball or an umbrella on a stem (trunk); in drooping varieties, long shoots that reach the surface of the ground should simply be slightly shortened. It is not forbidden to regulate the height of the tree, restraining its growth.

It is better to remove excess branches in early spring, before the beginning of the growing season, or in late autumn. The tree can be slightly adjusted throughout the summer. The following are subject to pruning:

  • powerful leading shoots (this will restrain the growth of the tree and promote the appearance of young lateral shoots),
  • excess growth on the trunk (if the willow is formed on a trunk),
  • branches growing inward and thickening the crown.

As for standard willows, there are two main forms: fountain and ball. To get a fountain on a stem-leg, the shoots should be shortened quite a bit at the edges, so that the length allows them to hang freely, forming a green semblance of water jets. The spherical shape requires more radical cutting in a circle.

[!] When pruning, always leave the outermost bud on the branch, pointing upward. In the future, the young shoot on such a branch will also grow correctly - upward.

If there is an old tall willow growing in your garden that interferes with other crops and occupies a significant part of the plot, do not get rid of it completely, but form a nice green ball lying on the ground. Simply cut the trunk close to the soil surface. This way the trunk will stop growing upward, and young shoots will soon appear from its lower part, which can be trimmed to the desired shape.

The trunks of young willows often bend or bend toward the ground. To fix this, you need to tie the trunk to a support, for example, a metal pipe dug into the ground and leave it for 2-3 years. During this time, the trunk should straighten and acquire the desired shape.

Reproduction and planting of willow

In the wild, willows are propagated by seeds, cuttings, and some species even by stakes. In cultivation, it is best to take cuttings from a tree, since the seeds quickly lose their viability in air and are well preserved only in water or silt.

Cuttings for planting should be cut from branches that are not too old and not too young. They should not be too thick or, on the contrary, thin - both of them are unlikely to take root. The optimal length of an individual cutting is about 25 cm. Young root growth, broken off with a “heel” (a piece of root), is also suitable.

You can plant cuttings for rooting at the end of October, before the onset of frost, or in mid-spring. The leaves at the bottom of the shoots are removed and stuck into the soil at a slight angle; they can first be soaked in the root for a day, although without this the rooting percentage is quite high.

If several willows are planted at once, then the distance between them should be at least 70 cm for low-growing species, 1-3 m for medium-sized ones and 5-7 m for tall trees.

Pests and diseases

Willow is a food plant for many insects. The tree is attacked by more than 100 species of aphids, beetles, larvae of various butterflies, wood ants, and sometimes wasps build their nests on the willow. An adult plant can usually withstand insect attacks without difficulty, but young plants can suffer greatly. In order to protect fragile willows, pests should be collected by hand or, if the colony has grown too large, destroyed with the help of modern insecticides.

In rural areas, young willows are often eaten by grazing goats. These animals should not be allowed close to planted trees. Of the rodents, mice are dangerous because they undermine succulent roots and green shoots.

The tree is attacked not only by pests, but also by various infections. One of the most common willow diseases is rust, caused by the fungus Melampsora, the main symptoms of which are brown and orange spots on the leaves. Fungicides - antifungal drugs - will help fight the disease.

Creeping willow (Salix repens) is a small shrub with dense growth. The willow reaches a height of 15 cm, after which long, 50 cm branches begin to spread along the ground. The branches are gray with a purple tint and covered with fluff. Small elongated leaves no more than 3 cm long are on short petioles and have a pale green color. With the appearance of the first leaves, the flowering period begins. Creeping willow blooms with small, beautiful earrings, which, depending on the variety and habitat, can have red, yellow, silver and even black shades. At a later stage, the earrings become bright yellow.

Growing conditions for creeping willow

Creeping willow is an unpretentious plant that can withstand heat and strong winds. But there is one necessary condition - humidity. The air and soil must have a certain degree of humidity, so the ideal place for creeping willow to grow is the shore of a reservoir. The shrub is frost-resistant and easily survives the winter, even completely hidden under snow cover.

Application of creeping willow

The value of this plant lies in its decorative components. It looks very impressive, especially during the flowering period. However, after the bush fades, it needs pruning. Creeping willow is widely used in landscape design, decorating parks and alleys. Willow grows quite slowly. It can be grown in standard form, which will give the plant a special attractiveness.

Miniature trees are installed near small artificial ponds.

Varieties of willow

Several varieties of creeping willow have been bred, which can exist not only in the open ground, as a plant for the garden, but also on the balcony, in a container.
There is a weeping cultivar* - Armando, presented by breeders in a standard culture. In early spring, its fluffy inflorescences have both silver and pink woolly bracts. Such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. At a later stage, pale yellow anthers appear, and the willow tree is different. After flowering, the plant is heavily pruned to encourage the growth of new weeping shoots. At first they are silvery-felt, and later become smooth. Armando's leaves are shiny dark green above and grayish-green below, with slight pubescence. The variety is grown both in the garden and in containers - on the balcony, in the courtyard (patio). At home, you can drive out this mini-tree yourself even by early Easter.
The Argentea variety is a prostrate bush (about 0.5-0.7 m in height and 1.0-1.5 m in width) with small silvery silky leaves. The rounded, heavily pubescent leaves sometimes have a bluish tint. The round golden inflorescences-earrings are small and few in number, appearing on the bush before the leaves bloom. Contrary to popular belief about willows as fast-growing plants, they grow slowly. It is possible to form this plant in a standard form. In this case, you get a spectacular, miniature weeping tree. Suitable for rocky hills, rockeries, single-breed groups over a large area. This willow is light-loving. It is quite frost-resistant, as it is often completely covered with snow. Not picky about soil.

*Cultivar is a term adopted by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants; denotes a category of plants, called variety in Russian.