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» Buy a stone that purifies water. Mountain quartz for water purification: application and properties. Body care

Buy a stone that purifies water. Mountain quartz for water purification: application and properties. Body care

People who care about their health are looking for the most effective ways to filter their drinking liquid. Recently, silicon and shungite have been successfully used for high-quality water purification. Stones can not only remove harmful impurities, but also additionally enrich the drink with microelements.

After reading the article you will learn:

Beneficial properties of water infused with shungite

Scientists have long proven that liquid molecules are capable of changing their structure depending on external factors. Water is affected not only by certain actions, but even by words. Natural stones are able to transmit a code to the solution that preserves its structure and allows you to get rid of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment with stones was used by residents of ancient countries. Not much has changed today. It is natural materials that are used to create treatment plants. Coal, quartz - they are used in replaceable cartridges as the most effective means of removing harmful impurities.

At home, you can use natural minerals to cleanse and give the drink beneficial properties. For this purpose, silicon, quartz, zeolite, and shungite are used. The latter is credited with amazing abilities. In ancient times, it was believed that the stone could restore youth, cure any battle wounds, and even give a fighter invulnerability.

In fact, the mineral disinfects liquids and kills pathogenic microorganisms. It has antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. Shungite is used to treat the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis);
  • poisoning;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • skin diseases (including dermatitis, allergic rashes);
  • bronchial asthma and diabetes;
  • genitourinary infections, etc.

Shungite is a unique stone. When it gets into water, its beneficial properties are greatly enhanced and fully revealed. It enriches the drink with a huge amount of essential minerals, including magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, etc.

When using stone, aggressive components precipitate. It retains heavy metal salts, radionuclides, chlorine, petroleum products and pesticides. If we compare the cleaning abilities of shungite with coal, the mineral is 30 times more effective at removing impurities.

Application of shungite and silicon for water purification

Removing contaminants using silicon will be no less effective. When interacting with a solution, it forms colloids that absorb aggressive components. Harmful substances settle at the bottom.

It is important to use minerals correctly for filtration. Experts recommend changing them every few months. However, you can boil the stones to remove accumulated impurities.

There are different ways to prepare a filtered drink using minerals. Let's look at the most popular and effective ones. Please note that with any chosen method, you must first clean the product using a regular filter. This will allow you to filter out the largest contaminant particles.

Purifying water with shungite for drinking in a glass jar

For this recipe you will need to purchase a stone in specialized stores. The proportions depend on what type of mineral you bought. If it has a low carbon level, then 1 liter of water will require 100 g of shungite. Place them in a glass jar and let it brew for 3 days.

The elite mineral copes with its tasks much better. To clean 1 liter, a stone weighing 60 g is required. Filtration occurs within 3 – 8 hours. After this, it is important to drain the liquid correctly. The top and bottom layers should not mix. When pouring into another container, leave not only sediment at the bottom, but also some water, in which aggressive substances can remain.

Water purification with shungite pyramids

You can purchase an already faceted mineral in the form of a pyramid. It will have an enhanced effect on the structure of molecules. The purified drink gives a calming and tonic effect, gives strength and helps to concentrate. Take 1 pyramid per liter of liquid and let it brew for 20 minutes, after which you can drink.

Shungite filter for home water purification

A mineral-based filter can be purchased separately. The devices give good results because cleaning occurs more efficiently than when using coal as a sorbent. Ordinary tap liquid becomes suitable for internal consumption.

Harmful impurities, heavy metals and even radionuclides are removed from water. It is enriched with microelements to the concentration necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The filter also eliminates unpleasant odors or cloudy shades and removes chlorine.

Cleaning wells and pools with shungite

Stones have always been used to line the walls of wells. This made it possible to protect the solution from penetration of contaminants. To be sure that the drink from the well is safe, use mineral material to fill the bottom. Use this method in swimming pools to remove pathogenic microorganisms that tend to accumulate there.

Using shungite water

Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can use the purified liquid in different ways. It will improve the overall health of the body or help in the fight against specific diseases.

Water purification for drinking and cooking

The most effective way to use it is for internal consumption and cooking. Regular use will reduce the manifestations of many chronic diseases or help in the fight against acute inflammation. Drink a purified drink for asthma, gastritis, weakened immunity, gallbladder pathologies, disturbances in the circulatory system, nervous or cardiovascular system. Drink at least 3 glasses a day.

Use in cosmetology

Shungite solution is used to add shine and softness to hair and eliminate skin problems. Wash your face with the product and use it to rinse your hair after washing. This will give the following result:

  • dandruff disappears, the activity of the sebaceous glands improves, so the hair becomes less dirty;
  • the hair structure improves, it shines and becomes soft;
  • natural antioxidant effectively fights signs of aging, helping to smooth out wrinkles;
  • Skin rashes disappear, oily shine and clogged pores disappear.

Body care

To calm the nervous system when exposed to stress, use baths with purified liquid. Place a bag of crushed pebbles inside the filled container and take a bath for 20 to 30 minutes.

Inhalations and rinsing

To treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations or rinses are used. You will need a solution previously purified with a mineral substance. If inhalation is carried out, it is heated almost to boiling temperature, then steam is inhaled for several minutes. Rinsing is carried out using the classical method.

Using shungite water in an aquarium

Using a stone instead of a classic aquarium filter will allow you to more effectively clean it of fish waste. An additional advantage of use is that sick fish recover, plants develop faster and produce more oxygen. For a standard 50 liter aquarium you will need about 200 - 300 g of mineral. It can be poured to the bottom and changed as needed.

Contraindications for using shungite water

Despite the fact that the natural substance benefits the body, in some situations its use must be limited. Remember the following recommendations for using shungite drink:

  • use the drug with caution during periods of exacerbation of chronic ailments and in case of serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • When carrying a child, you should also be careful;
  • thrombosis is a risk factor.

Do not add a large number of stones, otherwise the mineralization will be too active. This drink should not be consumed internally.

Adding natural minerals to liquid is an effective and simple way to get rid of contaminants present in it. Shungite will additionally enrich the solution with useful substances, which will contribute to the treatment of many diseases.

Filtration of water using natural minerals is an old method, but no less relevant. The first mention of shungite and its use for purifying drinking liquid dates back to the 16th century, while the mineral began to be used everywhere under Peter I. Then it was practically forgotten until the second half of the 20th century. The second half of the 20th century became the time of comprehensive research into the phenomenon of shungite. And, it should be noted that the results of various studies conducted independently of each other indicate one thing: shungite is indeed very effective for both water purification and health improvement. In the 90s of the last century, production with shungite began.

Shungite is effective for water purification and for the treatment of various diseases. In the 90s of the last century, household and industrial filters began to be produced using it.

What is it and where is it mined?

Shungite is an ancient fossil rock that is mined only in the Karelian Onega region. The rock is over 2 billion years old, black in color, 30% ash and 70% carbon. The molecules are fullerenes - they are shaped like a soccer ball.

The rock has high strength characteristics, significant density, and unique chemical and physical properties. It is resistant to external influences, conducts electricity well and is capable of shielding electromagnetic waves. Shungite contains over 20 microelements that provide invaluable health benefits. The stone is known as a sorbent - with its help you can remove most of the contaminants from water, as well as unpleasant taste and aromatic impurities, and turbidity. When interacting with water, fullerene destroys dangerous organic compounds and deposits impurities such as nitrates, chlorine, and heavy metals to the bottom. This is why cleaning with shungite is much more effective than processing using a conventional filter. Since the rock has pronounced bactericidal properties, it can be used to purify water in swimming pools and wells from bacteria, algae, and helminths. Shungite also structures the liquid, saturates it with beneficial microelements in quantities optimal for human health, and makes the structure of the water biologically active. At the same time, the cost of the stone is more than affordable.

Water purification using shungite: how to distinguish a fake

It is better to choose large stones than small ones, since they have an almost unlimited service life and are not difficult to clean. Small pieces, on the contrary, quickly become unusable and cannot guarantee maximum removal of impurities. It is advisable to buy shungite in pharmacies, since there is a high probability of getting a fake. By the way, Shungizites are often passed off as shungites– there are no visual differences between them, but the characteristics will be completely different.

Distinctive features of this breed:

  • matte coating;
  • fragility (stone is easy to break);
  • dust during transportation;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the water immediately after placing a stone in it;
  • high electrical conductivity.

Benefits and properties of ready-made water infused with shungite

Water infused with shungite has a natural structure, it is saturated with minerals, is as pure as possible, and changes the energy field. It acts like an antioxidant, reducing the concentration of free radicals - the main cause of cancer, genetic disorders, aging, and inflammatory processes. Fullerenes also increase the body’s resistance to harmful environmental factors and various diseases, strengthen the nervous system, and increase stress resistance. Water infused with shungite protects the liver and neutralizes poisons and toxins. Its use is especially indicated for diseases:

  • gastrointestinal organs;
  • heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory system;
  • throat, oral cavity;
  • Bladder;
  • reproductive organs;
  • kidney;
  • skin.

It is useful for anemia, allergic reactions, diabetes, asthma. By the way, it is useful to take baths with shungite water - a bag of stones is lowered into the bath for 10 minutes, the duration of the water procedures is about half an hour. It is also used for washing, rinsing hair, and watering flowers. Please note that water infused with shungite loses all its healing properties during the boiling process.

Shungite water: benefits and harm. It is important to know!

Although shungite water is extremely beneficial, it cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. Since it is activated, it can trigger not only positive processes - for example, excessive consumption of shungite water in the presence of malignant formations accelerates their growth. Allergic reactions to it are rare, but the likelihood of their occurrence still cannot be completely excluded; if you are prone to the formation of blood clots, drinking water infused with the mineral is contraindicated.

Other precautions:

  1. It is not recommended to use shungite water if you have high stomach acidity.
  2. Pregnant women can drink liquid infused with the mineral, but be careful and preferably after consulting a doctor.
  3. If you feel unwell, you should stop drinking water.

A metallic taste is the main indicator of an excess of minerals in the composition. Drinking such water is contraindicated, but it can be used for cosmetic procedures.

Methods of use and application of shungite water. How to prepare shungite water

After purchasing, the mineral must be washed under running water. Is he very small? Use gauze or a colander. You need to rinse the stones very carefully until the water becomes clear. Large pieces can additionally be sanded with sandpaper - this will extend their service life. To prepare shungite water, use any convenient container, although glass products are best suited for these purposes - they do not have any effect on the quality and characteristics of the purified liquid. For 1 liter of water you need about 100 g of stones. Since the rock does not have, a high-quality liquid must be used - for example, filtered. Do not cover the container with a tight lid; the finished water should be completely consumed within three days.

Important! At least once a month, the pebbles need to be cleaned of dirt. Fine shungite is changed every six months.

If shungite water has a high turbidity or an unpleasant aftertaste, it means that you bought a fake stone or simply washed it poorly, closed the container with a tight lid, underexposed or overexposed the liquid, or used low-quality water. Shungite can be used - for this it is poured to the bottom at the rate of 30-60 kg per well. Infusion time is 1-3 days. If you do not want to pour rock to the bottom, place it in a bag and lower it into the well - this option is more convenient from a maintenance point of view (in the future it will be enough to take out the bag and wash the stones or replace them, rather than draining the water, cleaning the walls, and so on) .

Shungite for water purification – reviews

Reviews about shungite vary, but most write that if everything is done correctly, the results from using water infused with the mineral will be impressive (the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the condition of the skin improves, the overall tone increases, etc.). Many people talk about a specific taste - however, you quickly get used to it. Shungite water diets are very popular; stones are also poured into aquariums.

Purifying water using shungite: how to use shungite water

Shungite water is used for drinking, cooking, gargling, inhalation, bathing, hair washing and washing. To speed up the healing of minor damage to the skin and wounds, apply compresses (topically).

Water purification using shungite filters (desktop household and mineral in a polyethylene casing): what you need to know

The simplest type of shungite filter is. Its performance is sufficient for processing small volumes of water - up to 6 liters. The liquid passes through the filter element in full - the design of the filter makes it impossible for it to leak. The main thing is not to forget to replace cartridges in a timely manner.

Mineral stationary hanging filters are used to purify tap water and are connected directly to the water supply. The throughput depends on the model, but on average it is about 12 liters per minute. Mounted installations are used in apartments and residential buildings.

The use of silicon for water purification began relatively recently. Although this mineral has been known for a long time and is quite often found in nature, its healing properties could only be proven in the 70s of the 20th century. Before we talk about how to use silicon to purify water, let’s define the names. Silicon is a chemical element, flint is a mineral containing silicon. The chemical name for silicon is silicon oxide. This is what is used to purify water.

Flint is a natural mineral that contains the element silicon in the form of its oxide – silicon dioxide SiO2

Silicon in history

Flint is a mineral of black, dark gray or light color. It is considered the stone that laid the foundation for human civilization. Throughout the century, flint served as a material for making tools and making fire. Ancient philosophers mentioned flint in their treatises, pointing out its healing properties. It was used to cut off warts, used it to decorate walls in rooms where meat was stored, and when crushed into powder, it was used to sprinkle on wounds, which prevented gangrene. The mills used silicon millstones, which made it possible to obtain flour of excellent quality. The bottom of wells and their inner surface were lined with flint, and it was noticed that people who drink water from such wells get sick less. Even then, they paid attention to the quality of silicon water: it was unusually clear, tasty and healing. It turns out that by interacting with water, flint changes its properties.

Silicon-activated water is harmful to bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation. Such water becomes very clean and pleasant to taste, since active precipitation of heavy metal compounds occurs in it.

Silicon in nature

The most common pebbles, it turns out, also contain silicon.

This substance is found in nature in the form of well-known minerals - chalcedony, quartz, opal and others. This group includes rock crystal, carnelian, all varieties of jasper, agate, opal, and amethyst. Silicon dioxide or silica forms the basis of these minerals. They differ in density, color and some other properties. Flint contains about 20 different chemical elements. These are magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc and many others. That is why there are so many names of minerals based on silicon. But the most famous among them is undoubtedly flint, which is found in large quantities in the earth's crust. It is used for water purification.

Silicon (Silicium) is a chemical element that occupies number 14 of the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, IV group. Silicon atoms form the basis of sand, rocks, and clay. The entire inorganic world is connected to silicon. Silicon minerals are naturally found in chalk and calcite.

In the human body, silicon is found in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. The highest concentration of this substance is found in nails and hair. Silicon is part of collagen. It is a connective tissue protein whose main role is to participate in the chemical reaction that holds together the individual fibers of elastin and collagen, which gives elasticity to connective tissues.

Studies have shown that in nature, silicon suppresses bacteria that cause fermentation and rotting, neutralizes chlorine, precipitates heavy metals, and removes radionuclides. Biologically active silicon substances, interacting with protein structures in a living organism, promote the formation of enzymes, hormones, and amino acids.

How to use silicon for water purification

Replacement cartridge for filter jug ​​with silicon ensures high-quality water purification

When talking about the beneficial properties of silicon for the human body, we first of all think of water. After all, our body contains about 70 ml of water, so it is quite difficult to imagine life without water. All types of metabolism are carried out through the aquatic environment. It is known that flint is a natural water purifier. What is silicon water or water purified by silicon?

Silicon water is an aqueous tincture of dark brown flint. It should be used internally and externally. Using silicon to purify water is very simple. It is enough to put 40-50 g of small flint stones of bright brown color (but not black) in a glass container, fill them with tap or filtered water and find a place for this jar on the table that is protected from direct sunlight. The water is infused for 2-3 days, after which it is ready for use.

If, following the same technology, you tie the neck of the jar with gauze in 2-3 layers and put the water for 5-7 days in a bright place where the temperature is not higher than 5 degrees C, the resulting water can be used both as drinking water and in as therapeutic and prophylactic water.

It is forbidden to boil water with silicon in it. You can use purified water as needed for drinking and cooking. But be sure to drain the bottom layer that covered the stones; do not use this water for drinking. Don't forget to rinse the stones with water. This is done in order to remove impurities that have settled on the stones. After washing, it is recommended to keep the flint in fresh air for at least 2 hours.

How often should the filter element be changed?

Remember also that flint in water will not work forever. Change stones every 6-8 months. You can control the work of flint in another way: when a gray coating appears on the surface of the stones, it means it’s time to replace it. You can slightly “reanimate” the flint as follows: if a gray coating or layers appear on the surface of the stones, they should be filled with a 2% solution of acetic acid or kept in salt water for 2 hours. After this, the stones are rinsed again with cold water and dipped in a solution of baking soda for another 2 hours. After rinsing the flint after soda, it can be used again. True, it won’t be long until the next signs of wear and tear, and they won’t keep you waiting long.

On sale you can find replacement cartridges for filter jugs, which are based on silicon. The filter module is equipped with a silicon mineralizer. Passing through a silicon filter, the water is purified and saturated with minerals.

Beneficial properties of silicon purified water

Silicon water activator gives it beneficial properties for human health

Drinking silicon water helps prevent many diseases. In addition to the fact that it has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, silicon water

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the number of T- and B-lymphocytes in the blood;
  • promotes rapid healing of cuts, bruises, burns, ulcers;
  • helps with stomach upsets;
  • promotes the outflow of bile, therefore improves the condition of people who suffer from liver diseases;
  • helps reduce blood sugar levels;
  • normalizes metabolism, which means regulates weight;
  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, which means it prevents atherosclerosis;
  • improves kidney function;
  • normalizes the condition of hypertensive patients;
  • increases the overall tone of the body.

Silicon purified water can also be used externally. So, washing with this water improves the condition of the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones, eliminates pimples, acne, and unevenness. Rinsing your hair and rubbing flint-infused water into your scalp helps strengthen your hair and stimulates its growth. Flint water helps with viral diseases of the oral cavity, gingivitis and stomatitis.

What type of silicon is suitable for drinking water purification

Water purification with silicon should be approached with caution, as there are some contraindications and limitations.

There are more than 700 varieties of flint in nature. It may be flint of volcanic or relict origin. What kind of silicon should be used for water purification? Scientists believe that black flint cannot be used, recommending only brown flint. Others believe that the best silica for water purification is dark gray or black relic silica. Therefore, we cannot recommend any specific type of silicon, just as we cannot advise drinking water purified by silicon. This article is for informational purposes only. If you are interested in water purification with flint, and whether you can use it, ask your doctor this question. Along with data on the positive effects of silicon on the human body, there is data on contraindications. Thus, people who are predisposed to cancer should completely avoid drinking water purified by flint.

24.05.2016 Pelagia Zuikova Save:

Hello, dear readers! Do you know that to maintain water balance a person needs 1.5-2 liters of water per day, and even more in hot weather. Just don’t pour anything into your body, as most people do, incl. and you.

Yes, friends, tap water (whether raw or boiled) is dangerous for the body; it often has a not very pleasant taste, and sometimes even smells of rusty pipes. Check it yourself for harmful impurities - tin! In addition, it is also 100% chlorinated. Do you realize that you drink at all? A disaster accepted as the norm!!!

The most popular solution to the problem is to buy water on tap, but its quality is in great doubt, and it’s a bit expensive, and sometimes also costly. So which is the best water to drink for every day?

There is a solution and it is very simple! I will be happy to tell you how to use shungite to purify water at home, about the amazing healing properties and ways to use such water not only to improve health, but also to maintain beauty. So we begin...

Properties of shungite for water and use for its purification

Slate stone (shungite) not only has bactericidal properties and properties. It absorbs all harmful and dangerous substances like a sponge; it is also used to disinfect and mineralize water.

Moreover, there are a lot of ways to use it. I will only tell you about the main ones, but they are guaranteed to be useful to you.

1. Purifying water with shungite for drinking in a glass jar

It is very simple to prepare water for constant use at home - place a water purification stone in a container.

“How often should I change stones?” - you ask. They recommend changing them once a month, but I have a secret how you can change them every six months. You just need to wash it thoroughly (you can use soda) - and that’s it! What a savings, isn't it? Although the stones are inexpensive.

2. Shungite filter for water at home

Such filters are much more convenient than standard carbon ones, and according to some people and me personally, they are much more reliable due to the silicon and quartz content.

Such a filter will be enough to purify water for a couple of months. After this time, the filler should be washed in a weak solution of soda or acetic acid and can be used again and again.

Shungite filters are much safer than their conventional carbon counterparts. Not only do you have to purchase more and more replacement cassettes at the end of their service life, but also when cleaned, the filler releases dioxin, a substance that can be harmful. Its excessive accumulation in the body can lead to cancer.

3. Cleaning wells and pools with shungite

Friends, if you have a house outside the city, then you probably have a swimming pool. Do your little children love to splash around in the summer? There is a dilemma: should the water be chlorinated?

After all, even a dog can dive there. It’s good if it’s your pet, clean and well-groomed, but it’s not always possible to monitor the pool around the clock, and it’s not very convenient to ask friends about possible dermatological problems of their children, is it?

How to ensure clean pool water without chlorine and other chemicals? Here Karelian shungite is simply irreplaceable. It's simple. Place larger shungite stones on the bottom and you don’t have to worry - the purity of the water is guaranteed.

You have probably already guessed what to do if you have your own well. Shungite in a well? If the water has spoiled - it has an unpleasant taste or an unpleasant smell has appeared (this often happens after rains), clean the dirt and lower the slate stone - this is the solution to this problem! You can drink the water again.

4. Water purification with shungite pyramids

Dear reader, if you have a pyramid in your house (to improve the atmosphere of the house or just for beauty), then you can use its properties. She is a good activator of water - charges it with positive energy.

Benefits and properties of ready-made water infused with shungite

Shungite water is very beneficial for human health. It is often recommended for use for various types of diseases:

  • respiratory tract;
  • gallbladder and liver;
  • dermatological problems (from simple acne on the face to psoriasis);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ailments of the heart and blood vessels, and so on.

Personally, I have been drinking this water for many years as a preventive measure, and have completely replaced regular tap or bottled water with it. Shungite water is a miracle of nature in our home!

Shungite water contraindications

This water has virtually no contraindications for use and is approved for use by both children and adults.

But doctors do not recommend drinking such water for people prone to cancer or already suffering from it. Its medicinal properties are such that it activates and accelerates all processes in the body, therefore it can contribute to the development and even the emergence of cancer cells.

Therefore, before drinking water every day, remember if any of your relatives had cancer. If yes, consult a specialist.

In all other cases, the benefits of shungite water for the body are invaluable. You can and should drink it, friends. If in doubt, look at the deposits on the stones after purifying the water - this all got into your body before. The conclusions are obvious.

Methods of use and application of shungite water

1. Water purification for drinking and cooking

How to use for water purification? Everything is extremely simple - leave the Karelian shungite in a jar or jug ​​with water and after a few hours you can safely drink the prepared water or cook lunch. Above I have already given a link on how to purify water correctly.

2. In cosmetology

Washing your face with shungite water in the morning helps heal minor abrasions and skin damage, as well as maintain beauty. Regular use will also help get rid of cosmetic defects - pimples and blackheads. All this is due to the bactericidal properties of such water.

3. For body care

Shungite baths are what you need at the end of a hard working day. It perfectly relieves tension, relaxes, gives strength and energy - these are real reviews from people. I take them myself when I’m very tired, they really help me relax and quickly get back to normal.

To do this, just first place a bag of small stones in the bathroom and just lie for 15-20 minutes in shungite water. Just keep in mind that the water should not be too hot - about 40ºС.

4. Inhalations and rinsing

If you have a sore throat, then asp will help you. During illness, regularly gargle with water infused with it.

The healing properties are such that water promotes the healing of wounds (especially if the throat is “teared”), and it also kills pathogenic bacteria.

But for inhalation, shungite-based water needs to be heated to 90-95ºС, and, covering your head with a towel or blanket, breathe for several minutes. This procedure is perfect for adults and children prone to allergies to medicinal herbs and nebulizer preparations.

5. Shungite water in the aquarium

Whether to use shungite in an aquarium - opinions differ here. Some believe that this is necessary - the water is naturally purified, while others consider its use unacceptable due to the possible negative impact of the mineral on fish.

See for yourself, consult the pet store where you bought your fish. A good seller will tell you which fish can use this water.

In general, friends, shungite water has amazing properties. It helps treat illnesses, relieves skin problems, and also strengthens the body.

Question: Hello! How effective is mountain quartz in water purification? Does it have any contraindications? In your opinion, which of the water activators (silicon, shungite, quartz) is the most effective and safe? Thank you in advance for your response!

The active component of all three minerals - silicon, quartz and shungite is their silicon dioxide - silica (SiO 2), which determines their healing effects.

In nature, silica is found in the form of widespread minerals - flint, quartz, chalcedony, opal, etc. The group of these minerals includes carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals is silicon dioxide or silica, but the density, color, and some other properties are different. Most of the earth's crust consists of inorganic silicon compounds (28 vol.%).

Silicon (Silicium - lat.) chemical element, atomic number 14, group IV of the periodic table. Silicon atoms form the basis of clay, sand and rocks. We can say that the entire inorganic world is associated with silicon. Under natural conditions, silicon minerals are found in calcites and chalk.

Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust after oxygen and accounts for about a third of its total weight. Every 6th atom in the earth's crust is a silicon atom. Sea water contains even more silicon than phosphorus, which is so necessary for life on Earth.

In our body, silicon is found in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. Its highest concentration is found in hair and nails.

Silicon is also part of collagen, the main protein of connective tissue. Its main role is to participate in a chemical reaction that holds together individual fibers of collagen and elastin, giving the connective tissue strength and elasticity. Silicon is also a component of collagen in hair and nails and plays an important role in bone healing during fractures.

Silicon has a special role in the life and health of people, as well as the flora and fauna. Silicon is absorbed by plants in the form of dissolved silicic acids, silicates and colloidal silica. The lack of silicon adversely affects the germination, growth and yield of grains, mainly rice, as well as sugar cane, sunflowers, crops such as potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. With vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and other products, a person should consume 10-20 mg of silicon daily. This amount is necessary for normal functioning, growth and development of the body.

Scientific research on the role of silicon for human health is covered in the monographs of V. Krivenko et al. “Lithotherapy”, M., 1994, E. Mikheeva “Healing properties of silicon”, St. Petersburg, 2002, works of M. Voronkov and I. Kuznetsov ( Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Siberian Branch, 1984), A. Panicheva, L. Zardashvili, N. Semenova, etc. It has been shown that silicon is involved in the exchange of fluorine, magnesium, aluminum, and other mineral compounds, but interacts especially closely with strontium and calcium One of the mechanisms of action of silicon is that, due to its chemical properties, it creates electrically charged colloidal systems that have the property of adsorbing viruses and pathogens that are unusual for humans.

Silicon is also responsible for ensuring protective functions, metabolic processes and detoxification. It works as a biological “cross-linking” agent involved in the formation of the molecular “architecture” of polysaccharides and their complexes with proteins, imparts elasticity to connective tissues, is part of the elastin of blood vessels, gives strength, elasticity and impermeability to their walls and prevents the penetration of lipids into the blood plasma .

Studies have shown that silicon in water suppresses bacteria that cause fermentation and decay, precipitates heavy metals, neutralizes chlorine, and sorbs radionuclides. In a living organism, biologically active silicon substances, together with protein structures, contribute to the formation of enzymes, amino acids, and hormones. Silicon is especially necessary in connective tissue; it is found in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. There is a lot of silicon in the hair. Its highest concentration is found in hair and nails.

Silicon: Flint belongs to the minerals of the quartz or chalcedony family. The group of these minerals includes carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals is silicon dioxide SiO2 or silica, but the density, color, and some other properties are different. In addition to silica, silicon contains about 20 chemical elements, the main ones of which are Mg, Ca, P, Sr, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc. Hence the so many names. But the most famous among the representatives of this family is undoubtedly flint.

    strengthens the immune system and is included in various medicinal and cosmetic preparations;

    Cosmetics experts have found that silicon-based products are very beneficial for hair, skin and nails;

    about 70 elements are not absorbed if the body lacks silicon. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium, chlorine, fluorine, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other elements;

    silicon promotes the biosynthesis of collagen, participates in phosphorus metabolism and lipid metabolism, as well as maintaining its balance with calcium, which is closely related to the aging process of the body.

A lack of silicon leads to:

    osteomalacia (softening of bones);

    diseases of the eyes, teeth, nails, skin and hair;

    accelerated wear of articular cartilage;

    erysipelas of the skin;

    stones in the liver and kidneys;



A relationship has been found between the concentration of silicon in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases. Tuberculosis, diabetes, leprosy, hepatitis, hypertension, cataracts, arthritis, cancer are accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of silicon in tissues and organs, or disturbances in its metabolism.

Meanwhile, our body loses silicon every day - on average, we consume 3.5 mg of silicon per day with food and water, and lose about 9 mg!

Causes of silicon deficiency:

    insufficient consumption of fiber and mineral water;

    excess aluminum (for example, due to cooking in aluminum cookware);

    period of intensive growth in children;

    physical overload

Typically, a decrease in silicon content occurs against the background of a general mineral deficiency and is accompanied by a deficiency of magnesium and calcium.

Signs of silicon deficiency:

    disorder of connective tissue - diseases of bones, ligaments, development of osteoporosis, periodontal disease, arthrosis;

    vascular damage - early atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol levels;

    dry, vulnerable skin;

    fragility and slow growth of nails;

    decreased body resistance to infections, diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract

This is why silicon is so important for the body. Now let's look at all three silicon-containing minerals.


The reasons and mechanism of interaction between flint and water have not been fully elucidated. Perhaps the healing effect of silicon is explained by its ability to form special associates with water - colloids that absorb dirt and foreign microflora from the environment.

When talking about the beneficial properties of silicon for the body, we first of all remember water. The human body contains about 70% water, and therefore it is difficult to imagine life without it. And if we take into account that all types of metabolism are carried out through the aquatic environment, that it is water that is the conductor of the overwhelming majority of physiological life processes, that without it not a single form of life is possible - carbon, silicon or any other, then it becomes clear that water activated by silicon acquires special meaning.

“ the system flint - aqueous solutions of inorganic salts, intensive sedimentation of a number of metals occurs: aluminum, iron, cadmium, cesium, zinc, lead, strontium.” - P. Aladovsky, head of the laboratory of the Central Research Institute for the Use of Water Resources, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. In other words, flint displaces harmful metals from water, purifying it. They remain at the bottom, and clean water appears on top.

“Water treated with silicon affects the adsorption capacity of radionuclides. This may make it possible to use it to solve some radiochemical problems in the radionuclide-contaminated territory of Belarus.” Doctor of Chemical Sciences Yu. Davydov is the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Radiological Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

“Silicon water, starting from the fifth day of storage, has the ability to strengthen the hemostatic capabilities of the blood and increase its ability to clot.” E. Ivanov - Director of the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Hemophilia immediately comes to mind - a disease in which the blood does not clot well. This means that a person who receives even a small scratch can die from loss of blood.

“For several years, I have not observed cancer in many patients who consumed silicon-activated water (SAW). We have found that on the 5-6th day of taking ACB (6-8 times a day) in patients with numerous trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, the number of Ti B-lymphocytes increases. And this indicates the ability to renew lost and weakened immunity. In addition, ACB reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, especially in obesity. Thus, the battery serves to prevent atherosclerosis” - M. Sinyavsky, professor of the department of medical training at Mogilev State University. A.A. Kuleshova.

What is this – silicon water? Silicon water is a tincture of dark brown flint, which is used internally and externally. The method for preparing flint water is quite simple. In a 2-3 liter container, preferably glass, add 40-50 g of small flint pebbles, preferably intensely bright brown (but not black) in color, pour in water from the water supply network, but preferably after normal filtration, and place it in a place protected from direct sunlight place and outside terrestrial pathogenic radiation. This water will be ready for drinking in 2-3 days. If you follow the same technology, but if you tie the neck with 2-3 layers of gauze and put the water in a bright place at a temperature above 5°C for 5-7 days, then this water, due to its properties, can be used not only as drinking water, but also for medicinal purposes. preventive purposes. It is useful to use for cooking - tea, soups, etc. You can drink silicon water without restrictions (normally 1.5-2 liters per day). If this is not possible, then at least 3-5 times a day, half a glass, always in small sips and preferably cool.

Use flint, as already mentioned, only in bright brown (not black) color.

Only natural minerals should be used. The fact is that flint contains the remains of microorganisms, which at one time formed flint from the silt of the Cretaceous and more ancient eras.

After using it once or twice, the stone should be rinsed with cool water and ventilated in fresh air for 2 hours. If layers or deposits appear on the surface of the pebbles, they must be immersed in a 2% solution of acetic acid or salted water for 2 hours; then rinse 2-3 times with plain water and soak for 2 hours in a solution of baking soda and rinse again.

The specific properties of silicon water make it possible to prevent many diseases. Silicon water has a positive effect on the general condition of the body as a whole. If you drink silicon-activated water or cook food with it, the following happens: strengthening the immune system, increasing the number of Ti B-lymphocytes in the blood;

the condition of people suffering from liver diseases improves, because water helps the flow of bile;

- rapid healing of burns, cuts, bruises, trophic ulcers;

-helps with indigestion, relieves inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;

reduction of blood sugar levels, as well as weight, diabetics predisposed to obesity;

reducing blood cholesterol levels, especially in obesity, preventing atherosclerosis and improving kidney function;

normalizes the condition of patients suffering from hypertension;

normalizes metabolism;

general tone increases.

When used externally, silicon water stimulates the body's recovery processes with:

treatment of sore throat, runny nose, gum inflammation (gargling and mouthwash after eating);

- for viral diseases of the oral cavity, stomatitis and gingivitis;

treatment of allergies, boils, diathesis, dermatitis, various skin irritations (lotions and washing);

for conjunctivitis, relieves itching and inflammation;

- washing with such water helps to improve the condition of the skin, reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, helps eliminate unevenness, blackheads, pimples;

rinsing the head and hair, rubbing into the scalp helps strengthen and grow hair;

for certain skin diseases (simple vesicular, herpes zoster and pityriasis rosea).

For hair falling out and split ends, rinse your hair with flint water;

To relieve irritation after shaving, rinse your face with the same water;

For “youthful acne”, wash your face and apply “water” internally;

Wipe your face with pieces of ice and frozen flint water;

-To prevent periodontal disease, rinse your gums with “water” when brushing your teeth. The use of “flint” water for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes promotes rapid healing of wounds, prevents the formation of tumors with regular intake of water, improves blood composition, restores adrenal function, relieves inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis, normalizes blood sugar levels, reduces weight, healing of fractures (bones heal faster and without complications), improving kidney function and metabolism, separation and removal of bile. Silicon water kills viruses; For prevention during respiratory epidemics, it is recommended to instill “water” into the nose. This helps with insomnia.

In the household, it is recommended to water flowers, which extends the flowering period; accelerates the fruiting period of fruit trees and vegetable crops; increases productivity by 10%. Kills mold, gray rot, in particular on strawberries, and other fungi. Soaking seeds in such water increases germination. It is better to store flowers in a container containing silicon stones; their shelf life increases sharply. In an aquarium, flint prevents water from blooming. Helps purify water during a hike, which is important for tourists and possibly military personnel to know.

It is also useful to drink silicon water for atherosclerosis (vessels are cleared of sclerotic deposits), various types of metabolic disorders, sore throat, flu, pharyngitis (rinsing with silicon water significantly reduces the duration of these diseases - after all, silicon acts as an antibiotic here), rheumatism, Botkin's disease (silicon kills pathogenic viruses), diseases of teeth and joints (since silicon restores the integrity of bone tissue).

And now the most important point - contraindications. Silicon water has contraindications and must be handled very carefully. Doctors have noticed that for those who have a predisposition to cancer, it is better to completely abandon it.


Shungite is an unusual carbon-containing rock. Shungite carbon is fossilized ancient oil, or amorphous, non-crystallizing, fullerene-like (i.e. containing certain regular structures, see below) carbon. Its content in the rock is about 30%, and 70% are silicate minerals - quartz, mica. In addition to carbon, shungite also includes SiO 2 (57.0%), TiO 2 (0.2%), Al 2 O 3 (4.0%), FeO (2.5%), MgO (1.2% ), K 2 O (1.5%), S (1.2%).

Table . Chemical composition of shungite (wt.%):

The only deposit of shungite rocks is Zazhoginskoye, located in the Medvezhyegorsk region of the Republic of Karelia, 5 km from the navigable bay of Lake Onega. The production capacity of the shungite mining and processing enterprise is 200 thousand tons per year. Shungite reserves of the Zazhoginsky deposit amount to 35 million tons.

The healing properties of shungite have been known for a long time. In 1714, Peter I founded a resort in this area, which was called “Marcial Waters”. It is believed that the resort received its name, dedicated to the god of war Mars, because Peter’s wounded and sick soldiers were treated on the waters.

Filters for water purification based on shungite began to be produced relatively recently - in 1991. Water passed through a shungite filter has a general healing effect on the body, removes irritation, itching, rashes, restores hair shine, and is effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and kidney stones.

Scientists explain the unique properties of shungite by its unusual structure. Shungite carbon forms a matrix in the rock in which dispersed silicates with an average size of about 1 micron are evenly distributed. The properties of shungite rock are determined by two factors: firstly, the properties of shungite carbon, and secondly, the structure of the rock, the relationship between carbon and silicates.

At the end of the twentieth century, scientists partially explained the reasons for the healing effect of shungite. This mineral consists mainly of carbon, a significant part of which is very similar to spherical molecules - fullerenes.

Fullerenes- a special form of carbon, which was first discovered in scientific laboratories while trying to simulate processes occurring in space, and later discovered in the earth’s crust.

The scientific world first learned about the earthly existence of fullerenes after one of the former Soviet scientists examined samples of Karelian shungites at the University of Arizona (USA) - and, to his surprise, discovered carbon globules with fullerenes there. After this, an intensive search began for other rocks containing fullerenes, and questions arose about their origin on Earth.

Until recently, it was believed that carbon has only three forms of existence - diamond, graphite and carbyne. These substances differ in their structure. Each carbon atom in the diamond structure is located in the center of a tetrahedron, the vertices of which are the four nearest atoms. This structure determines the properties of diamond as the hardest substance known on Earth.

The carbon atoms in the crystalline structure of graphite form hexagonal rings, which in turn form a strong and stable network, similar to a honeycomb. The grids are arranged one above the other in layers that are loosely connected to each other. This structure determines the specific properties of graphite: low hardness and the ability to easily delaminate into tiny flakes.

Rice. Structure of diamond (a) and graphite (b)

In 1985, a group of researchers led by Robert Curl and Harold Kroteau examined the mass spectra of graphite vapor obtained by laser irradiation of solid graphite and discovered peaks with maximum amplitude corresponding to clusters consisting of 60 and 70 carbon atoms. They assumed that these peaks correspond to the C 60 and C 70 molecules and hypothesized that the C 60 molecule has the shape of a truncated icosahedron. Polyhedral carbon clusters are called fullerenes, and the most common molecule C 60 is buckminsterfullerene, named after the American architect Buckminster Fuller, who used pentagons, which are the main structural elements of the molecular frameworks of all fullerenes, to build the domes of his buildings.

After this discovery, scientists discovered fullerene-like structures not only in graphite, but also in ordinary soot formed in an arc discharge on graphite electrodes in the natural mineral shungite, etc.

Rice. Externally, the fullerene molecule resembles a ball

Later, terrestrial fullerenes were found in Canada, Australia and Mexico - and in each of these countries they were discovered at meteorite impact sites. At the same time, some fullerenes were filled: there were helium atoms inside the shells. Strange was the fact that fullerenes did not store helium-4, an isotope that is usually present in terrestrial rocks, but the isotope helium-3, which is rare for the Earth.

According to scientists, such fullerenes could only form under cosmic conditions, in so-called carbon stars or in their immediate environment. It was possible to determine the time of appearance of the studied fullerenes on Earth. The crater from the fall of a Canadian meteorite was formed about two billion years ago, during the Archean era, when the Earth was still lifeless. Other fullerenes were discovered at the boundary of sediments of the Permian and Triassic periods; their age is estimated at 250 million years. It was then that a giant asteroid crashed into the Earth, causing catastrophic destruction.

In contrast to diamond, graphite and carbyne, fullerene is a new form of carbon. The uniqueness of fullerene is that the C 60 molecule contains fragments with fivefold symmetry (pentagons), which are prohibited by nature for inorganic compounds. A fullerene molecule is an organic molecule, and a crystal formed by such molecules ( fullerite) it is a molecular crystal that is a connecting link between organic and inorganic matter.

Fullerene contains a flat mesh of hexagons - a graphite mesh is rolled up and stitched into a closed sphere, reminiscent of a soccer ball. In this case, some hexagons are converted into pentagons. Nature has given a clear sequence of this connection - each hexagon borders on three hexagons and three pentagons, and each pentagon borders only on hexagons. The carbon atoms forming the sphere are connected to each other by a strong covalent bond. The thickness of the spherical shell is 0.1 nm, the radius of the C 60 molecule is 0.357 nm. The length of the C-C bond in a pentagon is 0.143 nm, in a hexagon – 0.139 nm.

Fullerenes can be used in nanotechnology, medicine, rocket construction, military purposes, electronics, optoelectronics, machine production, in the production of technical products, computers, etc., and in all cases, the operating parameters of the equipment are significantly improved, the quality increases, the technologies become more efficient and simple. For example, American researchers and scientists have developed a technology that makes it possible to apply the thinnest solar cell elements to any surface - they are a multilayer polymer film containing the same fullerenes. Such cells still have approximately four times lower efficiency than traditional silicon-based batteries, but they are much simpler and cheaper to produce. Perhaps in the near future the industry will begin to produce solar panels in rolls - like wallpaper. At one of the universities in Sweden, during experiments with fullerenes, unexpectedly for the scientists themselves, a puff material was obtained that resembled foil laid with thin layers of paper. The transparent and flexible material turned out to be a magnet and retained its properties even at temperatures above 200 degrees. It is quite possible to use it to create computer memory by writing with a laser beam. Thanks to this, a very high storage media density is achieved.

Great hopes are associated with the use of fullerenes in medicine. The almost ideal spherical structure of the fullerene molecule and microscopic size (diameter 0.7 nm) allow scientists to expect that these molecules will be able to create a mechanical obstacle to the penetration of viruses into the cells of an infected organism. The idea of ​​​​creating anti-cancer drugs based on water-soluble fullerene compounds with radioactive isotopes embedded inside is also being discussed. The introduction of such a drug into the tissue will allow it to selectively act on tumor-affected cells, preventing their further proliferation. So far, the main obstacle to development is related to the insolubility of fullerene molecules in water, which makes it difficult to directly introduce them into the body.

The fullerene-like structure of shungite allows it to be used as an effective filter for water purification and determines the sorption, catalytic and reduction properties of shungite rocks. This fact makes it possible to use shungite to purify water from many impurities of inorganic and organic nature, heavy metals, and organochlorine substances (dioxins, radicals). In addition, shungite has bactericidal properties. Thanks to these properties, shungite can be used:

    in the preparation of high-quality drinking water in flow-through systems of any capacity, in wells. With the help of shungites, the problem of water supply in many problem regions can be solved most simply and economically;

    in the purification of urban domestic and industrial wastewater from many harmful substances;

    in the preparation of swimming pool water;

    in the preparation of water from thermal power plants.

Water passed through a shungite filter has a general healing effect on the body, removes irritation, itching, rashes, restores hair shine, and is effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and kidney stones.

In addition, shungite has sorption, catalytic, bactericidal properties, biological activity, and the ability to absorb and neutralize high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Shungite water is easy to prepare. To do this, 100 g of shungite stones must first be washed with cold water, then poured into a 3-liter glass jar or enamel bowl, after which tap water in an amount of 3 liters is poured. Water should be infused on shungite for 2 days. Then it must be carefully (without shaking) poured into a supply container for use, leaving a 0.5 liter layer of water at the bottom. The water in this layer contains contaminants, so it should be filtered through several layers of gauze and used as well.

List of diseases for the prevention and treatment of which shungite water is indicated:


allergies of various types

bronchial asthma



kidney diseases

liver diseases


cholelithiasis, gallbladder disease

weakened immune system

liver disease

pancreatic diseases


cardiovascular diseases


chronic fatigue syndrome.

Water infused with shungite becomes not just pure drinking water, but also a molecular colloidal solution of hydrated fullerenes, which belong to a new generation of medicinal and prophylactic agents with a multifaceted effect on the body.

One example of such an effect is the antihistamine effect that shungite water has. It has been found that when consumed, the level of histamine in the blood, which plays a large role in the development of most allergic diseases, is noticeably reduced.

Shungite water also prevents infectious diseases.

But there are also contraindications for treatment with shungite water. These are malignant and benign neoplasms, cardiovascular and chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute phase, and a tendency to thrombosis.


Rock quartz is one of the most ancient minerals on the planet. 12 percent of the earth's crust is made of quartz.

Quartz was first mentioned under the name “crystallos” by Theophrastus, and then by Pliny (Latin “crystallus”), who considered quartz to be petrified ice.

Quartz deposits are known all over the world. The most attractive collectible crystals and high-quality raw materials are supplied by Brazil, the USA, and Ukraine. In Russia, rock crystal from the Subpolar Urals and Yakutia is famous.

Quartz is formed during various geological processes - crystallizes from volcanic magma. Quartz contains both intrusive (granite, diorite) and effusive (rhyolite, dacite) rocks of felsic and intermediate composition, and can be found in igneous rocks of basic composition (quartz gabbo). According to measurements using geobarothermometry methods, quartz is released in granites at T = ≈700 °C. The temperature of its release can exceed 1000 °C. In this case, quartz and crystal-bearing veins are formed.

By chemical composition of quartz- this is silicon oxide SiO 2. Therefore, quartz is the main mineral of sands and sandstones and is quite widespread in sedimentary strata of the Moscow region and is often found in limestones and dolomites in the form of fine-crystalline crusts and veinlets in cracks.

Snow-white crystals of mountain quartz have always fascinated people. They preserve the centuries-old history of ancient glacial springs. First discovered in the Alps, rock quartz was mistaken for fossilized ice and called crystal (from the Greek for ice).

Quartz is the most harmonious of all crystals. The structure of quartz is simple. In this way it is similar to water. It has one oxygen atom (H 2 O) for every two hydrogen atoms, while quartz has two oxygen (SiO2) for every silicon and silicon atom.

Quartz crystals most often have the shape of a hexagonal prism, trigonal dipyramid, rhombohedron and others.

The water molecule also has a tetrahedral structure, which may be due to its ancient rheological relationship with quartz and other silica minerals that predominate in the earth's crust, from the depths of which water once appeared on Earth. Just as a small crystal of salt causes the solution surrounding it to crystallize into similar crystals, and not into others, so quartz caused water molecules to line up in tetrahedral structures, which are energetically most favorable. And in our era, in the earth’s atmosphere, water vapor, condensing into droplets, forms such a structure because the atmosphere always contains tiny droplets of aerosol water that already have this structure. They are centers of condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. Below are possible chain silicate structures based on a tetrahedron, which can also be composed of quartz tetrahedra SiO 4 4-.

Rice . Elementary regular silicon-oxygen tetrahedron SiO 4 4- .

There are other quartz structures. In terms of chemical composition, quartz ranks next to diamond in the gemstone ranks. Varieties of quartz cover the entire spectrum of colors. And each type has unique properties.

All numerous varieties of quartz can be divided into crystalline: rock crystal, smoky quartz, morion, amethyst, citrine, prasiolite, rose quartz, prazem, cat's eye, hawk's eye, tiger's eye; and cryptocrystalline: chalcedony, carnelian, carnelian, chrysoprase, agate, sarder, onyx, sapphirine, helviotrope, plasma, flint, etc. In addition, there are varieties of quartz (minerals consisting mainly of quartz) - quartzites and jasper. Quartz crystals, amazingly beautiful, have been valued since ancient times. Since ancient times, people have sought to enhance the brilliance and beauty of these gems with appropriate processing. Currently, quartz and all its varieties are used in jewelry. Quartz is also used in technology. Piezo-optical raw materials are obtained from quartz, which are indispensable in optics, radio electronics, and semiconductor technology. Quartz is used to make prisms, bearings and bearings for precision instruments - watches, scales, etc.


A transparent, colorless variety of quartz. Rock crystal is the carrier of the Divine white color. It is the key to entering cosmic harmony and connects to energies of high purity.


A transparent variety of quartz from a barely noticeable brownish-gray haze to brown, tea-colored or dark brown. This color is due to the replacement of silicon ion by aluminum ion. The smoky color is unstable; at a temperature of 300-320 it completely disappears.


Morion is dark brown, almost black quartz, visible only in thin plates. Morion comes from the Latin word “morrosus” - gloomy, unfriendly, gloomy. The stone got its name for its dark color, gloomy and mysterious appearance. Ural craftsmen called it smolyak. When morion is heated to 300-350°, it becomes transparent and yellow, turning into citrine. This property is used to obtain citrine. According to Fersman's descriptions, morion and rauchtopaz were baked in bread to obtain a crystal of a beautiful yellow color. Morion is almost never used as a jewelry stone. This is a stone that promotes communication with the world of the departed. Used in necromancy - summoning the souls of the dead in order to find out the future through them.


Citrine is a variety of quartz that gets its name because of its lemon yellow color. Jewelers often call yellow citrines golden topaz. This is explained by the fact that when cut, the color of citrine and topaz is the same (topaz has greater hardness). Most commercially available citrines are treated amethysts, smoky quartz or morions.


Prasiolite is an onion green quartz. Prasiolite does not occur in nature; it is a heat-treated amethyst or citrine. Prasiolite crystals are transparent. In appearance it is similar to beryl, peridot and tourmaline.


Prazem is a natural translucent quartz of light green color. This color is due to tiny inclusions of garnierite and other nickel-containing silicates. Prazem promotes concentration of thoughts, creates a feeling of renewal and security, and soothes vision. Used for jewelry: brooches, necklaces, bracelets. Processed as a cabochon. Deposits are known in Austria, East Germany, England, Finland, and Brazil.


Rose quartz was called the stone of the heart in the East. Ancient sages believed that if people wore rose quartz amulets, they would become kinder and more tolerant of each other. Rose quartz crystals are solid masses of opaque quartz, white with a pink tint, pale pink, pink, rose-red; very rarely pink crystals, slightly translucent. The color is unstable, disappears in the light, presumably due to an admixture of titanium. Ornamental stone.


It is a purple variety of quartz, sometimes with a pink or reddish tint. This unique gem leaves no one indifferent, causing admiration for its amazing purple or violet-lilac color and the perfection of perfectly cut, transparent crystals.


Topaz belongs to the island silicates; its crystals have a prismatic shape. This makes topaz similar to rock crystal and rauchtopaz. However, the shape of topaz crystals differs in different deposits and even in different areas. The color of topaz is varied: yellow, wine-honey, golden yellow, blue, bluish-green, pink, red, violet, green; colorless grooves are found. The crystals are usually colorless, sometimes with opalescence or a “cat’s eye” effect. Topazes have pleochroism, a glassy luster, sometimes with a pearlescent tint. The hardness of topaz on the Mohs scale is 8. When heated and irradiated with X-rays, topazes change color: brown and yellow ones become pink, colorless ones become brownish as a result of irradiation, and as a result of irradiation followed by heating, topazes become blue.

Magical properties of quartz

Magicians believe that quartz crystals because of their perfect crystalline structure and purity - conductors of pure energy of the Cosmos. In magic, quartz is sometimes used to identify areas with increased negative energy in a home. It is believed that this stone is very sensitive to the manifestation of evil and black witchcraft. It is recommended to wear it on the body as a talisman against evil spells and the evil eye. In Eastern countries, rose quartz is used as a remedy that can reduce mental pain and give a person peace and forgiveness.

Healing properties of quartz

Traditional healers suggest that quartz has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic, excretory and immune systems. There is an opinion that quartz strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so it is sometimes recommended to be worn for prevention.

Quartz infused water:

    Improves metabolism

    Prevents capillary fragility, improves blood circulation

    Supports the elasticity of blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and joints

    Stimulates cell regeneration

    Relieves joint pain

    Helps normalize weight

    Relieves chronic fatigue syndrome

    Has a mild calming effect

Manufacturer | Water activator Mountain Quartz 200 g
JSC "Invit", Russia, for LLC "Center of Aroma and Phytotherapy"

To prepare quartz water, you need to rinse the quartz crystals well with running water. Then fill them with water at the rate of 200 g of quartz per 3 liters of water. Leave for 2-3 days. Add water as needed. Periodically (once a week) wash the crystals to remove deposits. Use for healing as a drink. It is advisable to drink water in small sips throughout the day, but at least 2 glasses per day. And also for washing, for cosmetic purposes, for adding to creams, lotions, masks; for cooking food. Flint helps enhance the activity of quartz. Therefore, it is permissible to mix quartz and flint crystals. This gives the water a more complete range of healing properties.

Method of application | Water activator Mountain Quartz 200 g

Although drinking water infused with quartz has virtually no contraindications and is indicated for the prevention of many diseases, before you start drinking it for people with numerous health problems, if possible, it is better to consult a doctor who is familiar with the effects of this mineral.
