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» Who was the Trojan Cassandra? Cassandra, Cassandra's prediction, the myth of Cassandra. “The wedding hymn will not roar…”

Who was the Trojan Cassandra? Cassandra, Cassandra's prediction, the myth of Cassandra. “The wedding hymn will not roar…”

In ancient Greek mythology, Cassandra was a soothsayer who became widely famous for the fact that no one ever believed her predictions, despite the fact that they always came true. Daughter of the last Trojan king and queen, Priam and Hecuba; sister of Paris and Hector.

The amazing beauty of Cassandra, similar to the beauty of the Greek goddess Aphrodite herself, ignited love in the heart of the god Apollo, but the girl agreed to become his lover only on the condition that he endow her with the gift of divination.

Cassandra received from God what she wanted more than anything in the world, but she refused to fulfill her part of the agreement. In anger, Apollo deprived the girl of the opportunity to convince people of his prophecies, thereby fulfilling his revenge.

In addition, there is a version that God doomed the seer to celibacy. Although Cassandra rebelled against Apollo, she was constantly tormented by her own guilt towards him. She always made predictions in an ecstatic state, so no one doubted her madness.

Cassandra foresaw the death of all her loved ones and the fall of Troy, but she was simply unable to prevent anything. She was the first to recognize Paris in the unknown shepherd who won the sports competition and even tried to kill the future culprit of the coming Trojan War. Then the fortuneteller tried to persuade him to give up Elena.

Priam gave the order to lock the seer Cassandra in the tower because she predicted only misfortunes. The girl could only, sitting in captivity, mourn the bitter fate of her homeland and her people. Cassandra practically managed to become the wife of Ophrioneus, the hero who swore an oath to defeat the Greek army when Troy was under siege.

However, nothing worked out for her with her marriage, since Ophrioneus was killed by Idomeneo, the Cretan king. Cassandra was the first to announce the return of Priam from the enemy camp with the body of Hector. She predicted a great destiny in Italy for Aeneas, the only Trojan she liked. She warned about armed soldiers who hid inside the Trojan Horse.

She sought refuge in the temple of Pallas Athena during the capture of Troy, but Ajax forcibly tore her away from the statue of the goddess, and, according to one version, violated her. Cassandra went to Agamemnon, the Mycenaean king, during the division of military spoils, who made her his concubine, amazed at the beauty and dignity of the girl. She predicted the death of the Mycenaean king at the hands of Clytemnestra, his wife, as well as her own death.

Agamemnon took Cassandra with him to Greece. There she gave birth to two twin sons to the Mycenaean king, whom she named Pelops and Thaledam. Caligemnestra killed Cassandra at a festival along with Agamemnon and their sons. According to one version, Agamemnon, being near death, tried to protect her, and according to another, it was she who tried to save the king’s life.

Residents of Amycles and Mycenae disputed the right to be considered the resting place of the fortuneteller in antiquity. A temple was built in Leuctra in honor of Cassandra. This circumstance allowed us to conclude that the cult of Cassandra once existed in the Peleponnese.

In ancient art and literature, the story of Cassandra gained extraordinary popularity. Most of all, painters liked to depict scenes of the abduction and murder of Cassandra (frescoes in Herculaneum and Pompeii, the casket of Kypselus, a painting by an unknown artist, which was described in the images of Philostratus, the crater of the vase painter Lycurgus).

Many Roman and Greek playwrights were attracted by the tragedy and hopelessness of the fate of the seer Cassandra - Euripides (Trojan Women), Aeschylus (Agamemnon), Seneca (Agamemnon). Cassandra also became a heroine in the learned poem of Alexander Philostratus, which was created in the Hellenistic era.

You can also find out interesting facts about Cassandra:

The still very young beauty Cassandra has a passionate admirer, and a difficult one at that.
The god Apollo the Silver-Handed himself turned his attention and feelings to her.

Chapter 1. The myth and tragedy of Cassandra

Oh woe! Oh woe, woe!

The painful vision is destroying me again!

Christa Wolf. Cassandra

Cassandra was one of the daughters of Priam and Hecuba, the rulers of Troy. One day, when she was in the temple of Apollo, God himself appeared and promised to give her the gift of prophecy if she agreed to belong to him. However, having accepted his gift, Cassandra refused to fulfill her part of the agreement.

As you know, if the mercy of God is accepted, it can no longer be rejected. Therefore, Apollo begged Cassandra to give him at least one kiss, and as soon as she did this, he breathed something into her mouth that no one else trusted her prophecies.

From the very beginning of the Trojan War, Cassandra predicted its tragic outcome. But no one listened to her predictions. She said that the Greeks hid inside a wooden horse, but the Trojans did not heed her warnings. Her fate was to know what misfortune would happen, but not to be able to prevent it.

Cassandra was blamed for the defeat and given to Agamemnon. When he brought her to Mycenae, they were greeted by Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, who, along with her lover Aegisthus, plotted to kill them both. Cassandra foresaw her fate and refused to enter the palace. She fell into a trance of prophecy and screamed that she felt blood, feeling the full weight of the curse of the House of Atreus. However, she could not escape her fate. Clytemnestra killed her with the same ax with which she beheaded Agamemnon

Cassandra is a tragic figure. Her story formed the basis of ancient Greek drama, poetic works, and even opera. In literature, the basis of tragedy is the vicious character of the tragic character, but at the same time his enormous potential remains unrealized. What then is the essence of Cassandra's tragedy?

When Cassandra refused to share a bed with Apollo, he cast a spell on her that no one would believe in her prophecies. But why did she refuse him? Was he simply not interested in her? History tells a completely different story. In Agamemnon, Cassandra talks about the playful relationship with Apollo that preceded the refusal: “He harassed me, he wanted love. Having promised, I deceived Loxius (Apollo).”

Did she want to get something for nothing? Was she a sexy seductress who only teases, like most hysterics? Although, judging by her behavior, Cassandra was clearly hysterical, she was still an ambivalent person. First she complained, then she cheated. Perhaps her ambivalence also contained passive aggression - anger at Apollo for his past violent attacks against femininity and at the same time fear that she would be raped and abandoned, as had happened more than once with many other objects of his desires.

In fact, Apollo forced Cassandra to become his Pythia, “the wife of god,” in order to imbue her with his divine spirituality. In the process of deifying the Pythia, it was known that she became "entheos, plena deo: a god who inhabited her and used her voice as his own"

Historically, at Delphi, chosen women served as the embodiment of this sacred vessel, for the god was supposed to have high morality, absolute integrity and solidity of the earth. Such a woman had to come from a famous, respected, but simple family and lead such an immaculate and righteous life that, when approaching God, she must do so with a truly virgin heart. Diodorus Cyculus argued that “in ancient times, oracles spoke through virgins, since their virtue was due to their physical purity and connection with Artemis. They were ready to trust her with their secrets that the oracles could reveal.”

Even if this was true, many Pythia could not stand the strain. At some level, Cassandra could already know that she did not have all the necessary qualities that the ancients, possessing intuitive wisdom, considered necessary for a woman embodying a sacred divine vessel.

From an archetypal point of view, the “vessel” is associated with femininity, with the ability of the female womb to receive. On a personal level, a woman's psychological vessel is her Ego. Cassandra had a weak vessel. This turned out to be her tragic inferiority. In a psychological sense, she was not a virgin:

“A virgin woman does what she does on her own, not because she wants to have fun, not to be loved or approved, and not even of her own free will, and not to gain power over others... but does it because it is true.”

Cassandra, on the contrary, like any hysterical person, does nothing to become loved. Ultimately, she told Apollo no because it was the only way she could survive the power of masculinity beyond any limits. Cassandra was unable to refuse the god directly and openly, directly confronting Apollo with his Shadow of a rapist and misogynist. By doing so, she would affirm her feminine essence, preserving her virginity, which would ultimately allow her to fulfill her destiny as a holy divine vessel.

But Cassandra did not have sufficient ego power. She had a somewhat painful attitude towards femininity, so her Ego did not have a strong feminine basis. As we will see in the next chapter, there were many reasons for this, both personal and impersonal.

Rice. 3. Two forms of Apollo

Left: Statue of Apollo from Veii. Around 500 BC e. Villa Giulia Museum, Rome

Right: Apollo Belvedere, c. 330–320 BC e. Pius Clement Museum, Vatican

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Cassandra Cassandra

(Cassandra, Κασσάνδρα). Daughter of the Trojan king Priam and Hecuba. She was distinguished by her beauty and was loved by the god Apollo, from whom she received the gift of divination. But because she did not respond to his love, Apollo punished her by saying that no one believed her predictions. After the capture of Troy, she was taken as a spoil by Agamemnon, who took her with him to Mycenae, where she was killed by Clytemnestra.

(Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.)


(Κασσάνδρα), in Greek mythology, daughter Priam And Hecuba. Already in the cyclical poems, K. acted as a prophetess, whose predictions no one believed. The gift of providence was given to K. by the one who sought her love Apollo, and when K. refused to reciprocate his feelings, Apollo, in revenge on her, made sure that her prophetic words were not taken seriously (Aeschyl. Agam. 1202-12). According to a later version of the myth, K., together with his twin brother Elen received a prophetic gift as a child from the sacred snakes in the temple of Apollo (on the Trojan plain). K. was the first to identify Parisa, who came to the competition in Troy, and wanted to kill him in order to save his homeland from the disasters that Paris later brought upon Troy. She persuaded Paris to refuse to marry Elena, and then she convinced the Trojans not to believe the words of Sinon and not to introduce a wooden horse into Troy (in which the Achaean ambush was hidden) (Apollod. epit. V 17), but again they did not believe her prophecies.
On the night of the fall of Troy, K. sought refuge at the altar of Athena, but was torn away from him Ajax, the son of Oileus, who forcibly took possession of K. (V 22). How the captive K. got into booty Agamemnon and died with him by hand Clytaemesters, who saw her as a rival (Hom. Od. XI 421-23; Aeschyl. Agam. 1256-63; 1438-47). In the historical era, in a number of places in the Peloponnese (in Amikla, Mycenae, Leuctra), the grave and temple of K., identified with the local deity Alexandra (Paus. II 16, 6; III 19, 6; III 26, 4), were indicated.
The tragic image of K., broadcasting terrible visions of the future in prophetic ecstasy, is captured in “Agamemnon” by Aeschylus (1035-1330) and “The Trojan Women” by Euripides (294-461), while in the poem “Alexandra” by the poet of the 3rd century. BC e. Lycophron reflects a relatively later version of the myth, according to which Priam ordered the insane K. to be locked up, a guard was assigned to her, and he instructed him to write down K.’s prophecies.
Lit.: Davreux J., La legende de la prophetesse Cassandre, P., 1942.
V. n. Yarho.

The myth was reflected in ancient fine art (frescoes in Pompeii and Herculaneum, reliefs, carved stones, etc.); In vase paintings, the scene of K.’s rejection from the altar of Athena by Ajax was especially common.
European drama of the 16th-18th centuries. rarely turned to the image, the most significant tragedies of the beginning. 20th century: "K." G. Eilenberg, Lesya Ukrainka and P. Ernst. Translations and alterations of the scene of K.'s death from Aeschylus's tragedy "Agamemnon" became widespread, including in Russian literature of the 19th century. (“K. in the palace of Agamemnon” by A.F. Merzlyakov, “K.” by A. N. Maikov). In poetry, the tragic image of the prophetess K. was created by F. Schiller (ballad “K.”), V.K. Kuchelbecker (poem “K.”).

(Source: “Myths of the Peoples of the World.”)


Daughter of King Priam of Troy and Hecuba. Sister of Agathon, Arete, Hector, Helen, Hippothoos, Deiphobus, Kebrion, Cleitus, Creusa, Laodice, Lycaon, Paris, Polydorus, Polyxena, Politus, Troilus and others. She received a prophetic gift from Apollo. Apollo, rejected by Cassandra, made sure that her prophecies were no longer believed (thus, the Trojans did not heed the words of Cassandra, who warned her brother Paris against the abduction of Helen; the latter, as is known, led to the Trojan War and the destruction of Troy). Cassandra became a captive of Agamemnon, dying with him at the hands of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus.

// Vladimir VYSOTSKY: Song about things to Cassandra // Robinson JEFFERS: Cassandra

(Source: “Myths of Ancient Greece. Dictionary-reference book.” EdwART, 2009.)

Fragment of the crater painting by the “artist Lycurgus”.
360350 BC e.
National Museum.


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    From the poem “The Iliad” by the poet of Ancient Greece Homer (IX century BC). Cassandra is the daughter of the Trojan king Priam, who was endowed with the gift of prophecy by the god Apollo, who was in love with her. But when she rejected his love, he, in order to take revenge on her, made her... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

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    - (Kassandra) according to Homer, the most beautiful of the daughters of Priam; After the capture of Troy, she was taken as a spoil by Agamemnon, who brought her with him to Mycenae, where she was killed, along with him, by Clytemnestra. Among subsequent poets, K. is endowed with the gift of divination,... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

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Cassandra (Cassandra, other Greek Κασσάνδρα) - in ancient Greek mythology, the daughter of the last Trojan king Priam and his second wife Hecuba. She received a prophetic gift from Apollo, who fell in love with her, but because she, having deceived her, did not reciprocate his feelings, he made it so that no one believed Cassandra’s predictions. Cassandra’s tragic prophecies were not heeded; she was ridiculed and taken for mad. But what was predicted came true in the death of her family and the destruction of Troy.

Her name has become a household name, in a figurative sense - a messenger of misfortune.

“Woe to you! Woe is me!"

  • 1 Mythology
    • 1.1 Trojan War
    • 1.2 After the fall of Troy
    • 1.3 Death
    • 1.4 Subsequent tradition
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 In art
    • 3.1 In literature
      • 3.1.1 Dramaturgy
      • 3.1.2 Poetry
      • 3.1.3 Prose
    • 3.2 In music
    • 3.3 In astronomy


Cassandra, Priam's daughter,
Blue-eyed maiden in lush curls.
Lives in the memory of mortals.


Information about it is very numerous and often contradictory. Also called Alexandra. Sister of the other children of the royal couple: Hector, Paris, Polyxena, and the rest.

According to Homer, she was the most beautiful of Priam's daughters, but he does not mention her prophetic gift. Already in the cyclic poems she appears as a prophetess, whose predictions no one believes.

The most popular version of the appearance of her prophetic gift is given in the tragedy of Aeschylus “Agamemnon”, where Cassandra tells the chorus that she promised Apollo to return his love, and received from God the ability to broadcast about the future, but deceived him by rejecting him, and thus incurred his wrath : Apollo made sure that no one believed her prophecies. In Servius's story this is shown in symbolic form: Apollo spits in the girl's mouth (having persuaded her to kiss).

According to a later, less common version of the myth, one day in childhood, being forgotten by adults during a festival, Cassandra, along with her twin brother Helen, fell asleep in the temple of Apollo of Thymbrey (on the Trojan plain), and there the sacred snakes licked her ears so cleanly that she could “hear” the future.

Trojan War

Soon after the events of the Judgment of Paris - in a dispute between three goddesses for the title of most beautiful - Paris participates in competitions in Troy, defeating everyone. The son of Priam and Hecuba, about whom it was predicted even before his birth that he would become the culprit of the death of Troy and he was abandoned by his parents on Mount Ida, but survived there, and now descended from it as an unknown shepherd - in whom Cassandra was the first to recognize Paris, and wanted to kill him, foreseeing that he would bring misfortune to Troy.

However, he was solemnly returned to the royal house. Sailing to Sparta, she predicts his future, but they do not believe her. She predicted in vain that Helen would be the cause of the death of Troy when she arrived in the city. And then and after everyone laughed at her as if she were crazy, and Priam ordered her to be locked up.

Cassandra was the first to see the body of her brother Hector when Priam brought him, and she began to cry.

According to Homer, the hero Ophryoneus came to the aid of Troy, asking Cassandra to be his wife and promising to expel the Danaans, and Priam agreed, but he died in battle.

After the fall of Troy

Cassandra in vain resisted the introduction of a wooden horse into the city, warning about the danger hidden in it; again no one listened to her.

When the Achaeans captured Troy, she sought refuge in the temple of Athena near the wooden statue of the goddess. The Locrian Eant (Ajax the Lesser) tore her away from her and raped her. The eyes of the statue turned to the sky, not wanting to look at this shame, Athena became angry and subsequently took revenge on the Greeks (see Locrian virgins), Ajax himself was killed on the way home.

Philostratus notes that Ajax did not rape her, as they falsely say, but only took her to his tent. When Agamemnon saw Cassandra, he was struck by her beauty and, wanting to take her away from Ajax, accused him of sacrilege, and he fled. Earlier authors write that Cassandra went to Agamemnon during the division of the spoils and became his captive (slave).

Quintus of Smyrna says that the captured Trojan women wept and looked at Cassandra, remembering her prophecies, which they did not believe, but she laughed.

The Achaeans discussed whether Cassandra or Polyxena should be sacrificed to Achilles, but chose the latter, since Cassandra had already been to Agamemnon’s bed. Pausanias also writes that Cassandra left a casket with the image of Dionysus for the misfortune of one of the Hellenes who found it, and it went to prey to Eurypylus, the son of Ebemon.


While Agamemnon was at war, his wife Clytemnestra began to cheat on her husband with Aegisthus. According to an unknown tragedy retold by Hyginus, Palamedes' brother Oiax, in order to avenge him, lied that Agamemnon was taking Cassandra as a concubine, thereby causing her jealousy. The remaining authors have no doubt that she became the king's concubine.

When Agamemnon and Cassandra arrive in Mycenae, Clytemnestra asks her husband to walk on a purple carpet (this color symbolizes the gods). Agamemnon initially refuses, but eventually gives in and steps on it, committing sacrilege as he walks on it. He does not heed the prediction of Cassandra, who foresees her death, the death of the king and Orestes' revenge for them.

Then Clytemnestra and Aegisthus kill Agamemnon, and Cassandra was killed by Clytemnestra herself (according to Homer, together with the king, according to Aeschylus - a little later).

Some sources mention that Cassandra and Agamemnon give birth to either a son, Teledemus, or twin boys, Teledamus and Pelops, who were also killed by Aegisthus.

Subsequent tradition

Cassandra's grave was shown in Amykla, and the grave of her children was shown in Mycenae. However, in Euripides Cassandra predicts that her body will be devoured by animals (which explained the absence of a grave at the place of death). In Amykla and Leuctra (Laconica) in ancient times there were temples with statues of Cassandra, who was revered here under the name Alexandra. Her sanctuary was in Davnia, where she was revered as a goddess. Plutarch gives an interpretation according to which Cassandra died in Talama (Laconica) and received the name Pasiphae, under which she was revered (so she was identified with the local deity, whose oracle was in Talama).

Asteroid 114, discovered in 1871, is named after Cassandra.


Homer limits himself to calling Cassandra " most beautiful"and compares her to the "golden Aphrodite." Ivik also speaks of her beauty, and she is called “ blue-eyed maiden in lush curls" ABOUT " gold braids"says Euripides. According to Lucian, Polygnotus at Delphi depicted Cassandra with remarkable eyebrows and rosy cheeks.

Portrait characteristics appear already in early medieval texts. Dareth has it " small in stature, with a graceful mouth, red-haired, with sparkling eyes, knowing the future" Malala gives the following description:

short (?), with round eyes, fair-skinned, with a masculine build, with a beautiful nose, beautiful eyes, black-eyed, with light brown hair, curly, with a beautiful neck, large breasts, small legs, calm, noble, priestess, truthful and prophetess all-foretelling, chaste maiden

John Tzetz in describing Cassandra's appearance follows Malala, slightly shortening it.

In art

One of the scenes on the casket of Kypselus showed Ajax dragging Cassandra away from the statue of Athena, and included a poetic line about this by Pausanias.

The painting of Polygnotus, located in Delphi, depicted the following episode: Ajax takes the oath on the altar, and Cassandra sits on the ground with the xoan of Athena, which she holds in her hands. Ajax's violence against Cassandra was also the subject of a painting by Panen, located in Olympia.

According to Pliny, the painter Theor (late 4th-early 3rd century BC, perhaps corrected to Theon) created the painting "Cassandra", which could later be seen in the Roman Temple of Concord. The poet Christodorus described the statue of Cassandra as silent.

In literature


The protagonist of the tragedy of Aeschylus “Agamemnon”, the tragedies of Euripides “Alexander” and “The Trojan Women”, the tragedy of an unknown author “Cassandra”, the tragedy of Action “Clytemnestra”, Seneca’s “Agamemnon”. Lycophron's monodrama "Alexandra" consists almost entirely of the monologue of the prophetess, who in a mysterious language predicts future events right up to the campaigns of Alexander the Great.

  • The tragedy of G. Eilenberg “Cassandra”.
  • The tragedy of Lesya Ukrainka "Cassandra".
  • The tragedy of P. Ernst “Cassandra”.


  • F. Schiller, ballad "Cassandra".
  • V. K. Kuchelbecker, poem “Cassandra”.
  • Merezhkovsky, “Cassandra” (1922)

Alterations from Aeschylus:

  • A.F. Merzlyakov, “Cassandra in the palace of Agamemnon.”
  • A. N. Maikov, “Cassandra”.


  • Story: Hans Erich Nossack. Cassandra (1947)
  • Christa Wolf's story “Kassandra” (Kassandra, 1984, Russian 1988), where the story is told in the first person.
  • M. Z. Bradley's novel “The Firebrand” (1986). In the works of Wolf and Bradley, Aeneas is Cassandra's lover.
  • Lindsay Clarke's novel “Return from Troy” (2005).
  • Trilogy by David Gemmell "Troy" (Troy Series, 2005-2007).

Works using the name or image of Cassandra:

  • Caroline Cherry's short story "Cassandra" (1978)
  • Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “Cassandra’s Brand” (1996).
  • Cassandra's Dream (film) (2007).
  • Bernard Werber's novel "The Mirror of Cassandra" (fr. Le Miroir de Cassandre) (2009)

In music

  • The Swedish group ABBA recorded the song “Cassandra” in 1982, in which the main character, a resident of Troy, addresses her. The song was released as a B-side on their latest single "The Day Before You Came"
  • Vladimir Vysotsky “Song About the Thing Cassandra” (1967).
  • The composition of the English composer Brian Ferneyhough “The Song of the Dream (Dream) of Cassandra” 1974.
  • The composition of Mikael Jarrell "Cassandra" (1993).
  • The 1998 album of the Norwegian rock band Theater of Tragedy “Aégis” begins with the composition “ Cassandra».
  • Song by the German band Blind Guardian " And then there was Silence"about Cassandra, the Trojan War, the death of Hector and the destruction of Troy (2001).
  • In 2008, the Russian rock band Origami released the album “Cassandra Syndrome” with a song of the same name on the record.
  • In the same year of 2008, the Russian rock band Bi-2 released the single “Muse,” which included a composition called “Cassandra.”

In astronomy

The asteroid (114) Cassandra, discovered on July 23, 1871 by the German-American astronomer C. G. F. Peters in Clinton, USA, is named after Cassandra.