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» Hibiscus ginger. The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea Hibiscus tea - beneficial properties

Hibiscus ginger. The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea Hibiscus tea - beneficial properties

Among the many varieties of tea with different shades and tastes, hibiscus tea is perhaps the most popular. The tradition of quenching thirst with a drink has ancient roots; it is mentioned as the favorite drink of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. During the time of the pharaohs, it was credited with miraculous properties in treating ailments and giving beauty to the body and face.

What is hibiscus

To understand what hibiscus is made from, you need to know where it comes from. Hibiscus is a type of flower tea made from Sudanese rose or hibiscus, with a sweet and sour, tart flavor. The plant came from Africa, but now it is grown not only in Sudan and Egypt, but also on plantations in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Mexico and China. The plant contains anthocyanins, which give the petals a red or burgundy color.

Composition of hibiscus tea

To make a healing drink, only hibiscus inflorescences are collected and dried. This part of the plant contains more minerals. Chemical composition of hibiscus tea:

  • vitamins P, B, C, A;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • alkaloids;
  • antioxidants;
  • pectins;
  • anthocyanins.

Experiments have shown that red tea is superior in malic, tartaric, and citric acid content to many fruits. It contains about 13 organic acids, 6 of which are involved in cellular metabolism. Among microelements it includes: phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc. The drink contains these components in large quantities. To enrich your body, drink 2-3 cups of tea a day.

Hibiscus tea – increases or decreases blood pressure

Doctors are unanimous on this issue - the royal drink strengthens blood vessels, making their walls stronger, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiac and vegetative-vascular systems. Recent studies have shown that hibiscus tea for blood pressure helps with both hypotension and hypertension. It should be consumed hot when blood pressure is low, and chilled when blood pressure is high.

Hibiscus tea - beneficial properties

Ancient treatises describe the benefits and harms of hibiscus tea; it is mentioned as a cure for all diseases. Modern research confirms that the concentrate of vitamins and minerals contained in the drink not only quenches thirst, but also helps to cure and prevent diseases. How is hibiscus useful? Doctors believe that the healing drink promotes:

In addition, the product has antipyretic and antispasmodic properties, reduces blood sugar in diabetes, relieves sore throat during colds, and removes toxins. The beneficial properties of hibiscus tea can be listed for a long time, but in order to achieve a positive effect, you need to constantly add hibiscus to your diet. There is a principle of accumulation of vitamins that strengthen all human organs. Another condition for obtaining benefits is mandatory drinking no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Benefits of hibiscus tea for women

The beautiful half of humanity did not remain indifferent to the tasty drink. The benefit of hibiscus for women of all ages is that tea contains not only vitamins, but also hormones that are beneficial for the female body. When drinking 1-2 cups the following are noted:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • increasing stress resistance.

The product is so healthy that it is even recommended to eat the petals that remain after brewing. Hibiscus tea and its waste are used in cosmetology for the production of scrubs, creams, tinctures, shampoos, and rubs. External use helps, due to beneficial acids, to tone, whiten the skin, remove impurities on its surface, and exfoliate old cells.

Benefits of hibiscus tea for men

All components of tea have a beneficial effect on men's health. The anti-hangover property is especially valuable - in southern countries, where they do not know about brine, the drink is drunk the morning after a feast to relieve alcohol intoxication. The benefits of hibiscus tea for men do not end there; it is consumed for the following problems:

  • low potency;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • male infertility.

Hibiscus tea during pregnancy

Expectant mothers, who were accustomed to the drink before pregnancy, are afraid that drinking it during this period is harmful. However, if the doctor sees no contraindications, then you can continue to drink hibiscus during pregnancy, reducing the number of cups per day to 1-2. After the birth of a child and at the beginning of breastfeeding, tea will have to be excluded from the diet, because, like all brightly colored foods, it contains many allergenic substances.

Hibiscus tea for weight loss

Nutritionists advise replacing regular tea, coffee, juices, and other drinks with hibiscus for weight loss. If you add diet and exercise, weight loss will happen faster. The body starts the process of burning excess subcutaneous fat. The medicinal properties of hibiscus tea contribute to these results due to the presence of phaseolamine. Potassium electrolytes, calcium, vitamin C help relieve bloating, have a laxative, diuretic effect, and speed up metabolism.

How to brew hibiscus

The drink has become popular not only in its homeland, so in different countries additional ingredients are added to it: mint, lemon, ginger, lemon balm or cinnamon. You can brew hibiscus correctly in several ways, observing the proportions - 2 teaspoons of petals per 200 g of water:

  1. Fill the petals with cool water and place the container on the fire. Add sugar and cool.
  2. Brew with boiling water, let brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add the petals to boiling water, reduce heat and simmer covered for 3-5 minutes.

You need to choose a product that uses whole dried flowers or petals to get a flavorful drink that combines all the medicinal properties of hibiscus. After drinking the tea, doctors advise eating what is left at the bottom of the teapot. Hibiscus petals are added to side dishes, soups, and main courses to add an unusual color, aroma and taste.

Hibiscus tea - contraindications

For those who want to diversify their drink diet, you need to know the contraindications of hibiscus tea. Doctors say that if you drink a small amount of tea, there will be no harm from it, however, it is contraindicated for some categories of patients. People suffering from:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcer;
  • nervous overstrain, insomnia;
  • diseases for which hormonal medications are prescribed;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • allergy to hibiscus components.

Video: benefits of hibiscus tea

The healing properties of hibiscus tea were known to the inhabitants of Ancient India. This drink was revered throughout Asia. Hibiscus gained its popularity thanks to its truly precious properties. In some countries, this tea drink is rightfully considered a universal cure for many diseases.

It is possible to draw a complete and detailed conclusion about what hibiscus tea is, from the point of view of folk and official medicine - this drink has been studied in sufficient detail.


Hibiscus is a drink made from hibiscus flowers. The second name of this plant is Sudanese rose. The tea is distinguished by its bright ruby ​​color, sour taste and unusual aroma. India is considered the birthplace of hibiscus.

In Egypt, hibiscus was revered and called nothing less than “the drink of the pharaohs.” Dried hibiscus petals could often be found in the tombs of Egyptian nobility. And this testifies to the enormous role of hibiscus tea in the life of the ancient Egyptians. Additionally, Egyptian doctors had detailed knowledge of hibiscus, using it as a medicine.

The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea

Assessing the effect of tea on the body, we can say that its health benefits are simply enormous. Hibiscus has the ability to:

  • have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole;
  • increase the body's resistance and immunity due to the large amount of vitamin C in its composition;
  • relieve stress and improve mood during depression;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the kidneys and genitourinary system due to its mild diuretic effect;
  • help in the treatment of liver diseases;
  • lower blood sugar levels, therefore it is often used in the complex treatment of diabetes;
  • normalize blood pressure levels;
  • fight cancer cells and prevent their appearance and growth;
  • reduce cholesterol levels.

Despite the fact that hibiscus tea is beneficial, harm from it in some cases is also possible.

Contraindications for use:

  • elevated body temperature. In cold temperatures, the drink will warm and raise the temperature, but if it is already elevated, you should not drink hibiscus;
  • evening time of day. Tea has tonic properties and sometimes causes sleep problems;
  • low blood pressure;
  • during pregnancy, especially if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • when taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives. Some components of Sudanese rose may affect estrogen levels, weakening or distorting the effect of the tablets;
  • during exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcers, people with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • if you have allergic reactions to red vegetables and berries.

The benefits of hibiscus tea for the whole body are significant, but it can also be harmful, especially to the teeth. Organic acids included in the composition have a destructive effect on enamel. Therefore, after drinking the drink, it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea for men

Hibiscus tea contains many components and microelements that have a beneficial effect on men's health. The main benefit for men is the positive effect on the genitourinary system and potency.

Representatives of the stronger sex often encounter situations where, after abusing alcoholic beverages, a hangover occurs the next morning. In this case, hibiscus tea will successfully replace the famous folk remedy - cucumber pickle. Hibiscus flowers cleanse the body well of alcohol breakdown products and relieve general intoxication. The drink is also useful for alcohol poisoning.

The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea for women

Hibiscus is no less valuable for the fair sex. The benefit for women is to strengthen women's health. A tea drink will not only relieve stress, which often has a negative impact on a woman’s health, but also normalize the menstrual cycle.

It is important! Many women are concerned about the problem of excess weight. And here the hibiscus will come to the rescue. It helps remove excess fluid from the body and speeds up metabolism. But to feel this effect, you will have to drink the drink for quite a long time - at least a month.

Sudanese rose is also actively used in the field of cosmetology. The plant extract helps exfoliate dead skin cells, removes impurities well and smoothes the skin surface. This effect on the skin occurs due to the beneficial properties of malic, citric, tartaric and hibiscus acid. That is why hibiscus extract is often included in creams, shampoos and other cosmetics.

The benefits and harms of hibiscus tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Most representatives of the fairer sex drink hibiscus during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. How useful is this, and will it harm the child?

An “interesting situation” is usually not a reason to deny yourself tea or herbal infusion, provided that they are allowed for you. But in any case, it is very important to observe the reaction of your body. Use hibiscus during pregnancy with extreme caution. It’s better not to drink it at all, only if you really want to. In this case, the infusion should be very weak.

It is important! Sudanese rose has the property of normalizing menstruation by inducing it. But drinking large amounts of the drink during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.

As for breastfeeding, caution is also needed here. Hibiscus is a fairly strong allergen and can cause allergic reactions in some children. Abdominal pain and sleep problems are also possible. Therefore, leave tea drinking until porridge and puree appear on the child’s menu.

How to brew and drink hibiscus tea correctly

For the drink to be as healthy as possible, it must be prepared correctly. This can be done in three different ways:

  1. Add Sudanese rose petals to the container and boil for three minutes.
  2. Infuse the hibiscus for 5 - 10 minutes in hot water, depending on how rich the drink you want.
  3. Pour cold water over the petals and boil. Add a little sugar and leave. Drink chilled.

The standard amount of water in such recipes is 200 ml, tea – 5 g. But if desired, the recipe can be slightly changed.

It is important! The drink will be tasty only if the raw material is whole dry petals. Powdered hibiscus will provide neither taste nor benefit. In particular, raw materials of this quality can be found in tea bags.

You cannot use metal teapots for brewing, they distort the taste. The ideal choice is a teapot made of ceramic or glass.

You can add cinnamon, mint, ginger, lemon and any other spices.

Recipe for the Egyptian version of hibiscus

You will need 15 grams of hibiscus, 200 ml of cold water, a little sugar to taste. Dried raw materials are soaked in water for 1 - 2 hours. After this, the saucepan with the infusion can be placed on the stove and boiled for about three minutes. The liquid will definitely need to be filtered. The tea can be consumed immediately or after cooling.

Some people prefer to simply infuse the petals and drink this drink. Ice, lemon or sugar can be added to it if desired.

In folk medicine, it has long been known how hibiscus tea can affect the body - its benefits and harms are described in many reference books. Despite the fact that there is not much harm from the drink, it can be done even less. It is better to drink tea in reasonable quantities, limiting yourself to one cup per day, if there are any contraindications to its use. But if not a single item from the list of contraindications applies to you, this does not mean that you can drink hibiscus in liters - stick to the recommended amount.

Good news for alcohol lovers, today we will prepare ginger tincture with moonshine. To prepare the tincture, we need: a piece of fresh ginger (you can use dry, but the result will be a little worse, the drink will be less aromatic), hibiscus tea leaves and 0.5 liters of moonshine.

Add two tablespoons of hibiscus and thinly sliced ​​ginger (4-5 slices) to the moonshine. The resulting liquid immediately turns red-pink.

You need to insist in a warm and dark place for two weeks, during which time the drink will acquire a bright red color. After a couple of weeks, the moonshine tincture needs to be filtered through a cotton filter, then we will get a crystal clear drink.

As a result, we get a tincture of moonshine and ginger with a slightly sour and pungent aftertaste. Based on your preferences, the next time you cook, you can play a little with the proportions of ginger and hibiscus to get a taste that suits you more.

To prepare this recipe, the so-called double-distilled purified moonshine is best suited. When making moonshine, few people re-distill it, because why waste extra effort and time? But in reality, the result is worth it. Repeated distillation removes all foreign impurities from moonshine and thereby significantly improves its quality. By spending just a few hours more, you will get a crystal clear product.

Any one, regardless of the raw materials and date of manufacture, can be re-distilled. The moonshine still is the same as for the primary distillation.

Making double moonshine


Before the second distillation, the moonshine must be diluted with cool and clean water to about 40 degrees. If the strength of the drink is higher, there is a risk of the moonshine still catching fire, and due to the strong molecular bond of strong moonshine, it is more difficult to clean it of impurities, so re-distillation will be less effective. To prevent the drink from becoming cloudy, when diluting, you need to pour moonshine into water.


Now it does not need to be cleaned; for this, potassium permanganate or activated carbon are usually used. If you use potassium permanganate, dilute 3 g in a glass of warm water and pour it into moonshine, leave for 20 minutes, then add another tablespoon of soda and table salt and after 2 hours, filter the mixture through a cotton-gauze filter.


Distillation is no different from the first, only at the exit we need to divide the product into fractions, the first and last 10% cannot be drunk, we are interested in the remaining 80% of pure double moonshine.

Ginger vodka

It is also fashionable to make ginger vodka at home as an alternative to regular vodka. This will not require much time and effort from us. For 300 ml of vodka, take a small piece of ginger 4 * 2 * 2 cm, slice it into thin slices so that the juice stands out better, add 3 teaspoons of honey, shake and let the whole thing brew for at least two weeks (the longer, the better the drink from it won't spoil).

Before use you need to strain. Some people also advise adding 200 ml of vodka to the finished drink to make the tincture less sweet.

Tea drink made from hibiscus, ginger and cinnamon with honey - recipe with photo

This aromatic, spicy drink perfectly quenches thirst in the summer, and in the winter it warms, soothes and strengthens the immune system due to the unique healing properties of the components included in its composition. Can be consumed both hot and cold.


  • Dried Sudanese rose flowers – 20 pcs.
  • Cinnamon – 1.5 – 2 sticks
  • Fresh ginger (root) – 4cm


Servings – 1.5 liters of the finished drink. Cooking time -.

Tea drink made from hibiscus, ginger and cinnamon with honey: recipe, how to prepare

Place rose flowers, cinnamon, cloves, peeled and thinly sliced ​​ginger root into a saucepan. Pour boiling water (1.5 liters) and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10 hours. When the drink has cooled to 40C, dissolve honey in it (can be replaced with sugar). After 10 hours, strain through a sieve. You can drink it warm or chilled.

Hibiscus tea with ginger recipe with photos, how to make red tea on

Hibiscus tea with ginger

A long time ago, a tired traveler walked along the earth. His strength was running out, the traveler was tormented by hunger, but the desert area gave no hope of satisfying it - there was no human habitation or edible plants nearby. The exhausted traveler lit a fire by the road, put a pot of clean water on it, and began to pray that the Gods would send him salvation. Suddenly, several scarlet flowers fell straight from heaven into the boiling water. Having drunk the aromatic red drink, the wanderer felt an unprecedented surge of strength and moved on, along the way telling everyone about the divine gift - hibiscus tea. This is how the whole world learned about the magical ruby ​​drink, which is obtained from hibiscus inflorescences.

This is only a legend, but many people know that red hibiscus tea is indeed an excellent tonic, strengthening and health-improving agent. It warms you in the winter and quenches your thirst in the summer, especially when served chilled over ice. On top of that, this drink is also very tasty. The red tea with ginger offered on this page can also be served hot, especially when it is freezing outside and you are not feeling well. Literally a few sips of this tea will restore your strength and health, and lift your spirits.

Preparation of the dish according to the recipe “Hibiscus tea with ginger”:

Step 1

This proportion is indicated for a volume of water of 1 liter. The amount of ginger and sugar can be adjusted to taste.

Peel the ginger and chop finely.

Pour sugar and ginger into a saucepan, add 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves.

Then remove from heat and add 4 tbsp. hibiscus, close the lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Useful properties of hibiscus. Contraindications. Tea Recipes |

Hibiscus: contraindications

Like other medicinal herbs, in addition to its beneficial properties, hibiscus also has certain contraindications. For whom is hibiscus contraindicated:

  • for people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • if you have to go on long walks when you first use it, some people experience dizziness;
  • for expectant mothers and during lactation;
  • for people who are on hormone replacement therapy and women who are using birth control pills (hibiscus tea may affect estrogen levels);
  • due to its high acid content, hibiscus is contraindicated for those suffering from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer;
  • Sudanese rose tea is also not recommended in cases of exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, gallstones and urolithiasis.

In addition, this drink may interact with antihypertensive drugs (drugs that lower blood pressure), anti-cancer drugs and paracetamol.

And even if there are no visible contraindications, nutritionists in any case do not recommend drinking more than three cups of hibiscus drink per day.

By the way, in order not to spoil the tooth enamel with acid, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water after each tea party.

How to make hibiscus tea?

We've sorted out the beneficial properties of hibiscus and its contraindications. Let's proceed directly to preparing hibiscus. Hibiscus tea will only provide its healing properties if it is brewed correctly. It must be remembered that under the influence of high temperatures, flowers lose their medicinal qualities. Therefore, it is best to pour hibiscus with warm water and leave for at least an hour.

A simple hibiscus recipe

To make hibiscus herbal tea, you need to take 2 cups of filtered water, boil it, add dried hibiscus flowers and let it brew until the liquid turns dark red. Then add the same number of glasses of water, one spoon of fresh honey. Add ice to the drink and serve with fresh mint leaves. In addition, you can add other natural flavors to your tea to suit your taste. This could be a cinnamon stick, a piece of ginger, vanilla, citrus, lime juice or a few drops of rum.

Hibiscus in cold water

Or here is another cooking method that will allow you to preserve as much as possible all the healing properties of hibiscus. You need to take a cup of dried hibiscus flowers and pour 8 glasses of chilled boiled water over it, let it brew for several days until the color of the water acquires a reddish tint. Strain the juice through a sieve, add a glass of sugar and stir. This drink can be heated or served cold. Store tea in a cool place for a week. With this method of preparation, all the beneficial properties of hibiscus will remain in the drink.

Spritzer is the favorite drink of the Germans and the British

To make a refreshing spritzer with a vanilla twist, you need to take a vanilla bean, a little sugar and two glasses of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, remove from heat. After this, add hibiscus and steep the tea for several minutes. Strain the drink and cool. When serving, add pieces of ice.

Hibiscus for cold winter evenings

The beneficial properties of hibiscus will be especially relevant in winter. Because hot hibiscus is tasty and, as we have already found out, very healthy, especially if you add such generally recognized winter “vitamins” as lemon and ginger.

Hibiscus is a well-known and popular drink all over the world, which will be a wonderful addition to any holiday table. There are many recipes and cooking methods, but the most correct would be the traditional hibiscus recipe, which was prepared back in ancient Egypt for especially important and subject gentlemen.


15 hibiscus tea flowers (about 10 g)

granulated sugar (optional)

Soak the hibiscus flowers in cold water and leave for 2-3 hours, but it is best to do this in the evening and let it brew overnight, then the infusion will be rich in color, and the hibiscus rose petals will have time to release all their beneficial properties.

Now that the infusion is ready, put it on the stove and bring to a boil, after which we continue to simmer the tea over low heat for another 5-6 minutes. Traditional hibiscus tea is ready, you can cool it and add ice, but no one forbids pouring hibiscus into bowls or cups, adding sugar and enjoying the pleasant taste. A great addition to tea would be strawberries and cream or fresh orange.

The recipe for hibiscus with apples is a rather interesting way to add subtle notes of fruity aroma to tea. Making this tea is quite simple, and most importantly, quick. If desired, the recipe can be supplemented with your favorite fruits and berries.


4-5 tbsp. hibiscus tea

1 apple

1 tsp honey

Recipe for hibiscus:

Pour boiling water over the teapot at least 2-3 times, then add hibiscus tea and fill it with boiling water to fill 2/3 of the teapot’s volume. Cover the kettle with a lid and a napkin so that it covers the holes in the kettle spout and lid. After the tea has steeped for 10-15 minutes, add the apple cut into slices, pour boiling water over them and let steep for another 3-4 minutes. Hibiscus tea with apples is ready, you can pour it into cups and add honey.

60 ml hibiscus tea
20 ml sugar syrup
20 ml lime juice
50 ml rum
30 ml homemade cranberry juice
handful of fresh purple basil

Add syrup and lime juice to freshly brewed hibiscus, stir and cool. Mash the basil leaves using the “muddle” method.

Add ice to the frappe. In a shaker, shake the prepared tea, rum, and fruit juice well. Pour over ice.

“Muddle” method - pound in a mortar
Ice frappe - crushed ice


Sakhzam (fructose);
Lemon zest

Cooking process

Place hibiscus, a little sakhzam, cinnamon, and the rest of the ingredients in a saucepan with hot water. Cook a little, but do not bring to a boil. You can add fruit.

-4 cups of strong, rich, freshly brewed hibiscus
-1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice
-juice of 1-2 limes
-2 tsp orange zest
-1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
-sugar to taste.
Combine everything, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes, strain.
Drink hot or cold.

How to properly prepare the hibiscus drink.

There are 4 main ways to prepare the hibiscus drink:

Brewing. Pour a teaspoon of dried hibiscus flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes. With this method, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved.

Cooking. For 2-2.5 liters of water, take a handful of dry petals without a slide, put them in boiling water and cook for 3-10 minutes. In the homeland of this tea, in Egypt, this is the only way it is prepared. This method reveals the full palette of hibiscus taste.

Drink recipe from Saudi Aramco World magazine. Pour a handful of hibiscus into 4 cups of cold water and cook for 3 minutes. Squeeze out the hibiscus, add cold water again in another pan and, also bringing to a boil, cook again for 3 minutes. Combine with the first portion of the drink and add sugar to taste.

Sudanese way. Soak the hibiscus (take a handful of dry petals without a slide for 2-2.5 liters of water) in cold water for 2 days. Do not boil. Strain and drink.

You cannot prepare a drink in a metal container, otherwise there will be nothing good left of not only the color but also the taste. The color of the exemplary drink is always clear, with a bright ruby ​​tint. Can be consumed either hot or chilled with ice. It is recommended to add sugar.

The swollen flower cups of hibiscus can also be eaten.


Hibiscus (dry petals) - 1 tbsp.
100 g water,
30 g sugar,
3 g gelatin.

Preparation of jelly:

1. Pour boiling water over the hibiscus, add sweetener, let cool, add gelatin, pour into molds or ice cream containers, let thicken and place in the freezer.

2. Before serving, remove from the molds and place in a dessert bowl.

Cold hibiscus in Egyptian style

What do you need:
1 tsp. roses hibiscus
1 glass of water
2 lumps of sugar (or 2 tsp with sugar syrup on top)

What to do:
Place the flower cups in cold water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and immediately add sugar to the drink, stirring. Leave to steep under the lid until completely cooled.
Serve over ice or very chilled in the refrigerator.

You will need:
- water? 5 glasses
- sugar? 1.5 cups
- strawberry? 6 pcs. (large)
— hibiscus (dried flowers) ? 1/4 cup
- lavender (chopped leaves) - 1/4 cup
— lavender (dried flowers)? 1 tbsp.
- sugar - 1/2 cup

For decoration:
- fresh lavender flowers

There are many varieties of aromatic and medicinal herbal teas that have been used for thousands of years to improve health. One of the brightest representatives is tea made from Sudanese rose flowers or, as it is also called, hibiscus.

Hibiscus is famous all over the world for its beneficial properties. Hibiscus is especially beneficial for women, but men can also benefit from this drink.

Many people confuse this tea drink with red tea. It should be remembered that red tea is brewed from the leaves of the tea bush, and hibiscus tea is brewed from the dried flowers of the “Sudanese rose”. These are completely different types of plants.

Read about the medicinal qualities of red tea.

Hibiscus is known to everyone as an ornamental plant with beautiful bright flowers. Sudan is considered its homeland, hence the name “Sudanese rose”. The plant, although not very capricious, prefers a hot and humid climate.

The tea drink tastes sweet and sour and is somewhat reminiscent of cranberry juice. By the way, if you like cranberries, then you will definitely like hibiscus tea.

In its composition, hibiscus contains acids of organic origin, such as malic and tartaric, pectins and phytosterols, which are an excellent source of vitamin C - 100 grams of the drink contains 18.4 mg. In addition to vitamin C, there are vitamins E, D, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, beta-carotene, as well as magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper.

In addition, it has a very low calorie content, about 40-50 kcal per 100 grams, which makes it an assistant in all kinds of weight loss diets.

Useful properties of hibiscus

For women: Hibiscus is used to stop bleeding. It is also useful for women who have problems with the menstrual cycle, with irregular menstruation, pain and bleeding during this period.

For men: Hibiscus can be used as an aphrodisiac and to increase libido.

For hypertension: Hibiscus flower tea helps with mild to moderate high blood pressure. If you regularly drink 2-3 cups of it a day for several weeks, you can gradually reduce your blood pressure by 10-20 units.

Hibiscus is healthy and pleasant to taste in any form - both hot and cold. Although it is believed that when cooled, the drink lowers blood pressure, and when hot, it increases it.

For high cholesterol: tea can significantly reduce cholesterol - up to 35% and triglycerides by 20%. This will help in thinning the blood, which will eliminate the formation of sclerotic plaques and the occurrence of vascular atherosclerosis. To increase the cardioprotective effect, add cinnamon, honey or fresh ginger to tea.

For stomach problems: Hibiscus is useful as a laxative for constipation, reduces problems with gastroenteritis and gastrointestinal diseases.

For colds: tea can protect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and relieve sore throat. Having a high content of vitamin C helps fight infections by strengthening the body's immune system.

To improve digestion: a drink made from Sudanese rose improves digestion, especially when eating very fatty foods. But then the tea should be drunk warm or hot after meals; cold tea will be less effective. It also relieves stomach cramps. For this, they recommend hibiscus with lemongrass and anise.

To reduce the effects of alcohol: drink the drink at the time of alcohol consumption - tea reduces the absorption of alcohol and reduces intoxication.

Anticonvulsant: If you periodically experience cramps, you can try using hibiscus infusion. It should be consumed before bed or two to three cups per day. It contains vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin (C) and thiamine, which can prevent cramps and flavonoids, which improve blood circulation and reduce involuntary muscle contractions.

Antioxidant: eliminates free radicals that have harmful effects on the body. Increases the protective functions of cells, reducing the risk of cancer, increases life expectancy, because the high content of ascorbic and citric acid contained in antioxidants rejuvenates the body.

Diuretic and antiseptic: Hibiscus helps in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system and helps inhibit pathogenic flora. And the potassium, calcium and vitamin C contained have a diuretic effect, reducing swelling and fluid retention, which is necessary when losing weight.

Use in cosmetology: The drink is used to strengthen hair and prevent premature graying.

To do this, you need to steam it overnight, and in the morning, strain it and use it as a conditioner after washing your hair. Apply for half an hour, then rinse. The product restores the natural barrier, moisturizes the keratin fibers of the hair and restores its structure.

For dry hair, it increases moisture in the stratum corneum and generates a hydro-lipid film, which makes hair shiny and silky, and eliminates dandruff.

Hibiscus for weight loss

Infusions and teas from Sudanese rose flowers are an excellent help for those who want to lose weight. Hibiscus contains antioxidants that can remove toxins and improve metabolism. Drinking three cups of hibiscus tea after meals can significantly speed up the breakdown of fats.

Hibiscus is able to inhibit enzymes that break down starch and complex sugars in the body. This slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which lead to obesity.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, tea helps remove excess fluid from the body, which is a preventative against cellulite.

By drinking a cup of drink you can avoid snacking, which is important for those on a diet. The tea drink is not only low in calories, but will also dull the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Hibiscus also has a calming effect on the skin. The active components of this plant are used in anti-cellulite preparations. The effect of hibiscus is akin to the mild effect of Botox - it smoothes and eliminates fine wrinkles, relieves irritation, and is used at the first appearance of capillary mesh.

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Hibiscus recipes

Recipe No. 1(for weight loss)

Fresh grated ginger - 0.5 tea. lie
Ground cardamom - a pinch (it will give a spicy taste)
Water - 1 liter
Hibiscus - 2 tbsp. lodge

We put ginger, cardamom, hibiscus in a container and pour it all with a liter of boiling water. Then leave for 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

Water - 2 glasses
Hibiscus - 2 teas. lie
Lemon - 2 slices
Honey stevia - 1 tea. lie
Spices for mulled wine - 0.5 tea. lie

Pour water into a container, add stevia, lemon without zest, spices and cook over low heat for one minute. Then add the hibiscus and boil for another two minutes. After this, the drink is ready. You can drink the tea either hot or iced as a drink.

Recipe No. 3(to quench thirst)

Hibiscus - 2 tbsp. lie
Juice of one lemon
Water - 2 liters
Stevia - 1 tbsp. lie

Boil water, pour boiling water over hibiscus and stevia. Let it sit until it cools, then strain, cool and pour in lemon juice. Serve with ice.

Recipe No. 4(infusion for weight loss)

Hibiscus - 1 tea. lie
Cloves - 2 pcs.
Water – 250 ml

Place hibiscus and cloves in a cup, pour boiling water over it, cover and let steep for about ten minutes.

Recipe No. 5(tonic tea)

Hibiscus - 1 tea. lie
Melissa - 0.5 tea. lie
Lemon – 1 slice
Water - 1 glass

Place hibiscus, lemon balm, and lemon in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for fifteen minutes.

Recipe No. 6(decoction)

Hibiscus – 30 g
Water - 1 liter

Add hibiscus to boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Then strain and cool. You can add a little honey for taste.

Recipe No. 7(for weight loss)

Hibiscus - 2 tbsp.
Cinnamon – 1 stick
Water - 4 glasses

Boil water in a saucepan, add hibiscus with cinnamon, close the lid and let it brew for up to twenty minutes. Strain. But do not let it sit longer, as it will become bitter. Then add lemon juice and honey to taste.

Recipe No. 8(diuretic)

Hibiscus - 1 tea. lie
Chopped rose hips - 1 tea. lie
Water – 250 ml
Juice of one orange
Ice - 2 cubes

Brew hibiscus with rose hips in boiling water, cool, add orange juice and ice.

Recipe No. 9 (for weight loss)

Hibiscus - 0.5 cups
Water - 3 glasses

Pour the hibiscus into a saucepan, add boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Then remove from heat, let it brew for twenty minutes and add the juice of half a lemon. Drink 2-3 glasses warm per day, twenty minutes after meals. This drink is great for weight loss.

How much hibiscus can you drink per day?

Despite all the beneficial properties of hibiscus, one should not forget about the daily dosage. It is no more than 3 cups per day for an adult. Children under 10 years of age are recommended to consume the drink in a very weak consistency.


  • Doctors believe that hibiscus affects estrogen levels. Therefore, people with low estrogen levels or who are on hormone replacement therapy and those who use contraceptives are not recommended to drink this drink.
  • It is also not recommended for hypotensive people, as it can reduce already low blood pressure.