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» Cambria - dancing orchid. Cambria orchid: types, reproduction and care Phalaenopsis cambria

Cambria - dancing orchid. Cambria orchid: types, reproduction and care Phalaenopsis cambria

The Cambria orchid is a hybrid variety of the "tropical beauty". Long, narrow leaves of deep green color, pseudobulbs, spectacular flowers of red, purple, soft brown and pleasant yellow shades are characteristic features of the original species. The second name of the plant is Star Orchid, due to the shape of the buds.

The tropical look has taken root well in apartments and offices, and many are interested in the nuances of growing the noble flower Cambria Orchid. Caring for a beautifully flowering hybrid at home is much easier than caring for other species of the Orchidaceae family. It is no coincidence that many novice flower growers choose the Asterisk Orchid.

Cambria: types and varieties

The tropical plant has several varieties. Many varieties and species are perfect for growing in offices and apartments.

Popular types of Cumbria Orchids:

  • Burrageara(a hybrid based on 4 varieties: Oncidium, Cochlyodes, Miltonia and Odontoglossum).
  • Beallara(a hybrid species developed by crossing four varieties of Orchids).
  • Colmanara(hybrid, base - 3 types of noble flowers of a popular family of tropical plants).

Orchids are beautiful, but there are other interesting names for spectacular green decor. All fans of unusual plants who dream of impressing family members and guests will enjoy equally exotic species. Interesting plants: Lithops (“Living Stones”), Stapelia (“Star of the Order”), Echeveria (“Stone Rose”), Aichrizon (“Tree of Love”), Adenium (“Desert Rose”), Haworthia (Zebra Cactus), Rhipsalis (“Forest Miracle”).

Home care

The advantage of the Cambria Orchid is that there are fewer requirements for maintenance parameters: the flower is not as capricious as other species from the same family. However, you should not think that a “noble beauty” native to the tropics will grow “on its own”, like Gaillardia or Mallow. The basic rules for growing Star Orchids are described in the following sections.

Other plants of the Orchid family are also successfully grown in homes and office spaces: the luxurious Vanda Orchid and the lush Dendrobium Orchid. Exotic plants have become a common decor, but when you see noble flowers, it’s hard to resist making admiring comments about the hostess, who takes excellent care of the rather capricious species.

Location and choice of flowerpot

Where to place the plant? Recommendations to consider:

  • east or west room;
  • a room with sufficient light;
  • not under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • in the south-eastern and southern rooms it should be possible to shade the plant in the heat;
  • not in a draft;
  • during the heating season, the flowerpot with a flower should be taken to a cooler room;
  • there is a possibility of access to fresh air.

Soil and drainage

Excessive dry air is an enemy for the tropical species. To retain liquid in the soil, it is useful to add vermiculite or perlite to the substrate. If the owners are leaving for a while and there is no one to moisten the soil in a pot with an Orchid, then you need to test homemade automatic watering systems in advance or add granular material to the pot - hydrogel, which accumulates and gradually releases moisture.

Experienced flower growers prepare the soil themselves, but it is easier and more reliable to buy a bag of soil mixture for Orchids. The substrate is loose, not heavy, absorbs and releases moisture well, but is quite nutritious. Agricultural stores have bags of soil of different weights.

On a note! Stagnant moisture is harmful to the large roots of a tropical flower; good drainage is essential. Suitable material is pieces of bark, large enough.

Planting and transplanting

Useful tips and important nuances:

  • If you buy suitable soil and follow the rules of care, problems with the Asterisk Orchid are rare, the plant develops well.
  • Regular transplantation is not needed. Moving to a larger pot is done approximately once every three to four years. Replanting is necessary if the substrate has become too dense or the roots have grown so large that they are sticking out of the flowerpot.
  • Suitable soil for Orchids is sold in flower shops.
  • The flowerpot is made of ceramic or plastic. Beautiful glass containers are not used, because the roots of a tropical plant do not tolerate exposure to light.
  • The diameter of the new flower pot is 2-4 cm larger than the previous one, taking into account the size of the root system.
  • Replant the plant after moistening the substrate.
  • For a week after transplantation, the Orchid in the new flowerpot is not disturbed, fed or watered.

Step-by-step video - instructions for replanting the Cambria Orchid:

Temperature and humidity

There is a misconception that all tropical plants grow well only in a very warm room, with high levels of water vapor in the air (about 80%). Similar conditions can be created in a home, but such a microclimate will be unfavorable for the household and housewife.

The advantage of Cambria Orchids is that there is no need to set up a “greenhouse” in the apartment and raise the temperature to +25°C and above. On the contrary, the unpretentious species develops well and blooms at more moderate temperatures: from +17 to +21..22 degrees in summer and at least +15°C in winter, during rest after flowering.

Maintaining the required humidity is easy:

  • It is useful to place a jar of water near the flowerpot so that the moisture gradually evaporates and penetrates the greenery and tropical flowers;
  • You should not place the flower on the windowsill with the batteries on. If you cannot find another zone for the Asterisk Orchid in your home, then the method from the previous paragraph (a container of water) corrects the situation and stabilizes humidity levels;
  • in the warm season, if it is impossible to reduce the temperature in the room, you need to spray water more often near the plant. You need to adapt and make sure that the droplets do not settle on the buds and leaves, otherwise unsightly yellow spots will appear.

Watering and spraying

Important indicators, if violated, root rot and other fungal infections appear. The plant loves high air humidity in the warm season, but the plant must be sprayed correctly, otherwise problems will appear and the decorative effect will decrease.

Five rules for flower growers:

  • Carry out strictly bottom watering. Pour water into a bucket and place the pot with the orchid for half an hour so that the edge of the container is not immersed in the liquid. Next, take out the flowerpot and wait for the moisture to drain well through the drainage holes.
  • Monitor the humidity in the room: it is important that the air does not dry out, but there is also no excess water vapor, especially in the cold season.
  • Correct spraying is spraying droplets in the area near the flowerpot with the Cambria Orchid, but without the droplets getting on the greens and flowers. Improper implementation of the procedure quickly affects the appearance of the tropical specimen: yellow spots appear on the leaf blades.
  • For irrigation, take the settled liquid. Tap water should be kept in the bucket for two days.
  • In winter, after flowering, despite the absence of a clearly defined dormant period, many indicators are adjusted, including substrate moisture. Watering is carried out less frequently, the flowerpot with the Asterisk Orchid is moved to a cooler area, and spraying is not required.

The substrate should dry well between waterings, but a “stone” earthen ball is a bad omen, a consequence of insufficient soil moisture for Orchids.

Lighting and supplementary lighting

A luxurious tropical plant loves light, does not grow well in the shade, flowering is weak or absent. The light-loving species does not like direct, hot rays of the sun: burns on the leaves are possible. For this reason, the Orchid is shaded in the summer if the plant is on a southern windowsill or on the southeast side. Suitable placement areas are rooms with windows facing west or east.

Additional lighting is an important nuance for the proper growth and good flowering of the Star Orchid. During the dormant period, additional lighting is not required, however, in spring and autumn, when daylight hours decrease, it is useful to use a phytolamp to extend the light period to 12 hours. In winter, even when organizing a vacation for a tropical look, you still choose a bright place rather than shade.

Warning! A lack of lighting combined with a temperature of about +14..15 degrees often provokes weakness of an exotic plant. If high humidity is added to these conditions, then in a damp, dark room or on the veranda, the Cambria Orchid will most likely wither and die.

Feeding and fertilizers

The application of liquid mixtures for orchids is carried out from spring to early autumn, during the intensive growing season and flowering. Fertilizers for feeding tropical species are always available in flower shops.

Liquid products are added along the edge of the flowerpot, without contact with the green mass and other parts of the flower. It is important to add a certain amount of fertilizer so as not to exceed the concentration.

Flowering and dormant period

The Cambria orchid in most cases pleases with luxurious buds in the autumn-winter period. A bulb forms on the shoot from the vein in the summer, then a peduncle appears in the axils of the leaves. In order for the petals to have rich shades, additional illumination is required when there is a shortage of sunlight.

There is no dormant period for this type of orchid, but with the natural shortening of daylight hours and a drop in temperature, you need to reduce the frequency of feeding and watering, and move the plant to a cool room.

Features of seasonal care

On a note:

  • during the growing season and flowering - regular moistening, fertilization, sufficient level of light;
  • At the end of flowering, you need to give the Cambria Orchid a short rest in order to gain strength for active spring growing season and maintain the correct life cycle.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of the Cambria Orchid is possible in several ways.


Babies are formed on an adult plant, which are separated from the mother bush for further germination. Breeding Star Orchids begins when two or three leaves are formed on the children.

What to do with the children after separation? There are two ways to germinate the base for young plants:

  • planting directly into the ground;
  • preliminary germination in water to which the growth stimulator Kornevin or another drug of similar action has been added.

Rooted children are grown in the same conditions and similar soil as adult plants.

Dividing the bush

The second method of propagation is dividing the bush:

  • the procedure coincides with an Orchid transplant;
  • first, take the plant out of the flowerpot, carefully clear the soil from the roots, check for rotten and diseased areas, which are removed;
  • an adult Orchid is divided into several parts, the areas are treated with charcoal so that the cuts do not rot;
  • each small bush is planted in a container of a suitable size with soil for Orchids;
  • In the first time after the procedure, caring for a young plant is described in the “Planting and Replanting” section.

Care errors and their elimination

Important information is reflected in the table:

Problem Causes Elimination
The leaves of the Orchid turn yellow and dry out. 1. The plant is located on a windowsill or decorative stand, and the leaves receive direct rays of the sun in the summer. 2. Incorrect feeding: excess nitrogen fertilizers. 3. Air humidity is significantly below normal, the room is very hot. 4. Rare watering 1. Be sure to shade the plant in the summer if all the windows of the apartment face south and it is impossible to move the flower to another room. 2. Water the Cambria Orchid every week in summer. 3. Refuse from excessive application of mineral fertilizers with nitrogen. 4. Every day, spray water near the tropical plant, but not on the leaves. 5 Maintain a moderate temperature in the room: in summer - from +17 to +22 degrees, in winter - from +14°C to +16°C.
Rotting 1. Incorrect watering regime, adding liquid more often than required. 2. The room is damp and cold, but the frequency of soil moisture does not change compared to the usual temperature. 3. The soil does not dry out well. 4. The housewife adds water from above, rather than using bottom watering Analyze the factors that provoke the development of root rot. Adjust substrate moisture, stabilize the relationship between temperature and watering frequency
Doesn't bloom Excessive watering during bulb formation 1. At the first stage, until the element is fully formed, you cannot water the plant for several weeks. 2. Moistening of the substrate begins again only after the appearance of one or several flower stalks in the leaf axils
Yellow spots appeared on the leaves Incorrect watering and spraying: drops of water fall on the leaf plates 1. Use strictly bottom watering. 2. When spraying liquid, make sure that the water particles humidify the air around the flowerpot, and not the plant itself

Cambria needs care no less than other types of orchids. But the first thing every gardener should understand is that Cambria is the conventional name for all orchid-type hybrids. The purpose of creating such plants is to produce new, less demanding flowers to care for. It is worth noting that the varieties called Cambria are excellent for home growing. The most popular varieties of these hybrids are: “colmanara”, “beallara”, “burrageara”, “miltassia”, “odontioda”, “brassidium” and others.

Keeping Cumbria at home

Keeping Cambria at home involves ensuring optimal temperature conditions and lighting; watering is also important (this often determines whether your flower will bloom and for how long), proper feeding and timely replanting. Since the variety of these plants was bred specifically for home keeping, it will not be so difficult for you to maintain the conditions necessary for the life of the flower. Hybrids of the Cambria variety are perfect for beginning gardeners. However, when purchasing, pay attention to some features of the flower:

  • there should be no spots on the flower, and the bulbs should be dense.

Worth knowing! There may be a small rash on the leaves of the plant (as in the photo). This suggests that before going on sale the flower was treated with antifungal drugs, and since the flowers are processed in large quantities, it is possible that small remains of the fungus may remain on them. It's not scary! But, if you purchased such a plant, keep an eye on the orchid so that other signs of damage do not appear on it.

If you pay attention to such small details, you will buy a healthy flower that will not burden you with its care.

Watering, temperature, humidity and lighting

Watering, temperature, humidity and lighting are important factors that determine the appearance and flowering of your flower.

  1. Watering. Like other varieties of orchids, Cambria prefers immersion watering. The pot with the flower is placed in a larger container with water and left for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the substrate is saturated with moisture. The main thing is to allow excess liquid to drain after such watering, otherwise the roots may rot over time. Watering is an important part of plant care; here you need to find a middle ground. Although the orchid loves a humid environment, excessive moisture can destroy it. For irrigation, you can only use settled or purified water at room temperature.
  1. Temperature. Cambria, unlike other species, tolerates heat quite well. Temperatures up to 25 degrees suit her well. But it needs temperature differences between day and night, so it is very important that at night the degrees drop by at least 4. This difference is necessary for the correct formation of buds.
  2. Humidity. Cambria does not need much humidity - this is one of its features. While classic species require a humidity of at least 70%, for cambria 35% will be enough. It is not difficult to maintain this parameter; to do this, it is enough to spray the leaves and the surface of the substrate with settled water. Agree, for those who keep a flower in their apartment, this is just a godsend.
  3. Lighting! Good lighting is very important for Cambria, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. The flower will feel good if it stands on the east or west side. In winter, orchids of this variety often do not have enough light, and they have to resort to additional lighting using special lamps.

These are the conditions that Cumbria needs. Agree that it is not difficult to support them.

Transplantation, propagation and fertilization of orchids

Replanting, propagating and fertilizing the orchid are also important for the plant. The first thing that Cumbria needs is the right soil, which should consist of:

  • crushed sphagnum - a genus of moss that grows on the surface of swamps;
  • pine bark, which should be crushed;
  • charcoal - this component helps maintain the acid balance of the soil after the decomposition of the bark, since orchids do not really like acidic soil;
  • In order for air to circulate well in the container, expanded clay or pumice must be added to the substrate.

Worth knowing! Sometimes foam is placed at the bottom of the pot for good breathability. But this component is lightweight and when watering (using the immersion method) does not allow the container to sink completely. Please keep this point in mind if you use this component.

Cambria is transplanted once every 2-3 years. She, like other orchids, does not like frequent disturbance, so replanting a flower should only be done as a last resort.

The transplant process goes as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a container, which should be slightly larger than the previous one, and a substrate (described above).
  2. Now you need to carefully remove the cambria from the pot, clean the roots from the old soil, you can even rinse them under water. Take a good look at the flower and roots. If you find damage or rot, remove the affected area. Also remove yellowed and dried bulbs
  3. First, lower the roots of the orchid into the container, while paying attention to where the new shoot will grow, since you need to leave room for it. Therefore, the flower is planted and pressed against the edge of the container so as to leave room for new bulbs. Sprinkle the orchid with the prepared substrate, and place moss on top to retain moisture in the container.

Before planting, pine bark must be boiled several times, and only then added to the substrate mixture. This procedure allows you to get rid of resin that is completely unnecessary. In addition, this procedure saturates the bark with additional moisture.

Feeding is another factor that gives the flower the opportunity to grow well. It is best to fertilize the plant when it is growing intensively and when the bulbs ripen (usually October-February). For feeding, classic mixtures for orchids, which can be purchased in specialized stores, are suitable.

Worth knowing! In the first and last month of fertilizing, you need to gradually reduce the amount of fertilizer so that the flower gradually gets used to it and gradually loses the habit in the same way.

Feeding is carried out once every 2 weeks - this is enough. You can simultaneously use fertilizing by spraying the leaves. Succinic acid is perfect (a very useful remedy for orchids).

Cambria propagation is best done at the time of transplantation. At home, you can propagate an orchid by dividing the bush (rhizome). Each bush should have at least three bulbs left after division, otherwise the flower will not bloom and will have problems with growth. The division must be done with a sharp knife, the movement must be fast but careful. The cuts must be treated with charcoal and the plant is left for a day so that the “wounds” dry out. After this, the orchids are planted in different pots. Be sure to ensure that the bulbs remain on the surface; they should not be buried in the ground. You can’t water the flower for the first weeks. You can only spray the leaves and top layer of soil. Seven days after transplantation, you can do the first watering.

Care during and after flowering

Care during and after flowering differs only in feeding. In general, Cambria is famous for the fact that it can bloom without special stimulation - this is its undoubted advantage over other varieties of orchids. How to feed a flower and during what period is written above, but you should know some more nuances. For example, flowering of Cambria in winter requires additional light (this will be provided by special lamps).

But what if a flower refuses to bloom from year to year? Many people have probably asked this question. If watering, lighting and humidity are normal, then try the following:

  1. When the Cambria produces its first young bulb, reduce watering and when it (or they, if there are several of them) is fully formed, stop watering altogether. Dry the soil completely. The bulbs, even those that have just appeared, will begin to wrinkle.
  2. After you have dried the flower well (this process lasts about 2 weeks), water it a little once.
  3. Dry and water the flower a little after this until it releases a peduncle. When you notice it, resume watering.

The entire “drying” process takes no more than a month. Such an emergency change in watering will benefit a plant that has not bloomed for more than a year. Most often, cambria does not bloom due to too frequent watering. And it is the described actions that make the flower come to life again.

Pests, diseases and care for sick cambria

Identifying pests, diseases and caring for sick cambria is one of the main components of caring for a flower. Insects overwhelm the plant most often due to improper care. Below you can see a table that describes some of the most common diseases of orchids:

Disease Treatment
Powdery mildew This is a fungal infection that can be recognized by the presence of a white coating on the leaves. Most often, the disease is caused by excess moisture. If no measures are taken, the flower dies. Treatment will require the use of the Skor insecticide.
Rust The disease affects the inside of Cambria leaves. This disease can be recognized by its characteristic brown spots. To save the flower, you will need to remove all affected areas with a sharp knife. The cut areas must be treated with an alcohol solution (25%). Next, you will need to use the insecticides “Skor” or “Mikosan”
Anthracnose This disease is caused by too humid air. To protect the flower from this disease, we recommend ventilating the room where the cambria is located. It is also necessary to remove excess moisture from the leaves of the flower and its axils. Insecticides “Ridomil” or “Skor” are suitable for treatment.

But disease is not the only danger that a flower can be exposed to. Insects and bugs cause no less harm: scale insects, spider mites, false scale insects and other insects that leave behind all kinds of spots and marks on the leaves. The fight against such “guests” is carried out by applying a soap solution for at least 25-30 minutes. After this, the flower is placed under a warm shower, washed well to remove foam and wiped dry. The insecticide "Skor" will not be superfluous either.

Flowers love care, and proper care: proper watering regime, moderate lighting, fertilization at certain periods of the cycle. If you follow simple rules, your flower will delight you for a long time, and “uninvited guests” in the form of insects will bypass it. Below you can watch a video that explains how to care for Cambria flowers. Good luck!

Cambria is a hybrid type of orchid that has an attractive appearance and is easy to care for. Caring for the Zvezdochka orchid (second name) and maintaining it at home does not present any difficulties or problems. That is why it very often flaunts on the window sills of private houses and apartments, as well as public buildings.

The Cambria orchid is an artificially bred hybrid that does not occur in nature. The plant is characterized by the presence of rounded pseudobulbs, and it also has narrow and long leaves that are dark green in color. An indoor flower is characterized by shoot growth.

The shape of the flowers of the crop is quite diverse. They can be star-shaped or round. The size of flowers can be 1-10 centimeters. The flowers of the plant are characterized by yellow, brown, purple or red color.

Video: how to choose the right Cambria orchid


There are several varieties of the Cambria orchid.

The most popular types include:

  • Beallara, a complex species, in the crossing of which four genera of orchids took part (Miltonia, Brassia, Odontoglossum, Cochlioda);

  • Burrageara- a complex species that was obtained by crossing 4 species (Miltonia, Oncidium, Odontoglossum and Cochlioda);

  • Colmanara - obtained by crossing 3 types of orchids: Odontoglossum, Miltonia and Oncidium;

Thanks to the large number of species of Cambria orchids, the gardener can choose the most suitable option for himself.

Video: how to distinguish which hybrid Cambria belongs to.

Sometimes (erroneously) the Cambria orchid species is classified as Miltassia, but it is crossed with two pure genera of orchids: Miltonia and Brassia - and, therefore, is their variety, i.e. Miltassia is not a Cambria.

Growing conditions

In order to ensure abundant flowering and rapid growth of the Cambria orchid, it needs to create optimal conditions for cultivation and maintenance, which are given in the table.

Condition Content
Lighting Cambria is a light-loving plant, which is why it must be grown in a well-lit place. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to allow the crop to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. This is explained by the possibility of getting burns in the summer, which leads to yellowing of the Cambria leaves.

That is why, if a flower is placed on a south or south-east window, it must be shaded with gauze.

The ideal option would be to install the plant on east or west windows. If in winter there is insufficient lighting, then the flower is placed in the brightest place.

If the need arises, additional lighting of the cambria is organized using phytolamps. The duration of daylight should be from 10 to 12 hours. During the dormant period, the culture does not need additional lighting.

Temperature To ensure normal flower growth, it must be kept in the temperature range of 16-21 degrees. Despite the heat-loving orchid, in summer, higher temperatures can negatively affect its growth.

At night, it is best to avoid temperature fluctuations. This indicator may differ by no more than 5 degrees. With a greater temperature difference, inflorescences will form. The temperature in winter should be at least 14 degrees. It must be provided regardless of the presence of flowering in the orchid.

Humidity This type of orchid is undemanding to air humidity. When the plant is in close proximity to heating devices, it is recommended to increase this indicator.

For this purpose, a container is placed near the pot and filled with water. You can also spray the air near the orchid foliage daily. To prevent yellow spots from appearing on the Cambria leaves, it is necessary to ensure that no water gets on them during spraying.

Note! It is believed that the same care is not suitable for each individual species of Cambria orchid, i.e. it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of those genera of orchids that are introduced into a particular type of Cambria, and for this you need to know from which genera of orchids this type of Cambria originated (this is described in the previous paragraph).

Thanks to the provision of adequate conditions, this variety of orchid will delight people with its beauty.

Planting and transplanting

The plant does not need regular replanting. This procedure should be carried out once every few years. Replanting is carried out if the roots protrude excessively from the pot or the cumbria soil is excessively stale.

For transplanting cambria, it is recommended to use an ordinary substrate. If the air in the room is excessively dry, perlite or vermiculite is added to the soil mixture, which will help retain moisture in the future. The bottom of the pot is adjusted to drainage, for example, from large pieces of bark.

Attention! After transplanting the Cambria, the bulbs are not sprinkled with substrate.

It is best to give preference to ceramic or plastic pots. The root system of the plant does not tolerate light, which is why it is best to avoid using glass containers. The diameter of the new pot should be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

After transplanting a Cambria orchid, it should not be disturbed for a week.

Important! Watering Cambria after transplantation is allowed only after a week.

Video: Cambria transplant

Home care secrets

Since the Cambria orchid is characterized by unpretentiousness, anyone can easily care for it at home. For this purpose, you just need to follow certain rules.


Like any other plant, the Cambria orchid needs to be watered periodically. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the soil mixture dries well between procedures. In summer, on average, Cambria is watered once a week.

Important! In winter, when the temperature drops, the frequency of procedures is significantly reduced.

What is the best way to water Cambria? Experts recommend bottom watering. For this purpose, the pot with the orchid is placed in a container that is pre-filled with water. To water the Cambria orchid, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.

Top dressing

When young shoots appear on a crop, it is necessary to begin feeding it, which ends during the flowering period. Cambria is characterized by a rather delicate root system, which is why, in order to avoid damage to it, it is recommended to use a non-concentrated fertilizer composition. The procedure should be carried out no more than twice a month. Fertilizing is carried out by immersing the pot in a solution with fertilizer.

Flowering period

Most often this type of orchid blooms in the autumn-winter period. In spring and summer, a bulb forms on the shoot, after which a peduncle appears in the axils of the leaves. To ensure the correct color of the flower and increase the duration of flowering, additional illumination of the crop is necessary.

Quite often it happens that the Cambria orchid does not bloom for several years. What to do in this situation? To stimulate flowering, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering during the formation of the bulb.

After its formation, it is strictly forbidden to water the orchid for several weeks. After this, minor watering is carried out. Thanks to these actions, the orchid will bloom. When one or more flower stalks appear in the leaf axils, it is recommended to resume watering.

Note! If the plant is over-watered at the last stage of the growing season, this can lead to a lack of flowering.

Rest period

The Asterisk orchid is characterized by the absence of a dormant period. Despite this, with shorter daylight hours in autumn and winter, a decrease in temperature is observed, which leads to a slowdown in crop growth. During this period, watering is reduced and fertilizing is cancelled. After growth resumes in early spring, the orchid is provided with adequate watering and fertilizing.

There are no special secrets for caring for the Cambria orchid at home; you just need to follow all the tips described above.

Video: caring for a Cambria orchid at home.

Diseases and pests

If the Cambria orchid is not cared for correctly and in a timely manner at home, a variety of diseases and pests can appear on it.

Name of the disease Control measures
Powdery mildew Belongs to the category of fungal infections. This disease is characterized by the presence of a characteristic white coating on the leaf. The disease occurs when there is an excess of moisture. If the flower is not treated in a timely manner, its death will occur. To treat the disease, the insecticide “Skor” is used in accordance with the instructions.
Rust This disease affects the foliage of orchids. Red spots appear on the inside of the foliage. When this disease appears, it is recommended to remove the affected areas using a utility knife. A 25 percent alcohol solution is used to treat cut areas. Treatment of the disease is carried out by “Skor”, “Ridomil”, “Mikosan”.
Anthracnose At the initial stages of the disease, small spots appear on the foliage of the crop. After a certain time, they turn black and have a concave surface. After this, a yellow or pink coating is observed on the spots.

The disease appears when there is an excess of air humidity. To avoid the occurrence of disease, it is recommended to periodically ventilate the room. Also in the leaf axils, it is necessary to regularly remove the collected liquid using a sponge, cloth or soft paper napkin. The disease is controlled using insecticides.

Pests On the orchid, the most common occurrences of scale insects, aphids and scale insects are observed. The last of them is quite dangerous and can lead to the death of the plant.

In most cases, weak indoor Cambria flowers are infected and are not provided with appropriate care.

When pests appear, it is recommended to treat the crop with a soap solution. They are controlled using appropriate insecticides. Prevention is carried out using a universal product, which is developed based on Neem tree oil.

To avoid the appearance of diseases and pests, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments regularly.

Reanimation of plants without roots

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is possible to save a plant that has no roots. To resuscitate rootless cambria, they are most often placed in water to which growth stimulants are previously added.

This procedure helps the cambria grow roots. After the first roots appear on the crop during resuscitation of the cambria in water, it is transplanted into a nutrient soil mixture.

And cambria without roots can be immediately planted in the ground. For such resuscitation, it is first placed in a growth stimulator solution. After this, the cut sites are treated with wood ash and the Cambria orchid is planted in the ground.


The most commonly used method for propagating Cambria orchids is dividing the bush and propagating by children. Let's talk about each method in more detail.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This procedure is carried out during plant transplantation. Cambria is propagated after the crop has finished flowering.

  • Initially, it is necessary to remove the bush from the pot and clean it from the earthen clod.
  • It is recommended to carefully examine the root system. If there are diseased roots, they are removed.
  • The flower is divided into several parts.
  • It is recommended to treat the cut areas with wood ash or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • After this, each individual part of the bush is planted in a separate pot.

Reproduction by children

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the plant has children, which are widely used for propagating the Cambria orchid at home. When several leaves form on the children, they must be separated from the mother bush.

Some gardeners place cambria babies first in water to which growth stimulants are added. After the first roots appear, the flower is planted in a pot. It is also possible to plant Cumbria babies in the ground immediately after separation from the mother bush.

The process of propagating an orchid is quite simple, which any gardener can do. Due to the presence of several methods of propagating a culture, a person can choose the most suitable option for himself.

Video: Cumbria propagation.

The Cambria Orchid is a very beautiful flower. Due to its ease of care at home, this plant can decorate the window sills of various rooms. To ensure the growth and flowering of the crop, it is recommended to adhere to basic care rules.

In contact with

And some others. Also in flower shops, this plant is often called Aliceara, Bakerara, Beallara, while in the scientific literature it is called ×Degarmoara.

Plants of this genus have a sympodial growth pattern. Thus, the growth of young shoots occurs on a horizontally located shortened stem (rhizome). As they grow, old shoots die off. Oval developed pseudobulbs have a fusiform or flattened shape. On the surface of the thin roots there is a layer of velamen, which has a porous structure. From the upper part of the pseudobulbs grow 2 or 3 green leaves, which reach 50 centimeters in length and have a belt-like or broadly lanceolate shape. The central vein is clearly visible on the surface of the leaf, while the leaf blade itself is slightly folded inward along it.

This orchid can bloom at any time of the year. Multi-flowered peduncles appear from the axils of the lower leaves, most often they are straight, but sometimes they are branched. Such peduncles can reach 60 centimeters in length and contain up to 50 relatively large flowers (diameter up to 7–10 centimeters). Zygomorphic flowers have 5 sepals, which are connected in the shape of an asterisk, and they also have one clearly visible and fairly large lip (modified petal). The color of the flowers can be different, but most of them are variegated (speckles, stains, spots or patterns). Some of the flowers are quite fragrant.

Caring for orchids is not as easy as, for example, caring for orchids. However, if you have several skills and know the basic rules of care, you can safely grow this beautiful flower at home.


It needs bright lighting, but the plant needs to be shaded from direct sunlight. It will feel best on windows of eastern and western orientation. If the cambria is placed on a south-facing window, then it should be slightly shaded from the scorching midday sun.

In winter, the plant will need to be illuminated with special phytolamps. It should be taken into account that daylight hours during this period must last at least 10 hours.


The plant requires a uniformly moderate temperature range from 18 to 25 degrees all year round.

Cambria has one significant feature: it does not need daily temperature changes in order for the formation of flower buds to occur.

Earth mixture

To grow this type of orchid in a pot you will need a special soil mixture. Its most important components are: crushed sphagnum and fine-grained pine bark. In order to prevent acidification, which occurs due to decomposition of the bark, not very large pieces of charcoal should be poured into the earth mixture. And for better aeration, you can use small expanded clay, peat chips or pumice. It happens that for better air permeability, small pieces of foam plastic are added to the substrate, but this is not very convenient, since when watering by immersion, this lightweight material does not sink and floats on the surface of the water.

When planting such a plant, you need to be very careful with its delicate roots. At the very beginning, the entire root system should be lowered into an empty container and only then carefully pour in the prepared soil mixture. When the orchid is planted, you need to lay out a not very thick layer of sphagnum moss on the surface of the substrate. It will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

There is also another very important subtlety. Before pouring the bark into the pot, it must be boiled several times (2 or 3). This will remove excess resin, and the pieces will be thoroughly saturated with moisture.

How to water

It is recommended to water such a flower using the immersion method. Water is drawn into the basin and the container with the orchid is lowered into it (it should be completely submerged). After 20 to 30 minutes have passed, the pot should be removed. During this time, the porous velamen covering the surface of the roots is saturated with moisture. The flower is put back in place only after all the excess liquid has drained.

There is an opinion among flower growers that the orchid loves moisture very much, but at the same time it should not be flooded. The fact is that very often, due to excess moisture, the roots begin to rot, and this often entails the death of the plant itself. To prevent this, you need to water the cambria only after the bark has completely dried.

For irrigation, you should use exclusively soft water at room temperature, which must be well settled. If the water from the tap is of poor quality, then mandatory filtration is required before using it for irrigation.

Air humidity

This type of orchid does not need high air humidity. In order for it to feel good in room conditions, only 35 percent humidity is required. Maintaining this level of humidity is very easy. So, the top layer, consisting of moss, must be systematically moistened with a sprayer, and it is also recommended to place an open container with liquid in the immediate vicinity of the flower.


Feeding is carried out only during the period of growth and maturation of pseudobulbs once every 2 weeks. To do this, use a special fertilizer for orchids.

Features of transplantation

This plant has an extremely negative attitude towards transplants. In this regard, this procedure should be carried out only in cases of extreme necessity, when it no longer fits into the container. When replanting cambria, it is necessary to take into account the growth pattern, or more precisely, where the next young sprout will appear. Therefore, the flower is planted by pressing it to the edge of the container in such a way that the young pseudobulbs have the maximum amount of free space. At the same time, we should not forget that the growing rhizome has a “ladder-like” rise.

For those plants that have grown very strongly, you can remove pseudobulbs that have dried out, turned yellow, or are quite old.

Reproduction methods

To propagate Cambria, the method of dividing the rhizome into parts is used. It should be taken into account that each division must contain 2 or 3 mature pseudobulbs, which also have a strong root system. To process the cuttings, crushed charcoal is used. After the sections have dried, the plants are planted in separate containers. The first watering should be done only about 7 days after planting.

Pests and diseases

This plant is quite resistant to harmful insects, but sometimes settles on it. If pests are detected, give the flower a warm (about 45 degrees) shower.

The plant most often gets sick due to violations of the rules of care:

  1. Rotting of pseudobulbs and root system- a lot of moisture, unsuitable soil mixture, low air temperature. As a result of this, the flower may die.
  2. Cambria does not bloom- too hot or not enough light.
  3. Young leaves grow folded like an accordion and do not straighten over time- too hot or too low humidity.

Folded leaves do not cause serious problems, but they do spoil the appearance of the cambria. The fact is that the surface of young leaves (and peduncles) is sticky. In air, such a surface dries out quickly enough, and therefore the leaf cannot completely straighten.

Also, small black dots very often appear on the surface of the foliage. The fact is that all groups of oncidium hybrids are susceptible to fungal diseases. At the same time, very often flower shops offer already infected specimens. Cambria cannot be cured from this disease, but it does not affect the growth and development of the flower.

Life cycle

Due to the pseudobulbs, this plant has a clearly defined life cycle, which is reflected in their condition. Among the many types, you can often find a process that has the following description. Before flowering begins, young pseudobulbs become fat, filling with juice, and then they freeze, and after some time flower stalks appear from the axils of the leaves. When flowering ends, the pseudobulb becomes wrinkled and gradually dries out. However, a young sprout forms near its base, and this process is repeated again.

Video review

Main types

Listed below are those species that are most popular among flower growers and can be easily purchased at a flower shop and grown in your apartment.


This is a complex hybrid obtained by crossing Cochlyodes, Miltonia and Odontoglossum. This graceful orchid can have from 5 to 20 fairly large flowers on a peduncle, which are most often colored red, pink or yellow. It blooms for quite a long time, about 8 weeks. The beginning of flowering occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring.


This hybrid is even more complex than the previous one. It was created by crossing plants from genera such as Cochliodas, Oncidium, Miltonia and Odontoglossum. The color of the flowers is a variety of combinations of red and yellow shades. The flowers are quite fragrant and their scent is similar to a rose. Flowering occurs in mid-winter.


This hybrid was obtained by crossing Brassia, Odontoglossum, Miltonia, and Cochliodae. Flowering occurs from mid to late summer. The flowers have a cream color or pink-white-purple, as a rule, on their surface there is a very large number of different dots and specks of dark color.

This hybrid was the result of crossing Odontoglossum, Brassia and Miltonia. It has quite large flowers, so their diameter can reach 10 centimeters. Flowering can begin at any time and depends on the maturation of the pseudobulbs. Flowers can have a wide variety of shapes and colors.


This hybrid is quite simple and was obtained by crossing Oncidium and Odontoglossum. There are up to 50 medium-sized flowers on long peduncles. The flowers can be colored in a variety of combinations of yellow and red, and there are a variety of dark patterns and dots on their surface.


This hybrid is also not complicated. It was obtained by crossing Odontoglossum and Cochlyodes. The color of the flowers is a variety of combinations of yellow and red flowers.

Cambria is the general name for orchid hybrids specially bred by breeders that are not found in the wild. The plants bloom beautiful flowers of various shades, depending on the variety. Due to their attractive appearance, they are often used to decorate the interior of residential and office premises.

Cambria has a second name - star, due to the shape of the flowers. Distinctive features of the orchid:

  • pseudobulbs round or oblong, up to 8 cm;
  • narrowed leaf plates;
  • shoot type of growth;
  • one of the lateral axes grows very quickly and becomes the main one, as a result of which the second one moves or dies;
  • on false bulbs there are two or three dark green leaves with a vein in the center, reaching 0.5 m;
  • flowers of different shades interspersed, diameter - 50 mm-10 cm.

Cambria orchid species

Popular varieties of Cambria orchid:

View Crossed species Flower/blooming period
Vuilstekeara Cochlioda, Miltonia, Odontoglossum. There are from 5 to 20 large buds on one peduncle. They come in pink, red, yellow shades.

Late February - early March, lasts eight weeks.

Burrageara Oncidium, Cochlioda, Miltonia, Odontoglossum. Reddish and yellowish tones. They emit a pleasant aroma reminiscent of a rose.

Starts in January.

Beallara Brassia, Cochlioda, Miltonia, Odontoglossum. Beige or pinkish-white-purple with dots and spots of darker tones.

From July to the end of August.

Colmanara Oncidium, Miltonia, Odontoglossum. Various tones of red and yellow.

Lasts from late winter to early summer.

Degarmoara Brassia, Miltonia, Odontoglossum. They grow up to 10 cm, have different shapes and shades.

Starts at any time of the year.

Odontocidium Mix of Oncidium, Odontoglossum. Up to 50 medium-sized flowers in red, orange and yellow shades bloom on elongated stalks. There are dark spots and patterns on the surface of the petals.

Any month.

Odontioda Cochlioda, Odontoglossum. Yellowish and reddish tones.

Any month of the year.

Optimal conditions for keeping Cumbria

Caring for the plant at home by season:

Criterion Spring Summer Autumn winter
Temperature Optimal - +22…+26 °С. The difference between day and night is no more than +6 °C. +16…+18 °С.
Lighting/location The orchid is placed near the eastern, western, northeastern windows, shaded from the midday sun. The plant needs bright but diffused light. Placed on eastern, western, southern window sills, protected from ultraviolet rays. If the orchid is blooming, additional lighting is needed. Phytolamps and ordinary lamps are used.
Air humidity Optimal - 25-30%, during the flowering period - 35-40%. At temperatures above +22 °C, spray twice a day with soft, settled water.

Landing, transplant

It is better to buy a substrate for planting in a store, but you can prepare it yourself; its composition is: fern rhizome, moss, coal, pine or oak bark in equal quantities.

Before planting, the soil is soaked with soft, settled water. When the air is dry, peat is added to the pot; it will retain liquid. At high humidity, small pieces of pumice are poured into the soil.

Cambria is difficult to transplant, so it should be done no more than once every two to four years.

Signs that a new potty is needed:

  • the root system is cramped in the old one, the shoots come out;
  • the substrate has become rotten, moldy, rotting;
  • The flower was purchased recently and does not produce buds.

Step-by-step transplant:

  • Buy a ceramic pot a little larger than the previous one, since the orchid does not like a lot of free space. It should have drainage holes.
  • Place a 2 cm layer of gravel on the bottom and cover with pine bark on top.
  • Carefully clean the roots from the soil with a stick and place the orchid in a new pot.
  • With a strongly developed rhizome, bend the shoots outward.
  • Fill the substrate, do not bury the bulbs.
  • Do not water for five days to allow the soil to dry thoroughly.

Watering and fertilizing

It is better to water using the immersion method: place the orchid in a container of water for 30 minutes. After taking it out, the remaining liquid is allowed to drain.

When watering superficially, you need to be careful not to overwater the plant so that the roots do not begin to rot. Carry out as the top layer of soil dries. Use soft water of medium acidity, preferably melted water or rainwater; it must be filtered from the water supply and allowed to settle.

During the growing season, fertilizing is applied twice every two weeks. For fertilizer, purchase special mixtures for orchids. Their concentration should be two times less than indicated on the package. Fertilizer is applied to the moist substrate.

Features of flowering

Usually blooms in autumn and winter. However, if all conditions for the development of an orchid are created (temperature, humidity, light), flowering can be year-round.

Each flower stalk blooms for 4-8 weeks (depending on the variety). Since there are several of them, the orchid produces buds all year round. The life cycle of the plant is ensured by pseudobulbs. Before flowering, the bulbs become thicker, juice flows into them, and pedicels form from the leaf axils. After the pseudobulbs dry out. Soon, sprouts begin to form at their base again, this is the beginning of a new life cycle.

You also need to stop watering while the bulbs are forming. After they ripen, resume soil moisture, and after a few days stop again. This speeds up the appearance of flower stalks.

Care after flowering

When the plant fades, cut off the dried stalks and stop watering. If the soil dries out greatly, it can be irrigated with a spray bottle. When new shoots reach a height of 3 cm, watering is resumed.


Reproduction occurs by dividing the bush:

  • The bulbs are separated from mature, mature specimens. This is done carefully so as not to damage the rhizome.
  • The cut areas are treated with charcoal powder.
  • The cuttings are placed in pots so that the growth point is located in the middle.
  • Unrooted bulbs do not stick well to the ground, so they are secured with small sticks.
  • The shoots are cared for in the same way as mature specimens.

When dividing the bush, each lobe should have the same number of pseudobulbs. For a week after planting, the orchid does not need to be watered, fertilized, or moved. The plant is not propagated by seeds.

Mistakes in caring for cambria and their elimination

If not properly cared for, Cambria can develop problems. Possible errors and ways to resolve them:

External manifestations Error Troubleshooting
Instead of a peduncle, a pseudobulb grows. Excess moisture. Stop watering for several days until the soil is completely dry.
The bulbs rot.
  • the plant is placed deep in the ground;
  • water got on the pseudobulbs.
  • cut off rotten bulbs, replant the orchid so that the bulbs are located above the soil;
  • When watering, make sure that water does not get on the pseudobulbs.
The leaves are turning yellow.
  • a lot of light;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • move the pot to a darker place;
  • shade the plant.
Spots appear on the greenery.
  • burn;
  • damage by diseases and pests.
  • protect from ultraviolet rays;
  • treat with insect repellents (Aktara, Karbofos, etc.).
Cambria grows like a ladder.
  • this is normal for some varieties;
  • the roots are cramped.
  • you need support, you can use a small stick;
  • transplant the orchid into a larger container.
The bulbs wrinkle or darken.
  • lack of water;
  • Root rotting.
  • water the plant more often;
  • remove the flower from the pot and inspect the roots; if they are rotting, remove the affected shoots and replant the orchid.
Snow-white coating on stems and foliage.
  • fungal infection;
  • formation of salts in the soil due to hard water.
  • treat with special preparations (Topaz, Skor and others);
  • replant, stop fertilizing, water with boiled water.
The leaves take on a bright green color. Little light. Move to a bright place.
Wrinkled leaves gather in an accordion and may turn yellow. Low air humidity. Spray more often with soft water, place a basin with cool liquid nearby. Do not increase the number of waterings; the root system will begin to rot.
The rhizome darkens and when pressed, liquid comes out.
  • fungus;
  • bad light;
  • excess moisture;
  • soil is too dense.
  • remove rotten roots;
  • grease the cut area with crushed coal;
  • make a transplant.

Diseases and pests

Pest Signs Treatment Prevention
Spider mite A thin web appears on the underside of the leaf blade. Small dots form in places where insects suck sap. The greenery withers and falls off.
  • wiping the affected leaves with a soap solution;
  • treatment with Fitoverm up to 4 times with an interval of 7 days;
  • use of the drug Actellik;
  • in case of severe damage, treating the soil with insecticides (Konfidor, Bison and others);
  • removing insects by hand or with a vacuum cleaner;
  • transfer.
Maintain the required humidity.
Shchitovka Brown plaques appear on the orchid. The greens turn yellow and wither. Treat the plant with a cloth soaked in soapy water.
Aphid The plant stops growing.
  • treat the orchid with soap or citrus water;
  • place citrus peels at the base;
  • After spraying, remove any remaining liquid from the leaves.

Cumbria resuscitation

Under poor conditions and insufficient care, the root system of the flower rots and dies. However, it can still be revived.