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» What kind of clothes do men like on girls? Men's opinion about women's wardrobe. An example of a stylish man

What kind of clothes do men like on girls? Men's opinion about women's wardrobe. An example of a stylish man

Today it’s the other way around - we’ll look at what women’s clothing is!

It is not necessary to indulge men's tastes in everything, however know what they like and what not, we just obliged!

Constantly adapting to male taste would not be very logical. A fact is a fact: fashion is not for them, but for us, women! However, there are some situations in which, without knowledge of male tastes there's no way around it! And it is for these situations that this article was written. Read and draw conclusions

First let's give general characteristics women's clothing which men like:

  • All those clothes that distinguishes women from men: skirts, high heels, women's underwear
  • Clothes that make a woman - feminine
  • And - sexy
  • Clothes that emphasizes the female figure.

Now let's move on to particulars of women's clothing and let's see what kind of clothes men like!

Neat, clean, well-groomed clothes

Perhaps this the main thing in women's clothing for the male eye. That is why they are not very happy with the fashion for wrinkled, crumpled fabrics, torn jeans.

Tight clothes

Men love to see a woman's figure, in particular, a good figure
Evolution was not in vain for them, and thin waist, wide hips, firm breasts says about a woman that she is capable of having healthy offspring, and also that she is free to conceive! Maybe this is not true at all, but indulging the male imagination is good not only for personal relationships.

So, whatever trends fashion offers us, there will always be men pull on women in tight clothes.

Plain clothes

Why do men like plain clothes? It's simple - she does not hide the female figure!

Variegated fabrics They are bad because they hide the outlines dear to a man’s heart. A woman's figure looks more blurred in them - or is completely lost if, say, a thin girl wears a dress with huge flowers.

Soft fabrics

Men like the clothes that go with them nice to touch. That is why they are so attracted to soft, flowing or pleasant to the touch fabrics - silk, voile, mohair, velvet, fur...

Fabrics heavy, rough men really don't like it.

Feminine clothes

Feminine everything that distinguishes us from men– that’s exactly what they like about us! Feminine style - not too revealing, but giving hints of your assets.

Men like“rustic” dresses made of flowing, flying fabrics that emphasize the figure, shoes and sandals that reveal the leg. They find both hats and women's jewelry cute: bracelets, pendants, beads, earrings... The main thing is that all this should suit a woman!

Sexy clothes

Open body, bold neckline, various cutouts, stockings, high heels... Sexy style also distinguishes a woman from a man, but such clothes are direct appeal to sexual activities!

Therefore, it is important to use a few elements of this style to don't overdo it. Or use everything, but... in private


Fur is the very material that you just want to touch. Moreover, this symbol of femininity, luxury and sexuality. Every man fantasized about a beauty in a fur coat over her naked body

Leather clothes

Leather clothing is very sexy for both men and women.

Not every Leather clothing attracts men, but only if it fits well, with a minimum of details and a dark color. Embroidery, “fashionable” colors and other “bells and whistles” just infuriate them!

High heels

High heels reflect very favorably on the entire appearance of a woman, giving it sublimity, tension, and swiftness. Heels give a woman's leg a very beautiful shape and besides, ! When walking in high heels we sway your hips to maintain balance - and men are also attracted to this.

What shoes are especially attractive to men? I’ll say right away - men far from fashion trends, they simply don’t care about them! And they like the same thing year after year:

  • Pumps
  • Hairpin
  • Shoes in bright colors
  • Very open sandals
  • Heel higher than 7 cm

Slits on the skirt

Cuts, especially on a long skirt, look very attractive to men, because you are at the same time closed, and from time to time something becomes visible. Such a riddle attracts the male eye and teases his imagination.

Particularly attracts a man single incision on the side of the thigh. Less attractive are double slits on the sides, front and back.

Colors that men love

There is an opinion that men like black, blue and red colors women's clothing, but this is not entirely true. Yes, indeed, if you ask about underwear, then men are attracted to black and red colors (for more details, see the article “ ") However, there are no such preferences in women's outerwear. The main thing is that the color of the clothes is in harmony with the woman herself, with her natural .

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Good appearance does not guarantee you success with women. Nevertheless, good first first impressions can work wonders. We will tell you how to dress correctly to please girls and attract their attention.

If you want a woman to like you, take care of yourself

Good appearance is not only a wardrobe, but also Full time job above oneself. Here are a few things you should definitely pay attention to.

Posture and physique

Figure and posture are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet someone. Women like athletic men with a straight back and broad chest. If your figure is far from ideal, it’s time to think about buying a membership to the nearest fitness club, where you can pump up your back muscles and lose weight. excess weight and get in shape.

You should also consider taking up exercise. If you have problems with the muscles of your back and chest, then swimming is perfect. In addition, all types of martial arts are good, as they increase testosterone levels and self-confidence.


A beautiful smile is incompatible with bad teeth, so it is necessary not only to regularly brush your teeth 2 times a day, but also to visit a dentist every six months for preventive examination and cleaning.


Don't forget to wash your hair every day in the morning and go to the hairdresser more often.

As for hairstyles, there are no restrictions - you can choose what you like most. You just need to avoid overly pretentious and complex styling and give preference to simpler and more natural ones.

Don't forget about cleanliness and tidiness

A good appearance also means cleanliness and neatness. Here are a few recommendations that must be followed:

  • Sloppiness. It doesn't matter what store you buy clothes from. The main thing is that the clothes are clean, and shirts and T-shirts. Girls don't like sluts.
  • Shoes. I also pay close attention to a woman’s shoes, so I need to make sure they are clean.
  • Size. You need to learn how to choose the right clothing size. Clothes that are tight or baggy will instantly ruin the first impression of the meeting.

Choosing clothes for meeting and dating a girl

There is no uniform style, which will appeal to all girls without exception. Everyone has their own preferences. One will pay attention to a man in a strict business suit, the other to a guy in sneakers and jeans.

Here are a few things that are a must-have in a men's wardrobe:


Shirts always look advantageous compared to T-shirts. Preference should be given to fitted shirts of calm, pastel colors with patterns and prints.

Don't forget that different shirts are worn differently: some are tucked into trousers, some can be worn for graduation. You can read more about this in our article:.


Can be worn over shirts, T-shirts and polos in the cold season. Perfectly emphasizes all the advantages of a male figure.


This is a fitted jacket with a sporty cut that can be worn over shirts or T-shirts with jeans or trousers.


For the cold season, you need to purchase a coat in black, gray or Brown.



Fashionable men's shoes without laces and fasteners, which are ideal for casual style.

There are many types of men's shoes. .


The only mandatory accessory is a belt. It is better to choose a belt made of real leather in black or brown to match the color of the shoes without a massive buckle.

It is highly advisable to purchase a watch. If finances allow, it is better to buy a watch from some famous brand. If they don’t allow it, then it’s better to abandon them altogether or look for a high-quality inexpensive replica.

For the warm season, you can buy yourself Sunglasses. How correct.

It is better not to put various small things: phone, keys, wallet in your pockets but rather collect them in a leather or knitted bag.

Another accessory that will come in handy is a tie. Narrow and knitted models look very fashionable.

Here are a few more useful tips for choosing clothes:

What you should never wear under any circumstances

Here are a few things you shouldn't wear if you want a girl to like you:

  • T-shirts with funny slogans. These T-shirts are good for boys. But they don’t suit a real man. The same applies to T-shirts with different brands. You are a person, not a walking billboard.
  • Hawaiian shirts. Those loose shirts in very bright colors are a thing of the past. The same goes for any other clothing in bright, acidic and flashy colors.
  • Sandals with socks. Classic mistake. Sandals, like any other shoes with holes, should be worn on bare feet.
  • Mesh T-shirts. They cause an extremely negative reaction in women. Especially if you cannot boast of an excellent physique.
  • Duck cap. In our country, these caps are already strongly associated with gopniks and taxi drivers. They should be avoided.

And finally, the opinion of the girls themselves about that male appearance:

As you can see, the ability to take care of yourself and choose the right clothes really plays a big role for women.

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In order to please a woman, you should carefully take care of yourself and wisely select things for your wardrobe, adhering to a single style.

What masculine things do girls like, and which ones, on the contrary, repel them? This question is extremely relevant today for the stronger sex. After all, clothes for men are like bright plumage, in which they try to win the attention of ladies.

Of course, men's wardrobe items should cover nakedness, protect from wind and sun, and keep them warm in cold weather. But their functions don’t end there: nothing prevents men’s clothing from being beautiful and having an attractive appearance. Modern fashionistas are well-versed in style trends; they learn to experiment in clothing and harmoniously combine men's items. Let's find out what they need to pay attention to in order to please women.

Shirts for men. Many ladies admit that they love to look at men who wear shirts. Free style, unexpected details, and original cut are welcome. The shirt is a universal item because it is indispensable at work, and is also suitable for walking, going to the movies or going to a party in a nightclub.

Leather items. Men should also pay attention to outerwear- the combination of a jacket with trousers and shoes plays an important role in the eyes of a girl. Things from genuine leather. In the online store today it is very easy to order men's jackets for every taste: “rocker” biker jackets, blazers, etc. The sexuality and drive that come from leather items have a very attractive effect on women.

Sport style. A healthy lifestyle and athletic physique are the “trump cards” of men who take care of themselves. You can dress up your muscles in clothes for men that will highlight your figure. Purely sporty items are appropriate only in the gym, but stylized wardrobe items are suitable for the street. For example, nice men's sweatshirts can be worn with jeans to appeal to the female gender. All kinds of T-shirts and expensive sneakers are also prized.

Men's jackets. The fair sex values ​​masculinity, grooming and elegance most in guys. It's no surprise that men's jackets are among the top most attractive wardrobe items. But these are not strict office items with a touch of officialdom, but fashionable fitted jackets, decorated with original details. This image is close to improvisation and spontaneity, which acts like a magnet on girls.

What irritates women in men's clothing

What scares women so much about the appearance of men and their manner of dressing? Of course, this is a matter of taste: some girls are horrified at the sight of “children’s” hats with a pompom, others are alarmed by knee-length ties, shiny or striped gangster-style suits, others pay attention to too short or white socks worn under dark shoes . The list can be continued indefinitely, but there are still a few general observations that most girls will agree with.

Most often, women are irritated not by the presence of any specific detail in a guy’s wardrobe, but rather by sloppiness, inability to select things with taste, and correctly combine them with each other. It is unlikely that you will see admiration on your companion’s face if you come to a meeting in a wrinkled, dirty, awkward suit, even if it is put together from fashionable things.

Men are advised to trash stretched sweaters and holey socks, and instead buy fresh, high-quality new clothes. Women love men in clothes that suit their personality. Bright, unusual accessories will help reveal your personality even more: belts, scarves, gloves, ties.

The answer to the question of what kind of men women like is quite simple - dressed stylishly and tastefully. There is no need to spend a lot of money on your men's wardrobe and hunt for branded items. The main thing is to monitor neatness, neatness of appearance and skillfully create suitable ensembles. It is important to choose the right outerwear and accessories for men.

There is an opinion that if a guy is a little more handsome than a monkey, then he is already handsome. Fortunately, in the 21st century this is not the case and guys have also begun to take care of themselves. Some of them actually overdid it and began to look more like females than males. So we surveyed 1,000 girls and found out what clothes they liked best on guys.

The tuxedo

All the girls surveyed (without exception!!!) called the classic tuxedo the most seductive men's outfit. Probably it’s all about the fairy tales about the prince that were read to them in childhood. Of course, it doesn’t look like this for work, but at a social event you will be irresistible in a tuxedo. Just remember - the tuxedo should be tailored to you, and not rented.

Fitted jacket

Also, most girls agreed that men in fitted suits look especially attractive. True, the beer belly will first have to be driven away, or at least retracted.


Okay, only Barney from How I Met Your Mother wears a suit 24/7. So for everyday wear you need to get several variations of your wardrobe in the Casual style. And don’t be scared by this word - this is everyday wear, in our opinion. And no, these are not your lounge pants, but high-quality and good clothes, meaning shoes, moccasins, sneakers (not sneakers!!!), trousers or jeans and a jacket. By the way, a jacket in this variation can be worn over a T-shirt.

Sports suit

Girls subconsciously look for a strong male. Athletes (or those who successfully look like them) are ideal for this role. So, we put on a tracksuit, sneakers, borrow a pug from a neighbor and go for a run in the neighboring park. We guarantee you some successful acquaintances.

White shirt

Girls say that this makes guys look clean and tidy. But we know the truth - they just like to walk around the house in our white shirts in the morning!

Moccasins for bare feet

Many girls consider this a sign of good taste and sophistication. By the way, moccasins are worn only this way - no socks are appropriate here. It's the same story with sandals, but girls don't find them attractive.

Ripped jeans

Girls love bad boys. And the bad guys, in turn, always have torn jeans. Just don't tear them yourself. Even ripped jeans should be of high quality and stylish.

Leather jackets

A good leather jacket complements and accentuates the bad boy's style. Just don’t wear it under a suit or trousers that are close to classic. A leather jacket is a street style garment and should be complemented accordingly.


No, not a hat with ear flaps or a tank cap. A headdress that complements men's clothing. Under a classic suit - this is a classic hat. and under torn jeans - a stylish cap. This is especially true for men who are going bald or are not comfortable with a comb.

Black shirt

A very underrated men's wardrobe item that can be worn with either jeans or a suit. There is something about a black shirt - so evil, forbidden and mysterious.

We hope that we have helped the guys sort out their wardrobe a little.

How to dress to please guys and men? How to dress fashionably and beautifully? How can a girl learn to dress beautifully?

Do you think that guys are simple and primitive? Perhaps in some areas - yes. But not the one that concerns girls and choosing your soulmate!

What clothes do guys like? What colors do guys like?

What clothes should you wear to please guys? They are actually not that easy to please. But we will try.

Men really like girls in fur. This is probably why they love to buy their loved ones fur coats with rhinestones and down jackets with a fur collar. For men, women look amazing in such clothes. Men often dream that the queen of their heart would put a fur coat on her naked body. Would you do this for your lover?

Men are delighted with women's clothing that is not in a man's wardrobe. Short skirts and fishnet tights, for example. And it doesn’t matter what color the skirt is. The shorter it is, the better. But, no matter how short the skirt is, a man will want to see a skirt that has an even shorter “look.”

Men also really like those skirts that have cutouts. And if, under the cutouts, you can see stockings with beautiful legs - it’s just a dream. A dream that women fulfill for men.

Guys like clothes made from soft fabrics. Men are completely crazy about her. It can be mohair, silk, velvet or voile. Men love to feel these fabrics on their chosen ones, because they believe that they are delicate, like women's skin.

How can a girl learn to dress fashionably and beautifully so that guys and men like her?

Guys love clothes made from tight fabrics. It is this kind of clothing that does not hide all the charms of the beauties’ figure and is very popular with guys and men. Even if it’s jeans, they will attract men’s eyes. Why "even if"? Jeans are not exactly feminine clothing. And men value femininity, in all its forms and forms.

Guys also love jewelry: bracelets, earrings, baubles, rings, chains... True, they can pretend that they are absolutely indifferent to this kind of thing. But, in combination with a low-cut blouse, on your beloved girl, any of these accessories will look great.

Leather clothing also attracts the gaze of men. But not any leather clothing can attract their close attention. Men love it when leather clothes have the bare minimum of all sorts of bells and whistles, they fit perfectly, and have some dark color. By the way, men, most of all, like plain clothes, since monotony does not hide the beauty of the figure.

Also, surprisingly, men love dresses and skirts of a “country” character. Such skirts, in their opinion, flutter very sexy in the wind. The guys really like this.

The most important thing is accuracy! We must not forget about her for a moment. Otherwise, any clothing, no matter how sexy, will not make any impression on men. In addition, men would never approach a girl whose tidiness is not in order.

Men don’t really respect a strict and sporty style on a woman’s body. They prefer tank tops, T-shirts and short shorts or breeches. They generally have a passion for everything good. For example - for hats or funny socks.

What color clothes do guys like? What is fashionable and beautiful?

What colors do guys like? They do not like clothes of bright colors. They believe that all the brightness lies in the woman herself. A woman has charm, charm, and charisma. If used correctly, they gradually become art. Men love subtle tones, but not too dull. In short, something in between.

Where there are clothes, there are shoes. Men go crazy when a woman’s foot wears stiletto heels or high heels (heels no lower than seven centimeters). You must learn to walk in such stilettos and heels to avoid bruises and fractures. In particular - in winter months of the year.

Clothes that guys really like. Underwear.

Men love swimsuits and underwear. Although, most of all, they love nudity. Clothes, at some points in life, are simply a hindrance. They would be very happy if women, without any complexes, walked around a huge city completely naked.

Paradox: men love it when girls dress too revealingly, but they get jealous and furious when a woman dresses like that. Apparently (it is true), they are terribly afraid that their soul mate will slip away to another. They would really like the women they care about to be seen in revealing clothes, only by them, and not a single living soul.

Many, in general, most likely need to go to Muslim countries. Only there, our dear and respected men, will be able to find peace. There, after all, harems are allowed, and women wear only closed and modest clothes. Even though modesty is not always an adornment, you cannot run away and hide from laws and traditions.

Men love those clothes that are thoroughly saturated with the delicate aroma of perfume. There is no need for pheromones here. Although, it is perfumes with pheromones that are very popular among young girls and women. They dream of conquering a man. But perfume is not everything.

Men are delighted with clothes white. Try to maintain this whiteness and not turn it into some other shade or color. By the way, doing this is not so easy, right?

Some husbands and boyfriends love revealing clothes with sequins. Most likely, they associate sparkles with the rays of the morning sun. A woman is the sun that illuminates a man’s path to a happy and long life.

Women love to wear a uniform (for example, a police uniform for work). Men also like this shape on the body of the opposite sex. Somehow, even too much. But no more than everything short, transparent and open.

Men love “unusual” clothes. That is, the one that they, well, never expected to see on their soul mate. And the other half took it and got dressed, not as usual. Surprised, amazed, captivated. A man will definitely appreciate it. Will evaluate and approve. After all, he knows for whom his baby is trying.

Men love clothes too delicate flowers, they like: turquoise, pink, lilac, lilac…. A woman, in their opinion, in such flowers is like a flower herself. The task of men in this case: make sure that this flower does not wither without the warmth and caress of hands and words. Men try to successfully cope with this task. Fair!

P continuation follows:

How to get a guy to like you? -