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» Kalina red - the widest range of useful properties, contraindications, recipes. Kalina. Useful and healing (healing) properties of Kalina. What is useful viburnum. Viburnum treatment Kalina for weight loss

Kalina red - the widest range of useful properties, contraindications, recipes. Kalina. Useful and healing (healing) properties of Kalina. What is useful viburnum. Viburnum treatment Kalina for weight loss

What is the use of red viburnum?

Since ancient times, red berries have been very popular. Our ancestors found out that not only the fruits benefit the body, but also the flowers, leaves and bark of the plant. With the help of viburnum, you can get rid of:

From high blood pressure;
from any colds;
from heart problems;
from problems with the genitourinary system;
from insomnia.

It contains a large amount of vitamin C. In berries, it is present many times more than in citrus fruits. Also in viburnum there is rutin, which helps the vessels and the heart muscle to stay in shape. The berries contain pectins with tannins. They help treat the stomach. Many are interested in what is viburnum useful for and how to use it? This is what we will look into.

How does viburnum help to cope with high blood pressure?

At high pressure, viburnum is recommended to be taken to normalize it. Over time, berries can be used as an additional method of treatment in combination with drugs from a doctor. There are effective remedies that can be prepared at home. For cooking, they usually take the fruits and bark of viburnum. But you need to know when to cut the bark from a tree and how to do it correctly. To do this, you need to make ring cuts 30 cm apart and a longitudinal cut.

Red viburnum contains a large amount of essential oils. They have a diuretic effect on the body. These actions lead to the removal of excess water, blood pressure decreases, and the work of the heart is restored. Also in the berries there are many minerals, which allows you to give vitality to the whole body.
In order to prepare a decoction of the bark, you need to take 15 grams of raw materials and pour 2 large spoons of boiling water. The composition should be boiled for about half an hour, then strain. The finished product must be taken two small spoons three times a day after meals.

You can also prepare an infusion of viburnum fruits. 5 large spoons of crushed berries are taken and poured with three glasses of boiling water. The tool should stand for about 4 hours. Take the composition for a whole glass three times a day.

Someone likes to drink fresh viburnum juice. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, mix sugar and berry juice at the rate of 1:2. The drink is drunk 2 tablespoons three times a day with water.

What is useful viburnum and how to use it with, now it has become clear. But berries need to be able to harvest. Usually viburnum is harvested after the first frost so that their bitter taste disappears. When the berries are dry, transfer them to a paper bag for storage. In autumn, you can make various blanks from berries. From the viburnum, tasty and healthy juices, jams and jams are obtained.

You can also use frozen berries to prepare various preparations. Compotes and jelly are cooked from them. The beneficial properties of viburnum can be preserved if it is candied. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to wash the berries and grind with a blender. If this device is not available, then a meat grinder will also work. Then add sugar at the rate of 1:2 and spread the finished mass into bottles. Then close the lids tightly. It is advisable to store viburnum in this form in the refrigerator.

How does red viburnum help with diabetes?

Kalina in diabetes has an anti-inflammatory, sedative, blood-purifying and astringent effect. Berries help get rid of pain, acting as an antispasmodic. Viburnum reduces fever and removes inflammation. With a nervous strain, the berries will help to recover. Patients with type 2 diabetes are allowed to use viburnum. Berries bring tone to blood vessels and the heart. Regular consumption of red viburnum reduces cholesterol levels. Amazing fruits improve eyesight.

Kalina helps to strengthen the immune system and normalizes blood pressure. The tone of the body increases if you drink a glass of tea with viburnum. These wonderful berries help to increase the production of insulin. In the combination of viburnum and blood sugar, the glucose level decreases, and the person feels better.

It is contraindicated to eat fruits with low blood pressure, poor blood clotting, with gout and during pregnancy. It is recommended to use viburnum after frost to get rid of their astringent taste. Add berries to tea or compote. You can dry the fruits to prepare drinks in winter. It is possible to treat diabetes with viburnum only after consulting a doctor. You can combine 10 grams of berries and the same amount of plant bark, 20 grams of juniper fruit and the same number of blueberry leaves.

All components are mixed. The result is a collection of medicinal plants. A spoonful of the composition is taken and poured with a glass of water. The product must be boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes. Ready broth is taken 150 ml 3 times a day. Now you know how viburnum is useful and how to use it with.

How does red viburnum help children?

Children are constantly sick, but not all parents turn to doctors for help. Mothers try in every possible way to cure their child. Any cold is accompanied by a strong cough. Viburnum will help to cope with this. You can prepare an effective cough remedy. To do this, take 2 large spoons of berries and grind to a pulp. It will need to be poured with a glass of boiling water. Heat the product in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Then the composition should be filtered and cooled. Add 210 ml of warm water to the infusion. Take a healing agent of 80 ml several times a day.

Cough fighting berries in combination with honey. Pour boiling water over the fruits and rub through a sieve. Then add the same amount of honey there. The finished product should be consumed in a large spoonful on an empty stomach. Now everyone knows what viburnum is useful for and how to use it for children.

The use of viburnum red in cosmetology

Kalina is used to make cosmetics at home. There are many recipes for face masks.

1. You can prepare an effective remedy for oily skin. For cooking, you need viburnum juice. You need to dip a napkin into it and apply it to your face for 10 minutes. Then all actions are repeated. After the procedure, the face will need to be washed with warm water and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

2. For dry skin, it is best to use a viburnum mask in combination with other components. For example, you can prepare a remedy from crushed berries and honey. If the composition turned out to be too liquid, then oatmeal is added there. Before applying the mask to the face, it must be steamed. The composition should be on the face for about 15 minutes, then you can wash everything off.

3. You can cook homemade and acne from viburnum. For cooking, you will need sour cream and viburnum juice in equal proportions. Mix all the ingredients and apply the finished mixture on your face for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, wash off the mask with water and lubricate with a moisturizer. Now it has become known how viburnum is useful and how to use it for face masks.

Kalina is useful in many ways. These small berries have a beneficial effect on the body and on the skin. Experiment and create different compositions of red fruits, and you will always be healthy and beautiful.

Autumn is generous with gifts, one of which is viburnum - one of the most useful berries, which has retained its relevance for several centuries.

Latin name "Viburnum opulus"- Viburnum ordinary received in 1753. Even then, it was ubiquitous and was found even in Madagascar and the Andes. A shrub growing in temperate latitudes, grows up to 2-3 meters in height and is found in humid places: in the valleys of reservoirs, shady forests. It has beautiful jagged leaves resembling a star and white flowers collected in balls, for which the British call the blooming viburnum "snowball" - snowball.

In August - September, viburnum berries ripen. In just a few days, they acquire a bright red color, as they used to say in the old days, they become hot under the sun's rays. Hence the Russian name of the plant - viburnum. However, despite the apparent ripeness, at the end of summer the berries are still very bitter - viburnum gains its final taste and sweetness only after the first frost. In October, when the trees shed all their leaves and prepare for hibernation, the fruit harvesting period will come. Viburnum berries do not fall off the bush even in winter - they hold tightly to the branches and are easily visible from afar.

If you look at the berry in the light, you can see an oval bone that divides the viburnum in half. A flat grain is another sign by which it is easy to identify viburnum - you will not find such a heart-bone in any other berry. It is best to collect fruits with whole brushes - this allows you to store them in limbo on a balcony or in any cold room.

Useful properties of viburnum

Viburnum berries have a peculiar smell - a mixture of valerian and apple. And valerian is not accidentally involved in the aroma: the composition of the fruit includes isovaleric and valeric acids. In addition, viburnum is rich in ascorbic, caffeic acids, tannins, pectin, beta-carotene, essential oils and viburnin.

Valeric acid has a beneficial effect on increased excitability and calms the nervous system, and the rich vitamin composition of the berries is good for weakening the immune system and beriberi.

Viburnin glycoside has a positive effect on high blood pressure and normalizes the work of the heart. Viburnum juice, not subjected to heat treatment, is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, to normalize cardiac activity and cleanse blood vessels.

Pectin, which is rich in viburnum, is necessary to normalize impaired metabolism and restore intestinal motility. In addition, it binds and removes pesticides, radioactive elements, toxic metals from the body.

It is not for nothing that Kalina is called a doctor: a berry decoction helps to cope with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cures cough and bronchitis, copes with female ailments, restores the voice and relieves sore throats.

A decoction of viburnum berries. Brew a glass of berries with a liter of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey to a warm broth and drink half a glass several times a day.

Viburnum drink for hypertensive patients. Pour the mashed berries with boiled water at the rate of 1 glass of viburnum per liter of water, let it brew for several hours and take it throughout the day. If desired, honey or sugar can be added to the drink. In this recipe, the main thing is not to subject the berries to heat treatment, so as not to destroy the viburnin necessary for the treatment.

Regularly including viburnum in your diet in the form of healthy desserts, you will notice how the digestive system is getting better, sleep becomes stronger and excessive nervousness disappears.

Keep pureed berry mixture in the freezer - it will help with external bleeding. The substances contained in the berry will stop the blood and have an anti-inflammatory effect, and the cold will relieve pain.

No less useful is the bark of the shrub, which is harvested in the spring, at the time of sap flow, by cutting narrow longitudinal strips from the branches. This method of collecting the bark does not damage the bush, fully preserving its viability. The bark is dried in a ventilated place until it becomes easy to break by hand, after which it is stored in a tightly closed container.

A decoction of the bark of viburnum helps with internal bleeding, especially postpartum, with menstrual irregularities, stomach ulcers, headaches, insomnia, and inflammation of the gums.

flower decoction also has hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic and appetite-stimulating properties. Outwardly, a decoction of viburnum flowers is used to treat scrofula and rash.

To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of flowers or viburnum bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 3 times a day for a quarter cup.

In the same way, a decoction is prepared from the roots of the shrub. A course of 15 baths with a decoction of viburnum root will help relieve pain from rheumatism and relieve insomnia, allergies and nervous disorders.

Due to its strong hemostatic properties, pregnant women and people with increased blood clotting are not recommended to use viburnum.

Kalina for weight loss and beauty

100 gr. viburnum contains only 26 kilocalories and about 7 gr. carbohydrates, which allows her to take pride of place among the products that promote weight loss. Various viburnum sweets will not only help to cope with cravings for harmful "fast" carbohydrates, but also enrich the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Almost every region of Russia has long preserved its own recipe "Kalinnika"- a low-calorie berry pie that fully meets the strict requirements of nutritionists.

In the Smolensk and Kaluga regions, kalinnik was baked as follows: ground viburnum was brewed with boiling water into a gruel, on which rye flour dough was kneaded. The cake turned out in the form of a large unleavened cake with a sweet and sour taste.

Penza Kalinnik was even less high-calorie: it was baked by distributing the berry filling between cabbage leaves. The result was sweetish black cakes - a favorite delicacy of local kids.

If you are not ready to taste the recipes of ancient Russian cuisine, try a more modern delicacy - marmalade from viburnum. To prepare it, you will need fresh or frozen berries, which must be scalded with boiling water and rubbed through a sieve, separating the grains. Honey, fructose or a natural sweetener are added to the berry mass in an amount equal to half the mass of the berries. The sweet mass is placed in the oven and boiled over low heat until thickened.

Ready marmalade is poured into a mold and cooled. Its calorie content will directly depend on the sweetener used, but even if you add ordinary sugar to marmalade, the dessert will retain its beneficial properties.

Coffee from viburnum beans. The bones of viburnum remaining after the preparation of marmalade are roasted in a dry frying pan or in the oven until dark, and then ground in a coffee grinder and brewed like regular coffee. This viburnum coffee drink is very useful for constipation and has tonic properties.

Multivitamin drink for chronic fatigue. Brew in a thermos with a liter of boiling water a mixture of viburnum berries, hawthorn, wild rose, dried apricots, mountain ash and raisins, taken in 1 tbsp. spoon, and you get a vitamin-rich drink that will help you cope with chronic fatigue and winter apathy. Drink it instead of tea and in a few days you will notice increased efficiency and vigor.

Pureed viburnum berries are also used externally. Berry mask has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, helps fight acne and pimples.

On winter days, when the body is especially weak and prone to colds, try vitamin fasting day. Prepare a liter of multivitamin drink, a glass of pureed viburnum berries, 5 teaspoons of honey and 500 gr. cottage cheese. Make a coffee drink from the seeds. Divide food into 5 meals and eat throughout the day.

Cottage cheese will provide the body with calcium and easily digestible protein, honey - with the energy contained in its carbohydrates, and the viburnum component of the fasting day - with vitamins and microelements. After such unloading, lightness and energy will appear in the body, and there will be no trace of an impending cold.

A simple, well-known viburnum berry will help health and weight loss. Moreover, it is especially relevant for Russian women: after all, those vegetables, fruits and berries that grow in the region of residence bring the maximum benefit to the body.

October is just around the corner, it's time to take a walk through the local forests and look for thickets of viburnum. Good luck with your harvest.

Autumn is generous with gifts, one of which is viburnum - one of the most useful berries, which has retained its relevance for several centuries.

Latin name "Viburnum opulus"- Viburnum ordinary received in 1753. Even then, it was ubiquitous and was found even in Madagascar and the Andes. A shrub growing in temperate latitudes, grows up to 2-3 meters in height and is found in humid places: in the valleys of reservoirs, shady forests. It has beautiful jagged leaves resembling a star and white flowers collected in balls, for which the British call the blooming viburnum "snowball" - snowball.

In August - September, viburnum berries ripen. In just a few days, they acquire a bright red color, as they used to say in the old days, they become hot under the sun's rays. Hence the Russian name of the plant - viburnum. However, despite the apparent ripeness, at the end of summer the berries are still very bitter - viburnum gains its final taste and sweetness only after the first frost. In October, when the trees shed all their leaves and prepare for hibernation, the fruit harvesting period will come. Viburnum berries do not fall off the bush even in winter - they hold tightly to the branches and are easily visible from afar.

If you look at the berry in the light, you can see an oval bone that divides the viburnum in half. A flat grain is another sign by which it is easy to identify viburnum - you will not find such a heart-bone in any other berry. It is best to collect fruits with whole brushes - this allows you to store them in limbo on a balcony or in any cold room.

Useful properties of viburnum

Viburnum berries have a peculiar smell - a mixture of valerian and apple. And valerian is not accidentally involved in the aroma: the composition of the fruit includes isovaleric and valeric acids. In addition, viburnum is rich in ascorbic, caffeic acids, tannins, pectin, beta-carotene, essential oils and viburnin.

Valeric acid has a beneficial effect on increased excitability and calms the nervous system, and the rich vitamin composition of the berries is good for weakening the immune system and beriberi.

Viburnin glycoside has a positive effect on high blood pressure and normalizes the work of the heart. Viburnum juice, not subjected to heat treatment, is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, to normalize cardiac activity and cleanse blood vessels.

Pectin, which is rich in viburnum, is necessary to normalize impaired metabolism and restore intestinal motility. In addition, it binds and removes pesticides, radioactive elements, toxic metals from the body.

It is not for nothing that Kalina is called a doctor: a berry decoction helps to cope with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cures cough and bronchitis, copes with female ailments, restores the voice and relieves sore throats.

A decoction of viburnum berries. Brew a glass of berries with a liter of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey to a warm broth and drink half a glass several times a day.

Viburnum drink for hypertensive patients. Pour the mashed berries with boiled water at the rate of 1 glass of viburnum per liter of water, let it brew for several hours and take it throughout the day. If desired, honey or sugar can be added to the drink. In this recipe, the main thing is not to subject the berries to heat treatment, so as not to destroy the viburnin necessary for the treatment.

Regularly including viburnum in your diet in the form of healthy desserts, you will notice how the digestive system is getting better, sleep becomes stronger and excessive nervousness disappears.

Keep pureed berry mixture in the freezer - it will help with external bleeding. The substances contained in the berry will stop the blood and have an anti-inflammatory effect, and the cold will relieve pain.

No less useful is the bark of the shrub, which is harvested in the spring, at the time of sap flow, by cutting narrow longitudinal strips from the branches. This method of collecting the bark does not damage the bush, fully preserving its viability. The bark is dried in a ventilated place until it becomes easy to break by hand, after which it is stored in a tightly closed container.

A decoction of the bark of viburnum helps with internal bleeding, especially postpartum, with menstrual irregularities, stomach ulcers, headaches, insomnia, and inflammation of the gums.

flower decoction also has hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic and appetite-stimulating properties. Outwardly, a decoction of viburnum flowers is used to treat scrofula and rash.

To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of flowers or viburnum bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 3 times a day for a quarter cup.

In the same way, a decoction is prepared from the roots of the shrub. A course of 15 baths with a decoction of viburnum root will help relieve pain from rheumatism and relieve insomnia, allergies and nervous disorders.

Due to its strong hemostatic properties, pregnant women and people with increased blood clotting are not recommended to use viburnum.

Kalina for weight loss and beauty

100 gr. viburnum contains only 26 kilocalories and about 7 gr. carbohydrates, which allows her to take pride of place among the products that promote weight loss. Various viburnum sweets will not only help to cope with cravings for harmful "fast" carbohydrates, but also enrich the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Almost every region of Russia has long preserved its own recipe "Kalinnika"- a low-calorie berry pie that fully meets the strict requirements of nutritionists.

In the Smolensk and Kaluga regions, kalinnik was baked as follows: ground viburnum was brewed with boiling water into a gruel, on which rye flour dough was kneaded. The cake turned out in the form of a large unleavened cake with a sweet and sour taste.

Penza Kalinnik was even less high-calorie: it was baked by distributing the berry filling between cabbage leaves. The result was sweetish black cakes - a favorite delicacy of local kids.

If you are not ready to taste the recipes of ancient Russian cuisine, try a more modern delicacy - marmalade from viburnum. To prepare it, you will need fresh or frozen berries, which must be scalded with boiling water and rubbed through a sieve, separating the grains. Honey, fructose or a natural sweetener are added to the berry mass in an amount equal to half the mass of the berries. The sweet mass is placed in the oven and boiled over low heat until thickened.

Ready marmalade is poured into a mold and cooled. Its calorie content will directly depend on the sweetener used, but even if you add ordinary sugar to marmalade, the dessert will retain its beneficial properties.

Coffee from viburnum beans. The bones of viburnum remaining after the preparation of marmalade are roasted in a dry frying pan or in the oven until dark, and then ground in a coffee grinder and brewed like regular coffee. This viburnum coffee drink is very useful for constipation and has tonic properties.

Multivitamin drink for chronic fatigue. Brew in a thermos with a liter of boiling water a mixture of viburnum berries, hawthorn, wild rose, dried apricots, mountain ash and raisins, taken in 1 tbsp. spoon, and you get a vitamin-rich drink that will help you cope with chronic fatigue and winter apathy. Drink it instead of tea and in a few days you will notice increased efficiency and vigor.

Pureed viburnum berries are also used externally. Berry mask has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, helps fight acne and pimples.

On winter days, when the body is especially weak and prone to colds, try vitamin fasting day. Prepare a liter of multivitamin drink, a glass of pureed viburnum berries, 5 teaspoons of honey and 500 gr. cottage cheese. Make a coffee drink from the seeds. Divide food into 5 meals and eat throughout the day.

Cottage cheese will provide the body with calcium and easily digestible protein, honey - with the energy contained in its carbohydrates, and the viburnum component of the fasting day - with vitamins and microelements. After such unloading, lightness and energy will appear in the body, and there will be no trace of an impending cold.

A simple, well-known viburnum berry will help health and weight loss. Moreover, it is especially relevant for Russian women: after all, those vegetables, fruits and berries that grow in the region of residence bring the maximum benefit to the body.

October is just around the corner, it's time to take a walk through the local forests and look for thickets of viburnum. Good luck with your harvest.

The theme of viburnum in Russian folklore traditions is one of the most popular. And songs about her are composed, and legends. Not a single wedding ceremony in Rus' was complete without branches with bright red berries. This is an old Slavic symbol of virginity, beauty, love.

Moreover, among some peoples, viburnum is the personification of the parental home, all that is dear, endowed it with the abilities of a “guide” between the worlds of the dead, the living and those who are just waiting for their hour of birth.

Kalina is associated with heat, sparks of flame, according to one version, it owes its name to the color of the fruit, resembling red-hot iron.

Traditionally, the berries have been used to make pies and drinks. In peasant life, viburnum found its direct use: craftsmen wove baskets, wreaths and other utensils from young flexible branches, thus, it justified its Latin origin from the word vimen, which means rod, vine.

Kalina (Viburnum opulus L.) is a fairly large tree-like shrub 1.5-4 meters high, found almost everywhere in the forest zone of temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent and North America. The most suitable period for harvesting is August-September, but often these berries turn red on the tops of the bushes until the first frost. Frost-bitten viburnum loses its natural bitterness and becomes sweet. This is how it is used for culinary purposes.

Until 2003, the viburnum was attributed to the honeysuckle family, in the modern classification it was “related” to the adox. You can look for wild viburnum in clearings of deciduous and mixed forests, in thickets along river and lake coasts. But many gardeners prefer to cultivate it on their plots, taking consistently good yields. This is a long-lived shrub, for him 50 years is not a period.

With its healing properties, viburnum has earned people's respect since time immemorial. The Roman poet Virgil sang about it, and medieval healers knew its price, relieving heartaches for people and prescribing it as a diuretic.


In central Russia, viburnum grows, called ordinary, but this “ordinary” viburnum has a composition so unusual that it’s time to talk about its uniqueness. Armed with knowledge of the complete chemical "layout" of the composition of viburnum, you can literally "shoot without a miss" for many diseases, because almost any of the biologically active substances contained in viburnum is the basis for characterizing viburnum as a natural healer.

Vitamins in terms of 100 g of fruits:

  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 80-138 mg (2-3 times more than in lemons);
  • vitamin PP or B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid) - 460-1350 mg (expands blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, regulates higher nervous activity);
  • vitamin A (carotene) - 2.5 mg (natural immunostimulant, has antitumor activity);
  • vitamin K - 28-31 mcg (antihemorrhagic effect, prevents hemorrhages and bleeding);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - 0.03 mg (regulates blood formation processes, lowers cholesterol, supports immunity;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) - 2 mg / g (antioxidant, "bearing offspring").

Trace elements in terms of 100 g of fruits:

  • molybdenum (Mo) - 248.0 mg;
  • magnesium (Mg) - 17.5 mg;
  • selenium (Se) - 10.5 mg (it tends to accumulate);
  • manganese (Mn) - 6.0 mg;
  • copper (Cu) - 0.8 mg;
  • zinc (Zn) - 0.5 mg;
  • iron (Fe) - 0.3 mg (3-5 times more than in fruits);
  • chromium (Cr) - 0.06 mg.


  • potassium (K) -34.2 mg (this is a very high indicator);
  • calcium (Ca) - 37.4 mg;
  • cobalt (Co) - 0.13 mg.

Organic acids - 3% (formic, acetic, caprylic, isovaleric, ursolic, chlorogenic). The latter is in the predominant amount (69 mg per 100 g of fruits), which has a beneficial effect on the prevention of stone formation in the kidneys and gallbladder.

Of the chemical compounds present in viburnum in quantities capable of exerting a powerful healing effect, pectin substances, flavonoids, phenolic compounds can be distinguished, among which leukoanthocyanins and catechins (69 mg per 100 g of fruit) occupy the first place, which prevent capillary fragility and have antitumor properties. and, finally, prolonging life.

A place of honor in the composition of the bark is occupied by choline-like substances, valuable for their hypotensive properties. Resinous substances are also represented in it - 6.12-7.26%.

Viburnum seeds are a storehouse of saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic), the fatty oil index is 21%.

During heat treatment of viburnum, its composition changes significantly:

  • losses of vitamin C during boiling reach 94%, when heated to 75 degrees "ascorbic acid" remains 12.7%, drying at a temperature of 50 degrees "burns" 50% of this vitamin;
  • the amount of pectin substances is reduced by 21.2%;
  • sugars lose 6.1%;
  • P-vitamin is completely destroyed.

Calorie viburnum

Usually, the nutritional value of a product is provided by protein components and lipids. In viburnum, both substances are absent, according to some sources, proteins are 0.25 g and are represented by free amino acids (glutamine, serine, alanine, lysine, glycine, etc.). There are about 7 g of carbohydrates (28 kcal).

Calorie content of 100 g of fresh berries - 26.3 kcal, dried - about 200 kcal (calorie content increases sharply due to evaporation of moisture during drying). But those who are strictly concerned with calories consumed should not be afraid - the consumption rates of dried berries for preparing drinks are small.

Beneficial features

The first data on the chemical composition of viburnum were obtained in the 9th century, it was then that viburnin was isolated from the bark, and later its glycoside.

Subsequent laboratory tests found the same substance in leaves and fruits. It tasted bitter, smelled like valeric acid, and was shown to stop uterine bleeding while also having an antispastic effect.

The officially recognized medicinal raw material of viburnum is the bark. According to phytochemists, the greatest pharmacological activity of drugs prepared from it is provided by the bitterness contained in it, or iridoids, to which viburnin belongs. Unlike flavonoids, they are quite rare in fruits and berries.

Thanks to iridoids (there are 9 compounds in viburnum), it is possible to stop internal bleeding of various nature (including stomach ulcers) in patients with low blood clotting. Helps them in this vitamin K, well known as a coagulant. In addition, they have antimicrobial, diuretic, hormonal and even tranquilizing activity.

The removed bark can be stored for 5 years; iridoids also retain their properties for a long time.

Without detracting from the merits of the bark, it is fair to say a few kind words about other parts of this wonderful plant, namely the flowers and leaves. Their antimicrobial action has been proven against lemon yellow staphylococcus, sarcina, bacillus pseudo-anthrax, and the phytoncidal and bactericidal properties of the fruit are detrimental to Trichomonas and Giardia.

Thus, mother nature, generously endowing viburnum with useful properties, sent it to us for healing from many ailments. And a person can only competently use this priceless gift.

Application in medicine

Almost all viburnum has medicinal qualities: flowers, seeds, fruits, leaves, branches, bark. They have many properties in common, but there are also individual, characteristic pharmacological orientations, which makes it possible to consider each part of the plant as a medicine, which is one or another remedy for curing diseases.

1. Berries (juice):

  • vitamin;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anti-febrile;
  • disinfectant;
  • laxative (with atonic constipation);
  • hypotensive;
  • antiulcer (stomach and duodenal ulcer);
  • hepaprotective (purification and restoration of the liver);
  • tonic (improves heart function);
  • antidepressant and sedative (for hysteria, menopausal neurosis, epilepsy);
  • antitumor (fibrous cancer and skin cancer, crushed fruits with honey - with a malignant tumor of the rectum);
  • anti-asthma;
  • with headaches.

2. Berries (infusion):

  • laxative;
  • antiviral (for respiratory infections);
  • restorative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic and decongestant (cardiac and renal edema);
  • hypotensive (lowers blood pressure);
  • cures gastritis, colitis, liver diseases;
  • has a good therapeutic effect in diseases of the nervous system, headaches.

3. Berries (decoction with honey and without its additive):

  • choleretic (with cholecystitis);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic (with dropsy, ascites);
  • with hoarseness;
  • with skin rashes and pustular infections (eczema, boils, carbuncles).

4. Seeds:

  • with violations of the digestive function caused by insufficient production of enzymes (dyspepsia).

5. Flowers (infusion, decoction):

  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • astringent (for diarrhea);
  • antispastic (for stomach cramps);
  • with urinary and gallstone diseases;
  • anti-inflammatory (diseases of the female genital area);
  • improving digestion;
  • with angina (in the form of rinses);
  • with eczema, diathesis, tuberculosis of the skin (externally).

6. Bark collected in early spring during sap flow (infusion, decoction):

  • hemostatic and analgesic (with severe uterine bleeding and painful menstruation, as well as hemorrhoids);
  • anti-inflammatory (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • antiseptic;
  • sedative;
  • normalizing high blood pressure;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • in diseases of the upper ENT organs (rhinitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, tracheobronchitis) in the form of irrigation, inhalation;
  • with periodontal disease.

7. Branches (young):

  • with conjunctivitis (externally),
  • with scrofula (decoction).

8. Leaves:

  • with helminthiasis, tonsillitis (infusion);
  • for skin diseases (juice).

The use of viburnum in cosmetology

Kalina is not only a natural universal cure for many diseases, but also an excellent cosmetic product given to us by nature; its use in this incarnation will help to make the skin of the face light, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and even partially smooth them out.

For the preparation of medicinal cosmetic potions, the bark of this shrub is mainly used, but the fruits and leaves are also in demand. The bark is used to make decoctions and infusions, and viburnum berries are used for masks.

With acne (especially in adolescence), you can prepare a decoction of viburnum bark and regularly wipe your face with it. In this regard, juice has proven itself well. This procedure will not allow dirt and fat to accumulate in the pores, the likelihood of acne will decrease.

Circles under the eyes and swelling of the eyelids can also be minimized by applying masks of pureed viburnum berries to problem areas. By applying the berry mass for just 10-15 minutes, you can achieve amazing results: the skin will look younger and regain its former elasticity.

To make an infusion, viburnum inflorescences are taken, filled with water and boiled for an hour. Then cool, filter and insist for several days. The decoction is prepared in the same way, but the bark, leaves and roots are taken as ingredients.

There are positive experiences with the use of viburnum in the fight against the "headache" of most women - cellulite. Pureed berries are mixed with honey in a ratio of 5: 1, a few drops of rosemary essential oil are added. The mass is applied to places where there is an “orange peel”, covered with a plastic film on top. Such a compress is aged for 40 minutes; 2-3 procedures per week are enough, and the result will be visible in a month.

Viburnum for weight loss

Due to the low calorie content, viburnum is used not only for weight loss, but also for the active fight against obesity. It is hard for people on a diet to do without sweets, and restrictions on the set of products lead to a lack of vital elements in the body. And even serious health problems are within reach.

In this situation, viburnum can come to the rescue. Low-calorie berry pie "Kalinnik", which has quite a lot of recipe options, will not add extra pounds, but it will replenish vitamin reserves in the body.

Outwardly, it is a cake of sweet and sour taste. Kalina was ground and brewed with boiling water to the state of gruel, then the dough was kneaded on rye flour and baked.

You can make marmalade from viburnum, then losing weight will be much more fun. Fresh or frozen fruits are scalded and wiped through a sieve. We add honey, fruit sugar or a sweetener by weight 2 times less than berry sugar to the pulp. Now you need to boil the mass until thick. It is better to do this in the oven. Pour the finished treat into a mold and cool.

Good to know

Now let's talk about contraindications. Unfortunately, they exist and we have to reckon with them, otherwise the “treatment” with viburnum can lead to serious consequences.

  • during pregnancy (increase the tone of the uterine muscles);
  • with a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting;
  • with serious kidney disease;
  • with gout (high content of purines, which, as a result of metabolism, turn into uric acid);
  • fresh fruits in large doses can cause vomiting;
  • in hypotensive patients, blood pressure may drop sharply.

Especially for - Albert Volkov

The deciduous shrub red viburnum, traditional for gardens and forests, is revered by the Russian people for its beauty and nobility, as well as for the healing properties it possesses. all parts of the plant without exception. From flowers and bark, leaves, fruits and seeds, infusions, decoctions, juices, teas are prepared, they are also used fresh. In this article, we will consider the beneficial medicinal properties and contraindications of red viburnum berries - knowing what are the benefits and harms of viburnum red, you can replace chemical pills with these rich gifts of nature, improve your health, get rid of many ailments.

First of all, the shrub attracts attention with bright fruits: beta-carotene is responsible for the rich red color of the berries. And, of course, everyone knows the notorious bitterness of these bright red beads - it is given by a unique substance, viburnin (by the way, viburnum in Latin sounds like viburnum opulus). Below is a photo of the berries and plants of red viburnum:

Ripe red viburnum

Useful for many diseases, growing everywhere, with excellent healing properties - in this article you will learn all about viburnum red.

What helps red viburnum?

Berries and flowers of the shrub, bark and juice are rich in organic acids, tannins, carotene, a significant amount of vitamins C and P, pectin - this variety allows the use of viburnum for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, as well as in cosmetology:

  • at the expense diuretic action viburnum red with hypertension and in the event of swelling due to disruption of the kidneys, it turns out to be an excellent remedy for traditional medicine - excess fluid is removed from the body, pressure in the blood vessels decreases, the work of the urinary tract and heart muscle normalizes;
  • effective healing of wounds and even gastric ulcers due to antiseptic and astringent components;
  • in the postoperative, post-painful rehabilitation period, viburnum tea will help recuperation And strengthening the immune system;
  • for treatment colitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, ulcers, etc.), atherosclerosis;
  • with nasal bleeding, colds and bronchitis, tonsillitis, asthma;
  • for pain in the liver and heart;
  • for weight loss and maintaining a slim figure;
  • in diseases oral cavity- stomatitis, bleeding gums;
  • Red viburnum for face useful in skin eruptions, rashes and acne.

In addition, viburnum, despite its natural bitterness, has found application and in cooking- meat dishes, infusions, decoctions, jams, kissels, desserts, sweets, wines are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Flowering varietal red viburnum

To contraindications the use of red viburnum in any form include:

  • the use of viburnum berries during pregnancy can lead to allergic reactions, and in some cases, abortion;
  • viburnum is forbidden with increased blood viscosity and a high coagulation rate - it can provoke thrombosis;
  • treatment with viburnum decoctions and infusions is not recommended for some kidney disease, gout, diseased joints, increased acidity of the stomach;
  • when skin allergic reactions and rashes you should stop taking viburnum;
  • so successful in the treatment of hypertension viburnum can cause fainting in humans with low blood pressure.

Before you start taking viburnum for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

What are the benefits of red viburnum berries for men?

Despite the fact that red viburnum is traditionally considered a “female” berry, infusions and decoctions from the pulp of the fruit will also be useful for men:

  • general strengthening effect on the body, prevention of the formation of oncological diseases;
  • treatment of diseases of the stomach and liver, constipation, tuberculosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels common among men;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • colds, which men are more prone to than women.

Men are less sensitive to the bitterness of viburnum medicines than women.

Medicinal recipes for cooking from red viburnum

The medicinal properties of the berry allow it to be used in various forms - infusions, decoctions, jams, juices, fresh, etc.. Here are the most popular recipes from red viburnum for medicinal purposes:

  1. Collection will help against flu and colds. In equal proportions: crushed inflorescences of viburnum, flowers of yellow tansy, red clover and lilac, leaves of garden raspberries, thyme, meadowsweet, grassy yasnitka, chopped licorice root. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, brewed with boiling water at the rate of 20 ml of water per 1 tbsp. l. herbal collection, insulated and infused. Taken ½ cup 3-4 times a day.
  2. Effective prevention of oncological tumors. In equal proportions, freshly prepared viburnum juice and bee honey are mixed until a homogeneous consistency. You should take 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. The product is stored in a cold place.
  3. Infusion for the treatment of chronic gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach. For collection in equal parts, crushed viburnum bark, sweet clover and calamus roots, cumin seeds, leaves of a large-flowered initial letter, mint and strawberry, plantain, chamomile inflorescences are taken. The crushed mixture is thoroughly mixed, poured with boiling water (200 ml of water per 1 tablespoon of collection), insulated, cooled, filtered. Taken ½ cup 3 times a day.
  4. With hypertension, a decoction is prepared from mashed ripe berries. 2 tbsp. l. slurries are poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, kept under a lid in a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and squeezed out, the pulp should not be thrown away - 1/3 cup of broth with pulp is taken before meals. With increased pressure, it will be useful to use fresh berries along with seeds - ¼ cup a day.

Recipes from red viburnum for treatment are varied: these are fresh berries, and decoctions from the bark, inflorescences and pulp of fruits in combination with other useful medicinal plants - almost any disease this bitter berry can help.

Viburnum berries are used in folk recipes

When to collect red viburnum?

In household plots, viburnum bushes are rare, most often berries, leaves, bark for fresh consumption, in the form of infusions, juices and decoctions harvested from wild shrubs.

To reduce the specific bitter taste characteristic of fruits, it is recommended to arrange a collection after berries will grab the first frost- the viburnum will become more tasty, the bitterness will turn into a slight pleasant astringency. The fruits harvested before the first frosts will be bitter and tasteless, in addition, there will be much more useful substances in the frozen berries.

After the first frost

If there is no opportunity to wait for frosts, then viburnum collected on warm autumn days can be placed in the freezer- the effect will be the same, and the berries can be taken out of the freezer and processed as needed.

What can be prepared from red viburnum?

There are many recipes for cooking dishes from viburnum, and with its addition as an ingredient, we will focus on the most popular and simple, tasty and healthy for the body.

Kalina red with honey It is easy to prepare, and its therapeutic and healing effect is really impressive, it is especially effective for hypertension. Decoctions and infusions of viburnum with honey, juices and teas, fruit drinks and other drinks have a beneficial effect on the heart, dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and strengthen immunity. The easiest to prepare are vitamin tea and juice: honey and viburnum berry juice are mixed in equal proportions, such tea (juice) is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before the main meal.

Red viburnum tincture performed on vodka, sometimes with honey or sugar. For vodka tincture, 0.5 liters of vodka and 0.5 kg of ripe large viburnum berries are required:

  • the berries are sorted, thoroughly washed under running water, dried;
  • in the prepared glass container, the berries should take half the volume;
  • vodka is poured so much that it completely covers the berries;
  • the container is tightly closed with a lid, placed in a warm place for a day;
  • after a day, the remaining vodka is added to the container;
  • the mixture is infused for a month or more, after which it is filtered;
  • tincture is ready to use.

The longer the viburnum insists on vodka, the more useful the tincture will be.

Easy to prepare and viburnum red with sugar- rolled up in jars, it will stand all winter and will be an excellent aromatic addition to tea or pies, revealing its true taste. For cooking, you will need 1 kg of viburnum berries, 700-800 g of sugar, sterilized jars. The cooking process will take literally 5-10 minutes:

  • sort the berries, remove spoiled fruits and twigs;
  • wash viburnum in a colander or sieve under running cold running water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar are laid out in a sterilized jar at the bottom, then part of the berries;
  • viburnum is sprinkled with sugar, a layer of berries is laid out again, sugar again, etc. - the remaining sugar will be the last thick layer.

If long-term storage is expected, then the jar can be rolled up with a metal lid; if the viburnum is to be consumed immediately, a polyethylene or screw-on tin lid is sufficient.

Red viburnum tincture

Are red viburnum seeds useful?

Kalina is good because any part of the bush have healing properties and can be used in the treatment of diseases and healing the body. Heart-shaped pits of berries containing biologically active substances will also be useful: minerals, vitamins, fatty amino acids valuable for the body.

Decoction made from seeds used as a diaphoretic, to combat indigestion in young children, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and strengthen its muscle tone.

Prepared from the nucleoli of berries essential oils- the natural carotenoids-antioxidants contained in them will protect the body from malignant tumors, prolong youth, preventing premature aging. Viburnum seed oil is often included in medicinal ointments, balms and cosmetics - when applied externally, it will accelerate the healing of damaged skin (scratches, abrasions, wounds, boils, etc.), acne and skin rashes in adolescence. Suppositories containing viburnum seed oil are useful in the treatment of inflammation of the rectum, uterus and lower urinary tract.

Contraindications for the use of bones for medicinal purposes the same as for viburnum in general: pregnancy, hypotension, high blood clotting, increased acidity of the stomach.