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» Calculator for calculating the materials of a log house with siding, slab prefabricated monolithic foundation, wood-beam floor, corrugated roof. Calculations for building a house from timber Calculation of timber for building a house

Calculator for calculating the materials of a log house with siding, slab prefabricated monolithic foundation, wood-beam floor, corrugated roof. Calculations for building a house from timber Calculation of timber for building a house

Construction of a house must begin with calculations. And one of the most difficult is calculating the amount of materials needed. A separate line can be used to calculate the amount of timber. You can do this manually, or you can use a home timber calculator, but even then it is advisable to know and understand the calculation methodology.

Calculation of the quantity and volume of timber:

beam width:

beam height:

total length of walls (including all internal partitions):

wall height:

area of ​​openings (windows, doors):

beam length:

price for 1m 3:

number of gables:

wall length:

pediment height:

opening area:

Which timber can be used for which buildings?

For the construction of houses, two types of timber are used:

  • profiled;
  • glued.
  • They differ from each other in production technology, some technical characteristics and, of course, the price. Historically, for the construction of summer cottages and bathhouses, timber measuring 100x100 mm was used. For construction capital house For medium-sized timber, it is quite possible to use timber with a cross-section of 150X150 mm. Solid structures such as cottages or houses of impressive size use a product with a cross-section of 200X200 mm. As a rule, the length of the timber, regardless of its production technology, is 6 meters. But if desired, you can order a beam with a different length. Technologies used at enterprises that produce timber make it possible to produce timber with two flat and two convex surfaces, one of them extends outside the building, the other inside. Thus, it seems that the house is assembled from rounded logs.

    Calculation algorithm

    Important: when calculating timber, it makes sense to proceed from standard sizes Thus, the amount of waste can be optimized.

    The entire calculation can be divided into several parts. That is, you need to find out the amount of timber for the frame, the structure of the roof, floors, etc.

    Basic formula

    Important: the unit of measurement for lumber required for construction is in cubic meters (cubic m).

    For example, consider the algorithm for calculating a house made of timber with a cross-section of 150X150 mm. A beam of this cross-section is quite suitable for the construction of a building for areas located in middle lane our country. To perform the calculations you will need the following dimensions:

    1. Dimensions of the building - length x width x height (LxSxH);

    2. Number and dimensions of internal partitions - S1;

    3. Dimensions and number of rafters;

    4. Dimensions and number of beams used for the floor and ceiling.

    As a calculation object, we will take a one-story house with overall dimensions of 9x6x3 m and one internal partition 6 m. Based on these data, you can calculate the total cubic capacity of the timber. To do this you need:

    calculate the perimeter: (L*S)*2+S1=(9*6)*2+6=36 m. total area house is calculated by the formula - 36 * 3 = 108 m. Where 36 is the area, 3 is the height. By multiplying the result obtained by the length of the side of the beam, you can find out the total quantity, that is, 108 * 0.15 = 16.2 cubic meters.

    Important: a certain amount of material will be saved due to the fact that window and door openings will be cut out during construction. But practice shows that it is necessary to add 10 - 15% to the calculated size of the timber. Since there is always a possibility that the purchased material will contain substandard wood.

    Calculation of the amount of lumber for the floor and ceiling

    The amount of material required for beams, rafters, etc. directly depends on the type of building and roof structure. Beams with a section size of 100X150 mm are quite suitable for use in floor and ceiling construction. Taking the dimensions of the future house as a basis, you can calculate the number of beams. To do this, you need to find out how much timber is needed for arranging the floor and ceiling. With an installation step of 1 meter, 8 beams 6 m long will be used as joists, in addition, 8 beams of the same length will be used to construct the ceiling. That is, only 16 beams or 96 linear meters. To calculate the amount of lumber required, it is necessary to multiply the resulting length by the cross-sectional area, i.e. 96*0.015=1.44 cubic meters. Taking into account the above about the likelihood of substandard wood entering the one that will be purchased, you can safely purchase 1.5 cubic meters.

    How much lumber is needed for the roof?

    In the type of house for which the calculation is being carried out, as a rule, a gable roof is installed. The main task when designing this type of roof is to choose the correct slope. In fact, with a small slope of slopes, in winter time Ice will accumulate on the roof, and if too sharp corner, such a roof can be blown away by a sharp gust of wind. Therefore, many homeowners make the Solomon decision and choose a roof with a ridge angle of 45 degrees. Traditionally, the installation pitch of the rafters is 0.6 meters. The rafters themselves are made of 100x150 m timber.

    Important! Installation of rafters with a smaller pitch allows the use of timber with a smaller cross-section.

    In accordance with the Pythagorean theorem, determine the length of the leg rafter beam. In a triangle where the width of the house is taken as the hypotenuse, and the rafters are the legs, it turns out that the length of the leg is 4.2 m. Dividing the length of the house by the length of the step, we get the number of beams - 14 m. Taking into account the section, we can calculate that for the construction of the roof you will need 1.76 cubic meters. timber.

    After this, the calculation of the amount of timber can be considered complete. It is important not to forget about increasing the volume of purchased timber by 10 - 15%. You can check your calculations using our online calculator.

    In addition, many companies that are engaged in the construction of country housing will help you calculate the amount of timber for free.

    When constructing any building, the main issue is the selection required material and determining its required quantity. Even before construction begins, a good owner makes a plan upcoming works and estimate. The most popular material used in the construction of individual buildings is timber.

    But the residential building has a rather complex architecture. Therefore, even the same type of materials are used different sizes, depending on what part of the building they are used for. The volume of purchase also depends on the “dimensions”. Moreover, the price of lumber is usually expressed in rubles per cubic meter. After all, it is also mainly bought in “cubes”, and not individually.

    First of all, you need to make all measurements as accurately as possible. After this, in order to determine the required quantity of a specific product, all results are summed up and converted into “m3”. It's easier to count that way.

    To begin with, you should make a list of the blanks necessary for construction, “sorting” them by size. As already mentioned, for various elements The structure of the house and the timber needed are different: both in length and in cross-section. After this, the volume of the workpiece is determined (length, width of the section, its height), just do not forget about the units of measurement.

    In construction, data expressed in “mm” is often used. Including . For example, 100 x 100 means that this is a workpiece with square section. The side of such a square is 100 mm (or 10 cm, or 0.1 m). By multiplying the obtained value by the required number of products, we obtain the “cubic capacity” of the required material of certain dimensions.

    Let's say we need to buy 20 beams with a cross-section of 150 x 150 mm and a length of 6 m.

    Convert “mm” to “m”: 150 mm = 0.15 m.

    Multiply: 0.15 m x 0.15 m x 6 m = 0.135 m 3. This is the volume of one beam. Now multiply the resulting value by their number: 0.135 m3 x 20 = 2.7 m3.

    Another example

    It is necessary to purchase 30 blanks with dimensions: 120 mm x 100 mm x 3 m. Similarly, we convert all units of measurement into meters. We get: 0.12 m x 0.1 m x 3 m. Multiplying these data, we get the volume of 1 product - 0.036 m 3. The total “cubic capacity” will be 0.036 m 3 x 30 = 1.08 m 3.

    Sometimes you need to determine how many pieces of timber there will be in 1 m3. We perform the reverse action - division. To do this, divide 1 m3 by the volume of one workpiece.

    Most often in individual construction Products are used in several basic sizes. We present data for such products per 1 m3, and take the length to be 6 m.

    • 100 x 100 – 16.6 pieces per cube; the volume of one workpiece is 0.06 m 3
    • 100 x 150 – 11.1 pcs. with a volume of 0.09 m 3
    • 150 x 150 – 7.4 pcs. with a volume of 0.135 m 3
    • 200 x 200 – respectively 4.1 pcs. and 0.24 m 3

    When determining the quantity, consider the following points:

    • There will almost never be an “even” amount of timber in 1 m 3 of production.
    • When installing structural elements of a house, something is bound to be missing somewhere.
    • Even the highest quality delivery may contain from one to several “units” of defects.
    • If you buy more, most likely it will be another batch. And it is undesirable to use blanks from different ones. There may be some deviations in processing technology. And, as a result, difficulties will arise when joining the elements.

    Of course, during construction it is very important to correctly calculate required quantity materials. After all, each log costs a lot of money, and its transportation is associated with certain difficulties. And if an error was made in the calculations, this can lead to serious difficulties. Our online beam calculation calculator will help you do this online.

    If there is a lack of material, it is necessary to interrupt construction process, and wait until the timber is delivered in the required quantity. If too much timber was purchased, then there will be a few extra logs left, the money for which was wasted.

    But if you use a calculator to calculate the amount of timber when calculating, you will get the most accurate result. It is important that the calculator is very easy to use, thanks to which even an inexperienced person can carry out the necessary calculations in the shortest possible time.

    First, you need to enter the approximate dimensions of the future house - height, length and width of the walls. Of course, to know this data, you need to have

    Only then will you be able to use accurate data.
    The next stage is choosing the length of the beam. The beam can have different lengths, usually from 5 to 12 meters. This allows you to choose the optimal length for any project without overpaying extra money and without wasting time connecting two elements.
    The last stage is to indicate the section of the beam.

    In private construction, timber with a cross section from 150x150 to 200x200 is usually used. Choice suitable timber depends on the desires and capabilities of the future owner of the house.

    But it is worth noting that the thicker the timber, the better heat and sound insulation characteristics it will have. However, at the same time the cost also increases building material. So, you should take a serious approach to the choice of material so that it not only meets your requirements, but also its cost does not make the material unaffordable for you.

    became especially popular in Lately. Most often, such buildings are erected in holiday villages.

    And if earlier wooden house was considered summer option, then today such complexes are built for permanent residence. The construction itself can cause some difficulties, for example, the question arises of how to calculate the amount of timber per house.

    Unit of measurement for both laminated veneer lumber and edged boards, indicated in cubic meters.

    If its width is 15 cm, length 6 m and height 10 cm, then the amount of timber can be found by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the log.

    Thus, from a cubic meter of wood you will get 11 beams.

    Different elements of building construction will require different amounts of logs.

    First you need to determine the required number of beams for the ceiling and floor.

    • Compared to building a cottage from logs, timber buildings are easier and faster to build.
    • The surfaces of the walls and ceilings made of timber can be finished to your taste and preference, which cannot be done with log houses.
    • The most convenient section of timber is considered to be 15 by 15 cm. This is due to the fact that timber of this thickness has the most optimal thermal insulation properties and is also low in cost.
    • The use of profiled beams allows you to build a house that will serve for many years. But it costs comparatively more.

    For self-calculation building material, you need to use a simple formula:

    A*B*C = number of timber, where
    A – Wall length
    B – Wall width
    B – timber thickness

    An example of calculating the amount of material for a house measuring 6 by 8 m

    • First of all, you need to calculate the perimeter of everything:
      8*2+6*2=28 m
    • Then you should calculate the total area of ​​​​all walls:
      28*2=46 m²
    • The next step is to calculate the number of cubic meters of building material:
      56 m² * 0.15 m = 8.4 m³
      0.15 m – material thickness.

    After the calculations have been carried out, it is necessary to calculate the quantity for the construction of the roof. To do this, it is necessary to carry out separate calculations for beams, rafters and mauerlat.

    The number of timber for the construction of the Mauerlat is calculated depending on the thickness of the wood. Most often, beams with a cross section of 15 * 15 cm are used for these purposes.

    It is necessary to prepare five such beams, since the Mauerlat is constructed along the entire perimeter of the building.

    When independently calculating the amount of wood for the construction of rafters, you must consult experienced builders or read specialized literature. This is necessary in order to accurately determine the load of possible precipitation per square meter of roof.

    Depending on the length of the entire roof and rafters, the area of ​​one surface of the slope is determined, and then the possible load from precipitation on the entire roof is approximately calculated.

    The next stage is calculating the footage of all rafters.

    According to the standard, one meter of roofing must withstand one hundred kilograms of weight.

    The minimum distance of rafters from each other is determined by dividing the greatest load by one hundred.

    To calculate the appropriate number of rafters themselves, the smallest step is divided by the size of one rafter beam and then further divided by two.

    To construct the sheathing, timber 2.5 cm thick is used. The required amount can be obtained in the following way:

    • First of all, determine the appropriate amount of wood for the construction of a horizontal strip. It is calculated as follows: the length of the ridge is divided by the length of the beam.
    • The number of beams in units is determined depending on the thickness of the board, the step between them and the length of the slope.
    • Then, using a special table, the number of beams for the floors is determined.
    • Number of beams for flooring calculated depending on the width, length and direction of laying the beams: longitudinal or transverse.

    When independently calculating the number of logs per house, you can use the services of experienced builders. But if you wish, you can calculate the number using a special calculator.
    In this case:

    • building length – 6 m
    • house width – 8 m
    • height – 3 m
    • selected beam section – 0.15 m
    • beam length – 6 m

    Thus it turns out that:

    • Length of all walls (perimeter) – 28 m
    • Wall height in beams – 20 pieces
    • The amount of timber required for all walls is 560 meters
    • The volume of one selected timber is 0.14 m³
    • The total amount of wood for the walls is 94 pcs.
    • The total volume of the selected timber for the walls is 12.6 m³
    • Wall height in beams – 24 pcs.
    • For the construction of all walls, 960 m of timber is required
    • The volume of one selected timber is 0.18 m³
    • The quantity of selected timber for the walls of the house is 120 pcs.
    • The total volume of the selected timber for the walls is 21.6 m³

    Thus, in order to build a building measuring 10 by 10 m, you should prepare construction wooden beams in the amount of 120 pieces or 21.6 cubic meters.

    When building a cottage from wooden material you should also take into account the presence of window and doorways– their perimeter and area.

    When choosing and purchasing wooden beam Several factors need to be taken into account:

    • Log moisture content. You should not choose wood with a damp structure, since the moisture will evaporate over time anyway, and the timber may lose its original shape.
    • Technological diagram for the production of logs - laminated veneer lumber or solid timber. The first one is the most durable and reliable option, in addition, it has a high heat-saving indicator. But its price is comparatively more expensive.
    • Cross-sectional appearance.
    • When building a house or cottage in which it is planned year-round accommodation, it is advisable to use timber 20 * 20 cm. Such houses can be insulated with the most common and cheapest - polystyrene foam or mineral wool. If it is being built country house, in which it is planned to live only in summer period years, then wood with a cross section of 10*10 cm is suitable. For these purposes, timber of this thickness is considered the most optimal, since it is able to retain heat on cold days, and in the hot season it allows air to pass through perfectly.

    Having produced correct calculations the required amount of material, you can provide yourself with quick and easy construction Houses. There will be no such situations when you need to think about where to get the missing timber, because in such cases, construction may simply stop while purchasing the material, or vice versa, where to put the extra logs, of which there may be quite a lot left.

    In any case, before self-construction at home or it is recommended to consult with a specialist who can help and suggest how best to make the calculation, what factors and nuances to take into account so as not to make a mistake.

    The calculation technology will differ depending on the amount of timber in the batch. For a small quantity it is very simple: if all the material has the same dimensions, you must first multiply the cross-sectional area (it will be equal to the width multiplied by the height of the section) of one beam by its length. So you find the quantity cubic meters one unit of lumber, after which you multiply the resulting number by the total number of units - this will be the exact cubic capacity of the units of timber you purchased.

    It is very difficult for a non-specialist in the field of woodworking to figure out how to calculate the cubic capacity of timber or other wooden moldings. And this is important, since the sale of timber, boards, bars at sawmills and warehouse stores is carried out precisely in cubic meters, which is what many traders use to earn money in their pockets.

    There are at least two enough simple ways calculations that any non-specialist can master and feel confident when buying lumber for the home.

    Calculations for small quantities

    As mentioned above, here you just need to multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​one beam by its length. For example, 15 units of timber with a cross-section of 150 x 150 mm and a length of 6 meters were purchased. Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the beam - 0.15 x 0.15 = 0.0225 square meters, after which we multiply this area by 6 and get 0.135 cubic meters. - that’s exactly how much one beam has. After this, we multiply the resulting number by 15 (the number of units of timber) and get 2.025 - the total cubic capacity of the purchased timber.

    In this very simple and accessible way, you can calculate not a large number of timber and other lumber.

    It is also necessary to remember that there are special tables - cubatures, which will minimize the use of the calculator and greatly simplify the calculations:

    — timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 6 m – 0.060 cubic meters. – 16.67 pieces per cubic meter.
    — beam 0.10 x 0.15 x 6 m – 0.090 cubic meters. – 11.11 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 6 m – 0.135 cubic meters. – 07.41 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 6 m – 0.120 cubic meters. – 08.33 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 6 m – 0.180 cubic meters. – 05.56 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 6 m – 0.240 cubic meters. – 04.17 pieces per cubic meter.

    — timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 7 m – 0.070 cubic meters. – 14.28 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.10 x 0.15 x 7 m – 0.105 cubic meters. – 09.52 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 7 m – 0.1575 cubic meters. – 06.35 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 7 m – 0.140 cubic meters. – 07.14 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 7 m – 0.210 cubic meters. – 04.76 pieces per cubic meter.
    — timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 7 m – 0.280 cubic meters. – 03.57 pieces per cubic meter.

    There are times when you need to buy a large amount of timber for your home, and it can be of different lengths and cross-sectional sizes.

    Measuring and calculating each beam with such volumes is not a one-day task.

    There is a calculation methodology for such cases, but first we need to understand the concepts of cubic meter of dense wood and folded wood, which exist in forestry merchandising.

    Cubic meter of dense wood

    A cubic meter of dense wood is the volume of pure wood obtained by measuring a single timber, excluding voids between the timber and other lumber.

    Folded cubic meter

    A folded cubic meter is the overall dimensions of a stack of timber, including the voids between the timber.

    To find the number of folded cubic meters, we stack the timber as tightly as possible, and the length of the stack should not be greater than the length of the main amount of lumber. Joining of short beams is allowed.

    Upon completion, we measure the overall length, height and width of the resulting one or more stacks. When multiplying them, we get the folded cubic capacity of your timber, from which, using a special conversion factor, we get the cubic capacity of dense wood, for which you pay money.

    The value of the conversion factor for lumber is regulated by a number of state standards (GOST 6564-84, GOST 6782.1-75, GOST 6782.2-75, GOST 13-24-86) and for timber is from 0.74 to 0.82 - depending on the moisture content of the timber and the rock from which it is made.